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Pt. Sanjay Rath Paper: Vedic Remedies for Curses Presented on: 25-Jul-04
Vedic Remedies for Curses
Extracts from book Vedic Remedies in Astrology
The word curse as a noun means a prayer or invocation for harm or injury to come
upon one - an imprecation, evil, or misfortune that comes as if in response to
imprecation or as retribution. It is the root of great harm or misfortune and causes
torment, prolonged suffering, depression, and all sorts of troubles. Curses do not
happen by themselves. They are caused by an interaction between two or more
beings (tm).
As a verb, the word curse means (1) to use profanely insolent language or
blaspheme piaca bdhaka causes by planets like Ketu (headless behaviour) and
Mars (extreme anger) and (2) to call upon divine or supernatural power to send
injury. Such a curse can be delivered by one who has the tm bala (lit. soul force or
truth force) to do so. The first type of cursing is a behavioural problem and either
the native suffers at the hands of such people or he is headless (lacking rationality
and etiquette).
The second type is caused by emotions and hence, graha di of planets that
indicates desires are to be considered in the chart for determining curses. These
emotions can be due to an extreme anger (Mars), sorrow (Saturn), shock (Rhu) or
hurt (Sun).
One who has the tm bala alone can curse. The curse of a saint carries more weight
than that of a loafer. The benefic planets Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Moon and
sometimes Sun are included in this category of people who have the power to
curse. This is also the order of their beneficence starting with Jupiter the greatest
benefic to the Sun at the bottom of the rung, for determining the effective curse.
Jupiter indicates a Brahmin and includes priests, scholars and men of letters;
Mercury indicates close friends and relatives; Venus indicates ones spouse; Moon
indicates ones mother and the Sun indicates ones father or such fatherly figure.
Can animals curse? Yes they can and the curse of serpents has been specifically
indicated in Bhat Parsara Hor stra. When curses are caused without the direct
involvement of a natural benefic planet they indicate that the curse is of a lesser
being or creature.
Secondly, the extent of the hurt shall depend on the strength of the aspecting
malefic. If the aspecting malefic planet is retrograde the curse cannot be redeemed
and will have to be suffered. No remedial measure is going to work. The native will
have to live the experience and feel the same pain, anger, suffering or shock that
he has caused another to feel in another past life. Sometimes curses of the same life
also give the results and this can be known from the Prana chart. If the native is
Meaning of
Emotions, desires
& Graha di
Who can curse?
Extent of curse &
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Pt. Sanjay Rath Paper: Vedic Remedies for Curses Presented on: 25-Jul-04
fortunate and spiritual then the curse received during one life is redeemed or
suffered in the same life and not carried over to suffer in another. Dasaratha the
father of r Rma was cursed to die in the sorrow of his son and he saw the curse
fulfilled in the same life time due to his intense affection for Rma
. This is the real
reason for spiritual people suffering more than the irreligious ones. They are
ensuring that their sins and curses do not carry into another life. They are ensuring
that they do not have to be born as animals or other creatures to feel the suffering
they caused to another soul.
Curse is as a result of hurt, sorrow or other emotion felt by a being due to the
actions, desires or thoughts of another. It is vital to know whether the karma that
caused the curse was done (a) consciously or inadvertently and (b) whether the real
intention of the person was for good or evil. The position and strength of the
natural benefic planet indicates the knowledge and intention respectively. For
example, if the natural benefic is retrograde in a dusthna then this is the worst as
the intention was bad (strong) and the karma was done in ignorance (Saturn the
ignorant is the significator of dusthna 6, 8 & 12 houses).
Bhagavn r Rmacandra jtaka: Curse of Brahmin
Chart 1: r Rma

This subject on curses is rather inauspicious and is taught in the tradition starting
with the horoscope of Bhagavn r Rma whole holy birth was on account of the
curse of Deva i Nrada and who came to redeem the curses on various people.
The mere recitation of His holy name is sufficient to grant moka and remove all
curses. This is the penultimate remedy for all curses and the highest mantra for this
purpose is the Rma traka mantra which is also one of the four Yuga mantras.
Rma traka mantra
I ram jy ram jy jy ram,
r rma jaya rma jaya jaya rma|

