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Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003

Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
Annual Report
Ministry of Power
Government of ndia
(February 2003)
lR;es o t;rs
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
A View of Dadri Power Station
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
Chapter Page No.
1. MlNlS1RY Cl PCWLR 1
3. 1RANSMlSSlCN 19
17.8 SA1LU AL VlDYU1 NlCAM LlMl1LD 90
S1A1U1ORY 8ODlfS :
17.11. URLAU Cl LNLCY LlllClLNCY 100
17.13. NA1lCNAL PCWLR 1RAlNlNC lNS1l1U1L 105
18. O1HfR lMPOR1AN1 AC1lVl1lfS :
4. WLLlARL Cl SC/S1/CCs 108
3. WLLlARL Cl MlNCRl1lLS 109
6. lNlCRMA1lCN & lAClLl1A1lCN CLN1LR 109
7. RLCRLA1lCN AC1lVl1lLS 110
S1A1LMLN1S - l 1C X
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
1ho Mnstry of Powor sturtod functonng
ndopondonty wth offoct from 2
uy, 1992.
Luror t wus known us tho Mnstry of Lnorgy
comprsng tho Dopurtmonts of Powor, Cou und
Non-Convontonu Lnorgy Sourcos.
Loctrcty s u concurront subjoct ut Lntry 38 n
Lst lll of tho Sovonth Schoduo of tho Consttuton
of lndu. 1ho Mnstry of Powor s prmury
rosponsbo for tho dovoopmont of ooctrcu
onorgy n tho country. 1ho Mnstry s concornod
wth porspoctvo punnng, pocy formuuton,
procossng of projocts for nvostmont docson,
montorng of tho mpomontuton of powor
projocts, trunng und munpowor dovoopmont und
tho udmnstruton und onuctmont of ogsuton n
rogurd to thormu, hydro powor gonoruton,
trunsmsson und dstrbuton. 1ho Mnstry hus
dovoopod ts wobsto ut
1ho Mnstry of Powor s rosponsbo for tho
udmnstruton of tho lndun Loctrcty Act, 1910
und Loctrcty (Suppy) Act, 1948, Loctrcty
Roguutory Commssons Act, 1998, Loctrcty
Luws (Amondmont) Act, 1998 (No.22 of 1998),
Lnorgy Consorvuton Act, 2001 und to undortuko
such umondmonts to thoso Acts, us muy bo
nocossury from tmo to tmo, n conformty wth
tho Covornmonts pocy objoctvos.
1ho Mnstry of Powor s muny rosponsbo for
ovovng gonoru pocy n tho fod of onorgy.
1ho mun toms of work dout wth by tho Mnstry
of Powor uro us boow :
1. Conoru Pocy n tho ooctrc powor soctor
und ssuos routng to onorgy pocy. (Dotus
of short, modum und ong-torm pocos n
torms of formuuton, uccoptunco,
mpomontuton und rovow of such pocos,
cuttng ucross soctors, fuos, rogons und cross
country fows),
2. A muttors routng to hydro-ooctrc powor
(oxcopt smu/mn/mcro hydo projocts of und
boow 25 MW cupucty) und thormu powor
und trunsmsson systom notwork,
3. Rosourch, dovoopmont und tochncu
ussstunco routng to hydro-ooctrc und
thormu powor & trunsmsson systom notwork.
4. Admnstruton of tho lndun Loctrcty Act,
1910 (9 of 1910), tho Loctrcty (Suppy) Act,
1948 (54 of 1948), Loctrcty Roguutory
Commssons Act, 1998 und Loctrcty Luws
(Amondmont) Act, 1998 (No.22 of 1998) und
Lnorgy Consorvuton Act 2001.
5. A muttors routng to Contru Loctrcty
Authorty, Contru Loctrcty ourd und Contru
Loctrcty Roguutory Commsson,
6. Ruru Loctrfcuton, powor schomos n Unon
1orrtoros und ssuos routng to powor suppy
n tho Stutos und Unon 1orrtoros.
7. Muttors routng to tho foowng Undortukngs/
Crgunzutons :-
u. 1ho Dumodur Vuoy Corporuton,
b. 1ho hukru ous Munugomont ourd
(oxcopt muttors routng to rrguton),
c. Nutonu 1hormu Powor Corporuton
d. Nutonu Hydro-ooctrc Powor Corporuton
o. Ruru Loctrfcuton Corporuton Lmtod,
f. North Lustorn Loctrc Powor Corporuton
g. Powor Crd Corporuton of lndu Lmtod,
h. Powor lnunco Corporuton Lmtod,
. 1ohr Hydro Dovoopmont Corporuton, (V)
j. Sutuj u Vdyut Ngum (V) (formory
known us NPC),
k. Contru Powor Rosourch lnsttuto,
. Nutonu Powor 1runng lnsttuto,
m. urouu of Lnorgy Lffconcy,
n. Powor 1rudng Corporuton of lndu
o. Nurmudu Hydro Dovoopmont Corporuton
8. Cthor Pubc Soctor Lntorprsos concornod wth
tho subjoct ncudod undor ths Mnstry oxcopt
such projocts us uro spocfcuy uottod to
uny othor Mnstry or Dopurtmont.
9. A muttors concornng Lnorgy consorvuton
und Lnorgy offconcy portunng to powor.
ln u tochncu und oconomc muttors, Mnstry of
Powor s ussstod by tho Contru Loctrcty
Authorty (CLA) consttutod undor tho Loctrcty
(Suppy) Act, 1948.
Ministry of Power
CHAP1fR - 1
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
udurpur Munugomont Contruct Co (MCC), u
subordnuto offco of ths Mnstry, s rosponsbo
for udmnstorng tho udurpur 1hormu Powor
Stuton (1PS) Munugomont Contruct botwoon tho
Covornmont of lndu und N1PC.
1ho constructon und oporuton of gonoruton und
trunsmsson projocts n tho Contru Soctor uro
ontrustod to Contru Soctor Powor Corporutons,
vz. 1ho Nutonu 1hormu Powor Corporuton
(N1PC), tho Nutonu Hydro Loctrc Powor
Corporuton (NHPC), tho North-Lustorn Loctrc
Powor Corporuton (NLLPCC) und tho Powor Crd
Corporuton of lndu Lmtod (PCClL). 1ho Powor
Crd s rosponsbo for u tho oxstng und futuro
trunsmsson projocts n tho Contru Soctor und
uso for tho formuton of tho Nutonu Powor Crd.
1wo ont Vonturo Powor Corporutons numoy,
Sutuj u Vdyut Ngum (V) (formory known us
NPC), und 1ohr Hydro Dovoopmont Corporuton
(1HDC) uro rosponsbo for tho oxocuton of tho
Nuthpu hukr Powor Projoct und othor projocts n
Sutuj usn n Hmuchu Prudosh und projocts of
tho 1ohr Hydro Powor Compox n Utturunchu
rospoctvoy. Nurmudu Hydro Dovoopmont
Corporuton (NHDC) unothor jont vonturo undor
NHPC s rosponsbo for oxocuton of lndru Sugur
und Cmkuroshwur projocts. 1hroo stututory bodos
.o., tho Dumodur Vuoy Corporuton (DVC), tho
hukru ous Munugomont ourd (M) und
urouu of Lnorgy Lffconcy (LL) uro uso undor
tho udmnstrutvo contro of tho Mnstry of Powor.
Progrummos of ruru ooctrfcuton uro provdod
fnuncu ussstunco by tho Ruru Loctrfcuton
Corporuton (RLC) undor tho Mnstry of Powor.
1ho Powor lnunco Corporuton (PlC) provdos
torm-fnunco to projocts n tho powor soctor.
lurthor, tho uutonomous bodos (Socotos) .o.
Contru Powor Rosourch lnsttuto (CPRl), tho
Nutonu Powor 1runng lnsttuto (NP1l) uro uso
undor tho udmnstrutvo contro of tho Mnstry of
Powor. A Powor 1rudng Corporuton (P1C) wus
uso sot up n 1999 to cutuyso dovoopmont of
mogu powor projocts und to promoto oxchungo of
powor wth noghbourng countros.
Shr Anunt C. Cooto took ovor us tho Mnstor of
Powor on tho 27
August, 2002. Smt. uyuwunt
Mohtu hus boon tho Mnstor of Stuto of Powor
snco tho 14
Cctobor, 1999. Shr R. V. Shuh
ussumod churgo us tho Socrotury n tho Mnstry of
Powor wth offoct from 13.4.2002. Ho s ussstod
by u Spocu Socrotury, un Addtonu Socrotury und
fvo ont Socroturos, ncudng tho lnuncu Advsor.
1ho Spocu Socrotury ovorsoos urous consstng of
1hormu, Pocy Punnng & Lxtornu Assstunco
(PP&LA), Rostructurng of Stuto Loctrcty ourds
(SLs), ncudng Roguutory Commssons,
Dstrbuton Roform, ncudng Accoorutod Powor
Dovoopmont & Roforms Progrummo (APDRP) und
Lnorgy Consorvuton (LC).
1ho Addtonu Socrotury ovorsoos urous routng to
Hydro Powor, 1runsmsson, Cporuton Montorng,
lnvostmont Promoton Co, 1runng & Rosourch,
Admnstruton und ostubshmont muttors of tho
Contru Loctrcty Authorty.
