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Providing Disciplined Software Testing Practice

1. What is meant by Priority an se!erity"
1. This is assigned by the Test Engineer
2. This is to say how badly the deviation that is occurring is afecting
the other modules of the build or release.
1. This is assigned by the Develoer.
2. This is to say how soon the bug as to be !"ed in the main code# so
that it ass the basic re$uirement.
Egg. The code is to generate some values with some valid inut
conditions. The riority will be assigned so based on the following
a% &t is not acceting any value
b% &t is acceting value but outut is in non'de!ned format (say
)nicode *haracters+.
, good e"amle & used some )nicode characters to generate a left
de!ned arrow# it dislayed correctly but after saving changes it gave
some address value from the
Stac- of this server. .or more information mail me & will let you -now.
#. Gi!e me some e$am%&e 'or hi(h se!erity an &o) %riority
&f suose the title of the articular concern is not selled correctly# it
would give a negative imacted &*&** is selled as a title for the
ro/ect of the concern &*&*&. Then it is a high severity# low riority
+. What is basis 'or test *ase re!ie)"
The main basis for the test case review is
1. Testing techni$ues oriented review
2. 0e$uirements oriented review
1. Defects oriented review.
,. What are the *ontents o' SRS o*-ments"
Software re$uirements seci!cations and .unctional re$uirements
.. What is i/eren*e bet)een the Web a%%&i*ation testin( an
0&ient Ser!er testin("
Testing the alication in intranet (without browser+ is an e"amle for
client 'server. (The comany !rewalls for the server are not oen to
outside world. 2utside eole cannot access the alication.+So there
Contact No. 7567204151, 9824680107
Address: INFOTECH, 3
Floor, Pra!"# $%a& Co'le(, Near )E* )a+e, Pe+#a'!r.
Providing Disciplined Software Testing Practice
will be limited number of eole using that alication.
Testing an alication in internet (using browser+ is called web testing.
The alication which is accessible by numerous numbers around the
world (3orld 3ide 3eb.+
So testing web alication# aart from the above said two testing there
are many other testing to be done deending on the tye of web
alication we are testing.
&f it is a secured alication (li-e ban-ing site' we go for security
testing etc.+
&f it is an e'commerce testing alication we go for )sability etc4
1. E$%&ain yo-r )eb a%%&i*ation ar*hite*t-re"
3eb alication is tested in 1 hases
1. 3eb tier testing 5% browser comatibility
2. 6iddle tier testing 5% functionality# security
1. Data base tier testing 5% database integrity# contents
2.s-%%ose the %ro-*t3a%%&i*ation has to e&i!er to *&ient at
..44PM5At that time yo- or yo-r team member *a-(ht a hi(h
se!erity e'e*t at +PM.6Remember e'e*t is hi(h se!erity78-t
the *&ient is *annot )ait 'or &on( time. 9o- sho-& e&i!er the
%ro-*t at ..44Pm e$a*t&y. Then )hat is the %ro*e-re yo-
The bug is high severity only so we send the alication to the client
and !nd out the severity is riority or not. &f its riority then we as- him
to wait.
7ere we found defects8bugs in the last minute of the delivery or
release date
Then we have two otions
1. E"lain the situation to client and as- some more time to !" the
2. &f the client is not ready to give some time then analy9e the imact
of defect8bug and try to !nd wor-arounds for the defect and mention
these issues in the release notes as -nown issues or -nown limitations
or -nown bugs. 7ere the wor-around means remedy rocess to be
followed to overcome the defect efect.
1. :ormally this -nown issues or -nown limitations (defects+ will be
!"ed in ne"t version or ne"t release of the software
:. Gi!e me e$am%&es 'or hi(h %riority an &o) se!erity e'e*ts"
Suose in one ban-ing alication there is one module ,T6 .acility. &n
that ,T6 facility when ever we are deositing8withdrawing money it is
not showing any conformation message but actually at the bac- end it
is haening roerly with out any mista-e means only missing
2f message. &n this case as it is haening roerly so there is nothing
Contact No. 7567204151, 9824680107
Address: INFOTECH, 3
Floor, Pra!"# $%a& Co'le(, Near )E* )a+e, Pe+#a'!r.
Providing Disciplined Software Testing Practice
wrong with the alication but as end user is not getting any
conformation message so he8she will be
*onfuse for this. So we can consider this issue as 7&;7 Priority but
<23 Severity defects4
;. E$%&ain abo-t 8-( &i'e *y*&e"
1+ Tester'%
2+ 2en defect'%
1+ Send to develoer
=+ '%if acceted moves to ste> else sends the bug to tester gain
>+ .i"ed by develoer '%
?+ 0egression testing'%
@+ :o roblem inbuilt and sign of
'%if roblem in built reoen the issue send to ste1
14. <o) *an yo- re%ort the e'e*t -sin( e$*e& sheet"
To reort the defect using e"cel sheet
6ention: The .uture that been efected.
6ention: Test *ase &D (3hich fail you can even mention any other
which are deendency on this bug+
6ention : ,ctual Aehavior
6ention : E"ected Aehavior as mentioned in Test *ase or E.S or EAS
or S0S document with section
6ention : Bour Test Setu used during Testing
6ention : Stes to 0e'Produce the bug
6ention : ,dditional &nfo
6ention : ,ttach a Screen Shot if it is a ;)& bug
6ention : 3hich other features it is bloc-ing because of this bug that
you are unable to
E"ecute the test cases.
6ention: 7ow much time you too- to e"ecute that test case or follow
that seci!c T*
3hich leaded to bugC
11.I' yo- ha!e e$e*-te 144 test *ases 5e!ery test *ase %asse
b-t a%art 'rom these test *ase yo- 'o-n some e'e*t 'or
)hi*h test *ase is not %re%are5th)n ho) yo- *an re%ort the
3hile reorting this bug into bug trac-ing tool you will generate the
test case mean ut the stes to reroduce the bug.
1#. What is the i/eren*e bet)een )eb base a%%&i*ation an
*&ient ser!er a%%&i*ation"
The basic diference between web based alication D client server
alication is that the web alication are 1 tier D client based are 2
trier.&n web based changes are made at one lace D it is reEected on
Contact No. 7567204151, 9824680107
Address: INFOTECH, 3
Floor, Pra!"# $%a& Co'le(, Near )E* )a+e, Pe+#a'!r.
Providing Disciplined Software Testing Practice
other layers also whereas client based searate changes need be
installed on client machine also.
