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Maldonado Larios Guadalupe

Ugalde Martnez Miriam Araceli

Good days this one is the newscaster of the 9 am and is presented by Miriam and I
And these are the news of the world
100 archeological sites were found by the Lessees in Baja California
In Pakistan they found 34 corpses by the earthquake of 7.8 degrees
A murder is photographed by Google maps
The foreign tourism is stopped by the violence in Mexico
WhatsApp it will be received by the brand Android
The culprit is condemned to death for the explosion in Boston
Terrorist assault is frustrated by the FBI in Toronto
And you Miriam tell us
Thanks Miriam well in the news of the spectacle
In Mexico exactly in El foro sol is realized the concert by The killers, which
had a hearing of 60 thousand persons
The third delivery of iron man is presented by Robert Downey Jr.
New movies of star wars are announced by Disney
Now in the sports
A soccer team is fined by the disciplinary commission
The prize is won to better player of the year by messi
Last Saturday it was presented the fight by Televisa
And thats it for now we go to commercial

Miriam: do you Joke? on the other hand ... new masters are approved by the
UNAM, laboratory of nanotechnology is created by conacyt and UNAM entering to
the topic then the new masters of the UNAM will be Master i n Art and Design and
the Master i n Technologies for the Information i n Sciences and the girl found i n
the savior returned to Mexico,
They rescued remains of Mammuthus colombi i n Mexico
Nexus's new version 7 by Google
Twitter expired 7 years
Japan football player presented robot to promote children
"engineers" Galaxy 3 he was elected the best smartphone of the
Hotmail's transfer begins towards Outlook by Microsoft

Begin recruitment to send human a mars in the 2023 by the
enterprise mars one.

Diagnostic of poverty in hidalgo is realized by Unam

Case of Dengue in Landa Matamoros is detected by SESEQ

Project of panels solar , that receive the radiation of 2000 suns
and convert in electric energy is created by IBM

Is developed television that can control with gestures, by

New harness to dog is presented by Sony
First machine of time is created, by scientific irani
New disk of 4TB with dishes of 1 TB is hurled the market, by Seagate
Application to sum up text is launched, by yahoo
The international day of the earth is celebrated by Google

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