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Cc Topic n thi tt nghip THPT hc sinh tham kho (li dch l

ca !oogl" n#n c$ th ch%a ch&nh 'c h(t)*

Topic +, Write a letter to a pen pal about the importance of family in your life
and your family rules.
87 Tran Hung Dao street
Thaibinh, Vietnam
May, 2014
Dear Mai,
I have receive your !etter an I "ee! so g!a #hen $no#ing that you ha %asse
your e&aminations #ith goo mar$s' (ou #ant me to te!! you about my "ami!y
ru!es, an the im%ortance o" "ami!y in my !i"e) I am a!#ays #i!!ing to te!! you a!!
about my "ami!y'
*ami!y ru!es) It+s an interesting to%ic, isn+t it) It may be obvious that every
"ami!y has its o#n ru!es' Mine has a "e#, a%art "rom our traitiona! ru!es,
es%ecia!!y "or this schoo! year as I+m in the "ina! year'
*irst, I+m not a!!o#e to #atch TV, near!y no, e&ce%t #hen there is a goo or
interesting movie or #hen I have "inishe a!! my home#or$ an e&ercises' ,n
never o my %arents !et me stay u% so much !ate at night'
-e&t my %arents on+t %ermit me to go out #ith my "riens #ithout
necessary reason "or e&am%!e birthays'
.esies, I have to ta$e a ba!ance iet to $ee% "it "or my coming e&am' ,n
one more thing I have to $ee% u% is ta!$ing on the %hone, that is I have to set a !imit
to my using o" the %hone'
*or me, "ami!y is very im%ortant %art o" my everyay !i"e' It he!%s me in im%roving
my %ersona!ity' It a!so he!%s me in sha%ing my !i"e' It teaches me the va!ue o" !ove,
a""ection, care, truth"u!ness an se!"/con"ience an %rovies me too!s an
suggestions #hich are necessary to get success in !i"e'
*ami!y is a %!ace #here I can be myse!"' It is a %!ace #here I am acce%te "or #hat
I am' This is #here I am com%!ete!y tension "ree an everyone is there to he!% me'
*ami!y encourages me #hen I am surroune by %rob!ems' It he!%s me survive
through tough times an bring 0oy an ha%%iness into my !i"e' -o# I am %re%aring
"or my 1234 e&amination an the entrance e&amination' They are very har "or
me, but I try my best to %ass the e&ams #ith goo mar$s'
I have to! you something about my "ami!y ru!es' Ho# about your "ami!y ru!es)
,re you reay to !et me $no# about it) I am rea!!y e&cite to hear about it' ,n I
!oo$ "or#ar to hearing "rom you soon'
.est #ishes to you5
Thu Trang
Ch - +, H./ 0i(t th% cho m1t ng%i 23n th4n 25t 0- t6m 78an t9ng ca gia
:nh t9ong c81c sng ca 23n 0 gia :nh 78/ nh ca 23n*
789ng 87 Tr:n H8ng 7;o
Th<i .=nh, Vi>t -am
25 th<ng n?m 2014
Th@n Mai,
TAi BC nhDn B8Ec th8 cFa b;n vG tAi cHm thIy rIt vui $hi biJt rKng b;n BC v8Et Lua
$M thi cFa b;n vNi BiOm cao' .;n muPn tAi nQi cho b;n vR Luy tSc cFa gia B=nh tAi,
vG t:m Luan trTng cFa gia B=nh trong cuUc sPng cFa tAi) TAi !uAn !uAn sVn sGng BO
cho tIt cH c<c b;n vR gia B=nh cFa tAi'
Wuy tSc gia B=nh) 7@y !G mUt chF BR thX vY, %hHi $hAng) -Q cQ thO B8Ec rZ rGng
rKng m[i gia B=nh cQ Luy tSc ri\ng cFa m=nh' TAi cQ mUt sP ]t, ngoGi Luy tSc truyRn
thPng cFa chXng tAi, B^c bi>t !G trong n?m hTc nGy nh8 tAi Bang trong n?m cuPi
7:u ti\n, tAi $hAng B8Ec %h`% &em truyRn h=nh , g:n nh8 $hAng cQ, ngo;i tra $hi
cQ mUt bU %him hay ho^c thX vY ho^c $hi tAi BC hoGn thGnh tIt cH c<c bGi tD% vR nhG
vG bGi tD% cFa tAi' VG $hAng bao gi9 bP mb tAi cho tAi c !;i Lu< nhiRu vGo ban B\m'
TiJ% theo cha mb tAi $hAng cho %h`% tAi Bi chdi vNi b;n be cFa tAi $hAng cQ !f o
c:n thiJt v] g nh8 ngGy sinh nhDt'
.\n c;nh BQ, tAi %hHi cQ mUt chJ BU ?n uPng c@n bKng BO gih cho %h_ hE% cho $M
thi sS% tNi cFa tAi' VG mUt BiRu nha tAi %hHi theo $Y% B8Ec nQi chuy>n Bi>n tho;i,
cQ nghia !G tAi %hHi B^t giNi h;n sj gng cFa tAi vR Bi>n tho;i'
7Pi vNi tAi, gia B=nh !G mUt %h:n rIt Luan trTng cFa cuUc sPng hGng ngGy cFa tAi'
-Q giX% tAi trong vi>c cHi thi>n t]nh c<ch cFa tAi' -Q ckng giX% tAi trong vi>c BYnh
h=nh cuUc sPng cFa tAi' -Q ;y tAi gi< trY cFa t=nh y\u, t=nh cHm, ch?m sQc , trung
thlc, tl tin vG cung cI% cho tAi c<c cAng cg vG c<c BR &uIt BQ !G c:n thiJt BO cQ
B8Ec thGnh cAng trong cuUc sPng'
1ia B=nh !G mUt ndi mG tAi cQ thO !G ch]nh m=nh' 7Q !G mUt ndi mG tAi chI% nhDn
cho nhhng g= tAi' 7@y !G ndi tAi hoGn toGn c?ng thmng minn %h] vG tIt cH mTi ng89i
c BQ BO giX% tAi' 1ia B=nh $huyJn $h]ch tAi $hi tAi B8Ec bao Luanh bci c<c vIn BR'
-Q giX% tAi sPng sQt Lua th9i BiOm $hQ $h?n vG mang !;i niRm vui vG h;nh %hXc
trong cuUc sPng cFa tAi' .@y gi9 tAi Bang chuon bY cho $M thi 1234 cFa tAi vG $M
thi tuyOn sinh' HT rIt $hQ $h?n cho tAi, nh8ng tAi cP gSng hJt spc BO v8Et Lua c<c
$M thi vNi BiOm cao'
TAi BC nQi vNi b;n BiRu g= BQ vR nguy\n tSc gia B=nh cFa tAi' 6Gm thJ nGo vR Luy
tSc gia B=nh cFa b;n) .;n BC sVn sGng BO cho tAi biJt vR nQ) TAi thlc sl vui mang
$hi nghe vR nQ' VG tAi mong muPn B8Ec nghe ta b;n sNm'
69i chXc tPt nhIt cho b;n5
t=nh y\u,
Thu Trang
Topic ;, Write a paragraph to discuss the reasons why many students want to
study abroad.