1+. What is test %&an" An *an yo- te&& the test %&an *ontents"
Test lan is a high level document which e"lains the test strategy#
time lines and available resources in detail. Tyically a test lan
'Test strategy
'Entry criteria
'E"it criteria
')se cases8Test cases
'.eatures to be tested and not tested
1,. <o) many test *ases *an yo- )rite %er a ay5 an a!era(e
*omle" test cases ='@ er day
6edium test cases 1F'1> er day
:ormal test cases 2F'1F er day
1.. Who )i&& %re%are >RS 6'-n*tiona& re?-irement o*-ments7"
What is the im%ortant o' >RS"
The Ausiness ,nalyst will re are the .0S.
Aased on this we are going to reare test cases.
&t contains
1. 2ver view of the ro/ect
2. Page elements of the ,lication (.iled :ames+
1. Prototye of the of the alication
=. Ausiness rules and Error States
>. Data .low diagrams
?. )se cases contains ,ctor and ,ctions and System 0esonses
11. <o) yo- *an e*ie the n-mber o' test *ases is eno-(h 'or
testin( the (i!en mo-&e"
The develoed test cases are covered all the functionality of the
alication we can say test cases are enough. &f u -nows the
functionality covered or not u can use 0T6.
12. What is the i/eren*e bet)een Retestin( an @ata @ri!en
Contact No. 7567204151, 9824680107
Address: INFOTECH, 3
Floor, Pra!"# $%a& Co'le(, Near )E* )a+e, Pe+#a'!r.
Providing Disciplined Software Testing Practice
0etesting: it is manual rocess in which alication will be tested with
entire new set of data.
Data Driven Testing(DDT+'&t is a ,utomated testing rocess in which
alication is tested with multile test dated is very easy rocedure
than retesting because the tester should sit and need to give diferent
new inuts manually from front end and it is very tedious and boring
1:. What is re(ression testin("
,fter the Aug !"ed# testing the alication whether the !"ed bug is
afecting remaining functionality of the alication or not.6a/orly in
regression testing Aug !"ed module and itGs
*onnected modules are chec-ed for their integrity after bug !"ation.
1;. <o) oes - test )eb a%%&i*ation"
3eb alication testing
3eb alication should have the following features li-e
1. ,ttractive )ser &nterface (logos# fonts# alignment+
2. 7igh )sability otions
1. Security features (if it has login feature+
=. Database (bac- end+.
>. Performance (aearing seed of the alication on client system+
?. ,ble to wor- on diferent Arowsers (Arowser comatibility+# 2.S
comatibility (technically called as ortability+
@. Aro-en lin- testing444etc
so we need to follow out the following test strategy.
1. .unctionality Testing
2. Performance Testing (<oad# volume# Stress# Scalability+
1. )sability Testing
=. )ser &nterface Testing (colors# fonts# alignments4+
>. Security Testing
?. Arowser comatibility Testing (diferent versions and diferent
@. Aro-en lin- and :avigation Testing
H. Database (bac- end+ Testing (data integrity+
I. Portability testing (6ulti 2.s Suort+4.etc
#4. <o) oes - %er'orm re(ression testin(5 means )hat test
*ases - se&e*t 'or re(ression"
0egression testing will be conducted after any bug !"ed or any
functionality changed.
During defect !"ing rocedure some art of coding may be changed or
functionality may be maniulated. &n this case the old test cases will be
Contact No. 7567204151, 9824680107
Address: INFOTECH, 3
Floor, Pra!"# $%a& Co'le(, Near )E* )a+e, Pe+#a'!r.
Providing Disciplined Software Testing Practice
udated or comletely re written
,ccording to new features of the alication where bug !"ed area.
7ere ossible areas are old test cases will be e"ecuted as usual or
some new test cases will be added to e"isting test cases or some test
cases may be deleted.
#1. What r the *&ient sie s*ri%tin( &an(-a(es an ser!er sie
s*ri%tin( &an(-a(es"
*lient side scriting languages are
Javascrit# KbScrit# P7P4etc
Server side Scriting languages are
Perl# JSP# ,SP# P7P.etc
*lient side scriting languages are useful to validate the inuts or user
actions from user side or client side.
Server side Scriting languages are to validate the inuts at server
These scriting languages rovide security for the alication. ,nd also
rovides dynamic nature to web or client server alication
*lient side scriting is good because it wonGt send the unwanted
inutGs to server for validation. .rom front'end it self it validated the
user inuts and restricts the user activities and guides him
##. I' a !ery &o) e'e*t 6-ser inter'a*e7 is ete*te by - an
the e!e&o%er not *om%romisin( )ith that e'e*t5)hat )i&& -
)ser interface defect is a high visibility defect and easy to reroduce.
.ollow the below rocedure
1. 0eroduce the defect
2. *ature the defect screen shots
1. Document the roer inuts that you are used to get the defect in
the defect reort
1. Send the defect reort with screen shots# i8s and rocedure for
defect reroduction.
Aefore going to this you must chec- your comuter hard ware
con!guration that is same as develoer system con!guration. ,nd also
chec- the system grahic drivers are roerly
&nstalled or not. &f the roblem in grahic drivers the )ser interfaces
error will come.
So !rst chec- your side if it is correct from your side then reorts the
defect by following the above method.
#+.i' - r on&y %erson in the oA*e an *&ient asBe - 'or some
*han(es an - inCt (et )hat the *&ient asBe 'or )hat )i&& -
2ne thing here is very imortant. :obody will as- test engineer to
Contact No. 7567204151, 9824680107
Address: INFOTECH, 3
Floor, Pra!"# $%a& Co'le(, Near )E* )a+e, Pe+#a'!r.
Providing Disciplined Software Testing Practice
change software that is
not your duty# even if it is related to testing and anybody is not there
try to listen care fully if you are not understand as- him again and
inform to the corresonding eole immediately.
7ere the client need seedy service# we (our comany+ should not get
any blame from customer side.
#,. <o) to (et to% t)o sa&aries 'rom em%&oyee tab&es"
Select L from E6P e where 2%M (select count (L+ from E6P e where
sal%e.sal+ order by desc sal.