Refer Ramayana classic epic of i Vlmiki
Nature of Karma
causing the curse
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Pt. Sanjay Rath Paper: Vedic Remedies for Curses Presented on: 25-Jul-04
Steps to identification of curse (if any) and its remedy
Step 1: At least two or more malefic planets aspecting another planet or house by
graha di (planetary aspect).
In the chart of Bhagavn r Rma, the following aspects ore observed
1. The Lagna, Jupiter and lagnea Moon are aspected by natural malefic planets
Saturn and Mars.
2. The sixth house is conjoined Rhu and aspected by Saturn.
3. The tenth house (throne/kingship/work), AL, A7 & UL are conjoined the Sun
and aspected by Saturn, Rhu and Mars.
4. The second house, second lord Sun and dhana kraka Jupiter are aspected by
Mars & Rhu.
Step 2: Determine the most benefic planet among those listed in previous step
The most benefic planet is Jupiter indicating that there is the curse of a Brahmin
(priest, teacher or such learned person). Involvement of the 9
lord Jupiter confirms
that the curse is from a previous incarnation. If the 9
house is involved in any
manner, be sure that the curse is because of a past birth. Since the lagna lord Moon
is also involved, the curse is on the native himself. Although we are unaware of the
tmakraka planet in the chart, generally the AK or lagnea has to be involved to
confirm the personal suffering due to the curse. Alternatively, the 8
lord shows
physical suffering and torment while the 10
lord shows financial suffering and
loss of position/humiliation.
Step 3: Examine the effect of the curse in detail by examining houses, planets and
their state (avasth), motion etc.
The most benefic planet is Jupiter indicating that there is the curse of a Brahmin
(priest, teacher or such learned person). Involvement of the 9
lord Jupiter confirms
that the curse is from a previous incarnation. If the 9
house is involved in any
manner, be sure that the curse is because of a past birth.
The planets aspecting Jupiter, Moon & lagna are Saturn (sorrow) & Mars (anger) of
which Saturn is retrograde and full of rays indicating that the curse will have to be
suffered and the various remedial measures will help to give the strength and
resolve to face the suffering.
Of the aspecting planets, Saturn is the greater malefic as Mars is a yogakraka for
Cancer lagna. Saturn owns Capricorn, the 7
(marriage) and Aquarius, the 8

