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Question #26 by Joshua Sue Ho

Controlling Idea: Growing Old

M In "Hero" by Phyllis Roberts and in "On Our Dog's Birthday" by Jack Ridl, the
authors use growing old to show how the characters are
impacted/affected. E Phyllis Roberts states that, "Then I feel shot through with a
sudden psalm and a tiger pursues the field mouse of my pastured old age" (lines
4-5), the character says after describing the feeling of a sudden jolt of energy of
youth. A This quote shows the affect his age has through the limitations
brought about by aging. E In Jack Ridl's passage he states, "Tonight if he needs
to go out, he will sit by the side of the bed... and woof softly... as if he doesn't
want to be a bother" (lines 29-35). A This shows that once when the dog was
younger he may have interrupted his owner's sleep but now as he has gotten
older and probably wiser, he has learned to be more patient. L Both authors
present the effect of growing old differently, whether as a constant reminder of
the "sacred song" of old age, or its limitations, this teaches us to be more patient
when it comes to doing something we want in our elder years.

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