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ICALAB for Signal Processing

Toolbox for BSS, ICA, cICA, ICA-R, SCA and MCA

(version 3)
The ICALAB Package:
for Signal Processing
has been developed, designed and implemented by:

Andrzej Cichocki, Shun-ichi Amari, Krzysztof Siwek,
Toshihisa Tanaka, Anh Huy Phan, Rafal Zdunek,
Sergio Cruces, Pando Georgiev, Zbigniew Leonowicz, Hovagim Bakardjian,
Yoshikazu Washizawa, Tomasz Rutkowski, Seungjin Choi, Adel Belouchrani, Allan
Barros, Ruck Thawonmas, Tetsuya Hoya, Wakako Hashimoto, Yasushi Terazono
and Tomomi Watanabe in cooperation with other members of the Laboratory for
Advanced Brain Signal Processing.
The graphic design, data visualization, user interface, extensive testing and integration of
new ICA algorithms and the MC analysis have been implemented in MATLAB
Anh Huy Phan and Andrzej Cichocki,
with cooperation of many researchers world-wide, especially:
Petr Tichavsky, Zbynek Koldovsky, Xi-Lin Li, Shuxue Ding, Zhi-Lin Zhang,
Jonathon Chambers.
The current version 3, as of March 28, 2007 includes only ICA and
Second Order Statistics (SOS) Blind Sources Separation (BSS) algorithms.
In the near future we plan to include other kind of algorithms such as SCA, MCA, NTC,
NMF for both overdetermined and underdetermined (overcomplete) cases.

i s a r egi st er ed t r ademar k of The Mat hWor ks, I nc.

A similar package has been developed for ICALAB for Image Processing.
See also NMFLAB and NTFLAB developed by A. Cichocki and R. Zdunek
The comprehensive reference for these toolboxes is in the following book:
Adaptive Blind Signal and Image Processing

by Andrzej Cichocki and Shun-ichi Amari

John Wiley, Chichester, UK, 2003 (corrected and revised edition).

The reference for this toolboxes is as follows:
A. Cichocki, S, Amari, K, Siwek, T. Tanaka, Anh Huy Phan, R. Zdunek,
ICALAB MATLAB Toolbox Ver. 3 for signal processing.

The general concept of
The important and unique features of our ICALAB toolboxes are preprocessing, post-
processing tools (see Fig. 1 a) and Monte Carlo analysis

Fig. 1 a Conceptual model of ICALAB Toolbox.
Actual optional PREPROCESSING tools include: Principal Component Analysis
(PCA), prewhitening, filtering: High Pass Filtering (HPF), Low Pass Filtering (LPF),
Sub-band filters (Butterworth, Chebyshev, Elliptic) with adjustable order of filters,
frequency sub-bands and the number of subbands) or user-defined preprocessing
POSTPROCESSING tools actually includes: Ranking or ordering the components
according to various criteria, Deflation and Reconstruction ("cleaning") of original raw
data by removing undesirable components, noise or artifacts.
SATISTICAL ANALYSIS and evaluating of performance and consistency, especially
sophisticated Monte-Carlo (MC) Analysis.
Moreover, the ICALAB Toolboxes have flexible and extendable structure with the
possibility to extend the toolbox by the users by adding their own algorithms.
The algorithms can perform not only ICA but also Second Order Statistics Blind Source
Separation (BSS), and in the near future Sparse Component Analysis (SCA),
Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (NMF), Smooth Component Analysis (SmoCA),
Factor Analysis (FA) and any other possible matrix factorization of the form X=HS+N or
Y=WX, where H=W
is a mixing matrix or a matrix of basis vectors. X is a matrix of the
observed data, S is a matrix of original sources and N represents the matrix of additional
The ICA/BSS algorithms are pure mathematical formulas, powerful, but rather
mechanical procedures: There is not very much left for the user to do after the machinery
has been optimally implemented. The successful and efficient use of the ICALAB
strongly depends on a priori knowledge, common sense and appropriate use of the
preprocessing and postprocessing tools. In other words, it is preprocessing of data and
postprocessing of models where expertise is truly needed (see the book).
The assumed linear mixing models must be valid at least approximately and original
sources signals should have specified statistical properties.
The package contains a collection of algorithms for whitening, robust orthogonalization,
ICA, BSS and BSE. The user can easily compare various algorithms for Blind Source
Separation (BSS) employing the second order statistics (SOS), and ICA using the higher
order statistics (HOS). This package is hence quite versatile and extendable for user
ICALAB can be useful in the following tasks:
1. Blind Source Separation (BSS), Sequential Blind Sources Extraction (BSE),
2. Reduction of redundancy (Book, Chapter 3),
3. Decomposition of multi-variable signals into independent components (Chapters
4. Spatio-temporal decorrelation of correlated signals (Chapter 4),
5. Extraction and removal of undesirable artifacts and interference by applying
deflation (see Chapters 1 and 4),
6. Removal of noise or "cleaning" the raw sensor data,
7. Extraction of features and patterns,
8. Comparison of the performance of various algorithms for Independent
Component Analysis (ICA) and Blind Source Separation (BSS),
9. Monte Carlo analysis
Several benchmarks are included to illustrate the performance of the various algorithms
for a selection of synthetic and real world signals (see Benchmarks).
Limitations of version 3
The Version 3 of the package is limited to 160 channels. Higher number of channels may
be useful for high density array processing in biomedical signal processing and in
multivariate time series analysis (available on request). Also the number of integrated
algorithms is limited to relatively fast and efficient algorithms.


User guide
Starting ICALAB
To start ICALAB for Signal Processing type:
i cal ab
in the MATLAB command window (Note: this package runs on MATLAB 5.3 or
ICALAB for Signal Processing was developed under MATLAB version 7.1 and tested
under MATLAB versions: 7.0, 7.1 and 7.2. (Note: Previous versions (i.e. 6.5) may not
work properly due to some unsupported graphics functions.)
Loading the processing data
To load new signals or data for further processing:
1. Click on the Fi l e in the menu bar. It contains Open item. Both HELP and EXI T
buttons in the main window will become active after loading of the data file.

Fig. 1 Initial window after starting the program ICALAB. Please click on the Fi l e |
Open menu to load your data which can be in MATLAB format (*.mat), ASCI format (*.txt
and *.dat) or Excel formats (*.xls and *.csv).
(Press on image to enlarge).
2. You can load the data (our benchmarks or your own data) stored in the MATLAB
(*.mat files), ASCI (*.txt and *.dat files) or Excel (*.xls, *.csv) format.
The signals must be stored in a 2-dimensional matrix inside the corresponding
o the number of rows corresponds to the number of sensors (the number of
o the number of columns corresponds to the length of the signals, i.e.,
number of samples.
The loaded Matlab files can contain one or more data matrices. The user can
choose any one of the matrix data. However, data loaded in ASCII or Excel
format should contain only one data file. There is no limit to the length of the
signals (number of samples), but in the version 3 available on the web, only a
maximum of 160 signals (time series) can be loaded and processed.
Usually, the convergence speed of the algorithms in this package strongly
depends on the dimension of signals (i.e., the number of observations and the
number of samples) and the computer resources, e.g., available memory or
processor speed. In the case of processing of large files, we recommend that you
increase the swap space on the hard disk.

Fig. 2 Window illustrating how to load a benchmark or your data. After selecting the
desired data file, click on the Open button.
3. You can optionally discard some signals and select an arbitrary time window
using the Select channels window. Click on the SELECT CHANNELS button.

Fig. 3 Window after loading of the data. It is possible to input the sampling frequency of
the data to obtain the axis of the plots in time units or leave it empty to use normalized
units. If your MATLAB data consist of several matrices click on Sel ect var i abl e
popup menu to choose desired data. Click optionally on SELECT CHANNELS in order to
choose the time window (the number of samples) and desired signals or directly on
Al gor i t hmto select one of the algorithms (beginners could start with AMUSE and SANG
algorithms). In order to achieve a fast convergence it is recommended to process less
than 10.000 samples at a time.
The Select channels window will appear. This window allows you to mark the
signals (or data) that you want to use for further processing. You can also choose
a specific time window for the input signals (number of samples) by entering the
first and last sample numbers into the fields marked as st ar t and end at the
bottom of the window. The numbers in the respective fields specify the current
starting and ending positions for the processing. Press the OK button (In the
window below, this appears in the highlighted area) to load selected signals.
Unselected channels (in our example, channels No. 2 and 4) are ignored (removed
from original data). You can al so SAVE the selected signals to a *.mat file.

Fig. 4 Window illustrating the selection of channels and time window. In this window
channels s2 and s4 are deleted.
Mixing the signals
You can mix the signals synthetically, in case they are not originally mixed. Leave the
option with identity (unit matrix) for real world (superimposed or mixed) data.

Fig. 5 Window illustrating how to choose the mixing matrix H. If your data are real-data (not
benchmark or test data) please ignore this option. Default mixing matrix is identity matrix (H =I).
The option to mix the source signals is applied only for testing and comparing the
performance of various algorithms. In ICALAB, 12 alternative ways to generate such
mixing matrices are available:
Identity (unit matrix) - for real world data signals,
Randomly generated nonsingular matrix,
Randomly generated nonsingular symmetric matrix,
Randomly generated nonsingular ill-conditioned matrix with the conditioning
number larger than 10000,
Hilbert matrix (which is very ill conditioned),
Toeplitz matrix,
Hankel matrix,
Nonnegative symmetric
Bipolar symmetric
Any specific matrix edited manually by user.
The last option is limited to be a 15x15 mixing matrix. For this option, click on the EDI T
button and the following window will show up. This enables you to edit every element of
the mixing matrix. After typing in the entries, you will see that both the determinant and
condition numbers of the mixing matrix H are updated automatically.