-o#aays, stuying abroa isnqt a ne# !earning metho an is more an more
%o%u!ar in the #or!' It has severa! goo %oints such asr broaening your
$no#!ege, im%roving your !anguage an he!%ing you #ith more e&%eriences'
Ho#ever, there are some ba %oints !i$er being homesic$, cu!ture shoc$, an
"inancia! %rob!em' This essay #i!! "ocus the above/mentione as%ects'
3tuying abroa is one o" the !earning methos bringing many avantages to you'
-orma!!y, "oreign countries have conitions better than Vietnamqs ones' The
schoo!s an universities are "u!! o" moern "aci!ities he!%ing you can stuy an
com%rehen !essons e""ective!y' The ma0ority o" them are !arge an have many
i""erent ma0ors so it is easier "or you to choose #hich you #ant to !earn' .esies,
you #i!! $no# more things #hen !iving abroa "or a !ong time "or e&am%!e, such
asr cu!ture, traitions, habits, !i"esty!e, "oo an so on' (our $no#!ege, o" course,
#i!! become more abunant' Moreover, the egree o" "oreign country is a!#ays
higher than the one o" Vietnam, so !oo$ing #hich !eas stuents to !oo$ "or a goo
0ob Luic$!y a"ter grauating "rom your university' 3imu!taneous!y, stuying abroa
im%roves your !anguage' (our s%ea$ing an !istening s$i!!s #i!! a!so be "!uent!y
an c!ear!y' In aition, it he!%s you have many e&%eriences as #e!! as so"t s$i!!s
such asr communication s$i!!, managing, routine, time an moneys
-everthe!ess, stuying abroa has some isavantages' *irst!y, #hen !iving in
strange country, being homesic$ or "ee!ing !one!y #i!! ha%%en' 6iving conition o"
"oreign countries is more !u&urious so most o" the things are e&%ensive' There"ore,
"inance is one o" the %rob!ems you have to encounter' 3econ!y, youq!! co%e #ith
cu!ture shoc$' The i""erence o" "oo a!so a""ects your igestionr "oo sme!!s
strange so you canqt eat much, #hich mae ma$es you uncom"ortab!e an it is easy
to get sic$ i" your hea!th isnqt goo' 2ommunication %rob!em can cause i""icu!ty
"or you' 3ometimes, you can be uncon"ient an shy because o" i""erent !earning
sty!e o" "oreign stuents' They are ine%enent, active an !earn by themse!ves but
Vietnamese stuents are shy, e%enent on teachers an !ac$ se!"/taught s$i!!'
In conc!usion, stuying abroa has more avantages than isavantages an is very
use"u! "or you' To reuce ba %oints o" it, you shou! "in an rea as much as
in"ormation as %ossib!e about the country you are going to stuy an %re%are
necessary s$i!!s "or yourse!" so that you can a0ust Luic$!y'
Ch - ;, <i(t m1t o3n 0=n tho l8>n 0- l? do t3i sao nhi-8 sinh 0i#n
m8n i d8 hc*
-gGy nay, u hTc $hAng %hHi !G mUt %h8dng %h<% hTc tD% mNi vG ngGy cGng %ht
biJn tr\n thJ giNi' -Q cQ mUt sP BiOm tPt nh8r mc rUng $iJn thpc cFa b;n, cHi thi>n
ngAn ngh cFa b;n vG giX% b;n cQ $inh nghi>m hdn' Tuy nhi\n, cQ mUt sP BiOm &Iu
nh8r !G nhN nhG, cX sPc v?n hQa, vG vIn BR tGi ch]nh' .Gi viJt nGy su tD% trung vGo
c<c $h]a c;nh n\u tr\n'
HTc c n8Nc ngoGi !G mUt trong nhhng %h8dng %h<% hTc tD% mang !;i nhiRu !Ei thJ
cho b;n' ThAng th89ng, c<c LuPc gia n8Nc ngoGi cQ BiRu $i>n tPt hdn so vNi nhhng
ng89i Vi>t -am' 2<c tr89ng hTc vG c<c tr89ng B;i hTc cQ B:y BF ti>n nghi hi>n B;i
giX% b;n cQ thO hTc vG hiOu bGi hTc mUt c<ch hi>u LuH' vh:n !Nn trong sP BQ !G !Nn
vG cQ nhiRu chuy\n ngGnh $h<c nhau n\n nQ n Gng hdn BO b;n !la chTn mG b;n
muPn hTc' .\n c;nh BQ, b;n su biJt nhiRu BiRu $hi sPng c n8Nc ngoGi mUt th9i
gian Gi v] g, chmng h;n nh8r v?n hQa, truyRn thPng, thQi Luen, !Pi sPng, thlc
%hom vG nh8 vDy' wiJn thpc cFa b;n, tIt nhi\n, su trc n\n %hong %hX hdn ' Hdn
nha, mpc BU n8Nc ngoGi !uAn cao hdn so vNi Vi>t -am, BO t=m $iJm xn sinh vi\n
BO t=m mUt cAng vi>c tPt mUt c<ch nhanh chQng sau $hi tPt nghi>% B;i hTc cFa b;n'
7yng th9i, nghi\n cpu c n8Nc ngoGi cHi thi>n ngAn ngh cFa b;n' wz n?ng nghe vG
