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Sit up 25,50,75,100 reps wk 1 (750) + wk 2 (1500) + wk 3 (2250) + wk 4 (3000) =7500 total

2. Tabletop crunch

3. Weighted Bridge

4. Side to side heel touch

5. Ball crunch

6. Elbow to bent knee

7. High ankle grab

8. Butterfly

9. Push through

10. Reverse crunches

11. Flutter kicks

12. Bicycle crunch

13. Alternate toe touch with leg lift

14. Jackknife – double arm and leg lift

15. Side to side plank

16. Russian twist

17. Weighted crunch

18. Leg Lift

19. Ball side crunch

20. Knee to elbow plank

21. Plank jump tuck

22. Mountain climber+ tuck jump

23. Plank 30,60,90,18 seconds

24. Inverted crunch

25. Cross leg bridge

26. Elevated bridge

27. One leg bridge

28. Bridge pulse

29. Shoulders elevated above hip thrust

30. Valley thrust

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