(death, debts) houses and the root cause of the curse has to be linked to these
houses. Of these, the 7
house is stronger as it is associated with a planet while the
house is empty. The root cause is identified as marriage, relationship or such
The Ramayana explains that the Rma incarnation of Viu was due to the curse of
Deva i Nrada on Bhagavn Viu when the sage, being struck by the arrows of
the love god Kma devat, wanted to marry. Viu realized that Nrada was going
Teachings of
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Pt. Sanjay Rath Paper: Vedic Remedies for Curses Presented on: 25-Jul-04
to break his vow of perfect celibacy and in order to protect his ardent devotee,
played a trick. On the crucial moment when the bride was to garland Nrada,
Viu turned his face into that of a monkey. The bride shrieked and the marriage
was called off! When Nrada saw his face in a mirror, he was extremely sad and
flew into a rage. Realizing that none other than Viu could have played this trick
on him, he cursed that the latter would also suffer such shock and anguishes due to
separation from his beloved Lakm and would be rescued by monkeys. Since the
words of his most beloved disciple could not become untrue, Viu incarnated as
Rma to suffer the curse. The most important lesson here is that we have to develop
the equanimity to suffer such curses with a strong mind and be resolved to
patiently wait out the period and dutifully do out karma.
The placement and strength of the benefic planet is to be examined to determine the
intention and knowledge of the act that caused the curse. Since Jupiter is placed in a
Kendra, the intention of Viu (Rma) was good and he desired the real welfare of
his devotee. Since Jupiter is in exaltation, Viu (Rma) had done the karma with
complete knowledge and it was not a mistake or something done out of ignorance.
Step 4: Timing of the curse can be done accurately through Mla da. Determine
the most malefic planet for the chart and look for links to the 8
which shows nja doa (own sins that cause suffering).
In the chart of r Rma, the greatest malefic is Saturn and it is also the 8
lord and
is qualified to cause suffering. Saturn is placed in the fourth house which rules
mother, step-mother, maid servants, governess, childhood friends etc.
With the advent of the Mla da of Saturn, a hunch back maid servant poisoned
the mind of his step mother Kaikeyi who caused him to be banished to the jungles
for 14 years. The Mla da period of Saturn is 14 years [Vimottari Mlatrikoa
correction Exaltation/debilitation = 19 {(5-1) + 1} = 14].
Step 5: There is only one operative curse for a chart in a lifetime but other evil
indications of the planet will also surface during the mla da.
Although there is only one operative curse in one life time (generally believed to be
so), it is advisable check for allied curses or suffering indicated by the evil Mla
da planet. All the allied suffering will also happen during this time. It is well said
that when it rains it pours. The Mla da planet which is to deliver the results of
the curse will also activate allied curses of other relatives during its da thereby
ensuring all round suffering and torment.
Look at the list under Step 1. Saturn the planet given the responsibility to deliver
the sorrow of Nrada Muni is involved in two other allied trouble spots.
First is the sixth house which is conjoined Rhu and aspected by Saturn. Rhu is the
lord of the atrupada (A6) and indicates that during this mla da there shall be
many enemies in the form of Rkasa (demons or cannibals who relished human
flesh). Since Jupiter is exalted in lagna, the native shall bow to Lord iva and secure
the blessings of the sages and shall destroy these demons (as the lord of atrupada
Intention and
Mla da
Multiple effects
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Pt. Sanjay Rath Paper: Vedic Remedies for Curses Presented on: 25-Jul-04
Rhu is placed in the sixth house from Jupiter
). Thus Saturn has a hidden agenda
in taking r Rma through the border areas of his kingdom and ensuring the
annihilation of the evil ones. The primary cause of destruction of the chief enemy is
seen in the second house from the atrupada. The atrupada is in Aquarius and the
second from it is Pisces with Venus exalted in it. Rvaa was the chief enemy of
Rma and women in the form of his sister & Sit (wife of Rma) who he kidnapped
became the primary cause of his destruction and death. Rma was advised by the
sage Agastya to recite the ditya hdaya (Sun is exalted in ruha lagna) and
destroy Rvaa.
Second is the tenth house (throne/kingship/work), AL, A7 & UL are conjoined the
Sun and aspected by Saturn, Rhu and Mars. In this curse the native himself is not
involved directly but the curse is on the father (Sun) and the throne (10
When Saturn Mla da started, due to the boons granted to Kaikeyi, the step
mother, Rma had to be banished for 14 years. His father Dasaratha died pining for
him just as Sravana Kumars blind parents had died pining for their son who had
been killed accidentally by Dasaratha. Treating the 9
house as lagna of father,
Saturn is placed in the 8
house and shall deliver the results of the curse of the
blind sage (father of Sravana Kumar). Just as the last rites of the blind sage were not
performed by his only son Sravana Kumar, so also the last rites of Dasaratha could
not be performed by his eldest son Rma. However, due to the intervention of Sage
Vaiha, the Kula guru, they were performed by Bharata the second son.
The multiple effects of the malefic da should be studies carefully to determine all
the results that can come due to the aspect of the malefic planet.
Step 6: Three parts of da
The 14 year da of Saturn can be divided into three parts just like ri da. In the
Ramayana, this is shown as 5+5+4 =14 i.e. there is the clear division in starting of
the last part where we find Rmas mother Kaualy hallucinating the return of her
son and Rma moves to Pacavai in South India.
In the first part, the loss of throne, machinations of maid Manthara & step mother
Kaiketi, death of father and other matters related to the aspect of Saturn on the
tenth house from the fourth house are the focus. In the third part, great battles at r
Lanka and destruction of the Rkasa king Rvaa and many demons related to the
sixth house aspect of Saturn are the focus.
Generally the third part is the most evil part in malefic da while the same is the
least malefic if the planet is a natural benefic. Readers would do well to work out
the chronology of events in the Ramayana and try to time the various battles of
Rma with various demons as well as the meeting with various great souls like
Atri, Agastya etc.

