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Day 1

- Ankle bounces 2x75 (1ball)

-Knee high bounces 2x50
-Laying down one ball 1x100 each hand
- crossovers 100 in front, 100 In back, 100 left leg forward, 100 right leg forward
-waist high bounce 2x25
- 1 ball fullcourt: 2x each hand
- 1 hand crossover 2x25 each hand
- ball slaps 30 seconds
- ball taps 30 seconds

Shooting course
Warm up:
layups: 1 minute
Block to block 1 minute
Corner 3s 1 minute
Elbow bank shots 1 minute
Mikan 1 minute

Main course GOAL
1.Elbow jump shots. 20
2.Wing mid jump shots. 18
3.Runners. 15
4.Back to basket shot 10-12. 16
5.Running hook shots. 16
6. 1 dribble pull up. 14
7.Spin dribble into jump shot. 15
8. 3s. 15
9.Step back jump shots right and left. 12
10.Shot fake 1 dribble jumpers. 12

2 min each shot circuit

Take 1 hr rest

Speed and vertical training

1. Pogo jumps 6x30
2. Vertical line jumps 2x30
3. Low box jumps 4x20
4. Lateral line jumps 3x10 sec
5. Speed skaters 2x15
6. Burnouts 1x100
7. 1 foot vertical line jumps 2x15 (each foot)

Day 2

Kobe move #1 3x30
2 Ball ankle high dribbles 2x100
1 ball ankle bounces 2x75 each hand
Crossovers 2x100 in front, 2x100 in back
Figure 8 dribble 2x25
2 Ball waist high pounds
1 ball full court 2x
1 ball suicides 10x

Shooting corse

1. Lay ups 1 minute

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