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L4L5: Instructional Policy Design Rubric (January, 2013)

a!es"Policy Design #ea!: _____Team 8 (Lori, Stacy, John, Eric)_____

This part of your work in the Equitable Systems Leaership stran will be !rae usin! an incremental
scale as escribe below" E#erythin! that reaches the aequate minimum le#el $ at least %"& (work that
oes not meet the 'aequate minimum' will be returne for a rewrite)" (ncrements will be ae to that
amount to reflect emonstrate proficiency abo#e the minimum le#el on the fi#e criteria inicate below)
Adequate minimum= 3$0
(clearly e*presse, coherent or!ani+ation, reasonable policy esi!n, responsi#eness to
assi!nment, etc")
,ar e*cees the aequate minimum-
KK comments in blueexcellent job.
Focus on, and guiding vision(s) for, poerful and equitable
instructional improvement and student learning (u% to &$2) . __"/___
The esi!n sets forth a politically #iable an publically champione learnin! impro#ement
!oal that aresses a specific problem of instructional practice an with !oo prospects for
positi#ely influencin! stuent learnin!" This focus for impro#ement is !uie by one or more
sub0ect1specific #ision(s) of 2!oo3 instruction (an 2!oo3 instructional leaership)4or a
process for developing and articulating such vision(s)4that can inform teachers5 (an
leaers5) practice an efforts to impro#e stuent learnin!"
#'is %olicy (esign )ocuses on i!%ro*ing ele!entary !at' instruction, an( brings to t'at
tas+ a s%eci)ic *ision t'at !el(s t'e current !at' %rogra! (,*ery(ay -at'), t'e 5.D
instructional )ra!e/or+ t'at /ill be t'e basis )or teac'er e*aluation, t'e state0s ne/ly
a(o%te( co!!on score stan(ar(s )or !at', an( t'e national 1#- stan(ar(s$ #'ese
sources /ill o))er t'e un(er%inning o) a strong *ision gui(ing t'e instructional
i!%ro*e!ent e))ort, an( you begin to s+etc' t'e broa( %rinci%les t'at suc' a *ision s'oul(
re)lect in t'e (istrict$ ote t'at it is not entirely clear 'o/ all t'ese sources o) i(eas about
'ig' 2uality !at' %e(agogical content +no/le(ge /ill in )act be integrate( into a %ractical
an( un(erstan(ing /or+ing i!age o) goo( !at' teac'ing)$ Per'a%s so!e !ore t'in+ing
about t'e %recess o) )as'ioning an( articulating t'e *ision /oul( !a+e sense$ #'e (esign
coul( set u% a %rocess )or arri*ing at t'e -t -orrisson *ersion o) 'o/ t'ese i(eas beco!e a
co'erent an( uni)ie( *ision o) !at' teac'ing an( learning$
!xplicit, co"erent t"eor# of action and associated instruments
and tools (u% to &$3) . __"%___
The esi!n rests on a clear, lo!ically coherent theory of action that ientifies the causes of the
problem alon! with le#era!e points an the 2throu!hlinethrou!h line3 whereby the policy
inter#ention will aress these causes" The esi!n features (policy instruments, tools) emboy
the inter#ention theory, take into account the specifics of the local conte*t (incluin! the
#ariability amon! implementin! units), an strike a balance between comple*ity an
simplistic action"
6 real stren!th of this policy esi!n) you ha#e lai out in some etail, with attention to stuent
learnin!, teachin! practice, an leaership practice where an how the presentin! problems lie,
an then by le#els, the sets of linke actions set in motion by the policy that will brin!
proucti#e focus to aressin! the problems" 7our if1then lo!ic is both lo!ically clear an nicely
specific" 8reat work here-
7our iscussion of this theory of action rests on your own ata !atherin! (a preliminary math
auit) an its finin!s (real or ima!ine) that !i#e consierable specificity to what stuents are
e*perience, teachers are oin!, an leaers are oin! in support (or not)" This iscussion sets the
sta!e for a theme runnin! throu!h your policy esi!n that prioriti+es ata an e#ience an
moels how it can an shoul be part of the policy process throu!hout" E*cellent work in
e#isin! a system of collectin! ata #ia the classroom auit" The information collecte pro#ies
a soun basis for what comes later, an pro#ies a clear inicator where thin!s are in relation to
your #ision for instruction"
The elements of the policy strate!y ientifie here an elsewhere in the ocument (e"!", 9L:s,