1ho uocuton of work umong tho fvo ont
Socroturos n tho Mnstry of Powor s us undor:
) 1hormu/DVC projocts, Pocy Punnng &
Lxtornu Assstunco, rostructurng of Stuto
Loctrcty ourds, Cffcu Lunguugo,
Roguutory Commssons, Loctrcty , 2001
und Vgunco.
) Dstrbuton Roforms, Accoorutod Powor
Dovoopmont & Roforms Progrummo (APDRP)
und lnformuton 1ochnoogy (l1), Powor
lnunco Corporuton (PlC) und Ruru
Loctrfcuton Corporuton (RLC).
) Hydro projocts, Coordnuton und Pross &
Pubcty, Nurmudu Hydro Dovoopmont
Corporuton (NHDC), hukru ous
Munugomont ourd (M) und Hydro
Projocts n hutun und Nopu.
v) 1runsmsson, Cporuton Montorng (CM),
Admnstruton ncudng udmnstrutvo muttors of
Contru Loctrcty Authorty, lnvostmont Promoton
Co (lPC) und 1runng & Rosourch (1&R).
v) Accounts & lnunco, Rosourco Punnng,
Montorng of fnuncu porformunco of SLs
und foow up ucton on tho rocommonduton
of Montok Sngh Ahuwuu Commttoo & N.
K. Sngh Commttoo.
1horo s u Prncpu Accounts Cffco houdod by
tho Controor of Accounts who n turn roports to
tho lnuncu Advsor n tho Mnstry of Powor.
Muttors routng to urouu of Lnorgy Lffconcy uro
dout wth n tho Mnstry by Droctor (LC). Muttors
routng to rosorvutons for SC/S1, Physcuy
Hundcuppod und CC n tho Mnstry ncudng
PSUs uro dout by tho Doputy Socrotury (Adm.),
who s uso tho Luson Cffcor for SC/S1. Muttors
routng to rocrouton uctvtos uro dout by Powor
Sports Contro ourd. 1ho totu stuff strongth of
tho Mnstry s 311.
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
Power Sector - HighIights and Main Achievements
CHAP1fR - 2
Powor s u crtcu nfrustructuro for tho oconomc
dovoopmont of tho country und tho Mnstry of
Powor hus gvon u mujor thrust for uccoorutod
dovoopmont und rostructurng of tho soctor. 1ho
Mnstry of Powor hus sot un ugondu of provdng
Powor to A by 2012. lt sooks to uchovo ths
objoctvo through u comprohonsvo und hostc
upprouch to powor soctor dovoopmont onvsugng
u sx ovo ntorvonton strutogy ut tho Nutonu, Stuto,
SL, Dstrbuton, loodor und Consumor ovos.
1o moot tho projoctod powor roquromont by 2012
un uddtonu cupucty uddton of 100000 MW s
roqurod n tho noxt two lvo Your Puns. A
cupucty of noury 41,000 MW woud bo sot up
n tho 10
Pun und tho romunng n tho 11
Pun wth u strongor focus on hydro powor. 1ho
Contru Soctor woud contrbuto 22,500 MW, tho
Stuto Soctor 11400 MW und Prvuto Soctor 7,100
MW n tho 10
Pun. Projocts of ubovo 19000
MW uro uroudy undor constructon und projocts
of 8,900 MW uggroguto cupucty huvo tho roqusto
Consdorng tho fuct thut u urgo chunk of
proporton of tho nstuod cupucty w como
from tho pubc soctor, tho outuy for tho powor
soctor hus boon rusod from Rs.45,591 croros
durng tho 9
Pun to Rs.143,399 croros n tho
Pun. 1ho buunco w bo mot through
domostc und ntornutonu sourcos
1ho Conforonco of Chof Mnstors hod n Murch
2001 undor tho Churmunshp of Honbo Prmo
Mnstor rosovod thut u vugos shoud bo
ooctrfod by 2007, und fu covorugo of
housohods bo uchovod by 2012. Ruru
ooctrfcuton s now troutod us u busc mnmum
sorvco undor tho 'Prudhun Muntr Crumodhuyu
Yojnu (PMCY) from tho your 2001-02. lt s
proposod to covor u tho 62000 vugos thut cun
bo ooctrfod through grd connoctvty, durng
tho 10
Pun. 1ho buunco 18,000 romoto vugos
uro to bo ooctrfod through tho uso of Non-
convontonu tochnoogos.
Powor gonoruton rosourcos uro unovony
dstrbutod n tho country. Hydro rosourcos uro
muny ocutod n tho Hmuuyun rogon und cou
n Lustorn und Contru lndu. Cptmum und
oconomc utzuton of thoso rosourcos roquros
ntor-rogonu trunsmsson of powor from
gonoruton contors to oud contros. 1ho concopt of u
strong ntor-connoctod Nutonu Powor Crd ucross
tho country s, thoroforo, of crucu sgnfcunco. 1ho
prosont ntor rogonu powor trunsfor cupucty of ubout
8000 MW w bo onhuncod to 23,500 MW by tho
ond of tho 10
Roforms n tho powor soctor woro ntutod n
1991 by boruzng gonoruton. Howovor, owng
to non uvuubty of socurty of puymonts from
tho Stuto Loctrcty ourds (SLs) und thor poor
fnuncu houth, tho cupucty uddton through
prvuto soctor hus boon fur boow oxpoctutons.
lt s cour thut u commorcuy vubo dstrbuton
s nocossury to sustun nvostmont n gonoruton
und trunsmsson. lor uttunng ths objoctvo,
comprohonsvo roforms of tho SLs huvo boon
undortukon. SLs of Crssu, Huryunu, Andhru
Prudosh, Kurnutuku, Rujusthun, Uttur Prudosh,
Mudhyu Prodosh, Utturunchu und Doh huvo
boon unbundod . 1ho dstrbuton busnoss hus
boon prvutzod n Crssu und Doh. 1o rutonuzo
tho turff fxuton mochunsm, tho Contru
Loctrcty Roguutory Commsson (CLRC) hus
boon sot up by tho Contru Covornmont und Stuto
Loctrcty Roguutory Commssons (SLRCs) huvo
boon sot up n 22 Stutos. SLRCs of 13 Stutos
huvo ssuod turff ordors.
Lvon though dstrbuton of powor s u stuto
functon, tho Mnstry of Powor hus tukon u pro-
uctvo roo to modornzo und strongthon tho
dstrbuton systom. 1ho Contru Covornmont hus
uunchod tho Accoorutod Powor Dovoopmont
Progrummo n tho Your 2000-01 wth un outuy
of Rs.1000 croros. 1ho progrummo s now ro-
dosgnutod us Accoorutod Powor Dovoopmont
und Roform Progrummo from tho curront fnuncu
your wth un outuy of Rs.3500 croros. 1ho
schomo, bosdos provdng support to Stutos for
nvostmont n sub-trunsmsson und dstrbuton
w uso huvo u rowurd componont for thoso
Stutos who huvo boon ubo to roduco tho gup
botwoon unt cost of suppy und rouzuton. 1ho
omphuss of dstrbuton roforms s on uchovng
motorng of u 11 KV foodors, 100 motorng of
u consumors, roducton of 1&D ossos und
contro of thoft to onsuro quuty suppy of powor
to u consumors.
Mnstry of Powor hus sgnod MCUs/MCA wth
24 Stutos to oxpodto tho procoss of roforms. 1ho
MCUs provdo for motorng of u 11 KV foodors,
100 motorng of consumors, onorgy uudt,
roducton of 1&D ossos und uttunng tho
commorcu vubty n dstrbuton otc.
Duo to poor fnuncu houth u numbor of SLs
dofuutod on thor puymont to powor gonorutng
compunos, cou suppors und ruwuys otc. 1ho
cumuutvo umount duo to thoso ugoncos from
SLs oxcoods Rs.41000 croros, sorousy mpuctng
tho borrowng cupuctos of SLs. A schomo of
ono tmo sottomont of outstundng duos hus boon
formuutod to wpo out ontro outstundng duos.
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
21 Stutos huvo uccoptod tho schomo und sgnod
tho roqusto 1rpurtto Agroomont.
1ho projoct courunco procoss hus boon smpfod.
1ho prvuto soctor cun now purtcputo n
gonoruton, trunsmsson und dstrbuton of powor.
Automutc upprovu for 100 forogn oquty wus
pormttod for forogn nvostmont upto Rs.1500
croros. 1hs cong hus boon romovod snco uno
2000. Cuptvo powor projocts costng oss thun
Rs.3000 croros und suppyng oss thun 50 of
nstuod cupucty to tho grd huvo boon oxomptod
from tho roquromont of courunco of tho CLA.
Smury, for uny gonorutng projoct costng oss
thun Rs.2,500 croros, whoro tho turff s upprovod
by tho Roguutory Commssons, tho roquromont
of tochno-oconomc courunco of CLA hus boon
dsponsod wth. lor spoody courunco of Contru
Soctor hydro powor schomos, u throo stugo
courunco procoduro hus boon udoptod.
KCubnot hus upprovod tho umondmonts to
Loctrcty , 2001 busod on rocommondutons
of tho Stundng Commttoo.
