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Top 5 Things To Know About

Mrs. Stebbins Classroom

I have an


My name is Mrs. Stebbins and I
will be your students science
teacher this year. At the
beginning of each year, there is
always a lot of information to
take in, both as a student and a
parent. As a parent myself, I
know that there is always lots of
paperwork, things to read and
things to know about all of your
students teachers for the new
year. Well, I promise to make
this as simple as possible.
On the right you will see the top
5 things you need to know about
my classroom. In the pages that
follow, you will be given an
explanation of what each of
these things are, how they will
impact my classroom, and other
additional information about
classroom expectations, policies
and procedures. Please read the
entire packet so that you will be
familiar with this information as
we progress through the year.
If you have any questions or
concerns at any time throughout
the year, please dont hesitate to
contact me. Email is the best
way to contact me but you can
feel free to call the high school
between 7:20am and 3:15pm.
Thanks so much! I look forward
to a great year!

Go Dragons!

Mrs. S
Your student will need the following
supplies for my class:
3 Ring Binder & Loose Leaf Paper
I use
We will use a variety
of apps in class.
Students are
encouraged to bring
cell phones, iPods,
iPads, tablets, etc to
Students will
regularly need
as a part of this

Classroom Information
Mrs. Stebbins
CHS Science Department

What SUPPLIES will my student need?

For this class, each student will be creating a Portfolio. For the Portfolio, each student will need the following:
o One medium-sized three ring binder (dedicated solely to this class)
o Loose leaf paper (no spiral bound notebooks)
o Appropriate writing utensils (writing utensils will not be supplied by the instructor)
The purpose of the Portfolio:
o All note-taking purposes (discussions, videos, summaries, rewriting and review)
o Keep and organize ALL target pages, outlines, assignments, study guides, labs, lab write-ups, etc.
o Review for Instructional Objectives and Common Assessments (I do not give additional review)


My classroom will not be following what some people consider to be the typical classroom setup. I will be using
what is called an integrated classroom.
A very TRADITIONAL CLASSROOM will look like this:
(1) during class, the teacher lectures and the students take notes, then
(2) the students are assigned homework to work on by themselves at home.
This can sometimes lead to frustrations by the students because if they have questions about the work, they are
at home and dont have classmates or the teacher to ask questions or get guidance from.
In a flipped classroom, these roles are reversed.
AN INTEGRATED CLASSROOM will look like this:
(1) The student will have access to online content 24/7
(2) Content may come in the form of videos, online activities, tutorials, discussions, notebook
assignments, etc. that may be assigned as homework
(3) During class, the students will work together along with the teacher to do practice problems, do labs
and work through any questions they have about the content.
The homework becomes the time to get new information through the use of short videos, take notes over those
videos and start making a list of questions.
The classroom becomes the time to work together, practice, conduct labs, and ask questions they came up with
during the homework and get help with a variety of activities.
Attendance and participation will be crucial in my classes. Students, now more than ever, will be in control of their
own destiny in my class. So they will need to be active participants both in and out of class.


A standard is a statement of what the student is supposed to learn about a specific topic before the end of a
class. We have a rather lengthy list of standards that students are supposed to master before the end of this
class. Standards can be confusing because they are written very technically, so for this class I have re-written
and consolidated the MO standards to make up a list of objectives that students will work towards throughout the
year. (and are easier to understand for high school students, parents and teachers)
My goal is that students achieve a high level of mastery on all standards (or objectives). To do that, students
sometimes can breeze through some objectives while needing to spend extra time on others to achieve the
same level of success.
As discussed above with the integrated classroom, most of the work that students will be doing, will be
completed in class where students can get help if they need it. Because of this, most assignments will not be
graded for points. Students are expected to work hard and participate fully whether working alone or in groups.
The focus of this work should be on learning the material and not being pressured to accumulate points. I would
rather have students learn from their mistakes and not be punished by losing points as they are trying to master
the content.
Students will learn and understand what are called objectives. Objectives are based on the MO standards and
represent what the student should learn as they progress through the class.
o An example of an Objective would be:
List and describe the four main classes of biomolecules and discuss the significance of those
molecules to living organisms
To make sure that students are mastering the objectives, I will use Quizzes to test their knowledge of each topic.
If a student does not score well on any Quiz, they will be allowed to retake that Quiz. I do require that students
complete additional work before they will be allowed to retake the Quiz.
Here is the grading process:
o Instructional Objective grades (Instructional Objective Category - 60%)
Usually assessed through Quizzes
Can be assessed through assignments that show mastery levels
Can be retaken at any level
MUST be retaken if below 70%
o Unit Assessment grades (Common Assessment Category - 30%)
This is considered the final retake for unit material and CANNOT be retaken.
If portions of the Unit Assessment are below 70%, student will be required to continue to rework
the material until a 70% mastery is met but grade book scores will not change
o Portfolio (Portfolio Assignments 10%)
There will be one assignment for each unit.
Portfolio assignments MUST be completed before a student can (a) take the test or
(b) opt out of the test.
Portfolio assignments will be due at the end of each unit
They will be roughly worth 100 points each.
These assignments will be discussed further in class as it pertains to each unit.
o Midterm & Final Assessments (Common Assessment Category - 35%)
These assessments will include all information up to that point in the year.
These assessment grades are final. No retakes for grades will be allowed.
If any portion of the assessment is below 70%, the student will be required to rework the
material until a 70% mastery is met but grade book scores will not change
All grades will be based on a ten point scale that will translate into percentages when entered into PowerSchool.
Each Instructional Objective has a maximum rating of 10. Here is the breakdown of what each number means:
o 10 = Repeatedly shows understanding of concept and applies the knowledge to higher level problems
o 9 =Fully understands concept repeatedly
o 8 = Understands key concepts and can apply successfully most of the time
o 7 = Understands concept on a basic level
o 6 = Understands at a basic level, but still has difficulty performing skill regularly
o 5-1 = Is having great difficulty performing skill and still needs time to understand
o 0 = No attempt (not completed)
For more information about this process see the Grading Flow Chart on the last page of this packet


