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CheyTac M200 Intervention Sniper Rifle

The product that I chose to create in SolidWorks was the CheyTac M200 Intervention.
The M200 is an American bolt action sniper rifle manufactured by CheyTac LLC. It is capable
of delivering a .408 or .375 round with great accuracy at ranges up to 2.500 yards.

I chose to create a model of the CheyTac M200 in SolidWorks because I am fascinated
with our military and the technology that it continues to develop. The physics and engineering
involved to develop a weapon that can shoot a bullet and hit a target almost 1.5 miles away is
incredible. The precision and mechanics of what goes into firing the bullet all pertain to
mechanical engineering and is what really interested me about the gun.

The SolidWorks model of the gun was challenging but being challenged was what I
found to be the best part of the project. I didnt create the actual trigger mechanism inside of the
gun but I made everything you can see from the outside. The most challenging part was with
dimensioning the gun because there was no where that I could find the exact dimensions for
every part. The only dimension that I used was the barrel length of the CheyTac m200 which is
29. I used a side view image of the gun and set up ratios based on the known value of the barrel
to formulate dimensions for the other parts. There was a lot of calculations involved to make the
parts but they all turned out good.

In the process of creating the design, I became more comfortable manuevering around the
SolidWorks interface and using its many abilities. I learned how to design, plan, and construct a
physical model of a product in which there were very few known measurements for the product.
I learned patience through trial and error when creating the parts based off of ratios because
sometimes parts came out smaller or larger than what they appeared to actually be. Overall I had
a lot of fun completing this project and really gained an appreciation for the SolidWorks

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