#.. <o) many TestD0ases *an be )ritten 'or the *a&*-&ator
ha!in( 4D; b-ttons5 A5 E?-a&to b-ttons" The test *ases
sho-& be 'o*-se on&y on aD'-n*tiona&ity b-t mot GUI.What
is those testD*ases"
Test'*ases for the calculator
so here we have 12 buttons totali9e F#1#2#1#=#>#?#@#H#I#,DD#E$ualto
'12 buttons
here u can ress at least = buttons at a time minimum for e"amle
FN1M for 9ero u should ress O9eroG labeled button for lus u should
ress ONG labeled button for one u should ress OoneG labeled button for
e$ual to u should ress Oe$ual toG labeled button FN1Mhere N and M
ositions will not vary so !rst number osition can be varied from F to
I i.e. from ermutation and combinations u can !ll that sace in 1F
ways in the same way second number osition can be varied from F to
I i.e. from ermutation and combinations u can !ll that sace in 1F
Total number of ossibilities are M1FP1FM1FF
This is e"haustive testing methodology and this is not ossible in all
&n mathematics we have one olicy that the function satis!es the
starting and ending values of a range then it can satisfy for entire
range of values from starting to ending.
then we chec- the starting conditions i.e. one test case for OFNFMG
(e"ected values you -now thatGs OF,+ then another test case for
OINIMG(e"ected values you -now thatGs O1H,+ only two test cases are
enough to test the calculator functionality.
#1. What is %ositi!e an ne(ati!e testin(.E$%&ain )ith
Positive Testing ' testing the system by giving the valid data.
:egative Testing ' testing the system by giving the &nvalid data.
.or E"am alication contains a te"tbo" and as er the userGs
0e$uirements the te"tbo" should accet only Strings. Ay roviding only
String as inut data to the te"tbo" D to chec- whether its wor-ing
Contact No. 7567204151, 9824680107
Address: INFOTECH, 3
Floor, Pra!"# $%a& Co'le(, Near )E* )a+e, Pe+#a'!r.
Providing Disciplined Software Testing Practice
roerly or not means it is Positive Testing. &f giving the inut other
than String means it is negative Testing.
#2. <o) )i&& yo- %re%are Test %&an. What are the te*hni?-es
in!o&!e in %re%arin( the Test %&an"
Test lan means lanning for the release. This includes Pro/ect
Test 2b/ectives: Arief overview and descrition of the document
Test Scoe: setting the boundaries
.eatures being tested (.unctionalities+
7ardware re$uirements
Software re$uirements
Entrance *riteria (3hen to start testing+:
Test environment established# Auilder received from develoer# Test
case reared and reviewed.
E"it criteria (when to sto testing+:
,ll bug status cycle are closed# all functionalities are tested# and all
high and medium bugs are resolved.
Pro/ect milestones: dead lines
#:. What is the @e'e*t Li'e 0y*&e"
Defect life cycle is also called as bug life cycle. &t has ?stages namely
1. :ew: found new bug
2. ,ssigned: bud assigned to develoer
1. 2en: develoer is !"ing the bug
=. .i"ed: develoer has !"ed the bug
>. 0etest: tester retests the alication
?. closed8reoened: if it is o- tester gives closed statuselse he reoens
and sends bac- to develoer.
#;. E$%a&in abo-t metri*s Mana(ement"
6etrics: is nothing but a measurement analysis.6easurment analysis
and &mrovement is one of the rocess area in *66 & <2.
+4. What is %er'orman*e Testin( an Re(ression Testin("
Performance Testing:'testing the resent wor-ing condition of the
0egression Testing:'0egression Testing is chec-ing for the newly added
functionality causing any errors interims of functionality and the
common functionality should be stable
&n the latest and the revious versions
+1.<o) o yo- re!ie) test *ase" Ty%e o' Re!ie)E
Tyes of reviewing test cases deend uon comany standards# vi9..#
Peer review# team lead review# ro/ect manager review.
Contact No. 7567204151, 9824680107
Address: INFOTECH, 3
Floor, Pra!"# $%a& Co'le(, Near )E* )a+e, Pe+#a'!r.
Providing Disciplined Software Testing Practice
Some times client may also review the test cases reg what is aroach
following for ro/ect
+#. In )hi*h )ay tester (et 8-i& A5 8-i& 85 8-i& F o' an
a%%&i*ation5 G-st e$%&ains the %ro*ess"
,fter rearation of test cases ro/ect manager will release software
release note in that Document there will be )0< ath of the website
lin- from that we will receive
The build &n case of web server ro/ects# you will be rovided with an
)0< or a I2.1?H. LLL. LLL (3eb address+ which will hel you access the
ro/ect using a browser from your system.
&n case of *lient server# the build is laced in the KSS (*on!guration
tool+ which will hel you get the .e"e downloaded to your comuter.
++. A%art 'rom b-( re%ortin( )hat is yo-r in!o&!ement in
%roGe*t &i'e *y*&e"
,s a Test engineer we design test cases# reare test cases E"ecute
Test cases# trac- the bugs# analy9e the results reort the bugs.
&nvolved in regression testing# erformance of system
Testing system integration testing at last rearation of Test summary
+,.What are the *ontents o' test re%ort"
There are two documents# which should be reared at articular
1. Test 0esults document.
2. Test 0eort document.
Test 0esults doc will be reared at the hase of each tye of Testing
li-e .)<< .):*T&2:,< TEST P,SS#0E;0ESS&2: TEST P,SS#S,:&TB
TEST P,SS etc4Test case e"ecution against
The alication. 2nce you reared this doc# we will send the doc to
our T< and P6.Ay seeing the Test 0esults doc# T< will come to -now the
coverage art of the testcase.7ere & am giving you the contents used
in the Test 0esults docC
1. Auild :o
2. Kersion :ame
1. *lient 2S
=. .eature set
>. 6ain .eature
?. De!ned Test cases on each feature.
@. Q, engineer :ame
H. Test e'cases e"ecuted. (&ncludes ass and fail+
I. Testcases on 72<D (&ncludes bloc-ing test cases and deferred Test
Contact No. 7567204151, 9824680107
Address: INFOTECH, 3
Floor, Pra!"# $%a& Co'le(, Near )E* )a+e, Pe+#a'!r.
Providing Disciplined Software Testing Practice
1F. *overeage 0eort (3hich includes the coverage ratings in R# li-e
R of test cases covered# R of test cases failed+
*oming to Test reort# generally we will reare Test reort# once we
rolled out the roduct to our client. This document will be reared by
T< and delivered to the client.6ainly# this document describes the what
we have done in the ro/ect# chievements we have reached# our
<earningGs in throughout the ro/ect etc4The other name for Test
reort is Pro/ect *losure 0eort and we will summari9e the all the
activities# which have ta-en lace in through out the ro/ect. 7ere & am
giving your the contents covered in the Test 0eort.
