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Ms. West and Ms. Ashby
Arlington Elementary !hool "2#4
#$05 W %ogers A&en'e
(altimore) M* 212#0
*ear Parents)
Wel!ome to Pre-Kindergarten at Arlington Elementary-Middle
!hool. We are looking /or0ard to 0orking 0ith all o/ yo'r !hildren this
s!hool year. Miss Ashby and 1 are here to 2ro&ide yo'r !hild 0ith
meaning/'l e32erien!es that 0ill 2romote gro0th and de&elo2ment it
all areas. We are looking /or0ard to 0orking 0ith yo' to a!hie&e
s'!!ess /or all o/ o'r st'dents.
1n this handbook yo' 0ill 4nd e&erything that yo' need to kno0
abo't Pre-Kindergarten at Arlington Elementary-Middle !hool. Please
read thro'gh it and kee2 it handy thro'gho't the s!hool year.
We belie&e that 2ositi&e !omm'ni!ation bet0een 2arents and
tea!hers is the key to s'!!ess in the !lassroom. Please /eel /ree to
!onta!t 's 0ith any 5'estions or !on!erns yo' may ha&e and 0e 0ill
do the same. 6isted belo0 are my email address and the tele2hone
n'mber /or the s!hool. 7he Parent-7ea!her 8omm'ni!ation 9o'rnal 0ill
be sent home daily as 0ell. 7his is a great 0ay to !omm'ni!ate ba!k
and /orth ea!h day.
We are so e3!ited to get this s!hool year start and to 0ork
together to make this year the best it !an be.
Ms. West and Ms. Ashby
Phone: ;410< #+,-05,$ Email:
Arrival Procedures
!hool begins at >:00.
t'dents sho'ld not arri&e be/ore the start o/ s!hool as s'2er&ision is
not 2ro&ided and st'dents 0ill not be admitted into the b'ilding.
t'dents in Pre-K 0ill arri&e thro'gh the door a!ross /rom the small
2laygro'nd. ;7he 2laygro'nd that is in bet0een the 2arking lot and
main entran!e<
o 1n !ase o/ in!lement 0eather) the st'dents 0ill re2ort to the
!a/eteria) 0here they 0ill be sent '2 at >:00
At >:15 yo'r !hild is !onsidered tardy) i/ yo' arri&e a/ter >:15) yo' m'st
go to the o?!e and obtain a late 2ass be/ore !oming into the
@o !hildren are 2ermitted to enter the s!hool b'ilding be/ore >:00
1t is &ery im2ortant /or yo' to make 's a0are o/ any allergies that yo'r !hild
has. Please 4ll o't and ret'rn the allergy !ard that yo' 0ill re!ei&e d'ring
orientation or on the 4rst day o/ s!hool.
Attendan!e is one o/ the most im2ortant ingredients to s'!!ess in s!hool.
Make s're yo'r !hild attends s!hool e&ery day) on time) 0hen they are in
good health. 1/ yo'r !hild misses s!hool) yo' m'st 2ro&ide a 0ritten e3!'se)
0hi!h e32lains the absen!e and is signed by a 2arent-g'ardian or 2hysi!ian.
7he st'dents 0ill !om2lete /re5'ent assessments in order to monitor their
2rogress thro'gho't the s!hool year. All assessments 0ill be ke2t at s!hool
'ntil the end o/ the s!hool year. 1/ yo' 0o'ld like to see yo'r !hildAs
assessment /older at any time) 2lease !onta!t me.
(a!k2a!ks are the 2er/e!t 0ay to !arry materials to and /rom s!hool. Ea!h
st'dent is re5'ired to ha&e a ba!k2a!k. Make s're that the ba!k2a!k is large
eno'gh to 4t a binder. Please make s're to !lean o't yo'r !hildAs ba!k2a!k
thro'gho't the year. (a!k2a!ks on 0heels are not 2ermitted. 8rayons)
2en!il bo3es and other items are not needed at s!hool and sho'ld be
remo&ed /rom ba!k2a!ks to lighten the load.
