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LONG 1- Write down the boundary of anterior triangle? Draw and label carotid
sheath and mention the branches of external carotid artery?
LONG 2- Write down the boundaries of posterior triangle with its contents and
name the muscle of tongue with its nerve supply?

SHORT 1- write down the origin, insertion, nerve supply and action of
sternocleidomastoid muscle and write in short about vertebral artery?
SHORT 2- write down the situation and extent of thyroid gland ( vertebral level)
mention its blood supply?

LONG 1- Describe the meaninges of brain and write down the circulation of CSF
and name the cranial nerves?
LONG 2- Draw and label the medial surface of cerebrum? Draw and label
subdivision of cerebellum? imp

SHORT 1- Draw and label circle of willi’s?

SHORT 2- Name the venous sinouses of duramatter?

LONG 1- Name the muscles of the front of the forearm with their nerve supply?
Describe the attachments of flexor retinaculum and mention the structure passing
under beneath it?
LONG 2- Name the muscle of the front of arm with their nerve supply? Describe
triceps muscles( origin, insertion, action and nerve supply )?

SHORT 1- Palmar aponeurosis

SHORT 2- Draw and describe musculocutaneous nerve?

LONG 1- Describe the boundary and content of femoral triangle? Name the
hamstrings muscles with their nerve supply?42,
LONG 2- Name the muscle of back of the leg with their nerve supply? Write down
the relation of tendon vessels and nerve in front of ankle joint? imp

SHORT 1- Adductor canal (boundary, content and extension) 52

SHORT 2- popliteal fossa (boundary and contents) 68
LONG 1- Describe the right atrium of heart? imp
LONG 2- Draw and label the mediastinal of right and left lung?

SHORT 1- Short notes on a atypical intercostals space? imp

SHORT 2- Draw and label the arterial supply of heart?

LONG 1- Describe the rectus sheath? 205 imp
LONG 2- Inguinal canal (definition, boundaries, and contents)? What is indirect
and complete inguinal hernia (diagram?)208,210

SHORT 1- Draw and label layers of scrotum? 216

SHORT 2- Draw and label the branches of abdominal aorta? 261,314 imp

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