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They Are Trying to Kill Us!

~ and they are doing a very good job

By Bonnie Wills
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They are trying to kill us 3

The UN Population Control Agenda 5

The Standard American Diet (SAD) 10

Excitotoxins 17

White Flour, Sugar and Salt 19

Fats 28

Water 32

Pork 39

Plagues 44

Antibiotics, Pain Medications and Vaccinations 54

Are we just going to sit here and take it? 71

Its Time to Fight Back! 73

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They Are Trying to Kill Us!
~ and they are doing a very good job

Just who are they? Who are we? And why do I believe they are trying
to kill us?
You can call me a conspiracy theorist if you want, but I say, The
proof is in the pudding literally. Have you ever looked at the label on a
package of pudding? Can you pronounce all of the words easily? Do you have
any idea what these ingredients are? From looking at the label, could you
figure out a basic recipe for pudding?
Have you ever wondered how man survived before all of these modern
conveniences, like refrigeration? How did we make it past the black plague
without vaccinations? Just how bad was infant mortality in the face of the
numbers of aborted babies in this past century? Why is it that we didnt
need hospitals and such before the world became civilized?
The entire civilized world is slowly dying and nobody knows why.
Well, some do, but most of the answers that we are being given are simply
untrue. In fact, many are downright lies. We have been told for decades,
neigh, generations, that we should stop doing things the old fashioned way
and make our dinners the new and improved way. Yet after a few
generations of this new way we have more degenerative diseases and
chronic illnesses than ever before. Why is that?
Just what affects are all of these additives having on our bodies? Do
we really need all of these additives to begin with? Why? Could it be that
these additives are actually what are causing the illnesses that are becoming
epidemic in this country, illnesses like cancer, diabetes, chronic fatigue
syndrome and Alzheimers?
More and more people are asking themselves these very questions and
coming up with the same answers: its time to stop listening to them and its
time to get back to doing things the old fashioned way! How many of us know
how to make soap? Many of us dont have any idea how to can our own
vegetables, let alone what a canner looks like. The problem is we dont
remember how to do things the old way; weve forgotten the art.
How does one prepare healthy foods for their family using whole
foods and just what foods should we eat and what shouldnt we eat? Just
what is defined as food anyway? Where do we draw the line between what
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is good and acceptable and what we wont eat regardless of the arguments
for doing so?
If they are trying to kill us, then we cant believe a word they say in
regards to nutrition. We need to start over. We need to forget what they
told us is good for us and ask what God tells us is good for our bodies; after
all, He is the one who made us. No man or group of men could ever know more
about what is good for us than our Creator.
Adonai has given us instructions regarding what is fit and proper, yet
we have continually ignored His teachings. We dont feel that they apply to
us, here in the 21
century. Yet nothing could be further from the truth; we
need His guidance now more than ever because the enemy wants us dead and
has attacked, and is continuing to attack our food supply to make it happen.
The only way we are going to survive this threat to our very lives is by
fighting back. How do we do that? How do we fight against a force we cant
see that only wants us dead? Since knowledge is power, we must seek wisdom
from Adonai and look into just what we are up against. Once we have a
better understanding of what we are up against, we can then fight back. In
this study we will look at what is wrong with our Standard American Diet so
that we will be prepared to fight for our very lives!
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The UN Population Control Agenda

Ever heard the term, eugenics? It was a very popular term in the
early part of the 20
century, yet many today have never once heard the
term. Some might even think that it is simply because eugenics was
disregarded long ago, after World War II. Just what is eugenics and how
does it affect our lives, today, in the 21
Eugenics is defined as, The self-direction of human evolution, or
The study of methods of improving genetic qualities by selective breeding
(especially as applied to human mating). Is this beginning to sound like a
bunch of men playing God? But wait, theres more. According to the website Humanitarian eugenics strives to leave a genuine legacy
of love to future generation: good health, high intelligence and noble
character. Excuse me? Since when does noble character come from good
breeding? I though noble character came from following the teachings of
Adonai. And, regardless of their claims, good health is dependant on the
foods we eat, not genetics.
But the idea of genetic perfection has taken a hold of the worlds
elite ruling class and has caused them to believe, for one reason or another,
that they are somehow superior to us. They dispute the fact that, All
men are created equal, and truly believe that this world would be a much
better place without most of us. How can I say this? Consider the following
My position is simply stated. Within the next half-century,
it will be essential for the human species to have fully
operational a flexibly designed, broadly equitable and
internationally coordinated set of initiatives focussed on
reducing the then-current world population by at least 80%.
- J. Kenneth Smail, Professor of Anthropology Department of
Anthropology/Sociology at Kenyon College, Gambier, Ohio
Right now there are just way too many people on the planet.
We need to cut the worlds population from the current 5 billion
to no more than 250 350 million. Ted Turner, 1996
In order to stabilize world population, we must eliminate
350,000 people per day. Jacques Cousteau, UNESCO Courier,
1991 [Emphasis mine]
Eliminate 350,000 per day thats a lot of dead people! What are
they going to do, simply go around shooting a whole bunch of people every
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day? I dont think so; too many armed Americans. And just who do you think
these folks are who are to be eliminated? Do you think they mean their own
families? Who could they possibly mean if not us? Why do we trust these
Other ways of eliminating us had to be found. They actually have a
multi-pronged attack in progress to which most of our citizenry are
oblivious, although this is changing. More and more people are taking notice
of chemtrails and the planes that are spraying us. These planes look eerily
like UN planes.
There are many strange occurrences around UN activities. For
example, the WHO (World Health Organization, which is the public health
arm of the UN) was involved in distributing the hepatitis vaccine in Africa,
only these very same people (the ones who received the vaccination) were
among the very first known cases of AIDS in Africa. Coincidence?
Personally, I dont believe in coincidences.
Ever wonder why UN peacekeeping troupes are brought into a country
but then are not allowed to use their weapons even when the evidence of
genocide is obvious? Ive been wondering this for years. Apparently they are
not allowed to because they have a history of contributing to the genocide!
The tales out of Africa are very disturbing; tales of UN troups raping and
pillaging abound but are rarely reported, especially in the western media.
That is because we (in the western world) do not care about Africa, and it
appears to be racially motivated.
Population control not only involves ridding the world of useless
eaters through disease and poison (chemtrails) but also through birth
control. The WHO distributes more contraceptives than penicillin; why is
that? Could it be that they are more interested in preventing births than
maintaining the health of the worlds population?
"The doctor finds that while he cannot save the life of a
woman dying of a simple pneumonia because he does not have a
vial of penicillin which costs only a few cents, he could if he so
desired, fit her with as many IUDs as he liked in her death
throes. An IUD costs many times the price of penicillin." Dr.
Margaret A. Ogola, Testimony on International Population
Control Activities, 1994
In villages where there is no portable water, no electricity,
and no health care services, the major concern of these world
population control agencies is not development but family
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planning clinics." African Caucus, Report on negative effects of
population control on Africa Testimony on International
Population Control Activities, 12 April 1994, sponsored by
Population Research Institute
The WHO is expecting AIDS (with its 39% infection rate) to kill 66
million Africans by the year 2020, yet they refuse to teach abstinence,
which studies have indicated is the only foolproof way to reduce the rate of
infection. The testimonies above indicate that the UN is much more
interested in birth control than healthcare.
In China the one child per family rule has been in effect for a
number of years now and it touted by the worlds elite as a model for the
rest of the world. Before we engage in this behavior as well, lets take a look
at the Chinese population. In the pre-school age group (infant to 5 years)
there are 20% more males than females. This, added to the fact that there
are already more men than women in China, is already beginning to cause
problems. Chinese men are crossing the border into North Korea and
kidnapping women, taking them back to China and making them their wives.
Some of these women are already wives and mothers, taken from the
husbands and children who need them, and made into sex slaves. Already
38% of women of childbearing age in China have been sterilized, many
forcibly. Is this something we want to see here?
We need to open our eyes, because it is already happening. According
to Linda Gordon, author of Woman's Body, Woman's Right: A Societal
History of Birth Control in America, twenty-four percent of the entire
population of women of childbearing age were sterilized by 1987. Were not
too far behind China already. Not all of these women were sterilized
willingly. Some Native Americans have testified to being coerced and even
threatened with removal of their children if they did not consent to the
surgery, being told that they were bad mothers. Most often these surgeries
occurred within days of giving birth.
"One-fourth of humanity must be eliminated from the social
body. We are in charge of God's selection process for planet
earth. He selects, we destroy. We are the riders of the pale
horse, Death." - Psychologist Barbara Marx Hubbard - member
and futurist/strategist of Task Force Delta; a United States
Army think tank; President of the Foundation for Conscious
Evolution, which she co-founded.
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Who gives these people the right to decide who lives and who dies?
Ms. Hubbard sounds like she believes that they were given a divine
appointment to the task, yet this woman does not believe in the God of
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. She is proud of the fact that they are going out
to destroy. Just whom are they planning on destroying?
Just what is the agenda here? They are obviously not trying to commit
suicide, so whom are they trying to kill? Michael Schwartz has made a strong
accusation in his book entitled Overpopulation and the War Against the Poor,
but his is not the only one. Here he quotes Population and Development by
Eamonn Keane:
"The myth of overpopulation is one of the most powerful in
the world... in reality it is nothing more than a rationalisation
for a worldwide war against the poor - a war which inhibits
legitimate development and social justice.... The Netherlands
has four times the population density of its former colony
Indonesia, but it is Indonesia and not the Netherlands that is
said to have a problem of overpopulation."
The global elite has not hidden the fact that they want to reduce the
worlds population. They have boldly stated, and continue to state the fact
that a large part of the population must be eliminated. Since they are not
going to eliminate themselves, whom else could they mean but us, the not so
rich of the world?
In 1974, the National Security Council released a study entitled,
National Security Study Memorandum 200: Implications of Worldwide
Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests. The council,
headed by Henry Kissinger, stated that the population increase in lesser-
developed countries posed grave danger to our national security. Countries
like India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, Turkey,
Nigeria, Egypt, Ethiopia, Mexico, Brazil, and Colombia had "special political
and strategic interests" for the United States.
Just how can too many Pakistanis be a threat to the national security
of the Unites States? Now I can understand the concerns regarding Mexico,
as we are seeing so many of their people coming here looking for work, but
what about Thailand? Are they going to start invading our factories as well?
I dont think so, because we have already sent most of our factories over
seas. But this study became national policy in 1975, and our government
began what amounts to a war on the innocent citizens of these countries.
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Certain officials in our government have convinced us that we need
the United Nations in order to bring peace to the world, including Henry
Kissinger, yet after over 60 years in existence have we seen any lessening in
world conflicts? No, but we have seen the UN, and those who support UN
activities, invade every aspect of our lives. Many do not realize that their
support of the UN goes directly against the Constitution of the United
States. The following comes from
Ergo, treaties ("made, or which shall be made") that violate
the U.S. Constitution by subjugating the United States to an
outside power ARE PROHIBITED, of no effect, and thus, null
and void.
Since treaties are compacts between/among "the powers of
the earth" of "separate and equal station" as stipulated in the
Declaration of Independence, treaties may not be consummated
with other than sovereign nations.
Consequently, for at least these two reasons --- 1) because
the U.S. Senate in 1945 ratified the United Nations (UN)
Charter as a treaty and the UN is not a sovereign nation, and 2)
because membership in the UN makes the U.S. inferior to the
UN --- U.S. "membership" in the United Nations is
unconstitutional, FORBIDDEN, and thus declared null and void.
Ditto for the World Court and the nebulous entanglements of
the New World Order.
So, technically, the only power these folks have over us is that which we give
them willingly. I, for one, am not longer willing to give them power over me.
The global elite believe that they have the right to not only limit the
number of people populating this blue-green marble that we call home, but
they believe it is also their right to decide who lives and who dies. They
essentially want the same thing that Lucifer wanted; they want to be gods.
It may sound like the most unbelievable thing heard all year, but there
is no denying the words from their speeches and journals. When we hear
warnings of emerging pandemics and food shortages, all they are doing is
simply informing us as to what they are doing next. It is not a threat; it is a
warning. This is going to happen because they are working hard to make it
happen. All it takes are a few high-powered people with enough money to pay
off all the rest.
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The Standard American Diet (SAD)

Processed foods, preservatives, additives and genetically modified
foods have become the basis of our diet in the western world. We have
become a fast food nation, and the disease is spreading worldwide. The fast
food industry has grown so large that it now affects everything from
farming practices to diabetes rates, yet most of us are unaware of the
worldwide consequences of the Whopper and the Big Mac.
Just what goes into that Whopper anyway? Have you ever seen an
ingredients list? Me either. I mean, I understand that there are basically
eight ingredients: burger, sesame seed bun, tomato, lettuce, mayonnaise,
ketchup, pickles and onions. What I want to know is this: Just what do they
put in these ingredients? Are the burgers all beef? If not, what is in them?
What is in the mayonnaise that makes the little bit they put on worth 150
Gone are the days of the old Mom and Pop stores, where you could
buy canned peaches that were canned by your neighbor and the butcher
where you could get a good look at your meat before you purchased it. The
local restaurant has all of their supplies trucked in and the cooks have no say
in the matter (unless your local restaurant is rated a four-star). Most of the
chain restaurants have everything so prepackaged that we dont really need
cooks anymore, just someone to warm the food up.
There are over 100 different varieties of potatoes, yet most potato
farmers only grow red and russet, with russet in the lead by a length. Why is
this? Russet is the only potato McDonalds uses and Burger King and KFC
and frozen food companies, etc. and red is the favorite of gourmet
restaurants. I thought variety was the spice of life. Besides the fact that
the fast food industry has reduced the variety of potatoes now grown in this
country, they also process these potatoes beyond what you or I would do in
our own kitchen. The ingredients of Burger Kings French fries are as
follows: Potatoes, Partially Hydrogenated Soybean Oil, Modified Potato
Starch, Rice Flour, Potato Dextrin, Salt, Leavening (Disodium Dihydrogen
Pyrophosphate, Sodium Bicarbonate), Dextrose, Xanthan Gum, Sodium Acid
Pyrophosphate added to preserve natural color. Why do potatoes need
leavening? Just what is Xanthan Gum (it is a thickening agent used as a
substitute for wheat gluten) and what is it doing to our bodies? (Some
people are allergic to xanthan gum, with symptoms of intestinal gripes and
diarrhea. Workers exposed to xanthan gum dust exhibit nose and throat
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irritation as well as work-related illness, with symptoms becoming more
prevalent with increasing exposure, according to Wikipedia.)
Ever wonder what goes into a milk shake from one of these fast food
joints? Here is a list of ingredients from Burger King, found here:
Milkfat and Nonfat Milk, Sugar, Sweet Whey, High Fructose
Corn Syrup, Corn Syrup, Natural and Artificial Vanilla Flavor,
Guar Gum, Mono- and Diglycerides, Cellulose Gum, Sodium
Phosphate, Carrageenan. Natural flavors from plant sources.
Contains Milk.
Corn Syrup, Water, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Citric Acid,
Artificial Flavor, Sodium Benzoate (Preservative), and Colored
with Red #40.
High Fructose Corn Syrup, Water, Dextrose, Cocoa (Processed
with Alkali), Corn Syrup, Sweet Whey Powder, Salt, Xanthan
Gum, Potassium Sorbate (Preservative), Citric Acid. Contains
Did you notice how much sugar is found in the average milk shake?
Sugar takes many forms, including both high fructose and regular corn
syrup, as well as dextrose. And what about all these preservatives? Just
what are they doing to our bodies? It has been said that our bodies are
decaying at a much slower rate because of the amount of preservatives we
ingest on a daily basis. There have been no long-term studies into the
affects; we are the guinea pigs.
Another side effect of the fast food industry is the centralization of
the meat packing industry. Most of the beef patties are formed right at the
meat packing plant and these places do not have a reputation for being clean.
Years ago you would go to the butcher shop, pick a nice looking piece of meat
and have the butcher grind it fresh; today we cant even find beef bones for
our dogs because they never make it out of the processing plant. What do
they do with these bones? The sad truth is that they grind them up and mix
it back into the feed at the feedlots, claiming the feed is protein enriched.
Funny, I never knew that cows were omnivores I always believed them to
be herbivores. I guess that shows you just how much I know.
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We hear a lot of talk these days about genetically modified foods and
how wonderfully easy they make the farmers tasks. The farmer can easily
spray his field since he has planted seeds that are RoundUp Ready! But
many people are asking what affects these genetically modified foods might
have on our bodies. We would really like more studies done before they put
these products on our plates, but its too late. It is estimated that between
60 80% of the foods already on the shelves contains genetically modified
ingredients without our even knowing because the manufacturers do not have
to put, genetically modified, genetically engineered or transgenic
anywhere on the labels. The food industry has fought long and hard to keep
these words off the labels because they know that the average person will
not purchase genetically modified foods when given the choice, so they
simply remove the choice. Once again, we are their guinea pigs.
Did you know that the major seed companies have so genetically
modified the seeds that they can now hold patents on them? Its true.
Monsanto, for instance, has copy write protection on its canola seed. If their
seed should contaminate your crop, you must destroy your crop! Soon there
will be very few real seeds left. Not only are these seeds protected, they
are also sterile. They cannot produce viable seeds for the next generation. A
farmer can no longer harvest the seeds from his crop for the next season;
he must purchase new seeds each year.
Who are they to say we cant harvest the seeds from our own crop?
God gave man all of the seed bearing plants for food and He gave them to us
for a reason. These seeds contain essential vitamins and nutrients and we
are supposed to be ingesting them along with the fruit. But the seeds we are
seeing now, if indeed we are seeing any, are genetically dead. What seven-
year old hasnt asked, Can we really plant this seed and grow an apple tree?
What might our answer be in the near future?
The contamination of our foods didnt begin with the UN; they only
brought it all together under one roof, so to speak. Prior to that we just had
big business ignoring the scientific truth regarding the processing of our
food because the profit was just too great. Who are the ones who really pay
the price? The poor. They are always the first to suffer because financially
their choices are limited. All-natural produce is much more expensive than
genetically modified, and canned is even cheaper and easier.
The average American is pressed for time. Years ago futurists saw a
society ahead with more free time on its hands than ever before. Boy, were
they wrong! Todays family sees both parents working outside of the home
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and running their children from this activity to that (because thats what a
good parent does, right?) yet the foods the children ingest are so highly
processed that the nutritional value has been processed right out. And we
wonder why we get sick. And we wonder why we stay sick.
Chronic diseases have skyrocketed in recent decades. Study after
study indicates that the food additives we ingest daily have a direct
correlation to these diseases, yet they continue to add them and we continue
to buy their products. Polyunsaturated fats have been linked to heart
disease yet they tell us that we need to eat more margarine (loaded with
polyunsaturated fats) instead of butter. Butter, on the other hand, contains
saturated fats which they have told us are bad and cause heart disease.
Study after study indicates this simply is not the case, but these studies
are suppressed in the media. The problem is, we rely on the companies
advertising to tell us the truth instead of investigating their claims for
ourselves. The more we eat, the sicker we get.
Recently I read the list of ingredients on a box of carrot cake mix. In
the midst of a list of hard-to-pronounce additives I found this tasty
ingredient: carrot flavored pieces. Yes, you read that right. I had to read it
over a few times and then show it to my daughter before I could believe it
myself. Carrot flavored pieces. Pieces of what?? Wood? Plastic?
Even our milk is suspect. Besides all of the wonderful vitamins and
nutrients that are lost in the pasteurization and homogenization process,
now we have excess hormones to deal with. The big, industrialized farms we
now find dotting the landscape are much more detrimental than we ever
thought possible. The animals in these corporate farms are regularly
injected with antibiotics, hormones and vaccinations, which eventually make
their way into our bodies. Do we really need all of those extra hormones?
What affect might these be having on our children? Could this be why young
girls are developing earlier than ever? Could these added hormones be
causing more boys to feel like girls trapped in the wrong body?
The Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH) that is given
regularly to most of the cows on these farms has been banned in most other
countries. Why do we use it? When this hormone is injected into cows their
milk output increases by 10-15%. Some have equated rBGH with crack for
cows for it revs up their produce, but when they crash they crash hard.
Studies have indicated that use of rBGH causes an increase in udder
infections, severe reproductive problems, digestive disorders, foot and leg
ailments, and persistent sores and lacerations as well as early death. Their
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milk producing years are also shortened, so although they are giving more
milk, the production doesnt last as long so they soon wear out their
usefulness. These old dairy cows, still full of rBGH, are then processed to
make hamburger.
Despite warnings from scientists, such as Dr. Michael
Hansen from the Consumers Union and Dr. Samuel Epstein from
the Cancer Prevention Coalition, that milk from rBGH injected
cows contains substantially higher amounts of a potent cancer
tumor promoter called IGF-1, and despite evidence that rBGH
milk contains higher levels of pus, bacteria, and antibiotics, the
FDA gave the hormone its seal of approval, with no real pre-
market safety testing required.
Moreover, the FDA ruled, in a decision marred by rampant
conflict of interest (several key FDA decision makers, including
Michael Taylor, previously worked for Monsanto), that rBGH-
derived products did not have to be labeled, despite polls
showing that 90% of American consumers wanted labeling --
mainly so they could avoid buying rBGH-tainted products.
In a 1998 survey by Family Farm Defenders, it was found
that mortality rates for cows on factory dairy farms in
Wisconsin, those injecting their herds with rBGH, were running
at 40% per year. In other words, after two and a half years of
rBGH injections most of these drugged and supercharged cows
were dead. Typically, dairy cows live for 15-20 years.
Most people dont realize that milk products make up about 40% of
our overall caloric intake. That means that we are taking in much more rBGH
than we could possibly know because the dairy industry does not have to
inform us of its use. They also allow milk from these cows to be mixed with
milk from rBGH-free cows, so even more milk is contaminated, even the milk
used to make formula. When given the choice, we will always avoid purchasing
these questionable products. That is why they dont want to give us a choice.
The Standard American Diet is also full of high fructose corn syrup,
bleached flour and excitotoxins like MSG and aspartame. Each of these
ingredients are toxic, especially at the levels they are now found in our
foods, and so much can be said about each one that we will discuss them at
length later. I would, however, like to briefly touch on another problem with
our food preparation that many may not be aware; microwaves.
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Over 90% of homes in the US use the microwave in their daily meal
preparation. Many dont realize that microwaves are used as weapons and
have been known to change the molecular structure of foods by breaking
down and destroying cellular walls. In fact, microwaving any food will
seriously deplete the nutrient content of your food, so you might as well not
eat. Remember, this technology uses radiation.
The fast food industry relies heavily on microwaves, preservatives and
high fructose corn syrup. Remember the ingredient of that milk shake? It is
well known that high fructose corn syrup causes hypertension, yet it is the
main ingredient in sodas, shakes, and a host of other pre-packaged foods. In
fact, since 1980, when they began using this ingredient in soda pop, obesity
rates in this country have tripled. No wonder the diet industry is a multi-
billion dollar industry.
Recently a filmmaker challenged himself to eat nothing but
McDonalds food for one month. This man was very healthy to begin with, and
had multiple doctors give him the once over to prove it. By the end of the
month he was so sick that these same doctors warned him to stop eating
fast food immediately or, and Im not making this up, he could DIE. Go watch
Super Size Me by Morgan Spurlock and see for yourself.
One could easily counter with, I dont eat out that much, so I dont
need to worry. To them I say, Let me introduce you to Jordan Rubin. He is
the author of, The Makers Diet and he also came close to death due to the
foods he was eating. Being raised by very health-conscious family, Jordan
was not ready for the Standard American Diet when he went off to college.
His body became sick and he developed Crohns disease, for which there is
no known cure. Due to dietary changes, he is now a very healthy young man
with no signs of his former illness. How did he become so healthy? Read his
book, or visit his website ( to find out more. I will tell
you this, the Makers diet is found in the first five books of the Bible, known
as the Torah.
Even sadder than SAD, are the fad diets with which so many of us
seem to be addicted. We dont seem to realize that yo-yo dieting, where a
person loses the weight only to gain it back, is actually more detrimental to
our health than carrying around the extra weight. We are perpetually in
search of the miracle pill or diet secret that will allow us to lose weight
without really having to do anything like exercise. Low-fat, low-salt diets
will actually cause us to become sicker, not smaller. In fact, these diets will
actually cause weight gain and, eventually, diabetes.
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The pattern of sickness associated with the Standard American Diet
is the same worldwide. Regardless of genetics, regardless of the availability
of quality healthcare, those who chose to eat the American way will suffer
from chronic illnesses the American way. Fad diets will not help; they will
only make matters worse, so what can we do?
We can begin by educating ourselves. We can educate our family and
friends and show them what they are putting into our foods and why its so
very bad for us. We can take the time to read the labels on our foods before
we purchase them. Each and every one of us has purchasing power and we
should use that power to support the local farmers (by buying directly from
them) and raw food producers (milk, honey, etc.) Write letters to your
favorite restaurant and tell them that you want only quality ingredients,
made fresh daily or you will take your business elsewhere. Do the same for
your local markets. Remember the law of supply and demand; if we demand
quality food, more folks will make the effort to supply it.
The Standard American diet does not have to continue to be SAD. We
can make a difference in our lives and the lives of those we love by simply
refusing to consume stuff that is not food. Junk food, vegetable oils, sodas,
diet products and fast foods will only make us sicker and kill us quicker. If
we continue to eat this junk, we have only ourselves to blame. Dont shake
your fist at God and say, How could you let this happen to me? You have
been warned. We all have been warned. Highly processed foods cause cancer
and diabetes and a host of other illnesses. To continue eating these things
would be like slipping yourself a little bit of arsenic each day. Thats just
plain stupid.
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Monosodium glutamate, or MSG, is one of the most controversial
ingredients ever used, yet so few understand what it is or what it does. It
and its partner, Aspartame, also known as Nutra-sweet, are classified as
excitotoxins. Weve all heard of MSG and Nutra-sweet, but how many of us
actually know what they are or how they affect the human body?
One look at the word should make us nervous about consuming these
additives; toxins are just that: toxic. Excitotoxins are a class of substances
that damage neurons through paroxysmal, or sudden, uncontrollable activity.
These substances are being put into our foods at alarming rates and they
know that they damage neurons! We even willingly add this to our own foods
through products like meat tenderizer, which is almost totally MSG.
According to the book Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills by Dr.
Russell L. Blaylock, an excitotoxin is defined as:
"A substance added to foods and beverages that literally
stimulates neurons to death, causing brain damage of varying
degrees. Can be found in such ingredients as monosodium
glutamate, aspartame (NutraSweet), cysteine, hydrolyzed
protein, and aspartic acid." [Emphasis mine]
Discovered in Japan in 1909, Monosodium Glutamate, most commonly
referred to as MSG, occurs naturally in soy sauce and other soy products.
Because it is a neurotoxin, it actually fools our brains into believing that
what we are eating tastes better than it actually does. In large doses it is
absolutely toxic, causing death. In the Philippines a man committed suicide
by drinking water laced with a large amount of MSG. Almost immediately he
began foaming at the mouth and was dead in minutes. There was nothing that
could be done for him.
In 1969 scientists discovered that MSG given to mice and rats while
still within their mothers womb became quite obese. For the scientific world
this was wonderful news; there were no mice or rats that were naturally
obese and we needed to use them to study obesity. Now they could make
obese animals to study. They just had to feed them a strict diet of MSG.
Great news for them, bad news for us.
Since 1969 they have known that MSG causes obesity, yet they not
only continued to add it to some of our foods, but they have increased the
variety of foods containing it. What was once labeled the Chinese
Restaurant Syndrome is now referred to as MSG Sensitivity. In fact,
- 18 -
Kentucky Fried Chicken contains more MSG than the Chinese restaurant
next door. That was the secret in the Colonels secret recipe. Thats what
makes KFCs chicken taste so good. Oh, and did I mention that MSG is
Soup mixes and bullion cubes were unheard of before the discovery of
Monosodium Glutamate. You can actually buy it in the bulk food isles to add
to your home cooking. At one time it was proudly advertised, but now that
the word is out on how detrimental it is to our health, the food industry has
had to find ways to hide it. A product can be labeled No MSG and still have
ingredients that either have MSG in them or cause its manufacture in our
bodies. The following ingredients are ones to watch for: anything that says
hydrolyzed, autolyzed or modified, and textured protein.
Aspartame, most commonly known under the names Equal and Nutra-
sweet, was first discovered in 1965 by a technician working for the Searle
company, but it wasnt until 1969 that they revealed to the world that they
had created a synthetic sweetener that was 100-200 times sweeter than
sugar. One of the main components of aspartame is methanol, or wood
alcohol, which is also used in the manufacturing of formaldehyde. People who
drink wood alcohol can damage their eyes and even go blind. In fact,
methanol will form formaldehyde in our bodies.
As excitotoxins, MSG and aspartame both over stimulate nerve cells,
breaking down the function ability of the entire nervous system. When nerve
cells are over excited they break down and die. Since our brain is a major
component of the nervous system, these excitotoxins attack and destroy our
brains. They are two of the main weapons that are being used to dumb-down
Studies indicate a direct link between excitotoxins and Attention
Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD). In my own experiences I have seen
what happens to a hyperactive child who is given Doritos (loaded with MSG).
I myself am a victim of aspartame poisoning, having an addiction to Diet
Pepsi. The brain fog was so thick that I would forget what I was talking
about halfway through a sentence. To this day the symptoms return if I
ingest any aspartame. And this is only the beginning.
Not only do excitotoxins cause damage at the cellular level, but they
have also been linked to many other ailments, from epilepsy to Multiple
Sclerosis. Both MSG and aspartame may trigger or mimic: Chronic Fatigue
Syndrome, Epstein-Barr, Post-polio Syndrome, Lyme Disease, Graves
Disease, Alzheimers, ALS, Epilepsy, Hypothyroidism, MS, Fibermyalgia,
- 19 -
Lupus, ADD and Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. If you suffer from severe
migraines, you might want to take a good look at what youre eating, because
excitotoxins trigger them as well.
They also affect your eyes, ears, chest and gastrointestinal system.
Many people use aspartame to help control their diabetes, not realizing that
it can actually cause loss of diabetic control and weight gain. So much for
that diet soda! Excitotoxins also increase our susceptibility to infections and
have been linked to cancer, most notably brain cancer, and Leukemia.
The pharmaceutical companies spend millions of dollars annually
researching something called glutamate blockers because they know how
bad excessive glutamate is for our systems. So why are they putting more
glutamate into our foods? With all the evidence pointing to the toxicity of
these two products, and others like them, why do they continue to put them
into our food and act as if they are harmless? Could it be that they really
are trying to kill us?
The list of chronic illnesses associated with these substances, and the
fact that both MSG and aspartame cause weight gain, should make us pause
and take notice of the ingredients of the foods that we choose to consume.
The fact that they attack our bodies at the cellular level should be cause
for their out-right ban worldwide, yet nothing is done. When the facts
behind their passage by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are
investigated, one finds more questions than answers. It seems that our
citizenry is under attack by the very people who are supposed to be
protecting us.
"From this place also you will go out with your hands on your
head; for the LORD has rejected those in whom you trust, and
you will not prosper with them." (Jeremiah 2:37)