We 2romote and e32e!t 2ositi&e beha&ior /rom ea!h st'dent at all times. B'r
beha&ior system is e32lained on the atta!hed sheet. (eha&ior 0ill be
re!orded ea!h day in the 8omm'ni!ation 9o'rnal. Please discuss what
happened at school with your child and sign and return the journal
each day.
Co'r !hildAs binder is 0here yo' 0ill 4nd 0eekly ne0sletters /rom the tea!her)
s!hool-0ide in/ormation) home0ork) reading !alendars and m'!h) m'!h
more. 1t is &ery im2ortant /or yo'r !hild to bring their binder to s!hool e&ery
day to ens're all im2ortant in/ormation makes it home to yo'. Please clean
the binder out periodically throughout the year as they can become
very heavy!
(irthdays are an im2ortant milestone in e&ery !hildAs li/e. t'dents are
en!o'raged to bring in a s2e!ial treat to share 0ith the !lass /or their
birthday. Easily di&idable or 2re-0ra22ed items s'!h as !'2!akes or !ookies
0ork best. Pa2er 2rod'!ts) na2kins and !'2s m'st also be 2ro&ided as 0e do
not ha&e a!!ess to these items. 1/ yo' do not 0ish /or yo'r !hild to
2arti!i2ate in birthday !elebrations) 2lease let me kno0.
Eating a n'tritio's break/ast ea!h day sets yo'r !hild '2 /or s'!!ess. Dree
break/ast is ser&ed e&eryday in the !lassroom /rom >:00->:15. 1/ yo' arri&e
a/ter >:15) break/ast 0ill not be a&ailable.
Change of Clothes
Pre-K !an be a messy 2la!e and a!!idents sometimes ha22en. Please send a
!hange o/ !lothes to s!hool in a !lear) gallon-siEed) Fi2lo! bag) labeled with
your childs name. Please make s're to in!l'de all arti!les o/ !lothing
;shirt) 2ants) so!ks) 'ndergarments<. Make s're to 2eriodi!ally !he!k to see i/
any arti!les need to be re2lenished.
1 belie&e that !onsistent !omm'ni!ation bet0een s!hool and home is the key
to a 2ositi&e ed'!ational e32erien!e. Parent @e0sletters are sent home on
the 4rst day o/ ea!h 0eek. 1n the ne0sletter yo' 0ill 4nd '2!oming e&ents)
reminders and home0ork assignments. 1/ yo' ha&e any 5'estions or
!on!erns 2lease !onta!t me by 2hone) email) or by 0riting a note in the
8omm'ni!ation 9o'rnal.
Communication Journal
7he 8omm'ni!ation 9o'rnal is a dire!t !onne!tion bet0een s!hool and home.
Ea!h day 0e 0ill re!ord yo'r !hildAs beha&ior in the 8omm'ni!ation 9o'rnal
and send it home. 1t is imperative that yo' look at) sign and dis!'ss the
Go'rnal 0ith yo'r !hild ea!h night. Please en!o'rage 2ositi&e beha&iors by
re0arding them /or it. Please dis!o'rage negati&e beha&iors by dis!'ssing
the im2ortan!e o/ /ollo0ing r'les at s!hool 0ith yo'r !hild. 7he
8omm'ni!ation 9o'rnal is also a great 2la!e /or yo' to 0rite notes /or me to

ismissal Procedures
!hool ends 2rom2tly at 2:50.
8hildren 0ill be dismissed /rom the o'tside !lassroom door at 2:50
;lo!ated on the side o/ the b'ilding !losest to the main door< !"#$
%%& '#(( )%! B* %P*)* B*+%&* ,-./. Please do not kno!k on
the door as it disr'2ts learning.
@o one 0ill be 2ermitted to enter the !lassroom thro'gh the !lassroom
Blder st'dents m'st 0alk aro'nd the b'ilding to 2i!k '2 yo'nger
st'dents as they 0ill not be 2ermitted to 0alk thro'gh the b'ilding.
