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buidin!/"#"$%&'()*("+++/ ... :,
-There is enou!h food. /ater. ener!y and natura resources on the panet for
e0ery human bein!. There is 1ust not enou!h money to pay for it. There ne0er
/as. and there ne0er /i be. To!ether humanity is marchin! for/ard to/ards a
ne/ /ord. one of absoute e2uaity for e0ery human bein!. /here the iusion
kno/n as money is discarded. s/ept aside for a true currency caed o0e.- -
3ary Mitche 4einstein.
56TE: I've rounded-off many values for the sake of ease while studying. And some
figures have been taken approximately. You can do the maths yourself as well.
N!"# I've rounded-off many values for the sake of ease while studying. And some
figures have been taken approximately. You can do the maths yourself as well. And
also note that neither I'm speaking in favor of overpopulation$ nor in favor of
overcrowding some specific cities. %ith the help of some statistical examples$ I'm
&ust trying to prove that proper honest management can solve our issues.
!he population of the world$ we will define as ' billion. %hat is the density of a large
() city$ say New York *ity as a whole+ New York is acclaimed as a beautiful city. It
is one of the most popular ,and populous- tourist destinations of the world. In ./0
s1uare miles of its area$ 2// s1 mi is water and 345 s1 mi is land mass. %ith 6.5
million people residing in the city$ its population density is about 7'$644 per s1 mi.
!he land area includes parks$ sporting arenas$ museums$ libraries$ universities$
factories$ airports$ amusement parks$ hotels$ and shopping centers.
Now granted$ NY* is not the wide-open spaces$ but it is a density that millions live
with in a space-loving nation like the ()$ so it shouldn't be considered too packed.
)o$ 7'$644 people per s1uare mile. !hat's how crowded New York *ity is. 8ow much
land would we need to house all ' billion of us if we lived in such density+ %ell$ we
would need 752$644 s1uare miles. A big area$ no+ %ell$ let's look further.
(pon examining the ()$ we find out that !exas fits the bill nicely. In fact$ !exas has
7/2$'0'.27 s1uare miles of land. %hich is$ in fact$ more than the area we need to
house all ' billion of us at typical New York *ity densities. 9eaning# every man$
woman$ and child living and breathing on the face of the "arth could fit in relative
comfort within the land territory of the )tate of !exas.
*onverting the s1uare miles$ and you have '$.6'$564$/'7$444 s1uare feet available
in !exas. !hat's '.. trillion s1uare feet. :ivide the s1uare feet by the world's
population of ' billion and you have 2$4/0 s1uare feet per person in !exas.
"arth has 20/$030$044 s1uare miles. ;oughly 34< of the "arth is land$ so there are
50$462$0'4 s1uare miles of land on "arth. !exas represents 4..5.5< of the "arth=s
land mass. >lenty of room.
9oving the entire world=s population to !exas would result in a population density of
7/$644 people per s1uare mile$ less than NY*.
?ut how realistic is that+ )urely water would be a problem wouldn't it+ %ell$ let's find
out. It is recommended that 54 liters per person$ per day$ be used as an ade1uate
amount for consumption$ sanitation$ and cooking. !hat works out to 354 billion liters
of fresh water$ per day$ to keep all of us properly hydrated. !hat's a lot of water@
Aiven there are 2444 liters per cubic meter$ we need 354 million cubic meters of
fresh water$ every day. Yes$ a large volume@ ?ut is it really+
!ake the *olumbia ;iver$ the .th largest in the ()$ and the main division between
the )tates of %ashington and regon. !he average outflow of water is '$544 cubic
meters per second. 8ow long would it take the *olumbia to give us our 354 million
cubic meters of fresh water+ %ell$ it would take ./$//' seconds. r '''.6 minutes.
r &ust under 23 hours.