As discussed earlier, we will have an integrated classroom. In an integrated classroom a variety of technologies can be used.
Most high school students are very comfortable using their cell phones, iPads, iPods, tablets, etc. for a variety of things.
Because students have access to their devices outside of school, on the move and pretty much anywhere they go, we strive
to make school work available through these devices. Access to these types of devices is not in any way required, but will be
available to students who wish to take advantage of them.
In an increasingly technological society, being able to utilize a wide variety of apps, devices, software, etc. can be very useful
beyond the high school classroom.
Students will be encouraged to bring any device they have that is capable of internet access and downloading applications.
Apps used in the classroom will always be free apps and will only be downloaded to your students device if you give
permission for them to do so (see Signature Page back page)
Please note: a significant amount of work throughout the year will require internet usage. For any student who does not have
internet access at home, computers are available in the library for students use before or after school, during Dragon Hour
each day or during seminar. Computer access will be provided for all students.
Please indicate on the parent/student information sheet if you do/do not have access to the internet at home simply for my

Electronic Devices Rules:
Cell phones, laptops and all other electronic devices are only to be used for the sake of learning. Students are expected to give school
work their 100% attention. Students are given trust and responsibility with the use of their cell phone in class. In order to assure phones
are used responsibly in my class, there is a strike system put in place.
Examples of behaviors that would earn a student a strike:
Using an electronic device when the teacher is talking
Using an electronic device for anything other than teacher approved functions
o Twitter, email, checking your grades, texting, etc are not approved functions unless permission is given by the
Using technology for anything that is unrelated to current coursework

Once a student earns three strikes that will represent an out. Once you are out your privileges of using electronic devices during
class will be revoked for a period of time (time will depending on severity and frequency of outs). If you are out, you will be required to
place all of your personal electronic devices into the time out box at the beginning of class each day during your out. You will not be
allowed to access electronic devices during class for that period of time. This will apply to classroom devices, such as laptops and also
to personal devices such as cell phones, ipods, ipads, etc. If you need to use classroom electronics such as laptops, you may do so
during Dragon Hour. Electronics can be great learning tools in the classroom but their use will be monitored and abuse of this privilege
will be addressed.

Other Information & Classroom Expectations

I expect students to work hard each and every day. If the student is in class, they are expected to be paying
attention, working hard and putting their heart and soul into their work. If they miss class (for any reason), they
are making every effort possible to get their work, complete it and get it turned in as soon as possible.
As I said earlier, the students are truly in control of their own success. I will be there to help and guide students,
but they have to be willing to put forth the effort to achieve greatness.

Classroom Rules:

Be Prepared
o Includes but not limited to having all work completed before entering the room. Even if the assignment
will not be graded. It still must be done when you get to class. Also, bring necessary supplies to class.
Be Respectful to Others
o Students are expected to be respectful and courteous to instructors and each other AT ALL TIMES!
Being respectful to others also includes respecting the rights of other students to maintain a positive
learning environment by:
Being in your assigned seat and working on the assigned bellwork when the bell rings
Not disrupting class time with irrelevant comments or questions
Follow instructions the first time they are given
Be Respectful to Facilities and Equipment
o Includes but not limited to respecting all materials available for student use in the classroom and
respecting the right to use laboratory materials and equipment (this is an earned privilege and will be
taken away if abused). Students are not permitted to be in the lab area or tamper with lab equipment
without explicit instructions to do so from the instructor.
Work As Assigned
o Focus on assigned work only. If students are given time in class to work on an assignment, the students
are to work on that assignment only. Once they finish that assignment, then they may work on
homework from another class or read quietly. Working as assigned is especially important during the
completion of lab exercises. Any student who attempts anything outside of the parameters of the
assigned lab will face severe consequences.
Follow All School Rules
o See Student Planner. All school rules will be strictly enforced.
o This includes cell phones and dress code. Please adhere to school policy at all times.

