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Tongue Twisters

You will need: a tongue twister, practice and possibly a bribe.

There are several options for using tongue twisters in claSS but they're
an easy and handy way to practice pronunciation and stress rhythms.
One of my favourite methods is to use them for a running dictation. With
a toungue twister lie !etty !otter "which has two verses of about # lines
each$ you can tae the first half, cut the sentences into pairs and place them
around the room. SS then wor in pairs, one person reading and the other
writing. The reader isn't allowed to write anything and must read what is on
the wall, reporting it bac to their writer who then writes it down.
%epending on the level it can also be helpful to get them to rearrange the
lines into the correct order. "&or lower levels numbering the lines may help$.
SS then feedbac to class with what they have written down and you can
chec for accuracy and "if necessary$ see if they have the correct order.
The tongue twister can then be placed on the board and as the students
to repeat as you say'drill it to give them some practice saying it, encouraging
them to go a little faster as they repeat the tongue twister.
Whether you use it as a running dictation or (ust to help drill
pronunciation, ) usually find it fun to encourage the students to say it as
*uicly as they can. )f they seem *uite confident "and you are$ you can
encourage them further by offering them a pri+e if they can say it faster
than you. The competitive nature can encourage them to try a little harder
practising the tongue twister and especially with teens it adds an e,tra edge to
the activity.

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