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Jessica Ralynn Steele

Bachelors of Science in Elementary Education

Master of Science in Education: Literacy
Personal Details
DOB: 12/23/1986
Residency Information:
Permanent Resident: Alabama
Temporary Resident: South Afria
Marital Status: !arried
Contact Details
E-mail: "essiarsteele#iloud$om
Website: http://"essiasteele$%eebly$om
Education !ualifications
"ni#ersity of $e% En&land
!asters of Siene in &duation !ay 2'1(
)iteray *onentration
&+, 6'' Teaher as )eader
&+, 61' +ifferentiation Theory and Strate-ies
&+, 61. !oti/ational Theory and *lass !ana-ement
&+, 0.' Supportin- )iteray +e/elopment for all )earners 1&S)2
&+, 0(1 )iteray Assessments as Teahin- Tools
&+, 0(2 Study S3ills 4 *ontent )iteray 5nstrution for All
&+, 0(3 *onnetin- Readin- %ith 6ritin- for Suess
&+, 0(( !eetin- Student )iteray *hallen-es
&+, 69. Portfolio
Action Research: Dissertation
$elson Mandela Metro'olitan "ni#ersity
7ahelors of &duation8 9onours *ourses:
&ffeti/e Shools (Distinction)
9elpin- S3ills and Tehni:ues
Teahin- and )earnin- in !ulti;lin-ual *onte<ts
Shool 5mpro/ement Pro-rams (Distinction)
$elson Mandela Metro'olitan "ni#ersity
5nternational Student8 *onsortium for =/erseas Student Teahin-
>*ompletion of 5nternship at Colle&iate (irls) Sc*ool 1?rade R and ?rade 62
@anuary 2''9 ; !ay 2''9
+*e "ni#ersity of ,labama
7ahelors of Siene in &duation8 &lementary &duation8 3$6. ?$P$A
*ertified to teah ?rades A;6 1All Sub"ets2
SpeialiBation in Readin-
Au-ust 2''. C !ay 2''9
-ir&il I. (rissom /i&* Sc*ool
+iploma reei/ed in ?eneral Studies %ith Ad/aned Plaement8 3$8. ?$P$A
!atriulated !ay 2''.
/unts#ille Center for +ec*nolo&y
*ertifiate reei/ed in *ulinary Arts8 ($33 ?$P$A
*ompleted !ay 2''.
,%ards Recei#ed
+eanDs )ist 1Aademi 9onours2
PresidentDs )ist 1Aademi 9onours2
Aappa +elta &psilon Aademi 9onor Soiety
Aappa +elta Pi Aademi 9onor Soiety
*olle-e of &duation Aademi 9onor *ounil @ustie
Reipient of *omast )eadership Sholarship for the state of Alabama
Interests0 ,cti#ities and S1ills
6or3in- %ith my students
P* and !a profiient
&<tensi/e use %ith tehnolo-ial resoures
)ifelon- learnin-
&duational Poliy
*urriulum +e/elopment
5nternational &duation
*reatin- ross;ultural relations and a%areness
Professional De#elo'ment and Seminars
Pro"et %ild ertified 1outdoor eduation8 ,SA2 2''8
Pro"et %et ertified 1outdoor eduation8 ,SA2 2''8
Ee% Teaher Symposium8 9unts/ille *ity Shools 2''9
)ayin- the Foundations Trainin-8 9unts/ille *ity Shools 2''9
!iddle )e/el &ssentials *onferene8 E!SA 2'1'
5ndependent Guality Assoiation A-eny8 e/aluation fous -roup 2'11
=upational Therapists Assoiation of South Afria8 Seminar8 &lsen Aademy 2'11
Study S3ills8 Seminar8 &lsen Aademy 2'11
*APS trainin-8 Foundation Phase 2'11
*APS trainin-8 5ntermediate Phase 2'12
o &n-lish )an-ua-e Arts
o !athematis
5nspirin- Teahers and )eaders *onferene8 E!!, 2'12
2ull-+ime E3'erience
"buntu Education 2und0 !entor Teaher 4567489 : 'resent
!y role at ,buntu is multifaeted$ 5 ser/e as a mentor to mana-ers and administrators %ithin the
or-aniBation to ensure that they de/elop their s3ills as effeti/e leaders$ 5 also %or3 in our after
shool pro-ram for hi-h shool students8 desi-n pro-rams and ourses to be run at ,buntu8
reate 5&PDs and failitate learnin- in our &*+ lasses throu-h lesson plannin-8 professional
de/elop sessions and mentorin- of the eduation team$ 5 am hea/ily in/ol/ed in the strate-i
plannin- and mana-ement of eduation pro-rams and the diret super/ision of the ,buntu
Path%ays Pro-ram8 %hih e:uips youn- adults %ith employability s3ills and assists them on
their path%ay into the %orld of %or3$ 5n these apaities8 5 deal %ith materials de/elopment and
prourement8 urriulum de/elopment8 monitorin- and e/aluation systems reation8 data
tra3in- and bud-etin- as %ell as the diret super/isor of the Path%ays Pro-ram Administrator$
Intermediate P*ase /ead0 &lsen Aademy 4;67487 : 4567489
As phase head 5 %as responsible for the moderation of informal and formal assessment tas3s8