- 20 -
White Flour, Sugar and Salt

Yeshua said to them, "I am the bread of life; he who comes
to Me will not hunger, and he who believes in Me will never
thirst. (John 6:35)
Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and
healing to the bones. (Proverbs 16:24)
"You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt has become
tasteless, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good
for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled under foot
by men. (Matthew 5:13)
Adonai created many wonderful foods for our bodies to thrive on. We
pray, Give us this day our daily bread, but are we really allowing Him to
provide our bread? When you go to the supermarket and grab a loaf of
bread off the shelves, is it the same bread that our ancestors have made
and consumed for thousands of years? If Abraham were given a loaf of
Wonder Bread, would he recognize it as bread? Here are the ingredients of
Wonders 100% Whole Wheat Bread:
Whole wheat flour, water, wheat gluten, high fructose corn
syrup, contains 2% or less of: soybean oil, salt, molasses, yeast,
mono and diglycerides, exthoxylated mono and diglycerides,
dough conditioners (sodium stearoyl lactylate, calcium iodate,
calcium dioxide), datem, calcium sulfate, vinegar, yeast nutrient
(ammonium sulfate), extracts of malted barley and corn,
dicalcium phosphate, diammonium phosphate, calcium propionate
(to retain freshness).
Here are the ingredients of Matzah: flour, water, salt (optional). Why
do we need extra gluten and all that sugar? Just what are dough
conditioners and why do we need them? For those who have never had a
piece of good, homemade bread, well you just dont know what you are
missing! I can tell you this: if you are eating homemade bread you are missing
out on consuming ingredients that you cant even pronounce.
Besides all of this, the flour itself is not what it used to be. In fact,
flour was one of the first foods processed to the extent of the removal of
most of the nutrients. The grain mills dont worry about bugs in their flour;
any bugs that get into the flour simply eat it and die. Really. If you have
flour in your pantry and have mice you will soon notice what they eat and
what they dont, and they dont eat all-purpose white flour.
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Just how do you think they turn brown seeds into white, fluffy flour?
Well, first they remove the bran and the germ. Unfortunately these are the
best parts of the wheat kernel. The brand and germ contain the nutrients we
need to stay healthy and thrive. Then they use something called Alloxan to
make the flour clean. Unfortunately this is known to cause diabetes. Tell
me, have you ever seen a warning label on a sack of flour? Warning: this
product contains alloxan, which has been shown to cause diabetes in lab rats;
ingest at your own risk. I have not either.
Because most of the nutrients have been stripped away, the flour
company feels the need to enrich the flour, but they only replace 4 of the
15 vitamins and minerals lost in the manufacturing process. Even if they did
replace all 15, it wouldnt do us a whole lot of good, and Ill tell you why. The
first reason involves the additives themselves; the second is actually worse.
When the company adds vitamins and minerals to the flour, they do
not use all-natural sources for them. Well, thats not exactly true coal is
natural, but we really are not supposed to eat it. You read that correctly:
coal. Synthetic vitamins are manufactured from coal tar derivatives. Why?
Because they are cheaper to produce, its that simple. Whats so bad about
using synthetic vitamins? They lack the necessary components needed to
properly digest the vitamins, namely enzymes.
Worse than that, because the flour is missing these necessary
enzymes our body cant properly digest the flour either, meaning that the
nutrients that are there are not absorbed by the body as they should be.
This malabsorption is causing even well fed people to be suffering from
malnutrition, and more and more people are being diagnosed with related
illnesses such as Celiac disease. According to the National Foundation for
Celiac Awareness (NFCA):
Celiac disease is an autoimmune digestive disease that
damages the villi of the small intestine and interferes with
absorption of nutrients from food. What does this mean? Put
simply, that the body is attacking itself!
Celiac disease is triggered by consumption of the protein
called gluten, which is found in wheat, barley and rye.
When people with celiac disease eat foods containing gluten,
their immune system responds by damaging the fingerlike villi
of the small intestine. When the villi become damaged, the body
is unable to absorb nutrients into the bloodstream, which can
lead to malnourishment.
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Roughly one out of every 133 Americans has celiac disease,
but 97% remain undiagnosed. This means that almost three
million Americans have celiac disease and only about 100,000
know they have it.
Left untreated, people with celiac disease can develop
further complications such as other autoimmune diseases,
osteoporosis, thyroid disease, and cancer.
There are a number of medical problems that are
associated with undiagnosed celiac disease including cancer,
osteoporosis, diabetes Type 1, thyroid problems and
reproductive health issues.
The proliferation of factory-style bakeries and the pre-sliced bread
has had the same effect on wheat crops as McDonalds has had on the potato
crop. Just as farmers tend to grow more russet potatoes, wheat farmers
tend to grow only the wheat these big bakeries are buying. This limits the
consumers choice, and removes even more nutrients from our table.
Thankfully there are choices available for those who suffer from this
disease, like potato, rice, soy, or bean flour, but these products are not as
readily available as the wheat based breads.
Because of the lack of nutrients and the enzymes needed to process
them, coupled with the synthetic vitamins and the alloxan used to whiten
and brighten our flour, we might as well just eat paste. In fact, that might
not be such a bad idea, because at least glue doesnt turn into sugar in our
bodies like white flour does.
As if we were not already consuming enough sugar! One 12 oz. can of
soda pop contains 1/3 of a cup of sugar (9 teaspoons). According to the
Historical Statistics of the United States, Bicentennial Edition, the average
American in 1960 consumed a total of 97.6 pounds of sugar. By 1999 that
total had shot up to 158.4 pounds (quoting the Statistical Abstract of the
United States.) That is a lot of sugar! What we need to find out is just what
that amount of sugar is doing to our bodies.
When sugar is processed the vitamins, minerals, protein and fiber are
all stripped away. What is left has very little nutritional value, if any at all.
Besides being highly addictive (more addictive than heroin), refined sugar
causes our bodies to produce too much insulin, which causes it to overwork to
the point where we can no longer process the sugar properly and develop
type 2 diabetes. Scientists have also discovered a link between high sugar
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intake and learning disabilities and violent behavior, especially in young boys.
Of course this is nothing new to the parent of a hyperactive child.
Sugar is also known to suppress the immune system. This is one of the
reasons why children who consume large quantities of soda (and other sugar-
rich foods and beverages) always seem to be sick. Our bodies are just not
equipped to process such large amounts of sugar. Years ago sugar was only
added to baked goods such as cakes, cookies and pies (although many pies
only used the sugar contained naturally in the fruit). In the later part of the
century the average person only consumed about 5 pounds of sugar a
year, but today sugar is added to so many products that we now consume 135
160 pounds a year.
Fructose is the name given to simple sugars found naturally in honey
and many types of fresh fruit. Sucrose is a complex carbohydrate found in
many plants and what is commonly referred to as table sugar. Dextrose is
the sugar found in corn syrup. Looking back at the list of ingredients in the
Burger King shake, we find sugar, sweet whey, high fructose corn syrup, as
well as regular corn syrup. If that shake is chocolate, we also add more high
fructose corn syrup, corn syrup, and sweet whey powder, as well as dextrose.
That is a lot of sugar!
Simple sugars are known to aggravate asthma, drive mood swings,
provoking personality changes, mental illness, and nervous disorders, causing
diabetes, heart disease, gallstones, and hypertension, and adding to the pain
of arthritis. Children whose breakfast consists of only high-sugar foods,
such as donuts, Pop Tarts and Froot Loops, tend to do poorly in school due to
lack of energy come mid-morning. These same children will have a high-sugar
snack after school, like cookies, Twinkies, or even a box of macaroni and
cheese, and then sit around the house playing video games or chatting with
friends online. If one compares the child of today to the child of only 100
years ago, who ate very little sugar and spent most of their afternoon
outdoors, running around with their friends, one can easily see why child
obesity rates are skyrocketing.
These rates go hand-in-hand with the epidemic of diabetes that has
developed in not only this country, but also every other industrialized nation
in the world. Why is that? Who would have thought that the end time
plagues we have all heard about would be something as normal as diabetes
and obesity. We always imagined a Bubonic Plague outbreak, or some new
disease (like AIDS) that moves quickly and devastates the population in a
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short period of time. These modern plagues (diabetes, heart disease, cancer,
etc.) might take longer to kill, but they are no less deadly.
The sad part is that most of these diseases are easily preventable,
yet this information is not readily available to the average American. We
hear reports of the numbers skyrocketing and that something must be done
about it, but the food industry continues to add more and more sugar to our
foods and tell us that it is okay. The sugar content in an English muffin, for
example, varies so dramatically from company to company that one brand
may trigger high sugar in a diabetic, while another brand has no affect at all.
Why add all that extra sugar?
As a result, more and more people are seeking sugar alternatives such
as Equal and Nutra-sweet. Both of these products contain aspartame, which
we have already seen to be deadly (think brain cancer) so using them is
dangerous. Saccharin is what was used previous to aspartame in all of the
diet sodas, but was removed due to the threat of cancer, but there are many
people who state that aspartame is much worse for us than saccharin ever
was. According to
The scientific data supporting saccharin's safety include
the following: Extensive research on human populations has
established no association between saccharin and cancer. More
than 30 human studies have been completed and indicate
saccharin's safety at human levels of consumption.
In 14 single-generation animal studies involving several
species of animals, saccharin was not shown to induce cancer in
any organ, even at exceptionally high dose levels.
Saccharin is not metabolized (it passes through the body
unchanged) and does not react with DNA (nucleic acid present
in all living cells), meaning that saccharin lacks two of the major
characteristics of a classical carcinogen.
Saccharin is approved in more than 100 countries around
the world and has been reviewed and determined safe by the
Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) of the
World Health Organization and the Scientific Committee for
Food of the European Union. Based on current research, JECFA
doubled its earlier ADI (acceptable daily intake) for saccharin.
JECFA noted that the animal data, which earlier raised
questions about saccharin, are not considered relevant to
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How many Americans are putting themselves at risk simply because
they have not been given this information? If you are diabetic, and your
choices are limited, you need all the facts to make an educated decision. To
round out this education, we should look at another artificial sweetener:
sucralose, which is found in Splenda. Many do not believe this to be an
artificial sweetener, because its source is natural sugar, but looks can be
deceiving. According to
There is no question that sucralose starts off as a sugar
molecule, it is what goes on in the factory that is concerning.
Sucralose is a synthetic chemical that was originally cooked up
in a laboratory. In the five step patented process of making
sucralose, three chlorine molecules are added to a sucrose or
sugar molecule. A sucrose molecule is a disaccharide that
contains two single sugars bound together; glucose and
The chemical process to make sucralose alters the chemical
composition of the sugar so much that it is somehow converted
to a fructo-galactose molecule. This type of sugar molecule
does not occur in nature and therefore your body does not
possess the ability to properly metabolize it. As a result of this
"unique" biochemical make-up, McNeil Nutritionals makes it's
claim that Splenda is not digested or metabolized by the body,
making it have zero calories.
It is not that Splenda is naturally zero calories. If your
body had the capacity to metabolize it then it would no longer
have zero calories.
There are many who have had adverse side effects of using sucrose
that mirror the effects of aspartame, including the inability to think
properly. Each of these artificial sweeteners can create a host of other
problems if used more than occasionally. Most nutritionists would simply
state, Stay away from them all together. There are other, more natural
alternatives, which we will discuss in full at a later time.
Diabetics not only show an inability to process these large amounts of
sugars properly, but their mineral levels are far too low as well. The over-
processing of our foods also causes this condition. Most of the vitamins and
minerals found naturally in our foods are removed and then synthetic
vitamins are added, which our bodies cannot properly absorb. We are then
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fed misinformation regarding the foods that are naturally good for us,
causing the belief that they are actually bad for us. Case in point: salt.
Throughout history man has utilized salt for various reasons. From
preserving meat to soothing aching feet, salt has always been highly valued
by man, until now. Recently we have heard health experts warn that high
intake of salt has been linked to heart disease and that we need to reduce
the amount of salt we consume. Low fat, low salt diets are all the rage, but
these diets are actually doing us more harm than good.
Salt is so highly valued in the eyes of Adonai that He established a
covenant of salt with the Levites.
"All the offerings of the holy gifts, which the sons of Israel
offer to the LORD, I have given to you and your sons and your
daughters with you, as a perpetual allotment. It is an
everlasting covenant of salt before the LORD to you and your
descendants with you." (Numbers 18:19)
When a baby was born our fathers, or should I say, our mothers would
wash the child and then rub him or her with salt. Each and every sacrifice
offered to HaShem would include some salt as well. Salt was used to season
and preserve food as well has to bring healing to the body. With this kind of
history, how can the medical community claim that salt is bad for us?
Thats because it is. At least it is in the form that they put in our
foods. Table salt, or Sodium Chloride, is not the same salt that once paid the
Roman army. Once the salt has been mined, it is processed to produce the
small, white grains we see on our kitchen table. All natural, unprocessed salt,
like the Romans used, contains over 80 trace minerals. Once they have
finished the processing, these minerals are all gone. The companies who
produced the salt had to add Potassium Iodide (Iodine) in order to combat
hyperthyroidism, which is caused by an iodine deficiency.
For those who are suffering from high blood pressure, among other
ills, this iodine-enriched salt is not good for you, and this is the salt they put
into most of our foods. Real salt, especially the Celtic sea salt harvested the
old fashioned way along the coast of France, is actually a light gray color.
Table salt is bleached to obtain the nice, white color. The Celtic sea salt
crystals are large, have a very good taste, and are full of vitamins and
minerals that our body needs to maintain good health. For the diabetic, who
seems to always be running low on minerals, non-processed salt can actually
be a very good source for these missing minerals.
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Each and every one of the studies of salt cited by the medical
community was conducted using only refined salt. Not one study used all-
natural, unrefined salt. So many people are only getting sicker on the low-
salt diet and they cant understand why. They are doing exactly what the
doctor told them to do, yet they feel worse because they are now suffering
from a lack of sodium in their bodies, which impairs the function of their
thyroid, leading to the development of goiters, which are caused by iodine
deficiency. This is also another one of those diseases we are seeing more
and more of these days.
Mental retardation is also linked to iodine deficiencies. If society
seems be becoming less intelligent, as a whole, maybe this could be part of
the reason. With all of the salt we consume, we still are not receiving the
proper amount to keep our bodies functioning as God intended. Couple the
lack of iodine with the excitotoxins found in many of the most popular foods,
not to mention the sugar the average American consumes, and it is no wonder
why the American child scores so poorly on tests when compared to peers in
other countries.
The processing, bleaching, whitening and enriching of our flour, sugar
and salt have all contributed to the overall decline in the health of the
citizens of this country and every other country in the industrialized world.
The manufacturers of these products are well aware of all the information
that I have presented here, yet they continue to over-process these foods,
destroying the nutrients our bodies so desperately need. The Good Lord
created each of these foods perfectly; there is nothing wrong with them in
their natural form. Truth be told, they contain almost every thing our bodies
need to maintain optimum health. The problems with white flour, sugar and
salt arise only when they are processed unnaturally and consumed in massive
amounts, as they are in the Standard American Diet.
- 28 -

If there ever was, or is a conspiracy to lie to the American public, this
would be it. What we have been taught about fats and their affect on our
bodies has been nothing but lies from the very beginning. Good is bad, bad is
good. Lies straight from the pit of hell, every last one of them.
Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who
substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; who
substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! Woe to those
who are wise in their own eyes and clever in their own sight!
(Isaiah 5:20-21)
Those who want us dead are very clever in their own eyes. They have
convinced us that the opposite is true when it comes to nutrition, and we
blindly follow them to our deaths. The joke is on us, so to speak, because we
have simply accepted what they told us to be truth. We try to be honest,
upstanding citizens and we expect the same of those around us, especially
those in high positions with a lot of responsibility. We expect them to
looking out for the best interest of everyone. Usually they are more
interested in looking out for themselves.
What faster way is there to kill a large group of people than to
convince them to take poison? Remember Jim Jones? The Kool-Aid was
spiked; they knew it, yet they drank anyway. Why? Because Jim told them to
and they trusted him, thats why. We tend to form a bond with those who
nurture us; Jim Jones had nurtured the people with the Word, so they
trusted him.
Our family doctor nurtured us while we were growing up. Some
doctors deliver and bury many of their patients throughout the course of
their career. If you instruct the doctors that science has recently
discovered that saturated fats cause heart disease, then they will instruct
their patients to reduce the amount of saturated fat in their diet. I would
say that over 95% of doctors would accept this statement as gospel fact if
it was made in a reputable magazine, never checking the results of the
studies quoted on their own time. They simply do not have the time to
research each and every new discovery.
That is exactly what happened; they were told a lie so they told us a
lie (unknowingly) and we have been following this very bad advice for a couple
of generations now and are beginning to see the deadly fruit of the lie.
Saturated fat linked to cardiovascular illness! the headlines read. Just
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because you see it in print, does not necessarily make it true. Remember
Yellow Journalism? (Think Spanish American War.) William Randolph Hearst
arrogantly stated, "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war."
The right advertising campaign can make a product go from relative
obscurity to being a household name for generations. Morton Salt: When it
rains, it pours! Campbells Soups: Mmm, Mmm, Good! Oh, I wish I were an
Oscar Meyer Weiner Two all-beef patties, special sauce (You finished
that in your head, didnt you?)
All they had to do was bombard us with Saturated fats are killing
you, and polyunsaturated fats lower cholesterol levels, and before you
know it we were running out to the store to buy poison to feed our families,
believing all the while that we were actually helping them maintain good
health. It would be highly ironic if it were not so sad.
The concept of canning foods was first developed in the early 1800s
and was originally intended for army rations for the French army. Better
cans and methods of canning where developed during the 19
culminating in the introduction of the automated can-manufacturing machine
in the 1880s. Afterward the market began to become saturated with
processed, canned vegetables and sauces.
In the early part of the 20
century a dentist in Ohio began to notice
something strange about his patients. He was beginning to see abnormalities
in not only their teeth, but in the general shape of their mouths as well.
Teeth were coming in more crooked and falling out faster than ever before.
The more time passed, the worse his patients seemed to get. During this
time he began to hear stories of tribes all over the world whose members
have perfect teeth, with very few cavities. He wanted to know why these
people had healthy teeth and gum while his patients did not. So, Dr. and Mrs.
Weston Price walked away from their lives in Ohio and set out to discover
the truth about human teeth.
What he discovered was astounding, especially in light of what the
medical community has been teaching us. He discovered that the
communities that continued to eat the same traditional diet of their
ancestors were healthier than those who ate the foods of the western,
civilized world. Once they began eating processed foods, their teeth began
to rot and fall out. Their children were born with crooked teeth and
misshaped mouths. The rest of the tribe continued to have healthy mouths.
Obviously processed foods are causing this problem.
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Dr. Price spent quite a bit of time researching the diets of these
native people and discovered that they had some key elements in common.
One of them was the consumption of saturated fats in large quantities.
Conventional wisdom states that they should be suffering from heart
disease, yet it was virtually non-existent in these people. The Alpine Swiss,
for example, receive most of their nourishment through the consumption of
animal meats and fats, including milk and cheese, yet they never seemed to
be sick, regardless of the fact that they ran around barefoot in mountain
Saturated fats are found in animal fats and tropical oils such as
coconut oil and palm kernel oil. They are less likely to go rancid than other
fats and are considered to be an all-systems healer, helping digestion,
thyroid function and sugar processing. These fats, especially in raw form,
contain enzymes needed for proper digestion and absorption of nutrients.
Beef fat, boiled down into liquid form, is what McDonalds originally used to
cook their French fries. Coconut oil is especially beneficial to diabetics and
those wanting to shed excess pounds.
It is not the saturated fats that we have to watch out for, nor is all
unsaturated fats bad for us. Monounsaturated fats also do not go rancid
quickly and are found in olive, sesame and peanut oils. These fats are best
when not heated, and make good salad oils, and should be cold-pressed so as
not to damage the nutrients while extracting the oil. These fats are not bad
for us; in fact they can be quite good for us.
The polyunsaturated fats, on the other hand, should be avoided. They
create free radicals in our bodies and can cause cancer and heart disease.
This fat includes corn, safflower, soy and sunflower oils as well as your basic
vegetable oils. Crisco shortening should be used for greasing engine parts,
not consumed by humans. When Crisco was introduced to the general public,
they had to give some away just to get folks to try it. Both shortening and
margarine cause diabetes, heart disease and a host of other illnesses, and
yet they continue to tell us that consuming these polyunsaturated fats is
heart smart.
Hydrogenated oils are often referred to as, The Silent Killers. In
2003 Denmark banned the use of hydrogenated oil and trans fat. Studies
indicate that women who consume hydrogenated oil have a 40% increase in
breast cancer and are known to cause type 2 diabetes (non-insulin
dependant). Since this fat was introduced to the food industry, diabetes
type 2 rates have increased 1000%! The worse part is, 90% of our processed
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foods contain hydrogenated oil. These oils are molecularly changed and
become toxic to our bodies. So why are they in our foods? Money.
Hydrogenated oils help to preserve packaged food, allowing them a longer
shelf life. Once again, our health takes a back seat to company profit.
We are eating the wrong fats and getting heavier while suffering
from malnutrition. Yes, malnutrition. We are not receiving the nourishment
we need because we are not consuming the fats containing the enzymes we
need for proper digestion. So although our body is storing lots of fat, it is
because our body believes we are starving. Thats because our bodies are
starving, that is if we are following the SAD diet.
You can be 200 pounds overweight and be undernourished and fat
deprived, according to Dr. Mary Enig and Sally Fallon, authors of the
Nourishing Traditions cookbook. They teach the need to consume more fats,
but the healthy ones, full of omega 3 and 6 fatty acids. Cod liver oil, egg
yolks and flax seed oil contain these acids and are quickly converted into
energy, allowing us to lose weight. Thats right; healthy fats can actually help
us to lose unwanted pounds. Youll never hear that at Overeaters Anonymous.
Medium chain fatty acids are found in saturated fats and are
necessary to our health. Long chain saturated fats are vital to our over all
health, boosting the immune system and optimizing digestion. Yet these are
the very fats that we are being advised to cut out of our diet. Why? Why
has good become evil? Could this be further proof that they are, indeed,
trying to kill us?
They say they are searching for a cure for cancer. I say we already
have one. We need to stop ingesting the wrong foods and go back to eating
the way we always have for thousands of years. We need to eat all the
saturated fats we can get our hand on and stay away from polyunsaturated
fats like corn oil, which is flammable, you know. Thats why they want to use
it to power our cars. Simply stated, the more processed the food, the more
like poison it becomes.
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Water, water, every where,
And all the boards did shrink;
Water, water, every where,
Nor any drop to drink.
~ The Rime of the Ancient Mariner

Like the ancient mariner of long ago, we are surrounded by water but
its simply not potable. Every day the news is full of stories regarding our
water supply, and the news is not good. Both organic and inorganic
contaminates have made our fresh water to be, well, not so fresh.
Agricultural and urban runoff as well as the toxic waste being accidentally
dumped into our waterways have made it more and more difficult to clean
the water without side effects often as bad as the contaminate itself. What
kind of affects could the chlorine we add have on our bodies? And what
about Fluoride?
We complain about the cost of gas going up, but have you seen the
price of water lately? We often buy a water bottle while we are out, rather
than soda, and we pay $.99 for that 16 oz. bottle. It takes eight of those
bottles to make a gallon, which means that we have just paid $7.92 a gallon,
not including tax, for drinkable water. I remember when I was a child there
was a free spring where we could go and fill as many jugs as we wished and it
didnt cost a thing. That spring was shut down years ago when a new home
was built just above it and the spring became contaminated.
Water gives life. Without water we would die. We dont drink enough
water. Actually, most of us are dehydrated and we dont even know it. But
Im not thirsty, we might say, thinking that thirst is the first sign of
dehydration. It is not. I drink plenty of fluids during the day. Fluids
contain water, but they also contain other ingredients that prevent us from
absorbing the water from the fluid. Sugar is a good example. Sugar slows
down the rate at which water is absorbed by our bodies. Since many of us
equate fluids with soda, we have to understand that none of the water in our
soda is being absorbed into our body but our body is absorbing the sugar!
Early signs of dehydration include sleepiness, muscle weakness,
headache, dizziness, sunken eyes, dry skin, low blood pressure, rapid
heartbeat and respiration, loss of appetite, fatigue and chills. These signs
occur when our bodies are only 5% dehydrated. The color of our urine is a
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good indicator of our bodys water level; the darker the urine, the more
dehydrated we are. When our body becomes 10% dehydrated we may
experience one or more of the following symptoms: muscle spasms, vomiting,
dim vision, confusion, difficulty breathing, seizures, chest and abdominal
pain, followed by unconsciousness.
If there is a magic elixir that will take away all of our ills, water is
that potion. Have a headache? Drink some water. That mid-afternoon slump
just hit? Get up and get yourself a glass of water. This is not some new
scientific breakthrough why do you think they put water coolers in the
office buildings to begin with? If you are contemplating the purchase of real
estate, might I suggest you spend some time investigating the water supply?
There is nothing more important than a clean water supply, nothing.
My mother was visiting us while we were living in Oregon and we took
her up to Mt. Hood so that she could see the snow in July. While we were
touring Timberline lodge my mother wandered off. It took us a little while to
find her. All of a sudden my daughter points up the mountain and exclaims,
There she is! Sure enough, here comes my mother back down the mountain.
She just had to hike up and touch the snow herself and take a drink from
the water running off the melting snow. We later filled a mason jar with
water from the mountain stream and headed home.
When we got home we discovered that the water wasnt quite as clear
as we thought it would be. It became obvious that there was more in the
water than just water. After my mother got back home she began to feel
weak and her doctor diagnosed her with parasites, apparently from her little
drink from a mountain stream. What other pollutants might be found in that
jar of water? Remember, it was snowmelt from a mountaintop; there were no
outside contaminates besides the pollutants found in the air up there.
Most of our public water sources include water that ran off the
streets during the last storm. That oil that spilled in your driveway last
week? Its in there. You neighbors fertilizer? Its there too. These
chemicals are added to the organic compounds naturally found in lakes and
rivers, creating a veritable soup of contaminates. No municipal water supplier
could, in good consciousness, sell this water directly to the customer. They
must treat it somehow to reduce or eliminate as many of these contaminates
as possible.
Most municipalities chose to chlorinate the water because chlorine
kills bacteria. The only problem with this is the fact that not all bacteria are
bad for us. Some bacteria are not only good for us, but are actually
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necessary in the proper functioning of our bodies. Chlorine kills both friendly
and unfriendly bacteria and, if taking in large amounts, can kill us.
Remember, chlorine gas was used quite heavily in World War I. Chlorine has
been linked to birth defects, cancers of the bladder, kidney, liver, pancreas,
urinary tract and colon as well as brain damage. Swimmers, whose blood was
sampled immediately after leaving the pool, have shown elevated levels of
chloroform in their blood. This is apparently because the chlorine is
absorbed directly through the skin without going through the liver for
There is also a by-product of this process: total Trihalomethanes, or
tTHMs. They are a natural result of chlorinated water and are considered
safe at low levels. At high levels they can cause liver, kidney and central
nervous system damage and have been linked with bladder cancer. If you
drink water with high levels of tTHMs our liver and kidneys will be able to
detoxify the water, but will be damaged in the process. If you bathe in the
water, they are absorbed directly through the skin.
There has been an upsurge recently in the reports of odd creatures
being born. Frogs with multiple legs seem to be an early indicator as we are
now seeing more and more larger animals being born with extra appendages.
Recently scientists have discovered that we have many more female fish
than male and the number of those who have both sexual organs is increasing
as well. It is believed that the culprit is; now get this, birth control pills.
The theory is this: when a woman takes the pill, not all of the estrogen
is absorbed by her body and quite a bit comes back out through her urine. So
many women are on the pill now that the estrogen levels in the rivers are now
up as a result. This is the only explanation they can find because it is not an
isolated event; its happening everywhere.
We have not been very careful about what we build near our water
sources. Remember Love Canal? Contaminated water has caused more deaths
world wide, throughout history, than any single other toxin. Yes, water gives
life, but it can also kill. We expect the government to protect us from these
activities, but what do we do when one of the worst offenders is our
government itself? The federal government has identified 168 different
sites that are highly contaminated and must be cleaned up as soon as
possible. Of these sites, 130 are on military bases.
An example is Camp Lejeune, in North Carolina. The government has
finally admitted that the water at Camp Lejeune was contaminated from
1968 until 1985, when the wells were closed. There are those who, on their
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deathbed, confessed to having been a part of the dumping of toxic waste at
the camp as far back as the 1950s. The trenches where this waste was
dumped were right beside the water source. How much better off could the
new wells be, with so much contamination so close by? To make matters
worse, the surrounding area also draws from the wells at Camp Lejeune. The
number of children in the camp who have been diagnosed with childhood
leukemia is far above the national average.
The only things that have prevented more contamination are the Safe
Drinking Water Act, the Clean Air Act, and the Endangered Species Act.
Without these measures, more industries would allow more pollutants into
our already over-burdened eco-system. The Pentagon would really like
Congress to declare that the military is exempt from these laws, citing
National Security (their favorite flag to wave). Environmental regulations
are a threat to National Security since they restricted the military. Yeah,
they restricted the toxic waste dumping that is poisoning our whole world.
All over the world we find leukemia clusters, which are groups of
people who have more cases of leukemia amongst them than the national
average. In many of these areas, the leukemia rate is three and four times
the national average. Each one of these clusters can be traced back to
contaminated water. Often the local government refuses to admit that there
is a problem, compounding it as people continue to use the water and more
and more people are diagnosed with cancer and other illnesses.
Most municipal water suppliers also add fluoride to their drinking
water. I personally never understood why the fluoride in your toothpaste
was unfit for consumption but the fluoride in the water was supposed to be
good for you. Whats the difference? The difference is a good PR (Public
Relations) campaign.
Alcoa manufactures fluoride. It is a by-product of their main
industry: aluminum. The man who came up with this brilliant idea might be
called a genius in some circles and a murderer in others. Here in America we
have doctors handing out prescriptions for fluoride drops to families on well
water, while in Europe 98% of countries there have banned fluoride from
drinking water. What do they know that we do not?
When I say that fluoride is a by-product of the aluminum industry,
what I really mean is that it is toxic waste. If Alcoa were not selling it to
municipal water suppliers all over the country, they would have to find a
toxic dump to ship to. Fluoride is known to cause cancer, specifically bone
cancer, and has been linked with brain damage, lower IQ and infertility. In
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lab tests on rats, fluoride is shown to cause hyperactivity. I wonder if
hyperactivity rates are increased in communities that fluoridate their water.
Fluoride helps build strong teeth and gums! we were told. The truth
is that fluoride actually makes dental enamel more porous. In other words, it
breaks down the protective coating of our teeth. The fluoride myth is just
that, a myth. There is no proof to support any of the claims made regarding
the benefits of fluoride in our water. There is evidence that consumption of
fluoride can make bones brittle. So why do we add this poison to our water?
There are many who believe that there is a sinister reason behind this
activity: mind control. During the Second World War, German doctors took
advantage of the concentration camps and used some of these prisoners for
experiments. One of the things discovered is that those prisoners who were
given water with fluoride in it tended to be less likely to rise up against their
German captors. They were actually more likely to simply obey orders than
try anything daring like sabotage or escape. Coupled with the fact that IQ
levels seem to drop as a result of taking fluoride, is it any wonder that many
claim that fluoride is an important part of the Dumming Down of America.
Could this be why we seem to be moving away from fresh water and
towards the desert? The population centers around the Great Lakes, the
largest fresh water source in the world, are rapidly declining, meanwhile
Arizona is seeing such an incredible building boom that Phoenix and Tucson
are expected to literally grow together in the next decade. Why? There is
no sustainable water there its the desert folks! It just doesnt make sense.
Weve heard the threats for years Our water supply is not safe!
Terrorists could easily slip chemicals into our lakes and rivers and kill us
all! How about this: maybe were already doing that to ourselves. How about
our governmental agencies are so over worked, understaffed, and,
occasionally, corrupt that they dont see polluters fouling the waterways.
Corporate greed has gotten out of control in this country and the health of
our families, animals, and our entire world are paying the price.
When I say the entire world, I mean it. The Inuit of Greenland still
consume the traditional diet of their ancestors. According to the research
of Dr. Weston Price, they should be among the healthiest people in the
world, yet scientists have recently discovered that they have severe
mercury poisoning. How could this be?
All coal-burning plants release mercury into the environment. This is
why the environmental activists were up in arms about the emissions from
these plants and why they worked so hard to have them reduced. But what
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has happened to all of that mercury? Well, it has gotten into our water (even
sea water) through the evaporation process and has contaminated the
animals that live in the water. These smaller animals have been eaten by
larger animals, which in turn have been eaten by us. These larger animals
have increased mercury levels. It is now to the point where the Inuits
breast milk has such massive levels of mercury that it is no longer
considered safe for their babies.
Safe levels is one of those terms that are quite vague. What exactly
are safe levels of toxic material? Is there any such thing? The FDA states
that pregnant and nursing women should limit their intake of albacore
(white) tuna to one can per week. But, if you ask University of Arizona
toxicologist Vas Aposhian, that recommendation could put up to 99% of
pregnant and nursing women at risk of mercury poisoning. According to
Michael Bender of the Mercury Project, One out of every 20 cans of white
(albacore) tuna should be recalled as unsafe for human consumption.
It has also been discovered that babies actually have stronger
concentrations of mercury in their blood as their mothers, even during
pregnancy. Methyl mercury has been shown to paralyze migrating fetal brain
cells and halt their cell division, leading to learning disabilities, delayed
mental development and shortened attention span. Our bodies cannot
process mercury, so it simply stores up all the mercury that it takes in. It
sounds to me like mercury poisoning might just be a big part of the reason
for the increase in ADD/ADHD diagnosis.
There is nothing more important to our overall health than clean, pure
water, but it is getting increasingly harder to find clean water. There are
many people who are working hard to find ways to purify our water, but it is
getting more difficult due to the increase in toxic substances in nature. We
cant expect our government to do anything to make this better as they are
one of the worst polluters out there. Since it costs a lot of money to clean
up the mess left behind by our fathers, no one is willing to take the blame
and clean the mess. They continue to bury as much of it as they can and
then these chemicals leek into our ground water, our soil, our plants, animals,
and food.
Our bodies are made up of 55 75% water. It is the very basis of our
lives. Without water we die. With bad water we live, but we cant enjoy life
due to illness. With the right water, we can thrive. We need to consume as
much good, clean water as possible. If youve never tasted good, cold spring
water, youve never really tasted water. The water we cook with must be
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clean as well, so as to not contaminate our foods. Unfortunately, most of our
faucets dont produce clean water.
As bottled water sales continue to increase we must face the fact
that water has become more valuable than gold liquid gold, that is. In any
emergency, water is always the first thing to go. When properly hydrated,
our bodies are performing at top levels and we are able to handle stress
better, digest our foods better, and feel better about ourselves. We were
created this way.
"Be appalled, O heavens, at this, and shudder, be very
desolate," declares the LORD. "For My people have committed
two evils: They have forsaken Me, the fountain of living waters,
to hew for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that can hold
no water. (Jeremiah 2:12-13)
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Now I know that Im not going to make a lot of friends here, but I
have to speak the truth; pork kills. A pig is not food. It is a garbage disposal
unit, eating anything and everything it can get in its mouth. It is a filthy
creature, wallowing in its own excrement, and is infested with disease
because its body is not designed to properly process all that it eats. This
toxic waste dump on legs is totally consumed by humans more than any other
animal, and is a large part of why we are so sick in this country.
When we want to put someone down, what do we call him or her? A
filthy pig. When a man is behaving badly towards a woman, what do we call
him? A male chauvinist pig. Pigs eat too much, are sloppy, and smell. They are
dangerous as well, as any truck driver who has had to deliver them will tell
you. When they are hungry they will attack and kill anyone or anything, even
each other. Their bodies are so diseased that they dont normally live long
lives, even when not butchered (unless they are a family pet, but they are
not eaten and therefore do not count.) These animals are simply not suitable
for human consumption.
Please, dont take my word for it there are many others who agree
with these statements, most notably Dr. J.H. Kellogg, founder of the cereal
company that bears his name. Most importantly, however, is what our
Creator had to say regarding this animal.
"Speak to the sons of Israel, saying, 'These are the
creatures which you may eat from all the animals that are on
the earth. Whatever divides a hoof, thus making split hoofs,
and chews the cud, among the animals, that you may eat.
Nevertheless, you are not to eat of these, among those which
chew the cud, or among those which divide the hoof: the camel,
for though it chews cud, it does not divide the hoof, it is
unclean to you and the pig, for though it divides the hoof, thus
making a split hoof, it does not chew cud, it is unclean to you.
You shall not eat of their flesh nor touch their carcasses; they
are unclean to you. (Leviticus 11:2-8)
This was so important to Adonai that it is repeated again in the 14
of Deuteronomy.
At this point many might be thinking, But we dont have to follow
those dietary laws any more! You know what? You are right. You dont have
to follow the dietary laws if you dont want to. You also dont have to follow
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the Ten Commandments if you dont want to, but that would be sinning.
Choosing not to follow the dietary laws make you a sinner as well, but instead
of eternal damnation, you live a diseased life. Adonai created us so He would
know best what it considered food. The full list is available for all to study in
the 11
chapter of Leviticus.
Now, if you were to say to me, Those laws were nailed to the cross, I
would have to disagree entirely. Yeshua (Jesus) Himself stated that He did
not come to do away with the law (Matthew 5:17) but to fill it up full of
meaning. Another misunderstanding involves the following verse:
And He said to them, "Are you so lacking in understanding
also? Do you not understand that whatever goes into the man
from outside cannot defile him, because it does not go into his
heart, but into his stomach, and is eliminated?" (Thus He
declared all foods clean.) (Mark 7:18-19)
What we see at the end of this verse is called a parenthetical insertion and
is not found in the original text. The translator inserted the statement,
Thus He declared all food clean. This shows the translators lack of
understanding; Yeshua would never refer to pork as food because He
followed all of the dietary laws detailed in Leviticus.
Peters vision about the sheet (Acts 10) had nothing to do with animals
and everything to do with man. Peter himself gives the interpretation of this
vision when he stated:
And he said to them, "You yourselves know how unlawful it is
for a man who is a Jew to associate with a foreigner or to visit
him; and yet God has shown me that I should not call any
man unholy or unclean. That is why I came without even raising
any objection when I was sent for. So I ask for what reason you
have sent for me." (Acts 10:28-29)
Isaiah has a warning for all of those who continue to eat the flesh of
the pig (swine):
"I have spread out My hands all day long to a rebellious
people, who walk in the way which is not good, following their
own thoughts, a people who continually provoke Me to My face,
Offering sacrifices in gardens and burning incense on bricks;
who sit among graves and spend the night in secret places; who
eat swine's flesh, and the broth of unclean meat is in their
pots. Who say, 'Keep to yourself, do not come near me, for I am
holier than you!' These are smoke in My nostrils, a fire that
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burns all the day. Behold, it is written before Me, I will not
keep silent, but I will repay; I will even repay into their bosom,
both their own iniquities and the iniquities of their fathers
together," says the LORD. "Because they have burned incense
on the mountains and scorned Me on the hills, therefore I will
measure their former work into their bosom." (Isaiah 65:2-7)
For the LORD will execute judgment by fire and by His
sword on all flesh, and those slain by the LORD will be many.
"Those who sanctify and purify themselves to go to the
gardens, following one in the center, who eat swine's flesh,
detestable things and mice, will come to an end altogether,"
declares the LORD. (Isaiah 66:16-17)
Think about it folks what group of people have rebelled against Gods laws
and eat the flesh of swine and say to others, I am holier than thou?
Sounds like Christians to me. Maybe its time to rethink our stance on this
Now lets take a look at the scientific view of the hog/swine/pig. As
noted earlier, Dr. Kellogg studied this animal extensively and has written a
very good paper discussing his results. He discovered that these animals are
very sick indeed. Heart disease, tuberculosis, and tapeworms are normal for
them, as well as many various parasites. When we eat their meat, or use
their fat (lard) in cooking, we are ingesting these parasites as well.
There is one feature of the pig that most people are unaware of, and
it is found on their legs. Here Dr. Kellogg describes this feature (warning,
this description is not for the squeamish):
But we have not yet finished the examination of our hog. If
you can possibly prevail upon yourself to sacrifice your taste in
the cause of science, pork-loving friend, just clamber over into
the reeking sty, and take a nearer view of the animal that is
destined to delight the palates of some of your friends,
perhaps your own. Make him straighten out his fore legs. Now
observe closely. Do you see the open sore or issue, a few inches
above his foot on the inner side? Do you say it is a mere
accidental abrasion? Find the same on the other leg; it is rather
a wise and wonderful provision of nature. Grasp the leg high up
and press downward. Now you see its utility, as a mass of
corruption pours out. That opening is the outlet of a sewer. Yes,
a scrofulous sewer; and hence the offensive, ichorous matter
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which discharges from it. Should you fill a syringe with mercury
or some colored injecting fluid, and drive the contents into this
same opening, you would be able to trace all through the body
of the animal little pipes communicating with it.
What must be the condition of the body of an animal so foul
as to require a regular system of drainage to convey away its
teeming filth? Sometimes the outlet gets closed by the
accumulation of external filth. Then the ichorous stream ceases
to flow, and the animal quickly sickens and dies unless the owner
cleanses the parts, and so opens anew the feculent fountain,
and allows the festering poison to escape.
Suddenly those pork chops dont look quite so appetizing, huh? If you
are still not convinced, try this little trick: get a piece of pork and pour
vodka on it and see what happens. When my friend did this he discovered all
kinds of creepy things coming out. This didnt happen when he poured it over
Adonai is our creator and so He knows what is best for us, no? Why
would He want to do anything to hurt us? He wouldnt; He loves us too much.
That is why He has given us directions to care for these bodies of ours.
When He tells us not to eat something, it is for our own good, not because
He wants to be mean to us. Sure, clams might taste good, but how many
people get sick every year because of eating them?
When He created the world He created a self-sustaining one, where
things that died would be cleaned up and processed naturally. It was all good.
Every time we get our hands on something, we mess it up. Weve done it time
and time again. The SAD diet is a perfect example, and pork is all over that
diet. Bacon is everywhere, pork gelatin is in places youd never dream of, and
if we saw the fat of a pig we would never use lard again. Take a good look at
your menu and see how many things have bacon added, and how many of our
pizza toppings are made from pork. Most of our pre-packaged Italian dinners
contain pork sausage. Ham sandwiches are everywhere. All-beef hot dogs are
much more expensive than the ones made with pork. The list goes on and on.
The world tells us that pork/ham is absolutely safe to eat. God says
that it make us unclean/sick. We need to ask ourselves, Who do we trust
more, God or man? The one we trust is the one we will allow to nourish us.
Who are we getting our nourishment from?
The global elite has decided that we are no longer worth the air we
breath, so they have made plans to destroy us and we blindly follow along,
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not questioning them, simply doing what we are told, believing what we are
told, and saying what we are told. We have been taught to simply regurgitate
facts and that is what we do. We eat what they tell us to eat and when the
effects are shown in our bodies, they act like they dont know why we are
sick. Are we the fools? Are they the fools? Maybe we all are.
We are fools if we continue to follow their lead, eating their food and
believing that if you pray over something that somehow makes it clean. How
can we ask Adonai to bless something that He has specifically told us not to
eat? Are we really so narcissistic that we dont believe that the rules apply
to us? Or are we simply that ignorant?
I just know one thing: the world does not love us. Adonai loves us. He
has told us so. The world has told us that they want to eliminate 80 to 90%
(+/-) of us as quickly as possible. So, whom are you going to believe and trust
with your health and, indeed, your very life?
The LORD appeared to him from afar, saying, "I have loved
you with an everlasting love; therefore I have drawn you with
lovingkindness. Again I will build you and you will be rebuilt, O
virgin of Israel! Again you will take up your tambourines, and go
forth to the dances of the merrymakers. (Jeremiah 31:3-4)