KConoruton durng curront your upto un.03
mprovod to 444 U from 428 U of
corrospondng porod of provous your,
rocordng growth of 3.8.
KDurng tho porod, PLl of gonorutng stutons
mprovod from 69 to 71.7 who PLl of
Contru gonorutng stutons mprovod from
73.6 to 76.6.
K2540 MW of gonorutng cupucty wus uddod und
6372 ckm of trunsmsson nos woro ud durng
tho your upto un.03 us compurod to 1683 MW
und 4503 ckm rosp. durng provous your.
N1PC commssonod 500 MW unts ut 1uchor
und Smhudr projocts, nno und four months
uhoud of schoduo.
Poworgrd hus commssonod 400 KV nos ut
umshodpur-Rourkou und Rupur-Rourkou,
1uchor-ll 1runs. Systom und Koupur-Mupusu
nos ubout nno/ton months uhoud of schoduo.
uspu hydro ooctrc projoct, 200 MW bong
constructod n prvuto soctor uso commssonod
uhoud of schoduo.
Klmpotus to lrosh sturts wth 1ochno Lconomc
Courunco uccordod to 9831 MW of gonoruton
cupucty und 4185 ckm of trunsmsson schomos
ugunst 3727 MW und 1513 ckm rosp. durng
provous your.
Wth strutogc punnng, works tukon up n
Purbut-ll 800 MW projoct by NHPC wthn u
duy of nvostmont upprovu.
Klnvostmont upprovu uccordod to Contru soctor
schomos costng Rs.10081 cr. durng curront
your ugunst Rs.7027 cr. schomos upprovod
durng provous your.
KRs.11722 cr. schomos sunctonod undor APDRP
und Rs.1087 cr. roousod durng curront your ugunst
Rs.1981 cr. sunctonod durng provous your.
A1&C ossos n mujorty of dontfod crcos
huvo sturtod oxhbtng roducton.
Ant thoft ogsuton onuctod n Sx Stutos.
Hgh Votugo Dstrbuton Systom und
Dstrbuton uutomuton up to trunsformor ovo
through SCADA ntroducod n Andhru Prudosh.
Accooruton n foodor motorng.
Klntor rogonu trunsfor cupubty ncrousod by
70 from 4700 MW ust your to 8000 MW t
ond lob.03.
Klundng for powor soctor schomos from PlC und
RLC mprovod durng curront your wth
Sunctons mprovng from Rs.12884 cr. to
Rs.20649 cr. und Dsbursus from Rs.5247 cr.
to Rs.9180 cr.
KRoform ntutvos tukon by Stutos.
Dstrbuton compunos prvutzod n Doh.
SLRCs consttutod n Stutos of Cou, Koruu, hur,
MCU sgnod wth 7 Stutos und roform busod MCA
sgnod wthn 24 Stutos durng tho curront your.
1rpurtto ugroomont sgnod wth 22 stutos n
rospoct of od outstundng und fu puymont of
curront bs.
KRuru Loctrfcuton Corpn. (RLC) scopo oxpundod
to provdo fnuncu ussstunco for projocts n
gonoruton und trunsmsson, both n ruru und
urbun urous. AC&SP for fundng R&M schomos
to bo routod through both PlC & RLC.
Rs. 500 cr. unnuu uocuton for oun ussstunco
by RLC for vugos und humots ooctrfcuton
ut 3 und trbo und dut busts ooctrfcutons
ut 1, whch w bo wuvod off on succossfu
projoct mpomontuton.
Kurouu of Lnorgy Lffconcy (LL) hus propurod
un Acton Pun covorng ton thrust urous for
mpomontuton of Lnorgy Consorvuton Act.
LL hus undortukon onorgy uudt of govornmont
budngs to roduco onorgy consumpton ut
Rushtruput huwun, North und South ocks,
PM offco otc.
KN1PC hus vonturod nto dstrbuton.
Works tukon up n thor frst hydro projoct ut
Kodum 800 MW.
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
1o provdo for u boruzod frumowork u
comprohonsvo Loctrcty , 2001 wus
ntroducod n tho Lok Subhu n August, 2001 und
subsoquonty roforrod to tho Stundng Commttoo
on Lnorgy for oxumnuton und roport by tho Lok
Subhu. 1ho Commttoo submttod ts roport to tho
Lok Subhu on 19.12.2002. 1ho provdos for
doconsng of gonoruton, non-dscrmnutory opon
uccoss n trunsmsson, powor trudng, ruru
ooctrfcuton, mundutory roquromont of SLRCs,
mundutory motorng, strngont provsons ugunst
thoft of powor otc.
1ho Powor 1rudng Corporuton (P1C) hus boon
sot up. 1rudng uctvtos of P1C huvo uroudy
commoncod from surpus rogons to dofct
rogons. 1ho trudng voumo hus gono up to 1617
Mon kwh durng 2001-02.
1o uchovo u broud consonsus und gonoru
uwuronoss umong tho pubc on tho nood for
roforms n powor soctor und uso to shuro wth
opnon oudors, studonts und tho gonoru pubc
moro thun 2085 roud shows woro orgunzod by
tho Mnstry of Powor und ts CPSUs n 2001-02.
1ho Lnorgy Consorvuton Act, 2001 hus boon
onuctod to provdo for offcont uso of onorgy und
ts consorvuton. 1ho urouu of Lnorgy Lffconcy
(LL) hus boon sot up und tho Honbo Prmo
Mnstor hus roousod tho Acton Pun for LL on
August, 2002.
Commissioning of third S00 MW Unit of 1aIcher Super 1hermaI Power Pro[ect
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
Performance HighIights
Apr. '01 to un. '02 Apr. '02 to un. '03 Apr. '01 to un. '02 Apr. '02 to un. '03
Apr. '01 to un. '02 Apr. '02 to un. '03 Apr. '01 to un. '02 Apr. '02 to un. '03
Apr. '01 to un. '02 Apr. '02 to un. '03
Apr. '01 to un. '02 Apr. '02 to un. '03
Generation during period (8Us) PIf of 1hermaI Stations (%)
Generation pro[ects (MW) 1ransmission Schemes (220 |v & above) (c|m)
1echno fconomic CIearance accorded lnvestment approvaI accorded in CentraI Sector
2. NfW ADDl1lONS
3. fRfSH S1AR1S
Generation pro[ects (MW)
1ransmission schemes (c|m)
Generation pro[ects (Rs. Cr.)
1ransmission schemes (Rs. Cr.)
OveraII in Country CentraI Sector OveraII in Country CentraI Sector
OveraII in Country CentraI Sector OveraII in Country CentraI Sector
CHAP1fR - 2.1
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
4. APDRP fUNDlNG (Rs. Cr.)
6. flNANClAI ASSlS1ANCf (Rs. Cr.)
Apr. '01 to un. '02 Apr. '02 to un. '03
As on ond un. '02 As on ond un. '03
*8000 MW - as on end feb. 03
Apr. '01 to un. '02 Apr. '02 to un. '03
Apr. '01 to un. '02 Apr. '02 to un. '03
Apr. '01 to un. '02 Apr. '02 to un. '03
Addition during period (MW) CumuIative Capacity (MW)
Sanctions DisbursaIs
Sanctions DisbursaIs OveraII in Country CentraI Sector
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
Generation & Capacity Addition
1ho powor suppy poston durng tho ust fvo yours und durng tho curront your (Apr 2002 to un. 2003)
hus boon us undor:
fnergy (in MU)
Year Requirement AvaiIabiIity Shortage (---) Shortage (%)
1997-98 424505 390330 34175 8.1
1998-99 446584 420235 26349 5.9
1999-2000 480430 450594 29836 6.2
2000-2001 507216 467400 39816 7.8
2001-2002 522537 483350 39187 7.5
2002-2003 458777 417090 41687 9.1
(Apr 2002 unuury 2003)
Pea| Demand & Pea| Met (in MW)
Year Pea| Demand Pea| Met Shortage (---) Shortage (%)
1997-98 65435 58042 7393 11.3
1998-99 67905 58445 9460 13.9
1999-2000 72669 63691 8978 12.4
2000-2001 78037 67880 10157 13
2001-2002 78441 69189 9252 11.8
2002-2003 81492 71520 9972 12.2
(Apr 2002 unuury 2003)
1ho ovor u gonoruton n tho country hus
ncrousod from 301 on Unts (Us)
durng 1992-93 to 515.3 Us durng 2001-
2002 (Churt ). 1ho ovor u gonoruton
(1hormuNucourHydro) n pubc uttos n
tho country for tho ust fvo yours uro us undor :-
Year Generation (8Us)
1997-98 420.6
1998-99 448.4
1999-2000 480.7
2000-01 499.5
2001-02 515.3
2002-03 (upto un. 2003) 443.9
2002-03 545.5 #
# 1arget for the whoIe year
PIant Ioad factor (PIf)
1ho uctuu u lndu PLl of thormu/uttos durng
Apr 02-un.2003 s 71.7 us ugunst tho turgot of
69.9 1ho PLl fguro from tho porod 1995-96
onwurd und Apr 02-un, 03 uro us foows:-
Year Centre State OveraII
1995-96 71.0 58.1 63.0
1996-97 71.1 60.3 64.4
1997-98 70.4 60.9 64.7
1998-99 71.1 60.1 64.6
1999-2000 73.8 63.7 67.3
2000-01 74.3 65.6 69.0
2001-02 74.3 67.0 69.9
2002-03 76.6 68.2 71.7
(Apr 02-un.03)
CHAP1fR - 2.2
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
lNCfN1lVf AWARD SCHfMf fOR 8f11fR
1ho bost dosgns, munufucturng pructcos und
udopton of modorn tochnoogy n tho gonoruton
of powor, trunsmsson systoms uro not udoquuto
by thomsovos for uchovng optmum rosuts. Mon
bohnd tho muchno puy u koy roo. 1horoforo,
propor trunng, motvuton und duo rocognton
of thor offorts s vory mportunt to onsuro tho bost
porformunco of tho systoms. Koopng n vow, tho
Mnstry of Powor huvo formuutod ncontvo
schomos for uwurdng Shods, Modus und Cush
lncontvos to bo dstrbutod umong tho porsonno
of powor uttos for uchovng mprovomont n
tho porformunco of 1hormu Powor Stutons uso.
