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Lesson 35 - At the restaurant.

Rebecca : This looks like a nice restaurant.
Scott : Yeah, it is. I come here all the time.
Rebecca : Let's sit over there.
Scott : OK.
Rebecca : Can you ass me a menu lease.
Scott : Sure. !hat are you "oin" to have to #rink$
Rebecca : I'm "oin" to have a "lass o% beer. &o' about you$
Scott : I think I'll have a "lass o% 'ine.
Rebecca : (o you 'ant to or#er an aeti)er *rst$
Scott : +ot really, maybe 'e can ,ust or#er some brea#.
Rebecca : OK. !hat are you "oin" to have to eat$
Scott : I'm not sure. I haven't #eci#e# yet. Can you recommen# somethin"$
Rebecca : Sure, I've ha# the steak an# the lobster be%ore. They're both very "oo#.
Scott : I think I'll have the lobster. !hat are you "oin" to have$
Rebecca : I'm not that hun"ry. I think I'm ,ust "oin" to have a sala#.
Scott : I'm "onna "o to the bathroom. !hen the 'aitress comes back, 'ill you or#er
%or me$
Rebecca : Sure. +o roblem.
Lesson 36 - I need to do laundry.
-ric : &i .nna, come in.
.na : !o', your aartment is a mess.
-ric : I kno', I #i#n't have time to ut thin"s a'ay be%ore you "ot here.
.na : Look/ .re those all your clothes on the couch$
-ric : Yes.
.na : .re they clean$
-ric : .ctually most o% them are #irty. I haven't #one laun#ry in a 'hile. I usually
'ait until I can #o it at my arent's house.
.na : 1y sister an# I usually "o to the laun#romat #o'n the street. !hy #on't you
"o there$
-ric : I kno' I shoul#, but that lace isn't very convenient. You have to 'ait %or a
lon" time.
.na : Yes I kno'. I have to #o it every 'eek. .ny'ay, are you rea#y to "o$
-ric : +o I'm not rea#y yet. I still have to brush my teeth an# 'ash my %ace. Can
you 'ait %or a %e' minutes$
.na : OK, but lease hurry. I think the restaurant is closin" soon.
Lesson 37 - Finding a convenience store.
.n#re' : 2am, 'here's the closest .T1$
2am : It's not that %ar. (o you see that Yello' buil#in" over there$
.n#re' : The bi" one or the small one$
2am : The bi" one.
.n#re' : Yes.
2am : It's ri"ht ne3t to it, on the ri"ht.
.n#re' : (o you kno' i% there's a convenience store aroun# here$
2am : I #on't think there's one aroun# here. The closest one is on 4r# street, but
that's robably close# no'.
.n#re' : I really nee# to "et some thin"s be%ore I leave.
2am : !ell, you coul# "o #o'n to 55n# street. There are lot o% stores #o'n there
that are oen 56 hours a #ay.
.n#re' : Can I take the sub'ay to "et there$
2am : Yes, but that'll robably take about hal% an hour. You shoul# ,ust take a cab.
.n#re' : !on't that be e3ensive$
2am : +o, %rom here I think it's only about 7 #ollars.
Lesson 38 - Geography and direction.
1an#y : 2ro%essor, 'here's Cana#a$
2ro%essor : Cana#a is north o% here.
1an#y : Can you sho' me on the ma$
2ro%essor : Sure. Look here. Cana#a is north o% the 8nite# States.
1an#y : Oh, I see. !here's 1e3ico$
2ro%essor : 1e3ico is south o% the 8nite# States.
1an#y : &o' about Connecticut$ !here's that$
2ro%essor : Connecticut is east o% +e' York.
1an#y : !hat state is 'est o% 2ennsylvania$
2ro%essor : Ohio.
1an#y : OK, !here's Los .n"eles$
2ro%essor : Los .n"eles is in Cali%ornia. It's southeast o% San 9rancisco.
1an#y : !here's :oston.
2ro%essor : :oston is in the northeast art o% the country.
1an#y : !here is Las ;e"as$
2ro%essor : Las ;e"as is in the south'est.
Lesson 3 - I ate at the hotel.
Ray : &i 1aria, #i# you have break%ast yet$
1aria : Yes, I ate at the hotel 'ith my son an# my husban#.
Ray : Oh, they have "oo# %oo# there. !hat #i# you have$
1aria : I ha# some cereal, %rie# e""s an# oran"e ,uice.
