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Swami, what is the difference between Bhakti

[devotion] and Surrender?
SAI: Bhakti is a state of dualism. In this state, there are two entities -
God and the devotee. The two are so close that they cannot ever be torn
apart or separated. Bhakti binds the devotee to God.
Surrender, on the other hand, is a state of monism or
Advaitam. Once the devotee says there is only God and
nothing else, he ceases to have an independent existence - he
does not exist as a separate entity. The devotee never ever
considers anything as "his". He moves completely away from the "I"
An example: Water and sugar differ both in form and properties. This is
dualism, or the path of Bhakti. Suppose sugar is added to water and the
water is stirred. The sugar will dissolve and spread throughout the
water. In this condition, there is neither pure water nor sugar; instead,
there is syrup. This is surrender or Advaitam - the devotee offers
everything to God and keeps nothing for himself, including his mind

What is the basic factor that prevents us from
having that right experience?
SAI: We don't have the intensity that is required. How much effort is
needed even to study books and come to the stage when we can read
difficult books. How many years, how many hours of toil we put into it.
If you have the same intensity in spiritual practise, you will surely know
the Truth. But we are not as intense as we should be on the spiritual
path. We do not apply concentration and one-pointedness. Full
concentration is needed even in the world, in walking, talking and

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