nQi cFa b;n ckng su trAi chHy vG rZ rGng' -goGi ra, nQ giX% b;n cQ nhiRu $inh
nghi>m ckng nh8 $z n?ng mRm nh8r $z n?ng giao tiJ%, LuHn !f, thQi Luen, th9i
gian vG tiRn b;c'''
Tuy nhi\n, nghi\n cpu c n8Nc ngoGi cQ mUt sP nh8Ec BiOm' Thp nhIt, $hi sPng c
BIt n8Nc &a !;, B8Ec nhN nhG hay cHm thIy cA Bdn su &Hy ra' 7iRu $i>n sPng cFa
n8Nc ngoGi !G sang trTng hdn v= vDy h:u hJt nhhng BiRu !G tPn $`m' Do BQ, tGi
ch]nh !G mUt trong nhhng vIn BR b;n cQ thO g^% %hHi' Thp hai, b;n su BPi %hQ vNi
cX sPc v?n hQa' 3l $h<c bi>t cFa thlc %hom ckng Hnh h8cng BJn ti\u hQa cFa b;nr
thlc %hom cQ m_i !;, o BQ b;n $hAng thO ?n nhiRu, !Gm cho !Gm cho b;n $hQ chYu
vG nQ rIt n Gng BO cQ B8Ec b>nh nJu spc $h{e cFa b;n $hAng tPt' VIn BR thAng
tin !i\n !;c cQ thO g@y $hQ $h?n cho b;n' 7Ai $hi, b;n cQ thO $hAng tl tin vG nhXt
nh<t v= %hong c<ch hTc tD% $h<c nhau cFa sinh vi\n n8Nc ngoGi' HT !G BUc !D%,
n?ng BUng vG tl hTc nh8ng sinh vi\n Vi>t -am nhXt nh<t, %hg thuUc vGo gi<o vi\n
vG thiJu $z n?ng tl hTc'
Trong $Jt !uDn, nghi\n cpu c n8Nc ngoGi cQ !Ei thJ hdn nhhng bIt !Ei vG rIt hhu
]ch cho b;n' 1iHm BiOm &Iu cFa nQ, b;n n\n t=m vG BTc nhiRu nh8 thAng tin cGng
tPt vR BIt n8Nc b;n Bang Bi BO nghi\n cpu vG chuon bY $z n?ng c:n thiJt cho bHn
th@n BO b;n cQ thO BiRu ch|nh mUt c<ch nhanh chQng'
Topic @, A9it" a pa9ag9aph to int9od8c" a 2"a8t/ spot in <i"t nam*
The ancient to#n o" Hoi ,n, }0 $m south o" Da -ang, !ies on the ban$s o" the Thu
.on ~iver' ccu%ie by ear!y #estern traers, Hoi ,n #as one o" the ma0or traing
centers o" 3outheast ,sia in the 1th century'
Hoi ,n has a istinct 2hinese atmos%here #ith !o#, ti!e/roo"e houses an narro#
streets the origina! structure o" some o" these streets sti!! remains a!most intact' ,!!
the houses #ere mae o" rare #oo, ecorate #ith !acLuere boars an %ane!s
engrave #ith 2hinese characters' vi!!ars #ere a!so carve #ith ornamenta!
There is no shortage o" bacon in to#n, but cao !:u is the ish that one sim%!y can
not miss' vrices an service are right"u!!y on %ar #ith the !atest venues in ma0or
cities !i$e Hanoi an Ho 2hi Minh' veo%!e are very "rien!y in Hoi ,n'
ver the !ast "e# years, Hoi ,n has become a very %o%u!ar tourist estination in
Ch - @, <i(t m1t o3n giBi thi8 m1t thCng cnh D <it Eam*
vhP ct HUi ,n, }0 $m vR %h]a nam 7G -Vng, nKm tr\n b9 sAng Thu .yn' 2hiJm
th8dng gia %h8dng T@y B:u, HUi ,n !G mUt trong nhhng trung t@m th8dng m;i !Nn
cFa $hu vlc 7Ang -am trong thJ $ 1'
HUi ,n cQ mUt b:u $hAng $h] ri\ng bi>t vNi Trung WuPc, nhG ngQi thI% vG nhhng
con B89ng hb% cIu trXc ban B:u cFa mUt sP trong nhhng B89ng %hP vxn cn g:n
nh8 nguy\n vbn' TIt cH c<c nhG B8Ec !Gm bKng g[ Luf hiJm, B8Ec trang tr] vNi
.an sdn mGi vG tIm $hSc $f tl Trung WuPc' Trg cUt ckng BC B8Ec ch;m $hSc vNi
thiJt $J trang tr]'
whAng cQ t=nh tr;ng thiJu thYt &Ang $hQi trong thGnh %hP, nh8ng cao !:u !G mQn ?n
mG ng89i ta ch| Bdn giHn !G $hAng thO b{ !' 1i< cH vG Ych vg !G BXng !G ngang
bKng vNi c<c BYa BiOm mNi nhIt trong c<c thGnh %hP !Nn nh8 HG -Ui vG thGnh %hP
Hy 2h] Minh' MTi ng89i rIt th@n thi>n c HUi ,n'
Trong vGi n?m Lua, HUi ,n BC trc thGnh mUt BYa BiOm u !Ych rIt %ht biJn c Vi>t
Topic F, A9it" a pa9ag9aph to sha9" Gith /o89 H9i"nds a2o8t th" cha9it/ Go9k*
2harity #or$ is a great #ay to he!% the community an to increase !i"e e&%erience
on various issues' hen you have more avantages, you shou! share those
%rivi!eges #ith the %oor, #hich ma$es the community better' In aition, charity
#or$ gives you a chance to better someoneqs !i"e an create a %ositive im%act on
your surrounings by bui!ing a caring society' e an the %oor are the members
o" human race, there"ore, our action o" sharing #i!! strengthen socia! an
traitiona! mora!ity' Moreover, you can gain va!uab!e e&%eriences through rea!