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When most people hear the word plague images of the Black Death
and plague-infested bodies being catapulted over city walls is usually what
we see; dirty bombs and gas masks and quarantine signs and people dying so
quickly that we really have no time to stop its spread. Yes, we have been
warned, these pictures could very well be coming to our hometowns, even our
homes. Bird flu has often been compared to the Spanish flu with one notable
exception one plague never happened.
Our government has plans in place for the inevitability of the need to
quarantine massive amounts of people why? Why is it inevitable? Is it
because they have been busy creating lovely little germs in their
laboratories that will be introduced to all of us soon? More immune system
attacking germs and viruses like the ever-popular AIDS or new strains of old
favorites like tuberculosis? What other cocktails have they cooked up for
the citizens of the world?
One thing we dont envision is the fact that plagues can come silently,
quietly. So quietly, in fact, that although we see them we dont really see
them for what they are: plagues. Diabetes, for example is a plague. It may
not be contagious, like small pox, and it may not kill quickly, but it can be just
as deadly. So can anorexia. Heart disease and neurological diseases are on
the increase. We often hear the terms, epidemic proportions, but do we
understand what that really means? Epidemic: A widespread outbreak of an
infectious disease; many people are infected at the same time. In other
words, an epidemic is a plague.
We now have hidden plagues. Diabetes, heart disease, candida hold
on, what is that? Most people have never heard of Candida, which is amazing
because so many people suffer from this condition. Candida is basically the
overgrowth of yeast in our bodies. Most women are familiar with yeast
infections, but do not realize that not only can you have a yeast infection
and not even know it, but also it can go on for years. The worse part of all is
that men dont even know about yeast infections and that they too can
develop this problem.
According to, the symptoms vary and can include:
An incapacitating fatigue, problems with concentration and
short-term memory, flu-like symptoms such as pain in the joints
and muscle, extreme tightness in the shoulders and neck,
hyper-acidity/acid reflux, brown colored mucus in the back of
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the throat, blisters in the mouth/tongue/throat, either white
or "blood blisters", un-refreshing sleep, sore throat, white
coated tongue, dark circles under the eyes, an aversion to being
touched or jumping, "crawling" skin, chronic sinus problems and
headaches including migraines, and chronic dental problems.
Candida seems to go hand-in-hand with Diabetes. In fact, at one point
in time Candida was seen as a symptom of Diabetes. Both conditions involve
too much sugar in our system. Candida yeast thrives in a high-sugar
environment, especially in an environment where good bacteria has been
killed off. When we take an abundance of antibiotics, or consume meat and
dairy with extra antibiotics, the antibiotics kill off the bacteria in our body,
both good and bad. This is why so many women develop yeast infections after
taking penicillin.
Also from the website quoted above:
Psychological problems may include: depression, irritability,
anxiety, panic attacks, recurring obsessive thoughts,
personality changes and mood swings (irrational rage or crying
for no reason - fear of talking to people, any kind of
confrontation, isolation), and paranoia.
When our bodies are not processing our foods properly, due to the
lack of proper nutrients and bacteria, and due to the overabundance of
processed foods in our diets, we develop a host of diseases that affect not
only our bodies, but our minds as well. Every day more and more people are
diagnosed with illnesses such as: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) or CFIDS
(Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction), Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS),
Lupus, Hypothyroidism, Leaky Gut Syndrome, Crohn's Disease, Irritable
Bowel Syndrome, Celiac Disease, chronic sinusitis, atopic eczema,
Seborrheic Dermatitis, Tinea Versicolor, GI Dysbiosis, adrenal
dysfunction, Rosacea, Psoriasis, Macular Degeneration, Barrett's
Esophagus, Lactose Intolerance, Gluten and/or Casein Intolerance,
Meniere's Disease, and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD).
Many of the symptoms of these diseases overlap. Candida, Leaky Gut
Syndrome, Lactose Intolerance, and Gluten and/or Casein Intolerance all
involve pain in the intestinal region and are related to our inability to digest
food properly. Each of these conditions is related to dysbiosis, or an
imbalance of the intestinal flora in our bodies. Most doctors do not
recognize dysbiosis and therefore only treat the symptoms of these
illnesses instead of looking for the root cause.
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Dysbiosis was first discovered by Dr. Metchnikoff, for which he won a
Nobel Prize in 1908. A contemporary of Dr. Pasteur, Dr. Metchnikoffs
discovery of both the good and bad bacteria in our gut led to the
understanding of the use of probiotics in the prevention and reversal of
bacterial infections. This imbalance of bacteria can be brought on by high
stress, chemical exposure, oral contraceptives (the pill), surgery, antibiotic
and pain killer usage, and poor food choices.
As weve already seen, the additives in our foods coupled with over-
processed ingredients cause our bodies to be unable to break down foods
properly, and add to the inability to absorb the nutrients. We will also soon
see how the use of certain substances deemed beneficial to us is actually
more harmful than good. When you look at it this way, and understand that
the food industry is well aware of the toxic effects of some of the
ingredients, but use them anyway, it is very easy to make the connection
they are trying to kill us.
Yet every time we notice a new disease, the first reaction from the
medical community is, Its all in your head. Just like women who suffered
from PMS for years without help, we are seeing more and more people
suffering from God-knows-what being treated as if they were nuts. What do
you think the doctors believed when they first started seeing hyperactive
children? Probably that they were possessed! Now hyperactivity is well
documented and has a billion dollar drug industry associated with it.
The same is true for Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. The
latest one is called Morgellons, which is characterized by a crawling
sensation on the skin along with the appearance of fibers under the skin.
Recently studies have begun to look into the claims made by those who
suffer from this condition, but for years they suffered alone. Many were
simply told, Its all in your head, until the fibers started to show up. What
can these doctors say when they themselves pull fibers (colored fibers) out
of their patients? There is truly no denying it in light of physical evidence.
Finally there are being studies done, but still many doctors deny its
existence, acting as if these very real symptoms were all in their patients
Why is it that we will believe something if studies indicate but not if
it is the parents that are noticing things are wrong? Autism rates in this
country have skyrocketed. In California, between the years of 1987 and
1998, the autism rate jumped 273%! The Center for Disease Control (CDC)
announced in 2007 that 1 out of every 150 children in America have autism.
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Thats a lot of autistic children. What could possibly be causing this type of
increase? If you ask the doctors and scientists who are studying that
question, the answer you will hear may be something like, Its a mixture of
genetics and environment, or It must be something the parent has done.
Although the second statement has been disproved, the standard
reply will still speak of genetic predisposition. If you were to ask the
parent of an autistic child, the response you would get from them would be
totally different. My child was fine, they would say, until the vaccination.
Vaccines today use a substance called Thimerosal, a mercury-
containing organic compound used as a preservative. It contains 49.6%
mercury by weight, which is the principal agent killing contaminates in the
vaccine. According to
The Department of Defense classifies mercury as a
hazardous material that could cause death if swallowed, inhaled
or absorbed through the skin. Studies indicate that mercury
tends to accumulate in the brains of primates and other animals
after they are injected with vaccines. Mercury poisoning has
been linked to cardiovascular disease, autism, seizures, mental
retardation, hyperactivity, dyslexia and many other nervous
system conditions. Thats why the FDA rigorously limits
exposure to mercury in foods and drugs. Some common sources
of mercury include dental amalgam fillings, various vaccines and
certain fish contaminated by polluted ocean waters.
So, if mercury is so bad for us that the FDA limits the amount of mercury
allowed in foods and drugs, why do the vaccines contain more mercury now
than they did before?
We are putting our children at risk for nothing. Records in not only
this country, but in England as well, show that infectious disease rates were
already dropping well before the vaccination program started. In fact, there
was a slight increase in new cases of certain diseases immediately following
the release of the vaccination. Cleanliness is next to Godliness, they always
say; well, it is true. Anytime sanitation is present, disease is absent. The
increase in hand washing alone causes a dramatic decrease in childhood
illnesses, as does good nutrition. Vaccinations actually harm, not benefit, the
immune system and have been known to cause the very illness they were
created to prevent, most notably polio.
When we hear the words plague and epidemic we dont normally
think of mental health issues either, yet the diagnostic rate of depression is
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skyrocketing. According to the National Institutes of Mental Health
(NIMH) there are three major types of depression: Major Depressive
Disorder, Dysthymic Disorder, and Bipolar Disorder. Major depressive
disorder is the leading cause of disability in the United States for people
ages 15 to 44, affecting approximately 17.1 million American adults (8% of
the adult population). It is about twice as common in women as it is in men.
Dysthymic Disorder is described as chronic, mild depression that
persists for at least two years in adults, or one year in children. It affects
approximately 1.5% of the U.S. population ages 18 and older, or roughly 3.3
million American adults. Lastly, Bipolar Disorder, also known as manic-
depression, affects approximately 5.7 million American adults (2.6% of the
U.S. population).
It is believed that approximately one in every five children will go
through depression before adulthood. Studies indicate that anywhere from
10% to 15% of children and adolescents currently display symptoms of
depression. Depression is also tied in with many other mental health
problems as well. The tie between nutrition and our moods is undeniable, as
any good nutritionist will tell you, yet how often do we hear of someone
suffering from depressions going to see a nutritionist as part of their
Another question we need to ask ourselves is, How many of these
other problems are a direct result of the treatments? The list of side
effects of anti-depressants makes one wonder, which is worse, the
depression or its treatment? Here is a list of side effects from a popular
antidepressant; judge for yourself: Dry mouth, urinary retention, blurred
vision, constipation, sedation (can interfere with driving or operating
machinery), sleep disruption, weight gain, headache, nausea, gastrointestinal
disturbance/diarrhea, abdominal pain, inability to achieve an erection,
inability to achieve an orgasm (men and women), loss of libido, agitation, and
anxiety. It seems to me that most of these side effects would cause one to
become depressed if they were not already.
How many of the people who have snapped and started killing others
were later found to have been taking prescription drugs to treat depression?
Too many to count. Weve heard that there is an epidemic of school
shootings sweeping this country, yet we dont quite grasp what is being said
here. Epidemic = plague. Yes, there is a plague of depression sweeping this
country and we dont even seem to notice. Maybe its because we dont seem
to notice the other people around us anymore. Years ago, before the
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inventions of television and air conditioning, neighbors used to visit with one
another, sharing news of the neighborhood. Everyone knew when there was a
crisis in the neighborhood and would come together to help whoever was in
need. Not today. Today most of us suffer in silence.
It is this suffering that is one of the causes of depression. Another
cause is our SAD diet. When our bodies are unable to absorb nutrients, or
the nutrients simply are not in our foods, our bodies tend to slow down. We
lose energy and have a hard time concentrating and dont know why. These
are some of the same conditions that doctors classify as symptoms of
depression. If we would simply return to the traditional ways of preparing
our foods, and started to care for one anothers needs again, we would
discover a dramatic drop in depression in this country.
Recent studies have indicated that foods rich in Omega 3 fatty
acids have anti-depressant properties. Although they are not willing to state
that this nutrient can be used to treat depression, this conclusion seems
quite obvious to me. Maybe the reason they are not willing to state this is
due to the amount of money the pharmaceutical companies would lose if this
information were released to the general public with that statement. We are
intelligent human beings; we can draw our own conclusions without the help
of the doctors and laboratories or are we?
Lately we have seen a couple of cases where certain viruses have
gotten out of the laboratory and someone has gotten sick. Are these trial
runs for more plagues planned for our future? Just why do we need to have
so many samples of small pox? Cant we just leave the formula for future
generations, just in case? How many villages have been wiped out by
epidemics that go through so quickly that the entire village is dead before
anyone outside knows anyone was even sick? What might be the next deadly
plague? Yellow fever? Bird flu? Or some other highly toxic virus like AIDS,
only faster moving?
We dont have the answers to these questions, and we shouldnt even
have to ask them, but with the way things are going these days, you simply
cant trust anyone any more. Anyone who has spent any time in the Word
knows that evil days are ahead. All the watchmen are aware of what is
coming. Its not pretty. This world has never seen anything like it before.
Health care costs have skyrocketed and it is getting harder and
harder to find a good general practitioner because there are just so many
sick people and too many specialists. Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome,
hypothyroidism, irritable bowl syndrome; all of these were virtually unheard
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of just 40 years ago. Now they make front page new in the health section as
folks search desperately for a cure, or even a good treatment. Just think of
how much money the health care industry is making off of these diseases.
The pharmaceutical companies cant reinvest their profits fast enough and
although they pour millions of dollars annually into lobbying efforts, the top
executives have no choice but to live lavish lifestyles, the poor things.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is bought and paid for, many
times over. Most of the top executives either worked for the industry prior
to attaining their job at the FDA, or they acquire top-paying jobs in the food
and drug industry soon after vacating their post. The connection between
aspartame and Donald Rumsfeld is only the tip of the iceberg. And now the
FDA is going after the vitamin manufacturers, who seem to be our only line
of defense against these big corporations and their greedy policies. What
are we to do? Whom shall we trust?
Parents are quick to give their coughing child some cold medicine, but
are we really sure that these even work? As far back as 1972 the FDA has
complained that there were only a few studies done on children, only eleven
in the last half-century, and they did not establish that the medicines even
work. So, why do we give them these medications? Maybe it is because we
are no longer taught to give nutritious foods to build up the immune system
so the body can effectively fight off the common cold. Children need to
cough up any phlegm from their chest and get it out. Cough syrup prevents
this from happening, causing the body to take longer to heal. So, in all
actuality, giving a child medication can cause the opposite effect, allowing
the cold to linger.
Last, but certainly not least of all, we have the plague of cancer that
is sweeping not only our country, but also the entire world. Throughout my
studies of nutrition and the SAD diet, there is one thing I have found over
and over again: many of the additives we consume daily cause cancer. There
are as many cancers as there are additives it seems. We have been battling
cancer for decades now and it doesnt seem like we are making any headway.
It seems like cancer is winning and it seems like thats the plan.
Do the research. Cancer cures have been around almost as long as
cancer. Why dont we know about them? We dont know about them because
treating cancer is much more profitable than curing it. The standard
protocols for cancer treatment call for manageability, not total recovery.
Nutrition is totally ignored for the most part and we are fed a bunch of
poison in the hopes that it will only kill the cancer.
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The cancer research currently underway is not looking into the causes
of cancer, simply the treatment. If we want to cure cancer, dont we need to
discover the causes so we can eliminate them, thereby eliminating cancer?
Makes sense to me, but what do I know? Im not a paid researcher. I do my
research freely, which means that I am not going to lean towards the
pharmaceutical companies.
In my research I have come across the story of one man who had a
cure for many cancers, mostly of the skin. His treatment worked wonders
and people were being cured in his clinics. The treatment was so successful
that government representatives went to see this man, hoping to purchase
the secret from him. The man said that he would be happy to share the
secret, on one condition: the treatment would remain available to any and all
who needed it, regardless of their financial means. When the officials
refused to agree to these terms, he refused to divulge the secret so they
ran him out of the country! Once again, the almighty dollar prevails.
Dr. Ralph Moss is the author of The Cancer Industry. In his book he
states that chemotherapy drugs are the most toxic substances ever
deliberately put into the human body. He also states:
Effective cancer treatment is a matter of definition. The
FDA defines an effective drug as one that achieves a 50% or
more reduction in tumor size for twenty-eight days. In the vast
majority of cases, there is absolutely no correlation between a
tumor shrinking for twenty-eight days and the cure of the
cancer or even extension of life. When the cancer patient hears
the doctor say the word effective, he or she thinks that
means it cures cancer. But all it means is a temporary reduction
in the size of the tumor.
Alan C. Nixon, Ph.D. is the former president of the American Cancer
Society (ACS) and he states point-blank, Chemotherapy does much more
harm than good. There are many other doctors who agree, yet those who
challenge the medical establishments cancer protocols, which usually call for
aggressively attacking the cancer with radiation and chemotherapy, are
called wackos and worse.
According to Lee Cowden, M.D., of the University of Texas Medical
To the cancer establishment, a cancer patient is a profit
center. The actual clinical and scientific evidence does not
support the claims of the Cancer Industry. Conventional cancer
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treatments are in place as the law of the land, because they
pay, not heal, the best. Decades of the politics of cancer as
usual have kept us from knowing this and will continue to do so
unless we wake up to this reality.
You cant get much clearer than that. The various cancer societies and
foundations are collecting lots of money for research that is not focused on
finding cures and preventing cancer, but on how to treat cancer.
There are quite a number of businesses that have sprung up around
the treatment of cancer. From the companies that make mammogram
machines to the ones that make the chemotherapy drugs to the wig
manufacturing company, there are many hundreds, if not thousands of people
involved in the cancer industry. How much of the money that has been raised
for cancer research goes into the search for causes and cures and how much
goes into the treatment options? How much goes into lobbying efforts?
We all carry the cancer cells within us. These cells cannot grow unless
the conditions are just right. Our modern lifestyles, with our microwaves and
our pollution and the fast food that we all enjoy, have compromised our
immune systems. This allows these cancer cells to grow and multiply and
overtake our defense systems. Proper nutrition, while it cant cure all of our
ills, goes a long way towards improving our immune system so that it is
better equipped to fight cancers and all these other diseases.
Throughout this study I have learned one very important fact: you
cant trust the medical establishment, or governmental agencies, or
advertising agencies to look out for what is best for us. We have to research
these things ourselves. We cant continue to consume that which is not food
and expect not to have to pay for it in the end. We have become human
guinea pigs of the global elite, and we are oblivious.
There is only One who can save us from our enemies. There is only One
who can protect us from the plagues of the end times. His arm is stronger
than any governmental agency, any excitotoxin, or any other additive that
they intend to use to kill us. He can protect us, if He so desires, but He
shouldnt have to. We should be protected already. If we would simply follow
His Word, His teachings, then we would be much healthier than those around
us, and therefore protected from all of these diseases that now plague the
entire world.
If you are not careful to observe all the words of this law
which are written in this book, to fear this honored and
awesome name, the LORD your God, then the LORD will bring
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extraordinary plagues on you and your descendants, even severe
and lasting plagues, and miserable and chronic sicknesses. He
will bring back on you all the diseases of Egypt of which you
were afraid, and they will cling to you. Also every sickness and
every plague which, not written in the book of this law, the
LORD will bring on you until you are destroyed. Then you shall
be left few in number, whereas you were as numerous as the
stars of heaven, because you did not obey the LORD your God.
(Deuteronomy 28:58-62)
This seems pretty plain to me; obey and be healthy or disobey and be
sick, just like the rest of the world. Chronic illnesses abound in epidemic
proportions yet we refuse to see the real cause is our disobedience. If we
would simply turn back to Adonai, following the rules that He gave us (for
our own benefit) we would regain our health, or at least ease the discomfort
of the pain caused by our disbelief.
So many of us, myself included, have claimed to be giving Adonai
control of our entire lives, yet refusing to give up eating a certain food that
we enjoy. We somehow equate freedom with a separation from the law, yet
we can only truly obtain freedom through the law. We are free to live a long,
healthy life as long as we follow His simple dietary plan. If we do, we will live
long and prosper in the land, just as He said.
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Antibiotics, Pain Medications and

Speaking of plagues, today we are facing a very deadly virus that is
causing sickness and death, and we have caused this virus. MRSA
(Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) is a super strain of drug-
resistant staphylococcus bacteria. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) has
recently announced that drug-resistant Staph infections have increased
dramatically, well beyond what they had previously believed, and is now
expected to cause more deaths than HIV/AIDS. It is now expected that
90,000 or more new cases could be diagnosed every year.
We are also experiencing a plague that is attacking our youngest
members of society: autism. Although our family practitioners assure us that
there is no definite link between vaccinations and autism, many studies
worldwide prove otherwise. But you dont need to quote studies to convince
the parent of an autistic child; they can tell you their own experience with
vaccinations and they beg other parents to refuse vaccinations for their own
children. Autism simply does not exist in countries with no vaccination
program. Autism didnt even exist until the 1930s, which, coincidentally, is
also when the vaccine manufacturers began using Thimerosal. Why cant we
see the proof when it is staring us in the face?
No medicine cabinet would be complete without some sort of pain
medication. Aspirin, Tylenol and other pain medications are given routinely
yet they are not without their own hazards. An aspirin a day keeps the
doctor away, is not necessarily true; daily aspirin usage may actually be
detrimental to our health. If our child complains that they are not feeling
well, what is the first thing we do? We treat the symptom, ignoring the root
cause, just as our doctors have taught us to do. The only problem is these
painkillers can actually prevent our bodies from healing themselves.
Staphylococcus bacterial infections, or Staph infections, are usually
confined to hospital settings. Staph bacteria are present on most people all
the time, and do not pose a health threat until they enter the body, usually
through an open wound. Healthy people usually can fight off the infection,
but for people with compromised immune systems, a Staph infection can be
deadly. It can also be a leading cause of other health issues such as Toxic
Shock Syndrome (TSS), pneumonia, bone infections (osteomyelitis), mastitis
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in nursing mothers, endocarditis (inner heart infection), and bacteremia
(blood infection).
The MRSA strain is particularly frightening due to the fact that it is
easily transmitted and very difficult to fight. In athletic circles it spreads
very quickly due to the amount of skin-on-skin contact, especially involving
injuries. There have been cases of MRSA passing during the sharing of a
personal item, like a towel. And, as mentioned earlier, this strain is drug-
resistant. Penicillin and other anti-biotics are useless against this super-
strain because the bacteria has mutated, adjusting to survive the anti-biotic
It was discovered many years ago that many infections, especially in
hospital settings, were caused by bacteria and that anti-biotics such as
penicillin were effective is wiping out the bacteria. This was a wonderful
discovery, only it happened before we discovered that our bodies contained
both good and bad bacteria. Anti-biotics are defined as, A chemical
substance derivable from a mold or bacterium that kills microorganisms and
cures infections, and was considered to be a wonder drug when first
Anti-biotics were definitely the answer to many serious infections,
but not all. In order to know whether or not a patient really needed anti-
biotics a doctor had to perform some tests to determine the type and strain
of virus the patient had. Only then could they prescribe the proper course
of action. Unfortunately this process took time and the patient continued to
get sicker, so many doctors, judging from their own past experience, and
urged by the parent to, do something, would often prescribe the patient
with the most widely used anti-biotics, just in case. After all, they
reasoned, what could it hurt? We will soon answer that question.
As patients were discharged earlier from the hospitals, they had to
make sure to continue the anti-biotic treatment rather than the nurses
doing that for them. Many did not finish their medication simply because
they were feeling better and, who knows maybe Ill need some again
sometime and this way Ill already have it on hand. This is because they
didnt understand that they must take the full course of penicillin in order
for it to totally kill the bacterial infection. If you leave any bacterial alive, it
tends to mutate, adapting to the anti-biotic and using what it learned to
genetically modify its self, thereby becoming naturally impervious to the
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Also, many strains of Staph infections could only be properly treated
using a specific type of anti-biotic, while others didnt work. When the
doctors simply prescribed the drug without first testing to see what strain
they were fighting, they often prescribed a drug that was ineffective in
combating that specific strain. This would cause the virus to weaken, but
would not wipe it out, allowing mutation.
Thus we have created a super-strain that is drug-resistant and much
more difficult to treat. Also, because of our weakened immune system (due
to our SAD diet), our bodies are simply not well equipped to fight the
infection. Those with compromised immune systems are usually the ones who
succumb to such infections. It is also unfortunate that most hospitals have
no idea how to build up the immune systems of their patients and their
nutritional needs become an afterthought.
At the same time all these anti-biotics have also killed off the
friendly bacteria that our bodies need to maintain proper health, thus
compromising our immune system further. This wouldnt be such a problem if
we had a method to re-introduce the friendly bacteria. We do have such a
method, as we shall later see, but most people are unaware of this condition
and how to treat it. By simply re-introducing lacto-fermented foods back
into our diets, we can replace the friendly bacteria wiped out by the drugs.
More and more people are beginning to discover these things and even
doctors are beginning to tell their female patients to take acidophilus pills to
help strengthen the good bacteria and prevent yeast infections. Acidophilus
is the live and active culture found in yogurt. Good bacteria, like acidophilus,
keep naturally occurring yeast under control; without these bacteria, yeast
thrives, feeding on the high sugar in our SAD diets and causing yeast
infections. Doctors also need to advise their male patients likewise because
they can get yeast infections as well, causing gastrointestinal disorders.
Doctors have known for years that these drug-resistant strains have
been developing and have tried to get their patients to understand the need
to completely finish their anti-biotics, but we are a stubborn and stiff-
necked people. I guess you could say that we did it to ourselves. We have
relied too heavily on mans solutions to sickness and ignored Adonais.
"Know therefore that the LORD your God, He is God, the
faithful God, who keeps His covenant and His lovingkindness to
a thousandth generation with those who love Him and keep
His commandments; but repays those who hate Him to their
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faces, to destroy them; He will not delay with him who hates
Him, He will repay him to his face.
"Therefore, you shall keep the commandment and the
statutes and the judgments which I am commanding you today,
to do them. Then it shall come about, because you listen to
these judgments and keep and do them, that the LORD your
God will keep with you His covenant and His lovingkindness
which He swore to your forefathers. He will love you and bless
you and multiply you; He will also bless the fruit of your womb
and the fruit of your ground, your grain and your new wine and
your oil, the increase of your herd and the young of your flock,
in the land which He swore to your forefathers to give you.
"You shall be blessed above all peoples; there will be no male
or female barren among you or among your cattle. The LORD
will remove from you all sickness; and He will not put on you
any of the harmful diseases of Egypt which you have known, but
He will lay them on all who hate you. (Deuteronomy 7:9-15)
HaShem is pretty plain here. If we keep (protect, honor, celebrate)
the commandments, statutes and judgments of Adonai, He will remove all
sickness from us. Only eating the foods He provided for us (clean versus
unclean) and keeping those animals healthy (not eating that which dies of
itself or is unhealthy) has kept Gods people healthy for hundreds and
thousands of years. Why do we think that suddenly we know better?
As I mentioned earlier, there has been a dramatic increase in
digestive disorders in this country. The abundant use of pain medications,
antacids, and antibiotics contributes greatly to the prevalence of leaky gut
syndrome. Antibiotic usage is the most common cause of the various
dysbiosis (imbalance of intestinal flora) patterns and its high usage is a
major cause of these disorders. Strangely enough, pain medications also play
a vital role in the breakdown in the proper function of our digestive system.
Elizabeth Lipski, M.S., C.C.N. writes in her book Digestive Wellness:
Inflammation, pain and swelling are natures message to stop
and let your body heal. But we often ignore this basic instinct
and reach for pain medication so we can continue our lives. If
the pain and inflammation were initially caused by microbes and
you never dealt with the cause, more endotoxins will be
produced, causing chronic pain and inflammation, and setting up
a continuing cycle.
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Often, the pain medications we take become a factor in the
continuation and severity of the problem. Stephen Barrie, N.D.,
calls it a Machiavellian theme: The drug causes damage to the
intestinal lining, causing more inflammation, irritation and pain,
so we take more pain medication, which causes further damage.
There are two types of pain medications: steroidal and non-steroidal.
Corticosteroids are made naturally in our body. Synthetic steroids, like
prednisone and corisone, are powerful anti-inflammatory drugs that are
effective in emergency situations, such as allergies, asthma, arthritis, poison
ivy, sumac and oak, as well as eczema. When used on a daily basis they can
cause serious side effects like a depressed immune system, stomach ulcers,
leaky gut syndrome, brittle bones, and even diabetes. They can also be very
addictive, which is why they are available by prescription only.
Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) include both
aspirin and ibuprofen and are given out frequently to anyone complaining of a
headache, fever or any other pain. But do we know what they are and how
they work? I didnt, and I gave them to my children and myself anyway. How
do they work? They block prostaglandin, which are small protein messengers
found throughout our bodies. These messengers have two functions. One is
to cause pain so that our brains know that there is a problem and the other
is to cause the healing and repair of the problem. When these prostaglandin
are blocked we no longer feel the pain, but the healing is blocked as well.
The linings of our intestines are repaired and replaced by this
prostaglandin every three to five days. Constant use of NSAIDs blocks this
repair process, damaging the intestinal lining. The Candida fungus also
damages the intestinal lining when allowed to thrive as a result of antibiotic
usage. Once the lining is damaged, larger molecules are able to pass into the
bloodstream. This is known as leaky gut syndrome.
There are four different types of floral imbalance: Putrefaction,
Fermentation, Deficiency, and Sensitization Dysbiosis. All four can be
caused and/or aggravated by both antibiotics and pain medications.
Putrefaction is basically when the food you eat does not get passed along
quickly enough, causing it to just sit and rot in our intestines and colon. It is
caused by a diet high in fat and animal protein and low in fiber and causes
bloating, discomfort, and indigestion. Those suffering from Putrefaction
Dysbiosis also tend to be deficient in vitamin B-12, causing depression,
diarrhea, fatigue, memory loss, a numbing in the hands and feet, sleep
disturbance and weakness. Increasing fiber from vegetable, fruit and grain
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sources while reducing animal fat and protein ingestion easily treats this
Fermentation Dysbiosis is caused by the faulty digestion of
carbohydrates such as sugars, fruit, beer, wine, grains and other fiber.
Candida or other disease causing microbes that flourish after a course of
antibiotics usually causes this condition, and it can be treated with the re-
introduction of good bacteria back into the digestive system. Probiotics in
pill form can be purchased at most health food stores or on the Internet.
Deficiency Dysbiosis is caused by a lack of beneficial flora, like
bifido-bacteria and lactobacillius, and results in food sensitivities and
irritable bowl syndrome. Basically, this is what happens when we have taken
too much antibiotics and not enough fiber, so the introduction of fiber is a
must in treating this type of flora imbalance.
The final pattern of Dysbiosis is called Sensitization and is
characterized by abnormal, or even aggravated, responses to the normal
digestive process. It is basically when the immune system attacks that which
is normally not considered a threat to the body and is caused by faulty
genetic markers identifying certain foods as a threat. It leads to food
intolerances, leaky gut syndrome, acne, bowel and skin problems, connective
tissue disease, psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis. As with all the others, the
re-introduction of the friendly bacteria that had been wiped out by
antibiotic use is a necessity.
Because it is cheaper to give a cow a shot to keep her healthy than to
guarantee her access to a good, green pasture, many dairies tend to pump
their livestock full of anti-biotics in an effort to keep them healthy and
producing lots of milk. These anti-biotics build up in their bodies, filling the
meat, fat and milk with anti-biotics that eventually are ingested and reduce
more of the friendly bacteria we need. Thats not to mention the massive
amount of hormones given to cows to cause an increase in milk production
that is also seeping into our milk supply. These added hormones cause stress
to our system and can cause severe hormonal imbalances, taxing our immune
system more.
The only way we will effectively combat drug-resistant strains of
bacteria is by boosting the immune system. Then the body will be able to
handle the infection without doctor intervention. So, what we need to be
asking now is, How do we boost our immune system without the use of
drugs? We need to eat the right foods. Moses has already told us to follow
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Gods commands and then we will be well. He also tells us what will happen if
we dont follow the commands, statutes and ordinances:
"If you are not careful to observe all the words of this law
which are written in this book, to fear this honored and
awesome name, the LORD your God, then the LORD will bring
extraordinary plagues on you and your descendants, even
severe and lasting plagues, and miserable and chronic
sicknesses. He will bring back on you all the diseases of
Egypt of which you were afraid, and they will cling to you.
"Also every sickness and every plague which, not written in
the book of this law, the LORD will bring on you until you are
destroyed. Then you shall be left few in number, whereas you
were as numerous as the stars of heaven, because you did not
obey the LORD your God. (Deuteronomy 28:58-62)
Isnt this what has happened? If we study the word of God and apply
it to our lives, we would be protected from these diseases, plagues and
chronic illnesses. Why dont we do that? What is preventing us from
following His word and instructions? Why do we continue to eat that which is
not food and inject foreign substances into our bodies and then curse God
when we get sick? Why do we eat sick animals or highly drugged animals, and
wonder why we get sick ourselves? Are we really so stupid as to believe
there is no correlation?
That is what we are expected to believe when it comes to the link
between autism and vaccinations; that there is no link at all. Yet all over the
world doctors and scientists are coming forward and telling the truth, often
after their own children fall prey to these shots. All the while, the average
doctor continues to advise his or her patients to start a regular course of
vaccinations almost from birth. What is going on here? Why are there so
many people up in arms about vaccinations?
Weve been told for almost a century now that vaccines are absolutely
necessary if we are to rid our world of many diseases that can be fatal. We
have been shown charts indicating that since vaccination programs have
started these diseases have dropped dramatically. What they dont show is
the graph containing data from the decades preceding the beginning of
inoculations. These graphs indicate that many childhood diseases, like mumps
and measles, were already declining rapidly due to our better understanding
of sanitation and sanitary conditions.
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In fact, the evidence indicates that the rate of contraction of these
diseases actually rises after vaccinations. The polio vaccine caused the only
known outbreaks of polio in the last half century. They have known this
problem has existed since the 1950s and have continued to use this vaccine.
The medical community likes to display their graphs that show a sharp
decline in confirmed polio cases since the vaccination program first began.
What they dont tell you is that they changed the diagnosis of polio to make
it harder to diagnose. As a result, confirmed cases fell meanwhile reported
cases rose dramatically.
We have never had a vaccination for Scarlet Fever, yet the cases have
dropped just as dramatically as whooping cough, and we have been
vaccinating against that for years. So, if vaccinations are the reason why
whooping cough has been dramatically reduced, why has scarlet fever also
been reduced without a vaccine? Could it be because we dont really need
these vaccines?
We have been told time and time again that our children need
vaccinations to ward off the possibility that they could get one of these
childhood diseases that may prove fatal. Notice the trigger words, used to
instill fear in the population: possibility and may. These words are used to
create doubt in our minds and make us more susceptible to their words. So,
what is the truth? The truth is that if your children are healthy, and you
take good care of them, then they should be able to beat these childhood
illnesses easily.
Allow me to give you an example. A friend named Stephanie has
recently told me about her sons battle with whooping cough:
My son developed Whooping Cough this past summer. There
is "apparently no cure" for Whooping Cough. I used a dropper
full of Total Tonic that I make every 3-4 hours, colloidal silver
and bone broth and he was over it in 8 days AND MOST
IMPORTANT [make sure] it is really silver! A lot of products
out there are not the real deal. Look for words like hydrosol or
spray; they are NOT what you want.
How difficult is it to make this Total Tonic and pick up some colloidal silver
for your child? Its actually quite easy to make the tonic. Just take 2 cloves
of garlic, 1 teaspoon of Turmeric, 1 teaspoon of Horseradish, 1/4 of an
onion, 1 small piece ginger, a handful of Cilantro (fresh), and a dash of
Cayenne in a base of 1/2 cup Organic Raw Unfiltered Apple Cider
Vinegar. Mix all of the ingredients together in a blender or a food
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processor. A child would only need five drops under their tongue three times
a day. For an adult, double the dose. The colloidal silver can be found in most
health food stores, online, or one can purchase or build a machine and make
their own. Just make sure that your silver is pure.
The longest part is the making of the soup (unless this is something
you do regularly and keep on hand) and the running to the store. It doesnt
involve standing in line at the pharmacy. It doesnt even involve a trip to the
doctor (why are we taking out children out of their sick beds to see
doctors?) Put the child to bed, give them soup and other nourishing foods
and keep them clean and they should be fine. The medications that we take
these days have so many bad side effects that we need to recover from the
recovery. There are no side effects of soup and these other herbs and
treatments like you find with prescription drugs.
The Amish do not vaccinate their children; it is against their beliefs.
Yet from the period between 1970 and 1988 they reported no cases of
measles. Another interesting statistic is the autism rate among the Amish
it is virtually non-existent. I say virtually because there are a few cases of
Autism among the Amish of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Out of the
entire community, only three children have been diagnosed as Autistic. All
three had been adopted and all three had received vaccinations prior to
their adoption. Outside of these three cases, there are no Autistic children
among the Amish of Lancaster County.
The Swiss also do not immunize against the measles, yet studies have
shown that those who are vaccinated are twice as likely to die from the
measles than those who were not. This is because when we inject these
viruses directly into the blood stream we bypass the systems designed by
God to properly breakdown of these pathogens. Rather than boost the
immune system, we compromise it.
Suppressed immune systems are more likely to be unable to fight off
the viruses and bacteria that we come into contact with. As a result we are
seeing an upsweep in the number of people being diagnosed with allergies,
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, chronic ear infections (linked with ADD/ADHD),
arthritis, diabetes, cancer, leukemia, and multiple sclerosis. People with
already compromised immunity are much more likely to contract the disease
they are being vaccinated against, and often these diseases are then fatal.
Discoveries are being made all around the world that we never even
hear about, and I think that it is a shame. In the Philippians there was a
small pox epidemic that gave us some starling new discoveries. The epidemic
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was so severe that many people actually contracted small pox twice (very
rare). The amazing thing was, only those who had received the small pox
vaccine contracted the disease twice.
In the 1950s and 60s there were many children who were infected
with monkey virus due to infected monkey tissue being used to culture the
polio vaccine. Why are we using animal tissues, especially unclean and
unhealthy animals? As far back as the 1940s it has been known that
diphtheria shots caused a polio outbreak in the U.S., yet these shots were
continually given to young children. Again I ask, Why?
When a young child shows a reaction to these shots, the health care
professionals often tell the parents that it was a coincidence that these
symptoms appeared after their vaccinations, and that there is no reason to
suspect the vaccination, especially if a few weeks have passed. This is
absolutely a lie. There has now been a term coined to describe these delayed
reactions: Delayed Hypersensitivity Reactions. These reactions can happen
several weeks after the vaccination occurred.
It was the study of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) or crib
death that actually demonstrated the direct correlation between
vaccinations and infants dying in their sleep. Many families were given
breathing monitors for those infants deemed most at risk of SIDS (often
because of the loss of a sibling). These monitors showed an increase in
breathing difficulty after immunizations.
Vaccines not only contain the virus that we want our bodies to learn to
fight, but they also contain other ingredients as well, including human fetal
cells. To me, this seems like a form of cannibalism. Antifreeze is used in the
polio vaccine, and we all know how toxic that solution is. Another common
ingredient is MSG, as if we didnt have enough in our system already. We are
also injecting animal organ tissue and blood. Animals used include monkey
(kidney), cow (heart), calf (serum), chicken (embryo and egg), duck (egg), pig
(blood), sheep (blood), dog (kidney), horse (blood), rabbit (brain), and guinea
pig. Youre general practitioner will not give you this list. They dont know it
Also among these ingredients are formaldehyde, mercury and
aluminum. These are poisons and unsafe at any level. Formaldehyde has been
classified by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as a Probable
Human Carcinogen, which means that it is known to cause cancer in animals
and suspected of causing it in humans as well. The effects of formaldehyde
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exposure include eye, nose, and throat irritation, wheezing, coughing,
fatigue, skin rashes, and other severe allergic reactions.
Mercury is so dangerous that hospitals have stopped using
thermometers made with glass and mercury for fear of them braking and
harming a patient. Many people are paying to have all of their mercury
fillings removed because of the associated health risks, including gum
disease. People who have been exposed to mercury for long periods of time
tend to have mental issues and problems with their nervous system as a
result. According to Oklahoma State University (
Mood and mental changes. People with chronic mercury
poisoning often have wide swings of mood, becoming irritable,
frightened, depressed or excited very quickly for no apparent
reason. Such people may become extremely upset at any
criticism, lose all self-confidence, and become apathetic.
Hallucinations, memory loss and inability to concentrate can
Nervous system. The earliest and most frequent symptom is
a fine tremor (shaking) of the hand. A tremor may also occur in
the tongue and eyelids. Eventually this can progress to trouble
balancing and walking.
Mercury is also known to cause birth defects, personality changes,
weight loss, irritability, fatigue, nervousness, loss of memory, indecision, and
intellectual deterioration. In vaccines, mercury, in the form of Thimerosal, is
used as a preservative since the 1930s. Studies have consistently shown
that mercury is poisonous since that time, yet not only are we continuing to
use Thimerosal in our vaccines, the makers have actually increased the
amount used and the number of vaccines with Thimerosal as an ingredient.
The most dramatic rises have been in the last 20 years. Coincidentally so
have Autism rates.
Autism, as defined by the Autism Society of America (www.autism- has many facets:
Autism is a complex developmental disability that typically
appears during the first three years of life and is the result of
a neurological disorder that affects the normal functioning of
the brain, impacting development in the areas of social
interaction and communication skills. Both children and adults
with autism typically show difficulties in verbal and non-verbal
communication, social interactions, and leisure or play activities.
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One should keep in mind however, that autism is a spectrum
disorder and it affects each individual differently and at
varying degrees - this is why early diagnosis is so crucial. By
learning the signs, a child can begin benefiting from one of the
many specialized intervention programs.
Autism is one of five disorders that falls under the
umbrella of Pervasive Developmental Disorders (PDD), a
category of neurological disorders characterized by severe and
pervasive impairment in several areas of development.
The five disorders under PDD are:
Autistic Disorder
Asperger's Disorder
Childhood Disintegrative Disorder (CDD)
Rett's Disorder
PDD-Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS)
It doesnt take a rocket scientist to see the similarities between the
symptoms of mercury poisoning and autism.
The main target of mercury seems to be the central nervous system,
and it tends to affect males more than females. Children born to mothers
who had been exposed to mercury tend to be born with developmental and
neurological disorders. This information has been knows for over forty
years, and they continue to increase the amount of mercury that they want
to inject into our children. Infant and young children are especially at risk
for mercury poisoning, needing only minute amounts to cause major damage.
Why do we insist on vaccinating infants? What are the chances of them
coming into contact with hepatitis within the first few months of life? For
most, the chances are very slim. What are the chances of them having brain
damage after such early contact with mercury? Even one out of 10,000 is too
There are certain levels at which mercury can be considered safe. The
EPA, FDA, and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
(ATSDR) suggested safe limits for mercury intake; mercury levels as a
result of vaccination during the first six months of life exceeded the limit
set by the EPA. The FDA has recommended that all infants be given the
hepatitis B vaccine within 24 hours of birth. This vaccine contains 12 mcg of
mercury, which is 30 times the level considered safe by the CDC. Again, why
are we giving this poison to our infants? Why are we doing this to anyone?
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Eli Lilly is the largest vaccine manufacturer in the world and has been
using Thimerosal since the 1930s. Another pharmaceutical company named
Pittman-Moore told Eli Lilly that the tests that they ran using Thimerosal in
dog vaccines indicated that this vaccine wasnt even safe for animal usage;
half the dogs in the study died. During World War II any and all vaccines
containing Thimerosal had to be labeled poison.
In 1967 Applied Microbiology printed the results of a test using
Thimerosal on mice showing that it caused many to die. Eli Lilly themselves
conducted a study in 1971 that showed that Thimerosal is, toxic to tissue
cells at levels as low as 1 part per million. The average vaccine contains 100
times that amount. In 1977 in a hospital in Toronto, Canada, the antiseptic
used contained Thimerosal as its preservative. This antiseptic was used to
dab the umbilical cords of newborns, resulting in ten deaths. In 1982 the
FDA was considering a ban on all over-the-counter products containing
Thimerosal and in 1991 they were considering banning its use in animal
Yet with all of this evidence, the FDA and the CDC instead increased
the number of vaccinations recommended and called for them to begin as
early as the first 24 hours of a childs life. This is the most ridiculous thing
they could have said! The younger the person, the harder it is to process or
eliminate heavy metals and the more damage that can be done to the brain.
The pertussis, or whooping cough vaccine itself contains mercury levels
between 100 and 122 times the exposure levels the government has set, yet
we give this to our children between two and four months of age.
Mercury that is injected is much more toxic than mercury that is
ingested, say through contaminated fish, because it bypasses our natural
defenses and goes directly into our blood. This is compounded in infants
because they do not yet have blood-brain barriers so the mercury
accumulates in brain cells and nerves. Often this mercury will remain
dormant, rising up to cause problems even years later. Besides vaccines,
Thimerosal is currently found in over 200 FDA-approved drugs. Did you ever
get the feeling that the FDA isnt looking out for our best interest?
At one point Dr. Tom Verstraeten, an epidemiologist with the Center
for Disease Control, called a very secret meeting to discuss his findings
regarding whether or not there was a link between vaccinations and autism.
He said that statistically there is a significant and frightening relationship
between mercury and autism. This meeting was covered up and we only know
about it due to the Freedom of Information Act. The CDC continues to claim
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that mercury levels in vaccinations are perfectly safe for our youngest
children, denying their own research and paying others, like the Institute of
Medicine, to continue studying this problem. They are only willing to release
findings that agree with their official statements.
Dr. Mark Geier and his son David obtained the CDCs records, once
again thanks to the Freedom of Information Act, and they spent two years
of their lives going over these records to see what the CDC really knows.
They too have found an astonishing connection between the mercury in
Thimerosal and autism. The records also indicate that there are no reported
cases of autism amongst those who have never had vaccinations containing
Thimerosal. Hmmm, interesting, dont you think?
Even with all of this evidence, the both the CDC and the Institute of
Medicine have continued to maintain their position, releasing the result of
their own studies showing no proven link between mercury and autism. Those
who have looked over these studies have serious questions regarding their
validity. During the 1980s and 1990s the CDC recommended an increase in
the vaccine schedule to twice the amount previously recommended, going
from just under 20 vaccines to almost 40. During that time autism rates
skyrocketed. Pennsylvania alone reported a 1,600% increase in just eleven
To put it in plain terms, in the 1980s autism rates were approximately
one out of every 10,000 children. By 2006 the estimate had changed to
about one out of every 166 children; in 2007 they estimated one in 150.
Think about that. How many special education teachers are we going to need
if this trend continues? How much longer until our precious children are
labeled useless eaters?
Aluminum, another ingredient in most vaccines, has been linked to
Alzheimers. In fact, aluminum is found in way too many products as it is,
from baking powder to anti-perspirant, and is poisoning each and every one
of us. We do need minerals such as aluminum in our bodies, but not in the
amounts that we have been exposed to and have ingested. Our kidneys just
cannot continue to eliminate these toxins from our blood at such high levels.
To make matters worse, the FDA does not have set limits on the amount of
aluminum permitted in our foods.
There seems to be a direct correlation between vaccinations and
SIDS, and it appears that the link is aluminum. It is potentially a neurotoxin
in newborn babies, and has been associated with impaired neurological
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development. In severe cases, it has caused death. How many children have
died needlessly as a result of vaccinations? The world may never know.
Our bodies are not protected simply because our bodies have
produced antibodies in reaction to a pathogen. The AIDS epidemic is a case
in point. The test for HIV/AIDS looks for antibodies in the bloodstream
that have been made as a result of the infection in the body. The presence
of these antibodies proves that the virus is present, which is a positive
diagnosis. If this holds true for AIDS, it should hold true for other
bacterial infections as well.
Another problem that has been linked to vaccination side effects is
what is known as Shaken Baby Syndrome. Many doctors are now coming
forward and testifying that these children received their injuries as a result
of their bodys reaction to the pathogens in vaccines. The trauma to the
brain is too similar to the effects of aluminum, mercury and other toxins in
these shots to be ignored. This information is also being kept from the U.S.
public. How many more parents will be jailed for crimes they did not commit?
When will those who actually have committed these crimes (the death of our
children due to toxic vaccinations) have to pay the time?
There are also links between the whooping cough vaccine and the
development of asthma in later life. The measles vaccine has links to bowl
problems, including inflammation, and the H.I.B. has been linked to diabetes
(what doesnt cause diabetes?) Rubellas vaccine is tied to arthritis later as
well. To make matters worse, it has been discovered that the measles is
linked to a vitamin A deficiency. The World Health Organization (W.H.O.) is
distributing vitamin A in third world countries in order to combat measles.
So, again why are we putting our children in harms way?
Childhood diseases are not deadly. In fact, they are a necessary part
of the building up of our bodys defense system. Because of the false
information being given to us by the medical community, I know of one
woman who was beside herself with worry because her son might have
chicken pox. I told her that if he does, please, send him to my house so that
my youngest children, who have not been exposed to the virus, might get it
and be done with it. (Her son didnt so mine still havent but Im not
How did this all start anyway? Why did we believe that children
needed to be given vaccinations at all? Smallpox is the reason why. Small
pox, which can be fatal, has been causing problems for a very long time. In
the 18
century it is believed that 60 million European died from smallpox,
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including five reigning monarchs. This simply would not do. Many doctors and
scientists searched for an answer. One doctor noticed that in the latest
smallpox outbreak none of the milkmaids had contracted the disease. It
didnt take long for him to discover the reason why: every one of them had
already contracted cowpox and therefore had built up immunity to other
poxes, including smallpox.
The theory was sound enough and many lives were saved due to this
knowledge. The problem is we assumed that it would work with other
diseases as well. Only this was not necessarily true, but weve already
committed ourselves to this theory so we refuse to allow it to die,
regardless of the evidence. Besides that, there are a lot of people who are
making a lot of money in the vaccination industry who are not willing to
simply walk away from the cash cow. That, and they are trying to kill us.
Those individuals who did succumb to these childhood diseases were
weak before they got sick. Proper nourishment makes all the difference. If
we would feed the sick good, bone broth soup, we would see amazing results
in the number of those who survive. If you look at the plagues throughout
history and then look at the treatments and who survived and who did not, it
wont take you long to discover the secret was nutritious soups and sanitary
conditions. Clean bedding can mean the difference between a few sick people
and an epidemic.
All of this information tells me that the benefits of vaccination do not
outweigh the risks. If we feed our children good, nutritious food that build
up their immune system, and keep our homes and our families clean, we will
not need to place our children at risk of contracting a disease that they may
never have come into contact with in nature. More children have contracted
polio from vaccines than from any other source, and polio was one of the
main reasons we agreed to immunizations from the beginning.
There are other substances that can be used as preservatives in
vaccines, yet the industry refuses to use them, insisting that Thimerosal is
perfectly safe. I dont believe that any level of mercury is safe, especially
for our young children. I have always heard that even a drop of mercury can
kill you, and our bodies are unable to process mercury, so we are slowly
poisoning our children for the sake of maybe preventing an illness? Does this
logic make any sense to anyone (who is not benefiting financially from this
whole program)? Obviously it all comes down to economics; Thimerosal is
simply cheaper to use than other preservatives.
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It seems obvious to me that we cannot trust the CDC or the FDA to
be on the lookout for what is best for the average American. With how many
folks from the CDC and the FDA either coming from within the
pharmaceutical industry, or going there after leaving these governmental
agencies, one cant help but wonder how many of their decisions have been
made at the corporate level. Even taking into account the love of money,
these vaccinations are not improving our lives. If anything, they are making
our lives worse, sickening and even killing our children.
The established medical community is not being honest with us about
vaccinations. Too many believe that vaccinations are mandatory and that is
simply not the case yet. There are people pushing for that right now,
including our president, who would not get the flu vaccine themselves. They
know better. Why dont we?
Clearly we must get all of the information before we can make a good
decision regarding our childrens health. We are clearly not getting all of
this information from our doctors, health care professionals, or the
mainstream news media. We must go and search these things out for
ourselves. Thank God for the Internet! With a wealth of information right
at our fingertips, it only takes a few minutes to find out more information
than your doctor could give you in an hours time. You can seek out both sides
of any issue and then prayerfully consider what to do. Adonai will show you
the truth.
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Are we just going to sit here and take it?