1. Test Environment (Should be covered the 2S# ,lication or
webservers# 6ahchine names# Database# etc4+
2.Test 6ethods(Tyes of Tests# we have done in the ro/ect li-e
.unctional Testing# Platform Testing# regression Testing#etc..
1. 6a/or areas *overed.
=. Aug Trac-ing Details. (&ncludes inEow and outEow of the bus in our
delivered ro/ect+
>. 3or- schedule (3hen we start the testing and we !nished+
?. Defect ,nalysis
?.1 Defects logged in diferent tyes of tests li-e .unctional Test#
regressiion Test as er area wised.
?.2 State of the Defects at end of the Test cycle.
?.1 0oot cause analysis for the bugs mar-ed as :2T , A);.
@. Q, observations or learningGs thought the life cycle.
+.. Write hi(h &e!e& test *ases"
3rite all the test cases under high level T*# which can be covered the
main functionalities li-e
*reation# edition# deletion# er rescribed in the screen.
3rite all the test cases under low level T*#which can be covered the
screen# li-e inut !elds are dislayed as er the re$uirements# buttons
are enabled or disabled# and test case for low riority functionalities.
E"amle a screen contains two edit bo"es login and assword and a
ut buttons 2S and 0eset and chec- bo" for the label T0emember my
asswordU. :ow let us write high level T*
,nd low level test cases.
7&;7 <EKE< T*
1. Kerify that )ser is able to login with valid login and valid assword.
2. Kerify that )ser is not able to login with invalid login and valid
1. Kerify that 0eset button clears the !lled screen.
=. Kerify that a o u message is dislayed for blan- login.
Contact No. 7567204151, 9824680107
Address: INFOTECH, 3
Floor, Pra!"# $%a& Co'le(, Near )E* )a+e, Pe+#a'!r.
Providing Disciplined Software Testing Practice
<23 <EKE< T*
1. Kerify that after launching the )0< of the alication below !elds are
dislays in the screen.
1. <ogin :ame 2.Password.1.2S A)TT2: =.0ESET button etc.
>. *hec- bo"# rovided for the label Tremember my wdU is unchec-ed.
2. Kerify that 2S button should be disabled before selecting login and
assword !elds.
1. Kerify that 2S button should we enabled after selecting login and
=. Kerify that )ser is able to chec- the chec- bo"# rovidedfor the label
Tremember my asswordU.
&n this way# we can categories all the test cases under 7&;7 <EKE< and
<23 <EKE<.
+1. What is test s*enario"
Test scenario will be framed on basis of the re$uirement# which need to
be chec-ed. .or that# we will frame set of test cases# in other terms# we
can say all the conditions# which can be determined the testing
coverage against business re$uirement.
Please see the below e"amle# which is e"actly matched to my
,s we -now all most all the alication are having login screen# which
contains login name and assword. 7ere is the test scenario for login
Scenario: )SE0GS <2;&:
*onditions to be chec-ed to test the above scenario:
1. Test login !eld and Password !elds individually.
2. Try to login with valid login and valid assword.
1. Try to login with invalid login and valid assword. Etc
+2. What is b-i& -ration"
it is a tine ga between old version build and new version build in new
version build some new e"tra features are added
+:. What is test e&i!erab&es"
Test deliverables are nothing but documents rearing after testing li-e
test lan document test case temlate bug reort temlate Test
deliverables will be delivered to the client not only for the comleted
activities# but also for the activites# which we are imlementing for the
better roductivity. (,s er the comanyGs standards+.7ere & am giving
you some of the Test deliverables in my ro/ect.
Contact No. 7567204151, 9824680107
Address: INFOTECH, 3
Floor, Pra!"# $%a& Co'le(, Near )E* )a+e, Pe+#a'!r.
Providing Disciplined Software Testing Practice
1. Q, Test Plan
2. Test case Docs
1. Q, Test lan# if we are using ,utomation.
=. ,utomation scrits
>. Q, *overage 6atri" and defect matri".
?. Traceability 6atri"
@. Test 0esults doc
H. Q, Schedule doc (describes the deadlines+
I. Test 0eort or Pro/ect *losure 0eort. (Preared once we rolled out
the ro/ect to client+
1F. 3ee-ly status reort (sent by P6 to the client+
11. 0elease :otes.
+;. What is yo-r in!o&!ement in test %&an"
Test lead is involved in rearing test lan test engineers are no way
related in rearing test lan role TE is test case design# and e"ecution
and bug trac-ing and reorting them ;enerally T< is involved in
rearation of the TestPlan.Aut it is not mandatory only T< will ta-e
main art in the rearation of the TP.Test engineer can suggest to T<#
if he (or+ she has good understanding on ro/ect and resources# if he or
she has more e" with the ro/ect# if T< is wrongly given deadlines. &f
your suggestions are valid# T< will incororate all of them to the
TestPlan.Aut in most of the comanies Test engineers are /ust
,4. Whi*h test *ases are not to be a-tomate"
,ll the test cases which are related to a feature of the roduct# that
-ees on changing (there are always some or the other enhancements
in it+. .re$uent enhancements may change the )&# add8remove few
controls. 7ence such cases# if automated# would involve lot of a
,1. I' a %roGe*t is &on( term %roGe*t5 re?-irements are a&so
*han(es then test %&an )i&& *han(e or not" Why"
Bes. De!nitely. &f re$uirement changes# the design documents#
seci!cations (for that articular module which imlements the
re$uirements+ will also change. 7ence the test lan would also need to
be udated. This is because T0esource ,llocationU is one section in the
Plan. 3e would need to write new test cases# review# and e"ecute it.
7ence resource allocation would have to be done accordingly. ,s a
result the Test lan would change
,#. E$%&ain HSS 6Hirt-a& So-r*e Sa'e7"
,fter comletion of all hages from develoment side develoer store
the code in develoment folder of KSS# Testing team coying code from
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Providing Disciplined Software Testing Practice
that folder to testing folder# after comleting above hages from
testing# testers ut the build in base line folder. &t is version control Tool
6ainly useful to develoer# to storing code and maintains version
*oying a code from KSS Ay develoer is called *7E*S'&: )load the
code in to KSS is called *7E*S'2)T.