1/ yo'r st'dent is not 2i!ked '2 by #:00) they 0ill be es!orted to the
a/ter-s!hool !are roomH this ser&i!e m'st be 2aid /or '2on 2i!k-'2)
0itho't e3!e2tion.
7he /ee /or a/ter-s!hool !are is I5.00 2er ho'r or a /ra!tion thereo/.
ee JEarly *ismissalK /or the !ity-0ide Early *ismissal Poli!ies
*arly ismissals
@o early dismissals 0ith be granted a/ter 2:00 2m. 1n order /or the st'dents
to re!ei&e an early dismissal) 2arents m'st s'bmit a 0ritten e32lanation o/
the early dismissal on the morning o/) or the day be/ore the early dismissal.
(e/ore 2i!king '2 yo'r !hild /rom the !lassroom) yo' m'st 4rst go to the
o?!e and sign them o't.
*arly &elease ays
Early %elease *ays are days that the !hildren lea&e s!hool early be!a'se o/
!on/eren!es or 0eather related in!idents. Co' 0ill be noti4ed o/ all early
release days be/ore hand. All st'dents are to be 2i!ked '2 at 11:#0 at the
o'tside !lassroom door.
*mergency Cards
Please be s're that the s!hool al0ays has the most !'rrent emergen!y
!onta!t in/ormation /or yo'r !hild. Emergen!y !ards and in/ormation sheets
0ill be sent home to !om2lete on the 4rst day o/ s!hool.
+ield !rips
Dield tri2s are an e3!iting 0ay to e32erien!e the !on!e2ts 0e are leaning in
the !lassroom. We ha&e many e3!iting 2rograms 2lanned thro'gho't the
year both in and o't o/ the b'ilding. Parents 0ill be noti4ed o/ all 4eld tri2s
/ar in ad&an!e.A 4eld tri2 2ermission sli2 m'st be t'rned in by the d'e date
/or yo'r !hild to attend. Lol'nteers are o/ten needed to !ha2erone gro'2s o/
!hildren. All st'dents MM7 ride the b's to and /rom the 4eld tri2.
+lash Cards
Pra!ti!e is an essential 2art o/ mastering any skill. Co' 0ill be gi&en the tools
to assemble letter) n'mber and sight 0ord Nash !ards. We 0ill be 'sing the
Nash !ards /or many diOerent home a!ti&ities and games. Please 0ork 0ith
yo'r !hild to !om2lete these a!ti&ities 'ntil they !an !om2lete them

6earning to 0ork together in gro'2s is a big 2art o/ o'r Pre-K *ay. t'dents
0ill 2arti!i2ate in &ario's small gro'2 and 0hole gro'2 a!ti&ities thro'gho't
ea!h day. 1t is d'ring this time that they learn ho0 to 0ork !oo2erati&ely 0ith
others. Please en!o'rage yo'r st'dent to 0ork 0ith !oo2erati&ely 0ith
others by dis!'ssing sharing) taking t'rns and 0orking 0ith others.
Home0ork is an im2ortant ingredient in the re!i2e /or a s'!!ess/'l s!hool
year. Home0ork is gi&en o't ea!h Monday /or the 0eek and is to be
!om2leted by Driday. Please allo0 yo'r !hild to !om2lete the 0ork as
inde2endently as 2ossible. 7he 2'r2ose o/ home0ork is /or yo'r !hild to
2ra!ti!e the skills 0e are learning.
We en!o'rage-tea!h inde2enden!e in o'r Pre-Kindergarten !lassroom. Here
is a list o/ skills 0e e32e!t the !hildren to do inde2endently by the end o/ the
g nose
ng '2
We 0ill be 'sing a &ariety o/ Go'rnals this year:
Writing 9o'rnals- Ea!h st'dent 0ill be 0riting
and ill'strating in a Go'rnal this year. 7he
st'dents 0ill /ree 0rite in this Go'rnal daily.
7he 2'r2ose /or Go'rnal 0riting is /or yo'r !hild
to e32lore 0riting on their o0n le&el. 9o'rnals
0ill be ke2t in the st'dentAs !hair 2o!kets and
!an be &ie0ed at any time.