Fig. 6 Window illustrating how to edit the mixing matrix H. The editable mixing matrix H can not
be larger than 15x15 in size.
Adding noise to the signals
You can also add noise to the each sensor signal before performing ICA or BSS with the
following options:
No noise - the sensor signals are not changed.
Gaussian noise with SNR level from 20dB down to 15dB, 10dB, 5dB, and 0dB -
the white Gaussian noise is added to the signals with the selected SNR level.
Uniform noise with SNR level from 20dB down to 15dB, 10dB, 5dB, and 0dB -
the uniformly distributed noise is added to the signals with the selected SNR
This option can be used e.g., to investigate the robustness of a specific algorithm with
respect to the additive noise.

Fig. 7 Window illustrating the procedure of adding noise synthetically. Please ignore this option
for real data. The noise can be added to test robustness of algorithms for benchmarks.
Choosing the algorithm
Once you have loaded data and chosen the (optional) mixing matrix, you can select one
of the available algorithms. There is a list of about 20 algorithms which can be applied.
Inexperienced users should try to use AMUSE, SOBI (SOS algorithms), SANG, JADE,
SIMBEC (HOS algorithms) first. You can find detailed descriptions of algorithms either
in the Book or through the online help here.
In this version of ICALAB we have implemented also several versions of constrained
ICA (cICA) or ICA with Reference (ICA-R) algorithms. Such algorithms require
additional information about references signal or signals. The objective is to estimate
hidden components which are correlated or in some sense have some similarity to a
specific reference signal. This class of algorithms is als reffered \ as constrained ICA
(cICA) or ICA with Reference (ICA-R). Generally, we can use a hierarchical or multi-
stage BSS approach to ICA-R. In this approach at the first stage, we can apply a
simple standard ICA algorithm like SOBI but with automatic ordering of components to
extract the suitable references signals. In the second stage we can use some selected
components as references signals in ICA-R in order to extract more precisely
physiological meaningful components corresponding for example to some periodic
stimulus or events. We can repeat this procedure several times using various components
and/or various algorithms. I worth to note that for some sensor data as reference signals
can used directly specific observed signals with strong responses or artifacts with some
waveforms which are potentially interesting but not sufficiently enhanced. In such cases,
for ICA-R algorithm the user must specify a data file in which reference signal or signals
are available as additional inputs.
You can also add your own algorithm(s) or algorithms available from other sources to
test and compare their performance and choose the optimal one for your purpose. Please
refer to the example m-files: user_algk.m to see how ICALAB calls the user-defined
algorithms or amuse. mfile. The user algorithm can return only demixing (separating)
matrix W.

Fig. 8 Window illustrating how to select an algorithm from the list of available algorithms for ICA,
BSS, BSE. They are three types of algorithms: ICA algorithms exploiting mutual independence
based on higher order statistics (HOS) (e.g., Natural Gradient (NG) algorithms, J ADE, FICA
(Fixed Point algorithms)), BSS algorithms based on second order statistics (SOS) and exploiting
spatio-temporal decorrelation (e.g., AMUSE, EVD2, SOBI, SONS). BSE algorithms can extract
arbitrary group of sources sequentially one by one. Users can add their own algorithms or
algorithms available on the Internet using available user _al gk. mfiles.

Fig. 9 Window illustrating how to use Advanced Options. Experienced users can use the
advanced options by clicking on the ADV. OPTI ONS button and set the parameters. As an
example the window of advanced parameters for SOBI algorithm is shown.
Setting the advanced parameters
In the package, most of the algorithms are given default parameters which often close to
optimal. Thus, you can start testing the algorithms without the need for adjusting or
preselecting the parameters. The default parameters are already tuned approximate
optimum values for typical data. Otherwise, you can tune the parameters for most of the
algorithms by clicking on the advanced option button ADV. OPTI ONS. It is recommended
that you use this option and tune the parameters if you are already familiar with the
algorithm (see references (publications) for derivation, properties, and description of the
Some advanced parameters are designed globally and/or automatically for all algorithms,
or each algorithm in a specific group of algorithms. For example, the advanced parameter
ORDERING (i.e., ranking or sorting of estimated components) allows automatic sorting
the estimated components by many different criteria (see Fig. 10).

Fig. 10 Illustration of automatic ranking of components in the Advanced parameter option by
selecting several criteria: complexitylinear predictability, value kurtosis, skewness, sparsity,
canonical correlation, Hurst exponent.
ICA-R group of algorithms requires additional parameters in the form of reference signal
and detail reference signal. User needs to select the set of reference signals and choose
one specific component as the reference signal. More information how to use cICA
algorithms will be explained later in more details.

Fig. 11 Illustration how to select parameters for a cICA (ICA-R) algorithm. .
In many cases, the user extensively tests an algorithm or a set of algorithms and chooses
optimal set of his/her own parameters for specific data. This set of parameters can be
conveniently saved and used in the next sessions by selecting (pressing) the button SET
AS DEFAULT. In other words, after adjusting the advanced parameters, the user could
store and use them latter as the user-default parameters by pressing the button SET AS
DEFAULT. They are saved and next loaded automatically from data file defaultpars.mat
as a specific algorithm is called. To restore the default program value, we could press
button DEFAULT (set default values for current algorithm) or just delete data file
defaultpars.mat (set default values for all algorithms).

Fig. 12 Set and save the user preferable parameters by Set as Default.
After selecting the algorithm and adjusting its free parameters, you can click on the
button RUN ALGORI THM. The learning procedure will be started and the algorithm specific
messages will appear in the main MATLAB command window. During the computation,
an additional window will display the algorithm name will appear. You can stop the
learning process by clicking on the I NTERRUPT button.
In the version 3, the interrupting feature is enabled for almost all algorithms and Monte-
Carlo analysis.

Fig. 13 Interrupt Window. Please click on the I NTERRUPT button to stop algorithm for example if
the convergence is slow and you want to try faster alternative algorithms. For some algorithms
this function is disabled.
Multiresolution Subband Decomposition - Independent
Component Analysis (MSD-ICA)
By definition, standard ICA algorithms are not able to estimate statistically dependent
sources, that is, when the assumption of independence does not hold. In many cases,
however, we may be able to reconstruct the original sources using simple preprocessing
techniques and to estimate mixing and separating matrices, even if the sources are not
The ICALAB Toolbox enables blind separation of sources for a wide class of signals that
do not satisfy the independence assumption. This can be achieved by applying second
order statistics (SOS), exploiting spatio-temporal decorrelation (STD) of sources, or
applying linear predictability (LP) and smoothness criteria (see the book) and for some
preprocessing, such as: differentiation, high- low-pass filtering, sparsification or subband
Moreover, each unknown source can be modeled or represented as a sum of narrow-band
sub-signals (components). Provided that for some of the sub-bands (at least one) sub-
components are mutually independent or temporally decorrelated, suitably designed sub-
band filters can be used in the preprocessing stage to extract mixture of them assuming
that these sub-bands can be identified by a priori knowledge. The standard ICA or BSS
algorithms for such transformed (filtered) mixed signals can then be applied. In one of
the simplest case, the source signals can be modeled or decomposed into their low- and
high- frequency components. In practice, the high frequency components are often found
to be mutually independent. In this case, we can use a High Pass Filter (HPF) to extract
high frequency sub-components and then apply any standard ICA algorithm to such
preprocessed sensor (observed) signals.
In the version 3 ICALAB, some optional preprocessing has been implemented. To use
this option, click on the Pr epr ocessi ng button at the main ICALAB window. This
option is particularly useful for blind separation of dependent or correlated source signals
or images, such as faces or natural images, where you will notice significant
improvements in the performance of the algorithms. In the preprocessing stage, more
sophisticated methods, such as band pass filters or wavelet transforms, can also be
applied. Optimal choice of a transformation depends on a specific application and
optimal parameters are problem dependent. Experiments are necessary to choose the
optimal parameters.
Click on the Pr epr ocessi ng button in order to perform preprocessing of sensor data. In
the first step two window appear (Fig. A), when you can select different preprocessing
You can choose one from the following options:
1. No preprocessing.
2. Differentiation (first and second order).
3. Highpass filtering (Butterworth filter) with adjustable cutoff frequency.
4. Averaging with adjustable number of cascades of first order low-pass filters.
5. Lowpass filtering (Butterworth filter) with adjustable cutoff frequency.
6. Subband decomposition and selection: See below.
7. IIR/FIR filter design tool with numerous options. See below.
8. User-defined preprocessing function. Edit the file preprocessing_user.m

Fig. A The two windows for choosing parameters of preprocessing and visualizing the mixed
Every preprocessing procedure is performed before the ICA algorithm and after pressing
of the button OK. Preprocessing options remain active as long as you do not change the
mixing matrix, the noise level or one of the preprocessing options.

IIR/FIR filter design tool
This option allows comprehensive design of IIR and FIR filters with visualization of
parameters. The Fig. B below shows the options, which include:
1. Setting of frequency range, auto-detection of significant part of the signal
spectrum, based on spectrogram (95% of the signal power). You can select Range
of I nt er est or Ful l Range.
2. Filter type: lowpass, highpass, bandpass, bandstop.
3. IIR filters: Butterworth, Chebyshev I & II, Elliptic
4. FIR filters: Window-based, Least-Squares, Equiripple.
5. Filter order, visualization of filter impulse response, phase or magnitude
characteristics and other parameters.

Fig. B. The window for IIR/FIR filter design. Adjusting of Range of I nt er est and visualization
of filter characteristics.

Subband decomposition and selection
This option provides a powerful preprocessing method for the ICA/BSS. The subband
transform decomposes the input signal into several subbands by applying the
corresponding bandpass filters. The figure shows the subband decomposition structure
and the frequency responses for the filters. The number of subbands and the specific filter
(Butterworth, Chebyshev I/II, Elliptic) can be selected by the user.

