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(Yield: 16 cookies)
6 tablespoons butter or margarine, softened
1/3 cup firmly packed brown sugar
1 cup self-rising flour
cup c!opped pecans
1 "-ounce package cream c!eese, softened
# cup sugar
1 egg
$ tablespoons sour cream
1 teaspoon %anilla e&tract
teaspoon grated lemon rind
1 tablespoon lemon 'uice
$ tablespoons c!opped pecans
(re!eat o%en to 3)*+,- .pray an "&"-inc! baking pan wit! non-stick
%egetable spray-
/n a medium bowl, cream butter and sugar until lig!t and fluffy- .tir in
flour and pecans to make a doug!- 0eser%e 1 cup of t!e doug!- (ress
remaining doug! onto t!e bottom of t!e prepared baking pan-
2ake for 1) minutes or until golden brown-
/n a large mi&ing bowl, beat cream c!eese and sugar until smoot!- 2eat
in egg, sour cream, %anilla, lemon rind, and lemon 'uice- .pread e%enly
o%er t!e baked layer- 3rumble reser%ed doug! o%er t!e top4 sprinkle
wit! pecans
2ake for 3* minutes or until puffy in t!e center- 3ool in pan on a wire

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