%ith &ust over half the daily average outflow of the *olumbia ;iver$ we could meet
the freshwater needs of the entire world's population. Now$ that is a big pipeline to
!exas$ but if we could get everyone there in the first place$ the pipeline is child's play@
?ut what about food+ *learly that is of concern@ %ell$ apparently 344 s1uare meters
will feed one person for one year. )ince a kilometer is 2444 meters$ we could feed
3333 people per s1uare kilometer. %e'll call it 3444 people per s1uare kilometer to
make things even. And that means 7$333$333 s1uare kilometers to feed everyone.
!he total farmland in the () is about 3$'32$767 s1uare kilometers. 8ey$ that's more
than 7$333$333@ In other words$ the farmland in the () could feed everyone@
)o what have we ended up with+ %ell$ every person in the world could live inside of
!exas without overcrowding. %e could all have water with &ust the *olumbia ;iver
alone. And we could easily feed ourselves with &ust the farmland within the () as it
Now imagine if every one of the seven billion people - the entire world population -
were to be settled evenly in the whole of the (nited )tates. %hat would the
population density be+
!he () of A has a total area of about 3$644$444 s1uare miles. A simple division will
give you# 2$6.7 people per s1uare mile.
*onverting the s1uare miles of ()A in s1uare feets$ you have 25$233 s1uare feet
per person in ()A.
,2.4503'07 B ,24C2.- s1 ft- D ' billion E 25$233.066/.
Fet=s move the entire seven billion to "astern >rovince in )audi Arabia ,Area#
7'.$444 s1 mi-. %hat would our population density be+
75$544 people per s1uare mile. Fess crowded than New York *ity with space for all
amenities and facilities found in a modern state with approximately 2444 s1 feet
space for each person.
!here you go@ !he world population can be comfortably packed in the green area.
Now we have the rest of the world for everything else.
Did 8 hear the earth is not enou!h7 5o/ay9
-And ki not your chidren for fear of po0erty. 4e sha pro0ide for them as
/e as for you. Surey. the kiin! of them is a !reat sin.- :;uran. $):'$,
-...So bessed be Aah. the <est of creators.- :;uran. #':$",
-...and Aah=s earth is spacious enou!h.- :;uran. '+:$&,
>...Aah has pro0ided and ? Resources for a needfu.> :;uran. "$:$&,
-@and is for the nourishment of a creatures.- :;uran. %%:$&. #:#+,
>Aah made the Earth a /ide eApanse for you. so that you may eApore it.>
:;uran. )$:$+-#&,
B -3et rid of 0aue and profit. Ceope /i not stea if they do not desire.- D
I'm not saying that we all should move to ()A or )audi Arab. !he purpose of these
statistical examples is to prove the fact that we've enough resources G land-space.
All we need is some 8N")! >;>"; 9ANAA"9"N!. %e''ve F! of space on
earth for residential purposes$ G then for hospitals$ educational institutes$ science-
labs$ industries$ and etc. All we need is to %AH" (> from the sleep to strive for
sustainable living on "arth.
And note that I'm not speaking in favor of overpopulation$ I'm not saying that there
should be lot of population. Iuran also guides us about family-management. Fook$ if
a lady marries at the age of 7.$ her first baby will be at the age of 75. Now$ for the
proper growth G nourishment of the baby$ 733
verse of )urah Al-?a1arah suggests
that she has to breast-feed himDher for 7 years. 9eans$ a gap of 7 or 3 years
between birth of 7 babies has been logically determined by Iuran in care of mother
G child's health. )o$ the 7nd baby will be at the age of 76 G then the 3rd one at the
age of 32$ accordingly. ?ut$ after 7 or 3 births$ the mother's health doesn't permit for
more babies. )he has to take good care of the ones she's having while being healthy
in her-self. And$ that's the logical family-planning G management which is supported
by both Iuran G )cience.
!hese accountancy G business students which are sitting everywhere around us
finding methods of maximiJing their own profits. Kust imagine how awesome it would
have been if these people worked on the &ust management of land G resources
instead of competing with each other. ?ut sadly$ these businessmen &ust keep finding
methods of exploiting G debt-slaving humanity
Under capitaism. man eApoits man. Eapitaism is about profit. and 65@F
profit - throu!h 0arious means such as competition. 8t=s not about impro0in!
e0eryone=s i0eihood.