#or$' (ou can #or$ in a!most any "ie! an contribute meaning"u!!y to the cause'
*or e&am%!e, you can vo!unteer "or the betterment o" the isavantage chi!ren in
mountainous regions' (ou can %artici%ate in a #a!$ "or charity an raise "uns "or
the organiation' In short, not on!y oes charity #or$ bring ho%e an ha%%iness to
the community, but it a!so !eas to %ersona! gro#th' It is an e&%erience that cannot
be bought #ith any amount o" money'
Ch - F, <i(t m1t o3n 0=n chia sI 0Bi 23n 2J 0- cng 0ic tK thin*
2Ang t<c ta thi>n !G mUt c<ch tuy>t v9i BO giX% B cUng Byng vG t?ng c89ng $inh
nghi>m cuUc sPng vR c<c vIn BR $h<c nhau' whi b;n cQ nhiRu !Ei thJ, b;n n\n chia
s nhhng B^c LuyRn vNi ng89i ngheo, mG !Gm cho cUng Byng tPt hdn' -goGi ra,
cAng t<c ta thi>n cung cI% cho b;n mUt cd hUi tPt hdn cuUc sPng cFa mUt ai BQ vG
t;o ra mUt t<c BUng t]ch clc mAi tr89ng &ung Luanh bKng c<ch &@y lng mUt &C
hUi Luan t@m' 2hXng tAi vG ng89i ngheo !G nhhng thGnh vi\n cFa !oGi ng89i, o BQ,
hGnh BUng cFa chXng tAi chia s su t?ng c89ng B;o Bpc &C hUi vG truyRn thPng'
Hdn nha, b;n cQ thO B;t B8Ec $inh nghi>m Luf b<u thAng Lua cAng vi>c thlc tJ'
.;n cQ thO !Gm vi>c trong h:u hJt c<c !inh vlc vG BQng gQ% cQ f nghia cho sl
nghi>%' V] g, b;n cQ thO t=nh nguy>n cho sl tiJn bU cFa tr em hoGn cHnh $hQ
$h?n c c<c v_ng miRn nXi' .;n cQ thO tham gia Bi bU ta thi>n vG g@y Luz cho tt
chpc' Trong ngSn h;n, $hAng ch| cAng vi>c ta thi>n mang !;i hy vTng vG h;nh %hXc
cho cUng Byng, nh8ng nQ ckng xn BJn sl %h<t triOn c< nh@n' 7Q !G mUt $inh
nghi>m mG $hAng cQ thO B8Ec mua vNi bIt $M sP tiRn'
TLPMC N, Oo89 school o9ganiP"s a comp"tition Ho9 st8d"nts to G9it" a2o8t
"The world in which I would like to live in the year 2020.Q R"loG a9" ; "ssa/s
2/ on" oH th" st8d"nts*
1' My iea! #or! #ou! be a %eace"u! one' There are no #ars or con"!icts
bet#een nations' veo%!e #on+t have to !ive uner the threat o" terrorism but a!! !ive
together in harmony' 4veryone has a 0ob to o an there is a goo hea!thy stanar
o" !iving "or a!!' I #ou! a!so #ish to !ive in a c!ean hea!thy environment #ith !ess
noise an !ess %o!!ution' There are more an !arger %ar$s #here chi!ren can %!ay
an #i!!i"e can be %rotecte' .ut my main esire is to see %eo%!e !ess
materia!istic, !ess se!"ish, !ess vio!ent an more !oving than they are no#'
2' My iea! #or! #i!! be an interesting one' There #i!! be no !onger terrorism' ,!!
%eo%!e #i!! have 0obs #ith high sa!ary' e #i!! use moern com%uters' In stea o"
ty%ing on com%uters, #e+!! say the #ors an the com%uters #i!! ty%e them' veo%!e
can breathe "resh air an !ive in c!ean environment' 4s%ecia!!y, %eo%!e #i!! use
motorbi$es #hich run on so!ar energy' veo%!e at that time #i!! be richer an they
#i!! !ive !onger than$s to the environment'
TLPMC N, T9%ng tS chTc m1t c81c thi cho hc sinh 0i(t 0- Qth( giBi m ti
m8n sng t9ong n=m ;U;U*Q V%Bi 4/ l ; 2i ti8 l8>n th"o m1t t9ong cc
sinh 0i#n*
1' ThJ giNi !f t8cng cFa tAi su !G mUt trong ha b=nh' whAng cQ chiJn tranh hay
&ung BUt giha c<c LuPc gia ' MTi ng89i su $hAng %hHi sPng 8Ni sl Be Ta cFa chF
nghia $hFng bP nh8ng tIt cH BRu sPng ha thuDn vNi nhau' MTi ng89i BRu cQ mUt
cAng vi>c BO !Gm vG cQ mUt ti\u chuon spc $h{e tPt sPng cho tIt cH' tAi ckng muPn
sPng trong mUt mAi tr89ng !Gnh m;nh s;ch su vNi ]t tiJng yn vG A nhinm ]t hdn' cQ
hdn vG !Nn hdn cAng vi\n ndi tr em cQ thO chdi vG BUng vDt hoang C cQ thO B8Ec
bHo v>' -h8ng mong muPn ch]nh cFa tAi !G BO &em ng89i @n ]t vDt chIt, ]t ]ch $,
]t b;o !lc vG y\u th8dng nhiRu hdn so vNi hi>n nay'
2' ThJ giNi !f t8cng cFa tAi su !G mUt trong nhhng thX vY' 3u cQ $hFng bP $hAng
cn' TIt cH mTi ng89i su cQ vi>c !Gm vNi mpc !8dng cao' 2hXng tAi su sj gng
m<y t]nh hi>n B;i' Thay v= gZ tr\n m<y t]nh, chXng tAi su nQi c<c ta vG c<c m<y
t]nh su !o;i chXng' MTi ng89i cQ thO h]t thc $hAng $h] trong !Gnh vG sPng trong
mAi tr89ng trong s;ch' 7^c bi>t, mTi ng89i su sj gng &e m<y mG ch;y n?ng
!8Eng m^t tr9i' -g89i !Xc BQ su B8Ec %hong %hX hdn vG hT su sPng nh9 cn cho
mAi tr89ng'
TLPMC W, Write a passage about some measures to protect endangered animals'
1' ,s you $no#, anima!s %!ay an im%ortant %art in our environment' They he!%
maintain the bioiversity in nature' Toay many anima! s%ecies, ho#ever, are in
anger o" e&tintion' The reason causing the ecrease in the number o" anima!s is
main!y "rom human beings' It is high time #e must ta$e some measures to %rotect
enangere anima!s'
*irst!y, #e shou! eucate %eo%!e "rom the young age about the im%ortance
o" #i! anima!s in maintain the ecosystem an bioiversity' (oung %eo%!e shou!
be eucate ho# to %rotect our environment in genera! an ho# to %rotect
enangere anima!s in %articu!ar' They shou! be to! about the things that threat
the sa"ety o" #i!!i"e so that they can avoi oing them' This shou! be inc!ue in
their curricu!um at schoo!'