Based on Pcakdi sabandha, planets in the sixth house from Jupiter and the Sun shall be treated as
their enemies and Jupiter/Sun shall destroy them.
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Pt. Sanjay Rath Paper: Vedic Remedies for Curses Presented on: 25-Jul-04
Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru: Jupiter curse or blessing?
Chart 2: Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru

Ven: 1889-11-14 (11:21:00 pm) - 1897-11-15 (12:27:03 am)
Merc: 1897-11-15 (12:27:03 am) - 1903-11-16 (1:29:55 pm)
Moon: 1903-11-16 (1:29:55 pm) - 1913-11-16 (2:58:31 am)
Ket: 1913-11-16 (2:58:31 am) - 1918-11-16 (9:43:26 am)
Jup: 1918-11-16 (9:43:26 am) - 1922-11-16 (10:20:54 am)
Rah: 1922-11-16 (10:20:54 am) - 1931-11-16 (5:43:10 pm)
Mars: 1931-11-16 (5:43:10 pm) - 1938-11-16 (12:53:25 pm)
Sat: 1938-11-16 (12:53:25 pm) - 1951-11-16 (8:51:12 pm)
Sun: 1951-11-16 (8:51:12 pm) - 1954-11-16 (3:19:40 pm)
Ven: 1954-11-16 (3:19:40 pm) - 1966-11-16 (5:05:36 pm)
Examine the chart of Jawaharlal Nehru and answer the following questions.
5. Is there a curse indicated by any planet(s) and if so, list them and indicate their
6. Is there Kla Sarpa or Kla Amrita yoga in the chart? Is this broken by any other
planet(s)? Explain implications.
7. Is there Graha mlik yoga in the chart? If we exclude the nodes what is the
implication of the Moon starting this yoga and being in the first house and
Jupiter ending this yoga and being in the 6
8. How do these yogas including the Mlavya Mahpurua yoga affect the curse?
9. Did the Mlavya Mahpurua yoga work during the Venus Mla da? Can
Mla da be used to time the working of these yogas?
Mla Da
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Pt. Sanjay Rath Paper: Vedic Remedies for Curses Presented on: 25-Jul-04
Adolf Hitler: Curse of Spouse (Venus)
Chart 3: Adolf Hitler

Sun: 1889-04-20 (6:30:00 pm) - 1890-04-21 (12:37:48 am)
Mars: 1890-04-21 (12:37:48 am) - 1895-04-21 (7:32:20 am)
Ven: 1895-04-21 (7:32:20 am) - 1909-04-21 (9:31:56 pm)
Merc: 1909-04-21 (9:31:56 pm) - 1921-04-21 (11:25:16 pm)
Sat: 1921-04-21 (11:25:16 pm) - 1933-04-22 (1:16:60 am)
Ket: 1933-04-22 (1:16:60 am) - 1938-04-22 (8:00:05 am)
Jup: 1938-04-22 (8:00:05 am) - 1942-04-22 (8:37:54 am)
Moon: 1942-04-22 (8:37:54 am) - 1947-04-22 (3:16:36 pm)
Rah: 1947-04-22 (3:16:36 pm) - 1956-04-21 (10:40:42 pm)
Examine the chart of Adolf Hitler and answer the following questions.
1. Is there a curse indicated by any planet(s) and if so, list them and indicate their
2. Is there akt yoga in the chart? Is this very evil due to the conjunction of
Jupiter? Explain implications. Using Mla da time the worst phase of this
3. Why did the four planet combination in the 7
house not make him a saint or
sadhu? How do these yogas including the Rucaka Mahpurua yoga affect the
4. Saturn in Cancer or Jupiter is Pisces in the throne leads to Rjayoga. Explain
how this worked in the chart of Adolf Hitler, especially during the Saturn Mla
Mla Da
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Pt. Sanjay Rath Paper: Vedic Remedies for Curses Presented on: 25-Jul-04
HH King Edward VII: Venus curse or blessing?
Chart 4: King Edward VII, King of England