%ant proof+ !he *" of Nestle himself says that water of whole world should be
privatiJed. 8e utters that water isn=t a fundamental human-right. 8e says that water
of whole world should be the property of capitalists. Now you yourself can imagine
the thinking of these corporations. !hey even want to control the water of planet
"arth. )o then you=ve to serve these businessmen even for drinking water. You=ll be
working in a similar company which wants to control D hoard D occupy the abundant
natural resoures ,example# water- of "arth$ so that you could also earn some money
G then for drinking water you=ll be giving the very same money back to some similar
company$ which works for controlling D hoarding D occupying the same natural water.
72< of the land-mass of "arth is in control of &ust 25 landlords. 24 corporations
control almost everything we buy. 263 multi-national companies are sitting as a
snake on 65< of the "arth resources. 54< of the world population is living below
poverty line. And the 7< corporate capitalist elite class is oppressing G exploiting the
rest 06< of world population by the accumulation G concentration of "arth resources
in their hands through the control of paper-money. And there are / Kewish
corporations which control the maximum media around us.
!here are some evil Fuciferic$ )atanic$ Kewish$ Lionist business families like
;othschilds$ ;ockefellers$ K.>. 9organ *o.$ etc. who=re known as bankers. !hese
evil bankers have designed a )atanic system in which they have debt slaved the
whole world. !hey print different numbers on papers$ call it money G label it as
richness measure based on the numeric value of the numbers which they give to
those papers. !hey keep printing those numbers on papers G distribute it for making
us their puppets. %e know that banks are also in the hands of businessmen G
corporations. !hrough these paper pieces which they print themself$ they claim the
ownership of gold$ oil$ gas G coal mines present on earth which nature actually made
for every person so that the benefit can be taken. !hese businessmen then charge
us with the paper pieces which they call money for providing us with the small
amount of resources which are basically our humanitarian rights being the resident
of >lanet ?lue. If the world starts taking benefit from solar energy$ the evil bankers
might also conspire to claim the ownership of )un to charge us for using the heat
energy coming directly from )un.
%e've to work for the same corporations$ so that they can give us some money$ then
we give the same money back to the same corporations$ so that we can ask them for
a little share in the resources of "arth$ on which they claim their ownership$ &ust by
control of money.
)imilarly$ nature made the diamonds$ gold G silver beautiful G attractive for each G
every person on earth$ not &ust for those who=ve the specific type of paper pieces
with some numerically big digits printed on them$ but for all. ?ut$ those who print
these paper pieces$ sit in their offices$ set the prices of these resources twice a day
G then make lame excuses for the hike in price. Actually$ nature made these
resources for all of us to take benefit but the Lionists claim the ownership of "arth$
for making us all their debt slaves. >aper money is nothing more than promissory
notes and the illusion of wealth. Not only backed up by N!8INA ,&ust perception-$
but linked into deadly &udaic usury. *ompound interest on interest. 9oney being
made from the illusion of money. 9orally wrong on every level.
B -8t=s symptomatic of the current human condition that the system /e i0e
under sees e0ery aspect of earth. from and. sea. fora and fauna. e0en other
human bein!s as a commodity /ith a monetary 0aue. 4e ha0e ao/ed
corporations to caim o/nership o0er our common resources. sein! back to
us /hat /as naturay our to be!in /ith. Gurther more. /e are forced into
/orkin! for these corporations to obtain the promissory notes of another
corporation to be abe to buy back /hat shoud be free to a. 8f /e /ere more
honest /ith ourse0es /e /oud ca this /hat it reay is: S@AHERF.- D
Fet me tell you what happens. A student of science thinks of an idea. %orks on it$
and invents sth revolutionary$ using his garage stuff. 8e wants to give this
technology to the whole world$ for benefiting the humanity.