Fig. C Subband filtering.
Let be m signal mixtures x
(k); (i= 1, ..., n). Let L be the number of subbands. Then, every
mixture x
(k) is decomposed into L subsignals x
(k); (l = 1, ..., L). It is expected that if
we select one or preferably several subsignal(s) from them (including the original mixture
(k) (denoted as x
(k) in the figure B), based on an appropriate criterion, we can achieve
better separation.
You can set parameters listed as follows:
Number of subbands: This parameter corresponds to L in the above figure.
Filter name: To construct a bank of filters, you can choose a filter from
Butterworth, Chebyshev I/II and Elliptic.
Order of the filter
Number L of subbands to be selected
Subband selection criterion: It can be chosen the following cost functions : l
norm, l
-norm or kurtosis
; p = 0.5 or 1

where x
(k) is normalized so that it has zero mean and unit variance. The user can define
his own cost function by editing the useralg_pre.m file
It is possible to view the spectrum of the data (FFT) by pressing the Vi ew FFT button in
the preprocessing window.

Fig. D. Spectrum plot of the signal. The signals can be divided into pages. The user can change
the number of samples displayed in each page by replacing the value by an arbitrary integer
number. This allows the user to employ the zoom facility on the visualized data. The pages can
be changed by clicking on the arrows.

Fig. E. Subband decomposition and selection of the filtering parameters. The green field in the
plot represents the part of signal spectrum which is not significant for analysis, the user can
change this frequency range manually or detect it automatically (detection based on signal
power). The subbands are selected to span the significant part of signal band.
The user can choose the Range of I nt er est , display the Pr ot ot ype filter or Al l
Fi l t er s. Other options are similar to those presented in previous subsection.
If you check Di spl ay channel si gnal s and select nodes manually you can display a
subband signal for each mixture channel and check the value of the cost function. The
detail of this option will be explained below.

Display channel signals and select nodes manually
If this option is active (see Fig. E below), after you click the APPLY button, the following
two windows appear:

Fig. F. Subband selection.

Fig. G. Subband signals.
The lower figure (in Fig. F) illustrates the value of the chosen criterion for each subband.
If the mixture i.e. in original, observed data (ROOT in the figure) does not contain higher
frequency components, those components are automatically discarded, because the cost
function is normalized by the variance of filtered signals, which implies that even if the
amplitudes are negligibly small, the value of the cost function can be large. The cost
values for those spurious or undesirable subbands are indicated by yellow bars. The
selected subband(s) is/ are indicated by red bar(s).
Although the ICALAB can select the subband(s) automatically, the user can preselect
any subband manually with possibility to display the filtered signals (Fig. G). The upper
plot in figure E presents the subband decomposition tree. The subband signals x
(k) are
plotted in Fig. G. To change the target mixture, please choose the mixture number i by
selecting the corresponding checkbox below the subband number.
After selecting the suitable subband filtering of sensor signals, press OK in the main
preprocessing window and ICA/BSS algorithm starts to run. If you want to reset some
options, press CANCEL.
Remark: It is recommended that for noisy data the user selects ALL subbands except
few with the highest frequency range (this enhances the signal-to-noise ratio). For
noiseless data you may try to use all subbands (please test, for example, the benchmark
ACpos24spar se10. mat ).
The main references are:
1. A. Cichocki and P. Georgiev, Blind Source Separation Algorithms with Matrix
Constraints , IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, invited paper,
Special Session on Independent Component Analysis and Blind Source
Separation. vole. E86-A, No.1, March 2003.
2. A. Cichocki, T. Rutkowski and T. Tanaka: Beyond ICA: Multiresolution Subband
Decomposition ICA (MSB-ICA), Smooth Component Analysis (SCA) with
constraints, Non-Independent Blind Source Separation (NIBSS). BSI Riken
Retreat Oct. 2002.
3. M. Zibulevsky, P. Kisilev, Y. Y. Zeevi and B. A. Pearlmutter: Blind source
separation via multinode sparse representation. In: Advances in Neural
Information Processing Systems 14, Morgan Kaufmann, 1049-1056, 2002.
4. T. Tanaka and A. Cichocki, "Subband decomposition independent component
analysis and new performance criteria," in Proceedings of International
Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP2004), vol. V,
(Montreal, Canada), pp. 541-544, IEEE Signal Processing Society, IEEE, May
5. A. Cichocki, "Generalized Component Analysis and Blind Source Separation
Methods for Analyzing Multichannel Brain Signals" - preliminary version of a
chapter in the monograph, "Statistical and Process Models of Cognitive Aging",
Notre Dame Series on Quantitative Methods, Editors: M.J Wenger and C.
Schuster, (Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum, 2007)
Visualizing the results
When the program finishes computation, we have three sets of parameters:
1. The demixing (separating) matrix W.
2. The matrix of independent components (or separated signals): y(k) = W x(k), (k =
1, 2, ..., N),
o N - denotes the number of samples,
o x(k) - are observations at discrete time instant k,
o In practice the data are stored in matrix forms, i.e., Y = W X and X = H S,
where H is a selected mixing matrix, X = [x(1), x(2), ..., x(N) ] is m by N
matrix of observations, S = [s(1), s(2), ..., s(N) ] - is the matrix of primary
source signals, and Y = [y(1), y(2), ..., y(N) ] is the matrix of estimated
3. The global mixing-demixing matrix G = W H represents the separation
performance of the synthetically mixed sources. For real world data, H = I and
thereby the global matrix G = W is equal to the demixing matrix W.
After convergence, you can visualize the results by clicking on the PLOT button. You can
select the number of signals p displayed simultaneously in every window by changing the
number of subplots. By dragging the vertical scroll-bar you can scroll through the signals
where you can see simultaneously p signals. The number of signals displayed
simultaneously is defined by the user in the main ICALAB window. You can also scroll
through the signals by clicking on the arrow. The estimated source signals are shown in
the Independent components window. In addition, you can see the loaded signals in the
Sources window, which displays the original signals. In case you mixed the signals by the
arbitrary mixing matrix (H not equal I), we recommend that you look also at the Sensors
(mixtures) window. Of course, there is no need to mix them if your original signals were
already mixed or they represent real (measured or observed) superimposed data prepared
for decomposition into independent (or spatio-temporal decorrelated) components and
further processing. You can look at the performance of the selected algorithm in the
Global Matrix (Performance Index - PI) window for the artificially mixed sources (see
the book for definition of PI and matlab file icacalcpi.m). Additionally, for each chosen
plot window, it is possible to obtain additional subwindow by checking the appropriate
Subwi ndowoption.
Paging and zooming
The signals of the dimension over 1000 samples are divided automatically into pages (see
Fig.14). By default, each page contains approximately one half of the data samples, but
the user can change the number of samples displayed in each page by replacing the
number in the field by an arbitrary integer number. This allows the user to employ the
zoom facility on the visualized data. The pages can be changed by clicking on the arrows
<<or >>or on the bar displayed above the plot (see Fig. 14).
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Fig. 14 Four windows illustrating the output results: (a) Plot of Independent Components (IC's) or
separated or extracted (estimated) sources depending on the used algorithm. (b) Plot of Global
matrix G =W H, displaying global Performance Index (PI). This plot makes sense only for
benchmarks or testing algorithms for known mixing matrix. (c) Plot of primary sources (if
available). If the sources are not available, this window displays the sensor signals. (d) Plot of
mixed signals. If the identity matrix (H =I) is chosen as the mixing matrix the mixed signals are
equal to loaded available data.
The subwindow option offers additional possibilities of visualization for the plots of
estimated sources, sources and mixed signals. Two menu items are available:
Signals view
1. Time domain
2. FFT - Frequency domain
3. Spectrogram (Caution! The calculation may be long)
4. PSD - power spectrum
5. Scatter plot
1. Auto / Fixed
2. Linear / Logarithmic
3. X / Y Limits
4. Scatter plot options - see Fig. 14c

Fig. 14a Subwindow. Offers visualization of signals in time, frequency and time-frequency
domains. Allows adjustment of scale and type of axes.

Fig. 14b By clicking on the label of the signal in the main subwindow it is possible to display
individual signal in a separate, large window.

Fig. 14c Scatter plot options.
If you choose the 3D plot of the global matrix G = W H or G = U Q H (where Q is a
prewhitening matrix and U is a rotation matrix in the two stage procedure of
orthogonalization or prewhitening. For details please see the book).

Fig. 15 Exemplary 3-D plot of a global performance matrix (G =W H).
Note: Rendering 3D plots of large number of signals might take a long processing time.

Fig. 16 Exemplary plot of estimated matrix H =inv(W).
The window for Estimated mixing matrix H = inv(W) shows distribution of entries of
estimated mixing matrix.
Optionally, you can specify which plots to show. At the bottom of the main ICALAB
window, click on Vi ew. A small window appears which allows choosing different plots.
Instead of closing each of the windows separately, just click on the CLOSE button. Plot
windows are closed automatically if you rerun any algorithm.

Fig. 17 Window illustrating how to choose various plots for the visualization and processing of
obtained results.
All the signals (sources, mixtures, independent components) are displayed, each in a
separate window.
Saving the results
The ICALAB package generally assumes the following generative mixing model
x(k) = H s(k) + v(k), k = 1, 2, ..., N
where v(k) is a vector of additive noise,
or in batch mode
X = H S + N

X = [ x(1), x(2), ..., x(N) ],
S = [ s(1), s(2), ..., s(N) ],
N = [ n(1), n(2), ..., n(N) ];
V is matrix representing the additive noise,
and demixing model:
(k) = w
x(k), j = 1, 2, ..., N k = 1, 2, ..., N
y(k) = W x(k), k = 1, 2, ..., N
Y = W X
Y = [ y(1), y(2), ..., y(N) ].