Mars: 1841-11-09 (10:48:00 am) - 1844-11-09 (5:16:04 am)
Sat: 1844-11-09 (5:16:04 am) - 1861-11-09 (1:46:31 pm)
Moon: 1861-11-09 (1:46:31 pm) - 1863-11-10 (2:05:35 am)
Ven: 1863-11-10 (2:05:35 am) - 1883-11-10 (5:10:36 am)
Rah: 1883-11-10 (5:10:36 am) - 1900-11-10 (1:50:47 pm)
Ket: 1900-11-10 (1:50:47 pm) - 1903-11-11 (8:18:47 am)
Sun: 1903-11-11 (8:18:47 am) - 1906-11-11 (2:45:28 am)
Jup: 1906-11-11 (2:45:28 am) - 1921-11-10 (10:52:23 pm)
Merc: 1921-11-10 (10:52:23 pm) - 1928-11-10 (6:06:58 pm)
Examine the chart of King Edward VII and answer the following questions.
5. Is there a curse indicated by any planet(s) and if so, list them and indicate their
6. Is there Kla Sarpa or Kla Amrita yoga in the chart? Is this broken by any other
planet(s)? Explain implications.
7. Is there Graha mlik yoga in the chart?
8. What is the implication of having the Sun in ruha lagna in Libra with Venus
in the 12
house from it? Compare this ruha Lagna Sun & Venus in 12

house to that of r Rma (both belong to powerful solar dynasties).
9. Jupiter & Mercury in the 2
from AL promise great wealth and fortune whereas
this argal is obstructed by Venus & Moon in the 12
from AL. Which of the
two will finally predominate and when? How did this dilemma work in the life
of the King? Why is this different for r Rma who renounced his spouse
Mla Da
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Pt. Sanjay Rath Paper: Vedic Remedies for Curses Presented on: 25-Jul-04
Prince Charles: Mercury curse or blessing?
Chart 5: Prince Charles

Ket: 1948-11-14 (9:14:00 pm) - 1954-11-15 (10:11:55 am)
Merc: 1954-11-15 (10:11:55 am) - 1960-11-14 (11:10:25 pm)
Sun: 1960-11-14 (11:10:25 pm) - 1963-11-15 (5:34:49 pm)
Rah: 1963-11-15 (5:34:49 pm) - 1971-11-15 (6:51:45 pm)
Moon: 1971-11-15 (6:51:45 pm) - 1980-11-15 (2:01:47 am)
Sat: 1980-11-15 (2:01:47 am) - 1993-11-15 (10:00:46 am)
Mars: 1993-11-15 (10:00:46 am) - 1995-11-15 (10:33:00 pm)
Jup: 1995-11-15 (10:33:00 pm) - 1999-11-15 (11:02:17 pm)
Ven: 1999-11-15 (11:02:17 pm) - 2019-11-16 (2:15:18 am)
Ket: 2019-11-16 (2:15:18 am) - 2020-11-15 (8:18:40 am)
Merc: 2020-11-15 (8:18:40 am) - 2031-11-16 (4:01:32 am)
Examine the chart of Prince Charles and answer the following questions.
1. Is there a curse indicated by any planet(s) and if so, list them and indicate their
2. Is there Sarpa yoga in the chart? Is this broken by any other planet(s)? Explain
3. Is there Graha mlik yoga in the chart? If we exclude the nodes what is the
implication of Saturn starting this yoga from second house and Jupiter ending
this yoga and being in the 6
4. Compare the ruha Lagna of this chart with the Sun in Libra and Venus in the
house with that of King Edward VII and r Rma. Mars is in second house
from AL in Scorpio causing argal and Venus is in 12
house in Virgo causing
obstruction (virodha argal). How was this dilemma resolved?
Mla Da
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Pt. Sanjay Rath Paper: Vedic Remedies for Curses Presented on: 25-Jul-04
Tormented relationships
Chart 6: Curse of Venus

