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Item Harness of the Hidden Ways

27 May, 2014
Where do we go today?Take this harness and saddle up Star, my dearest one, the old
man said.
But why?
There are bad things coming and you must ride to take word to the city, he said sa
dly. I will try to slow them down but you must ride to the river crossroad and t
ake the east road . . .
But there is to east road there.
There will be if your horse is wearing this harness, now go! Many lives are at r
isk is you tarry, now go and take the east road but do not leave the path until
you arrive at the city.
Harness of the Hidden Ways
These finely made harnesses are made of the finest leather with fitting of brass
or bronze, subtly worked with runic engravings.
Any horse (or other equine creature) fitted with the harness is calmed, gaining
a +3 morale bonus to saves against fear.
But that is its weakest power, the more important one is that it allows the ride
r, or driver if it is attached to a cart, to see the doorways to the hidden ways
of the fey.
Once a day, under the right circumstances (twilight, a full moon, whatever is ap
propriate), the animal and all riding it or the animal and a small cart may trav
el these fey roads. This functions as a Shadow Walk spell except that they are
traversing the lands of the fey and must not leave the path if they wish to be s
afe. There are some rules, the mount cannot be shod in iron shoes nor be wearin
g iron and any cart cannot have iron fittings or they will not be able to cross
The byways of the fey realm allow rapid travel but the fey may choose to play tr
icks on traveler or attempt to lure they off the path, a wise traveler will not
leave the path, but not all who travel with such an item are wise.
Aura moderate illusion; CL 11th
Slot harness; Price 17,700; Weight 2 lbs.
Construction Requirements
Create Wondrous Item, detect magic, heroism, shadow walk, creator must be fey or
allied with the fey; Cost 8,850
Notes: Another fey item to round out the month.

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