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Ingredient Name Quantity Unit

Cardamom Powder 4 Numbers
Sugar as needed
Oil To Fry as needed
Milk as needed
Store Bought Jamun Powder 1 Numbers
Colour pinch
1. In a bowl add jamun powder mix will then add milk to make a soft dough keep it a side for 10 min.
2. After 10 min divide the dough into 2 parts.In one part add saforn colour,sugar,cardomom powder mix will and make a small dumplings.
3. Now take the another dough divide into equal dumplings as coloured once.
4. Take the white dough spread it then stuff the coloured dough into it and close make a jamun shape, repeate the same process for the entire dough.
5. Once all the jamuns are ready heat oil fry in a very low flame till they are golden brown then remove and keep it aside.
6. After 5min again fry then till they are light black colour. add these in to hot sugar surip soak for atleast for 3 hrs.

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