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"Xbox 360 Controller Emulator" allows your controller (gamepad,

joystick, weel, !!!", #unction as "Xbox 360 Controller"! $or

example, lets you play games suc as "%rand &e#t 'uto" (%&'" or
"(a#ia ))" using *ogitec +eel!
System Requirements
1. ,nly +indows X- .-3 and newer systems are supported!
2. !/E& 3!0 ('lso installs 1!0 and 3!0" ()ncluded in
+indows 2"
3. !/E& 3!0 (link to 3!0, also installs 3!0" ()ncluded
wit +indows 4"
4. 5irectX End67ser 8untimes (9une 10:0" (8e;uired
regardless o# ,."
5. <isual C== 8edistributable #or <isual .tudio 10:1
7pdate : ((ost titles use te x46 runtime weter your ,.
is 63bit or not"
+indows 2 includes !net 3!0 and its updates to !net 1!0
and 3!0
$or +indows X- and <ista, users can obtain it #rom te
abo?e link, and +indows 4 users can enable it in -rograms
and $eatures 6 &urn +indows $eatures on and o##!
)t sould be installed prior to te 5irectX webupdate
as it cecks tat !/et 1!0@3!0@3!0 is installed and skips
te (anaged 5irectX #ramework i# it is not!
&e #ull 5irectX 8edistributable will always install
te #ile, owe?er its best to a?e !net 3!0 installed
anyow as ;uite a #ew Xinput titles utilise !net #or
internal dependencies!
"Xbox 360 Controller Emulator" #iles>
xinput:A3!dll (*ibrary" 6 +rapper library tat translates te
X)nput calls to 5irect)nput calls, #or support old, no X)nput
compatible %ame-ads!
x360ce!exe 6 ('pplication" 6 'llows edit and test *ibrary
x360ce!ini 6 (Con#iguration" 6 Contain *ibrary settings (button,
axis, slider maps"!
x360ce!gdb 6 (%ame 5atabase" )ncludes re;uired ookmasks #or
?arious games"
5input4!dll 6 (5irect)nput 4 spoo#@wrapping #ile to impro?e
x360ce compatibility in rare cases 6 .o only use i# instructed
8un tis program #rom te same directory as te game executable!
Xinput library #iles exist wit se?eral di##erent names and some
games re;uire a cange in its name!
Cnown names>
xinput:A3!dll (+indows 4 only, #or metro apps 6 not
supported because it re;uires signing"
%ame 5atabase (%5E" and Con#iguration ()ni" #iles can be copied
to F'lluserspro#ileFGX360CE on /&6 (<ista@2@4" or
F'lluserspro#ileFG'pplication 5ataGX360CE on /&0!: (X-", ,r le#t
in te same directory as te game executable (!EXE"
%ames based on source engine in most cases a?e te dll placed
inside te @Ein@ sub#older, as it it is loaded by inputsystem!dll
instead o# te game executable!
5elete x360ce!exe, x360ce!ini and all xinput dll #rom game
executable directory!
Wheel doesn't work in the game, but it works inside x!"ce
.ome games will only operate wen te controller is considered to
be te gamepad, e?en i# it is te steering weel! &ry to>
6. 8un x360ce!exe
7. .elect tab wit your +eel Controller!
8. ,pen H'd?ancedI tab page!
9. .et "5e?ice &ype" drop down list ?alue to> %ame-ad
10. Click H.a?eI button!
11. Close x360ce 'pplication, run game!
&ow to reduce wheel dead 'one ()T#, *a+ia II, %%%,-
12. 8un x360ce!exe
13. .elect tab wit your +eel Controller!
14. ,pen H'd?ancedI tab page!
15. .elect "Enabled (X)nput, 40F"" #rom "'nti5eadJone" drop
down in order to reduce dead Kone by 40F!
16. Click H.a?eI button!
17. Close x360ce 'pplication, run game!
/ote> .ome games a?e control issues wen te dead Kone is
reduced by :00F!
Do I need to run x!"ce #$$lication during the game-
/o, Lou do not need! Close x360ce during te game, because te
game does not need it, and te application uses computer
resources! &e application is just a %7) #or editing te
x360ce!ini and test controller!
Warning . /on+iguration +ile 0ersion does not match x!"ce
&is occurs because te current ?ersion o# te application is not
completely compatible wit te 5** just yet!
Lou can resol?e tis by adding <ersionM: under te H,ptionsI
section in x360ce!ini
/ontroller tab won't turn green 1 Red light on /ontroller 2,3
&is can occur #or a number o# reasons!
18. &e con#iguration utility 5,E. /,& work wit te 63bit
?ersion o# x360ce, it will only work wit te 31bit
?ersion, &is is te case regardless o# weter your
windows is 31bit or 63bit!
19. &e 5)nput state o# te control migt be incorrect due to
pre?ious application crasing and not unloading te control
or some oter reason! ,pening up 9oy!cpl (.et 7p 7sb %ame
Controllers" and clicking te 'd?anced button, and ten
,kaying out o# te window tat appears can #ix it!
20. &e controller pro#ile loaded may matc te name o# te
control but not actually be #or te controller you own 6 in
tis case you migt see button numbers or axes mapped tat
do not appear in te joy!cpl test page!
21. &ere just migt not be a pro#ile #or your control at
all 6 &e ligt sould turn green once atleast te 1
sticks, triggers and 5pad are assigned! .ometimes te
application needs to be restarted a#ter assigning tese #or
te ligt to turn green!
&el$ and Su$$ort
$or %eneral .upport, ?isit
ttp>@@#orums!ngemu!com@#orumdisplay!ppN#M:30 and read te
&opics on
%ame Compatibility *ist
8eport game compatibility ere!
$or Eugs including Crases, or %ames not ooking a#ter reading
te topics noted abo?e, ?isit

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