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<Employee Employee_Number="109">
<Department>CSE Department</Department>
<Employee Employee_Number="102">
<Name>Babita Ahuja</Name>
<Department>I.T. Department</Department>
<Employee Employee_Number="103">
<Name>Neelu Choudhary</Name>
<Department>CSE Department</Department>
<Employee Employee_Number="104">
<Name>Nikita Taneja</Name>
<Department>CSE Department</Department>
<Employee Employee_Number="105">
<Name>Ritu Saluja</Name>
<Department>CSE Department</Department>
<Employee Employee_Number="106">
<Name>Jyoti Pruthi</Name>
<Department>IT Department</Department>

Query 1: Query function doc(): used to open the XML file .


Query 2: Path Expression: Navigate through elements


Query 3: Predicates: Limit the extracted data


Query 4: FLWOR:

[for] [let] [where] [order by] [return]

for $x in doc("employee.xml")/Employee_Info/Employee
where $x//salary<40000
return $x//Name

Query 5: Order by
for $x in doc("employee.xml")/Employee_Info/Employee
where $x//salary<40000
order by $x//Name
return $x//Name

Query 6: Presentation in HTML

for $x in doc("employee.xml")/Employee_Info/Employee
where $x//salary<40000
order by $x//Name
return <li> {$x//Name} </li>



Query: Extract the name of hod of the department having consumable budget =
5000. {According to query 3, 4,6}
Query: Extract the name of hod of the department having consumable budget =
5000 ordered by num_faculty.

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