The UN population control program, coupled with the rubbish in our
food supply, has made each of us sick. The global elite do not care about you
or me or our children. They would like to see us dead. We are useless eaters
to them, especially those who are financially poor. I specified financially
poor because many of these same people are very, very rich in spirit. They
are the salt of the earth, and we know how the world looks at salt these
days it is only good for trampling underfoot.
Is that really all salt is good for? Is this food, so oft mentioned in the
Bible in favorable light, really as bad as they say? Or is it a miracle food,
able to heal and preserve and spice our lives? What about butter? Is
margarine really better for us? Who do we trust to tell us the truth? The
UN (and the global elite) tells us to trust them and we have. What has it
gotten us thus far? More wars than ever before, our money going to fund
programs that prevents children from being born, and more food additives
than we can list. So, do they really know whats best for us?
Are we or are we not the children of the Living God? Has the Master
not purchased us? Isnt it time we started acting as such? Just who is our
master? The master is the one we obey. Are we obeying the world when it
says, Just do it, or God when He says, Follow Me. The children of the
King should be treated as such, not as rubbish to be tossed away.
God has plans for our lives; plans for good, not evil. We cannot be a
part of His plan if we are dead. The enemy knows this. He has been working
behind the scenes for thousands of years, influencing men either knowingly
or subliminally, to bring about his evil kingdom. We stand in his way, so he
wants us dead. Lucifer has been jealous of man since day one and has wanted
to destroy us and he believes he is succeeding. You and I know better, dont
we? We know who wins the battle. But are we going to be around to see it?
So, are we just going to sit here and take it? Or are we ready to stand
up and shout, No more! Are we going to continue in our comfort zones,
slowly wasting away, or are we going to get up and do something before it is
too late? Well, which is it? Are we ready, and willing, to make the sacrifices
necessary? Have we offered up our bodies to the altar of convenience or as
living sacrifices to the One who loves us most?
If we truly love Adonai, then we should want to take care of this body
He has given us to the best of our ability. Remember, our bodies are His
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temple, housing His Spirit, and should be treated as such. We are to be holy
as He is Holy. Set apart for His special purpose from the rest of the world.
How can we serve Him when we are sick? How can we heal others when we
are sick ourselves?
Could it be that we dont really believe any of this? Not only do we not
believe that those in charge could be secretly planning to wipe us out, but we
dont even truly believe that there is a battle between good and evil and we
are caught in the middle. We must understand that what is going on here is
much bigger than our physical health; our spiritual health is in jeopardy as
If we really do believe that we are better than how we are being
treated, then we must not allow this to continue. We must separate
ourselves from them and their plans and turn back to Adonais plans. Do you
think He didnt know all of this was going to happen?
No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to
man; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted
beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide
the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it.
Therefore, my beloved, flee from idolatry. (1 Corinthians 10:13-
Idolatry? Yes, idolatry. Anything we put above God is idolatry. If we
listen to and follow a man, when he teaches in direct opposition to Gods
Word, then we have made him into an idol. If we pay more heed to our
doctor than our God, well then, is He really our God? The scientists tell us
that synthetic vitamins are just as good as those made from food sources,
but we will soon see that is simply not true. Are we still going to believe
them? Dont we trust Adonai to make vitamins for us? Suddenly Hes not
good enough? For shame!
If we truly love the Lord, then we must treat all of creation with
respect, including ourselves. He is standing by our side, always, ready and
willing to lead us into the paths of righteousness. Those paths include the
one to good health and the happiness that comes with healthiness. We are
supposed to be energetic and alive so that we can show the world what belief
in Adonai can do, but first we must believe it ourselves.
Have a little faith in Adonai. He will show you the way. Obey Him and
prosper or continue to disobey and get sicker and sicker. The choice is up to
you, but as for me and my house, we will serve Adonai by following His
instructions. Then we will be strong enough, physically, to stand in that day.
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Its Time to Fight Back!

We can regain our health once again

By Bonnie Wills
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Its Time to Fight Back 75

Disclaimer 80

Its Time to Cut Back 82

Detoxification 87

Adonai called them clean for a reason 94

How Did They Do That? 98

Jewish Penicillin 107

Raw Milk 111

Healthy Fats 117

Salt, Eggs and Honey 122

Great Grains 132

What is Your Body Doing? 141

Odds n Ends 150

Its Time to Get Moving! 160

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Its Time to Fight Back!

There is actually quite a bit that we can do to improve our over-all
health without having to depend on vitamin companies that might not be
around much longer. There are simple changes we can make, nothing
dramatic, which can make all the difference in the world. What we must ask
ourselves is this: Just how important is our health? What are we willing to
sacrifice in order to have good health?
Are we willing to sacrifice convenience? In this fast food nation in
which we live, where we are used to instant this and instant that, are we
willing to take the time to prepare real food? Just how sick and tired are we
of being sick and tired? Are we fed up enough that we are willing to get up
off the couch and do something about it? Or are we still looking for that
miracle pill that will make us exactly as we envision ourselves? These are
serious questions that need honest answers.
If we are ready and we are willing, the next thing we need to do is
figure out where to start. I can give you ideas, suggestions and tell you what
has worked for me, but ultimately the decision is up to you. Well, you and
Adonai. I dont know what each of my readers is up against. Some are dealing
with chronic illnesses and have to be very careful while others can eat
anything, but they want to make smart choices not only for themselves, but
for their families as well. Only Adonai knows what ails you. The doctor you
have seen your entire life doesnt understand you as well as our Heavenly
Father. He created us, He knows whats wrong with us, and He knows how to
fix us. So first and foremost we must seek His guidance.
The advice I give is just that: advice. This is what I have learned in
my search for better nutrition. This information is very generic; it is not
sensitive to any one particular condition. Some of my suggestions may not
work for you; some may be exactly what the doctor ordered. Each one of
us is unique and therefore each of our diets should be unique as well. There
is no magic formula that will work for everyone, and truly only God knows
what is best. Prayerfully ask Him where you should begin.
Once you begin, take baby steps. Dont rush into your kitchen, throw
away half of the food and run out to purchase all organic produce, etc. Your
family might just go into shock! Or they might rebel. Or your body might go
into shock and leave you feeling worse than you did before you started. We
can get excited, but lets not put the cart before the horse.
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The most important thing we can do for ourselves, and our families, is
to make a conscious effort to read labels before we buy. A good rule of
thumb is this: If you cant pronounce it, dont eat it. Take the time and do
the research and find out what all these additives are and what they are
doing to our bodies so you know what to avoid. This has become second
nature to those with food allergies or intolerances; it should be for all of us.
Get the kids involved. Educate them on the effects of these additives and
they will hunt them out for you. Eventually we want to get to a place where if
there is a label on the food, we dont eat it, instead only eating that which is
still in its natural state until we process it ourselves.
There is power in the dollar it is called purchasing power and it
goes farther than we think. As we purchase more healthful foods and less
junk food, the price will go down and the supply will increase. I do believe it
is called, The law of supply and demand. Lets use this law to our full
advantage. Support your local farmers by purchasing directly from them
when at all possible, especially if they use organic farming methods. Farmers
(as well as truck drivers) are the backbone of this country and should be
treated as such.
Stop purchasing prepackaged meals and start cooking. Take the time
to pack a lunch instead of picking something up along the way. If you plan
your lunch the night before, it only takes a few minutes to put it all together
in a small cooler. If you do, you will find that mid-day stretch isnt so bad
especially if you packed yourself an apple or some yogurt. They are much
better for you than that bag of chips that are full of MSG. If we make more
than we need, we can freeze the leftovers for another meal when time is of
the essence.
Planning ahead is the key to success. You have to know today what you
are having tomorrow so that you can begin preparing. We also need to invest
in a good freezer and make sure to have plenty of pantry space. Buying in
bulk when products are on sale and freezing or storing them in the pantry
will greatly reduce the grocery bill. Taking a roast out the night before to
defrost is not that difficult, as long as we are thinking ahead.
We need to relearn some of the old ways of doing things. We need to
understand that newer does not necessarily mean, better. Grandma knew
what she was talking about all those years ago when she said, With all this
new-fangled gadgets and gismos, soon folks wont know how to do for
themselves any more! Well folks, that day has come.
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Some of those new-fangled gismos are making us sick as well. Over
90% of homes in America use the microwave in some aspect of meal
preparation, whether defrosting, cooking or reheating, without knowing the
dangers involved in microwave usage. When foods are microwaved, the
nutrients within the food are seriously depleted because microwaves destroy
cell walls. We really have no idea what the long-term effect of eating
cellular damaged food will be on our bodies as no studies were done prior to
the marketing of these gizmos.
Teflon, the coating on our non-stick cookware, is leeching into our
foods as well. This product has been linked to cancer, birth defects and
organ damage, yet it is marketed as completely safe for cooking. What they
dont tell us is that it releases deadly toxins when it is super-heated, which
happens much easier than one might think. When Teflon reaches 554
degrees Fahrenheit, it begins to release tiny particles. When it reaches 680
degrees, enough toxic gas is released to kill a bird in a nearby cage. If you
cook in one of these pans for a half-hour or longer, the pans will easily reach
these temperatures. We wont get this information from a commercial.
Even aluminum pans leech into our foods, adding more aluminum to our
already over-taxed system. This is believed to be one of the causes of
hypothyroidism, and is suspected in Alzheimers as well. Aluminum poisoning
can cause muscle weakness, bone pain, fractures that wont heal, altered
mental status, premature osteoporosis, anemia and a suppressed immune
By switching back to stainless steel, baked enamel and cast iron
cookware we can easily reduce these toxins from our body while adding iron
in its natural form (from the cast iron cookware), which will reduce anemia
as well. Non-stick cookware might be easier, and cooks food faster, but it is
not healthier for us. Slow cooked foods retain more of their nutrients, and
when using cast iron, one is forced to slow down, which is also better for our
Unless you are terribly sick and need to make drastic changes
immediately, following your doctors advice, take your time with all of the
changes. Your body will go through a period of detoxification (which you can
help along) when you might actually feel worse than you did before. This is
natural. Yeast die-off, for example, might leave you feeling terrible for a
couple of days, but afterwards, when you feel your energy returning and you
begin to feel better than you have in years, you will be glad you didnt give
into temptation to eat more sugar.
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Finally, we must not forget what we have learned thus far. We cannot
expect the pharmaceutical companies to be looking out for what is best for
us; they want what is best for their profit margin. Its nothing personal; its
simply business. The same holds true for the big food companies, like Kraft
and Pepsi, and especially for fast food chains, like Kentucky Fried Chicken
and McDonalds. If they have to choose between good, wholesome ingredients
and making a few extra dollars, big business will choose the dollar every
time. Thats life.
We need to get back to the way things were done years ago, before
Teflon and microwaves and TV dinners. Ever contemplate how we survived all
those years without refrigeration? Without prescription drugs? Without
pre-sliced bread? Not only did they survive, they thrived. Sure, there were
childhood diseases that could take your child, but as we made it past each
illness we grew stronger and healthier, not sicker.
Chicken soup, cold compresses, hot water bottles and lots of fluids
will do more to fight viruses, aches and pains and the flu than all the pills in
the world. Proper nutrition will prevent us from succumbing to these viruses
and bugs. God created everything we need in the environment around us; we
simply need to get back to the original source. We need to process food
ourselves, using old-fashioned ways of preserving them. We need to find our
traditional diet and get away from the SAD diet we now suffer from.
Thus says the LORD, "Stand by the ways and see and ask
for the ancient paths, where the good way is, and walk in it; and
you will find rest for your souls. (Jeremiah 6:16)
The ancient paths were good; there was nothing wrong with them, so
why change them? Just because some guys who have a bunch of letters
after their names said so? Thats ridiculous! Our ancestors lived, and
prospered, for thousands of years without refrigeration, microwaves or
other fancy gadgets, so why cant we? There is no reason other than our own
stupidity. We simply dont know how they did it. The art has been lost. Well,
almost. There are still some who remember. There are some who still
practice the ancient art of cooking and baking from scratch, the old
fashioned way.
It is to these folks that we turn for our understanding and inspiration.
We turn to pioneers like Dr. Weston Price, nutritionists like Sally Fallon, and
even the lady down the street who has suffered for years from chronic pain
but has recently found relief through diet and exercise. These people have
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an understanding that most professionals do not because they are looking at
the person, not the illness.
The body is made up of many different parts and needs many
different vitamins and minerals and nutrients to keep it functioning properly.
When any of those nutrients are lacking, the immune system is compromised
and we can play host to any number of illnesses. When the body has
everything it needs to maintain a healthy immune system, it can fight off
just about any germ or virus that tries to attack.
Whether you are sick and want to be healthy again, or are healthy and
want to stay that way, there are many little things that we can do, and
plenty of big things as well, to increase our immune systems and live long,
healthy lives. We simply have to be willing to take the time necessary to
purchase wisely, prepare properly and process ourselves the food we eat and
serve to our loved ones. Once we make some of these changes in our lives we
will begin to see the results, as will all those around us. Then we can truly be
the witness to the world we were always meant to be.
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Allow me to state, right from the beginning that I am not a doctor or
a nutritionist; I am a homemaker. As such, I have spent some time, and am
continuing to spend time researching nutrition in order to keep my own
family healthy. We are not a very sickly family, although we could all stand
to loose a little weight, so the helpful hints I will give are very generic. As
such, not all will apply to all readers. There are many different people with
many different health issues and I dont have the time, or room, to address
all of the different disorders in this forum.
All of the information found herein should be taken with a grain (or
handful) of salt. These helpful hints should all be investigated thoroughly
before implementation. Most importantly, we should seek the guidance of our
Creator in all aspects of life, especially nutrition. Adonai is the only one who
knows exactly what is wrong with each of us. He is also the only one who
knows exactly what treatment will provide the best results for each of us.
What works wonders for me may kill you.
There is a wealth of information available, but we must seek it out
because the medical industry will loose money if these secrets were released
to the general public. Healthy people do not need doctors. Medicine is big
business in this country and although they would like us to believe that their
main focus is on making the sick healthy again, in all actuality it is a business
and like any other business, the bottom line is the bottom line.
I would also like to remind everyone that any and all changes made to
our diet will result in a period where we feel worse for a while. This is
perfectly natural. In his book Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juices Whats
Missing in Your Body? N.W. Walker D. Sc. addresses this issue under the
heading, Things to Bear in Mind. Although he is specifically speaking of
vegetable and fruit juices, the rule applies to any positive changes we make
in our diet. Dr. Walker wrote:
Be patient: In the reconstruction or regeneration of the
body by natural means, it is very important to bear in mind that
natural foods taken in the form of vegetable juices may start a
regular housecleaning process throughout the entire system.
This may be, and sometimes is, accompanied by a period of pains
or aches in the regions of the body where this housecleaning is
taking place. It may even at times make one feel as if he were
actually sick. We should not for one moment feel that the
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juices are making us ill On the contrary, we should realize that
the cleansing and healing process is well on its way, and the
sooner such discomforts are felt the better, because we will
be over them just so much quicker We must not expect that a
lifetime accumulation of toxins can be squeezed out of our body
in a miraculous way, overnight. It takes time.
Detoxification takes time. We need to be patient, which is very
difficult for many of us, having been raised in a fast food nation. We expect
instant results and when they fail to appear, or we go through the die off
of the toxins, we lose hope and give up. If we know this ahead of time, we
are more likely to press on with the detoxification process.
The process will go much more quickly if we are sure to drink plenty of
clean water. I cannot overemphasis the necessity of good, clean water, in
abundance, for our overall health. We all know how important it is for us to
keep our bodies and our clothes clean, as well as sanitary, but we dont
realize that the inside of our bodies need baths as well. We need to continue
flushing our systems so that the toxic waste can be removed more quickly.
This can only be done with a large water intake. Regardless of any other
change made, make this one: increase water consumption.
Most importantly, we need to seek Adonais direction. Ive said it
before and Ill say it again because it is that important. If youve been
making changes in your life, slowly, yet you still are not feeling better,
maybe its because they were the wrong changes. Im not saying, It was
wrong to cut out MSG from my diet, because thats a universally good idea,
but I am saying that if you are having digestive problems and you cut out all
dairy, only to find the problems have remained, maybe the problem is wheat,
not dairy. If you pray and ask Adonai to show you where the problem lies,
you will suddenly find yourself inundated with information regarding the very
problem you seek. Thats just how the Lord our God works.
Now that we have that out of the way, let us move on to good stuff;
lets begin to look at some of the simple little changes that we can make in
our diet that will go a long way towards rebuilding our health and the health
of our families. May the Spirit of the Most High lead and guide our study
and may our lives bring glory to His holy Name.
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Its Time to Cut Back