3econ!y, the governments a!! over the #or! shou! set u% nationa! %ar$s
an #i!/!i"e %reserves as many as %ossib!e' Than$s to these %!aces, anima!s #i!!
have a suitab!e habitat to survive an goo conitions to gro# an mu!ti%!y' There
they can be $e%t in a natura! an sa"e environment'
6ast but not !east, each nation must en"orce stricter !a# #ith more serious
%unishment/ ca%ita! %unishment, "or e&am%!e/ to %revent %eo%!e "rom %oaching
rare an va!uab!e anima!s'
In genera!, %rotecting #i! anima!s is not a %erson+s #or$ but it nees the
so!iarity o" human beings a!! over the #or!' I shou! thin$ each o" us has the
res%onsibi!ity "or %rotecting an saving enangere s%ecies be"ore it is too !ate'
2' There are a number o" measures that shou! be ta$en to %rotect enangere
anima!s' *irst, %eo%!e shou! organie i""erent activities to raise %eo%!e+s
a#areness o" the urgent nees to %rotect these anima!s' *or e&am%!e, they ho!
internationa! con"erences, seminars an "orums about the great im%ortance o"
eco!ogy an bioiversity' ,t the same time, they shou! a%%ea! "or government
agencies in the #or! to contribute to the %rogrammes o" %rotecting an %reserving
%!ants an anima!s that are riven to the verge o" e&tinction' In aition, %eo%!e
shou! contribute to the "un o" %reserving the earth+s va!uab!e natura! resources
"or the "uture generations' .esies these, governments shou! enact !a#s to ban
activities that can amage or estroy the nature' I" these measures are ta$en, our
%!anet might be a %eace"u! an beauti"u! %!ace "or a!! $ins o" beings to !ive in'
TLPMC W, <i(t m1t o3n 0=n 0- m1t s 2in php 2o 0 1ng 0>t 78? hi(m*
1' -h8 b;n BC biJt, BUng vDt BQng mUt vai tr Luan trTng trong mAi tr89ng cFa
chXng tAi' HT giX% uy tr= sl Ba ;ng sinh hTc trong tl nhi\n' -gGy nay, nhiRu !oGi
BUng vDt, tuy nhi\n, Bang cQ nguy cd e&tintion' 6f o g@y ra giHm sP !8Eng BUng
vDt chF yJu !G ta con ng89i' 7Q !G th9i gian cao, chXng tAi %hHi mIt mUt sP bi>n
%h<% bHo v> BUng vDt Luf hiJm '
Thp nhIt, chXng ta n\n gi<o gc con ng89i ta tuti tr vR t:m Luan trTng
cFa BUng vDt hoang C trong vi>c uy tr= h> sinh th<i vG Ba ;ng sinh hTc' -hhng
ng89i tr tuti c:n B8Ec gi<o gc nh8 thJ nGo BO bHo v> mAi tr89ng cFa chXng tAi
nQi chung vG !Gm thJ nGo BO bHo v> BUng vDt Luf hiJm nQi ri\ng' HT %hHi B8Ec
thAng b<o vR nhhng BiRu mG mPi Be Ta sl an toGn cFa BUng vDt hoang C BO hT cQ
thO tr<nh !Gm cho hT' 7iRu nGy c:n B8Ec B8a vGo ch8dng tr=nh giHng ;y c tr89ng'
Thp hai, c<c ch]nh %hF tr\n toGn thJ giNi n\n thiJt !D% c<c v89n LuPc gia vG
cuUc sPng hoang C bHo tyn cGng nhiRu cGng tPt ' -h9 vGo nhhng ndi nGy, BUng vDt
su cQ mUt mAi tr89ng sPng %h_ hE% BO tyn t;i vG BiRu $i>n tPt BO %h<t triOn vG nh@n
rUng' BQ, hT cQ thO B8Ec gih trong mUt mAi tr89ng tl nhi\n vG an toGn'
2uPi c_ng nh8ng $hAng $`m, m[i LuPc gia %hHi thlc thi %h<% !uDt nghi\m
$hSc hdn vNi h=nh %h;t tj h=nh vPn nghi\m trTng hdn, v] g nh8 BO ng?n ch^n
nhhng ng89i s?n bSt BUng vDt Luf hiJm vG cQ gi< trY'
-Qi chung, bHo v> BUng vDt hoang C $hAng %hHi !G cAng vi>c cFa mUt
ng89i nh8ng nQ c:n sl BoGn $Jt cFa con ng89i tr\n toGn thJ giNi' TAi n\n nghi
rKng m[i ng89i chXng ta cQ tr<ch nhi>m bHo v> vG tiJt $i>m c<c !oGi nguy cI%
tr8Nc $hi Lu< muUn'
2 ' 2Q mUt sP bi>n %h<% c:n B8Ec thlc hi>n BO bHo v> BUng vDt Luf hiJm' 7:u ti\n,
mTi ng89i n\n tt chpc c<c ho;t BUng $h<c nhau BO n@ng cao nhDn thpc cFa ng89i
@n vR nhu c:u cI% thiJt BO bHo v> c<c !oGi BUng vDt' V] g, hT tt chpc hUi nghY
LuPc tJ, hUi thHo vG inn BGn vR t:m Luan trTng cFa h> sinh th<i vG Ba ;ng sinh
hT' 7yng th9i, hT n\n hI% xn cho c<c cd Luan ch]nh %hF tr\n thJ giNi BQng gQ%
