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Descriptive Statistics

Team work guide


The first team work consists in selecting two variables of study and analyzing them
using all methods that students have learnt in class. It is not about just to apply the
mathematical expressions, but to analyze the information and explain it in a report.
Students will organize themselves in groups of 3 people.
At the end of the work each group have to upload to the virtual campus an excel file
containing the analysis of the variables and a text file containing the report.

The topic will be chosen by the students. It has to be related to a specific area of a
company (Finance, Marketing, Audit) or to economics (GDP, Inflation,
Professor has to be informed previously about the variable of study, before starting
to work, because not all variables will be valid.

Learning Objectives
At the end of this work, the student should be able to:

x Obtain data from business or economy
x Summarize information properly and accurately
x Transform information into knowledge understanding and explaining it
x Draw conclusions and write them down in a formal report
General Objectives
At the end of this work, the student should be able to:

x Work cooperatively with others
x Show/Evidence commitment with the objectives of the group
x Pay attention to other members work and integrate the ones who do not participate
x Write correctly a report about the results

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