Ray : &o' 'as it$
1aria : The %oo# #i#n't taste very "oo#, an# actually I #on't %eel very 'ell no'.
Ray : That's too ba#. (o you 'ant to take a break$
1aria : +o, I'm "oin" to "o back to the hotel at lunch time to lie #o'n.
Ray : OK. I'm "oin" to the #ru" store later. Is there anythin" I can "et %or you$
1aria : +o, that's OK. I think i% I rest %or a little 'hile I'll %eel better.
Lesson !" - Going to the #ovies.
<erry : .nn 'hat #o you 'ant to #o toni"ht$
.nn : I'# like to "o see a movie.
<erry : I hear# Titanic is layin" at the movie theater.
.nn : Oh, I've hear# that's a "oo# movie. !hat time #oes it start$
<erry : =:4>21. It's a lon" movie. I think it lasts %or about 4 hours.
.nn : !ill you come an# ick me u$
<erry : !hat time$
.nn : I think 'e shoul# "et there early because they mi"ht be sol# out. Is 7:>>21
<erry : Yes, that'll be *ne. I'll meet you at your house at 7:>>21.
.nn : (o you 'ant to "et somethin" to eat be%ore the movie$
<erry : I'm not sure there 'ill be enou"h time %or that. !e can have ocorn an# hot
#o"s at the theater i% you 'ant.
.nn : I #on't like the ocorn they have there. I think they ut too much salt on it.
<erry : OK then, I'll ick you u a little earlier an# 'e can "o to the Thai restaurant
ne3t to the theater, is that OK$
.nn : Yes, I like that lace.
Lesson !$ - %he &ood tastes great.
2atrick : &o' #o you like the %oo#$
(iane : It tastes really "reat. (i# you cook it$
2atrick : Yes. I ma#e it this a%ternoon. !oul# you like some more$
(iane : OK, ,ust a little thou"h. I'm really %ull.
2atrick : Oh. !oul# you like some sou instea#$
(iane : !hat kin# is it$
2atrick : Tomato an# rice. &ave you ha# that be%ore$
(iane : +o. This is my *rst time. &o' #oes it taste$
2atrick : It's "oo#, try it. !hat #o you think$
(iane : !o'. It is "oo#. (i# you make that also$
2atrick : Yes.
(iane : You're a really "oo# cook.
2atrick : Thanks, ne3t time I'll make chicken sou %or us.
(iane : That soun#s "oo#. (i# you stu#y cookin" in school$
2atrick : +o, I learne# by mysel%. I have a "oo# cook book that I rea# 'hen I have
Lesson !2 - 'elping a &riend #ove.
2eter : Kelly, 'ill you hel me take these thin"s to the car$
Kelly : OK, 'hich car #o you 'ant me to ut them in$
2eter : :rin" them to my 'i%e's car.
Kelly : !hich one is hers'$
2eter : The blue S8; in %ront o% the &on#a.
Kelly : !hat shoul# I take *rst$
2eter : That chair over there, but lease be care%ul 'ith it. It 'as a "i%t %rom my
Kelly : (on't 'orry, I 'on't #ro it. !o', it's really heavy. I #on't think I can move it
by mysel%.
2eter : Let me hel you 'ith that. I #on't 'ant you to hurt your back.
Kelly : !here are you takin" all this stu@$
2eter : (i#n't I tell you$ !e're movin" to 9lori#a$
Kelly : You're movin" no'$ I kne' you 'ere movin", but I thou"ht you sai# you 'ere
movin" ne3t month.
2eter : Yes, that's true, but my 'i%e %oun# a ne' aartment on the Internet the other
#ay an# she 'ants to move ri"ht a'ay.
Lesson !3 - (isiting &a#ily.
&enry : <u#y, your husban# has a really nice car.
<u#y : Thanks. It's a lot better than mine, an# it's ne'.
&enry : !here are you "oin"$
<u#y : !e're "oin" to visit my sister in the city.
&enry : I #i#n't kno' your sister lives in the city, 'hen #i# she move there$
<u#y : .bout a year a"o. She lives in an aartment on 4r# street, across %rom the
ublic library.
&enry : I see. It's almost 7:>> 21 no', #on't you think there 'ill be a lot o% traAc$
<u#y : Oh, 'e're not #rivin". !e're "oin" to take the sub'ay. The sub'ay only takes
about 5> minutes.