vGo c<c ch8dng tr=nh bHo v> vG bHo tyn thlc vDt vG BUng vDt B8Ec Boy BJn b9 vlc
tuy>t chFng' -goGi ra, mTi ng89i n\n BQng gQ% vGo Luz bHo tyn tGi nguy\n thi\n
nhi\n cQ gi< trY cFa tr<i BIt cho c<c thJ h> t8dng !ai' .\n c;nh BQ, c<c ch]nh %hF
n\n ban hGnh !uDt cIm c<c ho;t BUng cQ thO g@y thi>t h;i ho^c %h< hFy thi\n nhi\n'
-Ju c<c bi>n %h<% nGy B8Ec thlc hi>n, hGnh tinh cFa chXng tAi cQ thO !G mUt ndi
y\n b=nh vG &inh Bb% cho tIt cH c<c !o;i sinh vDt BO sinh sPng'
Topic X, A9it" a 2o8t a 2ook /o8 ha0" 9"ad 9"c"ntl/
I recent!y rea The Increib!e ourney by 3hei!a .urn"or, a boo$ about three
anima! "riens #ho trave! across the 2anaian #i!erness !oo$ing "or their o#ners'
It is a "ascinating story that escribes some o" the increib!e things anima!s can o'
hen a 2anaian "ami!y goes to 4ng!an "or a !ong tri%, they !eave their
three %ets #ith a "rien #ho !ives }00 mi!es a#ay' Though #e!! treate by the
"rien, the %ets miss their "ami!y' ne ay, they are a!so to !eave the "rienqs house
unnotice an begin the !ong 0ourney to "in their o#ners' The centra! theme o" the
boo$, a %rob!em the anima!s must reso!ve, is ho# to survive in the #i!erness in
orer to arrive home' They never cou! have com%!ete the 0ourney a!one, but they
ta$e care o" one another, an a!! the three ma$e it an are reunite #ith their
4ach anima! has a istinct %ersona!ity, but they care "or one another a!most
as i" they #ere a "ami!y' The most im%ressive o" them is the o! og' The 0ourney
#as the most i""icu!t "or him, but amaing!y he "oun the strength to ma$e it'
The author i not try to turn the anima!s into %eo%!e, s%ea$ing an acting
!i$e humans' Instea, she #as "aith"u! to her characters as anima!s an sho#e us
their 0ourney through anima! eyes' That mae the boo$ interesting an
I #ou! !i$e to recommen to anyone #ho !i$es anima!s' I thin$ that anyone
#ho has ever ha a %et or #ante one #ou! en0oy it'
Topic X, <i(t m1t cYn m1t c8n sch 23n . c g6n 4/
1:n B@y tAi BTc The Increib!e ourney bci 3hei!a .urn"or , mUt cuPn s<ch
vR ba ng89i b;n BUng vDt ng89i Bi u !Ych Lua v_ng hoang C 2anaa t=m $iJm chF
sc hhu cFa hT' -Q !G mUt c@u chuy>n hI% xn mG mA tH mUt sP trong nhhng BiRu
B<ng $inh ng;c BUng vDt cQ thO !Gm'
whi mUt gia B=nh ng89i 2anaa Bi tNi n8Nc ,nh cho mUt chuyJn Bi Gi , hT
BO !;i ba vDt nuAi cFa hT vNi mUt ng89i b;n sPng }00 ^m' M^c _ ckng B8Ec BiRu
trY bci nhhng ng89i b;n, nhhng vDt nuAi nhN gia B=nh cFa hT' MUt ngGy, hT ckng
%hHi r9i $h{i nhG cFa b;n B8Ec chX f vG bSt B:u cuUc hGnh tr=nh Gi BO t=m chF sc
hhu cFa hT' 2hF BR trung t@m cFa cuPn s<ch, mUt vIn BR c<c !oGi BUng vDt %hHi
giHi LuyJt !G !Gm thJ nGo BO tyn t;i trong v_ng hoang C BO vR BJn nhG' HT $hAng
bao gi9 cQ thO hoGn thGnh cuUc hGnh tr=nh mUt m=nh, nh8ng hT ch?m sQc nhau, vG
cH ba !Gm cho nQ vG B8Ec BoGn tg vNi chF sc hhu cFa hT'
M[i con vDt cQ mUt t]nh c<ch $h<c bi>t, nh8ng hT ch?m sQc cho nhau nh8
thO hT !G mUt gia B=nh' n t8Eng nhIt trong sP BQ !G con chQ giG' 2uUc hGnh tr=nh
!G $hQ $h?n nhIt BPi vNi anh, nh8ng B<ng ng;c nhi\n Ang BC t=m thIy spc m;nh BO
!Gm cho nQ'
T<c giH BC $hAng cP gSng BO biJn c<c BUng vDt vGo ng89i, nQi vG hGnh BUng
giPng nh8 con ng89i' Thay vGo BQ, cA Iy BC trung thGnh vNi nh@n vDt cFa cA nh8
BUng vDt vG cho chXng ta thIy cuUc hGnh tr=nh cFa m=nh thAng Lua BAi mSt BUng
vDt' 7C !Gm cho cuPn s<ch thX vY vG $hAng thO tin B8Ec'
TAi muPn $huy\n b;n n\n BO bIt cp ai th]ch BUng vDt' TAi nghi rKng bIt cp
ai BC tang cQ mUt con vDt nuAi ho^c muPn ng89i ta su th]ch nQ'
Topic Z, A9it" a pa9ag9aph that a9" "nco8nt"9"d 2/ Gom"n in mod"9n
Throughout much o" the history o" human civi!iation, ee%/seate cu!tura!
