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To find the number of factors of a given number, express the number as a product of powers
of prime numbers.
In this case, 48 can be written as 16 * ! "#
* $
%ow, increment the power of each of the prime numbers b& 1 and mu'tip'& the resu't.
In this case it wi'' be "4 + 1$*"1 + 1$ ! ( * # ! 1) "the power of # is 4 and the power of is
Therefore, there wi'' 1) factors inc'uding 1 and 48. *xc'uding, these two numbers, &ou wi''
have 1) + # ! 8 factors.
The sum of first n natura' numbers ! n "n+1$,#
The sum of s-uares of first n natura' numbers is n "n+1$"#n+1$,6
The sum of first n even numbers! n "n+1$

The sum of first n odd numbers! n.#
To find the s-uares of numbers near numbers of which s-uares are /nown
To find 41.# , 0dd 4)+41 to 16)) !1681
To find (1.# , 2ubtract 6).#3"6)+(1$ !481
If an e-uation "i4e f"x$!) $ contains a'' positive co3efficient of an& powers of x , it has no
positive roots then.
eg4 x.4+x.#+#x+6!) has no positive roots .
5or an e-uation f"x$!) , the maximum number of positive roots it can have is the number of
sign changes in f"x$ 6 and the maximum number of negative roots it can have is the number
of sign changes in f"3x$ .
7ence the remaining are the minimum number of imaginar& roots of the e-uation"2ince we
a'so /now that the index of the maximum power of x is the number of roots of an e-uation.$
5or a cubic e-uation ax.+bx.#+cx+d!o
sum of the roots ! 3 b,a
sum of the product of the roots ta/en two at a time ! c,a
product of the roots ! 3d,a
5or a bi-uadratic e-uation ax.4+bx.+cx.#+dx+e ! )
sum of the roots ! 3 b,a
sum of the product of the roots ta/en three at a time ! c,a
sum of the product of the roots ta/en two at a time ! 3d,a
product of the roots ! e,a
If for two numbers x+&!/"!constant$, then their 89:;<=T is >0?I><> if
x!&"!/,#$. The maximum product is then "/.#$,4
If for two numbers x*&!/"!constant$, then their 2<> is >I%I><> if
x!&"!root"/$$. The minimum sum is then #*root"/$ .
@x@ + @&@ A! @x+&@ "@@ stands for abso'ute va'ue or modu'us $
"<sefu' in so'ving some ine-uations$
8roduct of an& two numbers ! 8roduct of their 7=5 and B=> .
7ence product of two numbers ! B=> of the numbers if the& are prime to each other
5or an& regu'ar po'&gon , the sum of the exterior ang'es is e-ua' to 6) degrees
hence measure of an& externa' ang'e is e-ua' to 6),n. " where n is the number of sides$
5or an& regu'ar po'&gon , the sum of interior ang'es !"n3#$18) degrees

2o measure of one ang'e in

2-uare !1)
8entagon !1)8
7exagon !1#)
7eptagon !1#8.(
:ctagon !1(
%onagon !14)
;ecagon ! 144
If an& para''e'ogram can be inscribed in a circ'e , it must be a rectang'e.
If a trapeCium can be inscribed in a circ'e it must be an isosce'es trapeCium "i4e ob'i-ue sides
5or an isosce'es trapeCium , sum of a pair of opposite sides is e-ua' in 'ength to the sum of
the other pair of opposite sides ."i4e 0D+=; ! 0;+D= , ta/en in order$ .
0rea of a regu'ar hexagon 4 root"$*,#*"side$*"side$
5or an& # numbers aAb
aA0>AE>A7>Ab "where 0>, E> ,7> stand for arithmetic, geometric , harmonic menasa
"E>$.# ! 0> * 7>
5or three positive numbers a, b ,c
"a+b+c$ * "1,a+1,b+1,c$A!1
5or an& positive integer n
#F! "1+1,n$.n F!
a.#+b.#+c.# A! ab+bc+ca
If a!b!c , then the e-ua'it& ho'ds in the above.
a.4+b.4+c.4+d.4 A!4abcd
"nG$.# A n.n "G for factoria'$
If a+b+c+d!constant , then the product a.p * b.- * c.r * d.s wi'' be maximum
if a,p ! b,- ! c,r ! d,s .