&enry : Yes, but it can be very cro'#e# aroun# this time. I al'ays %eel
uncom%ortable takin" the sub'ay.
<u#y : I take the sub'ay to 'ork every#ay, so I'm use# to it no'.
&enry : (oesn't your mother live in the city$
<u#y : Yes, she's live# there %or about ten years.
&enry : I remember 'hen she move# there. .artments 'ere a lot cheaer then.
<u#y : I kno' 'hat you mean. It's har# to *n# anythin" that's reasonable no'.
&enry : &ave a "oo# time. +e3t time you're %ree, "ive me a call an# 'e'll "o lay
<u#y : See you later.
Lesson !! - Loo)ing at vacation pictures.
Kathy : <im, I hear# you took a tri to San (ie"o. Is that ri"ht$
<im : Yeah, I ,ust "ot back this mornin".
Kathy : That soun#s really nice. !hat #i# you #o there$
<im : !ell, 'e 'ere only there %or three #ays, so 'e #i#n't #o too much. !e 'ent
shoin" an# 'ent out to #inner a %e' times. .t ni"ht 'e 'alke# aroun# the city
'ith some %rien#s.
Kathy : (i# you take any ictures$
<im : Yes, I have them 'ith me. (o you 'ant to look at them$
Kathy : Sure, I love lookin" at hotos.
<im : This one is o% my 'i%e an# me on the beach, an# this one is our #au"hter
-mily stan#in" ne3t to my 'i%e.
Kathy : Your #au"hter looks like her mother.
<im : I kno', they look very similar.
Kathy : !here 'as this icture taken$
<im : That 'as taken at the train station be%ore 'e le%t.
Kathy : (i# you have time to "o to the )oo$
<im : +o, not this time. !e 'ent there last time.
Kathy : It looks like you all ha# a nice time.
<im : Yeah, it 'as a lot o% %un.
Lesson !5 - *rdering +o,ers.
Recetionist : Boo# a%ternoon, ho' may I hel you$
Ryan : &i, I'# like to or#er some Co'ers.
Recetionist : !ho are they %or$
Ryan : They're %or my !i%e. &er name is Samantha.
Recetionist : !hat kin# o% Co'ers 'oul# you like$
Ryan : I #on't kno'. I #on't kno' too much about Co'ers. Can you
recommen# somethin"$
Recetionist : OK. !hat's the reason you are sen#in" her Co'ers$
Ryan : To#ay's her birth#ay an# she tol# me she 'ants me to buy her Co'ers.
Recetionist : (o you kno' 'hat kin# o% Co'ers she likes$
Ryan : I'm not sure. I kno' I shoul# kno' that, but I can't remember ri"ht no'.
Recetionist : !ell, they're %or your 'i%e, so I think you shoul# "ive her roses.
Ryan : Roses 'ill be *ne.
Recetionist : !hat color$
Ryan : I think re# 'oul# be nice.
Recetionist : (o you 'ant to ick them u or shoul# 'e #eliver them$
Ryan : Can you #eliver them lease.
Recetionist : !hat's the a##ress$
Ryan : 560 1ain street.
Lesson !6 - Leaving a #essage.
Laura : &ello$
<ack : &i, is &eather there lease$
Laura : Sorry, I think you have the 'ron" number.
<ack : Is this =0D?55E?55EF$
Laura : Yes. !ho are you lookin" %or a"ain$
<ack : &eather <ohnson.
Laura : Oh, I thou"ht you sai# Laura. Sorry about that. This is the ri"ht number, but
&eather's not here ri"ht no'.
<ack : (o you kno' 'here she 'ent$
Laura : She 'ent to the store to buy some "roceries. !oul# you like to leave a
<ack : Yes, 'oul# you lease tell her -ric 1artin calle#$
Laura : &i -ric, this is her roommate Kathy. I met you a coule months a"o at the
Christmas arty.
<ack : Oh, yes. &o' are you$
Laura : Boo#. &eather 'ill be back in about 5> minutes. I'll tell her you calle#.
<ack : OK. Thanks.
Laura : :ye bye.
Lesson !7 - %al)ing a-out the ,eather.
Tina : &ello$
<oe : &i Tina, It's <oe.
Tina : &i <oe.
