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0557 - 0313 - 2784 James Peter V.

0557 - 0409 - 1558 John Paul Perez
0557 - 0613 - 2109 Ivan Hendrick Navarro
0557 - 0114 - 3040 Marro Defante


A Proposed Cashless and Flexible Enrolment System Using RFID for
Any Public or Private Schools and Universities with Parents Students Web Portal with Mobile
Application using ANDROID

Area of Investigation
The Researchers rely in making a flexible Enrolment System with Web Portal for any particular
School or Universities along the metro even though each Schools and universities has its own Enrolment
system. The researchers decide to do this program to help other school and universities that needs an
automated and cashless Enrolment system especially to the Small and Big Public Schools and
Universities, the Web Portal will also help parents, students and teachers to communicate easily or
inquire about any school matters.

Programming Language
The Researcher will use the Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 programming language and for the
design of the Program, Microsoft Sql Server Management Studio 2008 for the backend of the proposed
system, Php Programming language for the Web Portal and MySQL for the database of the Website.

Reason for Choice of Project
The primary objective for the proposed system is to eliminate the manual system for all the
transaction inside the school/University especially for Grade Evaluation and TOR for Registrar, money
Transactions and reports for cashier and Grading System for professors, lecturers or Teachers, Also to
lessen the loss of money of the student by using the cashless system for payment and other transaction
inside the school. The system also aim to help every parents to monitor their children performance, or
communicate to their children teachers in case of school matters.

0557 - 0313 - 2784 James Peter V. Santos
0557 - 0409 - 1558 John Paul Perez
0557 - 0613 - 2109 Ivan Hendrick Navarro
0557 - 0114 - 3040 Marro Defante

Target Users/Beneficiaries
Even the system is intended for any school/Universities, the researcher decides to implement
the system in Santa Rosa Educational institution that needs a complete Enrolment System.
Teachers or Professors will use the Grading System and a part of enrolment system which is
Assessment for evaluating grades in particular School year and semester and Class scheduling for
scheduling the subjects, sections in a particular Room and day.
Non-Faculty- Non-faculty members may include the roles of cashier and a Registrar Employee.
School Administrator- will have the access on all part of the system especially in the part of
Students has their own account in the website where they can check for updates of their grades,
quizzes, exams or even assignment uploaded by their teachers, they can also send message to their co-
Parents has also their own account where they can monitor their children performance.

Software Description and Features
SQL Server 2008- is the world's second most widely used open-source relational database management
VB.netan Object Oriented Programming language that offer features suitable in making the option
A web host is needed for the website. The website can be made through the use of programs for
website development.

0557 - 0313 - 2784 James Peter V. Santos
0557 - 0409 - 1558 John Paul Perez
0557 - 0613 - 2109 Ivan Hendrick Navarro
0557 - 0114 - 3040 Marro Defante


Scopes and Limitation of the Enrollment System
1. Student Registration.
2. Assessment of Subjects and Grades.
3. Registrar.
Card/Grade releasing.
Report generation.
TOR printing.
4. Cashier
Cash, Check, Cashless payment using RFID
Report Generation
5. Class Scheduling
List of Per Section, Room, teacher and Student Schedule
6. Time in/ Time out using RFID
List of Time In(s) and Time out(s) of Faculty, Non Faculty and Students.
1. Enrolment System will not have an Online Registration and Reservation.

0557 - 0313 - 2784 James Peter V. Santos
0557 - 0409 - 1558 John Paul Perez
0557 - 0613 - 2109 Ivan Hendrick Navarro
0557 - 0114 - 3040 Marro Defante


Scope and Limitation of the Web Portal and Mobile Application
This study focus on how to create flexible website and mobile application in order to be used by
multiple clients or schools. These are the coverage of the study:
Only administrator allowed to create and delete account for teacher, parents and students. He is
also responsible for adding different subjects, schedules, events and announcements in the
Administrator can edit or change the percentage of every grading system in this website.
Student accounts are allowed to send message to their teachers and classmates, upload and
download documents, and see their grades, schedules, attendance, quizzes, and exams in
different subjects.
Parent accounts are allowed to see their children account which includes the grades,
attendance, performance, penalties, balance fees and schedules.
Multiple student accounts can be directly connected to one parent account.
Only administrator are allowed to change accounts name.
The website do not cover the admission in every school.
Payment for balance would not be implemented in this website.
They cant distinguished whether the one user is online or not, in other terms, online chat is not
possible, only private messages.
The website would only help teachers, students and parents.

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