Variable Description Dimension of matrix
S Sources or independent components n x N
X Observations (sensor signals) m x N (m >= n)
Y Estimated sources or independent components n x N
H Mixing matrix m x m or n x m
W Demixing matrix m x n or n x n
G Global (mixing-demixing) matrix m x n or n x n
Table 1 Basic variables used in ICALAB
Remark: In the version 3, some variables are non-capitalized (s, x, y).
Remark: Some algorithms automatically detect the number of sources and reduce the
number of outputs to n. The other algorithms assume that the demixing matrix W is an m
x m square matrix (see the Book for explanation).
You can save the results for further processing by clicking on the SAVE button. Note that
all the signals will be saved into a single MAT file (with the specified name). In the file,
the variables S, X, Y, H, W, G are saved (with the same names as the variables), i.e., S -
sources, X - sensors (mixture), Y - independent components or estimated sources, H -
mixing matrix, W - demixing matrix, and G - global (mixing-demixing) matrix.
The individual data can be saved optionally in the following formats as well:
ASCI format
name_G. t xt - global matrix G
name_H. t xt - mixing matrix H
name_W. t xt - ummixing matrix W
name_S. t xt - primary source signals S
name_X. t xt - sensor signals X
name_Y. t xt - Independent components or separated signal Y
Excel formats:
name_G. xl s
name_H. xl s
name_W. xl s
name_S. xl s
name_X. xl s
name_Y. xl s
name_G. csv
name_H. csv
name_W. csv
name_S. csv
name_X. csv
name_Y. csv
The data can be saved in the Excel format *. xl s only if Microsoft Excel program is
installed on your computer. On UNI X operating systems you can save your data in csv
format. However, such saving takes rather long time.

After extracting the independent components or performing blind separation of signals
(from the mixture), you can examine the effects of discarding some of components by
reconstructing the sensor signals from the remaining components. This procedure is
called deflation or reconstruction, and allows you to remove unnecessary (or undesirable)
components that are hidden in the mixture (superimposed or overlapped data). In other
words, the deflation procedure allows you to extract and remove one or more independent
components (or uncorrelated sources) from the mixture x(k). To do this, you need to open
the Reconstruction procedure window by clicking on the DEFLATI ON button in the main
ICALAB window. The DEFLATI ON button becomes activated only after the estimation of
the demixing matrix W is completed using any of the built-in or user-defined algorithms
(see the book for details).
The deflation procedure is carried out in two steps.
1. In the first step, the selected algorithm estimates the demixing matrix W and then
performs the decomposition of observations into independent components by y(k)
= W x(k).
2. In the second step, the deflation algorithm eliminates one or more components
from the vector y(k) and then performs the back-propagation x
= W
(k), where
is a vector of reconstructed sensor signals, W
= H
is a generalized pseudo
inverse matrix of the estimated demixing matrix W, and y
(k) is the vector
obtained from the vector y(k) after removal of all the undesirable components
(i.e., by replacing them with zeros). In the special case, when the number of
sources is equal to the number of sensors and the number of outputs, we can use
inverse matrix W
instead of W
In batch format, the reconstruction procedure can be written as
= W

= [ x
(1), x
(2), ..., x
(N) ] - reconstructed sensor signals,
= [ y
(1), y
(2), ..., y
(N) ] - reduced (selected or filtered) independent

Fig. 18 Window illustrating the selection of deflation procedure (post-processing). Please click on
the DEFLATI ON button to reconstruct "clean" data or remove some components.
In the deflation procedure, you can eliminate undesirable components by unticking the
check box at the left of each component (signal) in the left plot. In general, you may want
to discard more than one component by choosing specific components representing for
example noise, artifacts or undesirable interference. After unticking (or ticking the
components which should remain), you can perform deflation by pressing the button Do
def l at i on. Simultaneously, it appears the second window, similar to the subwindow in
Fig. 14a, which allows the detailed analysis in time and frequency domains of each
reconstructed sensor signal (Fig. 19a).
The deflation (reconstruction) procedure is illustrated in Fig. 19. In this figure, almost all
(from 10) components y
are reset to zero except the components y
and y
that are
projected back to sensor levels (as x
(k) = pinv(W) y
(k) = W
(k), where W
means pseudo-inverse of demixing matrix W and y
(k) = [ 0, y
(k), 0, 0, 0, 0, y
(k), 0, 0, 0
). The results are shown on right-side plot in Fig. 19.

Fig. 19 Window illustrating the deflation procedure. Left plot shows the IC's or separated signals
before deflation and the right plot shows the reconstructed sensor signals after eliminating some
undesirable components representing for example artifacts, interference or noise. In this
example, only signals y
and y
are back-projected, remaining components are ignored.

Fig. 19a. Subwindow allowing the detailed analysis in time and frequency domains of each
reconstructed sensor signal. Such signal analysis can be also performed for source and observed
After completing the deflation procedure, the reconstructed sensor signals can be saved
for a further processing by clicking on the Save r esul t s button. This allows you to
process reconstructed sensor signals by applying the same or different ICA/BSS/BES
algorithms. For example, in the first stage you can apply a second-order statistics BSS
algorithm to recover sources with temporal structures. In the second stage, you may use
any higher-order statistics ICA algorithm to recover independent components.
In the same way, you can save the reconstructed data using the deflation procedure. The
reconstructed data can be saved as follows
name_XR. mat
name_XR. t xt
name_XR. xl s
name_XR. csv
In the Deflation window, the CANCEL button means you can leave this window (i.e.
deflation procedure) and go back to the main program without saving or making any
changes. By pressing RETURN button, you will save the reconstructed signals X
as new
sensor signals X which can be further processed by any built-in algorithm. This allows
you to process and extract signals in a multistage procedure (multilayer system) - see the
book for details.
Monte Carlo Analysis
This is an enhanced feature in ICALAB ver. 3 for statistical analysis, simulating and
comparing the behavior of various algorithms. By ticking (switching on) the Monte Carlo
option and the pressing RUN ALGORI THM, MC analysis will execute arbitrary number of
trials specified by the user (default is 100 number of trials) for the current (selected)
algorithm for randomly generated matrix with only constraints for selected mixing
matrix type (e.g., symmetric or nonnegative matrices). In addition, Monte Carlo analysis
can provide more flexible and general testing options (see Fig. 20) including sequential
ran and comparison of pre-selected algorithms or even all implemented algorithms.
The MC analysis has the following options and set of parameters:
Restarts: Generate the new mixing parameters in each trial if Restarts is ON
Multi run: if this option is checked ON, the Multi Run mode is activated, and
the user can test and compare many algorithms with the same parameters (i.e.,
sources, mixing matrix, SNR) in each MC trial. Some detailed steps for setup of
parameters or options for the MC analysis are follows (Fig. 20a)
- Select checkbox ON to activate Multi Run mode
- Press button >> and select the corresponding algorithms which you want to
compare or evaluate in the right list (see Fig. 20a). The chosen list is stored,
and could be used in the next MC analysis without need to select them again.
o DEFAULT button sets up the current algorithm for MC analysis.
o ALL ALGORI THMS button allows selecting all algorithms for comparing
(heavy calculation!!!)
- Press OK to finish your selection for MC analysis.
The main purpose of Multi Run mode is to compare performance, robustness and
consistency of the different algorithms for the same model and or the same mixing
conditions. In order to get reasonable and meaningful results in relative short time it is
recommended that the user choose optimal for specific problem set of parameters and set
up the user default parameters of each algorithm before running the Monte Carlo

Fig. 20 The main setup for the Monte Carlo analysis has two new options: Restarts and Multi

Fig. 20a Illustration how to select specific algorithms for Multi Run mode of the Monte Carlo
Fig 21 illustrates selection of parameters for the Monte Carlo analysis in the case of
SOBI algorithm with 100 trials and for benchmark data file ABio7.mat is shown in the
Fig. 21. In this case, we obtain two kind performance indices: Mean values of Signal to
Interference Ratio (SIR) for the mixing matrix A=H and source signals S. It is easy and
intuitively to evaluate the effectiveness and consistency of any algorithm. In normal case,
a successful blind separation is achieved if we able to recover the matrices of A and S
with SIR> 16 dB, and the specific algorithm is considered a very consistent if the
standard deviation of SIR is smaller than (10%).

Fig. 21 Distribution of SIR for mixing matrix A and estimated signals S after 100 trial Monte Carlo
analysis for SOBI algorithm for ABio7.mat data
As an illustrative example we have performed the Monte Carlo analysis using the same
mixed model and for three algorithms: SOBI, FPICA and EFICA. Fig. 22 shows results
of MC analysis after 100 trials for data ABio7.mat. In order to display results of MC
analysis press the button PLOT.
Remark: Before MC we set up the advanced parameters for each algorithm as user-
default parameters. Omitting this setting step, algorithms will take the default parameters
set up in the previous session. However, user should not forget choosing the most suitable
parameters for each algorithm, and also remove some optional post-processing option
such as ranking (sorting) of components which do not affect to the final results but may
increase computational time.

Fig. 22 Illustration of results of the Monte Carlo analysis of three algorithms SOBI, FPICA and
EFICA with two performance indices: SIR_A and SIR_S.
In addition to the SIR evaluation mentioned above, the MC analysis also gives some
other visualizations of statistical analysis which are activated by button VI EWas explained
in Fig. 23. The requested (interesting) MC results/visualizations are emphasized by the
red box, while the other ones could be unchecked (e.g., Signal-to-Interference (SIR) for S
and for A). It should be noted that SIRs give us information how good we able to
reconstruct specific mixing matrix and sources (neglecting scaling and permutation

Fig. 23 Window illustrating some options for Monte Carlo analysis and visualization of signals
and performance of separation.
Fig. 24 illustrates performance (SIRs distributions) using the MC analyses for two
algorithms: AMUSE and SOBI for clean and noisy data ABio5.mat. For clean data, in the
left column of the Fig. 24, each row corresponds to each algorithm; in such case the both
algorithms separate signals successfully and consistently. Moreover, we could know the
successful order of the estimated components. The first component is always the best
estimated. And the bottom row shows the mean SIRs for S, similar to the Fig. 22.
However, as one could expect for noisy data with SNR=20dB, the SOBI with 500 time
delays performs much better than AMUSE.