1ho ncontvo schomo for Mortorous Porformunco
of 1hormu Powor Stutons n tho country wus
ntroducod n tho your 1983-84 for rowurdng tho
Cporuton & Muntonunco porsonno for
outstundng porformunco of 1hormu Powor
Stutons n Pubc Soctor n tho country.
(i) HighIights of the Scheme
1o mprovo tho porformunco ovo ovor
tho provous yours,
1o oncourugo Annuu/Cuptu Muntonunco,
1o oncourugo oury stubzuton of nowy
commssonod thormu gonorutng unts.
(ii) Modified Scheme for Meritorious Awards
1ho schomo for Mortorous Awurds wus
subsoquonty modfod n tho your 1992-93 to gvo
rocognton to thoso thormu powor stutons whch
uchovo mprovomont n tho porformunco durng
tho pouk oud porod ony compurod to provous
yours so us to uvod pumpng of unwuntod
gonoruton of powor nto tho grd durng tho off-
pouk porod und uvod wustugo of onorgy/nuturu
rosourcos to thut oxtont. Any utty thormu powor
stuton n tho pubc soctor shu bo onttod to bo
consdorod for tho rowurd undor ths schomo f t
hus uctuu dorutod nstuod cupucty of ut oust
100 MW wth mnmum unt szo of 20 MW und
ubovo us on 1
Apr of tho your of Awurds.
1hormu Powor Stutons ogbo for tho Awurd uro
uso gvon Shods, f tho porformunco ovo s 6000
kWh/kW/Your und moro durng tho your of Awurds.
(iii) Other lncentives
ln uddton to tho ubovo, tho Conoru Munugor/
Houd/Chof Lngnoor of tho 1hormu Powor Stuton
woro uwurdod 8 Cod, 10 Svor und 5 ronzo
Modus for uchovng tho porformunco ovo of
moro thun 7500 kWh/kW/your, 7100 to 7500
kWh/kW/your, 6600 to 7099 kWh/kW/
your rospoctvoy durng tho your 1999-2000 busod
on tho porformunco of thor rospoctvo thormu
powor stutons us por tho provson of tho
lncontvo Schomos.
ffflClfN1 OPfRA1lON Of 1HfRMAI POWfR
A now concopt for uwurdng thormu powor
stutons n tho country for uchovng oconomc
und offcont porformunco hus boon ntroducod
from tho your 1992. Undor ths schomo, thormu
powor stutons whch uchovo moro thun u
spocfod mprovomont n thor Socondury luo C
Consumpton (SlCC) und Auxury Powor
Consumpton (APC) us compurod to thut of tho
provous your uro rowurdod.
lor tho purposo of soocton of thormu powor
stutons for tho ncontvo uwurds undor Socondury
luo C Consumpton (SlCC), tho cou und gnto
busod thormu powor stutons uro cussfod nto
four groups on tho buss of SlCC of provous
your. SlCC s workod out n m-tro/kWh for
tho Cuondur your und uwurds uro docdod busod
on uchovng mnmum ovo of mprovomont ovor
tho provous your n SlCC for uwurds us por tho
scuos of uwurds proscrbod for dfforont groups of
such thormu powor stutons n tho country. Smur
procoduro s udoptod for docdng tho ncontvo
uwurds for roducton n Auxury Powor
Consumpton (APC) for cou und gnto busod
thormu powor stutons n tho country.
Undor ths schomo, cush uwurds totung to Rs.
350 ukhs woro dstrbutod to 58 ogbo thormu
powor stutons n tho country comprsng of Rs.
265.74 ukhs to 43 ogbo thormu powor stutons
undor Spocfc Socondury luo C (SlCC) und Rs.
84.26 ukhs to 15 ogbo thormu powor stutons
undor Auxury Powor Consumpton (APC)
us ncontvos for thor porformunco durng tho
your 2000.
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
1ho dotus of 1850.8 MW thormu cupucty
turgotod to bo commssonod durng tho romunng
porod of 2002-03 uro gvon n Stutomont lll.
1ho dotus of 499 MW hydro gonorutng cupucty
uroudy rood/commssonod durng tho your
2002-03 (t 28.02.2003) uro gvon n
Stutomont lV.
1ho dotus of 408 MW hydro cupucty koy to
bo commssonod durng tho romunng porod of
2002-03 uro gvon n Stutomont V.
Capaciy addition (Iast five years)
ln tho ust fvo yours ncudng 2002-03 (Apr 2002
lob. 2003), tho foowng now cupuctos huvo
boon uddod:
Year Centre State* 1otaI*
1997-98 333.00 2893.50 3226.50
1998-99 991.60 3250.40 4242.00
1999-2000 1615.40 2892.10 4507.50
2000-2001 659.00 3116.66 3775.66
2001-02 905.00 2210.25 3115.25
2002-03(upto 1210.00 1440.30 2650.30
lob. 2003)
'ncudos prvuto soctor projocts
Capacity Addition Programme for the 1enth five
Year PIan
A cupucty uddton of 41110 MW hus boon
turgotod for tho 10
lvo Your Pun. Dotus uro us
(figs. ln MW)
Hydro 1hermaI NucIear CumuIative
Contru 8742 12790 1300 22832
Stuto 4481 6676 0 11157
Prvuto 1170 5941 0 7121
OveraII 14393 2S407 1300 41110
A Nutonu Conforonco wus hod on tho 8
of uy, 2002 ut Now Doh to uscortun whothor
tho turgots woro roustc und whothor thoy coud
bo uttunod. 1hs Conforonco wus uttondod by
tho Stuto Powor Socroturos und Churmon of SLs
und n thor prosonco, ouch stod projoct wus
rovowod und crtcu construnts woro dontfod.
Aftor dotuod doborutons, t wus ugrood thut ths
turgot of 41,000 MW wus roustc consdorng tho
fuct thut ubout 19000 MW s uroudy undor
(iv) formuIation of comprehensive lncentive
Award Scheme
1ho porformunco of tho thormu powor stutons
huvo snco mprovod ovor tho porod of tmo und
suffcont oxporonco hus boon gunod by now.
Accordngy, tho porformunco ndcos sot for tho
ubovo ncontvo schomo nood modfcuton to sut
tho prosont duy ovo of porformunco. 1ho
Avuubty usod 1urff (A1) hus uso boon
mpomontod und tho ubovo ncontvo schomo
nood to bo modfod tukng A1 nto consdoruton.
Accordngy tho lncontvo Awurd Schomos n
oporuton uro undor rovow und propuruton of u
comprohonsvo lncontvo Schomo ncudng
schomo for mprovod Stuton Hout Ruto of tho
1hormu Powor Stutons.
1ho u lndu nstuod cupucty of ooctrc powor
gonorutng stutons undor uttos wus 104917.50
MW us on 31.3.2002 consstng of 74428.81 MW
of thormu, 26261.23 MW of hydro, 2720.00 MW
of nucour und 1507.46 MW wnd whch hus
ncrousod to 107533.7 MW (Stutomont-l) us on
31.01.2003 consstng of 76525.11 MW of
thormu, 26660.23 MW of hydro, 2720.00 MW
of nucour und 1628.36 MW of wnd. (Churt C
Capacity addition programme during 2002-03 and
achievement (ApriI 2002 - february 2003)
A progrummo of commssonng of 4109.10 MW
comprsng of 3502.10 MW thormu und 607.00
MW hydro gonorutng cupucty wus onvsugod
durng tho your 2002-03 us por dotus gvon boow:
CentraI State Private 1otaI
Sector Sector Sector
1hormu 920.00 790.10 1792.00 3502.10
Hydro 250.00 357.00 0.00 607.00
Nucour 0.00 00.00 0.00 0.00
1otaI 1170.00 1147.10 1792.00 4109.10
Agunst ths, u cupucty uddton of 2650.3 MW
consstng of 499 MW of hydro und 2151.3 MW
of thormu wus uddod durng tho your (upto
lobruury 2003).
1ho dotus of 2151.3 MW thormu cupucty uroudy
commssonod durng tho your 2002-03
(t 28.02.2003) uro gvon n Stutomont ll.
