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Moor Lane, Budleigh Salterton, EX9 6QF

Telephone 01395 443167
16th July 2014
Newsletter 38

Summer Term Academic Year 2014

Summer Term 2014

Monday 21
July KS2 at St Peters Church rehearsing all day.
Monday 21
July KS2 Concert of Music and Drama St Peters Church 7.00pm
Wednesday 23
July Leavers Service at St Peters Church 10.30-11.30am
Thursday 24
July Leavers Picnic from 2.00 3.15pm
Friday 25
July SPSA Cake Sale from 3.30pm in the playground
Friday 25
July Last day of term
Monday 8
September Start of the Autumn Term

Dear Parents and Carers,

We are now in full swing of rehearsals for the end of year Key Stage 2 Music and Drama concert to
be held at the church this coming Monday at 7pm. The programme is varied and there is a lot of
excitement about the performance. This week, on Monday we performed a community song to support
the library which was recorded and filmed and hopefully will be used in the near future to support
and highlight our concerns about the future use of our beloved library.

Road Crossing Patrol
I should like to thank the temporary volunteers who have provided crossing cover in recent weeks.
We now need to make a more secure arrangement and I should be grateful if a parent or two might
volunteer for this duty. Training and uniform will be provided by Devon C.C. We do need to have the
arrangement sorted by the time we return in September.

I am pleased to report the end of KS1 and KS2 assessments for 2014. At this stage the data is
unvalidated and will be firmed up by the end of next term. This year the Y6 children's writing was
externally moderated by Devon for reliability in judgement. At this moment, current national
comparisons are not available but if we compare our results with last year's national data then St
Peter's has exceeded the average in all categories at both Key Stages for the expected levels of
attainment ( standard) and achievement (progress).
Year 2 results
Level 1 Level 2c Level 2b Level 2a Level 3
Reading 3% 0% 12% 29% 56%
Writing 6% 3% 24% 15% 53%
Mathematics 3% 6% 15% 32% 44%
Collective Worship-Trinity-Trust
Memory Verse: Jesus said I am with you
always, even to the end of age.
Level 1 - working to expected levels for the age -group.
Level 2 - Working at the expected level for the age-group
Level 3 -Exceeding the expected level for the age- group.
This set of results indicate a strong set of results and the best the school has ever achieved. I
congratulate the KS1 staff and the children.
Year 6 results
Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6
Reading 9% 50% 41% 0%
Writing 9% 63% 25% 3%
English ( combined Reading,
Writing and Speaking and
0% 63% 34% 3%
Mathematics 6% 50% 25% 19%
Level 3 working towards expected levels for the age- group.
Level 4 working at the expected level for the age-group.
Level 5 Exceeding the expected level for the age-group.
Level 6 Significantly exceeding the expected level for the age-group.
94% of children in this cohort have a combined Level 4 + in both English and Mathematics.
100% of pupils have made the expected progress in both English and Mathematics over the 4 years
since being in KS2. This a strong set of results and I should like to congratulate both the KS2 staff
and the children.

I felt so proud of our Year 5 writers who were presented with a copy of Summer Storm on Monday
evening by the Mayor at the church. BUDFAS (Budleigh FIne Art Society) have encouraged our
children to write with this inspiring project and were responsible for publishing the book. The book is
of high quality and well worth the 5 a copy. I congratulate Mrs Dye and the children on this amazing
work. Summer storm is the first in a sequel and will be followed next year by a new title and the
series will be known as Heroes of the Jurrasic Coast.
Mr Elliott
New Primary National Curriculum Update
As from this September there is a new statutory primary national curriculum for all subjects at KS1
and 2. We have worked hard at St Peter's to ensure that we are ready for the new primary
curriculum. Time has been spent looking at the changes, in particular the raised expectations in
Maths and Literacy and also planning a new curriculum for September.

In the Autumn Term 2014 we will have a whole school topic of 'Explorers', each year group has
tailored this to their children and what the children need to develop in terms of their knowledge and
understanding and key skills. For example under the whole school topic of Explorers, KS1 are looking
at space exploration and the first moon landing whereas in Year 3 they are exploring Prehistory. We
are working to ensure that our curriculum is engaging and distinctive to St. Peter's and inspires the
children. At the end of each unit of work the children will be producing a high quality visible outcome
such as a display, an exhibition, a class book or a class blog. We are also using high quality texts as a
starting point for our curriculum work in each subject area. In September we will provide you with
information about the curriculum for your child's year group but we thought it would be useful to let
you know about the statutory changes and how we as a school are embracing them. These are exciting
Mrs Lewis
Leavers Service Wednesday 23
We need help with walking children to church for the leavers service on Wednesday, if you can help
please see your childs class teacher.

Leavers Picnic on Thursday 24th July from 2-3.15pm
As we have mentioned in the last two newsletters, on Thursday 24th July from 2-3.15pm we will be
having a Leavers Picnic for those staff that we will be saying a fond farewell to at the end of this
term- Mrs Taylor, Mr Elliott, Mr Perkins and Miss Salter. Parents and Governors are welcome to join
us on the school field (weather permitting- if the weather is poor the event will be held in
classrooms) for our bring and share picnic. Your child will be bringing home a slip containing a
suggested item for them to bring along to our picnic, so that we do not end up with too much food and
also so that we have a range of delights to eat. The SPSA have very kindly agreed to organise some
lovely soft drinks for the adults. I am sure it will be a wonderful event that will provide us with an
opportunity to celebrate and give thanks for the contribution that the leaving staff have made to our
school. We hope you will be able to join us.