Moon: 1962-06-30 (12:14:00 am) - 1964-06-29 (12:31:45 pm)
Merc: 1964-06-29 (12:31:45 pm) - 1977-06-29 (8:28:44 pm)
Mars: 1977-06-29 (8:28:44 pm) - 1981-06-29 (9:14:48 pm)
Jup: 1981-06-29 (9:14:48 pm) - 1987-06-30 (9:48:59 am)
Ven: 1987-06-30 (9:48:59 am) - 2004-06-29 (6:33:38 pm)
Rah: 2004-06-29 (6:33:38 pm) - 2015-06-30 (2:12:25 pm)
Sat: 2015-06-30 (2:12:25 pm) - 2033-06-30 (4:50:07 am)
Ket: 2033-06-30 (4:50:07 am) - 2036-06-29 (11:16:59 pm)
Sun: 2036-06-29 (11:16:59 pm) - 2040-06-30 (12:03:13 am)
Moon: 2040-06-30 (12:03:13 am) - 2048-06-30 (1:12:14 am)
Step 1: At least two or more malefic planets aspecting another planet or house by
graha di (planetary aspect).
1. Venus is conjoined Rhu in the fifth house of love and relationships and is
aspected by Saturn.
2. Sixth house of enemies is aspected by Mars and Rhu.
3. Lagna is aspected by Saturn and Rhu threatening loss of reputation or ill fame.
4. Ninth house is aspected by Mars and Rhu although Mars is the co-lord of the
ninth house.
5. Tenth house is aspected by the Sun & Mars.
6. ruha lagna in Capricorn is aspected by Rhu and is conjoined Saturn and
Step 2: Determine the most benefic planet among those listed in previous step
Venus is the greatest benefic among the planets in the list and indicates the curse of
a spouse in the previous birth. Venus is also the 8
lord of the chart and is fully
qualified to deliver the results of the curse due to nja doa (own sins of the past
Mla Da
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Pt. Sanjay Rath Paper: Vedic Remedies for Curses Presented on: 25-Jul-04
Step 3: Examine the effect of the curse in detail by examining houses, planets and
their state (avasth), motion etc.
Venus is the significator for marriage and relationships and is placed in the fifth
house of the chart which rules children, love affairs etc. The placement of Rhu
along with Venus indicates that the curse of spouse (or another female) of the
previous birth can deny (or delay children). The native may get entangled in love
affairs which can cause considerable ill fame due to cheating and shocks (Rhu) or
untruth and false hopes (Saturn).
Saturn is the lord of the 11
and 12
houses of which the 11
house Capricorn is
stronger as it has two planets in it. This shows that the suffering shall be related to
income and gains as well as fulfillment of hopes (11
house matters). The suffering
shall also come through friends or elder co-born or such people indicated by the
eleventh house.
Saturn is retrograde and strong in its sign indicating that the curse is strong and
will have to be suffered. Remedial measures can alleviate suffering by making the
mind/resolve strong but cannot undo the curse related experience.
Saturn conjoins the dr pada (A7) ruha lagna (AL) and mtyu pada (A8)
indicating that the relationships shall bring torment and false hopes and lies will be
the suffering.
The placement and strength of the benefic planet is to be examined to determine the
intention and knowledge of the act that caused the curse. Since Venus is placed in a
trine it indicates that karma she has done in the past birth was with a good
intention however since Venus is placed in an inimical sign in lajjita avasth
(shameful state) it indicates that she did not do the karma out of ignorance of
dharma and other factors and accordingly in this life, she will also suffer due to the
same ignorance.
Saturn & Ketu conjoin in the visible signs in the 11
house indicating that the curse
will trigger after the death of her father and after his last rites are not performed
regularly by her elder co-born (11
We shall not go into details but suffice is to say that this lady suffered cheating in
the hands of three men, all of whom promised marriage but let her down. The last
one died after a scandal surfaced in which he was accused of having
misappropriated money by making false statements in a high court.
Step 4: Determine the most malefic planet for the chart and look for links to the 8

