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Hello IDG Host:

Thank you for joining our campaign. Here you will find sample text for an invite.
Feel free to change, copy and paste this into an email that you send to your
We look forward to celebrating with you!
WHERE: [insert location]
TIME: [insert date and time]
Around the world, millions of girls face barriers to education that boys do not. And yet,
when you educate a girl you can break cycles of poverty in just one generation.
Girl Rising is a groundbreaking film that has already been seen by millions. Its also a
movement for girls education that I am proud to support.
Join me on October 11, 2013 to find out how educating girls can change the world
and learn how you can make a difference.
Girl Rising is supporting thousands of International Day of the Girl events around the
world. Your attendance will send a message: Investing in girls is not just right, its smart.
Educate girls. Change the World.
PLEASE RSVP [insert email and phone number]
If you havent seen Girl Rising, take a minute to watch the trailer and be inspired.
Girl Rising is a feature film, narrated by Meryl Streep, Anne Hathaway, Selena Gomez and others, that
tells the stories of nine incredible girls across the globe. We are also a campaign and a community that
believes investing in girls will bring about transformative change for families, communities and nations.
Using the power of storytelling and film, shared with and by people like you, we will spread the message
that investing in girls benefits everyone.
More info at

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