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OneNote Training for PSD Administrators

December 9, 2013
1:00-4:00 p.m.

Essential Questions for TODAY:
How can we utilize this existing Microsoft application as a productivity tool for our work?
How can we use OneNote technology to construct a useful and effective tool for administrators to help with the new evaluation process?
With whom can I partner beyond today to get the support I need to continue using OneNote effectively?

Learning Outcomes and Targets for TODAY:
Administrators will learn what OneNote is, how to use the program, and what would be a valuable use of this tool.
Participants will identify a network of support to continue using OneNote beyond todays training.
Administrators will be provided a OneNote Evaluation Notebook populated with all the PSD evaluation forms.

Essential Questions for 2013-2014:
How do we utilize every opportunity to build individual and collective capacity for ongoing work to improve instruction and student growth and achievement for
EACH student?
How can we engage ourselves and others in job-embedded, meaningful, and quality professional development to increase our capacity to be a system that serves the
main mission to improve instruction and increase student growth and achievement?
How can we become leaders of learning who sponsor and leverage time, actions and resources to serve improved instruction and increased student learning?

Instructional Framework Areas of Focus
1: Planning and Preparation
1a: Knowledge of content and pedagogy
1b: Knowledge of students
1c: Setting instructional outcomes
1d: Knowledge of resources
1e: Coherent instruction
1f: Student assessments
2: Classroom Environment
2a: Environment of respect and rapport
2b: Culture for learning
2c: Managing classroom procedures
2d: Managing student behavior
2e: Organizing physical space
3: Instruction
3a: Communicating with students
3b: Using questioning prompts and discussion
3c: Engaging students in learning
3d: Using assessment in instruction
3e: Demonstrating flexibility & responsiveness
4: Professional Responsibilities
4a: Reflecting on teaching
4b: Maintaining Accurate Records
4c: Communicating with families
4d: Participating in a professional community
4e: Growing and Developing Professionally
4f: Showing professionalism

Content: What do we want people to know
and be able to do?
Process: How will we accomplish this? Who Time

Content: What do we want people to know
and be able to do?
Process: How will we accomplish this? Who Time

Purpose: To connect the purpose of this
meeting to the larger strategic
directions of the district

To welcome participants and continue
building a collaborative learning

& Introductions

Overview of training
and the learning


Kim West


3 min
Content of the event


To support administrators by providing
professional development for the
devices they use to improve student
learning and achievement


OneNote General Training

Looking at a OneNote notebook
sample (Evaluation Notebook) and
how you might use it. (We would
love to receive feedback from you

Who will you partner with?

Kim West

Kim &



50 min

5 min


Reflect on new learning and next steps

Exit Ticket and Next Steps



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