Besides the fact that the SAD diet consists of portions that are far
too large, these portions contain too much of certain substances. These
substances include sugar, excitotoxins and other additives like
preservatives. It is said that the modern Americans body decomposes more
slowly now then ever before due to all of the preservatives we consume
during our lifetime. Now, I dont know if its true or not, but it wouldnt
surprise me if it was because Ive been reading a lot of labels lately and we
do consume a lot of chemicals.
For example, aluminum, in different forms, is often added to our
foods. Why? High aluminum levels have been linked to Alzheimers disease
and many other neurological conditions as well as Hypothyroidism. So why do
we add it to our baking powder? It makes no sense. We can cut back on the
amount of aluminum we ingest by looking for the aluminum-free baking
powder now available in many supermarkets and health food stores. Wal-
Mart even carries it in many locations.
Yes we need to cut back on sugar, but not by replacing it with an
artificial sweetener; they are worse for us than refined sugar. The average
American consumes much more sugar in the form of sweets, like cakes and
cookies, than ever before. The Average American of a hundred years ago
didnt consume as many sweets as we do these days because they simply did
not crave them as we do. The more you eat, the more you crave, and the
more you eat. The cycle must be broken! This will take a lot of will power
because sugar is as addictive as heroin, but it will be well worth the trouble
once we realize we feel better and have more energy.
They say it takes 21 days of repetition for a new habit to be
ingrained. This is why the makers of oatmeal challenged consumers to try
oatmeal for 30 days. If you have a snack cake once a day, try substituting a
healthier alternative, like yogurt or fresh fruit, for one month. If, after
that time, you dont feel better you can always return to your snack cake,
but I seriously doubt you will. Or, if you dont want to give up the cake, make
it yourself from scratch. At least that way you will not be getting all of the
additives and you can regulate the sugar.
When purchasing a product, and there are multiple companies
producing the product, take the time to compare those labels. The less
expensive brands often contain more sugar or MSG. For example, instead of
using the national brands of fiber, which often contain sugar or aspartame,
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go to the health food store and pick up psyllium husks. It may cost a little
more, but there is no additives and plenty of benefits. There is no benefit to
the added sugar, other than taste, but the sugar can block water absorption
and we need plenty of water with our fiber. This problem is handled by
simply mixing the fiber with juice, preferably freshly squeezed, which will
also add more natural fiber.
Canned and bottled juices contain added sugar, and are missing the
fiber found in fresh fruits. A piece of fresh fruit is one of the best snack
foods available to man. Most varieties of fruit contain potassium, calcium and
magnesium, as well as vitamins A, C, and Folate (B9), which is especially
beneficial during pregnancy. All of these, along with natural fiber, make the
sugar found therein almost negligible. These sugars are non-processed which
means that our bodies can better process these sugars.
Once again, may I encourage one and all to purchase these products
directly from the farmer whenever possible. This way we not only encourage
our farmers, but we also have the opportunity to learn more about the
product, such as whether or not pesticide is used or if the seed had been
genetically modified. Regardless of where the food is purchased, make sure
to clean it thoroughly before eating.
Recently juice companies have begun marketing juice that has half the
sugar as the regular juice. Dont be fooled by the marketing campaigns; the
reason they contain less sugar and still taste as sweet is because they
contain aspartame. The same can be said of chewing gum and other snack
items. Check the labels, if it says, Less Sugar it may just mean, More
White flour has had so many nutrients removed in the whitening
process that there is very little that our body can do with it, so our bodies
simply convert it to more sugar. If our families have been used to white
bread, we cant start buying seven-grain bread and expect them to eat it.
They wont. They will rebel and eat white bread behind our back. Instead,
make slow changes. Purchase a loaf of light colored wheat bread, and then as
they get used to the taste, start purchasing darker bread. Before they know
it, they are eating that seven-grain bread by choice.
How many of us take the time to make things from scratch? Do we
even understand what that means? It does not mean buying a mix and
following the directions. It means using a recipe and flour, sugar, eggs, etc.
to make our treats. It also means no preservatives and no additives, as well
as meaning no unidentified objects, such as carrot flavored pieces, in our
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food. When we make our own snack cakes, we will discover that the others
dont taste so good any more, because of all the extra sugar. We can even
experiment with honey or stevia (an herbal sweetener) with apple pulp.
Homemade frosting has a much better taste (especially when made with real
butter) and the sweetness can be modified to better suit our tastes. Truly
homemade tastes better because it is better.
That is because taste is more than how food feels on our tongue. It
also includes how the food makes us feel afterwards. How good can it taste
if you are hungry again in a little while? Obviously it was not satisfying. Egg
substitute may look like egg and taste like egg, but it does not have the
nutrients of real eggs and therefore will leave your body craving more. The
egg sandwiches found at the local fast food joint are made from these fake
eggs and will only make you hungry faster. How long does it take to make an
egg sandwich at home? Maybe 15 minutes, usually less. The real question is,
How much longer will the food stay with you?
The more we cut back on fast food, and all junk food, the less we will
desire them. Given the choice between fresh baked chocolate chip cookies
and the store bought variety, children will always choose the fresh baked
ones. So will adults, for that matter. Use naturally white flour instead of the
bleached flour and then it wont be junk food. If you mix a little whole-wheat
flour in with the white, it will give the cookie a nutty taste and could almost
be called health food, especially if butter is used instead of margarine.
Contrary to popular belief (which comes from advertisers, by the way)
butter is not bad for us and margarine is not good for us. In fact, margarine
will actually contribute to diabetes control issues, if not the disease itself.
Want a healthy heart? Buy only raw butter. Besides containing essential
enzymes that margarine does not, raw butter simply tastes better.
Margarine contains the oils that cause heart disease and breaks down our
immune system, so the sooner we cut this out of our diet the better.
Shortening, made from vegetable oil, is also not all that its cracked up
to be. When vegetable shortening was first introduced, the Average
American housewife would have nothing to do with it. She knew that animal
fats, and tropical oils, were much better for her family, than these artificial
products. But during WWII, when these oils were in short supply, she had
little choice. And since that time we have been fed a pack of lies regarding
these oils. Coconut oil is one of the best foods on the planet, yet we are told
by doctors and nutritionists to avoid its use. Instead we are told to use
polyunsaturated fats, which actually cause cancer and heart disease.
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Cutting back on these types of fats would be highly beneficial to any
diet. Do not believe the advertising; low fat is not necessarily a good thing.
There are certain fats that are not only good for us, but are absolutely
necessary. Saturated fats, like those found in butter and coconut oil, do not
cause cardiovascular disease, but are regarded as an all-systems healer,
including the thyroid system. These fats should not be reduced. On the
contrary, we need to increase consumption of these foods. What we need to
reduce are the polyunsaturated fats.
Hydrolyzed, autolyzed and modified anything is bad for our health.
Textured protein is another phrase to watch for. We need to reduce and
eliminate these ingredients from our diet, and they are all heavily used in
fast and easy foods. These ingredients are all contributing to the massive
amount of MSG found in the American diet. They must be reduced as much
as possible as soon as possible. This means that we need to find alternatives
to the foods that contain these ingredients. Check out the local health food
store; there are many healthy alternatives that will allow us to continue
eating chips, for example, without eating more MSG.
Beware of any food labeled diet or sugar-free as they probably
contain aspartame. This excitotoxin is everywhere; even the little
mouthwash strips have aspartame. Diet soda will actually cause one to gain
weight, not lose it and will make maintaining your blood sugar level very
difficult. Staying away from sodas completely is the best idea; drink plenty
of water instead. You will find that when you are eating more healthy foods
that you dont need those little mouthwash strips anymore anyway.
Low-salt and low-fat diet foods should be avoided as well. Our
bodies need salt as part of a healthy, well balanced diet. What we dont need
is the highly processed table salt that is added to many prepared foods. If
we purchase salt grinders (similar to pepper mills, but with ceramic or plastic
mechanisms) and then grind our own salt (Celtic Sea Salt is best) we can
have all the salt we can take without concern. Low fat foods usually cut out
the saturated fats, which are not bad for us. These good fats are often
replaced by the bad fats (polyunsaturated) and billed as healthy for us.
We of the TV generation have been taught to trust the advertisers.
Unfortunately for us, the advertisers dont care if they are lying to us, as
long as their product sells. We believed them when they said that
polyunsaturated fats were heart healthy and that pork is simply the other
white meat. Nothing could be further from the truth. As a matter of fact,
pork consumption has been linked to many illnesses, including heart disease
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and parasite infestation. It is not safe to eat, no matter how long it is
cooked, and should be avoided.
We cannot leave this topic without first addressing the issue of
proportions. The SAD diet can be summed up in two little words: Supersize
Me! It used to be that the standard soda size was 12 ounces, now we stop at
a drive thru and pick up a 44-ounce drink. If there are nine teaspoons of
sugar in a 12-ounce can, just imagine how much sugar one consumes in 44
ounces. Its over two cups of sugar! We really dont need all of that added
sugar. Weve got to cut back.
Soda, bleached flour, sugar, MSG, aspartame and a host of other
additives are making us sick. The sooner we eliminate these ingredients from
our diet, the better off we will be. The best place to start is by scaling back
the size of our helpings, and adding back in real foods, so that we can cut
back on the amount of chemicals ingested. Only then will we be able to break
the hold that fast food has on our lives and regain the health stolen from us.
Once again, this is not something that can be done overnight. Cutting
back takes time. If we simply cut back on the size without changing the
quality of the food, we will find ourselves hungry quickly, so we need to do
more than simply cut back, but it is a great place to start. Cutting back on
the amount of chemicals we ingest can only bring positive results, so lets
start checking those labels now and keep checking them until we know them
better than the manufacturer themselves.
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Our bodies are incredibly well designed and build organisms that
perform very well for long periods of time with simple maintenance. As long
as we provide adequate nutrition, exercise, sunlight and plenty of rest, our
bodies should last us well past 100 years, according to both scientists and
the Almighty Himself. Unfortunately we are not receiving adequate
nutrition, as we have seen, and what we have been eating has been making us
sick. That is because our bodys natural defenses are overloaded, causing a
backup in the system that never seems to get straightened out.
Think of it this way, every city in this country has major and minor
arteries that move cars from one place to another. These roads work well
normally, but as traffic increases and more people come to town, we discover
that many of these cars dont run as well as they should, and begin to
breakdown in the middle of the street. Soon traffic is backed up and cars
need to be moved so the tow truck can get by, but where do you put them?
Well, you move them off into a field for the time being, and get to
work clearing the mess. Only by the time youre done two more cars have
broken down that need your attention, but what do you do about the cars in
the field in the mean time? They sit there. They wait. Who knows how long
this may take I dont. No one really does. Time goes by and they continue to
sit there because no one has the time to get them out.
Now, imagine the cars are food. The citys arteries were designed to
handle a certain amount of cars just like our bodies were designed to handle
food, real food, and they function well with adequate nutrition. But once our
bodies are inundated with food that is not quite food, full of additives and
preservatives, MSG and sugar (or aspartame!) we soon find our system
overloaded, unable to cope with the overabundance of toxins. So what does
it do? It finds a field (fat) where it stores the toxins that it doesnt have
time to deal with until later, only later never comes. We continue to carry
these toxins around with us while we continue to overload our system,
causing the storage of even more toxins. Its a vicious cycle.
Our bodies actually have a wonderful waste removal system. Food goes
into our gut where it is broken down into its many parts, which are absorbed
into the bloodstream and sent throughout the body to nourish our cells. As
the blood drops off the nutrients to the cells, it also picks up the cellular
waste and takes it off to be eliminated. When this system is overloaded, it
can no longer function properly until it is cleaned up.
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That is what detoxification is, a cleaning up of our overworked waste
removal system, removing the built-up toxins and other waste materials so
that the system can flow freely again, allowing our bodies to function the
way they were intended. When the system is blocked, so is the absorption of
nutrients, which is why someone can eat regularly and still be malnourished.
If we clean our bodies, removing the irritants and toxic substances, both
natural and man-made, and replace the missing intestinal flora and enzymes
that our bodies need, we will then be able to receive the nutrients from the
foods we consume.
Our bodies actually have quite an elaborate system of waste removal
involving multiple organs including our skin. This is why it is so important to
wash after sweating; we need to wash away all of the toxins eliminated
through our skin when we perspire. The Native Americans used sweat lodges
for this purpose and it is the reason behind saunas and steam baths.
Unfortunately, most people dont know how to properly use them, thereby
not receiving the full benefit of these facilities.
Many people make the room too hot for long-term usage, only staying
in for a short time, which doesnt allow for full toxin removal. The optimum
temperature is between 110 and 120 degrees. This allows one to remain in
the room for 45 minutes to an hour, allowing for constant perspiration
without being uncomfortable. Once again, it is very important to wash the
toxins off the skin as soon as possible, before they sink back in.
The saliva in our mouths begin the breakdown of our foods, and the
task is not complete until all of the nutrients, and toxins, pass through the
stomach, intestines, colon, liver, kidney, lungs and skin. Our bloodstreams
dual role of delivery of nutrients and removal of waste is a key element, but
is only a small part of the entire system and is also overworked. Our lungs
cant release enough toxins, causing allergic reactions such as sneezing and
excess mucus. It is all tied in together.
Our liver and kidneys work together to remove the toxins from our
bodies. The liver changes the toxins into substances that the kidneys can
easily excrete from our bloodstream. When there are too many toxins, the
excess is simply stored in the liver and in our fat cells, causing liver disease.
Our increased usage of Acetaminophen (Tylenol) only makes matters worse
as it has been known to cause liver damage.
Just as there are many different parts of our waste system, there
are also many different ways to detoxify, each addressing a different part
of our bodies. One thing they all have in common is water, and lots of it.
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Good, clean water in abundance will go a long way towards detoxification and
will give our body the ability to remove waste more efficiently. Ever tried to
flush a toilet without water? The waste doesnt go anywhere, but sticks
quite nicely to the porcelain.
So, one of the first things we all need to do is to begin to consume
more water. This will replace the water we release during perspiration and
cause our stools to pass more freely. A good indicator of our bodys water
content is the color of our urine; the darker the yellow, the more
dehydrated we are. (Please refer back to the symptoms of dehydration
listed earlier.) For those who are worried that drinking too much water will
cause you to be up during the night, studies have shown that the opposite is
true. When our body has plenty of water it can pause for the night while still
removing toxins, storing it in the water rather than our tissues. With our
system overloaded, it must work overtime in an effort to catch up. Also,
when our stool is too dry and does not pass freely, the nutrients that should
be absorbed in our intestines are not.
The second step in detoxification is to eliminate all toxic substances
from our diet, as much as is possible, so that our body has a chance to catch
up. If this were traffic we were trying to clear up, would we allow more cars
to enter town? Of course we would not. So too, our body needs a break from
toxic substances so that it can remove what has been left behind.
The average person on the SAD diet does not eliminate waste as
normally as one who eats a more traditional diet. Toilet paper is only a recent
invention what do you suppose folks used 900 years ago? Do you think they
had old newspapers? Newspapers didnt exist back then. Neither did the
need for toilet paper. When our bodies are functioning properly, the stool
comes out easily without leaving residue behind. This only happens when our
bodies are free of toxins and have plenty of water.
I cannot tell you what the next step is for you as each of us is
different. I can tell you some of the different options available, but you
must seek Adonais guidance as to which path to take. A good place to focus
our attention is the colon, or the end of the large intestine. This area is
often coated with old material, blocking our ability to absorb certain
nutrients. This is largely due to the lack of fiber in our SAD diet.
There are many different kinds of colon cleanses available out there,
but all involve high fiber and water intake. Raw vegetables, fruits and grains
are the best source of fiber, but there are also things like psyllium husks
that we can add to our diet to help push things through. Many people find
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Bentonite clay beneficial, as it is known to pull the crud off of our intestinal
lining. This can be found at the health food store in both powder and liquid
form and is actually volcanic clay that is edible. (It is amazing where you can
find nutrients!) It is also known to remove intestinal parasites under long-
term usage (2-3 months). If youve consumed a lot of pork, there is a good
chance you have parasites, as pig meat is not clean.
Many doctors recommend a fruit and vegetable cleansing, abstaining
from meat for a week or so and eating fruits, vegetables, rice and olive oil
(as the primary fat source). The fiber in this diet will help to move things
along without protein to slow it down. One does need to eat more often,
every two to three hours, to maintain proper blood sugar levels. Once again,
drink plenty of water, as constipation will result in the re-absorption of the
toxins we are trying to remove.
Fiber-rich foods such as apples, broccoli, pears, sweet potatoes, peas,
Brussels sprouts, corn, potatoes, carrots, greens including spinach, berries,
bananas and strawberries all make things move along as they should. We
need to include more of these foods into our diet, replacing those toxic
foods like burgers and fries that tend to bind us up. This is a change we all
need to make, regardless of how we feel. In fact, the worse we feel, the
more we need to make the changes. Many cancer survivors credit raw fruits
and vegetables for building up their immune system, enabling them to beat
the cancer. Aloe juice, also available in most health food stores, is another
good option because it not only helps to keep things flowing smoothly; it also
has healing properties beneficial to our intestines.
There are deeper cleansings available that are recommended only
under supervision. Metabolic cleansing involves a rice-based drink and plenty
of fresh vegetables. It is recommended that anyone who is doing a metabolic
cleanse stay away from the nightshade family of vegetables as they can
contribute to joint pain. This includes potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, and
green and chili peppers.
Another option is the vitamin C flush, which is a great way to eliminate
bacterial toxins, the effects of drug use, both prescription and non-
prescription, environmental toxins and heavy metals such as aluminum and
mercury. This involves saturating our bodies with vitamin C so that it can lift
these toxins from our tissues. This involves so much vitamin C that it causes
diarrhea, so you might want to only do this at home.
Quite often we tend to feel worse before we feel better. This is a
result of the toxins leaving our body and is completely natural. During the
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first few days of detoxification one often complains of headaches, body
aches or sore muscles, feeling weak or cranky, and trouble sleeping.
Fortunately these problems dont last too long and before we know it, we
feel better than we have in years. I find that it is much easier to deal with
an inconvenience when I know it is coming. Afterwards, when the head clears
and sleep is returned to normal, it will all be worth it.
After cleansing, whether it be a colon cleanse, a liver cleanse, or a
fasting cleanse, it is always wise to reintroduce foods slowly back into your
system. This is the perfect time to check for food allergies, such as lactose
intolerance or gluten issues. Some allergic reactions are delayed up to 48
hours, so it might be helpful to keep a food diary at this time. Mucus is a
good indicator that there is a problem, so if you find yourself with post nasal
drip all of the sudden, take a look at what youve recently eaten (usually
symptoms will appear as quickly as 20 minutes after the food is consumed.)
The liver goes through too much stress trying to handle the toxic diet
we have been consuming so now it need to rest and be refreshed. There are
certain foods that we can eat that will help to replenish the nutrients the
liver needs to function properly once again. These foods are often high in
antioxidants, which is exactly what we need to combat the effects of the
toxins in our system. Carrots and beets contain beta-carotene and beets and
spinach both contain folic acid, especially needed for anyone considering
pregnancy. Garlic and tomatoes are also good sources of antioxidants.
Basically, any green, leafy vegetable is beneficial, and the greener the
vegetable, the better it is for our liver.
We also need to re-establish the good bacteria to our intestines
either through probiotics or through consuming raw dairy foods, like yogurt
and kefir that are full of lactobacilli. It has been found that bananas, unlike
many other fruits, will feed the lactobacilli but not the Candida, or yeast
infection. Many who have battled Candida have found their body responded
well to bananas, and in fact have stated that they couldnt get enough of
We need to learn to pay more attention to our bodys signals. When we
feel full from the last meal, we should wait before consuming the next meal
as our body is still processing and we dont want to overload the system. If
the food we are eating is not sticking with us, causing us to feel hungry again
in a short period of time, maybe we need to eat better food. Quite often the
food we are allergic to is the very one we seem to always crave.
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Fasting is an important part of our bodys detoxification process. Did
you know that Adonai instructs His people to fast from yeast once a year?
The feast of Unleavened Bread (Matzah) begins with Passover and lasts for
a whole week, during which time no one is allowed to consume, or even own,
any food containing leavening. Do you think this was to prevent yeast
When fasting during detoxification it is very important to drink plenty
of good, clean water. I cant emphasize this enough, it is that important.
Remember the dry toilet. We dont want to be dry toilets, do we? No we
dont, and we also dont want to have backed up sewers when we can have
free flowing pipes, right? We can live for quite some time without food, but
it is so precious we can only go a few days without water.
Our bodies can only communicate properly when they are functioning
properly. They cannot function properly unless we feed them real food,
unprocessed and full of all the nutrients God intended. But first we must
clean out the toxic waste that has been dumped in them, and then we must
keep them clean through occasional flushes and cleanses, as well as the
occasional fast. Im not just saying this because the scientists and
nutritionist has decided that this is true, or because there are so many
witnesses to the benefits of keeping our intestines as clean as possible, but
because Adonai wants us to be clean, inside and out, physically and
'So if any of the flesh of the sacrifice of his peace
offerings should ever be eaten on the third day, he who offers
it will not be accepted, and it will not be reckoned to his
benefit. It shall be an offensive thing, and the person who eats
of it will bear his own iniquity. Also the flesh that touches
anything unclean shall not be eaten; it shall be burned with fire.
As for other flesh, anyone who is clean may eat such flesh.
'But the person who eats the flesh of the sacrifice of
peace offerings which belong to the LORD, in his uncleanness,
that person shall be cut off from his people. When anyone
touches anything unclean, whether human uncleanness, or an
unclean animal, or any unclean detestable thing, and eats of the
flesh of the sacrifice of peace offerings which belong to the
LORD, that person shall be cut off from his people.'" (Leviticus
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We are not to ingest unclean flesh, or come into His presence unclean,
for whatever reason and if we do, we will be cut off. Cut off from what?
How about good health, for starters? More importantly, our spiritual life is
affected because of the filth. We have to stop separating the physical and
the spiritual because one affects the other, whether we want to admit it or
not. We need to be clean within.
"Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean; remove the evil of
your deeds from My sight. Cease to do evil, learn to do good;
seek justice, reprove the ruthless, defend the orphan, plead for
the widow. Come now, and let us reason together," Says the
LORD, "Though your sins are as scarlet, they will be as white as
snow; though they are red like crimson, they will be like wool. If
you consent and obey, you will eat the best of the land; but if
you refuse and rebel, you will be devoured by the sword." Truly,
the mouth of the LORD has spoken. (Isaiah 1:16-20)
Truly He has. He can make us clean within once again, if we will only
obey His word. We need to return to the real food that He provided for us,
instead of this fake food that modern man has created. Mans food has made
us unclean inside; how can we approach a Holy God unclean? Are we willing to
make the changes needed?
Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast
spirit within me. Do not cast me away from Your presence and
do not take Your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of
Your salvation and sustain me with a willing spirit. Then I will
teach transgressors Your ways, and sinners will be converted to
You. (Psalms 51:10-13)
Once weve cleaned up our own act, and others see the results, they
are going to want to clean up their acts as well. We will then be in the
perfect position to teach them about Adonai, for the field will be fertile and
the harvest will be plentiful. This is the true witness. Words mean nothing
without actions behind them. Faith without works is dead. It is useless. To
quote the late Rich Mullins, its like putting a screen door on a submarine.
Sure, its hard. Change always is. Some of us handle change better
than others. Some of us need to fully rely on Him to get us through the
difficult days of detoxification or well never make it. It is vital that any
time spent fasting must also be spent in prayer. Reading the word of God,
aloud is best, will strengthen our faith and enable us to stand. It will also
cleanse our spirit.
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Adonai called them clean for a reason

In the eleventh chapter of Leviticus we find a list of animals that are
considered clean by Adonais standards. These animals, and only these
animals, are considered fit for human consumption.
The LORD spoke again to Moses and to Aaron, saying to
them, "Speak to the sons of Israel, saying, 'These are the
creatures which you may eat from all the animals that are on
the earth. Whatever divides a hoof, thus making split hoofs,
and chews the cud, among the animals, that you may eat.
(Leviticus 11:1-3)
Cattle, goats, deer, sheep and bison all chew their cud and have split hooves
and are therefore considered to be edible, according to the word of Elohim
There are certain fish that are fit for human consumption, while
others are not.
These you may eat, whatever is in the water: all that have
fins and scales, those in the water, in the seas or in the rivers,
you may eat. (Leviticus 11:9)
Sharks, catfish and seafood such as shrimp and lobster are not considered
to be food according to His definition. Trout, bass, whiting, and salmon have
both scales and fins and make wonderful dishes.
Not all birds are fit and proper either.
These, moreover, you shall detest among the birds; they
are abhorrent, not to be eaten: the eagle and the vulture and
the buzzard, and the kite and the falcon in its kind, every raven
in its kind, and the ostrich and the owl and the sea gull and the
hawk in its kind, and the little owl and the cormorant and the
great owl, and the white owl and the pelican and the carrion
vulture, and the stork, the heron in its kinds, and the hoopoe,
and the bat. (Leviticus 11:13-19)
Notice that all of the scavenger birds, or birds of prey, are not included in
the clean list. These birds were made for the purpose of cleaning up the
planet, not as food for us to eat. Chickens, turkeys, and pigeons (doves) are
all clean, as well as quail and guinea hens, and can be freely consumed.
Lastly, Adonai addresses the insects of the planet.
All the winged insects that walk on all fours are detestable
to you. Yet these you may eat among all the winged insects
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which walk on all fours: those which have above their feet
jointed legs with which to jump on the earth. These of them you
may eat: the locust in its kinds, and the devastating locust in its
kinds, and the cricket in its kinds, and the grasshopper in its
kinds. But all other winged insects which are four-footed are
detestable to you. (Leviticus 11:20-23)
When John the Baptizer came out of the wilderness, he was living off of the
locust he found. In this way Adonai provides for us even in the wilderness.
Although I would never think of eating locusts as a weekly, or even yearly
meal, it is nice to know that there is always an option available.
Our Creator considers these animals, and insects, food for our
bodies. Any and all animals not on this list are not fit for human consumption.
It is that simple. Although considered to be delicacies in many cultures,
shellfish, monkey brains and pork are all unclean and unfit for humans. We
need to remember this when we are reading the Scriptures, especially the
New Covenant (Testament) Scriptures, because there is much confusion
regarding not only Peters vision, but also statements made by Yeshua
And He said to them, "Are you so lacking in understanding
also? Do you not understand that whatever goes into the man
from outside cannot defile him, because it does not go into his
heart, but into his stomach, and is eliminated?" (Thus He
declared all foods clean.) (Mark 7:18-19)
Notice the parenthetical insertion the phrase, Thus He declared all foods
clean, is not found in the original and displays the translators lack of
understanding. First, anything Yeshua referred to as, food would also be
clean, because if it were unclean, He would not call it food. Yeshua would
not teach contrary to Torah. If He did, He would not have been the perfect
Lamb of God.
There is also a lot of confusion regarding the interpretation of the
vision that Peter had on the rooftop in Joffa. Lets look at that vision and
what Peter himself said of it:
On the next day, as they were on their way and approaching
the city, Peter went up on the housetop about the sixth hour to
pray. But he became hungry and was desiring to eat; but while
they were making preparations, he fell into a trance; and he saw
the sky opened up, and an object like a great sheet coming
down, lowered by four corners to the ground, and there were in
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it all kinds of four-footed animals and crawling creatures of the
earth and birds of the air. A voice came to him, "Get up, Peter,
kill and eat!" But Peter said, "By no means, Lord, for I have
never eaten anything unholy and unclean." Again a voice came to
him a second time, "What God has cleansed, no longer
consider unholy." This happened three times, and immediately
the object was taken up into the sky.
Now while Peter was greatly perplexed in mind as to what
the vision which he had seen might be, behold, the men who had
been sent by Cornelius, having asked directions for Simon's
house, appeared at the gate; and calling out, they were asking
whether Simon, who was also called Peter, was staying there.
While Peter was reflecting on the vision, the Spirit said to him,
"Behold, three men are looking for you. But get up, go
downstairs and accompany them without misgivings, for I have
sent them Myself."
Peter went down to the men and said, "Behold, I am the one
you are looking for; what is the reason for which you have
come?" They said, "Cornelius, a centurion, a righteous and God-
fearing man well spoken of by the entire nation of the Jews,
was divinely directed by a holy angel to send for you to come to
his house and hear a message from you." So he invited them in
and gave them lodging. And on the next day he got up and went
away with them, and some of the brethren from Joppa
accompanied him.
On the following day he entered Caesarea. Now Cornelius
was waiting for them and had called together his relatives and
close friends. When Peter entered, Cornelius met him, and fell
at his feet and worshiped him. But Peter raised him up, saying,
"Stand up; I too am just a man." As he talked with him, he
entered and *found many people assembled. And he said to
them, "You yourselves know how unlawful it is for a man who is a
Jew to associate with a foreigner or to visit him; and yet God
has shown me that I should not call any man unholy or
unclean. That is why I came without even raising any objection
when I was sent for. So I ask for what reason you have sent for
me." (Acts 10:9-29)
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Peter himself clearly states that when Adonai said, What God has
cleansed, no longer consider unholy, that He was speaking of men, not food.
His interpretation of his vision was this: God has shown me that I should not
call any man unholy or unclean. Peter said nothing about food in his
interpretation, yet this vision is the excuse used by many believers as to why
they dont have to follow the dietary laws set forth in the eleventh chapter
of Leviticus. As we can plainly see, this is not the case.
So why do so many people teach that those food laws do not apply to
Christians? Even Muslims understand that pork is not clean; what is our
problem? Is it that we dont trust our Maker? Or are we more interested in
feeding our bellies than obeying? We are all in search of the blessing, but do
we realize that the blessing only comes with obedience?
Our Abba loves us very much do we believe it? Are our actions the
proof of that belief? Are we willing to sacrifice something that tastes good
for our own health? Are we willing to sacrifice simply because He said so?
These are very serious questions that we all need to ask ourselves. We need
to weigh in the balance the teachings of man and the teachings of Adonai.
Like the buzzard, the pig is a scavenger and we have already seen how
sick this animal is. The catfish is another scavenger that is eaten regularly.
It searches the bottom of rivers, ponds, and lakes for decaying material,
which it gladly consumes. It has no scales, instead having skin like a sharks.
Lobsters also search the bottoms for decaying food and have been often
referred to as the cockroach of the ocean. Somehow Red Cockroach
doesnt sound quite as appetizing.
Many of todays diseases have direct ties to eating unclean meats. You
can get Hepatitis from seafood and parasites from pork and some have even
speculated that AIDS came from the eating of monkey brains, although I
seriously doubt that was the origin. The point is if we want to maintain
optimum health we need to think of food as He defines it and eat only that
which is clean in the eyes of Adonai.
Boundaries are not a bad thing; they actually keep us safe. Adonai
gave us boundaries for our food source to keep us safe from the diseases
caused by eating something that is not food. Our bodies were not designed
to process these other meats so why put undue stress on our already over
worked digestive system? Lets trust our Creator to know what is best and
tell those other folks to get lost.
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How Did They Do That?

Did you ever wonder how we humans preserved foods before canning,
refrigeration and preservatives? How could the human race possibly survive
before the advent of vaccinations and pharmaceuticals? And what exactly
are curds and whey anyway??
Curds and whey are the natural separation of milk that is sitting at
room temperature. Curds are a type of cheese and whey is the liquid that
remains and is a straw color. The curds are similar to cottage cheese and can
be eaten fresh or aged. The whey is often added to soups and stews to add
nutrients. It is also used to cause fermentation.
Fermentation applies to more foods than just wine and beer.
Sauerkraut, pickles and condiments are fermented and can add nutrients to
our diets. Yogurt and kefir (which will be discussed shortly), both the
products of fermented milk, can help intestinal health and keep yeast
infections from spreading. Many people suffer from the adverse side
effects of antibiotics, such as an increase in the bodys yeast, from the
death of the friendly bacteria, and the consumption of fermented foods can
make all the difference, reestablishing the friendly bacterial colonies.
Lacto-fermented foods, like yogurt and pickles, contain natural
enzymes that will help our bodies digest food better, probiotics and vitamins
to restore the health of our entire digestive system. Lactobacilli, the
friendly bacteria we need, are found in whey and in raw milk and cultured
buttermilk. Our bodies can better absorb nutrients from fermented foods
because they have been partially digested by the friendly bacteria. They
contain natural enzymes because they are live food. Once a food has been
super heated, as it is during the pasteurization process, it no longer contains
live bacteria or digestive enzymes, and we do need to consume a certain
amount of live bacteria and enzymes in order for our digestive system to
function properly.
A comedian once asked, Why is there an expiration date on sour
cream? Hasnt it already gone bad? Its funny because its true. Weve all
wondered about it. The problem is pasteurization. What exactly is
pasteurization? The process called pasteurization is the partial sterilization
of foods at a temperature that destroys harmful microorganisms without
major changes in the chemistry of the food. Unfortunately it also destroys
good microorganisms as well, microorganisms we need to ingest regularly.
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Consuming live yogurt cultures will put these good microorganisms
back into our bodies. Acidophilus, the active yogurt culture found in most
commercial yogurts, and the friendly bacteria found in kefir milk will
reestablish these microorganisms in our intestines so that we can once again
absorb nutrients as we were intended. Without these organisms our bodies
would experience an overgrowth of yeast, which can cause many other
Pasteurization has actually caused more problems then it has solved.
Babies who were raised exclusively on pasteurized milk quickly developed
scurvy because the pasteurization process removes the vitamin C from the
milk. Did you know that milk naturally contains vitamin C? Neither did I, until
I read what F.M. Pottenger Jr. wrote in his book Certified Milk (1937):
In our attempt to protect the child from milk-borne
infections, we may be denying his heritage of good health by
removing from his milk vitamins, hormones and enzymes that
control mineral assimilation.
It has been known since the 1930s that pasteurizing milk removes the
nutrients we need, yet we have been told time and time again that raw milk is
dangerous and we must drink pasteurized, and homogenized, milk. There has
also been a known link between homogenization and heart disease. So, why
are we drinking this milk? What was so bad about raw milk?
Sick cows can give bad milk. If the milk is superheated any bacteria in
the milk is killed and it is therefore safe to drink. Pasteurization makes it
possible for the dairy to pass along the milk from sick cows, instead of
forcing them to keep their herd healthy. Healthy cows give good milk that
does not need to be superheated to be safe to drink. Their milk is not only
safe, but it is actually better for us than the questionable milk obtained at
the local grocery store.
Raw milk actually increases our resistance to certain diseases, like
scurvy and tuberculosis (TB). This has been known since the early part of
the twentieth century, yet the advertising companies have convinced us that
raw milk is hazardous to our health, when nothing could be further from the
truth. When raw milk is set out, it naturally becomes cheese. Kraft does not
want us to know that. They do not want us to know that we can make our own
cheese. If we knew that, we might not purchase their cheese especially
once we discover some of the hidden additives in their products.
Once milk has been pasteurized and homogenized it will keep on
grocers selves longer, thereby removing the need to deliver it daily. Once
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again, nutrition has given way to convenience. The growth rates of children
raised on raw milk far surpass those of the children who drink processed
milk. They also have stronger teeth and bones, regardless of whether they
brush their teeth or not, and are less likely to develop osteoporosis. There
are many people who suffer from that debilitating disease needlessly due to
their consumption of processed milk.
We have also been told repeatedly that butter is bad for our hearts
and that we should always substitute margarine. Once again, nothing could be
further from the truth! Margarine causes heart disease and diabetes.
Butter contains essential fatty acids (omega 3 & 6) that protect against
infection. Once again, the advertising executives have lied to us. We dont
need to improve upon butter; there is nothing wrong with what God has made
for us.
Fermentation is another one of Gods gifts to mankind. Most of us
think only of wine and beer when we hear the word fermentation, but there
is much more to it than alcoholic beverages. Fermentation is the process in
which an agent causes an organic substance to break down into simpler
substances that our bodies can more readily absorb. It is a natural process
that occurs when bacteria or yeast is fed with some sort of sugar.
Ready to eat cereals are only a recent innovation. Dr. Kellogg was the
first to manufacture a ready to eat cereal that he named Corn Flakes.
Will Keith Kellogg was the founder of the W.K. Kellogg
Foundation, founded in 1906. In 1894, Kellogg was trying to
improve the diet of hospital patients. He was searching for a
digestible bread substitute using the process of boiling wheat.
Kellogg accidentally left a pot of boiled wheat to stand and the
wheat became tempered (soften). When Kellogg rolled the
tempered or softened wheat and let it dry, each grain of wheat
emerged as a large thin flake. The flakes turned out to be a
tasty cereal. Kellogg had invented corn flakes.
What he had discovered was a way to ferment the wheat prior to its
consumption in the home. Prior to this, mothers had to do the soaking
themselves. The oatmeal of a hundred years ago actually instructed the user
to soak the oats overnight before cooking. This process broke down the
whole oats so that they would be more digestible. All breakfast cereals,
prior to Dr. Kelloggs discovery, were pre-soaked for this very same reason.
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The fermentation of milk products produces Lactic Acid Bacteria
(L.A.B.), including L. acidophilus and L. bulgarius, which are friendly bacteria.
Fermenting pasteurized milk will actually restore some of the enzymes lost
in the pasteurization process. It increases the digestibility of foods by
breaking down carbohydrates and proteins that are difficult to digest into
simple sugars, amino acids and fatty acids, which are much easier for our
bodies to digest.
Fermentation also kills off invading pathogenic bacteria (the bad
bacteria) because the L.A.B. penetrates cell membranes, lowering the pH
level, which then kills these bad bacteria. The process also produces
hydrogen peroxide, increasing the oxygen level in the blood and tissues.
Cancer cells do not thrive in a high oxygen atmosphere, so the more oxygen
we can get into our bloodstream, the healthier we will be.
There are many different kinds of fermented foods and beverages.
From yogurt to wine to sauerkraut to kimchi, fermented foods are found in
all cultures as a part of their traditional diets. All condiments were originally
fermented. Modern condiments are no longer fermented, but use vinegar
instead. This is sad because fermented foods have added vitamins, minerals,
enzymes and other nutrients that our bodies desperately need.
Yogurt is a lacto-fermented food whose benefits are well known. The
live and active cultures found in yogurt can help control yeast in our bodies
while providing our digestive tract with the good bacteria (lactobacilli) that
it needs to function properly. Another type of yogurt, called Kefir, is
credited with providing the natives of the Caucus Mountains with such good
nutrition that they tend to live well past their 100
Kefir, which is a Turkish word meaning, good feeling, is a live culture
that resembles rubbery cauliflower. Often referred to as a grain, the
kefir culture is actually made up of many different microorganisms and an
abundance of enzymes. It has antibiotic and antifungal properties and
restores the balance of the flora we need in our intestines for proper
digestion and over-all health. The calcium and magnesium produced have a
calming affect on the nerves, hence the good feeling name.
Kefir milk/yogurt contains many nutrients including calcium,
phosphorus, magnesium, vitamins B-2, B-12, K and A as well as D. Tryptophan,
which is an essential amino acid. Vitamin K is needed for blood clotting and
healthy bones, and most antibiotics inhibit its production. Calcium and
magnesium are essential for a healthy nervous system. Kefir also contains
bacteriocins, natural antibiotics that keep us healthy by killing off the bad
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bacteria while leaving the good bacteria. The antibiotics that the doctors
prescribe do not make this distinction, instead killing all the bacteria and
making us sicker, and often creating yeast infections.
Kefir also inhibits the growth of salmonella and E. coli. It treats
metabolic disorders, atherosclerosis, allergies, TB, cancer, poor digestion,
candida, osteoporosis, hypertension, HIV, and heart disease. Due to the
abundance of enzymes, even lactose intolerant people can usually digest
kefir milk without problems. Those who suffer from an over-abundance of
yeast in their body (Candida Albicans) who are unable to bring it under
control using regular yogurt (L. acidophilus) will usually be able to find relief
using Kefir milk.
Kefir milk is a type of drinkable yogurt and can be quite sour
depending on how long you allow the kefir grain to feed on the milk proteins.
It can be mixed with fruit and honey as a smoothie, or can be added to
recipes in place of plain milk or yogurt. Powder kefir starters are available at
many health food stores, but it never develops into a grain and needs a new
packet of starter for each batch. Kefir grains can usually be obtained
through the Internet and most folks only ask for the price of shipping and
handling. With each new batch the grain grows and can be easily divided to
share with others or can be kept in the refrigerator until needed again.
Another lacto-fermented drink that contains many benefits is
Kombucha tea. Often called a Japanese Mushroom, the kombucha culture is
beige or white and resembles a rubbery pancake or the top of a mushroom,
hence the name. It is actually a scoby (Symbiotic Culture Of Bacteria and
Yeast) and is also a live culture. The culture is added to sweetened black or
green tea and allowed to ferment for two weeks. In the process, another
layer of the scoby is formed on the surface of the liquid. You can allow the
scoby to thicken, or this new layer can be separated from the original and
used to ferment another batch or can be given away. The komucha mushroom
is found in other areas as well, including Lithuania where it is called
Manchurian Mushroom.
The benefits of kombucha are so extensive that it has been given the
nickname, Tea of Immortality. It is similar to sparkling apple cider or even
champagne, depending on the tea. The culture digests the sugar in the tea
and produces organic acids, vitamins (particularly vitamins B and C), minerals,
amino acids and enzymes. The organic acids, which include glucuronic, lactic,
acetic, usnic, oxalic, malic, gluconic and butyric acids, help to detoxify our
liver, lubricate joints, regulate pH levels, fight viruses, prevent cancer
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growth, strengthens the gut wall and protects cellular membranes. Not only
do these acids inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria, they are essential to
good digestion and can even help to remove toxic substances from the
petroleum industry, including plastics, herbicides, pesticides and resins from
our blood system.
The consumption of kombucha tea also helps to relieve stress and
improve liver function. Although the tea is fermented, it is not an alcoholic
beverage as such, as it only contains minute quantities of alcohol (typically
1% by volume.) This is due to the fact that the bacteria in the culture turn
the alcohol into those organic acids that are so good for us. When one
considers the amount of alcohol found in the average cough syrup (NyQuils
alcohol content is 10%) this alcohol is hardly noticeable. There is also
indications that kombucha will help to reduce high blood pressure without
the use of prescription drugs.
Sauerkraut is considered a super food due to the amount of vitamins
and probiotics found in a single serving. Fermentation increases the growth
of pathogenic microorganisms that our bodies need and also breaks down the
foods, releasing certain nutrients that would be otherwise unobtainable.
Condiments like relishes and pickles do more for us than simply adding a good
taste to our foods; they add nutrients that our bodies need to break down
and absorb cooked foods like steak and burgers. Steak sauce is fermented
and will actually cause the body to absorb the minerals in steak better than
if eaten without some sort of fermented food. Prior to canning, this was the
primary way to preserve vegetables. Remember pickled beets? Corn relish?
Heinz used to boast of 57 varieties of sauces, each one fermented. Now it
seems that we are down to ketchup, pickle relish, salsa and steak sauce, and
although they historically were fermented, todays massed produced
condiments rely on sugar and vinegar rather than lactic acid as a
preservative. What a shame.
Gingered carrots, pickled peppers, raisin chutney and fermented bean
paste not only tastes good, but are good for you as well. Homemade ketchup,
mustard and relish, fermented as God intended, are easy to make and are
much better for us than the commercial brands. Sauerkraut was often taken
on long voyages and was what often kept the crew from developing scurvy.
Captain Cook had taken 60 barrels aboard his ship during the second of his
global voyages, and the last one was opened after 27 months at sea and was
still perfectly preserved.
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The taste of these dishes improved as they fermented because the
flavors have a chance to marry and become one. These were often served
with some sort of cooked meat. This is because the fermented vegetables
contain certain enzymes that aid in the digestion of cooked proteins.
Fermented fruits and vegetables are excellent sources for lactobacilli, or
lactic acid producing bacteria, that aid in digestion and will enhance the
vitamins, most notably C, already contained in the food.
Kimchi, a traditional Korean dish, is actually a lacto-fermented
condiment made with cabbage and various other vegetables and spices that
is eaten on a daily basis and has kept Koreans healthy for centuries. They
say there are as many different varieties as there are families, as each has
their own favorite combination. In ancient times many people fermented
herbs, sorrel and grape leaves, but those recipes are lost to us now. In
Lithuania many farming families had large wooden barrels in which they
fermented their hard vegetables. These barrels were referred to as,
Raugytas Zardo Gydemas, or The Fermented Garden Healers. In India
fruit was fermented to make chutneys.
Lacto-fermentation is not something that is normally done on a large
scale. There is no guarantee that each batch will taste the same, for
example, and the enzymes are killed when super-heated, as with canning, so
the food industry has simply substituted vinegar for the fermentation
process. We have given up nutrients for convenience and our bodies are
paying the price. We need to learn to make these condiments for ourselves
so that we can properly digest our food once again.
These condiments are actually quite easy to make and are well worth
the effort. Traditionally sauerkraut was fermented in barrels and kimchi in
ceramic pots, but todays cook uses what is handy: the Mason jar. Fruits or
vegetables are washed, chopped and mixed with salt and herbs or spices and
then pounded to release the juice. The mixture is then placed in a Mason jar
(canning jar) and allowed to sit for a few days. The salt inhibits the growth
of putrefying bacteria until enough lactic acid is produced to preserve the
food without spoilage.
Dairy whey can be used instead of salt to activate the fermentation
process. Lactic acid and lactic acid-producing bacteria found in whey
inoculates the fermenting vegetables and fruit, allowing the lactic acid to do
its work. Using whey will result in more consistent products. During the
fermentation process (usually a few days) the jar sits at room temperature
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and then is placed in a cool, dark place for long-term storage, such as a root
cellar or even the refrigerator.
Many folks are concerned about spoilage since they dont understand
this new method of food storage. They get concerned when they see some
of these lacto-fermented products get bubbly, especially the fruit chutneys.
Rest assured that this is a natural part of the process. If a batch goes bad,
believe me, you will smell it, and nothing could cause you to eat it.
Remember, these products are not intended to be eating in large
amounts. In fact, the smaller the serving the better if your body is not used
to consuming fermented foods. These are condiments, which were
traditionally eaten in small amounts with certain foods to aid in their
digestion. This is why we always see sauerkraut served with sausage.
Salt has also traditionally been used as a preservative. Salt is
considered an anti-bacterial agent because it restricts bacterial growth, as
weve already seen. Sodium nitrite, sodium acetate, and sodium formate are
all natural preservatives and have been used successfully for generations.
Many smoked meats are first soaked in a salt brine to help not only to
preserve the meat, but also to pull out any germs that might be in the meat.
Salt was the cure to the common preservation dilemma.
Anyone who has lost their electrical power for a couple of days can
understand the need to know these ancient ways of preservation. We might
not always have electricity to run refrigerators and freezers; if we dont
learn how to preserve our foods the old fashioned way, what are we going to
do? How many modern American homes have canning jars and a canner? How
many families take the time to grow a garden anymore?
What about sewing machines? How many people know how to make
their own clothing these days? How many people do you know who can make
their own soap? Can the average American make their own furniture or build
their own house? Yet the average American of 150 200 years ago could do
all this and more. We have lost a lot of wisdom in these last few generations,
regardless of how readily available knowledge has become.
Returning to traditional ways of doing things is really the only solution
to this problem. We need to take the time to learn something new, a time
honored tradition that is new to us. Ever make bread before? Maybe its
time to try now. Have you ever tried to build a wall? Maybe a garden wall
would be a good project. You never know when this skill might be beneficial.
Weve all wondered from time to time, How did they do that? At one
point in time there was even a television show with that same title. We are
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now living in the time when knowledge has increased; lets take advantage of
the freedom of information and learn some of the ancient arts. Instead of
watching Survivor lets learn to survive.
Nutrition is a great place to start. Not only is home baked better
tasting, its better for us. We dont need all the additives; we need all
natural ingredients. We need to learn how to make our own condiments,
fermenting them so that they will be naturally preserved. Im told that home
made sauerkraut is like nothing found in the grocery store some day soon I
might just try it for myself. In the mean time, Im thinking of making some
gingered carrots to try with my steak.
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Jewish Penicillin