=onsider the two e-uations
Then ,
If a1,a# ! b1,b# ! c1,c# , then we have infinite so'utions for these e-uations.
If a1,a# ! b1,b# FA c1,c# , then we have no so'ution for these e-uations."FA means not
e-ua' to $
If a1,a# FA b1,b# , then we have a uni-ue so'utions for these e-uations..
5or an& -uadri'atera' whose diagona's intersect at right ang'es , the area of the -uadri'atera' is
).(*d1*d#, where d1,d# are the 'enghts of the diagona's.
8rob'ems on c'oc/s can be tac/'ed as assuming two runners going round a circ'e , one 1#
times as fast as the other . That is ,
the minute hand describes 6 degrees ,minute
the hour hand describes 1,# degrees ,minute .
Thus the minute hand describes ("1,#$ degrees more than the hour hand per minute .
The hour and the minute hand meet each other after ever& 6("(,11$ minutes after being
together at midnight.
"This can be derived from the above$ .
If n is even , n"n+1$"n+#$ is divisib'e b& #4
If n is an& integer , n.# + 4 is not divisib'e b& 4
Eiven the coordinates "a,b$ "c,d$ "e,f$ "g,h$ of a para''e'ogram , the coordinates of the
meeting point of the diagona's can be found out b& so'ving for
H"a+e$,#,"b+f$,#I !H "c+g$,# , "d+h$,#I
0rea of a triang'e
1,#*base*a'titude ! 1,#*a*b*sin= ! 1,#*b*c*sin0 ! 1,#*c*a*sinD ! root"s*"s3a$*"s3b$*"s3
c$$ where s!a+b+c,#
!a*b*c,"4*9$ where 9 is the =I9=<>90;I<2 of the triang'e ! r*s ,where r is the inradius of
the triang'e .
In an& triang'e
a!b*=os= + c*=osD
b!c*=os0 + a*=os=
c!a*=osD + b*=os0
If a1,b1 ! a#,b# ! a,b ! .............. , then each ratio is e-ua' to
"/1*a1+ /#*a#+/*a+..............$ , "/1*b1+ /#*b#+/*b+..............$ , which is a'so e-ua'
"J$In an& triang'e
a,2in0 ! b,2inD !c,2in=!#9 , where 9 is the circumradius
+x.n 3a.n ! "x3a$"x."n31$ + x."n3#$ + .......+ a."n31$ $ ......Ker& usefu' for finding
mu'tip'es .5or examp'e "1J314! wi'' be a mu'tip'e of 1J. 3 14.$
e.x ! 1 + "x$,1G + "x.#$,#G + "x.$,G + infinit&
# F e F
'og"1+x$ ! x 3 "x.#$,# + "x.$, 3 "x.4$,4 infinit& H %ote the a'ternating sign .
.0'so note that the ogarithm is with respect to base e I
In a E8 the product of an& two terms e-uidistant from a term is a'wa&s constant .
5or a c&c'ic -uadri'atera' , area ! root" "s3a$ * "s3b$ * "s3c$ * "s3d$ $ , where s!"a+b+c+d$,#
5or a c&c'ic -uadri'atera' , the measure of an externa' ang'e is e-ua' to the measure of the
interna' opposite ang'e.
"m+n$G is divisib'e b& mG * nG .
If a -uadri'atera' circumscribes a circ'e , the sum of a pair of opposite sides is e-ua' to the
sum of the other pair .
The sum of an infinite E8 ! a,"13r$ , where a and r are resp. the first term and common ratio
of the E8 .