Mrs Lewis
Athletics Club
Please note that Athletics Club has now finished for the current academic year.

Thank you to all the pupils you attended the club!

Tennis with Coach Liam
Coach Liam will be hosting Tennis Club on Thursday 17th July and Thursday 24th July between 07:55
and 08:45.
Mr Lee

Internet Safety
On Thursday 10th July, PC Gates, a Youth Intervention Officer from Devon and Cornwall Police, who
is also a member of the CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection) unit of the National Crime
Agency, spoke to pupils in Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 about Internet Safety.

Later in the afternoon, he spoke to parents regarding Internet Safety focussing on:

1) Your Digital Footprint
2) Online Gaming
3) Cyberbullying
4) How to Report Online Abuse
5) Keeping yourself and your children safe.

Thank you to all the parents who attended this very informative session. Based upon your excellent
feedback, we intend to host an evening Internet Safety session during the Autumn Term
Mr Lee
Lost Cardigan
Please can parents check for a lost cardigan, it is named and belongs to S. Brindley. If you do find it
please return to the school office.

Can you help Sands?
Sands, the stillbirth and neonatal death charity, supports anyone affected by the death of a baby
and promotes research to reduce the loss of babies' lives. Chris Bridges and Gina Davies, parents of
Demi-Lea in Year 1, are raising money for Sands. You can help them by saving any used postage
stamps and bringing them in to school to give to Ms Stubbs. The stamps should be torn off the
envelope leaving at least half an inch of paper around the edge. Please help if you can. Thank you.

Dinner numbers for week commencing 07/07/14
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Total
St Peters 75 93 99 87 131 485
Drakes 17 20 21 20 20 98
Otterton 17 19 26 32 20 114

Total dinners 697
Average 139

Our new menu is in place, if you do have any feedback? please see Juliette in the kitchen.

Last Ice Pops this Friday
As we will be holding the traditional end-of-term cake sale next Friday, this week's ice pop sale will
be the last of this term. To celebrate, we will be selling Mini Twister lollies for 50p, alongside the
usual 30p ice pops. Stock of both is limited, so if you have a particular preference, be sure to come
straight over to the stage!

Bakers Please - Reception Class- Friday 25th July
Please could Reception parents kindly bake/buy a cake for our final bake sale of this school year.
Please bring in your cake and leave it in the Reception kitchen area. Thanking you in advance for
your contribution. We will be selling the cakes on the stage after school on this day.

Coffee Morning Friday 25th July, 9am-10am in the school hall
We have a coffee morning planned for 9-10am in the school hall. Come and join us if you can for
the final coffee morning of this school year. All welcome for a cuppa and a biscuit, including pre-

Community News

Your chance to vote for the voluntary sector representative on the
Devon Children's Alliance Executive Group.
Devon County Council is looking to imminently establish a new Childrens Alliance to provide partnership
leadership and governance for the improvement of outcomes of all children and young people in Devon.

The Executive Group will provide a more formalised structure to the wider Childrens Alliance by
providing the strategic response to priorities raised through the Alliance. The main purpose will be to
monitor implementation of the Children and Young Peoples Plan and relevant commissioning strategies,
oversee joint funding, make best use of collective resources and determine sub-group arrangements.
The Executive Group will need to meet at least every 3 months and will consist of the following
Portfolio Holder Children and Young People for Devon County Council (Lead Member)
Director for People (DCS)
Director of Public Health
Head of Childrens Social Work Service and Child Protection
Head of Service for Education
Clinical Commissioning Groups (NEW Devon and South Devon and Torbay CCGs)
VCS Representation
Votes can only be cast on behalf of a voluntary or community organisation and only one vote per
To view the supporting statements of the candidates and to cast your vote on behalf of your
organisation please visit
Voting closes at Midday on Friday 1st August 2014 with the results of the vote announced week
commencing 4th August 2014.
Miss Miranda will be running Summer Special MusicTime sessions every Thursday
throughout the holidays!
Where: St Peter's Church Hall, Budleigh
When: Thursdays 10.15am - 11am
How much: pay as you go 5 or cheaper course options - see

Babies, toddlers, pre-schoolers, receptions, older siblings and grandparents all welcome!
Come along for singing, dancing, percussion and a fun-filled class, before heading to the

In September MusicTime classes will change from Thursdays to Tuesdays at 9.30am
starting on 2nd September and all in St Peter's Church Hall!
Look forward to seeing you soon!

For more information call Emma on 07956 211 861

Our Next Event

Build a model of a prehistoric Rhyncosaur in LEGO
When: 28 August 2014
Where: Fairlynch Museum
Prehistory in LEGO: If you can imagine it, we can build it! Thats the boast by Bright
Bricks, the professional LEGO building company will spend the day at Fairlynch on 28
August helping children to build models of a Rhyncosaur, the strange (and some think ugly)
prehistoric dog-like creature discovered in the cliffs between Budleigh and Sidmouth. The
event is organized by the Jurassic Coast Museums Partnership.Tickets 10. Advance
booking required. 5 deposit. Tel: 01395 442666 for details. Every child takes home a
limited edition LEGO creature or kit.

Budleigh Football Club are holding a free girls taster session this Thurs (17th) 6.15-7.15pm. Please
see the poster in the main playground display board (outside the hall) for more details.

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