Theres nothing like a hot bowl of chicken soup when youre not feeling
well. Whether it is chicken and rice, chicken noodle, or matzah ball soup,
there is just a good feeling that comes with that warm bowl of soup on a cold
day. Campbells Soups have banked on that good feeling for over a hundred
years, and some things never change.
But what is it about soup that makes us feel so good? Is it the warm
memories of mom waiting in the kitchen with that soup shes been cooking all
day while you and your friends were out sledding? Maybe it is the time, back
in college, when everyone contributed to the pot and you made the best soup
youve ever had? Or maybe, just maybe, its even more basic than that.
Maybe our bodies just know how good broth is for us.
In the summer of 1793 an epidemic hit our young nations capital,
Philadelphia. It is believed that a certain mosquito that decided to hitch a
ride to the new world, landed in Philadelphia and found herself a nice little
watering hole in which she could lay her eggs. It also seems that this
mosquito picked a little certain bug up along the way, called Yellow Fever.
And it was this little bug that had people fleeing the city of brotherly love in
droves, or at least those who could.
Those who could not often died alone and unknown, because all that
knew them were also gone. No one is really sure how many people died. At
first it was believed that the Negro was immune, and as a result African-
Americans stepped forward to care for the sick, and continued on even after
it was discovered that there was no immunity. Few doctors had ever heard
of Yellow Fever; fewer still had ever seen it.
Dr. Benjamin Rush, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, was
one of the few who had seen Yellow Fever before, but it had been years
since and he was a young man at the time. He searched the records for an
appropriate remedy or treatment and decided that it was favorable to
encourage the victim to vomit up the stale blood in their stomach, so Dr.
Rush would actually give poison to induce this reaction. The treatment was
harsh, but known to work.
Another doctor was a younger man, Dr. Jean Deveze, who was a recent
immigrant from St. Domingo (Haiti), and who had treated Yellow Fever
recently. Dr. Deveze did not believe in the violent purgings; he believed in
gentle healing, including keeping the patient clean and giving them plenty of
chicken broth. This Frenchman sounded awfully Jewish, no?
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Beef, chicken and fish broth might not seem like much, but they can
do wonders for our health. Now Im not talking about the instant bullion you
can get in the spice jars or even the instant soup mix available just about
anywhere. What I am talking about is the homemade beef, chicken or fish
broth, cooked for hours and hours, including the bones.
Within the bones of these animals is natural gelatin that is very good
for us. Not only does it aid in digestion, especially the digestion of proteins,
but it also treats a number of illnesses, including Tuberculosis. People
suffering from diabetes, muscle disease, jaundice and cancer have all seen
an improvement in their over-all health just from drinking these all-natural
broths. Beef and chicken bones, when cooked all day, release gelatin and
calcium, both which help to build strong bones, but these are in their natural
form and are much easier for our bodies to absorb.
Gelatin is useful in treating malnutrition, dysentery, infectious
diseases, poor digestion, Crohns disease, colitis, ulcers, diabetes, muscular
dystrophy, fatigue, jaundice, allergies, and anemia as well as infant diarrhea.
Collagen, also released from bones when they are long-cooked, is necessary
for good growth and tissue repair. The amino acids found in bone broth helps
to detoxify our bodies as well.
Fish does not have to be boiled for quite as long; only a couple of
hours will do, and the health benefits are well worth the time. Fish broth
was often given to women in labor as it will ease the pains of childbirth, and
is also a good source of iodine. In fact, many oriental cultures drink broth
with their meal the way Wally and the Beaver used to drink their milk. This
is actually the optimum way to take your broth, because it will then help your
body digest the meal, especially the cooked protein (meat).
In fact, many believe that fish broth will help increase virility and
fertility and will drink a diet of fish broth before trying to conceive
children. The fish heads contain the fishs thyroid glands and when they are
cooked the hormones from their thyroid are released into the broth. Since
studies indicate that as many as 40% of Americans have thyroid problems,
fish stock should be a major part of our diets. This is because fish heads
contain iodine, which increases the function of the thyroid.
For those struggling with the common cold, nothing is better than
broth, whether it be chicken, beef, or fish. Fish broth is especially good for
boosting our brains ability to concentrate and will fight depression as well as
aid in weight loss. The gelatin found in these broths are hydrophilic; they
attract liquid, including digestive juices, aiding in rapid and effective
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digestion. This is why many have found that a cup of broth with meals simply
makes them feel better.
As stated before, these broths are made by simmering bones for a
long period of time to release the goodness from within the bones. By the
time the broth is ready, the smaller bones can easily be broken or even
squished between two fingers. All of the cooked meat must first be
removed, however, or it will also become mush, but the meat can be returned
to the broth later when making the actual soup.
Take the carcass of a chicken (or some beef bones) and place it into a
crock-pot with a little bit of apple cider vinegar and cover with water (just
enough to cover the bones.) The vinegar will help to draw the nutrients from
the bones and will dissipate by the end of the cooking time. Set the
temperature on the low setting and allow it to simmer (not boil) for 24 to 36,
or even 48 hours. This is what is known as always having soup on the stove.
After removing the bones and straining the broth (to remove any
small bones that might have been missed) the meat can be returned to the
broth along with some vegetables for soup, or the broth can be used to make
sauces and gravies. The broth can also be used in place of water when
cooking rice. This will give added nutrients to the rice as well as a nice
flavor, without the MSG that bullion would add.
Traditional diets the world over all include some sort of bone broth.
The native Americans are touted for their total consumption of the buffalo
(American bison) yet what do we think they did with the bones? Do you think
they just gave them to the dogs? Some were, Im sure, but Im also sure
that they cooked them down and drank the nutrient-rich liquid with their
meals. Buffalo broth was surely a part of any healing tonic they had, as were
fermented vegetables.
The Japanese often drink fish broth with rice for breakfast and the
French traditionally served soup to their children before sending them off
to school. What do you think the average American school student, who
rarely takes the time to eat any breakfast, would do if served soup at the
start of the school day? I guarantee that their grades would go up as their
concentration improved. Many average Americans have never tasted home
made soups, instead relying on a soup base of hydrolyzed vegetable protein,
which is another source of MSG.
In every book Ive read regarding plagues and other diseases, broths
played a large part in the recovery process. Those suffering from dysentery,
for example, are known to have a better chance of survival if they are given
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bone broth soup (or simply the broth itself) to eat. What is the food most
likely to be given to starving Africans? Soup. If hospitals would have big
pots of soup bones going twenty-four hours a day and served their patients
big steaming cups of vegetable rich, bone broth soup we would see healing
increased dramatically. Talk about cost effective! Unfortunately this will not
happen anytime soon. Why? Remember, they are trying to kill us.
There are actually two different kinds of soup, the basic meat and
vegetable soup and the blended soup; bone broth is the basis for both. The
traditional meat and vegetable soup is easy to make and only needs one pot.
The blended, or creamed soups take a little more work but it is worth it to
keep the valuable enzymes found in the cream alive. In this way the bowl of
soup is even more nutritious.
Raw cream is the best to use for all recipes, because the
pasteurization and homogenization processes destroy the life-giving bacteria
that we need. It is very important not to add the cream to the soup while it
is still hot because the heat will kill the enzymes. Instead, the cream is
added to the soup base in the bowl after it has cooled enough to put a finger
in without burning it. A handheld blender is ideal for this purpose, as the
French have known for decades.
Creamed soups also contain valuable fat-soluble vitamins that our
bodies need to utilize the minerals in the soup. Whey can also be added to
cooled soup, which will add the lactic acid and enzymes we need without
totally creaming the soup. Vietnamese add fish sauce, which is made by
fermenting small whole fish, to their broth. This soup is ideal for those who
are suffering from thyroid problems. Fish sauce can be made at home or
purchased through oriental food suppliers.
To sum it up, allow me to quote from Nourishing Traditions by Sally
Fallon and Dr. Mary G. Enig:
We urge you to make homemade soups a standard of your
repertoire. With a judicious choice of ingredients, they provide
nourishing, easily assimilated fare for young and old. Soup is the
perfect way to get vegetables into those members of your
family who normally turn up their noses at green things, or who
may have trouble digesting raw salads. Lentil and bean soups,
prepared with meat stocks and served with whole grain bread,
make a complete meal thats quick to prepare and easy on the
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Raw Milk

According to our government, raw milk is dangerous. In 1986, Federal
Judge Norma Holloway Johnson ruled that unpasteurized milk is unsafe. She
stated, "It is undisputed that all types of raw milk are unsafe for human
consumption and pose a significant health risk." This is a strong statement,
but is it true?
F. M. Pottenger, a doctor who studied the affects of raw milk
consumption, states in his book Certified Milk: In our attempt to protect
the child from milk-borne infections, we may be denying his heritage of good
health by removing from his milk vitamins, hormones and enzymes that
control mineral assimilation. So whom do we believe?
I say we should believe Adonai. When He visited Abraham, what was
He served? Milk.
He took curds and milk and the calf which he had prepared,
and placed it before them; and he was standing by them under
the tree as they ate. (Genesis 18:8)
For hundreds of thousands of years, man has consumed raw,
unpasteurized milk. So why, after all of those years, do we now need to
pasteurize what has traditionally been safe in its raw state? Because of
mans greed.
Back at the turn of the last century, there were many milk producers
who cared little for the health of their cows, or the quality of the milk they
sold. Many fed their cows the by-product of whiskey production called
distillery slop, which was made up of chemically changed grain and water.
Although this slop has very little, if any, nutritional value, it did cause the
milk production to increase. The milk from these cows tended to be bluish in
color, so other ingredients were added in an attempt to turn the milk white
again. These ingredients included starch, sugar, flour, plaster of Paris, and
even chalk.
Often those who milked the cows by hand were sick themselves and,
due to the lack of understanding regarding the benefits of sanitation, the
milk was often placed in dirty containers. These conditions led to tainted
milk. Since milk sources needed to be close to the consumer, and there is not
much open land available within major cities, many of these cows never saw
the light of day, spending their entire lives chained in stalls, eating swill.
These conditions created sick cows, which in turn created tainted milk.
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People, especially children, were getting sick and the public cried out for
something to be done.
So, rather than address the cause by ensuring the cows were healthy,
the medical community called for the pasteurization of milk. Pasteurization
is the super-heating of the milk in order to kill off any harmful bacteria that
may be found in the milk, thereby making it safe to drink regardless of the
health of the cow. Unfortunately, harmful bacteria are not the only things
destroyed in the pasteurization process.
As Dr. Pottenger stated, there are vitamins, hormones and enzymes
that our bodies need to function properly that are also removed during the
process. But because infant and child mortality rates dropped during the
early days of pasteurization, the process was hailed as the savior of our
children. The media failed to take into account that better sanitation
practices and the advent of the icebox also helped to reduce diseases.
It was falsely believed that tuberculosis came from cows tainted with
bovine tuberculosis, which has since been proven false, and that the only way
to combat TB was by pasteurization. By 1937 the medical community had
many studies that indicated that raw milk actually increased our resistance
to TB, yet the pasteurization campaign continued. The milk industry agreed
because it is easier, and more cost effective, to simply clean up the dirty
milk rather than insure the cows were healthy.
In 1917 studies indicated that children who were raised on
pasteurized milk suffered from scurvy. Why? Because milk naturally
contains vitamin C, necessary for the prevention of scurvy, and this vitamin
was destroyed in the heating process. It was also found that those same
children were healed of scurvy by simply returning them to a diet of raw
milk. It was also known as early as 1933 that children raised on raw milk had
much better growth rates than those raised on pasteurized milk.
On February 9, 1907 the New York Times posted an article on the
Milk Conference held in that city during the preceding November. The
article quoted Mr. Straus, the former President of the Health Board:
If it were possible to establish a system of public
inspection and examination of milk that would prevent the
supply of polluted milk, there would be no cause for
pasteurization. If it were possible by legislation to secure a
milk supply from clean stables, after a careful process of
milking, to have transportation to the city in perfectly clean and
close vessels, then pasteurization would not be necessary.
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Well, it is now not only possible, but routine, to inspect the entire milk
industry, from barn to truck to store. Most cows are milked using machines,
sanitary conditions have improved, and the milk is trucked using tanker
trucks designed specifically for that purpose. According to Mr. Straus, we
no longer need to pasteurize milk. So why do we continue to pasteurize?
We continue to pasteurize because we have been convinced that raw
milk is intrinsically bad for us. Not only that, but we have also been
convinced that low fat and skim milk is best, when nothing could be further
from the truth. Our body needs the saturated fats found in milk to function
properly. Besides vitamin C, the pasteurization process also destroys
vitamins A and D, which is why most dairies add these vitamins to their milk.
Tooth decay is less likely in those raised on raw, whole milk because
the calcium and magnesium found in the milk is easier to digest due to the
enzymes that are naturally in the milk. These enzymes are needed for proper
digestion but they are destroyed by heat. Dr. Weston Price discovered that
children raised on raw milk had stronger teeth then those who did not,
regardless of whether they had ever used a toothbrush.
In 1994 the state of Connecticuts Environmental Committee held
public hearings on the certification of raw milk. At these hearings Ron
Schmid, ND testified:
I have prescribed raw milk from grass-fed animals to my
patients for nearly fifteen years. Time and again I have seen
allergies clear up and dramatically improved health. Particularly
in children, middle ear infections usually disappear and do not
recur on raw milk. Both children and adults unable to drink
pasteurized milk without problems have thrived on raw milk. In
hundredsperhaps thousandsof my patients using raw milk,
not one has ever developed a salmonella, campylobacter, or
other raw-milk-related infection.
These findings have been verified by a study carried out by scientists
in Salzburg, Austria that compared children raised on raw milk and those
raised on pasteurized milk. They discovered that the asthma rates of the
control group (those raised on pasteurized milk) were higher than those on
the raw milk diet. The same was true for suffers of allergies and skin
conditions. The most interesting part of the study, I believe, is the fact
that those who had been exposed to raw milk during their first year of life
tended to be the healthiest in the group.
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This is completely contrary to what we are told by the folks at the
CDC (Center for Disease Control) and the FDA (Food and Drug
Administration). John Bolton, M.D., a San Francisco pediatrician who is
affiliated with the American Academy of Pediatrics, testified at an FDA
[The Academy] has reviewed both the nutritional properties
and the safety records of raw milk and has found that the risks
outweigh the benefits. There are no benefits of raw milk that
would outweigh the extreme risk of infection that sometimes
follows feeding raw milk products to infants, children with
malignancies, and children with problems involving the immune
Who do we believe? I think we need to look at the track record of these
different people to see how trust-worthy they are.
According to a press release issued by dated March
12, 2007 we read:
The FDA and CDC provided no facts to back up claims of
widespread illness from raw milk in a recent press release,
"FDA and CDC Remind Consumers of the Dangers of Drinking
Raw Milk."
The joint FDA /CDC reminder claims that between 1998 and
2005, raw milk was implicated in 45 outbreaks, 1007 cases, 104
hospitalizations and 2 deaths. Yet the reference cited, the
CDC's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report for the week of
March 2, 2007 (MMWR for 03-02-07), provides no such
information; nor is any such information found in any other FDA
or CDC document. Numerous requests to the FDA for
clarification have not been answered.
"This is an excellent example of government bias against
raw milk," says Sally Fallon, President of the Weston A. Price
Foundation, a non-profit nutrition education foundation that
promotes the consumption of clean raw milk from healthy grass-
fed cows. "FDA and CDC have provided not a single reference to
support the claim of widespread illness from raw milk during
the seven-year period."
This is just one example of the misinformation we have been fed from
those who we trust to be looking out for our well-being. Notice that raw milk
was implicated, not proven, to be the source of these outbreaks. This is the
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type of terminology used in order to cause us to believe something is worse
than it really is. Why would the CDC and the FDA want to mislead the public
like that? The press release further states:
The September 2006 E.coli spinach outbreak provides
another example. Over the past eight years, Organic Pastures
Dairy of Fresno, California has sold over 40 million servings of
raw milk without one case of illness; during the same period the
California Department of Food and Agriculture has issued at
least 19 recalls of pasteurized milk products in California.
Frequent testing by Organic Pastures, the state of California,
and the veterinary departments of local universities has failed
to detect even a single human pathogen in the milk.
Yet in September 2006, after four children who had
consumed raw milk and also raw spinach or sushi became ill,
state officials ordered the dairy to shut down. All Organic
Pastures products were recalled. Officials performed over
2,000 tests of the entire dairy operation, including swabs taken
from the 300 cows, the farm, the manure and the equipment,
without finding a single pathogen. The raw dairy products are
now back on store shelves, yet many state health officials
continue to report that Organic Pasture's raw milk caused
illness due to E. coli.
We are all well aware of the fact that raw spinach and sushi have both
been shown to be possible carriers of E. coli, yet the milk was the primary
target. Why is that? According to the CSPI (Center for Science in the
Public Interest) you have a much greater risk of becoming ill from produce
that has not been washed properly than from raw milk. In some cases milk is
blamed for an outbreak when not all who are sick had consumed raw milk or
the milk had not come from the same source. This appears to be evidence of
prejudice against raw milk.
Pasture fed cows produce good, wholesome milk that has a very low
risk of being contaminated by pathogens. The important part here is what
the cows are fed. If they are fed what they are designed to eat, various
grasses and flowers, then their milk with be healthy for their children. If
they are eating swill, full of ingredients they are not designed to digest (it is
amazing what they will put in cattle feed these days!) then their milk will not
be as nutritious or maybe even deadly.
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To make matters worse, we also homogenize our milk. Homogenization,
which prevents the cream from separating from the milk, has been linked to
heart disease. Ultra High Temperature Pasteurization destroys many more
nutrients than standard pasteurization, yet it is advertised as the safest for
our consumption. It seems that the shelf life of milk is more important than
the nutritional value, at least to some people.
Why is it so terrible for our milk to separate or even go sour? Sour
cream is quite good for us and is enjoyed by many people. The British
Medical Journal Armchair Science stated in the April 1938 edition:
With regards to the prevention of souring; sour raw milk is
very widely used. It is given to invalids, being easily digested,
laxative in its properties, and not unpleasant to take. But, after
pasteurization, the lactic acid bacilli are killed. The milk, in
consequence, cannot become sour and quickly decomposes, while
undesirable germs multiply very quickly.
Lactic Acid Bacilli are the good bacteria that our bodies need in
order to properly digest many foods. They are also needed in order to keep
yeast in check. Without these bacteria, many people develop a yeast
overgrowth, which can lead to other issues such as irritable bowls and dairy
intolerances. These bacteria are not found in pasteurized milk, but they are
abundant in raw milk. So why do we continue to insist that raw milk is bad for
us? It seems to me that pasteurized milk is bad for us.
By finding a good source of clean milk from a pasture fed herd we can
make quite a difference in our own health and the health of our loved ones.
The evidence is overwhelming when you get outside of the misinformation
being distributed by certain federal agencies and those who have an agenda
regarding the health of the average American. With all the advances in
modern farming, refrigeration and transportation, pasteurization is no longer
necessary, yet we continue to advance this practice so that dirty milk can be
made to appear clean. Is it really clean? The hormones given to the cows to
cause an increase in milk production still come through into the milk.
Raw milk, butter, and cheese are full of nutrients that our bodies
need. Not only that, but they taste good too. They dont need any additives
because nothing has been taken away. Raw milk will naturally separate,
allowing us to not only make our own cheese, but give us the whey that is full
of lactic acid bacilli, which we can use to ferment our own condiments. As
long as we know the source of the milk, we can be assured of its quality. Can
we be that sure of the pasteurized milk we buy in the local store?
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Healthy Fats

As I stated earlier, we have been mislead over the proper type of fats
we should be consuming in order to maintain optimum health. We have to
retrain our minds to understand that saturated fats do not cause
cardiovascular illness. We need to remember that polyunsaturated fats are
the ones that create free radicals. These free radicals are what cause heart
disease. The research of Dr. Weston Price and others, such as Dr. Dudley
White, have shown repeatedly that corn oil, canola oil and other oils that
remain liquid at cool temperatures cause cancer and a host of other
illnesses, yet the medical establishment continues to tell us that
polyunsaturated fats are heart healthy.
When in all actuality saturated fats are the ones that are healthy for
our hearts. Myocardial Infarctions (MI) were almost non-existent in 1910,
but by 1960 500,000 deaths were attributed to Myocardial Infarctions. Dr.
Dudley White, a cardiologist in the early part of the twentieth century,
wrote in 1956:
I began my practice as a cardiologist in 1921 and I never
saw an MI patient until 1928. Back in the MI-free days before
1920, the fats were butter and lard and I think that we would
all benefit from the kind of diet that we had at a time when no
one had ever heard the word corn oil.
Dr. White also noted that in 1900 eggs were consumed at three times the
rate they are presently and there was no corn oil, yet Myocardial
Infarctions were nonexistent. There seems to be a correlation between the
amount of saturated fats eaten and a healthy heart.
Saturated fats are found in animal fats and tropical oils. They are also
produced within our bodies from excess carbohydrates. Not only are they
less likely to go rancid, but they are also so good for us that they have been
labeled the all-systems healer, including the digestive system. These fats
can be found in beef tallow, milk products, and coconut and palm kernel oils.
In our bodies, saturated fats boost hormone production, strengthen cellular
membranes, and provide padding for our internal organs. Fatty acids are vital
in many of our bodys signaling and stabilization processes and are used to
stabilize proteins use in the immune system to fight tumors.
Monounsaturated fats, found in olive, sesame and peanut oils, are also
necessary oils and can be produced within our body from saturated fats.
These are also not likely to go rancid. It is best to purchase cold-pressed or
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virgin oils because they have not been processed and still contain all the
nutrients. Due to the current low fat diets, many Americans are actually fat
deprived. Dr. Mary Enig and Sally Fallon, authors of Eat Fat, Lose Fat, write,
You can be 200 pounds overweight and still be undernourished and fat
These healthy fats are full of omega 3 and 6 fatty acids. Cod liver oil,
egg yolks and flax oil should be a part of every persons diet because they
contain long chain saturated fats that are vital to our health, as does beef
tallow and dairy products. These fatty acids increase energy, boost our
immune system and optimize digestion. Contrary to popular believe, these
fats do not add fat to our bodies; they actually will cause our body to burn
off the fat we have, causing weight loss. That is because they are quickly
converted to energy.
If this is all true, and I believe it is, then why do we continue to hear
that saturated fats from animal sources are so bad for our hearts? It is
because of something called the Lipid Hypothesis, which was made in 1954
by a Russian scientist by the name of David Kritchevsky. He announced that
the results of his experiments showed that saturated fats and cholesterol
from animal sources raise cholesterol levels in the blood, leading to the
formation of plaque in arteries. This plaque clogs arteries, causing heart
The only problem is that his research was flawed. How so? He fed
saturated fat from animal sources to rabbits. Since rabbits are herbivores,
not carnivores or even omnivores, their bodies are not equipped to process
these kinds of fats. Therefore, the results do not apply to humans. Besides
that, it was discovered in 1955 that Japanese have just as much plaque in
their arteries as western men, even though their diet is low in saturated
Regardless of these facts, the American Heart Association announced
in 1956 the Prudent Diet insisting that Americans change their eating
habits from butter, lard, beef and eggs to corn oil, margarine, chicken and
cold cereal. They also went on the attack against coconut oil, which is one of
the very best foods we can ingest.
Virgin coconut oil prevents infection because it contains lauric acid,
which has antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties. It strengthens
the immune system, supports proper liver function and diminishes fatigue as
it increases energy. Coconut oil helps to prevent low blood sugar by
stabilizing blood sugar and thereby reducing mood swings. For those with
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thyroid problems, there is nothing better as it helps to stabilize the
metabolism. Irritable Bowl Syndrome (IBS) and Crohns disease can benefit
from coconut oil as well as its antifungal properties help keep the digestive
system functioning properly. Besides all of that, it is good for our skin and
Yet the Prudent Diet turned us away from oils such as coconut oil and
their immunity boosting properties, instead telling us to consume
polyunsaturated fats. These fats are more likely to go rancid than any other
kind of fat and should be avoided as much as possible. The free radicals
formed by these fats have been shown to cause both cancer and heart
Lately weve been hearing a lot about trans fats and how bad they are
for us, but it was not that long ago that these fats were considered suitable
for human consumption. Trans fats are rearranged fatty acids produced by
bombarding polyunsaturated oils with hydrogen. This process is called partial
hydrogenation. This process causes polyunsaturated fats to behave like
saturated fats, but with a longer shelf life. The food industry loved this idea
and they were not too happy when people like Dr. Mary Enig started pointing
out just how bad these trans fats are for the human body.
Trans fats actually increase cholesterol in our blood stream and will
cause our bodies to retain extra fats, increasing our weight. They have been
found to compromise bodily functions such as hormone synthesis, immunity
function, insulin metabolism and compromise tissue repair. In 2002 the
Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences stated that
there are no safe levels of trans fats and that they were, in fact, even
more harmful than saturated fats.
These trans fats also inhibit the production of adrenal hormones that
our bodies need in order to properly handle the stress of our daily lives. This
can also lead to problems with glucose balance, mineral metabolism and
reproduction. Diabetics especially need to avoid trans fats as they interfere
with insulin receptors within our cells and cause an increase in the need for
insulin shots. Research also suggests that our increased consumption of
trans and polyunsaturated fats is contributing to the increase in asthma in
our children, which is nearing epidemic proportions.
They also interfere with the production of prostaglandin, resulting in
imbalances in our bodies that can lead to inflammation, weight gain, allergies,
asthma and cancer. Each of these conditions is on the rise in our culture and
the doctors claim they dont know why. By reducing and eliminating trans
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fats from our diet, and replacing them with saturated fats like coconut oil,
we can go a long way in our fight against these conditions.
We have also been told that saturated fats cause our cholesterol to
rise, which blocks our arteries and causes heart disease. This is also not
true. Back in 1964 a famous heart surgeon named DeBakey was involved in a
study of 1700 patients. His findings show there is no definite correlation
between serum cholesterol levels and the nature and extent of heart
disease. To put it plainly, he discovered that cholesterol levels have nothing
to do with the blocking of the arteries.
In all actuality, high cholesterol protects against infection and will
actually cause us to live longer, according to Dr. Uffe Ravnskov, who cites
eleven other studies that confirm his findings. Dr. Harlan Krumholz, from
the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine at Yale University agrees as
well. In 1994 he said that elderly people with low cholesterol died two times
as often as those with high cholesterol. Low cholesterol levels increase our
risk of dying from gastrointestinal and respiratory diseases and increase the
likelihood of contracting HIV by two times.
With all of this evidence, why do our doctors still insist that we need
to reduce our cholesterol levels? Are they not receiving this information?
Why not? The evidence has been around since the 1950s. Scientists studied
the Bantu, who consume a mostly vegetarian diet, and discovered that they
also have plaque in their arteries. This fact shows us that the thickening of
the arterial walls are completely natural and happen to all people as they get
older, regardless of how much saturated fat they consume.
Reintroducing saturated fats back into our diet will greatly improve
our over-all health and can actually begin to turn around many ailments.
According to Dr. Mary Enig, chronic fatigue can be alleviated simply by using
coconut oil because it contains medium-chain fatty acids that provide energy
and fight pathogens in the digestive tract that contribute to fatigue. These
medium-chain fatty acids also help prevent low blood sugar while supporting
the thyroid gland. And, on top of all of these wonderful benefits, when
combined with cod liver oil, coconut oils fatty acids help the body to
manufacture the adrenal hormones needed to deal with stress.
Many diabetics dont realize this, but before the discovery of insulin,
the only treatment for diabetes was a diet consisting largely of fat. The
more coconut oil we consume, the better our body can process sugars,
especially with type II diabetes. Although saturated fats cant heal a
pancreas that is not working properly, as in type I diabetes, they can help
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prevent some of the side effects of diabetes, such as kidney and retinal
problems. They can also help our body to repair damaged tissue, also a
problem for diabetics.
And, to top it off, coconut oil has been known to help prevent the flu
virus from surviving in our body. This is because the virus has a lipid coating
that is dissolved by coconut oil. Good bacteria a coating that can withstand
the effects of the oil and, in fact, thrive in its environment. And it tastes
good, naturally. What could be better? What could man possibly make that
could have as many benefits, tastes good and doesnt cause nasty side
effects? So far, man has come up with nothing.
Those people who have a proven track record of not being completely
honest with us tend to be the ones we listen to the most. Why is that? If it
is not reported on the nightly news, it doesnt really happen or it isnt really
true. Surely there couldnt be that many people who would willingly tell us
lies regarding what is good and what is not, causing so many diseases that
they are making hundreds of thousands of dollars from treating. Could
there? Money is a powerful motivator.
Coconut oil can be found in just about any health food store, or can be
ordered on the web for a reasonable price (watch that shipping!) It can be
used in place of shortening when cool (is hard and white) or can be added as
a liquid when warm. Many stores, including Wal-Mart, are beginning to carry
beef tallow in their meat section and good, extra-virgin olive oil because
more and more people are discovering the benefits of using saturated fats
instead of the polyunsaturated fats found in vegetable oils. If you can find a
local butcher, better yet he might give you a discount on both the tallow
for soap making and some bones for the soup pot.
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Salt, Eggs and Honey