<oe : &o''s the 'eather there to#ay$
Tina : It's really col#. It sno'e# all #ay an# the schools close# early.
<oe : !hat's the temerature$
Tina : It's 4> #e"rees no'. It 'as even col#er this mornin".
<oe : &ave you hear# 'hat the 'eather is "oin" to be like tomorro'$
Tina : I 'as 'atchin" the ne's a little earlier. They sai# it's robably "oin" to sno'
<oe : I really #on't like the 'inter. I 'ish it 'ere summer.
Tina : 1e too. &o''s the 'eather 'here you are$
<oe : It's not too ba#, but it's retty col# here too. It 'as about 67 to#ay an# it
raine# this a%ternoon. I hear# it's "oin" to be a little 'armer tomorro'.
Lesson !8 - .a)ing plans.
Tom : It's almost Christmas. !hat are you #oin" this 'eeken#$
Sara : +othin" secial, ,ust 'orkin". !hy #o you ask$
Tom : !ell, I still haven't *nishe# my Christmas shoin". (o you 'ant to "o
shoin" 'ith me this 'eeken#$
Sara : I'# like to, but I'm not sure i% I can. !ork has been really busy lately. !hy
#on't 'e "o on 9ri#ay instea#$
Tom : 9ri#ay's not "oo#. I think the stores 'ill be very cro'#e# an# I have to 'ork.
Sara : OK, then let's try to "o this 'eeken#. I shoul# kno' i% I can "o by 9ri#ay. Is it
OK i% I call you then$
Tom : Yeah, that's *ne.
Sara : !hat's your number$
Tom : 544?440?EE5E. Let me "ive you my email a##ress too. It's saraG"
Sara : OK, I'll talk to you soon.
Tom : OK.
Lesson ! - .eeting a &riend.
;icky : &ello$
:en : &i ;icky.
;icky : .re you there yet$
:en : Yes.
;icky : I ,ust "ot o@ the sub'ay. I'm almost there. Sorry I'm late.
:en : That's no roblem. I ,ust 'ante# to tell you I'm insi#e.
;icky : !here are you$
:en : On the secon# Coor.
;icky : Shoul# I come to the secon# Coor or #o you 'ant to come to the *rst Coor$
:en : Come ustairs.
;icky : !hat$
:en : Oh, Can you hear me OK$ I sai#, come to the secon# Coor.
;icky : Oh, OK. !hat are you #oin" there$
:en : <ust lookin" at some books on ho' to learn -n"lish.
;icky : (o you 'ant to "et somethin" to eat later$
:en : +o, I'm still %ull %rom #inner.
;icky : !hat #o you 'ant to #o$
:en : I #on't kno' %or sure. !hen you "et here 'e'll talk about it.
;icky : OK, see you soon.
:en : :ye.
Lesson 5" - I/# a student.
Rachel : Crai", 'hat #o you #o %or 'ork$
Crai" : I'm still a stu#ent.
Rachel : !hat school #o you "o to$
Crai" : :oston 8niversity.
Rachel : That's a "oo# school. !hat #o you stu#y$
Crai" : I'm stu#yin" -n"lish, math, an# history. 1y ma,or is -n"lish.
Rachel : &o' lon" have you been stu#yin" -n"lish$
Crai" : 1ore than si3 years.
Rachel : That's a lon" time.
Crai" : Yeah, I starte# to learn -n"lish 'hen I 'as in hi"h school.
Rachel : +o 'on#er your -n"lish is so "oo#.
Crai" : .ctually, it's not that "oo#. I can rea# but I can't seak very 'ell. I haven't
ha# a lot o% chance to ractice.
Rachel : I see. Talkin" 'ith other eole is very imortant.
Crai" : Yes, but I still #on't have many %rien#s here yet.
Rachel : I'm havin" a arty toni"ht at my aartment. You shoul# come.
Crai" : Oh thanks %or invitin" me. I'# love to come.
Lesson 5$ - 0tudying &or e1a#s.
Sha'n : &i Kim.
Kim : &ey Sha'n, "oo# to see you a"ain.
Sha'n : &o' have you been$
Kim : OK, I #i#n't slee much last ni"ht thou"h. I staye# u until 5.1 stu#yin" %or
an e3am.
Sha'n : I 'as u late last ni"ht too. The semester is almost over. I've ha# e3ams all
Kim : .re you "oin" back to Cali%ornia a%ter you "ra#uate$
Sha'n : I think so. .%ter I "ra#uate I'll robably "o back home an# try to "et a ,ob.