house which shows nja doa (own sins that cause suffering).
Venus da is fully capable of giving the results of the curse as it is also conjoined
Rhu (else Saturn or Rhu should have been the natural choice). The da of Venus
is from 1987-2004 for a period of 17 long years.
Her father died on 17 Feb 1983 due to blood pressure causing heart failure. Mars
the ninth lord is in a sandhi (junction of signs) in her chart indicating that the
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longevity of the people ruled by its signs shall not be good. Mars rules the 9
and this caused early death of father. This is addition to the Cara pitkraka
replacement. However the effect of the curse will not begin immediately and will
wait till the beginning of Venus da in 1987.
Step 5: There is only one operative curse for a chart in a lifetime but other evil
indications of the planet will also surface during the evil mla da.
Venus is in parivartana yoga (exchange of signs) with the fifth lord Moon which is
considerably afflicted by Mercury and Mars. The curse works on the 5
denying children and to do so will also deny marriage (Venus is the dispositor of
the 7
lord). As the dispositor of the 4
lord (home/mother) Venus will cause
separation from home and family of birth due to such circumstances and things
ruled by it. She fell in love with an unacceptable man and had to run away from
home immediately after the advent of Venus da in June 1987.
Venus da can be broadly divided into three parts. The first part from 1987-92 saw
her leaving home and renouncing the life of a queen, she lived in the quarters
meant for a servant barely earning a few thousand rupees to make her ends meet in
a cosmopolitan city. Her first love left her as soon as he realised that she is bereft of
her wealth (Saturn in 11th house of gains in A7).
In the second part (1992-98), which was the most difficult part, Rhu and Saturn
were seen in two relationships lasting about 2-3 years each. The common thread
was they met her during her work for the poor (Saturn) tribal people (Ketu) and her
research (Rhu in 5
house). Both ensured that she was grossly underpaid and
were, in a sense, her bosses. Both lied to her about marriage and the second went
even a step further when he disclosed that he was already married and suggested
that she become his second wife instead! It is unthinkable how learned people can
behave in such an animal fashion totally feigning ignorance of the laws of the land.
She was shocked and completely disturbed and in one occasion, had the
opportunity to visit r Jagannth at Puri (India) in early 1998. Strangely around
that time, a national level scandal surfaced with this man as the centre figure and in
February 1998, he died due to excessive alcoholism and brain hemorrhage.
In the third part, she decided to start life anew and formed an NGO
to work for the
environment laws. She spent two years struggling for funding and financial
support and finally down in debt, she closed the same. Saturn conjoins both A8
(debts/loans) and A7 (business) showing that the business/work is related to her
image (AL) as a social worker and that it will run into debts as Saturn retrograde in
the 11
house, as a part of the curse, will not allow any income or gains to accrue.
However, this is the last part of the Venus da which is a natural benefic and will
finally do some good as it is its nature to do so.

Non Governmental Organization (NGO) that as a legal entity, is a non-profit company or society.
Parivartana yoga
& dispositor of
various planets
Three parts of
r Jagannth Center

SJC Serbia conference, 2004 Page-13

Pt. Sanjay Rath Paper: Vedic Remedies for Curses Presented on: 25-Jul-04
In 2002 having given up all other activity, she turned to spirituality and astrology
and found solace at the feet of r Jagannth. She also learnt that she needed to
worship r Kamaltmik, the akt form of the deity of the planet Venus (Da
Mah vidy) to overcome the effects of the curse. She did this remedy at the fag end
of the Venus mla da in Feb-Apr 2004. Her suffering during the 40 day period
was intense, especially during her monthly cycle but she was determined and has
completed the penance.
As a parting kick Saturn came in the form of her most trusted man Friday (sevant-
Saturn) and robbed her of all her money by forging her signatures in a few bank
cheques! Although she wanted to file a police case and get the boy in jail, she was
advised against it as it is her karma to face such things during the mla da and
she should learn to forgive, forget and go ahead in life with good karma.
Autistic Speech impaired
Chart 7: Male child