%es2onse 9o'rnals- Ea!h st'dent 0ill be 0riting
and ill'strating in their res2onse Go'rnal. 7he
st'dents 0ill 0rite abo't n'mero's to2i!s and
!on!e2ts. 9o'rnals 0ill be ke2t in the st'dentAs
!hair 2o!kets and !an be &ie0ed at any time.
Poem 9o'rnals- Ea!h st'dent 0ill be gi&en a
2oem Go'rnal that 0ill be sent home e&ery
Driday. 7he st'dents are to 2ra!ti!e re!iting
the 2oem at home o&er the 0eekend.
Hand0riting 9o'rnals- Hand0riting Go'rnals 0ill
be 'sed /or the st'dents to 2ra!ti!e !orre!tly
/orming letters. 9o'rnals 0ill be ke2t in the
st'dentAs !hair 2o!kets and !an be &ie0ed at
any time.
Math 9o'rnals- Ea!h st'dent 0ill be gi&en a
math Go'rnal 0here they 0ill 2ra!ti!e and
re&ie0 math skills.
We in!or2orate being kind to others in e&erything
that 0e do. We e32e!t all st'dents and 2arents to be
kind to others in o'r !lassroom and s!hool b'ilding.
Please en!o'rage yo'r !hild to be kind at home as
0ell as in the !lassroom.
Dree and %ed'!ed 6'n!h A22li!ations 0ill be handed
o't at the beginning o/ the year. E&ery !hild MM7
ha&e a l'n!h a22li!ation on 4le ;e&en i/ yo' 2lan on
2a!king a l'n!h /or yo'r !hild e&eryday<. Hot l'n!h is
ser&ed in the !a/eteria e&ery day. Co' may also 2a!k
a n'tritio's l'n!h /or yo'r !hild) 2lease remember
that !hildren need to be able to inde2endently o2en
and eat the items in their l'n!h. We *B @B7 ha&e
the ability to heat or !ool yo'r !hildAs l'n!h.
1/ a st'dent m'st take a 2res!ri2tion or o&er the
!o'nter medi!ation ;in!l'ding inhalers et!.< d'ring
s!hool ho'rs) the /ollo0ing 2ro!ed're MM7 be
/ollo0ed be/ore any medi!ation !an be dis2ensed:
Dor ea!h medi!ation) a !om2leted 2ermission
sli2 m'st be on 4le 0ith the n'rse
All medi!ation m'st be in the original) labeled
2harma!y !ontainer
All medi!ations m'st be hand deli&ered to the
s!hool n'rse by an ad'lt) no medi!ations are to
be sent to s!hool 0ith the st'dents
All medi!ations are administered by the s!hool
Please see the s!hool n'rse /or any other in/ormation.
7he 0eekly ne0sletter is gi&en o't ea!h Monday.
Please take the time to read the ne0sletter as it gi&es
all o/ the im2ortant in/ormation and reminders /or the
0eek. 7he home0ork assignments are also e32lained
on this 2age.
%utdoor Play
7he !hildren 0ill ha&e daily o'tdoor 2laytime
0hene&er the 0eather 2ermits) in!l'ding d'ring the
0inter months. Please make s're yo'r !hild !omes to
s!hool in shoes and o'ter 0ear that are a22ro2riate
/or r'nning and !limbing.
We 0ill be ha&ing se&eral 2arties thro'gho't the year
to !elebrate diOerent s'!!esses and o!!asions. Co'
0ill al0ays re!ei&e in/ormation in ad&an!e abo't
these e&ents. *onations and &ol'nteers are 0hat
make o'r 2arties a s'!!ess. 1/ /or any reason yo'
0o'ld not like yo'r !hild to 2arti!i2ate in any 2arty)
2lease let me kno0 and 0e 0ill make other
arrangements /or the st'dent.
When yo'r !hild !omes home /rom s!hool and says
that all they did 0as 2lay) they are right. 8hildren o/
this age learn thro'gh diOerent 2lay e32erien!es.
