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PSY 550 Additional Resources

Internship Task 6/5/14

Cindy Hanks


1. Find a few articles that are "digestible" on the ills of social media. (on this
2. Week 4 - Need readings on baggage. (on this document)

Social Media Articles

Find a few articles that are "digestible" on the ills of social media.
I looked at the online library for a good period of time, but did not find a whole lot.
So, I did a web search for PDF's. Below are a list of articles, but, of course, you'll
need to review for appropriateness. Although I thought this would be easier to
find, it proved to be somewhat of a challenge, especially when trying to envision
who the learner is and in alignment with the objectives. I'll keep looking, but
wanted to give you what I had so far.

1. This article is from the online library and discusses the ethical and safety
issue for psychologists in relation to using social media sites when treating a

Taylor, L., McMinn, M., Bufford, R., & Chang, K. (2010). Psychologists Attitudes and
Ethical Concerns Regarding the Use of Social Networking Web Sites. Professional
Psychology: Research and Practice, American Psychological Association, v. 41, no. 2,
153-159, DOI: 10.1037/a0017996

2. This article touches on the ethics of social media as it is related to child
psychology. Not sure if this is what they're looking for.

Tunick, R., Mednick, L., & Conroy, C. (2011). A snapshot of child psychologists' social
media activity: Professional and ethical practice implications and recommendations.
Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, v42, no.6, 440-447, DOI:

3. This article deals with social media addictions and the psychological

Akter, T. (2014). Social media addiction, resistance, and influence of awareness:
Measurement of psychology students' resistance to Facebook addiction. Mediterranean
Journal of Social Sciences, MCSER Publishing, Rome-Italy, v5, no.8,

4. This article discusses how the "typical" adolescent egocentrism is
exacerbated by the use of social media and gives them a new medium to display
this behavior.

Niegowski, S., Evans, D., & Epstein, Eden. (2010). Adolescent egocentrism and social
media - does the psychology align? Retrieved from Psychster, Inc.;_ylu=X3oDMTEwNXM

5. This article is a web article (non-PDF), but looked like a good one.

Luskin, B. (2012). The media psychology effect.: Examining psychology through media.
[Web article]. Retrieved from

Week 4 - Baggage Articles

Appraise impact of psychological baggage on relationships - need articles.

1. This article discusses how a group of divorcees' first marriage baggage has
affected their second marriage.

Brimhall, A., Wampler, K., & Kimball, T. (2008). Learning from the past, altering the
future: A tentative theory of the effect of past relationships on couples who remarry.
Family Process, v. 47, issue 3, 373-387, [15 pgs]

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