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Standard #1: Learner Development

The teacher understands how learners grow and develop, recognizing that patterns
of learning and development vary individually within and across the cognitive,
linguistic, social, emotional, and physical areas, and designs and implements
developmentally appropriate and challenging learning experiences.
Name of Artifact: Assistive Technology for Handicapped Students
Date: December 2013
Course: EDUC 230: The Exceptional Child
Brief Description:
In this assignment I was to choose a category from a list of physical
handicapped students, and then think of ways to modify my classroom and
teaching style to accommodate that childs specific needs. Specifically, I was
asked to create an assistive technology device to help this type of child with their
area of struggle. I chose to create a device for the deaf, which was a message
projector. This device hears the words of the non-deaf child and projects them for
the deaf child to see. The deaf child can then type a message response back which
is presented to the non-deaf child. Its just another way to communicate besides
sign language.
To document my understanding of InTASC Standards #1, Learner
Development, I have selected to include my Assistive Technology assignment,
because it addresses how different learners grow and develop at different rates, and
in different ways according to their specific needs. Where physical barriers are
present, teachers can learn how to construct developmentally appropriate activities
for these students, using teaching strategies personal to that handicapped student.

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