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Jesus Aron Lopez Mora

Bonnie & Clyde

The Trail's End
Bonnie Elizabeth Parker(1910
Born in Rowena, Texas, the second
of three children.
Parker was one of the best students
in her high school, winning top prizes
in spelling, writing, and public
In her second year of high school,
she met Roy Thornton, dropped out
of school and were married on
September 25, 1926
They were never divorced but after
January 1929, their paths never
crossed again.
Clyde Chestnut Barrow(1909
Born into a poor farming family
in Ellis County, Texas.
He was the fifth of seven
Clyde and his older brother,
Marvin Ivan "Buck" Barrow,
were often in trouble with the
law for they were frequently
stealing things like turkeys and
First meeting
Bonnie Parker met Clyde
Barrow in January 1930 at a
friend's house.
When they met, both were
smitten immediately
Bonnie & Clyde
A few weeks after they met, Clyde was
sentenced to two years in prison for past
crimes. Bonnie was devastated at his arrest.
On April 21, 1930, Clyde arrived at Eastham.
Hoping that if he was physically incapacitated
he might get transferred off of the Eastham
farm, he asked a fellow prisoner to chop off
some of his toes with an axe. Although the
missing two toes did not get him transferred,
Clyde was granted an early parole.
After Clyde was released from Eastham on
February 2, 1932, he vowed that he would
rather die than ever go back to that horrible
The Barrow Gang
Buck Barrow, Blanche Barrow,
Clyde Barrow, Bonnie Parker,
Joe Palmer.
The Final Run
January 16, 1934
Barrow seemed to have achieved what
historian Phillips described as his
overriding goal: revenge on the Texas
Department of Corrections.
The Texas Department of Corrections
contacted former Texas Ranger Captain
Frank A. Hamer, and persuaded him to
hunt down the Barrow Gang.
Barrow and Parker were ambushed and killed on May 23, 1934,
on a rural road in Bienville Parish, Louisiana. The couple
appeared in daylight in an automobile and were shot by a posse
of four Texas officers (Frank Hamer, B.M. "Manny" Gault, Bob
Alcorn and Ted Hinton) and two Louisiana officers (Henderson
Jordan and Prentiss Morel Oakley).
Bonnie & Clyde
They were a young couple in love who were out on
the open road, running from the "big, bad law" who
were "out to get them." Clyde's impressive driving
skill got the gang out of many close calls, while
Bonnie's poetry won the hearts of many. Although
Bonnie and Clyde had killed people, they were
equally known for kidnapping policemen who had
caught up to them and then driving them around for
hours only to release them, unharmed, hundreds of
miles away. The two seemed like they were on an
adventure, having fun while easily side-stepping the

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