Kim : (o you kno' 'here you'# like to 'ork$
Sha'n : +ot yet, but I 'ant to be an -n"lish translator.
Kim : That'# be really cool. I'# like to be a translator too, but I #on't think my
-n"lish is "oo# enou"h.
Sha'n : (on't 'orry about that. Your -n"lish is better than most o% my classmates.
Kim : Thanks. !here are you "oin" no'$
Sha'n : I'm "oin" to stu#y at the library. I have to take an e3am tomorro'.
Kim : 1e too. &o' late #oes the library stay oen$
Sha'n : I think it's oen until 00:4>21.
Kim : OK, Boo# luck.
Sha'n : You too.
Lesson 52 - 2id you get #y #essage3
.n"ela : &ello$
(an : &i .n"ela, it's (an.
.n"ela : &i (an. &o' are you$
(an : Boo#.
.n"ela : I calle# you yester#ay. (i# you "et my messa"e$
(an : Yes, I 'as takin" a sho'er 'hen you calle#. I sa' that you calle# an# I trie#
to call you back, but I think your hone 'as o@.
.n"ela : +o roblem. I 'ante# to remin# you that my %rien# is "ettin" marrie# ne3t
'eek. You're still comin" to the 'e##in" 'ith me, ri"ht$
(an : Oh, is that ne3t 'eek$
.n"ela : Yes. (i# you %or"et$
(an : +o, o% course not. I alrea#y bou"ht them a resent.
.n"ela : That's "oo#. I 'ant to invite 1e"an also. +e3t time you see her, can you
tell her %or me.
(an : Sure. (oes she kno' your %rien#$
.n"ela : Yes, I think they mi"ht have "one to the same colle"e or somethin" like
that. I'm not e3actly sure ho' they kno' each other.
(an : .re 'e all "oin" to #rive to"ether$
.n"ela : Yes. I'll ick you u *rst, an# then 'e'll "o "et 1e"an.
Lesson 53 - .a)ing a doctor/s appoint#ent.
.#am : &i, I'# like to see the #octor, lease.
Recetionist : (o you have an aointment$
.#am : +o.
Recetionist : !hen 'oul# you like an aointment$
.#am : Is to#ay ossible$
Recetionist : Yes. To#ay is *ne. !hat time 'oul# you like$
.#am : .s soon as ossible. 1y stomach really hurts.
Recetionist : 2lease 'ait a moment. I'll see i% the #octor is available.
.#am : OK.
Recetionist : Sorry, he's 'ith a atient ri"ht no'. It's robably "oin" to be
about another 4> minutes. !oul# you min# 'aitin" a little lon"er$
.#am : +o roblem.
Recetionist : 1ay I see your insurance car# lease.
.#am : &ere you are.
Recetionist : Thanks. That's "oin" to be 57 #ollars %or to#ay's visit.
.#am : Really$ I #i#n't think it 'oul# be that much.
Recetionist : I kno' ho' you %eel.
.#am : I'll ay 'ith cash.
Recetionist : Thank you.
.#am : !oul# you lease turn on the heat$ It's really col# in here.
Lesson 5! - .ail.
:ill : &ey <ane, #i# you "et the mail yet$
<ane : Yes. I icke# it u this mornin". There 'ere a %e' bills an# a letter %rom my
mother. There 'as also a lot o% ,unk mail.
:ill : !as there anythin" %or me$
<ane : I #on't remember, let me check. Yes, it looks like there's somethin" here %or
:ill : !ho's it %rom$
<ane : The .merican -mbassy.
:ill : 1y han#s are #irty. !ill you oen it %or me$
<ane : Sure.
:ill : !hat #oes it say$
<ane : It says your assort is rea#y. You can ick it u anytime.
:ill : (o you think you can #rive me there$
<ane : Sure, 'hen$
:ill : I think 'e shoul# "o "et it no'. I'm "oin" to 'ash my han#s an# then 'e'll
"o. Is that OK$
<ane : That's *ne.
Lesson 55 - I have a cold.
Tracy : &o' are you %eelin"$
.lan : I still have a col#.
Tracy : Still$ It's been over a 'eek no', hasn't it$
.lan : Yeah, its been a 'hile. I starte# %eelin" this 'ay last 1on#ay.