!hen$ very unfortunately$ businessmen steal that idea. !hey patent it$ and claim its
ownership. !hey manufacture it on mass level in assembly-lines while basically
using the materialsDsubstances which are naturally available free-of-cost for the
benefit of all. ?ut they tell us that those naturally abundant materials are costly G we
believe it$ even while the 9other-Nature doesn't ask us for payment when we pick up
a mineral-rock from ground. And if the materials for that product are to be
synthesiJed$ they tell us that setting-up factories is costly G we believe their lies even
while the 9other-Nature never ever asks us any sort of payment for roaming on the
vast "arth. )o$ on the basis of their )atanic tricks$ the businessmen then use that
product for enslaving us by determining a MpriceM G making us believe us believe that
we've to pay that specific price to a specific businessman for using a specific product
which was actually meant for all.
Kust like what happened with )ir. Nikola !esla$ who discovered Alternating *urrent G
wanted to give it to the whole world for free$ so that everyone can have open access
to the wonders of electricity$ telecommunication G the sources of information-sharing.
?ut$ K.>. 9organ suppressed the discoveries of !esla by conspiring against him G
got control over his research-works which he then used for his evil business by
trapping the humanity in indoctrination that we've to pay money to the corporations
for using a small amount of electricity$ which was actually meant for everyone. You
can even it from %ikipedia that !esla was the scientist who built the first three
hydroelectric power dams at Niagra Nalls. And !esla was the man who said# MAll
people$ everywhere$ should have N;"" energy sources. "lectrical power is present
everywhere infinitely G can drive world's machinery without the need of any polluting
sources like coal$ oil$ gas$ etc.M Now think yourself$ when the man who worked on
numerous ways of generating electricity$ himself said that electricity is N;"" G N;
AFF$ then what right do the corporations have to ask us for bills+ Is electricity their
property+ "lectrcity is a marvelloyus phenomenon of nature G nature never asks us
for any bills.
B -Iust ima!ine ho/ a/esome our /ord /i be /hen technoo!y is finay
rescued from the hands of the po/ers that be and used in a constructi0e /ay
to hep our feo/ man. or!aniJe our /ord and take on the future9 8f you think
about it. the ony rea ad0ancements in technoo!y o0er the ast $&& years
ha0e been for nefarious purposes such as /ar. spyin!. sur0eiance. contro
and manipuation. Eon0ersey. numerous in0entions and technoo!ica
ad0ancements such as free ener!y. cars /hich run on /ater. ma!e0 rai.
cancer cures. industria hemp. and countess others ha0e either been
suppressed. she0ed or destroyed. E0entuay. our /ord /i become a i0in!
paradise for aK itLs 1ust a matter of time9- M Da0id Ehase Tayor D
A ?ank makes an entry in one of its own ledgers ,nowadays a computer file-. !his
act brings a sum of MmoneyM into MexistenceM. !hat sum of MmoneyM is then loaned to
a customer - generally by means of a McreditM to his account$ which he MspendsM by
issuing che1ues.
!he loan$ however$ must be secured by a collateral of real value such as a house$
and must be repaid - McapitalM and interest- in real money$ that is$ money that has
had to be worked for and is therefore a token of real wealth. !hereafter$ by another
stroke of the pen ,or tap of the computer keys- the McapitalM sum originally created
can be made to disappear out of existence.
It really is a magic trick@
%ake up$ folks. 9oney isn=t the richness measure$ but &ust a )atanic deception for
enslaving us all G raping the planet. Fet=s end the Lionist New %orld rder >lan with
Alobal Non-*ompliance.
If every >akistani is in debt of ;s.'4$444 G the debt amount on every American is
O54$444$ then where does all the money go if all the countries of the world are in
debt+ !hink about it if you=ve never done so before. It=s time to break free from the
chains of mental slavery. bviously$ the money remains in the hands of the Lionists
who print it G call it richness measure. In reality# it is &ust an illuminated piece of
paper with specific type of ink on it. Actually$ paper money is totally valueless bcJ
nature is an open source of resources as nature never asks us for any payment of
living on "arth other than P)";QI*" N !8" 9ANHIN:R. Nor example$ if we all start
growing fruits G vegetables in our lawns G even share it with our neighbours$ G there
be community orchards where people farm together G share the production
collectively$ then we won=t have to go to marts for bringing food after giving paper
pieces or money to the dealer. )imilarly$ if we all start creating G sharing
technologies G scientific devices with our fellows for free$ no one will remain
deprived or poor on >lanet ?lue G happy life will begin for all. Fikewise$ if we all start
using renewable G sustainable energy resources like solar-energy$ magnetic
generators$ etc.$ then we won=t have to pay bills for lighting up our houses.
