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Christy Loftis

595 Research Methodologies

Selection of Sample
In this research study, I will conduct a random sampling of students standardized test results
who have been identified as at-risk, and who have the taken STaaR assessment in both 3
and 4

grade. I will ask for permission from campus principals and the district administrators before
conducting my research. Upon approval, I will randomly select students test results that were
labeled at-risk for reading failure. I will use the data from five elementary campuses within the
school district. My aim is to prove that students who do not develop oral reading skills by 3

grade will continue to struggle and continue to fall behind their peers.

A correlation research design will be implemented in this study. The purpose of this study is to
determine if one variable is the direct result of another variable. I will analyze data from both 3

and 4
grade test results.

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