Fig. 24 SIR_S histogram for each estimated component. The 100 trial MC analysis of two
algorithms: AMUSE and SOBI.
Instead of SIR for source signals S, we could use the other performance index: SIR for A;
which is more reliable measure of, especially at the presence of additive noisy. The Fig.
25 shows a typical histogram of SIR_A. The results are obtained from the same MC
analyses in the Fig. 24. It seems that the both algorithms are rather successful for
noiseless data. However, the experiments with the noisy data show the robustness in
respect to noise for only the SOBI algorithm. It is clearly to find that SOBI is still
powerful and gives SIR > 16 dB, and SIR average 23.29 dB (the bottom row of right
column in the Fig. 25).

Fig. 25 SIR histograms for each mixing column of the same MC analyses in the Fig. 24.
Exit from ICALAB
It is recommended to exit the ICALAB program by clicking on the EXI T button in the
main program window as below:

Fig. 26 Window illustrates how to exit from program. Please click on the EXI T button to leave the
program or choose Cl ose in the menu bar.

Tips for effective usage of ICA algorithms
Using effectively an algorithm, it requires the user to understand clearly the algorithm
and its parameter. This section does not intend to give details for all parameters of each
algorithm, just gives some useful setting tips for several common parameters.
Time Delays for SOS BSS algorithms (AMUSE, EVD, SOBI, SAD)
These kind of algorithms exploit temporal structure of colored sources and use the time-
delayed covariance matrices. The user has now several flexible options to use different
time delays in Advanced Options. We illustrate this by the following examples:
- Number of time delays: 30 Means running algorithm with 30
consecutive time delays p =1 2, , 30.
- Number of time delays: 30 3 or 3 30

running algorithm with 2 time delays p =3
and p =30.
- Number of time delays:

0 30 or 30 0 (zero)

running algorithm with one single time
delay p =30.
- Number of time delays: 1:10 30 running algorithm with 11 time delays p =
1, 2, , till 10 and 30.

Fig. 27 Setting for time delay parameter in SOBI, left figure : the user sets a single time delay p
=100 and (right figure) two time delays p =5 and p =100. The other algorithms have the
similar setting.
Due to permutation ambiguity BSS algorithms estimate hidden components in arbitrary
order. However, in many practical applications we need ranking of the components in
order to compare them or to identify significant or physically meaningful components.
Ranking allows ordering the estimated components by specified criteria. This tool could
be found in the advanced options of all implemented algorithms (Fig. 10).
- AMUSE ranking: Based on the order of singular- eigenvalues of the
time-delayed covariance matrix or equivalently according to increasing
complexity (in the sense of linear predictability),
- Kurtosis ranking : Based on the sparsity measure estimated by the
value kurtosis (in the wavelets or the time-frequency domain)
- Skewness ranking - in order to discriminate some components with
nonsymmetric distributions
- Sparsity ranking: Based on sparsity measure proposed by Hoyer
- Canonical Correlation Analysis: Based on time canonical correlation
- Hurst exponent - In order to discriminate components with some long trend
or with physical meaning.

Fig. 28 The different rankings of estimated components are illustrated by different criteria,
AMUSE, Kurtosis, Hoyer sparsity, CCA, Hurst coefficients. (Sometimes criteria provide similar or
the same ranking)
Hoyer sparsity CCA
Hurst coefficients
Non Ranking
The different criteria can give the different order (ranking) of the estimated hidden
components depending on their statistical properties. Fig. 28 illustrated the order of
components estimated by SOBI algorithm. Another example tested for the EEG data is
shown on the Fig. 29. The estimated signals are arranged in the order of the descending
complexity, value of kurtosis and sparsity.
Although the ranking procedure just takes relatively short computation time, user should
rather not check this option as running the Monte Carlo analysis.

AMUSE Kurtosis
Hoyer sparsity
Fig. 29 Ranking of 19 EEG channels after separating by SOBI.
Reference sources
Reference signals have generally the row matrix structure; it means each row of the
reference matrix represents a one reference signal. The reference data file must contain
only one reference matrix. With group of ICA-R or cICA algorithms, reference parameter
is necessary and is set up in the advanced options. If it is missed, one warning box
appears and informs what to do.

Fig. 30 Warning dialog appear when missing the reference signals.

Fig. 31 Window dialog illustrating selection of additional reference signals.
In the edit box for reference signal, type the pathname and name of the file (Fig. 11) or
just select the necessary file in dialog Select a reference data file (Fig. 31). Number of
reference signal is identified and displayed in the edit text Chose specific detail
reference signal. In the default case, all signals in the selected file will become the
reference signals. However, user could define which individual reference signal should
be used. The selected order of reference signals defines the order of estimated
sequentially one by one component. For example, according to the Fig. 32, component
having the strongest correlation with the 4
reference signal will be estimated firstly.
Moreover, there is also a dialog for selecting reference signal (Fig. 33) appeared when
pressing the button emphasized by the red box

Fig. 32 Windows illustrating the selection of the reference signals: In this case: Define the
channels 4
and 1
as reference signals. The order of reference signals is also the order of
estimated hidden components (estimated sources) in sequential processing.

Fig. 33 Another optional tool for defining reference signals.
Sequential or Simultaneous processing
Two processing approaches are designed for cICA or ICA-R algorithms. If the number of
sources is large and the number of extracted signals is quite small, sequential (one by
one) processing should be used. However, this may cause some cumulative errors and
usually it requires form the user to have more experiences.

Algorithms in ICALAB

AMUSE - Algorithm for Multiple Unknown Source Extraction based on
AMUSE - Algorithm for Multiple Unknown Source Extraction is based on the EVD of a
single time-delayed covariance matrix for prewhitened data. Default is unit time delay,
however, the user can specify arbitrary time delay.
The AMUSE algorithm is described in detail in Chapter 4 (Section 4.2.2).
This algorithm was originally proposed by L. Tong et al.
1. L. Tong, V. Soon, Y. F. Huang, and R. Liu, Indeterminacy and identifiability of
blind identification, IEEE Trans. CAS, vole. 38, pp. 499-509, March 1991.
2. L. Tong, Y. Inouye, and R. Liu, Waveform-preserving blind estimation of multiple
independent sources, IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, 41 (7), pp. 2461-2470,
July 1993.
and was implemented in modified form in:
3. R. Szupiluk, Blind Source Separation for Noisy Signals, Ph.D. Thesis (in polish),
Supervisor A. Cichocki, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland, June 2002.
4. R. Szupiluk, A. Cichocki, Blind signal separation using second order statistics,
Proc. of SPETO 2001, pp. 485-488.
This algorithm uses the sub-optimal time delay p = 1, however it could be set by another
value in the advanced options. It is relatively fast but very sensitive to additive sensor
noise. The algorithm belongs to the class of second order statistics (SOS) methods since
it uses only the time-delayed covariance matrix. It performs blind source separation of
colored sources (i.e., the signals with temporal structure) and uses the standard
prewhitening technique described in Section 4.1. In this implementation, it has been
found that the algorithm is rather very sensitive to additive noise, when the number of
sources is equal to the number of sensors.
In order to reduce dimension and to improve the performance for noisy data you may
wish to modify the algorithm by using a different time delay or by adopting a robust
prewhitening method described in Section 4.1.7 of the Book.

EVD2 (SOS BSS algorithm based on symmetric EVD)
EVD2 algorithm for Blind Source Separation of colored sources employs eigenvalue
decomposition (EVD) of a symmetric matrix that is a linear combination of several time-
delayed covariance matrices. It is described in detail in Chapter 4 (Section 4.3). More
detail in using time delay could be found in the Tips section.
The approach was also presented in the following paper:
1. P. Georgiev and A. Cichocki, Blind source separation via symmetric eigenvalue
decomposition, in Proceedings of Sixth International Symposium on Signal
Processing and its Applications, Aug. 2001, pp. 17-20, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,
2. P. Georgiev and A. Cichocki, Robust blind source separation utilizing second and
fourth order statistics, International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks
(ICANN-2002), Aug. 2002, Madrid Spain.
This algorithm can separate colored sources if their covariance matrix
= E { s(k) s
(k) }
is an exact diagonal matrix.

SOBI - Second Order Blind Identification
SOBI (Second Order Blind Identification) was originally developed by Adel Belouchrani
et al. A similar algorithm has been proposed independently by Molgedey and Schuster
and A. Ziehe and K. Mueller
A detailed description of the algorithm in its standard form is given in Chapter 4 (Section
4.4). In the Advanced Option, users can select the number of time-delayed covariance
matrices to be jointly diagonalized (default number of the matrices is K = 4 with the time-
delays p = 1, 2, 3, 4). More detail on using time delays could be found in the Tips
Besides Cardoso- Souloumiac joint approximation diagonalization (JAD) algorithm is
based on the Givens rotation, SOBI is implemented using some alternative and powerful
approximation diagonalization, such as Li-Zhang Fast Approximate Joint Diagonalization
(FAJD) and Sequential Approximate Diagonalization (SAD), Ziehe et al. joint
diagonalization (FFDIAG), R. Vollgraf-Obermayer Quadratic Optimization for
Approximate Diagonalization (QDIAG). The effective utilization of each different JAD
algorithm depends on the data type, level of additive noise and the experience of user.

Fig. 34 Choosing the approximate diagonalization method for SOBI,
The example in Fig. 35 shows how to employ SOBI with QDIAG procedure. The tested
signals are 4 sinusoidal waves with different frequencies (Fig. 35 a). The signals shown
in the Fig. 35 c and d are estimated from the mixtures shown in Fig. 35.b with different
time delays, p = 1: 4 and p = 1: 20, respectively.