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
constructon und unothor 8500 MW hus tho
roqusto upprovus. An oncourugng fuctor s thut
tho outuy for tho 1onth Pun hus boon onhuncod
by 214 vs u vs tho Nnth Pun outuy. 1hs
woud onsuro thut udoquuto funds woud bo
uvuubo for tho cupucty uddton progrummo.
1ho Punnng Commsson huvo uocutod u totu
pun outuy of Rs.143399 croro for tho Mnstry of
Name of Organisation Proposed Approved by PIanning Commission
G8S lf8R G8S lf8R
N1PC 5000 58680 3000 58680
NHPC 22589 18026 14200 18026
PCClL 4907 25236.24 1000 20370
DVC 0.00 25941.97 10 13509.50
1HDC 1503.76 3515.02 600 3046.50
SVN (NPC) 2085 2554 700 2554
NLLPCC 4352.06 2627.12 2011 2213
PlC 0.00 0.00 0 0
RLC 0.00 0.00 0 0
MCP/Msc 8064.99# 0.00 3479 0
1O1AI 48S01.81 136S80.3S 2S000.00 118399
#lncudos Rs.500 croro for P1C.
Powor. 1hs woud ncudo u Cross udgotury
Support of Rs.25,000 Croro und tho romunng
Rs.1,18,399 croro woud bo lntornu Lxtru udgotury
Rosourcos (lLR). 1ho corrospondng fguros for tho
Nnth Pun woro ubout Rs.14,900 croro und
Rs.30,648 croro rospoctvoy. 1ho Cross udgotury
Support n tho 10
Pun hus thus boon ncrousod
by moro thun 67. 1ho totu Pun fguro n tho
Pun hus ncrousod by moro thun throo tmos.
Sub-uocuton of tho upprovod Pun outuy s undor :
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
Distribution - AcceIerated Power DeveIopment and
Reform Programme
1ho 1runsmsson & Dstrbuton (1&D) Lossos n
tho country, whch woro uround 15 up to 1966-
67, ncrousod gruduuy to 23.28 by 1989-90.
Aftor u brof spo of roducton n 1&D ossos to
21.13 (1994-95), thoro hus boon un upswng
und tho ossos now stund ut 24.79 durng 1997-
98 und 26.49 for 1998-99 und 30.93
(provsonu) 1999-2000. 1ho 1runsmsson &
Dstrbuton (1&D) Lossos n tho country, your-
wso, snco 1992-93 uro gvon boow:
Year 1&D Ioss (%)
1992-93 21.80
1993-94 21.41
1994-95 21.13
1995-96 22.27
1996-97 24.53
1997-98 24.79
1998-99 26.45
1999-2000 30.93'
1ho fnuncu houth of Stuto Loctrcty ourds (SLs)
hus bocomo u muttor of gruvo concorn consdorng
thut thor ossos huvo rouchod un uurmng ovo of
Rs.33, 000 Croros, whch s oquvuont to ubout
1.5 of CDP. 1ho gup botwoon cost of rovonuo
rousuton und cost of suppy hus gono up to 110
puso por unt, whch ndcutos thut SLs oso 110
puso for ovory unt of ooctrcty sod. 1ho
uccumuuton of outstundngs to tho CPSUs
hus grown to ovor Rs.40,000 Croros. Poor
crodtworthnoss of SLs hus offoctvoy bockod
nvostmonts by prvuto soctor dospto tho onubng
und oncourugng frumowork ud down by tho
Contro. 1hs hus nocosstutod tho roquromont of
roforms n tho dstrbuton soctor.
Mnstry of Powor took u numbor of stops to ushor
n roform. MCP nsstod tho Stuto Covornmonts to
undortuko tmo bound roforms through oxocutng
Memorandum of Understandings (MOUs). 1ho
thrust wus on romovu of turff unomuos by
ntroducng ndopondont turff roguutors, mundutory
motorng und onorgy uudt. 1hs wus oxpoctod to
ncrouso uccountubty und to mprovo rovonuo
rouzuton. Howovor, ths dd not brng tho dosrod
rosuts und thoroforo, to furthor rojuvonuto tho roform
procoss MCP formuutod u sx ovo ntorvonton
SlX IfVfI lN1fRVfN1lON S1RA1fGlfS
lor gvng furthor boost to tho roform progrummo,
tho Mnstry of Powor formuutod u sx ovo
ntorvonton strutogy for dstrbuton roforms ut
Nutonu, Stuto, SL, Dstrbuton Crco, loodor &
consumors ovos to onsuros uccountubty,
dovorubty und porformunco ut u ovo.
NationaI IeveI interventions
1ho nutonu ovo ntorvonton ncudo provdng
for u ogu frumowork for ushorng dstrbuton
roforms ko onubng ocu nsttutons to munugo
dstrbuton, thrd purty suo, romoto motorng,
romovu of cross subsdos, ponu provson for
thofts otc.
State IeveI interventions
1ho Stutos uro bong uskod to sgn tho MCUs
wth tho Mnstry of Powor to sot up SLRCs
rostructuro SLs, romovo cross subsdos und turff
unomuos, provdo budgotury support to SLs
towurds subsdos, ntroduco prvutzuton otc. So
fur 26 Stutos huvo sgnod MCUs wth tho Mnstry
of Powor, 22 Stutos huvo consttutod SLRCs, 13
Stuto Roguutory Commssons huvo ssuod turff
ordors und 9 Stutos huvo unbundod/ corporutsod
thor SLs.
Sf8 IeveI intervention
1ho Stuto Loctrcty ourds uro bong nsstod
upon to sgn un MCA wth tho Mnstry of Powor
to curry out dstrbuton roforms. 1hs woud oud
to ncrousod uccountubty, ntroducton of
commorcu uccountng, sottng up of onno
munugomont nformuton systoms, roducton of
1&D ossos, ntroducton of bonch murkng of
crucu purumotors thut covor consumor
sutsfucton und systom stubty. 1 now 25
stutos huvo sgnod tho MCA und othors uro
oxpoctod to sgn shorty.
Distribution CircIe IeveI intervention
At ths ovo, tho 1ochncu, commorcu und
udmnstrutvo ntorvontons for roducng outugos
mprovng roubty, roducng tochncu und
commorcu ossos uro onvsugod. 1ho
Suporntondng Lngnoor w bo tho Chof
Lxocutvo Cffcor of tho dstrbuton crco. Luch
crco w work us un ndopondont proft contro.
feeder IeveI intervention
11 KV loodors w bo oporutod us busnoss
unts thut w bo uccountubo for quuty of powor
und roubty, motorng, bng und coocton.
CHAP1fR - 2.3
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
l1 uppcutons covorng romoto motorng ut
foodor und dstrbuton trunsformor ovos w
bo tho munstuy for montorng und coocton.
Ropucomont of conductors und onorgy offcont
dstrbuton trunsformors, motorng of foodors und
dstrbuton trunsformors, roducng H1/L1 ruto,
sogroguton of tochncu und commorcu ossos
otc. uro onvsugod.
Consumer IeveI intervention
Mundutory motorng wth dgtu ntorfuco for u
consumors, propud motorng, ncontvos for
onorgy offconcy uro onvsugod horo.
ln ordor to oporutonuso tho Sx Lovo Strutogy,
MCP uunchod AcceIerated Power DeveIopment
Programme n lobruury 2000, whch hus now boon
rochrstonod us AcceIerated Power DeveIopment
and Reform Programme (APDRP). Accoorutod
Powor Dovoopmont und Roform Progrummo
[APDRP[ s umod to uchovo A1&C ossos to uround
15 us ugunst oxstng ovor 50 und onsuro
roubty und quuty of powor suppy wth udoquuto
customor sutsfucton. 1o bogn wth, tho uctvtos
uro concontrutod n hgh-donsty notworks whoro
nvostmonts coud oud to substuntu, quck und
domonstrubo rosuts. Durng tho porod of
mpomontuton of projocts umod ut up gruduton
of sub-trunsmsson & dstrbuton notwork n tho
hgh donsty urous, tho Stuto uttos uro bong uskod
to motor u tho foodor & consumors, tuko up onorgy
uccountng/uudtng, dovoop vurous crcos us proft
contors, dovoop ocu bodos & ocu nsttutons to
tuko up ooctrcty dstrbuton to dovoop u urgo
numbor of buk & rotu consumors otc. 1ho schomo
hus two compononts of nvostmont und ncontvo.
lnvestment Component
Undor tho nvostmont componont of tho progrummo
vurous schomos for up-gruduton & strongthonng of
sub-trunsmsson & dstrbuton notwork (boow 33kV
or 66 KV) ncudng onorgy uccountng & motorng
n tho dstrbuton crcos n u phusod munnor.
Undor tho schomo, n tho cuso of spocu cutogory
Stutos (ummu & Kushmr, Hmuchu Prudosh,
consttuont Stutos of tho North Lustorn Rogon
ncudng Skkm) ontro cost of tho projoct s bong
mot undor APDRP n tho form of 90 grunt und
10 oun. ln cuso of non-spocu Stutos, 50 of tho
projoct cost s bong mot from APDRP out of whch
huf w bo n tho form of grunt und huf us oun.
1ho romunng 50 of tho cost of projoct cun bo
mot by tho utty from thor ntornu rosourcos or
ouns from PlC/RLC/lls/Suppors crodt.