be!ie"s a!!o#e #omen on!y !imite ro!es in society' Many %eo%!e be!ieve that
#omen+s natura! ro!es #ere as mothers an #ives' These %eo%!e consiere #omen
to be better suite "or chi!bearing an homema$ing rather than "or invo!vement in
the %ub!ic !i"e o" business or %o!itics' omen no#aays sti!! have to o house#or$,
"u!"i!! their socia! tas$s an get their career achievements' omen, es%ecia!!y in
thir #or! nations have to su""er "rom omestic vio!ence, gener iscrimination in
#or$ %!aces' Ho#ever, many #omen are behaving i""erent!y they are rin$ing
too much, having casua! se&, as a resu!t they have to %ay high %ricesr iseases an
ba re%utations' Many %rob!ems are "acing our #omen, no matter ho# har #e are
trying to so!ve but they are an integra! %art o" our #or!, as it is sai that men
bui! the house an #omen ma$e it home'
Topic Z, <i(t m1t o3n 0=n %[c g\p ca ph] n^ t9ong '. h1i hin 3i*
Trong suPt %h:n !Nn !Ych sj cFa nRn v?n minh cFa con ng89i, v?n hQa t]n ng8ng
s@u &a cho %h`% %hg nh ch| vai tr h;n chJ trong &C hUi' -hiRu ng89i tin rKng vai
tr tl nhi\n cFa %hg nh !G !Gm mb vG vE' -hhng ng89i nGy coi %hg nh !G %h_ hE%
hdn cho sinh B vG nUi trE chp $hAng %hHi !G sl tham gia vGo B9i sPng cAng cUng
cFa oanh nghi>% ho^c ch]nh trY' vhg nh ngGy nay vxn %hHi !Gm vi>c nhG, hoGn
thGnh nhi>m vg &C hUi cFa hT vG cQ B8Ec nhhng thGnh tlu sl nghi>% cFa hT' vhg
nh, B^c bi>t !G c c<c n8Nc thJ giNi thp ba %hHi g<nh chYu b;o !lc gia B=nh, %h@n bi>t
BPi &j giNi t]nh trong ndi !Gm vi>c' Tuy nhi\n, nhiRu %hg nh Bang hGnh &j $h<c
nhau hT Bang uPng Lu< nhiRu, Luan h> t=nh gc b=nh th89ng, $Jt LuH !G hT %hHi trH
gi< caor b>nh vG anh tiJng &Iu' -hiRu vIn BR Bang %hHi BPi m^t %hg nh cFa chXng
tAi, $hAng cQ g= $hQ $h?n $hi chXng tAi Bang cP gSng BO giHi LuyJt nh8ng hT !G
mUt %h:n $hAng thO thiJu cFa thJ giNi chXng ta, nh8 ng89i ta nQi rKng nhhng
ng89i BGn Ang &@y lng ngAi nhG vG %hg nh trc vR nhG'
TLPMC _, A9it" a pa9ag9aph a2o8t on" oH th" Hoot2all match"s /o8 lik" 2"st
To ce!ebrate the Ho 2hi Minh 2ommunist (outh nion+s *ounation Day, our
3choo!+s 3%orts 2!ub recent!y %!aye a "rien!y "ootba!! match #ith Hanoi 3choo!+s
*ootba!! Team' The match #as he! on *ebruary 28th, at 4r00 %m at My Dinh
It #as a nice ay' In the "irst ha!", our team %!aye %retty #e!!' They trie to $ee%
the ba!! a#ay "rom the goa! an as near to our riva!+s as %ossib!e' .y a combination
o" %assing an ribb!ing, the o%%onents gave a shot into our goa!' *ortunate!y, our
goa!ie cou! catch the ba!!' ,!! the stans seeme to be e&%!oe #ith merry an
e&citing shouts' ,n a!! the schoo!boys an gir!s 0um%e u% an o#n cheering' In
the secon ha!", both teams %!aye beauti"u!!y an s$i!"u!!y an trie to score the
goa!, but no/one succeee' *ina!!y it #as a ra#'
hen the game #as over, a!! o" us #ere ha%%y to have a "air game' I thin$ a!! the
schoo!s in the area shou! ho! such a "rien!y game to tie u% an %romote the
"rienshi% an so!iarity together'
TLPMC _, <i(t m1t o3n 0=n 0- m1t t9ong nh^ng t9>n `8 2$ng m 23n
th&ch nh`t*
7O $ ni>m -gGy cFa 6i\n minh Hy 2h] Minh Thanh ni\n 2Ung sHn *ounation,
ThO thao 2@u !;c bU hTc cFa chXng tAi g:n B@y BC chdi mUt trDn BIu bQng B< giao
hhu vNi 7Ui tuyOn bQng B< tr89ng hTc cFa HG -Ui' TrDn BIu B8Ec tt chpc vGo
ngGy 28 th<ng 2, t;i 1r00 t;i s@n vDn BUng Mz 7=nh'
7Q !G mUt ngGy tPt Bb%' Trong nja B:u, nhQm nghi\n cpu cFa chXng tAi BC chdi
$h< tPt' HT BC cP gSng BO gih cho bQng Bi ta mgc ti\u vG !G BPi thF cFa chXng tAi
g:n nh8 cQ thO' .ci sl $Jt hE% cFa truyRn vG !aa bQng, c<c BPi thF BC B8a ra mUt
bSn vGo mgc ti\u cFa chXng tAi' May mSn thay, thF mAn cFa chXng tAi cQ thO bSt
bQng' TIt cH c<c $h<n BGi 89ng nh8 nt tung vNi tiJng !a h`t vui v vG thX vY' VG
tIt cH c<c nam sinh vG nh nhHy !\n nhHy &uPng ct vk' Trong hi>% hai, cH hai BUi
chdi Bb% vG $h`o !`o vG cP gSng ghi bGn thSng, nh8ng $hAng ai thGnh cAng' 2uPi
c_ng nQ BC B8Ec mUt trDn ha'
whi trDn BIu $Jt thXc, tIt cH chXng ta BC may mSn cQ mUt tr chdi cAng bKng' TAi
nghi rKng tIt cH c<c tr89ng trong $hu vlc c:n gih nh8 mUt tr chdi th@n thi>n vNi
tie !\n vG thXc Boy Luan h> hhu nghY vG BoGn $Jt vNi nhau'
TLPMC +U, A9it" a pa9ag9aph a2o8t m"as89"s to 9"d8c" Vom"stic 0iol"nc"*
Domestic vio!ence is the most common "orm o" vio!ence against #omen an its
conseLuences a""ect many areas o" the !ives o" victims housing, hea!th,
eucation an the "reeom to !ive their !ives #ithout "ear an in the #ay they #ish'
This #ies%rea %henomenon is common to a!! 4uro%ean countries an is not
!imite to any %articu!ar socia! grou% or c!ass' Domestic vio!ence can ta$e a
number o" "orms such as %hysica! assau!t, se&ua! abuse an ra%e, threats an
intimiation an shou! be recognise as a crime'
*or a!! its "au!ts, this government has certain!y been %roactive in trying to get a
han!e on the %rob!em' They havenqt a!#ays ha the right %riorities, an their
"onness "or !egis!ative action has occasiona!!y been se!"/e"eating, but #ith the
introuction o" s%ecia!ise omestic vio!ence courts, the increase in %rosecutions,
the introuction o" mu!ti/agency tas$ "orces to ienti"y at/ris$ iniviua!s an the
increase vigi!ance against "orce marriage, they have certain!y mae some
%ositive, i" incrementa!, %rogress' .ut, as an over#he!ming ma0ority o" e&%erts #i!!