Here are three all-natural foods, found often in the Bible, that have
been under attack by the diet dictocrats, as Sally Fallon likes to call them.
Just as with the other foods weve looked at, these foods are actually
essential to our good health and have been a staple of many cultures around
the world. All three are held in high esteem within the Word of God:
"Salt is good; but if the salt becomes unsalty, with what
will you make it salty again? Have salt in yourselves, and be at
peace with one another." (Mark 9:50)
According to the medical community, salt is not good for us. Studies
indicate that Americans consume way too much sodium and we need to work
hard to eliminate most of the salt from our diet. Yet Adonai holds salt in
such high esteem that He compares us often to salt. We are to be the salt
of the earth does that mean we are supposed to be bad for one another,
just like salt is bad for us? How could this be?
There are certain properties within salt that are necessary for our
bodies, and once they are gone, what good is salt? Remember, it is good for
nothing except to be used to melt ice (Matthew 5:13). The salt that we buy
in the supermarket is not the salt it once was. It has been highly processed,
removing many of the nutrients that God created within salt. We cant do
anything to restore its properties once theyve been removed, so we try to
find other sources of these nutrients in the form of artificial vitamin and
mineral supplements. We also tend to use more of it than we should because
the salt can no longer do what it was designed to do, and that is to enhance
our food as well as help to preserve it.
Our bodies need salt to maintain optimum health. Sodium is what
regulates the passage of nutrients to our cells. Without the proper amount
of sodium in our diet, the nutrients are unable to pass through the cellular
membrane and we literally starve from malnutrition. Sodium is also vital for
proper brain function. Without enough salt, one can actually become an idiot.
Salt prevents dehydration, believe it or not, and was found in every
traditional diet, worldwide. The minerals that are removed from salt in the
refining process have been known to be sold to vitamin manufacturers, who
in turn sell them back to us in a form that is not easily digested.
Wouldnt it be simpler, and less expensive, to just buy salt that hasnt
lost all of the nutrients God put in it? Maybe if we purchase some unrefined
salt, and then used a salt grinder? Then we would not need to buy all those
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other vitamins and mineral supplements. Studies have indicated that freshly
ground salt has more minerals than salt that has been ground and then
allowed to sit, because the minerals tend to dissipate over time. This is part
of the reason why highly refined salt is not good for us.
Celtic sea salt is highly recommended by many people from various
fields of study. It is harvested naturally, the old fashioned way, using salt
flats and allowing the sun to dry the salt naturally. The salt is then packaged
and sent on its way to a retailer near you. Thats it. The sea salt God made is
the sea salt we get, full of all the vitamins and minerals that our bodies need
to build up the immune system and keep us healthy. Diabetics are notoriously
deficient in many minerals, all of which can be found in simple sea salt. With
diabetes on the rise in dramatic proportions, I think that we should all take
a look at our mineral intake.
There are many signs of nutrient deficiency, but most of us are
unaware of what they are. For example, growing pains, which were once
thought to be a natural part of growing up, are now understood to be the
result of mineral deficiencies. Other signs that we are nutrient deficient
include: rough, dry skin and hair, goose-flesh bumps on thigh and back of
upper arms, dry, sore eyes and bad night vision, fatigue, irritability, red,
sore tongue, cracks at the corners of the mouth, red eyes, sensitivity to
light, loss of appetite, and sleeping and concentration problems.
Not only does fresh ground salt contain over 80 trace minerals, but it
tastes better as well and there is less of a chance of over salting our food.
Taste it and see for your self. It actually tastes good, not overly salty like
you might expect. Salt has been used as a preservative forever and the basis
for all meat marinades is salt. Each and every one of the sacrifices offered
at the Temple contained salt.
Every grain offering of yours, moreover, you shall season
with salt, so that the salt of the covenant of your God shall
not be lacking from your grain offering; with all your offerings
you shall offer salt. (Leviticus 2:13)
With all of the salt that would be used on the Temple mount, it is a
very good thing that Adonai provided the Dead Sea to provide all of that
salt! But what exactly is this, salt of the covenant of your God that we see
mentioned here? This is not the only time we see the words salt and
covenant together in one verse either. The Levites were given a covenant
of salt:
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"But the firstborn of an ox or the firstborn of a sheep or
the firstborn of a goat, you shall not redeem; they are holy. You
shall sprinkle their blood on the altar and shall offer up their
fat in smoke as an offering by fire, for a soothing aroma to the
LORD. Their meat shall be yours; it shall be yours like the
breast of a wave offering and like the right thigh.
"All the offerings of the holy gifts, which the sons of Israel
offer to the LORD, I have given to you and your sons and your
daughters with you, as a perpetual allotment. It is an
everlasting covenant of salt before the LORD to you and your
descendants with you." (Numbers 18:17-19)
This phrase, covenant of salt is a very interesting phrase and it
appears only one more time in the Bible. In the book of 2 Chronicles we find
it, only this time the covenant was made with King David:
Then Abijah stood on Mount Zemaraim, which is in the hill
country of Ephraim, and said, "Listen to me, Jeroboam and all
Israel: Do you not know that the LORD God of Israel gave the
rule over Israel forever to David and his sons by a covenant of
salt? (2 Chronicles 13:4-5)
We think of salt as a spice, but historically salt has always been used
primarily as a preservative. So why put salt on the sacrifices that were
placed on the altar? Because it symbolizes the eternal nature of the
covenant agreement that our sins would be forgiven. The Levites had the
assurance that as long as the firstling of the flock would be sacrificed, they
would eat and eat well. David was guaranteed that as long as his sons obeyed
El Shaddai that his sons would always sit on the throne of Israel. Each
covenant was eternal, but each was also conditional.
Could this be because of the corrosive nature of salt? It does have a
tendency to eat away at certain substances could this have a spiritual
aspect as well? Since we are called to be salt, this might explain the new
believers tendency to get on peoples nerves because they are so worked up
for Yeshua? Maybe we were to be reminded to put a part of ourselves on
each and every offering made, regardless of its size or purpose?
Sacrifice is something that we dont like to talk about. Most new
covenant believers will tell you that God only gave us the sacrificial system
because we wanted to be like the other nations around us, and they
constantly sacrificed to their gods. However, there is no Biblical support for
that statement. What we do see is a history of our fathers sacrificing their
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very best to Adonai, all the way back to Cain and Abel. Now we dont know
why exactly Cains offering was rejected and Abels was accepted, but I
would wager that there was salt involved somewhere.
There are certain lessons that we are supposed to learn through the
sacrificial system that we are not learning today simply because we ignore
the Law books. Unless we study these things, we will never know all that He
is trying to teach us. Looking closer at salts qualities should give us a better
understanding of our own qualities, since we are so often compared to salt.
Salt deposits are found all over the world and people have been known
to travel far and wide for a good source of the stuff. Our bodies crave salt
and when we are not getting the good salt, we tend to use too much salt in a
subconscious attempt to fulfill our bodys needs. Using a salt grinder (with
plastic or ceramic gears that dont corrode) takes additional time but is well
worth the effort and is another reason why we dont tend to use as much of
the fresh ground salt as we would when using the regular table salt to which
weve grown accustomed; it takes longer to salt our food. We simply need to
become readjusted.
As a spice, salt is supposed to be used to enhance the flavor, not
overpower our food.
"Can something tasteless be eaten without salt, or is there
any taste in the white of an egg? (Job 6:6)
Egg whites are a perfect example of a food that needs salt. In and of
itself, egg whites do not really have a good taste, but they are good for us.
They contain trace and fatty minerals, approximately 40 different proteins,
vitamins and glucose. They can be used in a variety of recipes, and are the
part of the egg that has not been under attack. Yet they dont taste very
well without salt, but once you add the salt, you can eat them all day long.
What about the egg yolk? Is it really so bad for us that we should eat
our eggs without the yolk? Or is it truly the incredible, edible egg!
"If you happen to come upon a bird's nest along the way, in
any tree or on the ground, with young ones or eggs, and the
mother sitting on the young or on the eggs, you shall not take
the mother with the young; you shall certainly let the mother
go, but the young you may take for yourself, in order that it
may be well with you and that you may prolong your days.
(Deuteronomy 22:6-7)
We often look upon this verse and think, It may be well with me if I allow
the mother to live, but have we ever looked at it without the comma after
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yourself (added by translators) and thought, If I take the eggs, I will be
well and live long? Why cant it be read both ways?
Egg yolks contain the omega-3 fatty acids that our bodies need to
maintain optimal health. They also contain even more protein and vitamins
than the whites, including A, D, E, and zinc. Eggs also contain phosphorus,
manganese, iron, iodine, copper, and calcium, necessary nutrients that our
bodies are often lacking. In biblical times it was a given that we would eat
the eggs found along the way. Now it is a given that they are not good for
us? Give me a break!
Eggs do not increase bad cholesterol (if there is such a thing outside
of what they have created) and also do not increase our chances of having
a heart attack or stroke. Eggs from chickens who are pasture raised (as
opposed to those raised in corporate hen houses) are the best and well
worth the extra price. Pasture fed chickens produce eggs that are higher in
folic acid, omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins A, E, and B12.
It is recommended that pregnant and nursing women consume eggs
daily, adding an extra yolk for good measure. Most of our baked goods
contain eggs, either separated or slightly beaten, and even the cereal
companies show eggs to be a part of their balanced breakfast. Although
many of us gag at the thought of eating raw eggs, they contain certain
nutrients that are eliminated when cooked. Since many ice cream recipes
contain raw eggs, homemade ice cream can actually be considered a health
food, especially if the milk and cream are raw as well.
What about salmonella? Most cases of salmonella poisoning that are
tied back to eggs are in the restaurant setting because food tends to sit out
longer in a restaurant kitchen than in our own. We also move slower, taking
more time to look at each egg and, since we are the ones who will be
ingesting this food, we tend to be a little more picking concerning the quality
of the food. If it looks suspicious we are more likely to throw it away if we
are the ones eating. As long as we properly handle our food, and all of the
utensils used in its preparation, then we are very unlikely to develop any of
these food-borne diseases.
Diabetics can eat lots of eggs without fear of an increase in their
blood sugar levels, as eggs are almost entirely protein and dont convert to
sugar in our bodies. As mentioned previously, people with high cholesterol
tend to live longer and eggs contain the cholesterol that is good for our
bodies. Eggs, cooked with freshly ground sea salt, contain many beneficial
vitamins and minerals (over 80 trace minerals in the salt alone) that
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diabetics are lacking, so eating them is better for us then taking a daily
vitamin. Why? These minerals are in their natural state, enabling our bodies
to absorb them. Synthetic vitamins are made from coal tar derivatives and
cannot be broken down or absorbed as the natural ones are.
The protein and fatty acids in eggs help to keep our brain and nervous
system functioning in top order. Those who have consistently eaten as many
eggs as they want have shown to have less heart disease than those who cut
eggs out of their diet under their doctors recommendation. They have
recommended that we, especially those of us who have been around longer,
to use an egg substitute, like they use at fast food restaurants. The problem
with this advice is that scientists fed lab animals only egg substitutes and
this diet caused rapid death in the animals.
Even before men began to keep birds for their eggs, like we keep
chickens, man would gather eggs from nests in the wild.
And my hand reached to the riches of the peoples like a
nest, and as one gathers abandoned eggs, I gathered all the
earth; and there was not one that flapped its wing or opened its
beak or chirped." (Isaiah 10:14)
As a result, it didnt take too long for man to notice that certain birds, like
the partridge, will actually adopt abandoned eggs as her own. This is used by
Adonai to speak to our hearts so that we might better understand His word.
"I, the LORD, search the heart, I test the mind, even to
give to each man according to his ways, according to the results
of his deeds. As a partridge that hatches eggs which it has not
laid, so is he who makes a fortune, but unjustly; in the midst of
his days it will forsake him, and in the end he will be a fool."
(Jeremiah 17:10-11)
If it were expected that we would collect eggs, then it would be
expected that eggs were traditionally part of our diet. What well stocked
kitchen could be without them? Do you want your cake to be moist and
delicious? Add an egg. Cant get that hamburger to stick together? Add an
egg. Need a quick, healthy, on-the-go snack that wont add any weight? Hard
boil some eggs; keep them on hand for egg salad or simply a peel and go but
dont forget the salt!
Salt and eggs are just two of the foods mentioned in the Bible. One of
the main foods mentioned is honey. Our father Israel believed honey to be
among the best products of the land:
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Then their father Israel said to them, "If it must be so,
then do this: take some of the best products of the land in your
bags, and carry down to the man as a present, a little balm and a
little honey, aromatic gum and myrrh, pistachio nuts and
almonds. (Genesis 43:11)
Throughout scripture, honey has always been held in high esteem.
When one wants to describe a land with good pastureland, it was said to be a
land flowing with milk and honey.
Hence I have said to you, You are to possess their land,
and I Myself will give it to you to possess it, a land flowing with
milk and honey. I am the LORD your God, who has separated
you from the peoples. (Leviticus 20:24)
Land that has lots of grasses and wildflowers will provide good grazing
for the Israelites flocks and herds. They also provide plenty of pollen for
bees to make honey. Bee pollen is very good for us. If you can buy some
locally raised, raw honey you will have access to 22 different amino acids, 27
minerals and over 5,000 enzymes and coenzymes which have detoxifying
effects on our bodies. Bee pollen has been used throughout history to treat
allergies, asthma, menstrual irregularities, constipation, diarrhea, anemia,
low energy, cancer, rheumatism, arthritis and the many effects of the toxic
environment that surrounds us.
My son, eat honey, for it is good, yes, the honey from the
comb is sweet to your taste. (Proverbs 24:13)
Honey is a natural sweetener that has been around for hundreds of
thousands of years without causing type II diabetes. We cannot say the
same for white, refined sugar. In fact, more and more doctors and scientists
are coming forward and admitting that processed sugar plays a very large
role in the obesity and diabetic epidemics sweeping this country.
Traditionally honey has been used as a medicine more often than as a
sweetener due to its antibacterial and antifungal properties. It has also
been used to treat wounds. Even today we see many sore throat remedies
contain honey to help sooth the throat. The antioxidants in honey help to
prevent free radicals from taking over and damaging our bodies at the
cellular level. These antioxidants help our bodies to fight cancer and heart
disease. The darker the honey, the higher the antioxidant levels.
Royal jelly, a substance produced by worker bees inside the beehive,
contains proteins, fats and many other vitamins, is used to treat problems
caused by tissue deficiency or body frailty. It has been linked to
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regenerative benefits, like wrinkle reduction, and also contains antioxidants,
with antifungal and antibacterial properties. It is also believed to help to
relieve stress and anxiety. Good, raw honey will contain bee pollen and some
royal jelly, as well as all of the other wonderful benefits from the other
properties found in honey. But, like with all good things, we must remember
to only use honey in moderation
Have you found honey? Eat only what you need, that you not
have it in excess and vomit it. (Proverbs 25:16)
We Americans tend to do many things in excess, and our sugar intake
is one of those things. Sugar is very addictive. In fact, it is harder to
eliminate sugar from our diets than it is to stop using heroin. This is why we
must slowly eliminate the bad sugars from our diet without going overboard
on the healthier ones. We will literally make ourselves sick. Our bodies really
were not designed to digest and process the amount of sugar found in the
Standard American Diet, hence the epidemic of type II diabetes. We are
overworking our system and then we wonder why we feel so terrible.
Sugar is hidden in many foods that would not normally have it as an
ingredient, or doubled unknowingly because we dont understand all of the
technical names for sugar. Many products have sugar listed among their top
ingredients (by volume) and follow it with high-fructose corn syrup. This is
simply another name for sugar, hidden from the average person because we
are not taught the truth about the ingredients used in food manufacturing.
These sugars increase not only our weight, but also our cravings for more
And the food manufacturers know this. They bank on this. This is the
reasoning behind the addition of high-fructose corn syrup to our soft drinks
(soda pop). Soda consumption has skyrocketed in the last few decades,
especially among our young. Years ago a Coke was considered an occasional
treat; today it is part of our daily diet and the source of most of our liquid
intake in this country. Our bodies are made up of water and we need to
maintain adequate hydration levels or we get sick. Sugar, especially in the
high-fructose form, prevents our body from absorbing the water in the
beverage, and can actually cause dehydration. Think about that the next
time you reach for something to quench your thirst.
Sweets have a place in our diets, but not in the amounts we currently
consume them. Natural sweeteners like honey and the sugar found in fruits,
are designed, by our Creator, to be absorbed and nourish our bodies. Highly
processed sugars, from white refined all the way to high-fructose corn
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syrup, cannot be properly digested and lack the nutrients essential to the
proper upkeep of our bodies, while blocking our bodies ability to absorb
water. Water absorption is absolutely necessary to our health, especially at
the cellular level.
Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but
only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win.
Everyone who competes in the games exercises self-control in
all things. They then do it to receive a perishable wreath, but
we an imperishable. (1 Corinthians 9:24-25)
Self-control is another subject that most of us do not like to talk
about. In a society where, anything goes! and usually does, it is harder than
ever to maintain self control but it is also more necessary than ever. This is
a foundational teaching of Scripture, yet how often do we practice it?
Gluttony is considered to be one of the seven deadly sins, yet many of us
practice this without even thinking about it. Why? Because sugar is so
addictive that we lose all reason, searching for our next fix.
As Aristotle said, Moderation in all things. As long as we keep our
intake of sweets regulated, and use natural sources for our sweets, like
honey, we can feel free to enjoy the occasional sweet treat without guilt. As
stated earlier, when the ingredients are unprocessed, even ice cream can be
considered a health food. Self-control is a fruit of the Spirit (Galatians
5:22-23) and should be the natural reaction to our life in the Spirit. It is
proof, if you will, of the presence of the Living God in our lives.
Everything you have just read here is in complete contradiction to the
beliefs of the established medical community. They teach us that we need
to reduce the salt in our diets, and that we need to avoid raw honey as it
may contain harmful bacteria. They prevent us from consuming many of
Gods best foods in their raw (and most nutritious) state simply by using the
word may. We are told that this food may cause this disease and that
food may contribute to another disease, and thats all we need to know. We
then avoid that food like the plague.
If we use their logic then we must avoid milk entirely, regardless of
our age. Why? Because studies have indicated that milk consumption may
lead to heroin addiction (almost all heroin addicts consumed milk as children)
and we dont want to become a heroin addict. You can prove anything by this
kind of logic, which is, by the way, illogical.
We are not expected to realize these things and, for the most part,
we dont. We hear on TV that this thing is good for us or that thing is bad
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and we take it for granted that we are being told the truth. Many of these
voices are nothing more then that of advertising executives and they dont
care one iota about our health. They simply want to sell their product and
are willing to do whatever it takes to do so including bold-faced lies. We
have to realize that they are not doctors. Just because an advertisement
states that a product is heart healthy, that does not necessarily mean that
it is. Remember, it wasnt that long ago that many doctors prescribed a stiff
course of leaches.
If God says that salt is good, that is good enough for me pass the
salt, in its natural form. The same holds true for milk, honey and eggs. Milk
was intended to be consumed in raw form and the sooner we get back to
consuming it as God intended, the better off we will be. God told us that
honey is good for us, but we also must learn self-control or we will get sick.
Eggs have always been seen as an excellent source of protein. Now we know
that they are also an excellent source of fats and cholesterol that our
bodies need to function properly.
Raw salt and honey and farm-fresh eggs are all staples of the
traditional diet of our people. Once we return to using these wonderful
foods in their natural state, we will begin to feel better as our immune
system is boosted. We will also be able to better fight off any infectious
diseases that come our way.
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Great Grains

Then to Adam He said, "Because you have listened to the
voice of your wife, and have eaten from the tree about which I
commanded you, saying, 'You shall not eat from it'; cursed is
the ground because of you; in toil you will eat of it all the days
of your life. Both thorns and thistles it shall grow for you; and
you will eat the plants of the field; by the sweat of your face
you will eat bread, till you return to the ground, because from
it you were taken; for you are dust, and to dust you shall
return." (Genesis 3:17-19)
All the way back at the beginning Adonai told us to make and eat
bread. We have come up with some wonderful varieties of bread, from heavy
and dark rye breads to light and sweet desert breads. There are many
different types of grain to chose from; wheat, barley, rye, spelt, corn and
sorghum just to name a few.
Dr. Weston Price, in his quest for the source of healthy teeth and
gums, discovered many traditional diets that produced strong, healthy
children and every single one of them contained bread in some form. Each
culture had a favorite way to prepare their grains, but all diets contained
some sort of bread. Tradition has it that one of the first things that the
Adam learned from the angels was how to make bread.
Bread has been called the staff of life. Or, at least, it is supposed to
be, but for some people it has become poison. Why is that? Well, that
depends on whom you ask. Just like with any other subject, there are
multiple theories and each one has some truth within. Elmer M. Cranton, M.D.
wrote an article entitled Modern Bread, The Broken Staff Of Life in which
he states:
Modern technology has transformed bread, once the staff
of life, into a mere broken reed, contributing to widespread
vitamin and mineral deficiencies. This has occurred in Western
industrialized countries where few people go hungry? Bread is
used here as just one example of similar processes that
degrades our food supply on its way from the farm to the
To get the conveniences of high-tech food processing,
mass-production, mass-marketing, long shelf life, uniformity of
final product, even coloration, and soft texture, we create
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nutritional deficiencies. The food processing industry
deceptively markets its products as more convenient versions
of what grandmother once did in her kitchen. That is far from
the truth!
Most of today's mass-produced foods are seriously
depleted of nutrients and are highly chemicalized with
additives. Processed foods today are not just more
sophisticated and more convenient versions of the foods eaten
by our ancestors. A wide spectrum of essential nutrients has
been removed in the manufacturing process. The basic
molecular structure of what remains is also degraded and
nutritionally inferior.
Our SAD diets and fast food lifestyles have caused a major change in
our food supply. Small farms are being replaced with huge, mega-farms, the
land itself is not being properly maintained using natural fertilizer nor is the
land being allowed to rest. Add in the modification of the grain itself by the
seed companies, who are creating grains that are not as nutritious as the
grains our Creator made, and are pesticide ready, and we can easily see big
problems up ahead. In our desire to have soft, cheap bread we have created
a food that isnt really a food in the respect that it doesnt contain the
nutrients our bodies need.
Grain that is ground between two stones, as is traditionally done,
contains all of the elements of the grain. When the same grain is ground in a
high-speed steel roller mill, it is unable to grind the germ and the bran
properly and thus it is ejected. Whatever is ejected, which includes some of
the most nutritious parts of the grain, is then given to cattle in feedlots
instead of the green grasses they are supposed to eat. Even the flour that is
left behind is robbed of additional nutrients due to the extremely high
temperatures in the steel roller milling. This is all done in such a way as to
optimize profits. This is also causing malnutrition in both humans and animals.
The reason our store-bought bread is so light and fluffy is because it
lacks nutrients. The grain itself is cultivated to be lighter to produce lighter
flour, but the lighter the flour, the less nutrients it contains. For example,
wheat grown in the beginning of the twentieth century was 50% starch and
50% protein. By the year 2000 that had changed dramatically, with some
strains containing a mere 8% protein and a whopping 92% starch. Commercial
bakeries add more yeast and more sugar to their bread causing more air
pockets to form in less time, causing the bread to rise faster and be baked
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sooner. This does not allow the bread to properly ferment, a necessary step
in proper preparation of grains.
Another change made is the harvest and storage of our grains.
Traditionally grains were cut and left in the field for a time before being
brought into the storage facilities. Often the grains would begin to break
down due to moisture (dew) and heat (sunlight) and begin to sprout, either
while still in the field or while in the granary. Modern farming techniques
prevent the grains from germinating during harvest and storage. Modern
milling techniques have destroyed many of the nutrients that our bodies
need, and the long-term storage of flour allows additional nutrients to
These changes in the preparation of our grains have caused damage to
our bodies. Many doctors and scientists like Dr. Weston Price spoke out
against the use of white flour, stating that it lacked the nutrition needed
for strong healthy people noting that whenever white flour was introduced
to a new culture, rampant tooth decay and sickness soon followed. These
warnings went unheeded and many people began to use white flour almost
exclusively. Thankfully, it didnt take too long for the rest of us to discover
the truth about white bread, causing us to desire a return to whole grains.
Sally Fallon, president of the Weston Price Foundation and author of the
book Nourishing Traditions writes:
Only in recent decades has Dr. Price been vindicated. Even
orthodox nutritionists now recognize that white flour is an
empty food, supplying calories for energy but none of the
bodybuilding materials that abound in the germ and the bran of
whole grains. We've take two important steps forwardbut
unfortunately another step backward in that now whole grain
and bran products are being promoted as health foods without
adequate appreciation of their dangers. These show up not only
as digestive problems, Crohn's disease and colitis, but also as
the mental disorders associated with celiac disease. One school
of thought claims that both refined and whole grains should be
avoided, arguing that they were absent from the Paleolithic diet
and citing the obvious association of grains with celiac disease
and studies linking grain consumption with heart disease.
But many healthy societies consume products made from
grains. In fact, it can be argued that the cultivation of grains
made civilization possible and opened the door for mankind to
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live long and comfortable lives. Problems occur when we are
cruel to our grainswhen we fractionate them into bran, germ
and naked starch; when we mill them at high temperatures;
when we extrude them to make crunchy breakfast cereals; and
when we consume them without careful preparation.
Careful preparation of grains is the key that we have been missing.
And, once again, it all goes back to our Creator. When He made grains, He
had two purposes planned. Grains provide food for our bodies, but they also
need to be part of the plants reproductive system. So, God had to make a
way for this food to survive digestion so that it may be planted.
If a horse goes into a wheat field and begins to eat, most of the plant
will be digested while the seed passes through, deposited in the horse
manure (excellent fertilizer!) and on its way to fulfilling its mission of
becoming a wheat plant. If a cow goes into that same field and eats, she not
only digests the plant, but the seed as well. Why is that? Cows have four
stomachs. This allows them to break through the seeds natural defense
system and access the nutrients within.
Humans, like horses, only have one stomach. This is why seeds tend to
pass right through us and are wonderful fibrous material to help keep our
bowels moving properly, but we dont glean any nutrients from them. We
need to grind the seeds in order to access the goodness within, using the
flour to make bread. Although we have cracked the self-defenses of the
grain, we have not yet eliminated them.
All seeds contain something called Phytic acid that will bond with
calcium, magnesium, copper, iron and especially zinc in the intestinal tract
and block their absorption. If this acid is not broken down, it can cause
damage to our intestines. Enzyme inhibitors are also found in whole grains.
These prevent our bodies from producing the enzymes needed to properly
digest the grain, allowing it to pass through. These put undue stress on the
pancreas, causing further problems. Lastly, grain seeds contain aflatoxins,
which are potent carcinogens from funguses associated with grains.
An example of these aflatoxins is the one made by a parasitic fungus
of rye called Ergot. Ergot is the source of LSD, and apparently played quite
a large role in the Salem Witch Hunt. Occasionally, when conditions are just
right, a field of rye will become contaminated with large amounts of ergot.
When the bread made from this rye is consumed, it causes violent
convulsions as well as hallucinations. Researchers have discovered that this
is what happened in the village of Salem that caused the girls to behave so
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strangely. The records indicate the very same symptoms of what we now
know to be ergot poisoning. At the time this was unknown, so they simply
blamed the only thing they could: witchcraft.
We now have a much better understanding of these things than our
ancestors did. We now know not to consume rye that has too much ergot.
What if it only contains a small amount? If the rye only contains small
amounts of ergot, the simple processes of germination and fermentation are
enough to break down these toxins. This is what happens within cows
(although in large amounts, like those found in Salem, the animals are
sickened as well) as their stomachs work to break down their food.
These self-defense mechanisms need to be broken down if we want to
glean all of the nutrients available from the grain without damaging our
system in the process. Properly processed, whole grains are very good for us,
but without the proper processing they can cause damage to our system.
This is what we see happening at alarming rates. Our intestinal tract can only
handle so much before it begins to show wear and tear and begins to break
down due to lack of nutrients. It is believed that this is a cause of many
intestinal disorders, like irritable bowl syndrome.
The germination process breaks down these self defense mechanisms,
allowing the seed to grow into a plant. Once the grain becomes the seed, the
phytic acid and the enzyme inhibitors are neutralized, allowing for digestion.
If the process is halted just as it has begun, and the grain dried properly
(not allowing for any mold or fungus to grow), we can then grind it and use
the flour to make our bread. This is called sprouted grain bread.
Sprouted grains contain more vitamin C than standard grains,
preventing scurvy, and increase the content of vitamins B2, B5, and B6, while
increasing the carotenes up to eightfold. Besides breaking down the phytic
acid and enzyme inhibitors found in grain, sprouting also helps to break down
the complex sugars that our bodies cannot and produces numerous enzymes
that aid in the digestion of the grain.
The starch found in grains can be hard for our bodies to digest
without the proper enzymes. In fact, most people are what are called
starch intolerant, and the additional starch in todays grains are making it
even more difficult for us to process the bread we eat. Remember, this will
be simply turned into sugar in our bodies, not really providing us with
nutrients at all, while causing damage to our digestive system.
Grains also contain a protein called Gluten that can be hard for our
bodies to digest without the proper enzymes. There are some, however, who
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are unable to digest gluten regardless of the enzymes present. These people
are gluten-intolerant. It is often hard to differentiate between the two
because there are so many similarities. Tonya C. Johnson, who is the mother
of a celiac child, has her own baking company that only uses sprouted flour in
their products. Here is her story (from
"When my son was a year old, he was diagnosed with celiac
disease. He was falling off the growth charts and had horrific
eczemaa skin condition, dermatitis herpitiformis, that
accompanies celiac disease. ALL the gluten-free food protocols
failedmy son continued to waste and have skin as hard as
asphalt. he either threw up or his skin became tight, rougher
and would even crack and bleed.
I suspected starchy grains prominent in most gluten-free
foods. I was on a mad hunt to find starch-free easy-to-digest
foods when I came across Summers Sprouted Flour.
Immediately I bought 10# and began to make foods for my
ailing, thin son. Within a month of changing this one food in his
diet, I am happy to report my son is a healthy child who
maintains a handsome weight for his tall frame. All vomiting
episodes stopped and his skin is as soft as butter.
I am 100% convinced that the Summers Sprouted Flour
helped him to turn the corner from what was really a major
sensitivity to the STARCH in grains and not the GLUTEN!"
How many people might be suffering needlessly due to the improper
preparation of our bread? It is not always easy to find a good source of
quality bread so the best thing to do is to make it for ourselves. When we
learn to properly prepare grains, through soaking, sprouting and sour
leavening (fermentation), we will rediscover the reason why it is called the
staff of life.
Almost any grain can be sprouted; wheat, barley, dried beans, radish
seeds, chia, chickpeas and almonds as well as pumpkin and sunflower seeds
are quite good once theyve been sprouted. In fact, unsprouted chickpeas can
cause quite a bit of gas in most people. Most people see the word Chia and
think, Chia Pets! but chia has a very long history in the Americas. Known as
Indian Running Food, the Aztec messengers would carry a bag of chia with
them to sustain them on their journey because the chia gave them a boost of
energy that many of us could use today. They are very similar to flax seeds,
containing many of the same nutrients.
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Flax seeds are difficult to sprout due to their size and the fact that
they cant be rinsed properly. Oat, once they have been separated from the
outer hull, are also difficult to sprout, as are any seeds that have been
irradiated and are used as spices. Nuts that have been removed from the
shell, like pecans and walnuts, will not sprout, but otherwise simply soak the
nuts in warm salt water overnight to neutralize the sprout inhibitors.
One grain that should not be sprouted is, surprisingly enough, alfalfa.
Alfalfa sprouts inhibit the immune system and contribute to inflammatory
illnesses such as arthritis and lupus. Alfalfa also contains a certain amino
acid, called canavanine, which is toxic. This acid is not neutralized until the
plant is growing. We also need to remember that although sprouting is good,
over-consumption of raw sprouted grains can be detrimental as there are
irritating substances in sprouts that are neutralized through cooking and
Allowing grains, in the form of flour, to ferment through sourdough
leavening allows the good bacteria, called lactobacilli, to pre-digest our food.
This in turn will help our bodies to absorb more nutrients and replenish the
lactobacilli culture in our guts. The reason why cattle can digest these grains
so well is due to the fact that they have lactobacilli in their first and second
stomachs. We dont, so we must allow the lactobacilli to work outside of our
bodies. When we soak the flour it develops a sour taste; when we soak the
grains there is almost a sweet flavor to our bread. Grain will double in bulk
when soaked, turning 1 cup of dry grains into 2 cups of sprouted grains, but
will shrink again during the drying process.
On the back of just about every loaf of bread in this country is
something called the Food Guide Pyramid. According to this chart, each of us
should consume six to eleven servings of bread a day, more than any other
type of food. For some people this is fine, but for others, this diet would
make them sick. For people who have issues with gluten, like those who have
Celiac, this diet would put them in the hospital. We cannot expect every one
to thrive on the same diet because we are not all the same. We must listen
to our bodys reaction to food to find what is best for us.
Mucus is Gods allergy alarm. If you eat something and within the first
twenty minutes discover that youve developed postnasal drip or that your
nose has started to run, take a look at what youve just eaten. There is a
very good chance that you may be allergic to one or more ingredients. If you
seem to be extremely tired after eating a sandwich, try using sprouted grain
bread and see if that makes a difference. Try making waffles from flour
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soaked overnight and see if your family isnt fuller faster. You may never buy
boxed waffles again.
We need to add some variety back into our diets and grains are a
great place to start. There are many different types of wheat; some are
better for breads while others are superb for making pastries. Oats, while
still used often for oatmeal and oatmeal cookies, were often mixed with
barley, buckwheat and flax seed for a hearty morning meal. The oats we use
today, in their handy flavor packets, are a far cry from the oatmeal great-
grandma used to make.
Breakfast doesnt look at all like it did 150 years ago. Back then people
got up early and did chores before breakfast. By the time that steaming
bowl of porridge hit the table, with the smell of maple syrup or maybe
homemade applesauce wafting up through the window, little Joey had built up
such an appetite milking the cows that he wouldnt dream of turning up his
nose at such a wonderful breakfast. What he would turn his nose up at are
some of the foods we modern Americans have for breakfast when we
take the time to have breakfast.
We hear the word porridge and we see visions of the orphan boy,
Oliver, daring to ask for more gruel. Our hearts go out to him, but only
because he was expected to eat such slop not like today when we have so
many cold cereals to chose from. If we were able to bring Oliver to life and
show him our breakfast, with Pop Tarts and Foot Loops and instant
breakfast drinks, he would feel sorry for us. His breakfast was much more
nutritious than ours, containing whole grains, in their natural form, soaked
and fermented overnight and cooked slow to preserve all the nutrients. Who
is the poor boy now?
Oats, rye, barley and wheat are all true grains and contain high
amounts of gluten. Buckwheat, rice and millet are not technically grains so
they contain no gluten and can be used by those who are gluten-intolerant.
They also contain lower amounts of phytates than grains, but still should be
soaked for at least two hours to neutralize what is there. Buckwheat, which
is actually the seed of an herb, contains nitrilosides, which are known to
prevent cancer.
Wheat is the most heavily produced grain (besides corn), but there
are many varieties of wheat. There is hard red and hard white winter wheat,
spring, whit and soft wheat as well as durum wheat, just to name a few.
Spelt, an ancient variety of wheat, is now making a comeback due to the fact
that it is more easily digested than some of the more modern varieties. St.
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Hildegard, a medieval sage, believed spelt to be better for the sick and weak
than other grains, apparently because the gluten in spelt breaks down easily
when fermented, as often it was for sourdough bread.
Kamut, used in early Egypt, is also making a comeback and has become
very popular among those who are looking for alternatives to the standard
wheat bread. Teff is another type of grain from northern Africa that has
been traditionally used but is rare in the western world. South Americans in
the Andes have something called Quinoa, which it technically not a grain but
is used as such. It is actually the fruit of the Chenopodium family and must
be soaked to neutralize the anti-nutrients, and it forms the staple of the
diet of these Native Americans.
It is well known that beans and legumes need to be soaked before
they can be used as food, yet we seem to have forgotten the same for
grains. Beans, legumes and grains are all seeds and must be treated as such
in order for them to be properly digested and utilized by our bodies. We
have not been doing this and now we are paying the price through our poor
health. We are overweight and undernourished and getting sicker by the
day, and it doesnt have to be this way.
If we treat our grains with respect, they will provide a wealth of
nutrients to our systems. If we continue to treat them poorly, they will
become poison to our systems. Which will it be? Will we continue to believe
that store-bought, factory-made is better for our health than anything we
could make at home, like the advertising executives would like us to believe,
or will we allow the evidence of hundreds, or even thousands of years of
healthy children eating only homemade breads and porridges to speak to us?
As I said in the beginning, the proof is in the pudding.
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What is Your Body Doing?

There is another aspect of the Traditional Diet that is missing from
our own SAD one: physical movement and the lack thereof. No, that was not
a typo I did not intend to write or the lack thereof. They are two distinct
issues and are both lacking in our modern lifestyle and are very much a part
of the reason why we are so unhealthy. The first is lack of exercise and the
second is lack of rest.
I know that sounds like a contradiction, but hear me out. One can be
physically immobile and still not be resting. Another can be going all day long
and not get the exercise they need. This is the paradigm of the modern
lifestyle. We are busy people, always on the go, but not really going
anywhere, working hard and living life to its fullest, but not really enjoying
the ride. We live to work when we should be working to live.
The sedentary lifestyle of the office building has always been a
concern ever since the advent of modern transportation and elevators.
President Kennedy was so concerned about American childrens lack of
activities that he started the Presidential Fitness Award as a way to inspire
children to get plenty of exercise. Many schools had no gym classes until
President Kennedy made the physical fitness of school children a priority.
Unfortunately our children are getting even less exercise than we did
due to the proliferation of video games and computers as well as the good
old boob tube. Add to that the amount of soda, candy, sweet treats like
cupcakes and MSG-laden foods like Doritos, and we have a recipe for obesity
like never before. And that is exactly what weve got; only add an epidemic
of type II diabetes on top of the obesity (the two really do go hand-in-
Driving past the local elementary school, I was amazed at how many
parents pick their children up from school each day. When I was a kid, the
only time a parent picked up their child was if there was a doctors
appointment or something similar. The rest of the time we were expected to
take the bus or walk home, just like every other kid. Not todays children.
They are too busy to take the bus or walk home (and it is not always safe
either.) They have band practice, or music lessons, or dance rehearsal, or
football practice and are rushing from this activity to that activity but not
really getting any true exercise.
How much time do we spend running around and how much actually
running? It is not the same thing. We jump in the car and go to the store,
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then we jump in the car and pick up the kids, and then we run home, drop off
some stuff and pick up others, take the kids to their scout meetings, stop to
pick up a bite to eat (fast food) and then its off to a PTA meeting and home
again just in time for our favorite show while the kids do their homework,
and hopefully get into bed before midnight. We were going non-stop, but we
got very little true exercise. The most many of us get is the walk around the
store when we are shopping.
Years ago kids walked everywhere they went. So did many adults. The
store is only four blocks away, but we drive our car there anyway. Years ago
our neighbors would have laughed at us for being so silly. Why go through all
of the trouble of getting the car when you could simply walk down the road?
Why sit around the house on a warm summers eve when you could take a
stroll with someone you love? Mom didnt have time to sit around and gossip
when there was a garden to tend and fruit to preserve and a chicken to
prepare for dinner.
A little over a hundred years ago most new houses were built with no
garage because most people did not own a car. Most new houses today have
two and three car garages, which still arent big enough to hold all of our
toys. We have ATVs and jet skis, 4x4s and sports cars, go camping in our
RVs and ride around the neighborhood in our golf carts, and wonder why we
continue to gain weight and have no energy. You have to use energy to gain
Think about the last time you sat around the house and did nothing all
day. Maybe you watched TV, or read a good book, or simply sat around
watching the cat wash herself did you notice that at the end of the day you
were exhausted? You did no activity yet your body felt like it had worked
the chain gang. Why is that? Some days it is all we can do to get ourselves up
off the couch and go to bed.
One hundred years ago the average person walked to work, or the
store, or to school (uphill, in the snow, both ways) and we took our time and
enjoyed the walk. Today we drive or ride everywhere (even across the
street!) and are in a hurry and have no time or patience for anyone or
anything. In this fast paced, dog-eat-dog world that we live in, we dont have
time to waste walking, or jogging, or even riding a bike, because we have
places to go and people to see. Only this fast-pasted lifestyle is killing us.
We join health clubs only we cant seem to find the time to get there.
Wed walk around the block, only we no longer feel safe there. We purchase
exercise equipment only to use them as coat racks. We have all the good
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intentions, and none of the motivation we need to get up off of our lazy
backsides and get a move on. Life has become too easy, too comfortable.
Why plant a garden when the local supermarket has all the produce we need?
Why take the time to make this or that when we can buy the very same food
already made? Why walk to school when we can drive and sleep in 10 extra
minutes? Why should we bother to do all of these things when there are
easier ways of doing them?
Why? Ill tell you why: because they are good for us. Each and every
one of those old fashioned things listed above will cause our health to
improve dramatically if we will only take the time needed to perform these
acts. We are either too lazy or too busy, but the truth of the matter is
that we simply just dont care. We have been enveloped in a spirit of apathy
and we must break free or else we will be victims of our own lifestyles.
Adonai gave us good, strong legs that can walk long and far. Think of
Forrest Gump, jogging across America simply because he felt like it and then
remember how healthy he was. He was sickly until he started running; it
made him strong, both physically and emotionally, to outrun his tormentors.
Todays child usually cant outrun his or her tormentor and, instead, turns to
more violent means of self-preservation, as demonstrated on television.
Im sorry to say that this is all going according to the plan their
plan. How can a weak populous fight back? They cant. The weaker we are,
whether through foods that lack nutritional value or through our lack of
exercise, the easier we are to control. This was one of the lessons learned in
the concentration camps back in World War II.
They also learned that if you work a man constantly, and only give him
just enough food to survive, then he would do whatever it takes to get a
little extra food and a moments rest. We must realize that what was
learned back then will be used against us today and in the future. There is
evidence of this fact all around us, if we will only open our eyes and look.
There is a video available on YouTube (what isnt available there?) that
shows a little experiment in subliminal messaging that I found very
interesting. The premise was this: Can we use subliminal messaging to cause
even advertising executives (who should know better) to follow someone
elses will? The video shows these two ad men being taken, in a taxi, to their
meeting. Once at the meeting they were given an assignment: come up with a
name for a new pet store and come up with its slogan. Before leaving, the
boss leaves a sealed envelope with his own ideas on the table to be viewed
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When he returns and the ad executives show him their results, he
smiles and then shows them the contents of the envelope. The two are
almost identical! How did he do that? Well, at the end of the video, we are
shown the taxi ride again, only this time certain features are revealed.
These features are the very same as the ideas the executives presented
(for instance, they passed a zoo and the ad showed zoo gates).
This is just one example of how we are constantly bombarded with
subliminal messages through advertising and the media. We constantly have
noise in the background, whether the weather channel or one of the many
news channels, the TV seems to be a constant companion these days. Did you
ever notice how quiet it becomes when the electricity goes out? No humming
from the TV, computer, radios, or anything else. Have you ever noticed the
electric humming made by every piece of electronic equipment? Some people
can hear them all too well; it gives them a headache.
How often do we turn all of these things off and just listen to the
quiet? I guarantee we dont do it as often as we should. For some people,
quiet can be frightening. We use these things as a diversion, in an effort to
keep our minds off whatever it is that is troubling us. That is not the
healthy way to live our lives. Burying our worries and concerns will not make
them go away any more than worrying about them will. What we need to do is
to take them to Yeshua and ask Him to take them. Then we can let Him
worry about them and we wont have the burden.
"Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will
give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I
am gentle and humble in heart, and YOU WILL FIND REST FOR
YOUR SOULS. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light."
(Matthew 11:28-30)
Do you have any idea how often Adonai mentions rest in His Word?
There are at least eight Hebrew words and six Greek words that are
translated into the English word rest. Resting is something that HaShem
Himself does (Genesis 2:2) and is included within the Ten Commandments
(number four honor the Sabbath). This is obviously something that is very
important to Him. So whats our problem? Why do we have such a hard time
with the concept of resting?
When I say we, I specifically mean those of us who live with the
American mindset of nose to the grindstone and all that. The average
American doesnt take nearly the amount of time off from work that the
rest of the civilized world does. We work longer hours than our parents did
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and were not really making that much more than they did. In fact, when you
figure in the cost of living, inflation, and the devaluation of the dollar,
todays two-income home is actually bringing in less money than our
grandfathers did on their own. And we have less time with our children than
they did. What is going on here?
As the old saying goes, Stress kills. It has been proven that stress
disrupts proper thyroid functions, especially in women. Thyroid problems are
increasing yearly in this country, most notibly in women. In fact, heart
disease, lung cancer, breast cancer and many other diseases are on the
increase in women and one cant help but wonder if stress has anything to do
with this increase. Apparently Super-mom isnt all shes cracked up to be.
In this day and age, most countries mandate vacation time for their
citizens. All companies must comply and provide vacation time for both their
full and part time employees. The United States is the exception. Even
Japan mandates a minimum of ten vacations days per year for all of their
workers, and has developed a Leisure Department to help workers to realize
that it is okay to take a break from work. We could use something like that
here in the States. Although the average American worker has two weeks of
paid vacation time, this does not apply to part time workers. The average
British employee receives 24 days of vacation time.
The London-based HSBC Group starts their British employees off
with 26 vacation days as well as eight holidays. An American employed by a
subsidiary of HSBC would have to work for ten years to acquire that kind of
benefit package. Whats up with that? The British seem to be more
productive as well. In fact, the most productive group of people is the
French, and they also happen to be the ones with the most vacation time.
The government mandates a minimum of five weeks of paid vacation and a
maximum of 35 hours of work per week. And when they go on vacation, they
dont call the office and check in neither are they expected to do so.
In comparison, the average American doesnt even take all of their
vacation days, and the days they do take tend to be in bits and pieces, taking
long weekends here and there throughout the year, never getting a full week
off and often not taking all of their days. According to 35% of
the workforce (translates into roughly 51 million people) do not take all of
their vacation days.
I remember years ago hearing how in the future we would have four-
day workweeks and more free time than ever before. What ever happened to
that? It has never materialized. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics
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the average American worker (lets call him Joe) is working 100 hours more
per year than he did back in 1970, which averages out to be an added 2
weeks every year. The average Jane (female employee) is working a whopping
200 hours more now than then, for a total of five added weeks. It seems
that the average Jane is working right through the average Frenchmans
vacation. Something is not right here.
Not only are we working longer hours, we are also sleeping less. Our
parents slept an average of one to two hours more, every night, than Joe and
Jane. This lack of sleep is taking a large toll on our health. Sleep is the time
when our bodies digest food, grow and heal. Children especially do not get
the amount of sleep necessary for them either. Most kids stay up past 10
oclock in the evening and have to be ready for their bus around 7 oclock in
the morning. Sure, that may be eight hours of sleep, but children need more
than eight hours. My grandmother used to say, In bed by eight, up by seven;
the hours we sleep are eleven. Her teacher taught her that.
Management Recruiters International surveyed 730 U.S. executives in
2003. When asked about vacations, 45% stated that they do not use their
vacation time. Of those, 58% cited job pressure as the main reason. Of
those, 17% replied that their boss was not supportive of vacation time and
35% stated that there simply is too much work to do. It seems to me that
these folks are afraid of losing their jobs if they take the vacations given to
When we dont rest, we tend to get sicker, easier. Circadian
Technologies did a study in 2004 that showed high overtime rates had a
direct effect on absenteeism. Overtime rates in this country went from
12.6% in 2003 to 16.2% in 2004. That amounts to almost one extra workday
per week. At the same time absentee rates jumped from 5.8% (2003) to a
whopping 12.4% in 2004.
All of this information has caused the Braun Consulting Group to
recommend to their clients to give their employees more flexible time off,
including both vacation and sick days and to limit overtime so that they will
have a reduction in their absenteeism and an increase in their productivity.
But even if big business finally begins to listen and gives us the time off that
we need and deserve, will we take it?
The average American does not know how to rest. Many of us would
have a hard time defining rest. Wikipedia defines rest as, to relax or take
time off (leisure); period of inactivity to allow recovery and growth. I
especially like the second part of the definition, because that is exactly
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what we need to understand; resting allows recovery and growth and is, in
fact, vital for both. Without rest, and good sleep, we cannot maintain good
health and cannot recover from poor health. Why do you think hospitals are
always telling their patients to rest?
Rest is also defined as the cessation of work, exertion or activity, and
the peace, ease or refreshment resulting from sleep or the cessation of an
activity. Rest is like quiet relaxation, a mental or emotional tranquility. It is
also the relief or freedom from disquiet or disturbance. It is a quieting of
the mind, body and spirit and is truly the only way for one to hear the word
of God.
How often does He tell us to be still? Do we listen? Do we listen as
well as we should? Do we know how to be still? This is something that many
of us struggle with. We understand the value of resting, but there is just so
much to do and so little time. We literally live to work. We should be working
to live. I dont know of any good man who, on his deathbed, declared, Oh, I
wish I would have spent more time at the office!
There are at least eight Hebrew words that are translated as rest.
Noahs name even has connotations of resting because it means, repose;
consolation; to comfort. Nacham literally means, To sigh, to regret; to be
sorry; to console oneself. Have you ever thought of confessing and resting
as being hand-in-hand? They should be. One cannot fully rest until one has
confessed their sins to Adonai. Only after receiving His forgiveness can we
truly rest in Him.
For six days work may be done, but on the seventh day
there is a sabbath of complete rest, holy to the LORD;
whoever does any work on the sabbath day shall surely be put to
death. So the sons of Israel shall observe the sabbath, to
celebrate the sabbath throughout their generations as a
perpetual covenant. It is a sign between Me and the sons of
Israel forever; for in six days the LORD made heaven and
earth, but on the seventh day He ceased from labor, and was
refreshed." (Exodus 31:15-17)
The word Sabbath itself means to rest. Shabbath shabbatone is
translated as Sabbath of complete rest. It can also be defined as an
intermission of rest or even a special holiday. God intended us to have one of
these every single week. He says so in His book (see above). Adonai loves us
so much that He wants to take care of us, like any good husband would take
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care of his wife. He knows that our bodies need to rest regularly in order to
maintain good health. He designed us that way.
Now the LORD appeared to him by the oaks of Mamre, while
he was sitting at the tent door in the heat of the day. When he
lifted up his eyes and looked, behold, three men were standing
opposite him; and when he saw them, he ran from the tent door
to meet them and bowed himself to the earth, and said, "My
Lord, if now I have found favor in Your sight, please do not pass
Your servant by. Please let a little water be brought and wash
your feet, and rest yourselves under the tree; and I will bring a
piece of bread, that you may refresh yourselves; after that you
may go on, since you have visited your servant." And they said,
"So do, as you have said." (Genesis 18:1-5)
Abraham was a man known for his hospitality. He would do whatever it
took to make his guests comfortable. The first thing he did for his guests
were to wash their feet, as the road was quite dirty and they would only
have been wearing sandals. This was not something that one did unless they
expected their guests to stay awhile. This is also evident in the word he
used for rest: shaan, which means to lean, or to support oneself. The Brown-
Driver-Briggs defines it this way: to lean on, trust in, support; to lean, lean
upon, support oneself; of trust in God (figuratively).
Ultimately, that is what it all comes down to, isnt it? Trusting in God.
To truly lean upon Him to provide for our every need is what we need to
learn. To be so totally reliant upon Him that we dont even think about what
our needs are should be our goal. Abraham wanted his visitors to know that
they need not worry about a thing, because every little thing would be
provided. We would greatly reduce our stress if we could learn to depend on
Adonai like this at least one day per week.
Notice that Abraham wants his guests to feel refreshed. Saad,
translated as refresh, also means to support, comfort, establish, hold up,
refresh self, strengthen, and to be upholden. One can almost hear a bit of a
southern twang Set a spell; kick your shoes off yall come back now, ya
hear? The Lord was so impressed with this display of hospitality that He
decided to discuss His plans with Abraham. Truly this man understood Gods
It is within Gods heart that we should rest. It is so very important to
Him that the word Sabbath literally means to rest. The fourth command is
to, Remember the Sabbath day. That means, Remember to take a day of
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rest. This was so important to Adonai that not only did He make it one of
the Ten Commands, but He also made it one of the longest.
"Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you
shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a
sabbath of the LORD your God; in it you shall not do any work,
you or your son or your daughter, your male or your female
servant or your cattle or your sojourner who stays with you. For
in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea
and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day;
therefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day and made it holy.
(Exodus 20:8-11)
Were we made in Adonais image? He took a break at the end of a long
workweek, why shouldnt we? Do we really think that the world cannot go on
without us? Or are we afraid that it actually will? Well, it will go on without
us if we dont take the time to rest and refresh ourselves for the long
journey ahead.
Look, its as simple as this: if we want to stay healthy, we have to stay
both fit and rested. We cannot have one without the other. They truly must
go hand-in-hand. We can eat all the right foods, get plenty of exercise and
still be sick simply because we didnt rest. It is during our times of
inactivity, and especially our times of sound sleep, that allow our bodies to
maintain proper balance and health.
Most importantly, HaShem said that Sabbath, resting, at the end of
the week is a sign between He and the children of Israel forever. This is
how we show Him that we are the children of Abraham. This is how we
demonstrate our love for Him, by following His command to rest. Are we
truly Israelites, or are we just playing around? Is it a religion or a
relationship? Do we trust Him? Truly? In all things even our time?
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Odds n - Ends