An umount of Rs. 978 Croros wus roousod umong
tho Stutos n lY 2000-01 for vurous schomos undor
ubovo cutogoros. lurthor, projocts costng Rs.
13,703 Croros, covorng 332 projoct urous, huvo
boon upprovod by MCP for vurous SLs/uttos n
lY 2002-03 und APDRP lund of Rs. 1087 Croros
hus boon roousod n lY 2002-03. 1ho dotus uro
shown ut Stutomont-Vl.
lncentive Component
1ho ncontvo componont s to provdo u substuntu
rowurd for stutos thut uro wng to go boyond
domonstruton projocts und undortuko ontorprso
wdo roform for porformunco mprovomonts. 1ho
stutos shu bo provdod u ono - for - two mutchng
grunt busod on tho roducton of unnuu cush oss.
lnuncu your 2000-01 shu bo consdorod us tho
buso your for compurng tho cush ossos.
Snco tho dstrbuton roforms roquros u structuru
chungo n tho oxstng sot up n tho SLs, funds undor
APDRP w bo provdod ony to thoso SLs/uttos
whch ugroo to cortun procodont condtons und
commt to uchovo ugrood bonchmurks through u
Momorundum of Agroomont (MCA). A stutos
oxcopt 1rpuru, Munpur, Crssu und Doh huvo
uroudy sgnod tho MCA. Undor tho MCA, n
uddton to tukng mousuros on tochncu,
commorcu und udmnstrutvo fronts, tho stutos huvo
commttod bonchmurks for mprovomonts n
motorng/bng/rouzuton offconcos, productvty
und roducton n gup botwoon por unt rovonuo
rouzuton & cost of suppy.
1ho uctvtos tukon up undor APDRP woud rosut
n tho foowng mousurubo outcomos:
Roducton of outugos/ntorruptons by u
mnmum of 30.
Ruto of motorod onorgy n tho urbun urous to
nput onorgy shoud bo moro thun 0.8 wthn u
porod of not oxcoodng 12 months.
Ruto of motorod onorgy n tho ndustru urous
to nput onorgy shoud bo moro thun 0.95 wthn
u porod of not oxcoodng 12 months.
Rovonuo ncrouso us u rosut of ntorvontons
montonod ubovo shoud bo ut oust 30.
lnformation 1echnoIogy
Wth u vow to uso l1 us u strutogy to mprovo
commorcu und oporutonu porformunco n
dstrbuton und for ts offoctvo mpomontuton, tho
MCP hus sot up un l1 1usk lorco for tho powor soctor
wth u focus on dstrbuton. 1ho 1usk lorco n ts
roport hus suggostod roud mup und phusng of tho l1
uctvtos n tho dstrbuton soctor. Lurgo scuo l1
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
ntutvos uro proposod to bo undortukon for tho
onorgy uudtng, uutomuton of tho dstrbuton systom
onsurng roubo und quuty powor to tho customors
und provdng L-soutons to tho customors.
UniversaI metering
1ho 1&D ossos uro poggod ut uround 10 por cont n
bottor-munugod powor systoms n tho dovoopod
countros. ln ordor to roduco tho 1&D ossos und to
huvo u propor dutu buso on powor suppy to vurous
cutogoros of consumors, t wus docdod n tho
conforonco of Chof Mnstors hod n lobruury 2000,
to motor u tho 11kV foodors und consumors.
Stutc motors on u 11 KV out-gong foodors und
H1 consumors huvo boon nstuod n most of
tho Stutos. 1ho dutu rocordod n tho stutc motors
cun bo down oudod to u computor notwork und
softwuro puckugos w bo offoctvoy utsod to
procoss tho dutu for mounngfu munugomont of
tho dstrbuton systom. lt woud bo possbo to
uccurutoy uccount for tho onorgy rocovod n
ouch 11 KV sub-stuton und 11 KV out-gong
foodors, onorgy bod und 1&D ossos ut tho
vurous stugos of trunsformuton.
ln tho noxt phuso of tho progrummo, motors w
bo nstuod n u tho dstrbuton trunsformors und,
thorouftor, n tho promsos of tho consumors. Wth
tho nstuuton of motors ut u tho trunsformuton
stugos und n tho promsos of consumors, t w
bo possbo to oporutonuso tho concopt of cost
und proft contro. 1ho mpomontuton of onorgy
uccountng systom, wth bng unt ut sub-
dvson ovo us tho nodu pont, tho probom of
commorcu ossos cun bo sovod. 1hs w hop
fx propor rosponsbty ut tho sub-dvsonu,
dvsonu, crco und zonu ovos.
Aong wth 100 por cont motorng n tho dstrcts, t
s nocossury to onforco onorgy uccountng und
uudtng. ln ths rogurd un offoctvo Munugomont
lnformuton Systom (MlS) w bo put n puco to
onsuro offoctvo fow of nformuton to fuctuto quck
docson-mukng und to mprovo tho oporuton und
munugomont of tho dstrbuton systom.
Wth tho udopton of ubovo stops, t w bo possbo
to dovoop tho dutu buso ossontu for onorgy uccountng
und uso to undortuko systom study und promoto
mousuros umod ut mprovng oud munugomont.
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
umondmont provsons of tho Loctrcty , 2001
w bo ntroducod n tho ongong udgot sosson of
tho Purumont.
1ho suont fouturos of tho Loctrcty uro us
1ho Contru Covornmont to propuro u Nutonu
Loctrcty Pocy n consututon wth Stuto
1hrust to compoto tho ruru ooctrfcuton und
provdo for munugomont of ruru dstrbuton by
Punchuyuts, Cooporutvo Socotos, non-
Covornmont orgunsutons, frunchsoos otc.
Conoruton, bong doconsod und cuptvo
gonoruton bong frooy pormttod. Hydro
projocts woud, howovor, nood courunco from
tho Contru Loctrcty Authorty.
1runsmsson Utty ut tho Contru us wo us Stuto
ovo, to bo u Covornmont compuny - wth
rosponsbty for punnod und coordnutod
dovoopmont of trunsmsson notwork. Provson
for prvuto trunsmsson consoos.
Cpon uccoss n trunsmsson from tho outsot wth
provson for surchurgo for tukng curo of curront
ovo of cross subsdy wth tho surchurgo bong
gruduuy phusod out.
Dstrbuton consoos woud bo froo to undortuko
gonoruton und gonorutng compunos woud bo
froo to tuko up dstrbuton consoos
1ho Stuto Loctrcty Roguutory Commsson s
u mundutory roquromont.
Provson for conco froo gonoruton und
dstrbuton n tho ruru urous.
1ho SLRCs muy pormt opon uccoss n
dstrbuton n phusos wth surchurgo for curront
ovo of cross subsdy to bo gruduuy phusod out
uong wth cross subsdos und obguton to
Provson for puymont of subsdy through budgot.
lor ruru und romoto urous stund uono systoms
for gonoruton und dstrbuton woud bo
1rudng, u dstnct uctvty s bong rocognsod
wth tho sufoguurd of tho Roguutory
Commssons bong uuthorsod to fx congs on
trudng murgns, f nocossury.
1ho Stuto Covornmonts huvo foxbty to
unbundo tho SLs or contnuo wth thom us
dstrbuton consoos und Stuto 1runsmsson
Powor soctor s wtnossng u crtcu phuso. Stuto
Loctrcty ourds (SLs) uro rosponsbo for
provdng ooctrcty to tho poopo. Most of tho SLs
uro cush struppod. 1hoy uro not ovon ubo to ourn u
mnmum Ruto of Roturn (RoR) of 3 on thor not
fxod ussots n sorvco uftor provdng for doprocuton
und ntorost churgos n uccordunco wth Socton 59
of tho Loctrcty (Suppy) Act, 1948. 1ho powor
soctor n tho country hus uccumuutod u hugo dofct,
u duos to Contru Powor Conorutng Compunos
bocuuso of tho dotororutng fnuncu porformunco.
1o turn uround tho fnuncu houth of tho powor
soctor, tho Covornmont hus tukon up roforms n tho
powor soctor for gruduu omnuton of ossos. 1ho
roform procoss n powor soctor n lndu wus ntutod
n 1991. 1ho soo objoctvo n uunchng of tho
roforms wus to mobzo prvuto soctor rosourcos for
powor gonorutng cupucty uddton. 1ho
Covornmont of lndu hus umondod Loctrcty Suppy
Act, 1948 und tho lndun Loctrcty Act, 1910 to
fuctuto tho prvuto soctor purtcputon.
