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Mnav Sev SanghAn Introduction

Mnav Sev Sangh is an organization

dedicated to the spiritual growth of the seekers. t was
founded in 1952 in Vrindvan by Brahmaln
Pujayapd Swm Sharnnandj Mahrj. ts main
office is located in Vrindvan. t has about 44
branches all over India. Besides Vrindvan, it also
has s in Jaipur, Knpur, Gzipur, and Rnc.
Pujayapd Swm Sharnnandj Mahrj
became Brahmaln in the year 1974. After Swmj,
his foremost disciple, Param-Vidusi, Divya Jyti
Devak j took care of the administration of the Mnav
Sev Sangh. n 1992, Divya Jyti Devak j too
became one with the Supreme Divine Light. After that,
Pujapd Swmj's blessed disciples Swm Advaita
Chaitanya j and Sdhv Arpit j took care of the
operations of this organization.
Throughout the year, these two honorable-
souls have been guiding the auspicious gatherings of
satsangs in various assemblies and branches located
throughout the country. Once a year, on the
auspicious occasion of the Hol Festival, a grand
satsang-gathering is organized at the main office of
Vrindvan in which all the members of the Sangh and
the representatives from various branches and
assemblies participate.
Nourished by the dynamic dedication of its life-
time workers, this organization is always steadfast on
the path of progress.

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