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Madonna Quotes

1. Happiness lies in your own hands

2. Sometimes it gets so hard to hide it well
3. I know where beauty lives
4. What you need is a big strong hand to lift you to your higher
!. "irls #an wear $eans and #ut their hair short% wear shirts and
boots be#ause it&s ok to be a boy% but for a boy to look like a girl is
degrading% be#ause you think that being a girl is degrading% but
se#retly you&d love to know what it&s like wouldn&t you' What it
feels like for a girl(
). When you open up your mouth to speak% #ould you be a little weak'
*. When you&re trying hard to be your best #ould you be a little less'
+. ,ou&re not half the man you think you are
-. I&m not your bit#h don&t hang your shit on me
1.. breaking all the rules I didn&t make
11. /ell me everything I&m not but please don&t tell me to stop
12. I&ve had to work mu#h harder than this for something I want.
13. I think you&re afraid to look in my eyes.
14. ,ou push me not to lie and not to hate
1!. 0 man #an tell a thousand lies% I&ve learned the lesson well
1). Would it sound better if I were a man' Would you like me more if I

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