We in!or2orate 2lay and /'n a!ti&ities into e&erything
0e do. Play is also an im2ortant 0ay /or !hildren to
e32ress themsel&es and e32lore the 0orld as 0ell as
de&elo2 so!ial skills that they 0ill 'se /or years to
Progress &eports
Progress re2orts are gi&en o't /o'r times thro'gho't
the year. 7he 2'r2ose o/ the 2rogress re2ort is to
gi&e yo' an idea o/ ho0 yo'r !hild is 2rogressing in
the middle o/ ea!h 5'arter. 8on/eren!e times are
a&ailable /or yo' to 2i!k '2 and dis!'ss yo'r !hildAs
2rogress re2ort. 1/ yo' are 'nable to attend at these
times) 2lease !onta!t me and 0e 0ill arrange another
time to meet.
7he P7B is a /antasti! 0ay /or yo'r &oi!e to be heard.
7he P7B s2onsors &ario's e&ents and meetings
thro'gho't the year. Kee2 a look o't in yo'r !hildAs
binder /or more in/ormation on Goining the P7B and
s'22orting Arlington.
3uiet !ime4&est !ime
Ea!h a/ternoon) the st'dents 0ill enGoy a brie/ 5'iet
time at their seats. 7his allo0s the !hildren to rest
and get ready /or the a/ternoon.
&eading Calendar
%eading together is one o/ the maGor /a!tors o/ s!hool
s'!!ess. At the beginning o/ ea!h month a !alendar
0ill be sent home /or yo' to re!ord the title o/ the
story yo' read ea!h month. 7he !alendar 0ill be
!olle!ted at the end o/ ea!h month and a 2riEe 0ill be
re0arded to all st'dents 0ho !om2lete it.
&eport Cards
%e2ort !ards are gi&en /o'r times thro'gho't the year
;at the end o/ ea!h 5'arter<. 1/ yo' ha&e any
5'estions or !on!erns abo't yo'r !hildAs re2ort !ard)
2lease !onta!t me to s!hed'le a !on/eren!e.
&ules5 &ewards and Conse6uences
ee the atta!hed sheet /or a detailed des!ri2tion o/
o'r beha&ior management 2lan.
$cholastic Book %rders
!holasti! book orders are an ine32ensi&e 0ay to
bring books into yo'r home. Pam2hlets 0ill be gi&en
o't 2eriodi!ally tho'gh o't the year. Brders may be
ret'rned to me or yo' may 2la!e an order thro'gh
the 0ebsite at home. 6ook /or the 2am2hlets in yo'r
!hildAs binder.
We 0ill be ha&ing sna!k ea!h a/ternoon. Please
2ro&ide yo'r !hild 0ith a nutritious sna!k to enGoy
ea!h day. 1/ yo' 0o'ld like to store sna!ks in the
!lassroom /or yo'r !hild) 2lease 2ro&ide an air tight
!ontainer to do so. 7he sna!ks 0ill be ke2t in the
!hildAs !'bby. We also a!!e2t donations o/ sna!ks /or
st'dents 0ho are 'nable to bring a sna!k to s!hool
ea!h day.
Here is a list o/ skills that 0e 0ill be 0orking on
thro'gho't the year:
Pre-%eading-%eading kills
%e!ognition and 0riting o/ !a2ital and lo0er
!ase letters
ha2e) !olor and n'mber re!ognition
2elling and 0riting names
8on!e2ts o/ 2rint
Patterns and se5'en!ing
Problem sol&ing
Dine motor skills s'!h as !'tting and !oloring
9o'rnal 0riting
ight 0ord re!ognition
Working inde2endently and in gro'2s
o'nd s2elling
Brdinal n'mbers
Addition and s'btra!tion
And many) many more.
$taggered *ntry
Pre-K im2lements a staggered entry s!hed'le d'ring
the 4rst 0eek o/ s!hool. t'dents 0hose last names
begin 0ith A7J 0ill re2ort to s!hool on 2onday5
August ,.