stuio classroom cycles, an ;T(), are all coherently relate to, or relatable to, each other, an
form a sensible set of acti#ities that can reali+e the !oals of the policy initiati#e"
Approac" to "ig"$qualit# professional and %s#stem& learning,
based in evidence (u% to &$2) . __"/___
The esi!n inclues a hi!h1quality approach to moti#atin! an supportin! professional
learnin! of teachers (an instructional leaers), that acknowle!es the #ariable capacity
amon! them" 6itionally, the esi!n enables learnin! about an from the unfolin! of the
policy itself, with e*plicit picture of 2impro#ement3 an ways of knowin! if it has been
achie#e, alon! with the means for encoura!in! teachin! an leaership practices to be
accountable for impro#ement"
The plannin! in this esi!n for supportin! hi!h quality professional learnin! for all eucators is
well worke out, an shows how this can be ifferentiate, for each of the !roups of ini#iuals
participatin! (teachers, principals, coaches)" Some !oo thinkin! has !one into this system of
support for the learnin! that all players must o, reco!ni+in! that each layer in the system has its
own learnin! nees (nice to see a 9rincipal 9L:, for e*ample)" The esi!n is articulate about
how e#ience can be use to !roup, an pinpoint the learnin! nees of particular !roups an
fashion the professional e#elopment support accorin!ly" 7ou5#e create a structure for
professional learnin! that is #ery well connecte an ali!ne with reali+in! your #ision for
instruction in the classroom" 7ou lay out well the roles of outsie e*perts, an create learnin!
e*periences base on brin!in! the acquisition of instructional skills into the classroom4
e*cellent scaffolin!" The scaffolin! e*tens to principal learnin! as well, an buils
leaership capacity of instructional impro#ement"
<ifferentiation of professional e#elopment is one approach to aressin! #ariable capacity= the
esi!n is also e*plicit about how it will try to tar!et particular schools (e"!", on the basis of the
si+e of the achie#ement !ap) as an initial means of irectin! resources where they can be most
neee an helpful"
The esi!n is also quite specific about ientifyin! potential measures of stuent learnin!
instructional practice, an leaership practice, that can form the basis of effort to promote an
sustain accountable practice throu!h this policy initiati#e" 8oo thinkin! here"
Feasible resource plan, timeline, and political base (u% to &$2) . __"/___
The esi!n rests on a feasible base or source of resources (or resource allocation process)"
The timeline for unfolin! the policy esi!n makes sense an is time an crafte to take
a#anta!e of (or create) a ripe opportunity or occasion for enactin! the policy esi!n in the
settin! for which it is create" The esi!n hi!hli!hts a process for e#elopin! an sustainin!
a robust !uiin! coalition an constituency for this impro#ement work"
The esi!n rests on a careful appraisal of resources necessary to carry this effort forwar, an an
estimate of what the bu!et for the policy will nee to be"
7our timeline maps out in quite specific terms what a first year uner this policy initiati#e mi!ht
entail, by month" (t mi!ht help to o some kin of mappin! >thou!h perhaps with less etail for
the followin! couple of years? unless you are sayin! that each year woul be the same !oin!
forwar" The timeline, stretchin! out o#er three years, seems realistic"
The esi!n is also attenti#e > in some e!ree4to the political imension of the policy effort as it
unfols, thou!h you coul o more with this" (n short you note possible constituents to be
minful of > keep thinkin! about possible ways to connect them to the esi!n an processes for
mana!in! the competin! interests they represent"
!xcellent ritten expression (u% to &$1) . __"@___
The policy plan is or!ani+e effecti#ely an written in a clear, accessible way that
communicates effecti#ely to a broa auience
#'e (esign is /ell e3%laine( an( easy to )ollo/ ( a little %roo)rea(ing /oul( 'el%4se*eral
%aragra%'s got re%eate()4but o*erall a *ery clear (ocu!ent$
#5#6L: 7777774$077777777

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