as %ell as the moderation and implementation of teahin- and learnin- pro-rams %ithin the
Sc*ool Mana&ement +eam8 &lsen Aademy 4;67487- 4567489
As a member of the shool mana-ement team 5 %as in/ol/ed in diretin- the shool in their
strate-i plannin- for the future8 as %ell as implementin- the -oals and addendums of the
strate-i plannin- team %ithin my phase$ Additionally8 5 ser/ed as the teaher representati/e on
the ?o/ernin- 7ody$
+eac*er8 &lsen Aademy8 ?rades (;6 &n-lish 9ome )an-ua-e and Readin- 5nter/ention
5 tau-ht ?rades (;6 &n-lish )an-ua-e8 as %ell as instruted our stru--lin- students in a readin-
inter/ention pro-ram$
+eac*er8 &lsen Aademy8 Combined Intermediate hase Class 9-< 4867488 : 8767487
5 %as employed by &lsen Aademy8 a shool for learners %ith barriers to learnin-8 to reate a
ombined intermediate phase lass for learners %ho had not passed the pre/ious aademi
year despite bein- pro/ided %ith 5&P aommodations$ !y "ob is not only to teah the
neessary sub"et material8 but also to do so at a le/el that %as tailored to meet eah indi/idual
learnerDs needs$ 5 reated a urriulum for the lass that %as based around the Eational
*urriulum of South Afria but hi-hli-hted the ma"or s3ills and learnin- -oals that %ere
neessary for the learners to pro-ress to their indi/idual potential$ 5n addition to the subse:uent
urriulum for this lass 5 de/eloped a omprehensi/e readin- pro-ram for the learners that
helped to de/elop their lan-ua-e and omprehension s3ills$ These learners ha/e seen
tremendous -ro%th in the past year8 and many ha/e returned to &lsen mainstream lasses as a
result of their pro-ress$ !ore than half of the pupils tau-ht in this lass %ere &S) students$
+eac*er8 6estla%n !iddle Shool8 ; 4=6744> : 4<67484
+urin- this aademi year 5 tau-ht ?rade 6 &n-lish )an-ua-e Arts8 &S) and Amerian 9istory$
5 %as also the atin- sponsor and oah for the *heerleadin- s:uad$ 6estla%n !iddle Shool
%as under-oin- the proess of on/ertin- the re-ular shool day to an &<tended )earnin- Time
day$ 5 ser/ed on the ad/isory ommittee for this on/ersion proess$
Summer Care +eac*er8 9unts/ille *ity Shools8 all &rades 4<6744< : 4=6744=
=ur mission %as to teah the hildren throu-h play and e<perienes so that upon their return to
the lassroom they %ere prepared for the ne% shool year$ 5 %or3ed %ith the hildren on
-eneral learnin- s3ills8 ore sub"ets8 and ultural e<perienes$ The final summer of my
employment8 5 %as as3ed to ta3e the post of horeo-rapher for the &nd of Summer sho%$ 5 also
assisted in oahin- and or-aniBin- se/eral team sports durin- our summer lea-ue$
Interns*i' and +eac*er Candidate E3'erience
Teacher Candidate0 Fauett;Hesta/ia &lementary0 7
'9/2''0 ; 11/2''0
+eac*er Candidate0 *ottondale &lementary0 ?
'1/2''8 C './2''8
+eac*er Candidate0 South/ie% &lementary0 R '8/2''8 C 12/2''8
5n these positions 5 %or3ed on the follo%in-: de/elopin- lassroom mana-ement routines8
maintainin- daily shedules8 teahin- lessons on all sub"ets8 and administerin- formal8 informal
and alternati/e assessments$ 5 ha/e e<periene in reatin- learnin- enters and ooperati/e
learnin- en/ironments$ 5n these four plaements 5 spent o/er one thousand hours in both
Primary and @unior Shool lassrooms$
Intern0 *olle-iate @unior Shool8 R and ;
'1/2''9 C './2''9
This e<periene %as throu-h the *onsortium for =/erseas Student Teahin-$ 5 %as plaed in a
Pre;primary 1Ainder-arten2 and ?rade 6 lassroom$ The purpose of this assi-nment %as to
ompare8 ontrast and reflet upon my o%n teahin- praties in relation to that of others from a
trained in a different ountry$ =ne of my interests is teahin- my students about the %orld they
li/e in throu-h ultural eduationI therefore8 5 felt this pro-ram ould help me on my path to
bein- a suessful eduator$
!ar3 7arlay 9eadmaster at &lsen Aademy mar3#elsen$o$Ba
*rai- Panell 9R =ffier of ,buntu &duation Fund rai-#panlila$o$Ba
@ana Jindell *P= of ,buntu &duation Fund "ana#ubuntufund$or-

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