I wasnt quite sure what to call this chapter. There are still so many
wonderful foods to discuss, but not so much that wed have to dedicate
multiple chapters to them, so I figured Id just kind of group them together
here near the end. All of these foods have one thing in common: they are all
designed to support our immune system, something that needs a lot of help
in this day and age.
There are so many wonderful super foods out there that one hardly
knows where to begin. Many different herbs and spices will not only liven up
our foods, but improve our health as well. Essential oils and aromatherapy
help to reduce our stress levels so that we can relax and it has been known
for years that a nice cup of herbal tea can sooth the nerves.
Garlic, one of my favorite spices, is one of the best foods to keep on
hand for many different reasons. Most people know garlic simply as a
seasoning, but it is much more than that. Some have even labeled it as a
wonder drug, and the medical community agrees. Back in the chapter about
plagues I mentioned a new strain of Staph that is resistant to most anti-
biotics and how this has the medical community jumping to stay ahead of it.
Schools are closing so they can be cleaned. Doctors just are not sure what
can be done to fight this super bug.
Doctors in England, on the other hand, have discovered something
wonderful apparently this new Staph bacteria cannot withstand garlic. To
those who know about garlic, this is not a surprise. Garlic is known for its
anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. It inhibits the growth of bacteria
in our gut, while leaving the good bacteria behind and aiding in digestion.
Modern pharmaceutical drugs cannot do that. Besides being anti-bacterial
and anti-fungal, garlic is also anti-septic, which means that it that destroys
microorganisms that carry disease without harming body tissues.
It is believed that a regular diet consisting of plenty of garlic will help
ward off the flu and prevent acne. High in anti-oxidants, garlic is also a
natural mosquito repellant. Besides that, heavy garlic consumption reduces
the risk of esophageal, stomach and colon cancers and inhibits the growth of
skin and breast cancers. Garlic aids digestion, lowers blood pressure and, as
my friend testified earlier, will actually help to cure whooping cough. Its
anti-fugal properties are exactly what we need to fight off Candida and
chronic yeast infections. What more could we ask for?
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How about cod-liver oil? Just a few drops every day will go a long way.
Not only does it contain the omega-3 fatty acids that our bodies need to
function properly, but it also contains vitamins A and D in an easily
absorbable form. This is what our parents were given when they were
children. My mother told me that when she was young her mother gave her
some orange flavored cod liver oil and she and her sisters used to call it
their liquid candy. My mother was a very sickly child and this was one of
the things that have caused her to grow into a very healthy adult; although a
senior citizen, she does not take any prescription drugs and hasnt for years.
Klamath Falls, Oregon, has a wonderful little secret: blue-green algae.
Containing many amino acids, nucleic acids, chlorophyll, enzymes, vitamins and
minerals, these special algae from Klamath Lake has been called one of the
worlds most perfect foods. Blue-green algae help to support the immune
system and are vital for those who just simply cant get enough vegetables.
It is high in vitamin K, needed for good eyesight, as well as vitamins C and E,
Folate, beta-carotene and minerals.
Blue-green algae help in detoxification and aids in weight loss. It can
also be used to treat asthma, anxiety, allergies, depression, fatigue, and
digestive problems and has been known to help improve memory. The algae
must be taken with plenty of water and can be a meal in itself, also aiding
weight loss. This is a good place to start not only detoxifying but also adding
more greens to the diet.
Expeller-pressed wheat germ oil is also a natural anti-oxidant that is
full of vitamin E and contains essential fatty acids that help prevent heart
disease. Wheat germ oil helps on a cellular level, strengthening our cellular
membranes. Make sure the wheat germ oil is expeller-pressed so that all of
the nutrients remain in the oil. I have one friend who credits wheat germ
with the health of her family. Prior to adding this to their diet, the children
were always getting sick; now they are very healthy and rarely catch colds.
From the south Pacific comes a strange beverage called Noni Juice.
Those who have discovered this wonderful elixir swear by it. Made from the
fruit of the Noni tree, the juice is reported to help reduce blood sugar
levels, speed in healing injuries, reduces pain, fixes digestive disorders and
aids in the treatment of depression. Once very hard to find, it can now be
found in most health food stores as well as on the Internet. I will warn you
now, the fruit of the Noni tree is not very sweet, but its health benefits can
make it worth the sour taste.
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An all-natural alternative to sugar is something called Stevia, or sweet
leaf. Stevia is not a sugar; it is an herb. A native of Paraguay, the Stevia
plant has been used by Native Americans for centuries but is virtually
unknown in the US outside of the health-food industry. The leaves are very
sweet but contain no calories or sugar, which makes it perfect for diabetics.
It can be purchased in powder or liquid form, although the many complain
that the liquid form leaves an after taste, so the powder form is much more
popular. There are many cookbooks available for those interested in trying
this alternative sweetener.
Colloidal silver was also mentioned earlier without a full explanation.
Colloidal silver is a natural antibiotic and its use was quite common until
about 1938 when the big pharmaceutical companies started to manufacture
their own antibiotics. As with other substances we have studied, the natural
version is always better than the chemical ones. Whereas prescription
antibiotics can kill maybe a half a dozen different kinds of disease
organisms, silver kills closer to 650 different kinds. It is virtually non-toxic
and is considered by some to be the best all-around germ fighter we have.
The main difference between this and other naturally occurring antibiotics
and the antibiotics that our doctors prescribe is that they do not harm the
good enzymes that our body needs. According to
The presence of colloidal silver near a virus, fungus,
bacterium or any other single celled pathogen disables its
oxygen metabolism enzyme, its chemical lung, so to say. Within
a few minutes, the pathogen suffocates and dies, and is cleared
out of the body by the immune, lymphatic and elimination
systems. Unlike pharmaceutical antibiotics, which destroy
beneficial enzymes, colloidal silver leaves these tissue-cell
enzymes intact, as they are radically different from the
enzymes of primitive single-celled life. Thus colloidal silver is
absolutely safe for humans, reptiles, plants and all multi-celled
living matter.
Truman Berst, Master Herbalist, has written a book called Colloidal
Silver Facts, which begins:
Imagine having your own doctor on call 24 hours-a-day. Not
just any doctor either. After all, the mortality rate generally
drops when doctors and hospitals go on strike. Death due to
toxic drugs, unnecessary treatment, rampant ignorance and a
sea of antibiotic-resistant bacteria make most hospitals the
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Devils own playground. No, Im talking about a doctor that
makes people well again. Now, imagine that your new doctor is
essentially cost free, works anywhere and is the size of a
transistor radio, neatly fitting in your shirt pocket. Impossible?
Not at all. The only thing unbelievable about it is that everyone
doesnt already have one. The doctor I am talking about is a
Colloidal Silver Generator. Silver is a powerful, natural
prophylactic/antibiotic, used for thousands of years. Ancient
Greeks lined their eating and drinking vessels with silver, as did
many other cultures throughout the world. Pioneers of the
American West would put a silver dollar in a jug of milk to keep
it fresh without refrigeration. Did you ever wonder why
silverware was made from silver? One of the properties of
silver is that it kills bacteria on contact in six minutes or less.
It may be that gold and silver were first used as valued
currency because of their medical properties.
He continues:
Colloidal Silver is a powerful, natural antibiotic. It is the
most usable form of the most effective disease, germ, virus and
fungal killers known. It has been found to be both a remedy and
a prevention for colds, flu, all infections and all fermentation
due to any bacteria, fungus or virus, especially staph, and strep,
which are often found in disease conditions. It has been
reported to rapidly subdue inflammation and promote faster
healing. The body needs Colloidal Silver to fight disease-causing
organisms and to aid healing. Taken daily, Colloidal Silver
provides a second immune system resulting in more energy,
vitality, vigor, relaxation, and faster healing and reduced bodily
toxins. Artificial antibiotics kill, on average, 6 different disease
organisms, but Colloidal Silver is known to kill over 650 diseases
without any harmful side effects or toxicity.
The following is a partial list of the more than 650 diseases
that Colloidal Silver has been successfully used against: Acne,
Arthritis, Athletes Foot, Blood Poisoning, Burns, Cancer,
Cerebro-Spinal Meningitis, Candida, Cholera, Colitis,
Conjunctivitis, Dermatitis, Diabetes, Diphtheria, Dysentery,
Enlarged Prostate, Excema, Fatigue, Fibrositis, Gastritis,
Gonorrhea, Herpes, Hepatitis, Infantile Diseases, Impetigo,
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Keratitis, Leprosy, Lesions, Leukemia, Lupus, Lyme disease,
Pymphagitis, Malaria, Meningitis, Neurasthenia, Pleurisy,
Pneumonia, Prostate, Psoriasis, Pruritis Ani, Ophthalmia,
Rheumatism, Ringworm, Rhinitis Rosacea, Scarlet Fever,
Seborrhoea, Septicemia, Shingles, Skin Cancer, Cystitis, Staph
Infection, Strep and Strep Infections, Stomach Flu, Stomach
Ulcers, Herpes Virus, Ulcers, Thyroid Conditions, Tonsillitis,
Toxaemia, Trench foot, Tuberculosis, Virus Warts, Whooping
Cough, and Yeast Infections.
With this kind of amazing properties, and the fact that it can be
manufactured so inexpensively, no wonder the pharmaceutical companies are
trying to dissuade us from using this medicine. There are just as many anti-
colloidal silver articles as pro-colloidal silver, but they seem to forget about
word of mouth. People tend to believe what they see with their own eyes,
and when they see their friends health improving dramatically, the evidence
speaks for itself.
There are some who state that one can easily over use colloidal silver
resulting in a silver hue to their skin, but it seems that those who have had
this reaction were using a product whose quality was lacking, or who had
taken very large amounts over a very long period of time. This problem is
alleviated if one purchases from only reputable sources or by manufacturing
the colloidal silver at home, thereby guaranteeing the quality of the
ingredients used, and by remembering to use moderately.
We have all heard of the benefits of consuming additional fiber these
days. Most of us dont eat enough fiber in our busy day to help keep things
moving along properly, so the idea of being able to consume additional fiber
in the form of pills and drinks has much appeal. But we must be careful to
read the ingredients. It might be cheaper to go to Wal-Mart and buy their
brand of fiber mix, but there is more sugar than fiber in those mixes. Even
the mixes found at the health food store may not be what we think they are.
If they contain any type of flavoring, check the label for either sugar (or a
form of sugar like fructose) or aspartame (or some other artificial
sweetener). So, as with all other foods, when purchasing a good fiber source
make sure to check the labels. Pure psyllium husks, although slightly more
expensive, is really the only thing we need.
The major tea companies are presently advertising the fact that
tealeaves are naturally high in antioxidants, but did you know that the
antioxidant level in fresh brewed tea is anywhere from 10 to 100 times
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higher than bottled tea? Traditionally we have always drunk black tea (think
Boston tea party). Lately we have been hearing quite a bit about green tea,
and now white tea as well, but what is it?
Green tea is used more heavily in Asia than in western cultures, which
tend to drink black tea. The leaves are light green and are not fermented,
like black tea, giving the tea a grassier flavor. There are two types of green
tea, steamed, which is less bitter, and Kiln-roasted. White tea is made from
the tealeaves before they are fully opened, when they still contain little
white hairs on the buds. This gives the tea a light, sweet flavor. It is
believed that the lighter the leaf, the higher the antioxidants, and the
better the tea is for us.
I remember when our oldest child was just a little baby and we took
her to a pediatrician who had been in practice since before I was born. I
told her that the baby had loose stools and a bad case of diaper rash and I
didnt know what to do. Well, instead of simply saying, Put this on her, she
asked me a very important question, What does she drink? Mostly juice and
water, was my reply. There is your problem, she stated matter-of-factly,
you need to give her some tea to help bind her up. Ill tell you what it
worked like a charm. As did the limewater we put in her bottle. What is
limewater? It is water made using pickling lime and when added to water it
will change the ph level in our childs urine, eliminating the diaper rash. An
old-time doctor or pharmacist (or even a good midwife) knew all of these
little tricks that are not taught in medical school.
Even the cleaning supplies we have around our house are so toxic now
that we have to keep them under lock and key. How did we ever survive
before Mr. Clean and Lysol and Ajax? Before bleach and ammonia? What did
Great-grandma use? Ever heard of Fels Naptha soap? One hundred years ago
it was the staple of just about every home in this country, yet so few stores
even carry it these days. It is laundry soap, in bar form, which is wonderful
for treating poison ivy, oak and sumac. All the best home made laundry
detergent recipes start with Fels Naptha soap. Colloidal silver water can
even be used to make sure that surface germs in our kitchen have all been
Another detergent that no home was without was 20 Mule Team
Borax, which is much more readily available than Fels Naptha. Borax is a
naturally occurring mineral and a salt of boric acid. It is a natural detergent
with anti-fungal properties and is one of the few products that will remove
mold and mildew from fabrics. It is often used with Fels Naptha to make
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laundry detergent or dissolved in water as a multi-purpose cleaner. Another
handy laundry booster is Washing Soda, because it is known to cut through
grease. In fact, Washing Soda is the perfect cleaner for kitchens for just
that reason. This stuff works so well that one really should use gloves when
cleaning with it.
This, naturally, takes us right into baking soda. How many uses can we
list? Im sure we wont list them all. This is one product that no home should
be without. Add a little water and make a paste for instant relief of a bee
sting. More people have traditionally used baking soda to brush their teeth
than with any other product, including toothpaste. Can you think of anything
that handles refrigerator smells better than baking soda? If grease catches
on fire, for what does the smart cook grab? Baking Soda, of course, because
it is non-flammable and smothers flames quickly.
Not only does baking soda clean and deodorize, it can be used to keep
our drains clear. Just pour some down the drain, add some vinegar and watch
out! These two ingredients also make a wonderful volcano for a science
experiment with the kids. But just what is baking soda anyway? Well, when
most people think baking soda, they think Arm and Hammer, so lets see what
their website ( has to say:
Baking Soda, alias sodium bicarbonate, is a naturally
occurring substance that is found in all living things, where it
helps regulate their pH balance. ARM & HAMMER Baking Soda
is made from soda ash, also known as sodium carbonate. To
make ARM & HAMMER Baking Soda, the soda ash is mined in
the form of an ore called trona. The soda ash is then dissolved
into a solution through which carbon dioxide is bubbled and
sodium bicarbonate precipitates out, forming "Pure, Safe and
Natural" ARM & HAMMER Baking Soda. You remember that
from chemistry class, don't you?
The list of its uses just goes on and on. There are many highly toxic
substances that we could do without if we knew all of the wonderful uses of
baking soda. One old fashioned recipe for bug spray called for mixing mineral
oil with baking soda. The best part of using baking soda as a cleanser is that
there is no toxic residue left behind, which makes it a perfect kitchen
cleaner. With all of the additives already in our foods, do we really want to
add all the chemicals left behind by modern cleaning agents?
The sooner we rid our homes of the toxic chemicals to which we have
become accustomed, the better off we will all be. Major chemical
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corporations manufacture these cleaning products and they leave a film
behind that will naturally seep into our foods. We need to get back to more
efficient ways of doing things and more natural products to do them with.
One hundred and fifty years ago a woman would take a bar of soap, shred it,
add it to boiling water and then wash all of her laundry, starting with the
whites and working her way to the dirtiest clothing, using the same soapy
water for all of the clothing. When she was done the laundry she would take
that same soapy water and use it to scrub the floors in her house, finally
using the dirty water to water her garden without fear of harming her
plants. You could do that with all natural ingredients.
Lemon juice is another staple of the well-stocked pantry. It can also
be used for many different cleaning needs, from keeping silverware sparkly
to adding brightness to whites hung in the sun. Some folks swear that it will
help get teeth whiter when used with baking soda. It has been long known
that lemon sooths sore throats, as many vocalists will drink lemonade prior
to a concert. Given with honey at the first sign of a cold, the symptoms
quickly disappear.
There are so many uses for vinegar that I know I wont even scratch
the surface here. Vinegar is a wonderful fabric softener, leaving clothes
smelling clean, not like vinegar or any other fragrance. It will also prevent
clothes from freezing too hard on the line, for those who like to hang their
laundry outside to dry. Years ago mothers used to rub it on the hands and
feet of their feverish children to reduce their temperature, which is much
safer than using pain medication. Fevers are necessary, but must be kept in
check or the body may get too weak to fight.
Vinegar is one of the few fermented foods that we still use regularly.
There are different types of vinegar, depending on what was the source,
with varying degrees of flavor. The average white vinegar is actually quite
tasteless, while the apple cider vinegar is robust and is perfect for salad
dressings. It is also good for coughs. This is from the book Home Remedies
from Amish Country: Mix cup of apple cider vinegar, cup water,
teaspoon of cayenne pepper, 2 tablespoons honey. Take as needed.
Essential oils what are they? This is a term that often comes up
when researching the natural ways of doing things, often in association with
aromatherapy, but do we know what they are? According to Wikipedia:
An essential oil is any concentrated, hydrophobic liquid
containing volatile aroma compounds from plants, which are
called aromatic herbs or aromatic plants. They are also known
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as volatile or ethereal oils, or simply as the "oil of" the plant
material from which they were extracted, such as oil of clove.
The term essential indicates that the oil carries distinctive
scent (essence) of the plant, not that it is an especially
important or fundamental substance. Essential oils do not as a
group need to have any specific chemical properties in common,
beyond conveying characteristic fragrances. They are not to be
confused with essential fatty acids.
Essential oils are generally extracted by distillation. Other
processes include expression, or solvent extraction. They are
used in perfumes and cosmetics, for flavoring food and drink,
and for scenting incense and household cleaning products.
Basically, these oils are the essence of the plants, containing the
flavors and aromas of the plant without the bulk of the plant. These oils can
be added to soaps, cleaning formulas, and foods without fear of harmful side
effects because the source is the plant itself, not a bunch of chemicals
mixed together in a laboratory. These fragrances can actually help to aid in
our healing.
Aromatherapy, according to, is defined as, The
use of volatile plant oils, including essential oils, for psychological and
physical well-being. It has been known for thousands of years that aromas
can affect our moods. Certain smells will bring back fond memories of times
gone by while others will turn the stomach, making us run for the door.
The chemical companies have discovered that if they can make
something smell really good that people dont care what the ingredients are.
They understand that food purchases are often based on smell alone (ever
walk through the mall and be hit by a smell that causes you to go and buy
whatever it was that you smelled?) Retailers have discovered that certain
aromas will relax their shoppers, causing them to spend more time in the
store and therefore purchase more goods.
We too can use this information to our advantage. Instead of buying
expensive cleaning supplies full of toxic chemicals we can make our own and
add some essential oils and get the clean we want with a pleasant aroma as
well. I have one friend who cant wait for soap making day because she loves
to try different fragrances each time. Her friends enjoy that day as well
because she loves to share her treasures.
With all the stress and pressures of daily life, we need all the help in
the relaxation department that we can get. Purchase a couple of scented
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candles that have a soothing aroma and place them around your house for
those really stressful days. Even the smell of chicken soup somehow makes
us feel better.
This stress often leads to digestive troubles, and as we have seen,
these can be quite debilitating. One of the resources we have is something
called bitters, which are extracts of bitter, mineral rich herbs. These
herbs stimulate bile production, which increases digestion. Could these herbs
be the bitter herbs that Adonai told His people to eat while observing the
Passover? The stress that night might have made it hard to digest dinner
and the herbs surely helped.
There are so many tried and true ways of cleaning, eating, and healing
that we have totally ignored in our quest for that which is new and improved.
We need to realize that new does not necessarily mean improved. Sometimes
older is better. Just because someone tells you that something is true, that
does not mean that it is true. Often people exaggerate. Sometimes people
lie. It is amazing what people will do for money.
Do not take what I say as gospel truth. Check it out for yourself.
Investigate green tea and see that when it is mixed with ginseng it actually
can increase the friendly flora in our digestive system. Look at the effects
of chlorine on our bodies and see if you are still willing to go swimming in the
local pool. When we look for natural remedies to our illnesses we can see how
Adonai provided for our every need, even before we knew the need existed.
All of these wonderful products of nature are only a fraction of those
available for our use. Herbalists can mix together herbs that can help almost
any disorder. A good chiropractor can also relax our bodies, bringing them
back into alignment, allowing them to function as designed. He or she may
also be able to help determine what vitamins and minerals are lacking so that
we can adjust our diets accordingly.
Not all of these will work for all of us. Remember, we are unique
individuals and our diets should reflect our uniqueness. I cant tell you what
will work best for you, and neither can you or your doctor. Only One knows
what you need and what will do more harm than good. Please, seek His
counsel before trying anything.
For I will restore you to health and I will heal you of your
wounds, declares the LORD, because they have called you an
outcast, saying: It is Zion; no one cares for her.' (Jeremiah

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Its Time to Get Moving!

Throughout my studies of nutrition one thing I have found to be true
time and time again is the fact that what we are being taught couldnt be
further from the truth. The truth is 180 degrees away from what we are
being told and we dont even realize. This is how blatant the lie has become.
They go out of their way to block the truth from being revealed, intimidating
those whose work doesnt support their pet theories. The FDA, CDC, WHO
and EPA dont really care about you and I. Their main concern is big business
and how to achieve the goals of the global elite.
More and more professionals are standing up and saying that the SAD
diet we have adopted is killing us. Each day I find another book or article
dealing with the importance of digestive health, yet our doctors ignore this
part of our system. Our public school systems across this country have made
deals with corporations like Coke and Pepsi to bring their products into the
schools in exchange for corporate sponsoring of high school sports and other
activities. This gives our children the impression that these products are
good for them.
My husband and I were recently seated on a train across from a young
family with four children. The mother took the youngest childs bottle and
filled it with cola. After a while, when this child became rambunctious, the
mother commented on how she wished the child would simply go to sleep. My
husband turned to me and said, She just gave her child all that sugar and
caffeine and now she expects him to sleep? Unfortunately for that child,
his mother apparently has no idea just how bad soda can be for a young child.
Public schools are not teaching fundamentals of nutrition any longer.
In fact, many school districts no longer offer home economics to their
student body. When nutritionists dont even know the truth about foods like
saturated fats, so how can they possibly teach us? When most people speak
of baking a cake, they are picturing a box of cake mix, not flour, sugar, eggs
and real pieces of carrot. Why bother baking from scratch when it is so
much easier to just mix up a box of cake mix?
And that right there sums up the main problem with our SAD diets;
we are too lazy to make real food for ourselves, instead preferring synthetic
vitamins and unpronounceable additives and preservatives simply because
they are easier and faster. They will kill us sooner as well, or doesnt that
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As we have seen in the preceding chapters, our systems simply were
not designed to process all of these toxic substances. The foods we are
eating are literally killing us, yet we have not made the correlation. The
information that the medical community is preaching regarding saturated
fats is downright criminal, yet they continue to broadcast lies and we allow it
to happen. We naively believe that they want what is best for us, when all
they really want is what is best for their portfolios.
According to the global elite, humans are a plague upon this earth and
we must act quickly to reduce our numbers before before before what?
Before Yeshua returns in all His glory? These elitists think that they can
change the ending to suite their plans, but we have known the end from the
beginning. We know that Adonai wins, not Lucifer, who is their god.
It doesnt matter how many of us they kill, we will not be defeated
because greater is He within us than he that is within the world. But it is not
His plan that His people be sick. His plan involves life, not sickness. His plan
was carefully laid out for us, yet we continue to ignore it for the advice of
so-called experts. We are told that we know better now than our ancestors
did, yet they were not dropping like flies from cancer, heart disease and
obesity related illnesses (except, of course, for the gluttons).
It is said that death begins in the colon, and I cant argue. We ignore
our digestive system to our peril. Our poor food choices are the reason we
are so sick, yet we do nothing to change what we ingest. We have all heard
the phrase, You are what you eat, yet it seems as if we havent quite made
the connection between our health and the foods we eat. Like little children,
we simply nod and take whatever pills we are prescribed, never really
knowing why we feel the way we do, but only looking for something to make
the feeling go away.
From periodontal disease to indigestion to constipation to arthritis to
eczema, our digestive system affects a myriad of other systems in ways we
are only beginning to understand. No one really knows for sure how even
simple drugs like aspirin and Tylenol will affect us in the long run. What kind
of effect might these drugs have on multiple generations of users? We dont
know because much of the data has been suppressed, ignored and taunted.
Gastro intestinal cancers take about 80,000 people a year in this
country alone. Other G.I. conditions, such as Crohns disease and leaky gut
syndrome take an additional 61,000 or more each year. Digestive illnesses
are increasing dramatically and many doctors do not even know what to
advise their patients because this is new to them and they have not been
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adequately trained in nutrition. Treating the symptoms will not cause them
to stop. The root causes must be found and looking at our foods is a very
good place to start.
Crohns disease, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, Celiac,
ulcers, chronic fatigue, migraines, heartburn, indigestion, constipation,
arthritis, eczema, psoriasis and auto-immune diseases are digestive in origin
and the sooner we understand this, the sooner we can be one the road to
wellness. We can chose to mask the pain using pain killers, or discover the
cause of the pain, eliminate that from our lives and regain our health without
having to mortgage the house, again. Proper preparation of our food is one of
the major keys to our continued good health, and something that we need to
take much more seriously.
The enemy has been working very hard behind the scenes for a very,
very long time. He has been very patient and very sneaky and it has paid off.
His followers are willing to sacrifice for their god. Are we willing to sacrifice
for ours? The sacrificing of the ease of fast food for the good nutrition of
home cooking pays off in long life, but the payoff takes time. We must be
patient and that is one of the hardest things for those of us who were
raised with a fast food mentality.
It also seems that we forget that the war we wage is both physical
and spiritual, but that is a typical western way of thinking. We deny the one
and embrace the other, ignoring the overlapping aspects of these two
dynamics, and we do this to our peril. If we hold onto anger and withhold
forgiveness, we will become sick regardless of how well we eat. There is
nothing more important that a clean heart, and repentance is the only way I
know to clean a heart. Having an unforgiving heart will prevent us from
receiving the forgiveness we need in order to maintain optimal health.
Which means that we need to first forgive those who would see us
dead. We must not hold grudges against them, seeking ways to destroy them
for what they have done. Adonai sees what they do in secret and will reveal
these things soon, in His good time. He will repay them for what they have
done for us, rest assured. So rejecting the bitterness that will sicken us, we
must move on to learning what we can do to fix these illnesses.
These things are revealed to us not to frighten us. We are not
supposed to be overly worried about our food sources. Yeshua assured us
that our Abba in heaven cares more about us than we will ever know and that
we must simply trust in Him to provide for our needs.
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"Do not worry then, saying, 'What will we eat?' or 'What
will we drink?' or 'What will we wear for clothing?' "For the
Gentiles eagerly seek all these things; for your heavenly Father
knows that you need all these things. But seek first His kingdom
and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for
itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matthew 6:31-
See, if we focus on Him and worry about following His ways, we wont
need to worry about these things for we will be protected. And, even if we
do contract one of these illnesses, He can heal us if He desires, or He can
use it to teach us something very important: to simply trust in Him. It
doesnt matter if He heals us or not, we must trust Him to know what is
He has a plan for us, but we have to be willing participants. If we are
too sick to move, He will find someone else to do His will. Personally, I want
to be ready to be used by Him at a moments notice so I am working hard to
regain my health. Most importantly, I am allowing Him to lead and guide me
through this time of learning so that I implement only what He knows I am
ready to do. I dont know all that is wrong with me, health-wise, but I know
Adonai does, so I am seeking His leading in what changes to make first and
what should be gradually introduced. Changes made slowly tend to last longer
than that over-night, drastic change that we so often try.
Go back to Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy and
read His instructions for our lives. Then ask Him which of these you need to
change in your life. Your changes may not be the same as mine but that is
because we are two different people with two different needs, and that is
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and do not lean on
your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and
He will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own
eyes; fear the LORD and turn away from evil. It will be healing
to your body and refreshment to your bones. (Proverbs 3:5-8)
There it is; it comes down to one thing: trust. Do we really trust in
Adonai with all our heart, or do we lean on our own understanding? Or, worse
yet, do we lean on the understanding of men who do not fear God, instead
believing they are gods? Who do we trust? Trust is defined as certainty
based on past experience. What has our past experience with the global elite
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shown us? Based on past experience, should we continue to put our trust in
the FDA, the CDC, and the WHO?
What about Adonai? Does past experience show us that we can trust
in Him? Isnt that what the book of Genesis is all about, showing us that we
can trust in Adonai to keep His word? He kept His word to Abraham, Isaac
and Jacob, whose descendents are as the sand in the sea. He also kept His
word to the entire world when He sent the Messiah to set the captives free.
So why dont we trust Him?
This is how we fight back against those who would see us dead. We
refuse to trust in them any longer. We refuse to believe something simply
because they say it is so. We refuse to follow their rules and teachings,
instead seeking Adonais teachings (Torah) to follow daily. We must seek the
traditional ways of doing things and return to them. Let us not continue
being stubborn and stiff-necked.
Thus says the LORD, "Stand by the ways and see and ask
for the ancient paths, where the good way is, and walk in it; and
you will find rest for your souls. But they said, 'We will not walk
in it.' (Jeremiah 6:16)
We need to put our faith into action. Its time to get off our lazy
backsides and take the time to make nutritious meals for our loved ones and
ourselves. We need to put our money where our mouths are and only
purchase that which has quality ingredients, or is still in its natural form.
Financially support those who producing good, quality food and boycott fast
food and junk food and that which is called food but truly is not. The value
of the dollar may be shrinking, but it still pulls some weight, so we must use
it wisely.
Eliminating polyunsaturated fats, MSG and other excitotoxins, and
reducing the amount of fast food we purchase is a very good place to start,
regardless of how we feel today. Returning to more natural foods, prepared
properly without killing off the nutrients, is a must for us all. If our bodies
are satisfied, we have more energy and stronger immunity and wont need as
many doctor interventions, like antibiotics and pain medications. We will also
reduce our chances of contracting some of the many diseases and illnesses
we have discussed thus far. It is really a win-win situation, if only we will
take the time needed to make these changes a permanent part of our lives.
We need to stop listening to the advertisers and start listening to our
bodies. We need to stop running to our doctors and instead run to the Great
Physician. We need to take the time to take a serious look at some of the
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research out there instead of simply accepting that what they tell us is
truth. We also need to see if it matches with Scripture. It doesnt matter
how many studies show that a pig is good for food, I will never believe it
because God says that it is unclean and therefore unfit for human
consumption. Its that simple.
We thank You, Adonai, for opening our eyes to these truths. Most
importantly, thank You for providing so many wonderful foods that not only
taste good, but are also good for us. Help us to see the benefits of following
Your guidance above and before the so-called experts who do not care if we
live or die. Show each of us what we need to do, the changes we need to
make, to improve our health so that we can be prepared to stand against the
plagues that the enemy has unleashed upon mankind, for time is growing
So too we ask for You, O Adonai, our Savior, to save us from
temptations we face daily in this evil world, showing us a way out through
Your word. Strengthen each of us not only physically, but spiritually as well,
giving us the bread from heaven that we so desperately need. We are
standing on the promise that You will never leave us nor forsake us, and we
know that we will never be disappointed, for we trust in You.
Then the LORD spoke to Moses, saying, "Speak to Aaron
and to his sons, saying, 'Thus you shall bless the sons of Israel.
You shall say to them: Yahovah bless you, and keep you; Yahovah
make His face shine on you, and be gracious to you; Yahovah lift
up His countenance on you, and give you peace.' So they shall
invoke My name on the sons of Israel, and I then will bless
them." (Numbers 6:22-27)

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