G6R G6RM853 A5 8DEA@ S6E8ETF:-
B -8f a the sodiers in a the armies in a the /ord put do/n their /eapons
and picked up toos and started buidin! sef-sustainabe/carbon-Jero housin!
usin! !reen technoo!ies such as Nempcrete :bricks made out of Nemp pant,
? soar-ener!y. etc. for a the peope in the /ord. our probems /oud be o0er
and rea ife for a peope /oud be!in.- D
- )ociety doesn't need fruit-sellers bcJ a society should have community orchards$
where they all collectively grow fruits G vegetables$ from where everyone can pick
fruits straight off the tree$ and vegetables right off the plant according to his needs.
And remember$ nature gives you seeds G fertiliJers for free.
- )ociety doesn't need butchers bcJ communities can farm their own fishes using
MA1uaponicsM techni1ue.
- )ociety doesn't need cold-drinks or other artificial stuff to eat or drink$ bcJ nature
has given us much better G healthy solutions. Nor example# instead of destroying
your health by drinking >epsi$ you should have MFemon plantsM in your community
orchards G drink Femonade everyday.
- )ociety doesn't need allopathic medicines bcJ nature has provided us each G every
solution in the form of 8omeopathy. Nor example# if you're a MscienceM student G you
know MchemistryM$ then you should grow a M*alendulaM plant in your community
orchard G when you're wounded$ instead of poisoning your skin by buying >olyfax
from so-called medical store$ you should use oil extracted fromd the *alendula plant
G apply on your skin for getting healed without side-effects. )o$ naturally existing bio-
chemicals present in herbs should be used for staying healthy$ like *annaboids$ etc
- )ociety doesn't need cobblers$ barbers G tailors bcJ history is evident that MNabi
9uhammadM also used to do these self-related things himself.
- )ociety doesn't need bus-drivers bcJ we have such MtechnologiesM that buses can
run G find their paths on streets themselves.
- )ociety doesn't need bus-conductors$ bcJ look# for example$ we are travelling in
one bus$ so we should sit together as MbrothersM$ while Mtaking care of each otherM.
%e should love each others unconditionally.
- )ociety doesn't need dirty coal$ oil or gas for generating energy$ bcJ we even have
Mself-charging electric carM technologies available on earth such that an electric
vehicle engine can recharge itself using ambient energy S overunity generators G
there's no need of petrol or diesel.
Fike !esla said$ M"lectrical power is present everywhere infinitely G can drive world's
machinery without the need of any polluting sources like coal$ oil$ gas$ etc.M
Hnow what+ %e don't need dams or heavy water-flow to run turbines bcJ properly
applied Melectromagnetic fieldM is enough to operate a turbine without any external
And btw$ I've even seen ppl making solar-panels MthemselvesM for generating
electricity for their residences. 9eans$ then they don't need to pay bills to govt. for
You were born free$ with natural rights. You were born a powerful G intelligent human
being with unlimited potential. !hen you believed the lies they told you G gave it all
!hey said$ MYou must work a &ob to put food on the tableM and you believed them$
even though you knew you could grow your own.
!hey said$ M%e must add these chemicals to the food$ in order to keep it from
spoiling during shippingM and you believed them$ even though you knew the answer
was to eat local food.
!hey said$ MAlternative energy &ust isn't viable or sustainableM$ and you believed
them$ even though you have seen the environmental destruction with your own eyes.
!hey said$ M%e must limit your freedoms$ so that we can protect youM$ and you
believed them$ even though you knew that MtheyM were the ones you needed
protecting from.
