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MTTS/MEFI C, sem. 1, 2011/2012

Director de curs: prof.dr. Daniela I onescu

Courses 1, 2

1. Parafraza si restructurarea doua tehnici de abordare traductologica

2. Compensarea ca tehnica de recuperare a continutului din limba-sursa in limba-

3. Efecte negative ale traducerii incorecte: interferenta si amplificarea sensului
Doua tehnici extreme: supra si sub traducerea (over-translation,
undertranslation), amplificarea sau extinderea textului-tinta vs. Omisiunea sau
reducerea acestuia in raport cu textul-sursa


I llustrations:
1). Anyone hoping for a period of calm after the turbulence of the past year will
be disappointed. For the economy and for the business, as well as for politics,
2009 promises to be a year of bracing adjustment to a changed world.
[Daca doriti/tanjiti] dupa o perioada de liniste dupa agitatia din anul trecut, o sa
fiti dezamagiti. [------] Anul 2009 se anunta a fi un an de ajustari spre o lume
noua/schimbata, in economie, afaceri cat si in politica.
2). ....Abroad, President Obama can restore Americas standing after the damage
of the Bush years. At home, together with a Democratic Congress, he has a
chance to bring about bold reform, notably in Americas health-care system.
Indeed, such are the expectations of Mr. Obama that one of his biggest challenges
will be to manage them so that he does not disappoint too much. = I n exterior,
Presedintele Obama poate restaura pozitia Americii dupa raul adus de anii
presedintiei lui Bush. I n interior, impreuna cu Congresul Democrat, are sansa de
a aduce reforma adevarata, in special in sistemul de sanatate american. Intr-
adevar, intr-atat sunt de mari asteptarile dlui Obama incat una din marile sale
provocari va fi aceea de a le administra astfel incat sa nu dezamageasca prea
3). The matching and mapping principle in translation: lexical-conceptual cycle
of DNA - The Grammar of translation

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