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Paula Gonzlez
Adriana Forero
Carolina Montaa
Lizeth Rosas
Did you know that the Damask city is
older than Jerusalem city?

Did you know that the scorpion is stronger
than any other animal?

Did you know that the country Denmark is
happier than Japan?

Did you know that the Medellin is more
modern than the Bogot?

Did you know that Venus planet is hotter
than Jupiter?

Did you know Iridium is heavier than the
iron? Iridium is the world's heaviest

Did you know Burj Khalifa building in Dubai
building is taller than Colpatria Tower?

Did you know the sloth is slower than a snail,
has a speed of 0.5 km per hour?

Did you now printer ink is more expensive
than the famous perfume Chanel Number

Did you know mapping is older than

Did you know apples are more effective at
waking you up in the morning than

Did you know clothes dried outside smell
better because of a process called
photolysis? (Sunlight breaks down
compounds that cause odor)

Did you know human thighbones are
stronger than concrete?

Did you know dark green lettuce leaves
are more nutritious than lighter ones?

Did you know the Arctic Ocean is smaller
than Antarctic Ocean?

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