Does it matter /hat they say anymore if no one istens7
EAampe: Mobie Eompanies.
In a socialist society there would be N corporations like Nokia$ )amsung$ Apple$
etc. being made for inhumane competitions G evil businesses based on exploitation.
M ?ut$ infact$ there would be a M%orld 9obile NetworkM unit for the whole "arth G
instead of business its purpose would be to manufacture environment-friendly
smartphones according to everyone's needs so that all human-beings can get a free-
of-cost tool of communication with friends G family$ and easy on-go access to
worldwide information resource networks.
B -4e ha0e consumed o0er a third of our panet=s natura resources in the ast
fifty years. 8 refuse to contribute to this e!acy. 8 am not a consumer. 8 am a
human bein!. 8 am more than 8 ha0e. 8 beie0e in peope o0er possessions. The
thin!s 8 do o/n. /i ne0er o/n me. 8 am not a!ainst thin!s. in fact: thin!s are
so sacred that 8 think they ou!ht to be shared. <ut the best thin!s in ife aren=t
thin!s. 8 am part of a mo0ement under/ay. /here /e beie0e that it=s possibe
to o/n ess and i0e more. 4e ha0e no interest in coectin! dust. 6ur
beon!in!s /i ne0er trump our beon!in! to one another. 4e beie0e that
there=s enou!h in the /ord for e0erybody=s need. but not for e0erybody=s
!reed. 4e i0e i!hty and yet deepy. 4e dream that one day. not o/nin!
thin!s /i be cooer than o/nin! them. 4e beie0e that sharin! can be the
ne/ shoppin!. borro/ can be ne/ buy. and that 1oy is found in /hat /e create
and !i0e a/ay. 4e /i ea0e this /ord better than the /ay /e found it.- D
In such society$ education ain=t a business$ but a passion of students G teachers.
"veryone should ponder over the natural phenomenons G use hisDher knowledge for
benefiting the mankind.
(nfortunately$ mainstream schooling aids capitalist class by manufacturing products
for them.
%orld is like becoming a pool of engineers G doctors$ but still$ there's in&ustice$
violence G restlessness everywhere. If the marks that we gain are really the measure
of excellence$ then why isn't there any peace+ %hy we don't have peace+ %hy so+
?cJ our education system has become a totally non-constructive G non-productive
race G everybody in the system misses or skips the importance of knowledge G its
practical usability in life G work. !he problem is that we are guided to study for
earning money$ but not for knowledge. Qery unfortunately$ we're taught how to read
G write$ but not how to think G 1uestion. !he dilemma is that we're told how to earn
marks$ but not how to innovate new stuff for serving G benefiting the humanity. !he
day we G our authorities realiJe that the true essence of studying is to gain
knowledge for playing part in the prosperity G welfare of mankind$ most of our socio-
economic issues will start to get set right on the track of peace. ur education
system is severely flawed and re1uiring drastic changes$ fundamentally that is. It
creates the 'cramming' factor instead of provoking the critical thinking and analyJing
skills that need to be encouraged in students.
B -Don=t et schoo interfere /ith your education- M Mark T/ain D
:o not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. :o not believe in
anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. :o not believe in
anything simply because it is found in man-written religious books. :o not believe in
anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. :o not believe in
traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. ?ut after
Mobservation and analysisM$ when you find that anything Magrees with reasonM and is
MconduciveM to the Mgood and benefit of one and allM$ then accept it and live up to it.
:on't &ust teach yourself to read. Also teach yourself to 1uestion what you read.
!hink$ teach yourself to think out of the box$ ?cJ it's still legal G free. ?ut 1uestion
even what you think. Iuestion everything.
Not everything can be right$ so teach yourself to 1uestion everything that you come
across. It's not necessary that what we think$ read or hear from others is always
right$ for this very reason# learn to 1uestion everything including your own opinions.
?e open$ free minded G flexible with your thinking.
)eek answers from nature.
(se logical reasoning.
Fook for answers around yourself.
bserve the divine laws under operation in your surroundings as there are answers
in the natural phenomenons for those who wish to ponder.