Tracy : .re you %eelin" any better$
.lan : . little. I took some me#icine this mornin" an# I %eel a little better no'.
Tracy : !hat's 'ron"$
.lan : I have a ba# cou"h.
Tracy : (i# you "o see the #octor yet$
.lan : +ot yet, I mi"ht "o tomorro'.
Tracy : I'm "oin" to the #ru" store no', can I "et you anythin"$
.lan : Yes, i% it's not too much trouble, 'oul# you "et me some tissues.
Tracy : Sure. .nythin" else$
.lan : +o, that's it.
Tracy : OK, I'll be back in about an hour. I% you think o% anythin" else you nee#, "ive
me a call.
.lan : Thanks.
Lesson 56 - 2inner invitation.
:arbara : &i <ames, it's "oo# to see you a"ain.
<ames : &i :arbara.
:arbara : .re you here %or 'ork$
<ames : Yes.
:arbara : Is Steve 'ith you$
<ames : +o I'm here alone. Steve coul#n't come this time.
:arbara : &o' lon" 'ill you be stayin"$
<ames : 6 #ays. I'm "oin" back on 9ri#ay.
:arbara : 1y brother an# I are "ettin" to"ether %or #inner. (o you 'ant to come
'ith us$
<ames : Yeah, that 'oul# be nice. I have a meetin" in an hour. I can meet you
a%ter'ar#s, i% that's OK. The meetin" shoul#n't last lon".
:arbara : That's *ne. !ho is your meetin" 'ith$
<ames : The :oston Insurance Comany. I'll call you 'hen it's over.
:arbara : OK.
<ames : Can I use your hone$ I le%t mine in the car an# I 'ant to call them to "et
:arbara : Sure, here you "o.
Lesson 57 - 0end #e the directions.
9rank : &ello$
2am : &i 9rank, it's 2am.
9rank : &ey 2am, 'hat's u$
2am : +ot much. !here are you$
9rank : I'm in the car #rivin" home.
2am : !hen you "et home 'ill you sen# me an email 'ith #irections to the arty
9rank : Sure, no roblem.
2am : !hen #o you think you'll "et home$
9rank : I #on't kno', maybe in about 4> minutes or so. There's a lot o% traAc.
2am : I have to "o out soon. Can you ,ust sen# me a te3t messa"e 'ith the a##ress
9rank : OK, I'll #o that as soon as I "et home.
2am : Thanks a lot. (rive care%ully.
9rank : OK, I'll see you toni"ht.
2am : :ye.
Lesson 58 - 4ad cell phone reception.
Sharon : &ello$
Beor"e : &i Sharon it's Beor"e a"ain. !hat time #o you think you'll "et to the arty
Sharon : Sorry, 'hat #i# you say$
Beor"e : &ello, can you hear me$ I sai# 'hat time #o you think you'll be "ettin" to
the arty$
Sharon : Sorry, I can't hear you.
Beor"e : Can you hear me no'$
Sharon : +o, not very clearly. It's really noisy here.
Beor"e : It mi"ht be my cell hone, I #on't think I have very "oo# recetion.
Sharon : Oh, that's OK.
Beor"e : Can I call you ri"ht back$
Sharon : OK.
Lesson 5 - Going to the gy#.
Ti@any : -#, 'hat shoul# 'e #o to#ay$
-# : I have been stu#yin" all 'eek. I'# like to e3ercise.
Ti@any : 1e too. Let's "o to the "ym.
-# : Boo# i#ea. !hat are 'e "oin" to #o there$
Ti@any : !e can li%t 'ei"hts or lay basketball.
-# : I like to lay basketball. .re you "oo# at it$
Ti@any : +ot really, but I like to lay. I use to lay a lot 'hen I 'as in school, but no'
there's no time.
-# : I kno' 'hat you mean. I use to lay soccer a lot. (o you think 'e can lay
soccer there$
Ti@any : +o, there's not enou"h room. I think it's better i% 'e lay outsi#e.
-# : OK, maybe 'e can "o lay soccer later this a%ternoon.
Ti@any : It's too col# outsi#e to#ay. Let's 'ait until the 'eather "ets a little 'armer.
-# : OK.
Lesson 6" - 5ar accident.
Shannon : .nthony, are you OK$
.nthony : I'm OK no', but I "ot into an car acci#ent this mornin".