,+. Who )i&& assi(n se!erity & %riority"
The tester8develoer should give the riority based on severity of the
Severity means: is the imact of the bug on the alication .i.e
seriousness of the bug interims of the functionality.
Priority means: is how soon it should get !"ed i.e. imortance of the
bug interims of customer
,,. What is the @i/eren*e bet)een St-b Testin( an @ri!er
Stub testing:
&n to down aroach# a core module is develoed. To test that core
module# small dummy modules r used. So stubs r small dummy
modules that test the core module.
Driver testing:
&n bottom u aroach# small modules r develoed. To test them a
dummy core module called driver is develoed.
,.. What is a IGoo TesterJ"
&s one who tries to brea- the develoers software and in a osition to
venture the bugs. So that at least HFR bugs free software can deliver.
,1. What is *ooBie An Session testin("
, small te"t !le of information that certain 3eb sites attach to a userGs
hard drive while the user is browsing the 3eb site. , *oo-ie can
contain information such as user &D# user references# archive
shoing cart information# etc. *oo-ies can contain Personally
&nformation. Session is a connection between a server and client.
,2. <o) )o-& yo- %er'orm testin( man-a&&y 'or )eb site"
Ay noting the time to load age or erform any action with sto watch.
& -now it sounds funny but this is the way erformance is tested
,:. What is -se *ase" Te&& me the attrib-te o' -se *ase"
T)se *ase is descrition of functionality certain features of an
alication interims of ,ctors# actions and resonsibilities.U
)se *ase attributes are:
1. &nformation of Document# 2. Descrition# 1. 2b/ective# =. ,ctors#
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>.Pre'conditions# ?.Data'element descritions# @.ost conditions#
H.rimary Eow# I. ,lternative Eow and Ausiness rules8interaction
imlementations and etc4.
,;. What is the i/eren*e bet)een stress5 !o&-me an &oa
<oad Testing gradually increase the load and chec- the erformance of
the alication .v chec- at what oint or ma"imum load alication
can sustain.
Stress testing: &n this testing v chec- the erformance of alication
under e"treme condign which rarely occurs li-e
(1+6any concurrent user access the alication for short time.
(2+ E"tra ordinary long transaction.
(1+ Kery short transaction reuted $uic-ly.
.4. When )i&& o the beta test" When )i&& o the a&%ha test"
,lha and Aeta tests comes under )ser accetance test. 3e will
conduct these two systems being released. 3e are giving oortunity
to customer to chec- all unctualities covered or not.
,lha testing conducting for software alication by real customer at
develoment site.
Aeta testing conducting for software roduct by model customer at
customer site.
.#. <o) o yo- se&e*t test *ases 'or Re(ression Testin( 6The
%oint is )hen there is *han(e *oe ho) o yo- *ome to Bno)
)hi*h %art o' *oe or mo-&es it )i&& a/e*t7"
*onsider an e"amle of a form which has a user name# assword and
<ogin button.
There is a code change and a new button T0esetU is introduced.
0egression testing (for that build+ will include testing only the T<oginU
button and not the 0eset button (testing 0eset button will be a art of
conation testing+. 7ence the 0egression tester need not worry about
the change in code# functionality. Aut he has to ma-e sure that the
e"isting functionality is wor-ing as desired. Testing of T0esetU button
will be included as a art of 0egression# for the ne"t build
.+. 0an yo- e$%&ain )ith e$am%&e o' hi(h se!iority an &o)
%riority5 &o) se!iority an hi(h %riority5 hi(h se!iority an hi(h
%riority5 &o) se!iority an &o) %riority"
1. 7igh severity and high riority ' Database connectivity cannot be
established by multile users.
2. <ow severity and low riority ' Small issues li-e# incorrect number of
decimal digits in the outut.
1. <ow severity and high riority ' &mages not udated.
=. 7igh severity and low riority ' &n a module of say 2 interfaces# the
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lin- between them is bro-en or is not functioning.
(1+7igh riority D 7igh Severity: &f u clic-s on e"lorer icon or any other
icon then system crash.
(2+ <ow riority D low severity: &n login window# sell of o- button is
(1+<ow riority D high serverty: &n login window# there is a restriction
login name should be H characters if user enter I or than I in that case
system get crash.
(=+7igh riority D low severity: Suose logo of any brand comany is
not roer in their roduct. So it afects their business.
.,. What )i&& be the Test *ase 'or ATM Ma*hine & 0o/ee
Test cases for ,T6 6achine
1. Successful insection of ,T6 card
2. )n successful oeration due to insert card in wrong angle
1. )n successful oeration due to invalid account e": other ban- card
or time e"ired card
=. Successful entry of P&: number
>. )n successful oeration due to enter wrong P&: number 1times
?. Successful selection of language
@. Successful selection of account tye
H. )n successful oeration due to invalid account tye
1F. Successful selection of withdraw oeration
11. Successful selection of amount to be withdraw
12. Successful withdraw oeration
11. )nsuccessful withdraw oeration due to wrong denominations
1=. )nsuccessful withdraw oeration due to amount is greater than
day limit
1>. )nsuccessful withdraw oeration due to lac- of money in ,T6
1?. )nsuccessful withdraw oeration due to amount is greater than
ossible balance
1@. )nsuccessful withdraw oeration due to transactions is greater
than day limit
1H. )nsuccessful withdraw oeration due to clic- cancel after insert
1I. )nsuccessful withdraw oeration due to clic- cancel after insert
card D in number
2F. )nsuccessful withdraw oeration due to clic- cancel after insert
card# in number D language
21. )nsuccessful withdraw oeration due to clic- cancel after insert
card# in number# language Daccount tye
22. )nsuccessful withdraw oeration due to clic- cancel after insert
card # in number # language #account tye D withdraw oeration
21.unsuccessful withdraw oeration due to clic- cancel after insert
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Providing Disciplined Software Testing Practice
card # in number # language #account tye #withdraw oeration
Damount to be withdraw
... Te&& me abo-t yo-r ai&y a*ti!ities as a test en(ineer"
1. )nderstanding the A0S and )se cases Document
2. ;iving system demo to P6# System analyst# designer# Dev lead.
1. Prearing the Test ,ctions in "ls sheet.
=. )dating the Test ,ctions based on review comments by System
analyst8Ausiness ,nalyst.
>. Prearing the Test cases and Datasets (System level and global level
datasets+ in word document
?. )dating the Test *ases based on review comments by System
@. &nstalling the alication'Testing environment set u.