Aather and collect different opinions. )ort out$ filter and refine different >Qs on the
basis of logical reasoning G laws which you see governing the (niverse.
%e're living on a ../ billion years old self sufficient$ organic G complex spaceship
which is orbiting a power source that is million times larger than our spaceship.
!here are 744 billion more power sources possibly with ships like ours in the
Hnow what+ ur power source ,)un- provides enough energy in one second to meet
all the current needs of entire "arth for the next 544$444 years G &ust 2< of "arth's
land covered with )olar >anels can fulfil all the energy needs of humanity.
?ut we fools accept the energy crisis lie of media which is working &ust to distract us
from the main issues by filling our heads with the useless celebrity gossips.
%e've 7 eyes$ each with millions of photoreceptor cells$ while every cell has trillions
of atoms$ which is more than the number of stars in our galaxy.
Atoms in cells of our eyes were formed billions of years ago in the core of a star$ G
today we use these eyes to capture the energy released from same process.
?tw$ now we've technologies like 3: >rinters through which we can print bionic eyes
to give vision to the blind ppl. 3: >rinters can even print livable houses$ eatable
meat G much more. ?ut the governments hide these revolutionary technologies from
us bcJ they want to debt-slave the humanity through the money which they give
imaginary value.
And I tell you again that the media is &ust brainwashing us with the useless S
worthless gossips from entertainment G sports industry to distract us from the main
issues which impact our lives everyday.
If all this doesn't wake you up by making you think$ then what will+ Aet a life$ dude@
)tart thinking out of the box. %e live on this planet G we've to get involved.
Normal is getting dressed in clothes that you buy for work and driving through traffic
in a car that you are still paying for - in order to get to the &ob you need to pay for the
clothes and the car$ and the house you leave vacant all day so you can afford to live
in it.
And if you=re unempoyed itLs not because there isnLt any /ork.
Kust look around# A housing shortage$ crime$ pollutionT we need better schools and
parks. %hatever our needs$ they all re1uire work. And as long as we have
unsatisfied needs$ there=s work to be done.
)o ask yourself$ what kind of world has work but no &obs. It=s a world where work is
not related to satisfying our needs$ a world where work is only related to satisfying
the profit needs of business.
!his country was not built by the huge corporations or government bureaucracies. It
was built by people who work. And$ it is working people who should control the work
to be done. Yet$ as long as employment is tied to somebody else=s profits$ the work
won=t get done.
%e have all solutions available but it's &ust that the governments superimposed upon
us$ don't want us to become self-sustainable. "ven our books don't tell us about
these progressive$ productive G constructive solutions bcJ the whole education
system is controlled by the corporate capitalist elitist psychopath class which wants
to make us their debt-slaves.
;evolution would start off with finishing of Nikola !esla's tesla coils. !o produce free
wireless for the entire world. free electromagnetic generators would be widely
available. In a world of social-&ustice$ there would be a huge garden in place of the
product section at grocery stores. You would pick fruits straight off the tree$ and
vegetables right off the plant@ )chool children would get free lunch instead of
inmates@ 8emp and 9ari&uana would be legal@ You could make your own medicine.
!he worthy politicians$ bankers$ etc. would )I! IN >;I)N for 24 flippin' years
before they got a trial date. %ho do they think they are+ %e$ the people are more
important than their political filth.
)ocialism is the real solution. (nder socialism$ work is a Muniversal dutyM G the
workers partake of the whole output. A society where everyone works G that with the
humanitarian spirit. !he debt-based flawed concept of paper-money is abolished G
everyone who participates in Mcreating G sharingM gets his natural-rights fulfilled
under a commune system. In such a society$ the concept of &obs is replaced with
Mhumanitarian responsibilitiesM G payments are replaced with Mnatural G social
rightsM. A system where no one is slave sort of dependant on another$ in-fact all are
Mcollectively-sustainableM G fellow human-beings don't compete with each other$ but
empower one another.
A hi!hy ad0anced. or!anic community /here you /oud /ork to!ether /ith
the other community members to daiy ad0ance and maintain the community.