The e-uation whose roots are the reciproca' of the roots of the e-uation ax.#+bx+c is
The coordinates of the centroid of a triang'e with vertices "a,b$ "c,d$ "e,f$
is""a+c+e$, , "b+d+f$,$ .
The ratio of the radii of the circumcirc'e and incirc'e of an e-ui'atera' triang'e is #41 .
0rea of a para''e'ogram ! base * height
088:BB:%I<2 T7*:9*>4
In a triang'e , if 0; be the median to the side D= , then
0D.# + 0=.# ! #"0;.# + D;.#$ or #"0;.# + ;=.#$ .
for simi'ar cones , ratio of radii ! ratio of their bases.
The 7=5 and B=> of two nos. are e-ua' when the& are e-ua' .
Ko'ume of a p&ramid ! 1, * base area * height
In an isosce'es triang'e , the perpendicu'ar from the vertex to the base or the angu'ar bisector
from vertex to base bisects the base.
In an& triang'e the angu'ar bisector of an ang'e bisects the base in the ratio of the
other two sides.
+The -uadri'atera' formed b& Loining the angu'ar bisectors of another -uadri'atera' is
a'wa&s a rectang'e.
9oots of x.#+x+1!) are 1,w,w.# where 1+w+w.#!) and w.!1
@a@+@b@ ! @a+b@ if a*bA!)
e'se @a@+@b@ A! @a+b@
#F! "1+1,n$.n F!
MI%* and M0T*9 formu'a4
If N be the vo'ume of a vesse'
- -t& of a mixture of water and wine be removed each time from a mixture
n be the number of times this operation be done
and 0 be the fina' -t& of wine in the mixture
then ,
0,N ! "13-,N$.n
0rea of a hexagon ! root"$ * * "side$.#
"1+x$.n O "1+nx$ if xFFF1
2ome p&thagorean trip'ets4
,4,( ".#!4+($
(,1#,1 "(.#!1#+1$
J,#4,#( "J.#!#4+#($
8,1(,1J "8.# , # ! 1(+1J $
1,4),41 "1.#!4)+41$
11,6),61 "11.#!6)+61$
1#,(,J "1#.# , # ! (+J$
16,6,6( "16.# ,# ! 6+6($
0ppo'onius theorem cou'd be app'ied to the 4 triang'es formed in a para''e'ogram.
0rea of a trapeCium ! 1,# * "sum of para''e' sids$ * height ! median * height
where median is the 'ine Loining the midpoints of the ob'i-ue sides.
when a three digit number is reversed and the difference of these two numbers is ta/en , the
midd'e number is a'wa&s 1 and the sum of the other two numbers is a'wa&s 1 .
0%& function of the t&pe &!f"x$!"ax3b$,"bx3a$ is a'wa&s of the form x!f"&$ .
Bet M be an& point inside a rectang'e 0D=; .
M;.# + MD.# ! M=.# + M0.#
Bet a be the side of an e-ui'atera' triang'e . then if three circ'es be drawn inside
this triang'e touching each other then eachPs radius ! a,"#*"root"$+1$$
Bet PxP be certain base in which the representation of a number is PabcdP , then the decima'
va'ue of this number is a*x. + b*x.# + c*x + d
when &ou mu'tip'& each side of the ine-ua'it& b& -1, &ou have to reverse the direction of
the ine-ua'it&.
To find the s-uares of numbers from () to (1
5or (?.# , use the formu'ae
"(?$.# ! (.# +? , ?.#
*g 6 "((.#$ ! #(+( ,#(
"(6$.# ! #(+6,6
"(1$.# ! #(+1,81
many of u must b aware of this formula, but the ppl who don't know it must b useful for
this is used for succesive discounts types of sums.
like 1 population increses by 10! and then in "000 by #!
so the population in "000 now is 10+#+(#0/100)$+1#.#! more that was in 1
and if there is a decrease then it will be preceeded by a %ve si&n and likeiwse

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