H. Performing .unctional# ;)&# System# *omatibility testing (&f
necessary+# 0egression testing based on Test cases
I. Prearing the defect reort# Aug trac-ing list and sending daily
status reort to P6# leads.
.1. In S@L0 %ro*ess )hat is the ro&e o' PM5 TL5 @EHELOPER5
tester in ea*h an e!ery %hase" P&ease e$%&ain me in etai&"
&n the SD<* we have these hases
1. &nitial hase
2. ,nalysis hase
1. Designing hase
=. *oding hase
>. Testing
?. Delivery and maintenance
&n the initial hase ro/ect manager can reare a document for the
re$uirements# team leader will reare a team which is having test
engineers# develoer will rovided by the ro/ect manager# tested will
reare test cases for that articular ro/ect
,nalysis hase all the members have a meeting to !nali9e the
technology to develo that ro/ect# the emloyee# time4
Designing hase the ro/ect manager li-e senior level management will
give the directions and source code to the team members to develo
the actual code that is guidelines will be given in this hase
*oding hase develoer will develo the actual code using the source
code and they release the alication to the tested
Testing hase they deloy their test cases to that alication and
reare a bug ro!le document if there is any defect8bug in that
alication and send it bac- to develoer# develoer may rectify and
releases than alication as ne"t build and if the bug not understand it
will send to the ro/ect lead in the delivery hase the so test eng can
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deloy the alication in the client environment
6aintenance hase if the client get any roblem with the alication it
may solved by the ro/ect lead with hel of testers and develoers
.2. <o) o yo- Test A%%&i*ation )ith ha!in( any re?-irement
an @o*-ment"
&f it is an e"isting system or if a build is available then we e"lore the
system while testing. This hels -nowing the functional use of the
system# and its usability.
Ay as-ing $uestions to end users and how they use it will be more
bene!cial. ,lso# you may wor- with A, to -now more about the
Alac- bo" test is nothing but the same where you e"lore the system
without having any rior -nowledge to the system.
.:. What is ba*B en testin( -sin( SQL"
E"ecuting SQ< statements to chec- if the data submitted by a ;)&
rogram is udated in the database or notC E"ecuting the statement
the data base is connecting to that articular changes# udations or
not it will test. Aac- end testing is the testing the integration between
the alication and the database. &t is chec-ing the changes made in
the database are getting reEected in the alication.
E"amle: , new column is added in the table. 7ere we test by giving
values in the alication and value has to be stored in the table.
.;. What are the reasons )hy %arameteriKation is ne*essary
)hen &oa testin( the Web ser!er an the atabase ser!er"
3hen you test your alications# you may want to chec- how the
alication erforms the same oerations with multile sets of data.
.or e"amle# suose you want to chec- how
Bour 3eb site resonds to ten searate sets of data. Bou could record
ten searate tests# each with its own set of data. ,lternatively# you can
create Data Table arameters so that your test runs ten times# each
time using a diferent set of data.
14. @i/eren*e bet)een strate(i* test %&an & test %&an"
Strategic test is an organi9ational level term which is alied for all the
ro/ects in the organi9ation with small customi9ations
Test lan is ro/ect level term and which can be alied for that seci!c
ro/ect only.
Test lan is a strategic document which describes how to erform
testing in an eWcient efective and utimes way. Quality lead test lead
can reare this test lan
Strategic test lan is an already or new test lan which can bow used
in the future for another ro/ect also with some changes in the same
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Providing Disciplined Software Testing Practice
11. @ra) 8a*Bs o' a-tomate testin("
D0,3 A,*SS 2. ,)T6,T&2:
E"ensive# lac- of e"ertisation# all the areas we can not automate
1#. When )i&& - maBe -%ate an moi'y the test obGe*t
%ro%erties in the re%ository"
3hen ever the develoer may change any one of the ob/ect roerties
de!nitely we have to change the same in the 20 ob/ect reository. &f
new version net build released from the develoment deartment we
the test engineers must to modify or udate the same is comulsory#
other wise than test will show the bug
1+. What is the o*-ment neee to *reate a test *ase" <o) -
te&& it is test *ase"
System re$uirements seci!cation# )se case document# Test Plan
1,. In *-stomer etai&s 'orm ha!in( =e&s &iBe *-stomer name5
*-stomer aress. A'ter *om%&etion o' this mo-&e5 *&ient raise
the *han(e as insert the t)o raio b-ttons a'ter *-stomer
aress. <o) yo- *an *he*B as a tester"
1. .irst we need to verify whether the radio button is there are notC
2. *onform the radio buttons are resent after the customer address or
1. Kerify the no of radio button.
=. Kerify only one radio button should be chec-ed initially when we
oen the *ustomer details form (if it is mentioned in .S+
>. Kerify the functionality of the radio buttons i.e. if we chec- one ratio
button# second radio button should be unchec-ed.
?. Kerify the sell chec- of radio button label name.
@. Kerify the alignment of radio buttons in the form.
1.. At the time o' testin( )eb base a%%&i*ations an *&ient
ser!er a%%&i*ations5 )hat yo- absorbe as a tester"
3e generally chec- for the lin-s# data retrieving and osting.
3e erform load and stress testing esecially for 3eb based and
*lient'Server alications.
11. What are the o*-ments re?-ire to %re%are test %&an"
&ntroduction# scoe# test team and their resonsibilities# test
environment S83 D 783 re$uirements# test data rearation# levels of
testing# seviority D riority# schedule# ris-# automation Plan# features to
test# bug life cycle all these are documents of test lan.
12. What is testin( %o&i*y an testin( methoo&o(y" An )hat
is the i/eren*e"
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Testing olicy means all tyes of testing or testing techni$ues (i.e.
functional testing# sanity testing etc+.Testing methodology means white
bo" and blac- bo" testing.
1:. What is *om%arison testin("
*omarison Testing means comaring your software with the better
one or youGre *ometitor.