Fig. 35 SOBI with QDIAG with time delays p =4 and p =20, a) sources, b) mixtures, c) outputs
of 4 time delays p =4, d) outputs of 20 time delays p =20.
The SOBI algorithm has been presented and analyzed in the following papers:
1. A. Belouchrani, K. Abed-Meraim, J.F. Cardoso, and E. Moulines, Second-order
blind separation of temporally correlated sources, in Proc. Int. Conf. on Digital
Sig. Proc., (Cyprus), pp. 346-351, 1993.
2. A. Belouchrani and K. Abed-Meraim, Separation aveugle au second ordre de
sources correlees, in Proc. Gretsi, (Juan-les-pins), pp. 309-312, 1993. (in French)
3. A. Belouchrani, K. Abed-Meraim, J.F. Cardoso and E. Moulines, A blind source
separation technique using second order statistics, IEEE Trans. on Signal
Processing, vole. 45, No. 2, pp. 434-444, February 1997.
4. L. Molgedey and G. Schuster, Separation of a mixture of independent signals
using time delayed correlations, Physical Review Letters, vole. 72, No. 23, pp.
3634-3637, 1994.
5. A. Ziehe, K.-R. Mller, TDSEP - an efficient algorithm for blind separation using
time structure, ICANN'98, 675-680, Skovde 1998.
The Joint Approximate Diagonalization (JAD) Algorithms have been developed in the
following papers:
a b
c d
1. J.-F. Cardoso and A. Souloumiac, Jacobi angles for simultaneous
diagonalization, In SIAM Journal of Matrix Analysis and Applications, vole. 17,
No 1, pp. 161-164, Jan. 1996.
2. M. Joho and K. Rahbar, "Joint diagonalization of correlation matrices by using
Newton methods with application to blind signal separation," in Proc. Sensor
Array Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop, Aug. 2002, pp. 403-407.
3. A. Yeredor, "Non-orthogonal joint diagonalization in the least-squares sense with
application in blind signal separation," IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 50,
no. 7, pp. 1545-1553, July 2002
4. A. Ziehe, P. Laskov, G. Nolte, and K.-R, Mller, "A fast algorithm for joint
diagonalization with non-orthogonal transformations and its application to blind
signal separation," J Mach. Learn. Res., Vol. 5, pp. 777-800, 2004.
5. R. Vollgraf, and K. Obermayer, "Quadratic optimization for simultaneous matrix
diagonalization," IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 54, no. 9, pp. 3270-3278,
Sept. 2006.
6. Xi-Lin Li and Xian-Da Zhang, Non-orthogonal Joint Diagonalization Free of
Degenerate Solution, IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, 2007.
7. Xi-Lin Li and Xian-Da Zhang, "Sequential blind extraction adopting second-order
statistics," IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 58-61, 2007.

SOBI-RO - Robust SOBI with Robust Orthogonalization
SOBI-RO (Robust Second Order Blind Identification with Robust Orthogonalization) is
described in detail in Chapter 4 (Section 4.4).
The SOBI-RO algorithm employs the robust orthogonalization preprocessing as
described in Section 4.3.1.
It was originally published in
1. A. Belouchrani, and A. Cichocki, Robust whitening procedure in blind source
separation context, Electronics Letters, vole. 36, No. 24, 2000, pp. 2050-2053.
2. S. Choi, A. Cichocki and A. Belouchrani, Blind separation of nonstationary
sources in noisy mixtures, Journal of VLSI Signal Processing 2002 (in print).

SOBI-BPF - Robust SOBI with bank of Band-Pass Filters
SOBI-BPF with bank of band-pass filtering is described in detail in Chapter 4 (Section
The SOBI-BPF algorithm employs joint diagonalization based upon a bank of band-pass
filters as described in Section 4.3.1.
The related publications are:
1. A. Cichocki and A. Belouchrani, Sources separation of temporally correlated
sources from noisy data using a bank of band-pass filters, in Proc. of Third
International Conference on Independent Component Analysis and Signal
Separation (ICA-2001), pp. 173-178, San Diego, USA, Dec. 9-13, 2001.
2. A. Cichocki, T Rutkowski and K Siwek, Blind extraction of signals with specified
frequency bands, Neural Networks for Signal Processing (NNSP-2002),
Martigny, Switzerland, September 2002.
3. R.R. Gharieb and A. Cichocki, Second order statistics based blind signal
separation using a bank of subband filters, Journal of Digital Signal Processing,

SONS - Second Order Nonstationary Source Separation
The SONS (Second Order Nonstationary Source Separation) algorithm is described in
detail in Chapter 4 (Section 4.4.1).
The algorithm allows you to perform both ICA (for arbitrary distributed nonstationary
sources with temporal structures) and BSS (for colored sources with different spectra),
depending on the time delays, the number of time windows, and the size of each window.
In the Advanced option, you can select these parameters to optimize the algorithm for a
specific problem.
If you wish to obtain smooth signals the sub-window should have 500 samples or more.
In order to achieve sparse independent signals choose a short sub-window in the range
10-50 samples.
The SONS algorithm has been developed by S. Choi and A. Cichocki and presented in
the following publications:
1. S. Choi and A. Cichocki, Blind separation of nonstationary sources in noisy
mixtures, Electronics Letters, vole. 36, pp. 848-849, April 2000.
2. S. Choi and A. Cichocki, Blind separation of nonstationary and temporally
correlated sources from noisy mixtures, IEEE Workshop on Neural Networks for
Signal Processing, NNSP'2000, pp. 405-414, Sydney, Australia, Dec. 11-13,
Related publications:
3. S. Choi, A. Cichocki, and A. Belouchrani, Blind separation of second-order
nonstationary and temporally colored sources, Proceedings of the 11th IEEE
Signal Processing Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing, pp. 444-447,
Singapore, 2001.
4. S. Choi, A. Cichocki, and A. Belouchrani, Second order nonstationary source
separation, Journal of VLSI Signal Processing, 2002.
5. D.-T. Pham and J.-F. Cardoso, Blind separation of instantaneous mixtures of non
stationary sources, IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vole. 49, No 9, pp. 1837-1848.

WASOBI and EWASABI are efficient and optimized extensions of the SOBI and was
developed and implemented by P. Tichavsk, Z. Koldovsk, E. Doron, A. Yeredor, and
G. G. Herrero
For details please see the following publications:
1. P. Tichavsk, Z. Koldovsk, E. Doron, A. Yeredor, and G. G. Herrero, "Blind
signal separation by combining two ICA algorithms: HOS-based EFICA and time
structure-based WASOBI", Proceedings of The 2006 European Signal Processing
Conference (EUSIPCO'2006), Florence, Sep. 2006.
2. P. Tichavsk, E. Doron, A. Yeredor, and J. Nielsen, A Computationally
Affordable Implementation an Asymptotically Optimal BSS algorithm for AR
Sources , to be presented at EUSIPCO 2006, Florence, Italy, September 2006.
3. Yeredor, A., Blind Separation of Gaussian Sources via Second-Order Statistics
with Asymptotically Optimal Weighting, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 7
no. 7 pp. 197-200, July 2000
4. Doron, E. and Yeredor, A., Asymptotically Optimal Blind Separation Of
Parametric Gaussian Sources - Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS 3195):
Independent Component analysis and Blind Source Separation, 5th International
Conference on ICA, Granada, Spain, September 2004 , Springer - Verlag 2004.

JADE-op - Robust Joint Approximate Diagonalization of Eigen matrices
(with optimized numerical procedures)
The JADE algorithm was originally developed and implemented by Jean-Francois
Cardoso and Antoine Souloumiac.
The main references are:
1. J.-F. Cardoso and A. Souloumiac, Blind beam-forming for non Gaussian signals,
IEE Proceedings-F, pp. 362-370, vole. 140, 1993.
2. J.-F. Cardoso and A. Souloumiac, Jacobi angles for simultaneous
diagonalization, In SIAM Journal of Matrix Analysis and Applications, vole. 17,
No 1, pp. 161-164, Jan. 1996.
Related reference:
3. J.-F. Cardoso, On the performance of orthogonal source separation algorithms, In
Proc. EUSIPCO, pp. 776-779, Edinburgh, September 1994.
4. J.-F. Cardoso, High-order contrasts for independent component analysis, Neural
Computation, vole. 11, no 1, pp. 157-192, Jan. 1999.
In the ICALAB package, we have used a modified version of this algorithm with a
reduced number of eigen matrices as described in Chapter 4. We have also optimized
some numerical procedures in MATLAB to speed up the algorithm. This algorithm is
free of any adjustable parameters (there is no parameter tuning).
The JADE-opt has been modified and implemented by Anh Huy Phan

JADETD (HOS Joint Approximate Diagonalization of Eigen matrices with
Time Delays)
JADETD is an HOS ICA algorithm similar to the standard JADE algorithm. The main
difference is that it uses time-delayed cumulants matrices instead of quadricovariance
matrices with no time delays.
You can select the number of time-delayed eigen matrices from 1 to 500 (see Section 4.4
and Appendix C-4).
For more details, see Chapter 4 and the following paper:
1. P. Georgiev and A. Cichocki, Robust blind source separation utilizing second and
fourth order statistics, International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks
(ICANN-2002), Aug. 2002, Madrid, Spain.
2. P. Georgiev and A. Cichocki, Robust Independent Component Analysis via Time-
Delayed Cumulant Functions, IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, Vol. E86-A, No. 3,
March, 2003.

