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Soluciones: The Corrs.

1.- Lee detenidamente el texto y contesta las preguntas:

a) Where are The Corrs from? The Corrs are from Dundalk, Ireland.
b) How many members are there in the group? They are four: three sisters and
one brother.
c) Who is the oldest one? Jim is the oldest.
d) What are their names? Their names are: Andrea, Caroline, Sharon and Jim.
e) What type of music do they play? Their music is a fusion of modern rock and
traditional Irish music.
2.- Escribe las siguientes frases en interrogativa y negativa:
a) Carolina is 26 years old. Is Caroline 26 years old? Caroline isnt 26 years old.
b) Jim plays the keyboards. Does Jim play the keyboards? Jim doesnt play the
c) The band was unknown out of Ireland until 1994. Was the band unknown out of
Ireland until 1994? The band wasnt unknown until 1994.
d) The band appeared in the late 1990s. Did the band appear in the late 1990s?.
The band didnt appear in the late 1990s.
e) I will see them in Spain next summer. Will you see them in Spain next
summer? I wont see them in Spain next summer.
3.- Une cada pregunta con la respuesta correspondiente:
a) How old is he? 1) I was born in Manchester.
b) Whats she studying? 2) He rang at 6.
c) Where were you born? 3) Yes, she can.
d) Can she play the violin? 4) He is sixteen.
e) What time did he ring? 5) Shes studying Art.
a- 4 / b- 5 / c- 1 / d- 3 / e- 2.

4.- Traduce al castellano:
a) Caroline Corr (born in 1973) plays the drums, the piano, the tambourine and
b) Carolina Corr (nacida en 1973) toca la batera, el piano, las castauelas y es
la percusionista.
c) All of the Corrs were born in Dundalk, Ireland. Todos los Corrs nacieron en
Dundalk, Irlanda.
d) Gerry Corr, their father, taught them to play the piano. Gerry Corr, su padre
les ense a tocar el piano.
e) They are popular in the UK, the USA and other countries, too. Son famosos
(populares) en el Reino Unido, Los Estados Unidos y tambin en otros pases.
f) Their music is a fusion of modern rock and traditional Irish music. Su msica es
una fusin de rock moderno y msica tradicional irlandesa.

5.- Traduce al ingls:
a) Su madre ensea francs en mi colegio. His/ Her mother teaches French in my
b) Trajeron esto para ti. They brought this for you.
c) Mi hija est tocando el piano. My daughter is playing the piano.
d) El marido de Sharon es americano. Sharons husband is American.
e) Mi abuelo naci en Irlanda. My grandfather was born in Ireland.

6.- Escribe un prrafo (sobre tres lneas aproximadamente) en el que
describas tu casa.
El tribunal puntuar esta pregunta valorando la correccin gramatical, la expresin y
el vocabulario utilizado. En todo caso y para que te sirva de orientacin aqu tienes
este ejemplo.
My name is Manolo. I dont live in a house. I live in a flat. My flat is very small and I
share it with my friend Antonio. There is a kitchen. The kitchen is fine. It has a table
and two chairs and we usually have lunch there. My house has also got a living-room
a bathroom and two bedrooms. Its very near the centre of the town and I like it very

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