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Checklist for US17167v2 Presentation

Page 1 Title Page

Name of assignment
Your name, TG and Teacher
appropriate picture(s)
Page 2 Section 1 Title: The Hypothesis
write out your hypothesis
explain how your hypothesis is linked to the theme of the assignment
Page 3 Section 2 Title: The Findings
using your planner describe what your investigation is about, what is the name of
your PI nation, the area where your case study is situated, the name of your case
study, the FQs, how you gathered information and from where
Page 4 - 5 FQ1
write paragraphs / bullet points to answer your FQ
have relevant visuals / graphs / etc
Page 6 - 7 FQ 2
write paragraphs / bullet points to answer your FQ
have relevant visuals / graphs / etc
Page 8-9 FQ 3
write paragraphs / bullet points to answer your FQ
have relevant visuals / graphs / etc
Page 10 List of References used
Page 11 Title: The Conclusion
write a paragraph stating whether you proved or disproved your hypothesis
write paragraphs / bullet points explaining why you think this was the case

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