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Learning Activity Plan for PreK-Grade 2

Teacher Candidate Kate Wanzer

Date/Time of Scheduled Visit
Name/Address of School YM&YWHA of Washington Heights
Age/Grade level Pre-K ( Year olds!
Cooperating Teacher
"lassroo# $%#&er '2'
Name of Lesson (a#ily )ree
Content area(s)/developmental
domain(s) addressed
- *ocial and +#otional
-"o##%nication, Lang%age and Literacy
-"ognition and Kno-ledge of the World
rief description of the lesson A read Alo%d of the .oo/ )he Great .ig .oo/ of (a#ilies &y Mary Hoff#an
After the story, children -ill &e as/ed to share a 0hoto of their fa#ily and share -ith the class -ho
the 0eo0le in their fa#ily are1 "hildren -ill then -or/ together to create a classroo# fa#ily tree to
0%t their fa#ily 0hotos on1 )he fa#ily tree -ill &e dis0layed in the classroo# thro%gho%t the
school year1
This lesson is! A ne- conce0t2activity Lesson -ill &e 0art of o%r All A&o%t Me 3nit at the &eginning of
the school year and introd%ce the conce0t of fa#ily
-Allo-s st%dents in class to get to /no- each other &etter
- 4ntrod%ces the conce0t of fa#ily and their identity as a #e#&er of their fa#ily
- 4ntrod%ces the idea of diversity and that all fa#ilies are different
25 #in%tes for 6ead Alo%d and sharing of fa#ily 0hotos
'7 #in%tes to 0aint fa#ily tree as a -hole gro%0 activity
Learning Activity Plan for PreK-Grade 2
#$%ective(s) of the activit& -*t%dents -ill /no- that all fa#ilies are different1
-*t%dents -ill get to /no- their 0eers &etter
-.%ild a stronger classroo# co##%nity
-*t%dents -ill &e a&le to identify #e#&ers of their fa#ilies
Connections to standards 3sing the $Y* +arly "o##on "ore *tandards8
*ocial and +#otional 9evelo0#ent
-*t%dents -ill de#onstrate *elf "once0t and *elf A-areness &y identifying his or herself as
&eing 0art of a fa#ily and identifies &eing connected to at least one significant ad%lt
"o##%nication, Lang%age and Literacy
-*t%dents -ill de#onstrate their #otivation to co##%nicate &y 0artici0ating in s#all or large
gro%0 activities for story telling, singing or finger 0lays
-*t%dents -ith g%idance and s%00ort, confir# %nderstanding of a te:t read alo%d or infor#ation
0resented orally or thro%gh other #edia &y as/ing and ans-ering ;%estions a&o%t /ey details and
re;%esting clarification if so#ething is not %nderstood
"ognition and Kno-ledge of the World (*ocial *t%dies!
-*t%dents -ill de#onstrate a &asic a-areness of self as an individ%al, self -ithin the conte:t of
fa#ily and self -ithin the conte:t of co##%nity1 *t%dents -ill identify fa#ily #e#&ers, identify
as a #e#&er of a fa#ily and state ho- fa#ilies are si#ilar and different
Language #$%ectives -*t%dents -ill de#onstrate an %nderstanding of the story read alo%d
-*t%dents -ill 0artici0ate in sharing their fa#ily 0hoto -ith the -hole gro%0
-*t%dents -ill &e a&le to na#e and descri&e the 0eo0le in their fa#ily
-*t%dents -ill &e a&le to %se -ords and 0hrases ac;%ired thro%gh the read alo%d and st%dent

Learning Activity Plan for PreK-Grade 2
"esources/materials needed!
(4ncl%de any -or/sheets or so%rces
of evidence for children<s learning
yo% -ill %se d%ring the activity!
-.oo/8 )he Great .ig .oo/ of (a#ilies &y Mary Hoff#an
-(a#ily Photos fro# each st%dent (0arents -ill &e as/ed to send these into school ahead of ti#e!
- Large &%tcher 0a0er
- (inger 0aint (Green and .ro-n!
Technolog& inclusion (if
'rocedures (step $& step) Antici0atory *et ("onnection2Motivation! What -ill yo% do to get children<s attention, or to
introd%ce children to this learning activity= 9escri&e the 0rocess in getting the# interested and
'1 As/ st%dents -hat a fa#ily is and -ho are 0eo0le in a fa#ily
21 6ead alo%d )he Great .ig .oo/ of (a#ilies
>1 As/ st%dents to share so#ething they learned a&o%t fa#ilies fro# the &oo/
1 *hare 0hoto of #y o-n fa#ily and share -ith the# -ho is 0art of #y fa#ily
71 As/ st%dents to share -ith the class their o-n fa#ily 0hoto and identify -ho the #e#&ers of
their fa#ily are
?1 4ntrod%ce the 0ro@ect of creating a fa#ily tree for the classroo# and e:0lain -hy -e are
creating one for the classroo#1
?1 Have st%dents as a -hole gro%0 0aint a large tree to add their fa#ily 0hotos to1
)his is a -hole gro%0 lesson
Learning Activity Plan for PreK-Grade 2
As clos%re to the lesson8
)he ne:t day, after the tree has &een 0%t %0, in a -hole gro%0, revie- -hat -e had learned a&o%t
fa#ilies1 As/ st%dents again -hy -e created a fa#ily tree for the classroo# and have each st%dent
ta0e their fa#ily 0hoto to the tree1
(ethod of assessing children)s
understanding of
(.e s%re to incl%de any tools,
r%&rics2chec/lists and2or
-or/sheets yo% -ill %se for
.efore reading )he Great .ig
.oo/ of (a#ilies 4 -ill as/
st%dents What is a fa#ily= Who
are the 0eo0le in a fa#ily=
*t%dents ans-ers to the
;%estions -ill &e recorded in a
dictation note&oo/
Assessment of Student Learning
After reading the story 4 -ill as/
st%dents to share so#ething they
learned a&o%t fa#ilies fro# the
&oo/ and share their fa#ily
0hotos- *t%dent<s ans-ers -ill &e
recorded in a dictation note&oo/1
Assessment of Children)s
Language Learning
.y as/ing st%dents to share
so#ething they learned a&o%t
fa#ilies fro# the &oo/, 4 -ill
assess if st%dents %sed ne-
voca&%lary -ords or 0hrases
learned thro%gh the &oo/
Learning Activity Plan for PreK-Grade 2
'lans for differentiated
Supporting children +ith
identified dela&s or disa$ilities
*4 -ill #a/e s%re that this
activity is %n&iased and
c%lt%rally sensitive1
-Give st%dents the o00ort%nity to
as/ ;%estions d%ring the story in
order to hel0 the# %nderstand
the story &etter1
-Provide st%dents -ith sensory
iss%es, different #aterials to hel0
in creating the fa#ily tree1
Supporting ,nglish Language Learners
*While reading the story 4 can sto0 and e:0lain the i#0ortant
0arts of the story to give st%dents the o00ort%nity to &etter
%nderstand the te:t1
- 4 -ill #a/e s%re to read the story at a s0eed that is a00ro0riate
- 4 -ill assist the# in sharing their 0hoto -hen needed1
-ollo+ up/,.tension activities -*t%dents -ill dra- a 0ict%re of their fa#ily and share so#ething they li/e to do -ith their fa#ily
An& additional information that
+ould $e helpful for the
o$server to /no+
A&server feed&ac/ on the lesson 0lan, incl%ding co##endations and reco##endations for i#0roving as0ects of the learning activity

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