) b't not on !uesday5 August ,8
t'dents 0hose last names begin 0ith 179 0ill re2ort
to s!hool on !uesday5 August ,8
) b't not on
2onday5 August ,.
. All Pre-K st'dents 0ill re2ort
to s!hool together on 'ednesday5 August ,:
Atta!hed is a list o/ s'22lies that 0ill be needed to
start the s!hool year. 7hro'gho't the year) a list o/
needed s'22lies 0ill be sent home. All donations are
greatly a22re!iated and 0ill be 2't to good 'se.
!ake7"ome Projects
A take-home 2roGe!t 0ill be sent home on!e a month
that !orrelates 0ith o'r 'nit themes. 6ike home0ork)
2lease allo0 yo'r !hild to be the main JdoerK o/ the
2roGe!ts. ProGe!ts are to be !om2leted by the d'e
date listed on the assignment.
;niform Policy
All st'dents are e32e!ted to /ollo0 the dress !ode
2oli!y at all times.
(oys- @a&y bl'e 2ants or shorts and a yello0
!ollared shirt
Pirls- @a&y bl'e 2ants) shorts) skirts or G'm2ers
and a yello0 blo'se or !ollared shirt
High heeled shoes and Ni2-No2s are 'nsa/e and
not 2ermitted
6arge earring and bra!elets are @B7 2ermitted
8oats are not 2ermitted to be ke2t on in the
b'ilding) dress 0armly in the 0inter so that
!oats may be remo&ed
@o hoodies or s0eatshirts may be ke2t on in
the b'ilding
QQQ @B 9EA@ A%E 7B (E WB%@) 1@86M*1@P
M@*E% K1%7QQQ
1/ a st'dent is o't o/ 'ni/orm) the /amily 0ill be
!onta!ted by 2hone and a 'ni/orm letter 0ill be
sent home. A s'bstit'te 'ni/orm 0ill be
2ro&ided and m'st be 0ashed and ret'rned.
Lol'nteers are an essential 2art o/ o'r !lassroom. A
&ol'nteer s'r&ey 0ill be sent home on the 4rst day o/
s!hool. 1/ yo' 0o'ld like to &ol'nteer in any 0ay)
2lease 4ll o't the s'r&ey and ret'rn to s!hool. All
&ol'nteers m'st 4rst !om2lete the &ol'nteer training
held at @orth A&en'e.
1/ yo' 0o'ld like to &isit yo'r !hild thro'gho't the
day) yo' m'st 4rst re2ort to the o?!e and sign in.
7he o?!e 0ill gi&e yo' a yello0 &isitorAs sti!ker that
m'st be &isible /or the d'ration o/ yo'r &isit. All
&isitors are e32e!ted to be res2e!t/'l o/ the ad'lts
and st'dents in the !lassroom.
!hool is sometimes !an!elled or delayed be!a'se o/
in!lement 0eather. Please !he!k the lo!al ne0s
stations or 000.baltimore!itys! to !he!k /or
delays and !losings.
7here are many diOerent e32e!tations that 2arents)
tea!hers and st'dents may ha&e o&er the !o'rse o/
the s!hool year. We e32e!t all !hildren to sho0
res2e!t and kindness to others and to al0ays try their
best at s!hool
CBM are the key to yo'r !hildAs s'!!ess this s!hool
year. Here are some things yo' !an do to ens're that
they get e&erything they !an /rom their Pre-
Kindergarten e32erien!e:
*o home0ork 0ith them e&ery night
%ead 0ith them e&ery !han!e yo' get
(e interested in their day) ask them 5'estions)
listed to their stories
(e s're yo'r !hild gets eno'gh rest at night
;10-12 ho'rs< and a healthy break/ast
7his s!hool year 0ill 9%%2 by be/ore 0e kno0 it. 1
am so e3!ited to ha&e the o22ort'nity to 0ork 0ith
yo' and yo'r !hild. 6etAs get ready /or a 0onder/'l
and meaning/'l s!hool year as 0e get yo'r !hild
ready /or Kindergarten.

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