Fou /oudn=t need a -1ob- or money. 1ust a commitment to make our
community the best it can be. This mi!ht incude buidin!. teachin!. industria
/ork. !ro/in! food. etc.
And in such a communist society$ a government separate from people is no longer
necessary G the production is managed by self-organiJing network of autonomous
communities of responsible G cooperating workers G citiJens.
<AS8E R83NTS <F <8RTN G6R 4N6@E 6G TNE MA5O85D 85 TNE @83NT 6G
2. "very person of the mankind is respectful. :;uran $):)&,
7. "very person has the e1ual due right for food$ dress$ living house$educationand
health facility. :;uran $$:*. #:'*,
3. !o ponder about the con1uering of the universe is the duty of every human being
,Iuran .5#23- but after this achievement no person or nation has the right to bring
under its only use but whole mankind has the basic right over this. :;uran #:#+,
.. *entral or local administrative body will be responsible to fulfil the basic human
rights. :;uran ##:"$,
5. Kustice G rights will be provided free of cost to everybody. :;uran %:(,
/. :ivine ?ook$ the Iuran$ will be sole &udge to settle all issues. :;uran *:$"".
In the system the Iuran illustrates for us$ it characteriJes its citiJens= ,mu=mineen-
as$ Pthey spend and make available to others whatever Allah grants them of 8is
bounty. :;uran #:',R !he Iuran also clarifies to what extent their personal wealth
should be made open to others by stating$ Ph >rophet$ they ask you what they
should give.R !he mu=mineen asked how much personal wealth should be given to
the other members of Islam$ to foster universal growth and nourishment. !he answer
was$ P!ell them$ whatever is left over after your necessities are taken care of. :;uran
#:#$+,R In other words$ after you deal with your own necessities$ give everything that
remains. *learly$ these verses order the citiJens of the Islamic system to keep with
them only what they need in their daily-life. !he rest would go to the community to
e1ually spread nourishment to all citiJens of Islam. And the same order is in ;uran
):$++$ as well.
Fand is for nourishment of all creatures G for all humans. :;uran %%:$&. #:#+,
Fand G the resources in land are e1ual for all needful. Allah has provided land G
;esources for all needful. :;uran "$:$&,
!his distribution is to be done by the ;asool or the in charge of that place. :;uran
All messengers came with the similar laws of social Kustice. :;uran %):#%,
!his balance of Kustice is ordered to be established. :;uran %%:+,
!his balance of Kustice should be based on e1ual distribution of land G natural
resourcesDwealth. :;uran %%:$&. "$:$&,
!he rich generally don't like G want )ocial Kustice which is the basic teaching of all
messengers. :;uran %):#%,
)o they ,the rich- generally re&ect these teachings G are called HafirsD9ufsideen.
:;uran '":'",
Allah is the owner G sovereign of land G natural resources ,not ;othschilds or
;ockefellers-. !hese resources are Allah's trust to all humans. :;uran #:#+,
8umans have to use them collectively after allocating G distributing them with Kustice
through their collective administration. It's the duty of the administration to allocate G
distribute the land G resources with Kustice ,the order of Allah- so the wealth must
not accumulate in the hands of the rich.
%e all humans have Aod-given natural right to live in the land G right to use the land
G the resources for livingDsustenance. !hese human rights are Aod-given G to be
fulfilled G ensured MN;"" N *)!M.
Aah=s Earth is spacious enou!h for a :;uran '+:$& ? )$:$+-#&,. so it shoud
be E6@@EET8HE@F MA5A3ED <F E6MMU58T8ES. /hie aboishin! a forms of
capitaism such that no indi0idua shoud be abe to caim his o/nership o0er
any piece of and.
C.S. Money ainLt re2uired to run anythin! in such society. as nature is an open
source of resources. M65EF 8S5LT RE;U8RED T6 RU5 A S6E8ETF 4NERE
SE8E5T8G8E CR63RESS 48@@ <E <ASED 65 U5E65D8T865A@ @6HE G6R
M Ammar. :,

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