Shannon : !ere you hurt$
.nthony : +o, but my neck is still a little sore.
Shannon : !hat haene#$
.nthony : I 'asn't ayin" attention an# I hit a car that stoe# in %ront o% me.
Shannon : !ere the eole in the other car all ri"ht$
.nthony : Yes, they're *ne. I 'asn't "oin" very %ast.
Shannon : !ere you 'earin" a seatbelt$
.nthony : Yes.
Shannon : (i# the olice come$
.nthony : Yeah, I calle# them on my cell hone ri"ht a%ter it haene#.
Shannon : (o you 'ant me to #rive you home$
.nthony : +o, I nee# to "o "et my car *3e# this a%ternoon.
Lesson 6$ - 2octor/s visit.
(octor : &ello 1rs. !ilson.
1rs. !ilson : &i (octor.
(octor : &o' are you %eelin"$
1rs. !ilson : I #on't %eel "oo#.
(octor : !hat's botherin" you$
1rs. !ilson : I have a stomachache an# a hea#ache.
(octor : !here #oes it hurt$
1rs. !ilson : &ere.
(octor : (o you have a %ever$
1rs. !ilson : +o, I #on't think so.
(octor : OK. Let me look at your throat. Oen your mouth. Your throat's re#. (oes it
1rs. !ilson : Yes. It's sore.
(octor : !hen #i# it start to %eel this 'ay$
1rs. !ilson : Last 'eek.
(octor : I think you have a virus. It mi"ht be the Cu. I'm "oin" to "ive you a
rescrition %or some me#icine.
1rs. !ilson : Thank you.
(octor : Try to "et some rest, an# be sure to #rink lots o% 'ater an# oran"e ,uice.
Lesson 62 - .a)ing a hotel reservation.
Recetionist : &ello, 1arriott &otel, ho' may I hel you$
+ancy : &i. I'# like to make a reservation.
Recetionist : <ust a moment. OK, %or 'hat #ate$
+ancy : <uly 57th.
Recetionist : &o' many ni"hts 'ill you be stayin"$
+ancy : 5 ni"hts. !hat's the room rate$
Recetionist : D7 #ollars a ni"ht lus ta3. !oul# you like me to reserve a room
%or you$
+ancy : Yes lease.
Recetionist : Your name$
+ancy : +ancy .n#erson.
Recetionist : 1iss .n#erson, ho' 'ill you be ayin"$
+ancy : ;isa.
Recetionist : Car# number lease.
+ancy : 60FE 55EF 44EE 55E.
Recetionist : -3iration #ate$
+ancy : 0HFH5>05
Recetionist : OK, You're all set. !e'll see you on the 57th.
Lesson 63 - I changed #y #ind.
-llen : Kevin, 'hat 'oul# you like to #o$
Kevin : I #on't kno'. 1aybe 'atch T;.
-llen : That's a "oo# i#ea. !e're "oin" shoin" later so I think you shoul# rest %or a
Kevin : I #on't think I 'ant to "o anymore.
-llen : !hat #o you mean$ I thou"ht you sai# 'e 'ere "oin" shoin".
Kevin : I kno', but I chan"e# my min#. I'm too tire#.
-llen : !ell, I still have a lot o% stu@ to buy. !hen #o you think 'e'll "o$
Kevin : 1aybe toni"ht.
-llen : OK, 'oul# you min# i% I use your hone$
Kevin : Sorry I #on't have si"nal.
-llen : .re you ki##in"$ I usually have really "oo# recetion here.
Kevin : 1y hone is very ol# an# it #oesn't 'ork very 'ell.
-llen : !hat i% I take it outsi#e$
Kevin : Yes, that's *ne. It 'orks 'ell outsi#e.
Lesson 6! - 2o you ,ant to play a ga#e3
-rica : .n#re', 'oul# you like to lay a "ame$
.n#re' : OK, 'hat kin# o% "ame$
-rica : Lets lay car#s$ (o you kno' ho' to lay :lack,ack$
.n#re' : Yes, that's an easy "ame. I #on't 'ant to lay that ri"ht no'.
-rica : OK, (o you remember ho' to lay oker$
.n#re' : I think so, but you're "oin" to have to e3lain the rules to me a"ain.
-rica : OK. Look at this iece o% aer. It has all the rules on it.
