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Gender Case Study

AMR-APARD, Hyderabad
Ill health affects both men and women
Women are more seriously affected
Lack of access & control over resources
Women are taken to treatment only when
Treatment, less effective at that stage
Women provide care when anybody is
ill at home, she doesnt get attention
when she is sick
A huge portion of women and girls in
India are anaemic

HIV in the context of Stark Poverty
Kurla, Mumbai
Home 6 feet x 6 feet on foot path
Municipal Corporation demolished it
Husband used to work as plumber
Rs.3000/- a month
4 years ago fell sick HIV+
Wife sold gold worth Rs. 10,000/-
Medicines worth Rs.800/- a month
used for 4 months and then

He accesses medicine from
government now
But falls sick frequently diarrhoea
Wanted to commit suicide
NGO prevented and is supporting
Now wife is also sick still works
earning less
Spends on X-rays and CD4 tests.
Borrowing money from houses where
she is working.

Questions about Case Study
What forms of support would help
this woman and her family?
Which of these forms of support are
already being provided by
government? Which parts of
government are providing them?
Why is this support not reaching all
who need it?
Which additional forms of support
could be provided by government?
What went wrong in their
Is the corporation responsible
for their condition?
Why is she borrowing money
would that be available
Why is she still working when
she is also HIV+ and sick

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