Class Discipline Plan:

I believe that any situation needs to be addressed as quickly as possible. I also believe in a well-balanced mix of
respect (smiles, calm tone of voice, attentive ear) and common sense (being on time, work done, finding
solutions to frustrating situations and accepting the natural consequences to our actions).

Behavioral Consequences:

1st Offense : Teacher warning and documentation
2nd Offense: Student will fill out a Focus Form and serve 30 minutes after school detention on Friday
3rd Offense: Discipline Referral Form (sent to the office)
Additional or Severe Offenses: See Student Planner
*The instructor reserves the right to customize behavioral consequences and/or advance through the above
steps more quickly in the event of repeated and/or severe offenses. Severe offenses will result in immediate
administrator involvement and include but are not limited to bullying, fighting, vandalism, and/or possession of illegal or
dangerous materials.
*In some instances, a student may be removed from the classroom in an attempt to alleviate the current situation
(for example: distractions, disruptions, etc). Unfortunately, a student being sent to the hall without something to do,
simply removes the student from the educational process and takes away from valuable educational time. At the
instructor's discretion, additional work, typically in the form of an article review, will be assigned to students that must be
removed from the classroom. This additional work will be due at a time given by the instructor and if not completed by
the given time, must be completed during after school detention.


Student grades will be based upon the weighted categories and scale as follows:
Instructional Objectives (IO) 60%
Common Assessments (CA) 30%
Portfolio Assignment (PA) 10%


Lab Set-ups will often be placed throughout the room (even on your table) as the students enter class for
that day. Students ARE NOT allowed to touch or tamper with ANY LAB STUFF until instructed to do
so by the teacher. Do not touch anything until you are told to do so!! Touching lab supplies before you
are told to will result in immediate suspension from the lab and a grade of zero entered into the
Before students will be allowed to participate in labs, a signed Lab Safety Contract must be on file. Every
Science instructor is required by Missouri State law, to have a signed safety contract on file in their classroom
at all times.
In addition, students must also pass a Safety Quiz before being allowed to participate in labs.
Safety goggles are provided to each student.
For many labs, a pre-lab exercise is required. Students are expected to read over each lab and work any pre-lab
exercises before participating in laboratory exercises.
For each lab, record all information requested, make calculations, draw conclusions, and answer all questions
Completed laboratory work will be due at the beginning of the next class.


All policies in the Student Handbook will be followed.
For safety purposes, NO book bags, backpacks, large bags, or purses, etc. are allowed in any of the
science classrooms.
o Bringing a backpack or bag to class will result in a tardy and/or a 30 min detention and a trip back to
your locker.
During work time, the instructor may sometimes play music low in the background as a reward for good
behavior. Music will be selected by the instructor and played at the instructors discretion. If students do not
enjoy the music selection, they may opt to have no music. Students are not allowed to dictate music selection.
Students have 5 minutes between classes for a passing period. This should be sufficient time for students to
take care of personal business (restroom and water breaks). However, situations will arise when a student will
need to leave the classroom.
Any situation that necessitates a student leaving the classroom will:
1. be at the discretion of the instructor and
2. require that the student have their own planner
3. the planner must be filled out in ink
These three requirements must be met before students will be allowed to leave the classroom.

Please fill out this form and return to class

Student Name (print please) ________________________________________________________________________

Parent Name (print please) ________________________________________________________________________

Parent Contact Info - If I need to contact you for any reason, how would you prefer to be contacted? Check only
those that you prefer and then give the appropriate information
_____ Email ______________________________________________________________________________
_____ Phone ________________________________________________________________________ (home)
_____ Phone ________________________________________________________________________ (cell)
_____ Phone ________________________________________________________________________ (work)
_____ Other ______________________________________________________________________________
Internet Access For this class, your student will need regular internet access. If you do not have internet access at
home or on cell phones, internet will be provided before and/or after school and during seminar. For my information, I
would like to know who does/does not have internet access and/or smart phones and/or other app enabled devices.
Please indicate yes or no to the following statements.
_____ (Y/N) We have a computer at home but we do not have internet access.
_____ (Y/N) We have a computer at home and also internet access.
_____ (Y/N) My student has a smart phone and has my permission to use free downloads for classroom use.
_____ (Y/N) My student has another device (iPad, iPod, tablet, etc) that has access to free app downloads
and has my permission to use it for class.

I have read and understand all of the information in this packet. If I have any questions in the future I know that I may
always contact you via school phone or email.
Parent Signature ______________________________________________________________________________

Student Signature ______________________________________________________________________________

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