.n#re' : OK, yes. I remember no'. I think the last time 'e laye# this "ame, you
'on an# I lost.
-rica : Yes, that 'as %un.
.n#re' : OK, let's lay, but this time I #on't 'ant to bet money.
-rica : OK, 'e 'on't bet. !e'll ,ust lay %or %un.
Lesson 65 - 4irthday present.
<immy : .n"ela, come in.
.n"ela : &ay :irth#ay/
<immy : Thanks. I can't believe you remembere# that.
.n"ela : !ell, I have a calen#ar in my comuter. It hels me remember thin"s like
that. !hat are you u to$
<immy : I'm rea#in" a book my cousin "ave me %or my birth#ay.
.n"ela : Let me see. Oh, I have this book at home. I 'ant to "ive you a resent too.
<immy : !o', it's a "uitar. I alrea#y have one, but I like this one better. Thank you.
.n"ela : You're 'elcome. (o you kno' ho' to lay the "uitar$
<immy : Yeah, I kno' ho' to lay. 1y %ather tau"ht me 'hen I 'as youn".
.n"ela : !ill you lay it no'$ I 'ant to listen to some music.
<immy : OK. (o you kno' this one$
.n"ela : Yeah, I've hear# that one. I coul# sin" that son" 'hen I 'as in mi##le
<immy : It's an ol# one. It makes me %eel ol#. !hen I 'as in colle"e they use to lay
it on the ra#io all the time.
Lesson 66 - 5hec)ing into a hotel.
Recetionist : Boo# evenin".
<im : &i. (o you have any vacancies toni"ht$
Recetionist : Yes. The rate is 77 #ollars.
<im : (o the rooms have internet access$
Recetionist : !e have 'ireless. I% you have a comuter you can use the
'ireless net'ork %or an a##itional 7 #ollars.
<im : OK, I'# like a room lease.
Recetionist : !oul# you like a smokin" or a non?smokin" room$
<im : +on?smokin".
Recetionist : &o' 'ill you be ayin"$
<im : ;isa. &ere you are.
Recetionist : &o' many eole$
<im : T'o.
Recetionist : !oul# you like a kin" si)e be# or t'o #ouble be#s$
<im : Kin" si)e lease.
Recetionist : You're in room 54D. It's on the secon# Coor. &ere's your key. Si"n
here lease.
<im : !hat time is checkout$
Recetionist : 00:4>.1
Lesson 67 - 0ending a pac)age.
Cathy : &ello, ho' may I hel you$
.le3 : I'# like to sen# this acka"e to Cali%ornia.
Cathy : !oul# you like to sen# it overni"ht or by re"ular mail$
.le3 : &o' much is it to sen# it overni"ht$
Cathy : 5> #ollars
.le3 : .n# by re"ular mail$
Cathy : 05 #ollars.
.le3 : I'# like it to "et there tomorro'.
Cathy : 2lease *ll out this %orm. !hen you're *nishe#, come back to this 'in#o'.
.le3 : OK, I think I'm #one, is this correct$
Cathy : Yes, that's ri"ht.
.le3 : I'# also like to mail this letter.
Cathy : (o you nee# to buy stams$
.le3 : Yes.
Cathy : . book o% stams costs 4 #ollars. So that'll be 54 #ollars %or everythin".
.le3 : Oh, I %or"ot my 'allet in the car. I'll be ri"ht back.
Lesson 68 - I have allergies.
:eth : 2atrick, 'hy #i#n't you call me last ni"ht$ I 'as 'orrie# about you.
2atrick : Sorry, I 'as sick. I 'ent to be# early.
:eth : !hat's 'ron"$
2atrick : I ha# a cou"h an# my eyes 'ere really #ry.
:eth : .re you better no'$
2atrick : Yes, I'm %eelin" a lot better. 1uch better than yester#ay.
:eth : (o you have aller"ies$
2atrick : Yes. Last time I 'ent to the #octor, he #i# some tests an# tol# me I have
aller"ies. It "ets 'orse in the srin".
:eth : !hat time #i# you 'ake u this mornin"$
2atrick : .roun# F:4>.1.
:eth : .re you "oin" to 'ork to#ay$
2atrick : +o. I think I'll ,ust stay home an# 'atch T;. I can 'ork %rom home to#ay.
:eth : Boo#. Bet some rest an# I'll brin" over some %oo# later.
2atrick : Thanks.

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