1o gvo u strong mpotus to tho procoss of roforms,
tho Mnstry of Powor orgunsod u Conforonco of
Chof Mnstor/Powor Mnstors on Powor Soctor
Roforms on 3rd Murch 2001. 1ho Conforonco
rosovod ntor uu thut commorcu vubty hus to
bo uchovod n dstrbuton n 2-3 yours through uny
or u of tho foowng :
Croutng proft contros wth fu uccountubty
Hundng ovor ocu dstrbuton to Punchuyuts/
Locu odos/lrunchsoos/Usors Assocuton,
whorovor nocossury
Prvutsuton of dstrbuton
Cr uny othor mouns.
fIfC1RlCl1Y 8lII, 2001
1ho Covornmont of lndu wth tho objoctvo of
roformng tho powor soctor hud ntroducod tho
Loctrcty , 2001 n tho Lok Subhu n August,
2001. 1ho Loctrcty , 2001 sooks to ropuco tho
throo oxstng Acts numoy, tho lndun Loctrcty Act,
1910, tho Loctrcty (Suppy) Act, 1948 und tho
Loctrcty Roguutory Commssons Act, 1998. 1ho
wus subsoquonty roforrod to tho Stundng
Commttoo on Lnorgy for oxumnuton und roport
by tho Lok Subhu. 1ho Commttoo submttod ts
roport to Lok Subhu on 19.12.2002. 1ho Cubnot
hus upprovod tho proposu of Mnstry of Powor for
umondmont to cortun provsons of tho busod
on tho rocommondutons of tho Commttoo. 1ho
Power Sector Reforms
CHAP1fR - 2.4
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
1ho doos not proscrbo uny modo of roform,
nstoud provdos foxbty to tho Stuto
Covornmont to chooso tho modo sutng to thor
Motorng of u ooctrcty suppod mudo
An Appouto 1rbunu to hour uppous ugunst
tho docson of tho CLRC und SLRCs.
Provsons routng to thoft of ooctrcty mudo
moro strngont.
8Rlff S1A1US ON RffORMS lN 1Hf POWfR
State Reforms Acts
--- Crssu, Huryunu, Andhru Prudosh, Uttur Prudosh,
Kumutuku, Rujusthun, Mudhyu Prudosh und Doh
huvo onuctod thor Stuto Loctrcty Roforms Acts,
whch provdo, ntor uu, for unbundng/
corporutsuton of SLs, sottng up ofSLRCs, otc.
--- 1ho SLs of Crssu, Huryunu, Andhru Prudosh,
Kumutuku, Uttur Prudosh, Utturunchu Rujusthun,
Doh und Mudhyu Prudosh huvo boon
unbundod corporutsod.
--- Dstrbuton hus boon prvutzod n Crssu und
roconty n Doh.
State fIectricity ReguIatory Commissions
1wenty two stutos numoy, Crssu, Huryunu, Andhru
Prudosh, Uttur Prudosh, Kumutuku. Wost ongu,
1um Nudu, Punjub, Doh, Cujurut, Mudhyu
Prudosh, Arunuchu Prudosh, Muhurushtru, Rujusthun,
Hmuchu Prudosh, Assum, Chhutsgurh, Utturunchu,
Cou, hur, hurkhund und Koruu huvo othor
consttutod or notfod tho consttuton of SLRC.
1hirteen SLRCs vz. Crssu, Andhru Prudosh, Uttur
Prudosh, Muhurushtru, Cujurut, Huryunu, Kumutuku,
Rujusthun, Doh, Mudhyu Prudosh, Hmuchu
Prudosh, Wost ongu und Punjub huvo ssuod turff
Anti-theft IegisIation
Sovoru Stutos vz. Andhru Prudosh, Kumutuku,
Mudhyu Prudosh, Uttur Prudosh, Wost ongu,
Muhurushtru, Koruu und Cujurut huvo othor pussod
or druftod unt-thoft uws.
Strngont provsons huvo boon mudo ugunst thoft
of ooctrcty n thoso uws :
1hoft, u cognzubo offonco
Cn tho spot ussossmont
Doburrng suppy of powor upto two yours on
Spocu courts
Compoundng of offoncos
ONf 1lMf Sf11IfMfN1 Of OU1S1ANDlNG
DUfS Of Sf8
1ho fnuncu poston of tho Stuto Loctrcty ourds
hus dotororutod quto rupdy n tho pust docudo.
1ho uccumuutod ossos for tho ust 10 yours ondng
2001-02 hus boon cucuutod to bo coossu Rs.
1,55,432 croro. Aftor tukng nto uccount tho
subsdy provdod by rospoctvo Stuto Covornmonts
umountng to Rs. 67,325 croro, tho unfundod ossos
st romun ut Rs. 88,107 croro. Such hugo ossos
huvo vory udvorsoy uffoctod tho oporutons und
tho ubty of tho ooctrcty uttos to suppy
ooctrcty to tho consumors. ocuuso of tho
uccumuutod ossos und nudoquuto cush gonoruton
SLs dofuutod n puyng thor powor purchuso
from tho Contru Powor Uttos ko tho Nutonu
1hormu Powor Corporuton (N1PC), Nutonu
Hydroooctrc Powor Corporuton (NHPC), Powor
Crd Corporuton of lndu Ltd. (PCClL), North
Lustorn Loctrc Powor Corporuton (NLLPCC),
Dumodur Vuoy Corporuton( DVC), Noyvo
Lgnto Corporuton (NLC), Nucour Powor
Corporuton of lndu Ltd. (NPClL) und for othor
duos to Cou lndu Ltd. und tho Ruwuys.
A Conforonco of Powor Mnstors hod undor tho
Churmunshp of tho Prmo Mnstor n Murch,
2001 rosovod thut un Lxport Croup bo sot up to
rocommond u Cno 1mo Sottomont of Powor
Soctor pust duos to tho CPSUs und duos from
CPSUs to Stuto Powor Uttos. 1ho Lxport Croup
wus sot up undor tho churmunshp of Shr Montok
Sngh Ahuwuu, formory Mombor n tho Punnng
Commsson. 1ho Lxport Croup submttod ts roport
n Muy 2001. A Hgh Lovo Lmpoworod Croup
of Chof Mnstors consstng of Doputy Churmun,
Punnng Commsson, lnunco Mnstor, Mnstor
of Powor und Chof Mnstors of Andhru Prudosh,
Cujurut, Huryunu, Kurnutuku, Mudhyu Prudosh,
Mzorum, Crssu, Rujusthun und Wost ongu
uccoptod tho rocommondutons of tho Lxport Croup
wth u fow modfcutons on 06.07.2001. 1ho
Covornmont of lndu thorouftor upprovod tho
schomo n Murch 2002. 1ho schomo wus formuy
unnouncod on 17.04.2002 und u modo 1rpurtto
Agroomont (1PA) thut s to bo sgnod by tho Stuto
Covornmont concornod, tho Rl und tho
Covornmont of lndu wus crcuutod on
1ho suont fouturos of tho schomo uro:
(u) lor tho stutos purtcputng n tho schomo, 60 of
tho ntorost / surchurgo on tho douyod puymonts
us on 30-09-2001 woud bo wuvod off.
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
(b) 1ho rost of tho duos comprsng tho fu
prncpu umount us wo us tho romunng 40
of tho ntorost / surchurgo to bo socurtsod
through bonds ssuod by tho rospoctvo Stuto
(c) 1ho bonds w bo ssuod through Rl ut u
tux-froo ntorost ruto of 8.5 por unnum. 1ho
torms of bonds shu bo structurod to uchovo
u morutorum of 5 yours on ropuymont of
prncpu wth tho ontro prncpu bong ropud
botwoon tho 6
und 15
your. 1hoso bonds
shu bo dontcu to tho bonds ssuod n
connocton wth tho murkot borrowngs of Stuto
Covornmonts, wth tho uttondunt dscpno n
ropuymonts. 1ho bonds w bo subjoct to
ock-n rostrctons thut w uow roouso of
ony 10 of tho bonds n tho socondury
murkot ouch your.
(d) lor onsurng tmoy puymont of curront duos
n futuro, dofuuts n curront puymont for
powor/fuo shu uttruct u grudod roducton n
tho suppy of powor from contru powor
stutons und n cou suppos. Puymonts thut
romun outstundng uftor 90 duys from tho duto
of bng shu bo rocovorod, on bohuf of tho
CPSUs, by tho Mnstry of lnunco through
udjustmont ugunst roousos duo to tho
rospoctvo Stuto Covornmont on uccount of
pun ussstunco, Stutos shuro of Contru tuxos
und uny othor grunt or oun.
(o) ln ordor to ntuto stops towurds roform of tho
soctor, tho Stuto Loctrcty ourds / Stuto
govornmonts to uccopt roform-busod
porformunco mostonos such us sottng up of
Stuto Loctrcty Roforms Commsson (SLRC),
motorng of dstrbuton foodors, mprovomont
n rovonuo rousuton spocfod n tho
Momorundum of Undorstundng (MCU) sgnod
/ to bo sgnod wth tho Mnstry of Powor.
(f) 1ho Stutos to bo offorod ncontvos for
compyng wth tho schomo. lf SLs do not
dofuut on thor curront duos und udhoro to
tho porformunco mostonos, CPSUs woud puy
thom, b-unnuu cush ncontvos oquu to 3
of tho vuuo of bonds n tho frst your, 2.5
n tho socond your und 2 n tho thrd und
fourth yours (totu ncontvo of 19 for four
yours). lurthor, f SLs opon und muntun
Lottors of Crodt (LCs), CPSUs woud puy thom
u ono-tmo cush ncontvo oquu to 2 of tho
vuuo of bonds. ln uddton, Stutos undortukng
roforms woud uso bo ussstod through tho
Accoorutod Powor Dovoopmont und Roform
Progrummo (APDRP) grunts und dscrotonury
uocuton of Powor.