FJADE (Flexible Joint Approximate Diagonalization of Quadricovariance
This algorithm is developed based on quadricovariance matrices and supports for many
joint approximate diagonalization (JAD) methods: JADE, FAJD, FFDIAG, QDIAG and
SAD. Basic references to JAD could be found in the section related to the SOBI
From the mixtures, a set of N N high order cumulant matrices C
were constructed. The
goal of a joint diagonalization algorithm is to find a matrix V such that the transformed
matrices VC
become as diagonal as possible for all k.
- JADE is defined as the optimization problem using the cost function
( )


T k
off min V VC

where the diagonal measure function ( ) ( )

j i
off F is the Frobenius norm of the off-
diagonal elements in F.
- FAJD uses the the following minimization:
[ ] ( ) V V VC
det ln min
1 1 , 1

= = =

i j j
k k

, 1 k K and are the positive weights.
- FFDIAG uses the following minimization:
[ ]


+ +
j i
ij k
k k
min E W D WD ,
where D
and E
denote the diagonal and off-diagonal parts of C
, respectively, W is the
updated matrix V (I + W) V.
- QDIAG uses the following constrained optimization problem
( ) 1 to subject min

k i i j
j k
w C w w C w

for all i = 1, N, and
w is a i-th row vector of W,
are the normalized weight factors
of the individual data matrices C

= 1.
- SAD considers the following constrained optimization problem
[ ] 1 ..., , to subject min
1 0
, ,

k k
d d d d a w C
d a w

where d
, d
, d
are unknown scalars, vector a is collinear with one column vector in
mixing matrix A, and vector w
is one row vector of demixing matrix W.

SAD (Sequential Approximate Diagonalization)
Xi-Lin Li and Xian-Da Zhang proposed an efficient algorithm for sequential blind
extraction exploiting the second-order statistics (SOS). For more details, see the
following papers:
1. Xi-Lin Li and Xian-Da Zhang, Non-orthogonal Joint Diagonalization Free of
Degenerate Solution, IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, 2007.
2. Xi-Lin Li and Xian-Da Zhang, "Sequential blind extraction adopting second-order
statistics," IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 58-61, 2007.
In ICALAB, this algorithm has been modified, improved and reduced the computational
time. Moreover, the deflation procedure developed for SAD allows user to extract
arbitrary number of signals. Fig. 36 shows how to specify the number sources. The Fig.
36 gives an example of two extracted components for the benchmark ABio7.mat, and the
results of simulation are shown in the Fig. 37.

Fig. 36 Specifying the number of extracted signals in the SAD algorithm..

Fig. 37 Illustration of two extracted components with deflation. Values of SIR for A and for S
indicate that extracted these sources successfully (SIR>20dB).

FPICA (Fixed-Point ICA)
Fixed Point or Fast ICA algorithm has been originally developed and implemented by
Aapo Hyvrinen and Erkki Oja:
1. A. Hyvrinen and E. Oja, A Fast Fixed-Point Algorithm for Independent
Component Analysis, Neural Computation, 9(7):1483-1492, 1997.
2. A. Hyvrinen and E. Oja, Independent Component Analysis: Algorithms and
Applications, Neural Networks, 13(4-5):411-430, 2000.
3. A. Hyvrinen, Fast and Robust Fixed-Point Algorithms for Independent
Component Analysis, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 10(3):626-634,
a b
In the ICALAB package, we have implemented the FPICA sequential blind extraction
algorithm which extracts independent non-Gaussian distributed sources one by one as
described in Chapter 5, Section 5.2.4.

POWERICA (Power iteration for ICA)
1. Shuxue Ding, Independent Component Analysis without Predetermined Learning
Parameters. CIT 2006: 135
2. Shuxue Ding, A Power Iteration Algorithm for ICA Based on Diagonalizations of
Non-Linearized Covariance Matrix. ICICIC (2) 2006: 730-733.
3. S. Fiori. Fully-multiplicative orthogonal-group ica neural algorithm. Electronics
Letters, 39(24), 2003, pp. 1737 1738.

EFICA (Efficient Variant of FastICA)
EFICA algorithm has been developed and implemented by Z. Koldovsk, P. Tichavsk
and E. Oja:
1. Z. Koldovsk, P. Tichavsk and E. Oja, Efficient Variant of Algorithm FastICA
for Independent Component Analysis Attaining the Cramr-Rao Lower Bound,
IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks, vol. 17, no. 5, pp. 1265- 1277, September 2006.
2. P. Tichavsk, Z. Koldovsk and E. Oja, Performance Analysis of the FastICA
Algorithm and Cramr-Rao Bounds for Linear Independent Component Analysis,
IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, Vol. 54, No.4, April 2006.
3. Z. Koldovsk and P. Tichavsk, "Blind Instantaneous Noisy Mixture Separation
with Best Interference-plus-noise Rejection", submitted to SPAWC2007, Jan
4. Z. Koldovsk and P. Tichavsk, "Asymptotic Analysis of Bias of FastICA-based
Algorithms in Presence of Additive Noise", technical report nr. 2181, TIA, AV
R, Jan 2007.

(Combination and Multi-combination of WASOBI and EFICA)
1. Tichavsk, P., Koldovsk, Z., Doron, E., Yeredor, A. and Gomez-Herrero, G.,
Blind Signal Separation by Combining Two ICA Algorithms: HOS-Based EFICA
and Time Structure-Based WASOBI - Proceedings of The 2006 European Signal
Processing Conference (EUSIPCO'2006), May 2006.
2. P. Tichavsk, Z. Koldovsk, A. Yeredor, G. G. Herrero, and E. Doron, "A Hybrid
Technique for Blind Non-Gaussian and Time-Correlated Sources Using a
Multicomponent Approach", submitted to IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks, Jan

CICA (Constrained ICA) and ICA-R (ICA with Reference)
In this group, we have three different algorithms. They are able to process in sequential
and simultaneous mode. More detail in choosing reference signals could be found in the
Tips section. The extracted signals have available forms of references. It is necessary to
not forget selecting references before running. The data of previous ICA algorithm is
hold for the next ICA algorithm. Therefore, after testing one cICA or ICA-R algorithm,
we dont need to select reference signal again when change to another algorithm that also
belongs to the same group.

Fig. 38 One example with CICA, sources (left), mixtures (center) and extracted component based
on reference signal (right).
1. W. Lu and J. C. Rajapakse, Constrained Independent Component Analysis, NIPS,
p570-576, 2000.
2. W. Lu and J. Rajapakse, ICA with reference, Submitted to ICA 2001.", year =
3. W. Lu, and J. C. Rajapakse, Approach and Applications of Constrained ICA,
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, vol. 16, no. 1, Jan, 2005.
4. R Q.-H. Lin, Y-R Zheng, F.-L. Yin, H. Liang, V. D. Calhoun: A fast algorithm
for one-unit ICA-R Information Science. 2007.
5. De-Shuang Huang and J ian-Xun Mi: A new constrained Independent
Component Analysis method IEEE Transaction of Neural Networks 2007

Algorithms SANG, NG-FICA, Pearson, ERICA belong to natural gradient (NG)
algorithms and are described in detail in Chapters 6 - 8.
The algorithms have been originally presented in the following papers:
1. S. Amari, A. Cichocki, and H.H. Yang, A new learning algorithm for blind signal
separation, in Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, NIPS-1995,
vole. 8, pp. 757-763. MIT Press: Cambridge, MA, 1996.
2. S. Amari and A. Cichocki, Adaptive blind signal processing - neural network
approaches, Proceedings IEEE, vole. 86, pp. 1186-1187, 1998.
3. A. Cichocki, R. Unbehauen and E. Rummert, Robust learning algorithm for blind
separation of signals, Electronics Letters, vole. 30, No.17, 18th August 1994, pp.
4. A. Cichocki and R. Unbehauen, Robust neural networks with on-line learning for
blind identification and blind separation of sources, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and
Systems - I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, vole. 43, Nov. 1996
(submitted in June 1994), pp. 894-906.
5. S. Choi, A. Cichocki, and S. Amari, Flexible independent component analysis,
Journal of VLSI Signal Processing, vole. 26, No. 1/2, pp. 25-38, 2000.
6. S. Cruces, L. Castedo, A. Cichocki, Robust blind source separation algorithms
using cumulants, 49, pp. 87-117, 2002.
7. S. Cruces, L. Castedo, A. Cichocki, Novel Blind Source Separation Algorithms
Using Cumulants, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and
Signal Processing, vole. V, pp. 3152-3155, Istanbul, Turkey, June 2000.
8. L. Zhang, S. Amari and A. Cichocki, Natural Gradient Approach to Blind
Separation of Over- and Under-complete Mixtures, Proceedings of ICA'99,
pp.455-460, Aussois, France, January 11-15, 1999.
9. L. Zhang, A. Cichocki and S. Amari, Natural Gradient Algorithm to Blind
Separation of Overdetermined Mixture with Additive Noises, IEEE Signal
Processing Letters, Vol.6, No. 11, pp. 293-295, 1999.
10. L. Zhang, S. Amari and A. Cichocki, Equi-convergence Algorithm for blind
separation of sources with arbitrary distributions, LNCS 2085, J. Mira & A.
Prieto (Eds), Springer, pp. 826-833, 2001.
11. A. Cichocki and P. Georgiev, Blind Source Separation Algorithms with Matrix
Constraints , IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, invited paper,
Special Session on Independent Component Analysis and Blind Source
Separation. vole. E86-A, No.1, March 2003.
The wide class of NG algorithms can be represented in a general form as
W(l+1) = W(l) + (l) [ D - <F(y)>] W(l)
where is a symmetric positive definite matrix (typically, =
F(y) is a suitably chosen n by n matrix of nonlinearly transformed output signals typically
with entries
= f(y
) y

= f(y
) g(y
D = diag{d
, d
, ..., d
is a diagonal positive definite matrix, typically with entries
= 1
= <f(y
) g(y

SANG (Self Adaptive Natural Gradient algorithm with nonholonomic
The SANG is a batch algorithm which can be represented in the following form:
W W + [D - <f(y) g
(y)>] W
where the entries of the diagonal matrix D satisfy the nonholonomic constraints, i.e.
= <f(y
) y
>, d
= 0, for i not equal j.
and the learning rate matrix is a diagonal matrix with entries:
The main references are:
1. S. Amari, T. Chen and A. Cichocki, Non-holonomic constraints in learning blind
source separation, Progress in Connectionist-Based Information Systems, Eds. N.
Kasabov, ICONIP-97, New Zealand, Springer, Nov. 1997, vole. I, pp. 633-636.
2. S. Amari, T. Chen and A. Cichocki, Nonholonomic orthogonal learning
algorithms for blind source separation, Neural Computation, vol. 12, 2000, pp.
3. A. Hyvrinen, J. Karhunen, and E. Oja, Independent Component Analysis, John
Wiley, New York, 2001.