3hile comarison Testing we basically comare the Performance of the
software. .or e" &f you have to do *omarison Testing of PD.
converter(Des-to Aased ,lication+ then you will comare your
software with your *ometitor on the basis of:'
1. Seed of *onversion PD. !le into 3ord.
2. Quality of converted !le.
1;. What is the (enera& testin( %ro*ess"
Testing Process:
1. Test re$uirements analysis
2. *reation of Test Strategy (3hich includes creation of Test *ases+
1. *reation of Test Plans (3hich includes Test *ases and Test
=. E"ecution of test cases
>. ,naly9e the test results
?. 0eort the defects if any
24. What %arti*i%ation a man-a& tester *an o in
o*-mentation" Are there any too&s a!ai&ab&e 'or on&y
Bes# 6anual tester will do Sub Test lan documents# as of my
-nowledge no tool is used to reare documentation
21. What is the i/eren*e bet)een &o) an hi(h &e!e& test
*ases" Gi!e E$am%&es"
7igh level Test cases are those which covers ma/or functionality in the
alication (i.e. retrieve# udate dislay# cancel (functionality related
test cases+# database test cases+.
<ow level test cases are those which are related to )& related testcases.
2#. Is it manatory to -se USE0ASES or ire*t&y one *an )rite
test *ases 'rom re?-irements"
&tGs not mandatory to write )se *ases# if the re$uirements are clear
you can go ahead with Test *ases. )se *ases are written to -now the
business Eow of the module8alication.
2+. <o) oes - e!e&o% test harness"
Test Environment Test Aed
Test Environment S83 and 783
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Test Aed: Test Documents li-e Test Plan Document# Test *ase
Test Environment means
X Test Aed installation and con!guration
X :etwor- connectivityGs
X ,ll the Software8 tools &nstallation and con!guration
X *oordination with Kendors and others
2,. Gi!en re?-irement *o&&e*tion o*5 tester *an %re%are )hi*h
test %&an"
Test lead can reare a test lan which erforms testing on an
alication in an eWcient efective and in an otimi9ed way. Test
develoment will done by the testers using the test
Plan in the test lan they reare the test strategy
2.. Tester )ith e!e&o% meant Bno)&e(e )i&& be more
e/e*ti!e .G-sti'y"
&f tester has e"erience in Develoment# it will be useful when testing
for logical thin-ing where the error occurs# what is the causeC 7e can
guess the functionality of comonentC 7e can easily understand the
alication environmentC Those are lus oints which eole have
Develoment e"erience.
Precisely he can /ustify that either functionality is wrong or right and
can analy9e the defects
21.As 'ar as the S@L0 is *on*erne &ast test *ase5)i&& it be
)ritten 'or IMaintenan*e PhaseJ"
,s far as the SD<* is concerned last test case will be written for
T,ccetance TestingU
22. What is test s*enario an test *ase" P&ease e$%&ain in
Test Scenario:
Test scenario is li-e laying out lans for testing the roduct#
environmental condition# number of team members re$uired# ma-ing
test lans# ma-ing test cases and what all features are to be tested for
the roduct. Test scenario is very much deendent on the roduct to
be tested.
Test scenario is made before the actual testing starts.
Test *ase:
Test case is a document which rovides the stes to be e"ecuted which
has been lanned earlier. &t also deends on the tye of roduct to be
tested. :umber of test cases is
:ot !"ed for any roduct.
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Providing Disciplined Software Testing Practice
2:. What is the i/eren*e bet)een ProGe*t 8ase Testin( an
Pro-*t 8ase Testin("
Pro/ect based is nothing but client re$uirements. Product based is
nothing but mar-et re$uirements. E".stiching shirt is a ro/ect based
and ready made shirt is roduct based.
:4. What is testin( %ro*ess in re&ate to A%%&i*ation testin(
%ro*ess is the one )hi*h te&&s yo- ho) the a%%&i*ation sho-&
be teste in orer to minimiKe the b-(s in the a%%&i*ation"
2ne main thing no alication can be released as bug free alication
which is imossible.
:1. What is the i/eren*e b3n Testin( Methoo&o(y an Testin(
Testing 6ethodology de!ne rocess# set of rules and rincile which
are follow by grou concerned with testing the alication. 7ere &
e"lain @ ste testing methodology:
1. Test 0e$uirement ,nalysis
2. Test Plan
1. Test Design
=. Test e"ecute
>. Defect trac-
?. Test ,utomation
@. Test 6aintain
Testing methods or we can say that Testing Techni$ues:
3hite Ao" Testing ()nit Testing# &ntegration Testing+
Alac- Ao" Testing (System Testing# .unctional Testing# Performance
Testing%<oad testing%stress testing%volume testing D Security
Testing+ ),T (done by user8client with actual8live data+
:#. What are startin( &inBs to test )hi&e )ebsite testin("
3eb based systems are those using the internet# intranet and
e"tranets 3eb based testing only needs be done once for any
alications using the web. 3eb based testing are as follows:
1. .unctional correctness
2. &ntegration
1. )sability
=. Security
>. Performance
?. Keri!cation of code
:+. <o) GUI testin( )i&& be one in man-a& testin( 'or a
.or any testing there should be some set of standards to be followed.
Particularly in ;)& testing# loo- and feel should be good. 3e should
follow the re$uirements seci!cation documents for ;)& testing.
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Providing Disciplined Software Testing Practice
There should be some screen shots (given by client+ which we should
follow as it is.
,nd for button si9es# font# font si9e #colors used# lacing of lin-s#
ob/ects and the lacing of the ob/ects in the age should be followed
some standards. &f we ta-e a button in the age that should be some
standard si9e. &f the si9e of that button is more or less the client feel
bad about that. So we should have minimum common since while
testing ;)& testing. Some time there may be some mista-es in the
screen shots rovided by the client also# but that is our resonsibility to
raise those issues.
:,. What thin(s sho-& be teste in re(ression testin("
3hile doing 0egression Testing a tester must chec- that any new
udating or 6odi!cation or *hange in .unctionality of a Particular
*omonent or 6odule does not create any disorder and any negative
afects on the functionality of the ,lication
:.. What is the o*-ment re?-ire to %re%are -rin( testin("
:ormally Test engineers are resonsible for any release of a ro/ect.
Even the release is for staging environment or change re$uest release
or roduction release
The minimum documents are
1. Test Plan
2. Test *ases
1. Test *ase 0eort
=. Aug reort.
>. 0elease notes (which contains -nown issues+.
?. &nstallation document.
:1. What is Test ata" Where )e are -sin( this in testin(
What is the im%ortan*e o' this ata"
To e"ecute test cases we should have test data. This test data should
be for ositive and negative testings.for win runner we can get this test
data from -eyboard# e"cel sheets or from data base
:2. What is the i/eren*e bet)een test *ase an test s*ri%t"
Test case is a descrition what data to be tested and what data to be
inserted what are the actions to be done to chec- actual result against
e"ected result what are the actual inuts we will useC 3hat are the
e"ected resultsC &s called test scrit
Test Scrit: &s a short rogram written in a rogramming language used
to test art of the functionality of the software system. , written set of
stes that should be erformed manually
*an also be called a test scritY however this is more correctly called a
test case.
