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Effect of the Constructivist Base on Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

Instructional Strategy to Physics Science Achievement Evaluated by pursuant to the Style

of Divergent and Convergent Thinking


I GUSTI NYOMAN SUARDIKA, Effect of the Constructivist Base on ICT Instructional
Strategy to Physics Science Achievement Evaluated by pursuant to the Style of Divergent and
Convergent Thinking, (Research at Student of SMA Negeri 1 Denpasar). Thesis, Singaraja:
Program Pascasarjana Undiksha, 2008.

This thesis has been corrected and examined by Prof. Dr. I Made Candiasa, MI.Kom, the first
supervisor, and Prof. Dr. I Wayan Koyan, M.Pd., the second supervisor.

Key words: Constructivist Base on ICT, Style of Divergent and Convergent Thinking, Physics
Science Achievement.

The research is aimed to analyze the effects of the instructional strategies, the style of
thinking, and the interactions of those two variables on learning outcome in physical sciences.
The population in this research is all students (403 students) of grade X semester 1 of SMA
Negeri 1 Denpasar in the academic year of 2007/2008. The research was conducted at four
classes with 96 students as a sample which consists of 48 students as an experiment group, with
treatment of constructivist base on ICT instructional strategies and 48 students as a control
group, with treatment of expository instructional strategies. This research used the sampling
technique of random sampling at which the classes were randomized. Data were collected by
using an experimental method with ANAVA 2x2 factorial design, which was continued with
The research indicates that (1) the physical science achievement of students following
constructivist based on the ICT instructional strategies which are significantly different with the
physical science achievement of students following expository instructional strategies. Students
learning outcomes in physical sciences taught by Constructivist Base on ICT instructional
strategy are higher than those taught by expository instructional strategies. Based on statistical
analysis, it is found that O
=5,669, followed by Tukey test, found that Q
= 3,337. This
result is significant at 5%. (2) Learning by Constructivist Base on ICT instructional strategy for
some students having divergent thinking was more beneficial than learning by expository
instructional strategy. (3) While for students with convergent thinking, learning by Constructivist
Base on ICT instructional strategy had less impact than one by expository instructional strategy.
Evaluated by pursuant the style of thinking the students was found, the constructivist base on the
ICT instructional strategy and the expository instructional strategy, gave the adversative
influence. (4) There was a mutual effect between instructional strategy and the style of thinking
on students learning outcome in physical sciences.
The conclusion of the research is, constructivist instructional strategy base on ICT with
accommodating the thinking style owned the students, can improve the physical science

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