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In order for the school district to become more of an experimentalism school district, an increase in

technology and training for the teachers will be necessary to ensure learning would occur through a
problem solving or inquire format. Philosophies. For the experimentalist student the world is changing
and evolving; their knowledge is gained through what is actually experienced. This type of student is on
a journey to discover way in which to improve themselves and the community around them. In this
model teachers take on a facilitation role. The design reflects an integrated setting where learners are
either guiding one another and/or fully engaged in acquiring knowledge for themselves, and the
professor acts as a facilitator guiding the learner(s), the learning process and the subjects to be learned.
Can the physical environment have an impact on the learning environment? 2013. According to Dr.
Taylor, Architects must move beyond predetermined square footage requirements and minimum
building codes to examine developmental rights (across body, mind and spirit), subject matter
disciplines, and the instructional delivery system as criteria for design. Taylor. As the district progresses
it will be important to recognize the needs of the students go beyond the walls of the structure in order
to provide a meaningful experience where student learning is a process for students and teachers are
the facilitators.
"Philosophies." Philosophies. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 June 2014.
Lippman, Peter C. "Can the Physical Enviornment Have an Impact on the Learning Enviornment?" Can
the Physical Environment Have an Impact on the Learning Environment? (n.d.): n. pag. Web. 26 June
Taylor, Anne. "Anne Taylor, Programming & Design of Schools, Section 1 of 6." Anne Taylor,
Programming & Design of Schools, Section 1 of 6. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 June 2014.

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