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Providing Disciplined Software Testing Practice
:;. What is the i/eren*e bet)een b-(5 error an e'e*t"
,t the time of coding mista-e error# when the mista-e noticed by the
tester defect# tester sends this defect to develoment team if the
develoer agrees then it is bug
;4. What is the i/eren*e bet)een ?-a&ity ass-ran*e an
system testin( e$%&ains in etai& )ith an e$am%&e"
Quality ,ssurance: &t is nothing but building an ade$uate con!dence in
the customer that the develoed software is acceding to re$uirements.
Entire SD<* comes under Q,. &t is rocess oriented.
System Testing: &t is the rocess of e"ecuting entire system i.e.
chec-ing the s8w as well as arts of system.
;1. <o) o yo- e*ie )hen yo- ha!e Lteste eno-(hC"
3hen the IFR of re$uirements are covered# 6a"imum defects are
recti!ed e"cet (some+ low level defects are not covered# customer
satisfy that ro/ect and time is less# then we are closing the testing.
;#. What is the i/eren*e bet)een 8-i& Mana(ement an
Re&ease Mana(ement"
When )i&& *on-*t b-i& !eri=*ation an en to en testin("
Auild 6anagement is managing the issue !"ture tas-s in the builds
whereas 0elease management is managing the functionality to be
incororated in the 0elease.
Auild Keri!cation Test (AKT+ is done when the build is !rst received by
the testers. The basic functionality is chec-ed with valid data. This is
done to chec- whether the build is testable or not. This is done by
End to End testing is also called system testing. Done by senior test
engineers or Test lead.
;+. What is bo-nary !a&-e ana&ysis 68HA7" What is the -se o'
Aoundary value analysis is a techni$ue for test data selection. Test
engineer chooses the values that lie along the data e"treams.&t
includes ma"# minimum# /ust inside# /ust out side# tyical values and
error values.
Aoundary Kalue ,nalysis is a techni$ue used for writing the test cases.
.or e"amle: &f a articular !eld accets the
Kalues from 1 to 1FFF# then we test that !eld by entering only 1# 1FFF#
F# 1FF1# III# 2.
&.e. we chec- on the boundaries and then
6inimum'1# minimum N1 and ma"imumN1# ma"imum'1.
Contact No. 7567204151, 9824680107
Address: INFOTECH, 3
Floor, Pra!"# $%a& Co'le(, Near )E* )a+e, Pe+#a'!r.
Providing Disciplined Software Testing Practice
;,. What is e?-i!a&en*e *&ass %artition6E0P7" What is the -se
o' it"
,$ualane nothing but select the valid and valid classGs e"amle as
er client re$uirement the edit bo" access only
1'> caital alhabets then we divided in es. li-e valid values only ,'Z
invalid values are a'9 and secial characters li-e [#H\R
;.. I' there is no s-A*ient time 'or testin( & - ha!e to
*om%&ete the testin(5 then )hat )i&& - o"
3hen & have less time to test the Product then & will ta-e these
following stesV
1+ Sanity or smo-e testing
2+ )sability Testing
1+ .ormal .unctionality and ;)& Testing
=+ 3al- through with the Product
;1. What is meanin( by %rototy%e in S@L0"
This is a cyclic version of the linear model. &n this model# once the
re$uirement analysis is done and the design for a rototye is made#
the develoment rocess gets started. 2nce the rototye is created#
it is given to the customer for evaluation. The customer tests the
ac-age and gives his8her feed bac- to the develoer who re!nes the
roduct according to the customerGs e"act e"ectation. ,fter a !nite
number of iterations# the !nal software ac-age is
;iven to the customer. &n this methodology# the software is devolved
as a result of eriodic shuttling of information between the customer
and develoer. This is the most oular develoment model in the
contemorary &T industry. 6ost of the successful software roducts
have been develoed using this model ' as it is very diWcult (even for
a whi9 -id]+
To comrehend all the re$uirements of a customer in one shot. There
are many variations of this model s-ewed with resect to the ro/ect
management styles of the comanies.
:ew versions of a software roduct evolve as a result of rototying.
;2. What is i/eren*e bet)een esBto% an )eb a%%&i*ation"
The biggest d8f b8w Des-to and web alication is' Des-to , (D,+
is the machine indeendent# hence every change has only reEects at
the machine level. 3here as 3eb , (3,+ is the &nternet deendent
rogram# hence any change in the rogram reEects at every where#
where it becomes use. E^44
Suose there are > machines in D,# > times installed individually at
every machine and if there is any change made in D, then at every
machine change has to be made. &n 3, where the rogram or
,lication at the Server or at the one common machine# then if
changes made at only central or server or common machine all the
Contact No. 7567204151, 9824680107
Address: INFOTECH, 3
Floor, Pra!"# $%a& Co'le(, Near )E* )a+e, Pe+#a'!r.
Providing Disciplined Software Testing Practice
changes get reEected at
Every client machine.
;:. @i/eren*e bet)een a%%&i*ation testin( an %ro-*t
Product testing means when any comany does testing for their own
(comanyGs+ roduct e"4 :orton ,ntivirus is the SymantecGs roductY
if Symantec test the :orton i.e. called
,s the Product testing. 3here as if any comany ta-e some ro/ects
from some other
*omanies li-e ,A* *omany ta-es ro/ects from &A6 and test that
ro/ect on some charges i.e. called as ,lication Testing.
;;. What is a broBen &inB in )eb testin( an ho) test it"
3hen we clic-ed on 7yer lin- if it oens Page canGt be dislayed then
that 7yer lin- is called as bro-en lin-.
144M What is 0MM &e!e&" I nee the ans)er in etai&.
The *aability 6aturity 6odel for Software describes the rinciles and
ractices underlying software rocess maturity and is intended to hel
software organi9ations imrove the maturity of their software
rocesses in terms of an evolutionary ath from ad hoc chaotic
rocesses to mature discilined software rocesses. The *66 is
organi9ed into !ve maturity levels
Contact No. 7567204151, 9824680107
Address: INFOTECH, 3
Floor, Pra!"# $%a& Co'le(, Near )E* )a+e, Pe+#a'!r.

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