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Date: 28 January 2014

Topic: To decrease or stop the cases of infanticide and feticide around the world

Submitted by: St. Lucia

The General Assembly,

NOTING with deep concern that countries all around the world such as, but not limited to, India, China,
Southeast Asia, and Pakistan are having large cases of infanticide and feticide for many years

RECOGNIZING that some countries have created laws firmly condemning infanticide and feticide for
everyone in their country,

ACKNOWLEDGING that many families practice infanticide and feticide due to financial issues,
religious views, and potential pension issues such as, when a women marries, the womens
parents have to pay a dowry and when a women marries, she is entitled to her husbands family
and not her former one,

NOTING that many of these infant girls are killed by ways of suffocation, poisoning, self-harm, forced
suicide, and drowning,

DRAWS the attention that 500,000 baby girls are killed every year just alone in India and an estimated
60 million girls are missing just alone in Asia,

APPRECIATES the extended support and assistance in multiple organizations around the world such as
UN women who have put many resources into saving females all around the world,

1. CALLS for the creation of shelters all around the world, starting in the countries with the most cases
of infanticide and feticide, to help these infant girls and unborn babies to live a life freely ;
2. RECOGNIZING that UN of women, NOW (National Organization of Women), Global Fund for
Women, and Ford Foundation are all womens rights organizations that have grants and are
spreading their money from these grants to help out
3. HUMBLY Requesting donations from fellow United Nation countries to help support these
organizations and the building of these orphanages;
4. ENCOURAGES all member nations to spread the word of this issue and help raise donations from
their citizens;
5. RESOLVES that these funds will be used to build these orphanages and that building the orphanages
will stimulate jobs in these countries;
6. APPRECIATES all who support this movement.

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