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R: How many cigarettes do you smoke a day?

R: When did you start smoking?
R: Do you also drink alcohol?
R: Do you often smoke while drinking alcohol?
R: You know, these are the parts of your body that are damaged when you smoke.(s
hows smoker's body model)
R: Smoking doesn't give any good to you. It only makes your health worse. Althou
gh we sell cigarettes, we don't recommend smoking. That's why there is sin tax.
Products who damage/harm body like cigarettes and alcohol have sin taxes. Sin ta
xes are higher than other taxes. But still many people buy. Also, it doesn't onl
y harm you. There is what we call secondhand smoke which is the smoke from your
cigarette that other people inhale. Now, there is also thirdhand smoke in which
when the smoke of cigarette of a smoker smoking inside the house goes to pillows
or cushions and when children hold them, they also inhale smoke. But the most d
angerous, as experts say, is the secondhand smoke. When you're body becomes hard
ly damage, it will develop into respiratory (like tuberculosis and lung cancer)
and circulatory diseases. Did you know that many people die every year because o
f respiratory diseases especially lung cancer?
M: But you know it is really hard to quit smoking. It's like I'm already attache
d to it and I can't get out.
R: Sir, that's addiction. There is an addictive substance inside a cigarette whi
ch is nicotine in which when you smoke, you feel like you really liked it very m
uch and you would take another one until you get another and become addicted. Th
at's what you're experiencing now.
M: Now, how can I get out from it. How can I quit?
R: I know that's not easy Sir. You can start by limiting the number of cigarette
s you smoke in a day. For example, if today you smoke 10 tomorrow should be 9 on
ly. And until it decrease and decrease and then you stop smoking. Also, try thin
king cigarette as a very harmful thing that doesn't give any benefit. Think of i
t as a dirty thing that should be thrown. Another thing I can advise is to try r
eplacing it with another hobby like you replace cigarette and alcohol with sport
s and exercise. They will help you a lot. Also try mind games if you like. There
are many more important things than smoking. Quitting from it can also lengthen
your life. I know it's hard sir but you should try. Just remember my advices.
M: O thank you very much for this. I have learned many things I don't know befor
e. I will do what you advised. Promise. Till we meet again. Again thank you.
R: Thank you too sir for giving me time.
M: You are welcome!
long bond with border with picture

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