NG-FICA (Natural Gradient - Flexible ICA)
The NG - FlexICA (Natural Gradient Flexible ICA) algorithm has been developed by S.
Choi, A. Cichocki and S. Amari (with MATLAB implementation by Seungjin Choi).
The main references are:
1. S. Choi, A. Cichocki, and S. Amari, Flexible independent component analysis,
Journal of VLSI Signal Processing, Vol. 26, No. 1/2, pp. 25-38, 2000.
2. S. Choi, A. Cichocki, and S. Amari, Flexible independent component analysis, in
Proc. of the 1998 IEEE Workshop on NNSP, pp 83-92, Cambridge, UK, 1998.
The algorithm is described in detail in Section 6.4.

ThinICA Algorithm
Thin algorithm for Independent Component Analysis (ThinICA) has been developed by
Sergio Cruces and Andrzej Cichocki [1].
The ThinICA algorithm is able to extract simultaneously arbitrary number of components
specified by the user. The algorithm is based on criteria that jointly perform
maximization of several cumulants of the outputs and/or second order time delay
covariance matrices. This employed contrast function combines the robustness of the
joint approximate diagonalization techniques with the flexibility of the methods for blind
signal extraction. Its maximization leads to hierarchical and simultaneous ICA extraction
algorithms which are respectively based on the thin QR and thin SVD factorizations. The
ThinICA algorithm can be regarded as hierarchical/simultaneous extensions of the fast
fixed point algorithms [2] and has also close links to [3] and [4, 5]. The implemented
version works both for real and complex signals.
The main references are:
1. S. Cruces, A. Cichocki, Combining blind source extraction with joint approximate
diagonalization: Thin Algorithms for ICA, Proc. of the Fourth Symposium on
Independent Component Analysis and Blind Signal Separation, Japan, pp. 463-
469, 2003.
2. A. Hyvrinen, E. Oja, Fixed point algorithm for independent component analysis,
Neural Computation, vole. 9, pp. 1482-1492, 1997.
3. L. De Lathauwer, P. Comon, B. De-Moor, J. Vandewalle, Higher-order power
method - application in Independent Component Analysis, Proc. of NOLTA,
4. A. Belouchrani, K. Abel-Meraim, J. F. Cardoso, E. Moulines, A blind source
separation technique using second-order statistics, IEEE Trans. on Signal
Processing, vole. 45(2), pp. 434-444, 1997.
5. J. F. Cardoso, A. Souloumiac, Blind beamforming for non Gaussian signals, IEE
Proc.-F, vole. 140 (6), pp. 362-370, 1993.

ERICA - Equivariant Robust ICA - based on Cumulants
ERICA Algorithm - Equivariant Robust Independent Component Analysis algorithm
(which is asymptotically equivariant in the presence of Gaussian noise) has been
developed by Sergio Cruces, Luis Castedo and Andrzej Cichocki.
This algorithm separates the signals from m mixture of n sources (with non zero kurtosis)
in the presence of Gaussian noise.
This algorithm is a quasi-Newton iteration that will converge to a saddle point with
locally isotropic convergence, regardless of the distributions of the sources. The use of
prewhitening is not necessary for this algorithm to converge.
The main references are:
1. S. Cruces, L. Castedo, A. Cichocki, Robust blind source separation algorithms
using cumulants, Neurocomputing, vole. 49, pp. 87-117, 2002.
2. S. Cruces, L. Castedo, A. Cichocki, Novel Blind Source Separation Algorithms
Using Cumulants, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and
Signal Processing, vole. V, pp. 3152-3155, Istanbul, Turkey, June 2000.

SIMBEC - SIMultaneous Blind Extraction using Cumulants
SIMBEC Algorithm (Simultaneous Blind signal Extraction using Cumulants) was
implemented by Sergio Cruces, Andrzej Cichocki, Shun-ichi Amari.
It performs the simultaneous blind signal extraction of an arbitrary group of sources from
a rather large number of observations. Amari proposed in [1] a gradient algorithm that
optimizes the ML criteria on the Stiefel manifold and solves the problem when the
approximate (or hypothetical) densities of the desired signals are a priori known. This
algorithm [2-4] extends this result to other contrast functions that do not require explicit
knowledge of the source densities. The necessary and sufficient local stability conditions
of the algorithm are exploited to obtain fast convergence.
The main references are:
1. S. Amari, Natural Gradient Learning for over- and under-complete bases in ICA,
Neural Computation, vole. 11, pp. 1875-1883, 1999.
2. S. Cruces, A. Cichocki, S. Amari, Criteria for the Simultaneous Blind Extraction
of Arbitrary Groups of Sources, in the 3rd international conference on
Independent Component Analysis and Blind Signal Separation. San Diego,
California, USA, 2001.
3. S. Cruces, A. Cichocki, S. Amari, The Minimum Entropy and Cumulant Based
Contrast Functions for Blind Source Extraction, in Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, Springer-Verlag, IWANN'2001, vole. II, pp. 786-793,
4. S. Cruces, A. Cichocki, S. Amari, On a new blind signal extraction algorithm:
different criteria and stability analysis, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2002 (in
The algorithm can extract an arbitrary group of sources specified by the user.

UNICA - Unbiased quasi Newton algorithm for ICA
UNICA Algorithm (Unbiased qNewton algorithm for Independent Component Analysis)
has been developed by Sergio Cruces, Andrzej Cichocki and Luis Castedo.
UNICA is used to extract a specified number of independent components performing
unbiased ICA in the presence of correlated Gaussian noise in the mixture. The algorithm
performs a quasi-Newton iteration for the estimation of the mixing system with a
minimum variance distortion response criterion which eliminates from the outputs the
interfering components and all the noise that is outside the extracted signal subspace.
The main references are:
1. S. Cruces, A. Cichocki, L. Castedo, Blind Source Extraction in Gaussian Noise,
In proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Independent Component
Analysis and Blind Signal Separation (ICA'2000), pp. 63-68, Helsinki, Finland,
June 2000.
The algorithm is described in Chapter 8 (Section 8.7).

User algorithms
You can integrate your own algorithms or any ICA/BSS, BSE algorithm available in
MATLAB within the ICALAB package by simply inserting the code(s) in each of:
user _al g1. m- user _al g10. mfiles.
Note: the algorithm must be coded in such a way that it returns only one single variable:
demixing matrix W.
If the algorithm estimates the mixing matrix H, you may use W = pinv(H).

ICALAB package contains several benchmarks for testing and comparing performance
of the implemented algorithms.
As you will see, there is no universal algorithm that can successfully separate all sources
included in these benchmarks
The most interesting benchmarks are briefly described below.
1. ACsin10d.mat (mat - file, ascii - gzipped file)- contains 10 sine wave sources of
the following form:
= sin ((2n-1) k) for n = 1,2,....,10.
The sources can be easily separated by second order statistics methods (SOS) like
AMUSE, EVD or SOBI algorithms. However, higher order statistics (HOS) ICA
algorithms fail to reconstruct such sources because the sources are dependent. It is
interesting to note that different ICA algorithms (for example JADE and natural
gradient algorithms) give usually different (inconsistent) results ("independent
components") for this benchmark.
ACsin4d.mat (mat - file, ascii - gzipped file) benchmark is similar to
ACsin10d.mat but contains only 4 sources.
2. ACsparse10.mat (mat - file, ascii - gzipped file) - contains 10 sparse (smooth
bell-shape) sources that are approximately independent. The SOS blind source
separation algorithms fail to separate such sources. Also, some ICA algorithms
have failed to separate such sources. Please try ICALAB to compare performance
of various algorithms.
3. ACvsparse10.mat (mat - file, ascii - gzipped file) - contains 10 very sparse (short
regular pulses) signals. Second order BSS algorithms fail to separate these
4. ABio7.mat (mat - file, ascii - gzipped file) - this benchmark contains 7 typical
biological sources. This benchmark was proposed by Allan Barros.
5. Sergio7.mat (mat - file, ascii - gzipped file) - this benchmark contains 7 sources
(some of them are asymmetrically distributed). This benchmark was proposed by
Sergio Cruces.
6. AC10-7sparse.mat (mat - file, ascii - gzipped file) - contains 10 sensor signals
which are mixtures of 7 sources (extracted from the file ACsparse10.mat).
7. acspeech16.mat (mat - file, ascii - gzipped file) - contains 16 typical speech
signals which have a temporal structure but are not precisely independent.
Similar benchmarks are:
8. Speech4.mat (mat - file, ascii - gzipped file), Speech8.mat (mat - file, ascii -
gzipped file), Speech10.mat (mat - file, ascii - gzipped file) and Speech20.mat
(mat - file, ascii - gzipped file) are benchmarks with 4, 8, 10 and 20 sounds
(speech and music) sources.
9. 10halo.mat (mat - file, ascii - gzipped file) - contains 10 speech signals that are
highly correlated (all 10 speakers say the same sentence).
10. nband5.mat (mat - file, ascii - gzipped file) - contains 5 narrow band sources.
This is a rather "easy" benchmark. Please try any second order statistics (SOS)
algorithm like SOBI, SOBI-RO or AMUSE.
11. Gnband.mat (mat - file, ascii - gziped file) - contains 5 fourth order colored
sources with a distribution close to Gaussian. This is a rather "difficult"
benchmark. Please try program JADE-TD to separate signals from their mixture.
12. EEG19.mat (mat - file, ascii - gzipped file) - consists 19 EEG signals with clear
heart, eye movement and eye blinking artifacts.

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