In Chart 7, Jupiter is aspected by Saturn, Sun, Rhu and Mars showing the curse of
a Brahmin. The aspect of the ninth lord Mercury on Jupiter confirms that this is
from the previous birth. The aspect of all four malefic planets on Jupiter makes the
curse very terrible.
Jupiter is retrograde indicating that the sin committed by him (in a past life) that
causes such a terrible curse was done in full knowledge (and not ignorance) i.e. he
must have plotted and schemed and done everything after planning and knowing
the consequences as well as knowing dharma. Jupiter is placed in the second house,
which is neither a Kendra nor a trikoa indicating that the sin was with a very
heinous or lowly intention. Naturally the suffering will also be as terrible.
r Jagannth Center

SJC Serbia conference, 2004 Page-14

Pt. Sanjay Rath Paper: Vedic Remedies for Curses Presented on: 25-Jul-04
Rhu indicates shock and cheating and being the lord of the fifth house in lagna, it
destroys the chitta (knowledge or intellect). Saturn is also the fifth lord involved in
the curse and shows very deep rooted sorrow and in this life manifests in defects to
the fifth house of intellect. Mercury is the significator of speech and is placed in the
house of chronic disease in mutual aspect with Jupiter thereby fulfilling the
required condition of manifesting the curse.
Saturn is also the tmakraka and is placed in the 6
house in the navma
indicating that the curse will take the terrible form of a disease related to the chitta
(fifth house) where Saturn is placed.
Merc: 1995-06-01 (4:31:01 pm) - 2008-06-01 (12:35:24 am)
Sun: 2008-06-01 (12:35:24 am) - 2011-06-01 (6:56:45 pm)
Jup: 2011-06-01 (6:56:45 pm) - 2026-06-01 (3:25:10 pm)
Sat: 2026-06-01 (3:25:10 pm) - 2033-06-01 (10:18:24 am)
Mars: 2033-06-01 (10:18:24 am) - 2034-06-01 (4:27:44 pm)
Ven: 2034-06-01 (4:27:44 pm) - 2048-06-01 (6:42:04 am)
Ket: 2048-06-01 (6:42:04 am) - 2055-06-02 (1:34:08 am)
Rah: 2055-06-02 (1:34:08 am) - 2069-06-01 (3:44:49 pm)
Moon: 2069-06-01 (3:44:49 pm) - 2070-06-01 (9:51:13 pm)
Merc: 2070-06-01 (9:51:13 pm) - 2074-06-01 (10:35:09 pm)
The child was born with mild autism that was noticed at a later date when he could
not speak (Mercury in 8
is manifesting the curse). Mercury mla da is right from
birth till 2008 and no remedial measure is going to work as Jupiter is retrograde and
full of rays.
The real reason for such suffering is not hard to decipher. The seventh house from
krakma has a guru-cala yoga indicating that Jupiter shows the sin of a
murder, and since this is in Sagittarius, it was a Brahmin who was murdered.
The question asked was why does the mother of the child also have to suffer so
much, if not more due to this speech defect and autism? Looking into the mothers
chart we found the same guru-cala in Sagittarius in the krakma. This sin was
done by both in the past birth and carries forward as a suffering to this birth.
My Prayer
We are all sinners some more and some less,
in the eyes of He Who holds the scales of natural justice.
Learn to forgive, so that you maybe forgiven
Learn to forget, so that your sins maybe forgotten
Let us resolve to forgive those who have sinned against us so that we may qualify
to be forgiven for our sins. Let us thank Him for having helped us to forget our past
lives so that we may learn to forget the shocks (Rhu), suffering (Saturn), anger
(Mars) and selfishness (Sun) in this birth and surge ahead in our spiritual path(s)
Mla Da

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