attest, there is sti!! much that nees to be one'
*irst, victims nee to $no# that they have been victims of a crime rather than the
inevitab!e by/%rouct o" some !oversq ti""' The .ritish 2rime 3urvey "oun that the
re%orting rate, #hi!st eye/#atering!y !o#, #as signi"icant!y higher amongst men
an #omen #ho $ne# their %artnersq abuse #as against the !a#' Here, avertising
an a#areness cam%aigns should %!ay an im%ortant ro!e, but recent research has
"oun them not to be having much o" an e""ect' e nee to "igure out o" a #ay o"
encouraging greater numbers o" victims to come "or#ar'
3econ!y, more attention nees to be %ai to rehabi!itating the aggressors' hi!st I
rea!ise that rehabi!itating a s%ouse/beater is about as %o%u!ar as hugging a hooie,
it remains true that %rosecution a!one #onqt ma$e a seria! abuser men his or her
#ays' ,s "igures "rom ,merica have a%%arent!y sho#n that %eo%!e #ho ta$e
omestic vio!ence %rogrammes are !ess !i$e!y to reo""en, #e shou! ma$e this a
%riority o" any anti/vio!ence crusae'
Thir, #e urgent!y nee a nationa! ra%e hot!ine an, as the Tories %ro%ose, an
increase in the number o" ra%e crisis centres' There are "ar "e#er ra%e crisis centres
than there #ere 20 years ago, an since the #omen #ho use them "reLuent!y
"in their com"ort, sanctuary an su%%ort inva!uab!e, #e shou! ensure there are
enough to cater "or the #ho!e country'
TLPMC +U, <i(t m1t o3n 0=n 0- cc 2in php gim 23o lac gia :nh*
.;o !lc gia B=nh !G h=nh thpc %ht biJn nhIt cFa b;o !lc BPi vNi %hg nh vG hDu LuH
cFa nQ Hnh h8cng BJn nhiRu !inh vlc cFa cuUc sPng cFa n;n nh@n / nhG c, y tJ,
gi<o gc vG sl tl o BO sPng cuUc sPng cFa m=nh mG $hAng sE hCi vG theo c<ch hT
muPn' Hi>n t8Eng %ht biJn nGy !G chung cho tIt cH c<c n8Nc ch@u u vG $hAng
giNi h;n bIt $M nhQm &C hUi hay !N%' .;o !lc gia B=nh cQ thO mIt mUt sP h=nh thpc
nh8r hGnh hung, !;m gng t=nh gc vG c8ng hiJ%, Be Ta vG Be Ta vG c:n B8Ec
cAng nhDn !G mUt tUi %h;m'
7Pi vNi tIt cH ![i !:m cFa m=nh, ch]nh %hF nGy BC chSc chSn B8Ec chF BUng trong
vi>c cP gSng BO cQ B8Ec mUt &j !f vR vIn BR nGy' HT BC $hAng !uAn !uAn cQ nhhng
8u ti\n BXng, vG sl Bam m\ c<c ho;t BUng !D% %h<% BC BAi $hi ckng tl B<nh b;i,
nh8ng vNi sl ra B9i cFa ToG <n b;o !lc gia B=nh chuy\n ngGnh, sl gia t?ng truy tP,
sl ra B9i cFa !lc !8Eng B^c nhi>m cFa nhiRu cd Luan BO &<c BYnh t;i / c< nh@n rFi
ro vG sl cHnh gi<c t?ng so vNi hAn nh@n c8ng `%, hT BC chSc chSn thlc hi>n mUt
sP t]ch clc, nJu gia t?ng, tiJn bU' -h8ng, nh8 mUt Ba sP <% BHo cFa c<c chuy\n gia
su chpng thlc, vxn cn nhiRu BiRu c:n %hHi !Gm'
7:u ti\n, n;n nh@n c:n %hHi biJt rKng hT !G n;n nh@n cFa mUt tUi %h;m chp $hAng
%hHi !G $hAng thO tr<nh $h{i sHn %hom %hg cFa mUt sP nhhng ng89i y\u th]ch ti""'
7iRu tra tUi %h;m ng89i ,nh %h<t hi>n ra rKng t !> b<o c<o, trong $hi mSt
#atering!y thI% , cao hdn B<ng $O giha nam vG nh, nhhng ng89i biJt t=nh tr;ng !;m
gng c<c BPi t<c cFa hT !G tr<i %h<% !uDt' B@y, LuHng c<o vG c<c chiJn Ych n@ng
cao nhDn thpc n\n BQng mUt vai tr Luan trTng, nh8ng nghi\n cpu g:n B@y BC t=m
thIy hT $hAng thO cQ nhiRu t<c BUng' 2hXng tAi c:n %hHi t=m ra mUt c<ch BO
$huyJn $h]ch con sP !Nn hdn cFa c<c n;n nh@n BO Bi vR %h]a tr8Nc'
Thp hai, chX f nhiRu hdn c:n %hHi B8Ec trH tiRn BO %hgc hyi nhhng $ &@m !8Ec'
Trong $hi tAi nhDn ra rKng %hgc hyi mUt ng89i %hPi ngxu / beater !G vR !G %ht biJn
nh8 Am mUt <o, nQ vxn cn BXng mG truy tP mUt m=nh su $hAng !Gm cho mUt $
b;o hGnh nPi tiJ% hGn gSn c<ch cFa Ang hay cA Iy' -h8 sP !i>u ta Mz rZ rGng BC
ch| ra rKng nhhng ng89i cQ c<c ch8dng tr=nh b;o !lc gia B=nh ]t cQ $hH n?ng t<i
%h;m, chXng ta n\n thlc hi>n BiRu nGy !G mUt 8u ti\n cFa bIt $M chiJn Ych chPng
b;o !lc'
Thp ba, chXng tAi rIt c:n mUt B89ng @y nQng LuPc gia vG hiJ% @m, nh8 7Hng
.Ho thF BR &uIt, sl gia t?ng sP !8Eng c<c trung t@m cuUc $hFng hoHng hiJ% @m'
2Q rIt ]t c<c trung t@m cuUc $hFng hoHng hiJ% @m hdn cH 20 n?m tr8Nc, vG $O ta
$hi nhhng ng89i %hg nh sj gng chXng th89ng &uy\n thIy thoHi m<i, $hu bHo tyn
cFa hT vG h[ trE vA gi<, chXng tAi %hHi BHm bHo cQ BF BO %hgc vg cho cH n8Nc'

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