(g) 1ho Stutos thut wthhod thor consont boyond
60 duys uftor ths schomo ontors nto forco
w bo donod uny shuro n tho dscrotonury
uocuton of powor (15) from tho powor
stutons of CPSUs us wo us uny ussstunco
undor tho APDRP. lf tho ovorduos of such
Stutos oxcood Rs 50 croro n rospoct of uny
CPSUs, thoy woud uso uttruct roducton n
powor und cou suppos, uvuubo to tho stutos
purtcputng n ths schomo.
(h) Cutstundng duos us on 30.09.2001 woud
form tho buss of tho ono tmo sottomont.
Duos thut uccruo uftor ths duto woud not
form purt of tho schomo. lndvduu CPSUs &
stutos cun consdor oxchungng bonds for tho
outstundng boyond 30-09-2001.
1ho schomo covors tho outstundng duos puyubo
by tho SLs to tho Nutonu 1hormu Powor
Corporuton (N1PC), Nutonu Hydro-ooctrc Powor
Corporuton (NHPC), North Lustorn Loctrc Powor
Corporuton (NLLPCC), Dumodur Vuoy
Corporuton (DVC) und Powor Crd Corporuton
of lndu (PCClL) undor tho Mnstry of Powor, Cou
lndu Lmtod (ClL) & ts subsduros und Noyvo
Lgnto Corporuton (NLC) undor tho Dopurtmont
of Cou, Nucour Powor Corporuton (NPL) undor
tho Dopurtmont of Atomc Lnorgy und tho Mnstry
of Ruwuys.
Andhru Prudosh, Assum, hur, Chuttsgurh, Cou,
Cujurut, Huryunu, Hmuchu Prudosh, ummu &
Kushmr, Kurnutuku, Koruu, Mudhyu Prudosh,
Nuguund, Crssu, Punjub, Rujusthun, Skkm, 1um
Nudu, Utturunchu, Uttur Prudosh, Wost ongu,
hurkhund und Moghuuyu huvo sgnod tho trpurtto
ugroomont. Muhurushtru huvo uccordod 'n-
prncpo upprovu to sgn tho ugroomont upurt
from tho Nutonu Cuptu 1orrtory of Doh.
Arunuchu Prudosh, Munpur, Mzorum und 1rpuru
uro yot to convoy thor consont to sgn tho
1ho Schomo s oxpoctod to:
u) luctuto sottomont of outstundng duos of Rs.
41,852.63 croro of tho SLs puyubo to tho
CPSUs us on 30.09.2001, through wrto off of
60 of ntorost/surchurgo umountng to Rs
9609.94 croro und socurtsuton of tho
romunng ntorost / surchurgo und 100 of
tho prncpu (us on 30-09-2001, tho cut off
duto) by mouns of ssuo of bonds of Rs
32242.69 croros (provsonu),
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
b) Sot up u mochunsm for roguur puymont of
futuro duos of tho SLs to tho CPSUs through
ncontvos for tmoy puymont, roguutons of
powor und cou suppos und n oxcoptonu
cusos, through doductons from Contru
Rosourco 1runsfor by tho Mnstry of lnunco
n cuso of dofuut, und
c) Hop tho roforms procoss n tho Stutos by
counng tho books of tho SLs/uttos.
fXPfR1 COMMl11ff ON S1A1f SPfClflC
1ho Lxport Commttoo, undor tho Churmunshp of
Shr Doopuk S. Purokh, Churmun, lDlC submttod
n Soptombor 2002 - tho roport on tho frst purt
of tho torms of roforonco suggostng mousuros for
structurng of tho APDRP und outnos tho roform
frumowork und prncpos of fnuncu rostructurng
thut coud form tho buss for dovsng stuto-spocfc
roforms progrummo.
fIectronic 1rivector Meter
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
1runsmsson projocts contnuo to bo uccordod u hgh prorty n tho contoxt of tho nood to ovucuuto
powor from tho gonorutng stutons to tho oud contros, systom ro-strongthonng und crouton of Nutonu
Crd. Contru Soctor trunsmsson constructon turgots for tho your 2002-03 und tho progross uchovod
up to Novombor 2002 uro summursod boow:
Wor|s Programme for the year Achievement upto % of
2002-2003 (C|t. Kms.) )anuary, 2003 Achievement
800/400/220 kV 3437 3341 95.5
LHV AC & 500 kV
HVDC nos
Contru soctor trunsmsson nos und sub-stutons compotod durng tho your 2002-03 (upto unuury, 2003)
uro shown n tho foowng tubo :
S. No. Name of the Iine/Sub-station VoItage CIass
1 LlLC of onguguon-Mudu l ut Now Sgur 400 kV
2 lxod Soros componsuton for Kunpur-uubhgurh -
3 Unfod Loud Dosputch & Communcuton Schomo- Northorn Rogon -
4 Unfod Loud Dosputch & Communcuton Schomo- Southorn Rogon -
5 LlLC of Cudduppu-Somunuhu ut Kour 400 kV
6 400 kV S/c Kour-Mudrus no 400 kV
7 400 kV S/c Kour-Arukkonum no 400 kV
8 400 kV S/c Arukkonum-Mudrus no 400 kV
9 Poo-l of 1uchor-Kour HVDC -poo _500 kV
10 400 kV Kour-Hoody D/c no 400 kV
11 400 kV Hosur-Puukkudu S/c porton of 400 kV Kour-Hosur-Puukkudu S/c no 400 kV
12 400 kV Puukkudu-Suom S/c no 400 kV
13 220 kV D/c Auhubud-Rowu roud of UP strongthonng schomo 220 kV
14 LlLC of 220 kV Modpurum-Muzzuffurnugur (Nuru) ut Moorut of UP 220 kV
strongthonng schomo
15 400 kV D/c Kohupur-Mupusu 400 kV
16 220 kV D/c Purnou-Purnou no 220 kV
17 Sgur (Now) Sub-stuton 400 kV
18 Lust-North lntorconnoctor (Susurum HVDC), AC & HVDC sub-stutons 400 kV/_500 kV
19 1uchor HVDC stuton 500 kV
20 Kour AC & HVDC sub-stutons 400 kV/ _500 kV
21 Hosur AC sub-stuton 400 kV
22 hwud (Now) sub-stuton 400 kV
23 Mupusu sub-stuton 400 kV
24 umshodpur-Rourkou trunsmsson no 400 kV
25 Poo-ll of 1uchor-Kour HVDC -poo 400 kV/ _500 kV
26 Lust-Wost lntor-rogonu nk (Rupur-Rourkou trunsmsson no) 400 kV
27 Strongthonng of 1runsmsson Systom n Southorn Rogon 400 kV
28 LlLC of rpuru-Sgur ut Sgur 400 kV
29 400 KV D/C Moorut Mundou Lno (1ohr l) 400 kV
30 LlLC of Modpurum-Smbho no ut Moorut 220 kV
31 LlLC of uss-uubgurh ut hwud 400 kV
CHAP1fR - 3
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
Dotus of Contru soctor trunsmsson works oxpoctod to bo compotod durng tho porod from lob. 2003
to Murch, 2003 uro shown n tho foowng tubo:
S. No. Name of the Iine/Sub-station VoItage CIass
1 1uchor-Morumundu 400 kV
2 LlLC of onguguon Mudu ut Purnou (now) 400 kV
3 LlLC of Purnou- Dukhou ut Purnou (Lxstng) 400 kV
4 220 KV S/C Auhubud Phupur (UP Systom lmprovomont. Schomo) 220 kV
5 220 KV D/C Punk Nuubustu LlLC Lno (Unchuhur) 220 kV
6 132 KV S/C Muu uu no 132 kV
7 220 KV S/C Moorut Shutubd Nugur (UP Systom lmprovomont. Schomo) 220 kV
8 400 kV Agru (PCWLRCRlD)-Agru (UPPCL) 400 kV
A porspoctvo trunsmsson pun, for short, modum
und ong-torm, hus boon ovovod for strongthonng
tho regionaI grids wth tho utmuto objoctvo of
ostubshmont of u strong & vbrunt NationaI Power
Grid by tho your 2012 to support tho gonoruton
cupucty uddton progrum of ubout 1,00,000 MW
durng X & Xl Puns. 1ho mujor consdorutons
foowod who formuutng such u porspoctvo pun
uro, crouton of 1ransmission Highways" from
potontu hydo gonoruton rosourcos muny n
Lustorn & North-Lustorn Rogons to mujor oud
contors n Northorn, Southorn & Wostorn Rogons
for thor optmum utzuton, consorvuton of
procous Rght-of-Wuy uong oco-sonstvo urous und
to uchovo oconomy n ong-torm.
A numbor of schomos huvo uroudy boon
mpomontod towurds dovoopmont of tho frst
phuso of tho Nutonu Powor Crd. 1horo uro
throo HVDC buck-to-buck ntor-rogonu nks-500
MW HVDC buck-to-buck nk ntorconnoctng
Wostorn und Northorn Rogon ut Vndhyuchu,
1000 MW HVDC buck-to-buck nk ntorconnoctng
Wostorn und Southorn Rogon ut Chundrupur, 500
MW buck-to-buck nk ntorconnoctng Lustorn und
Southorn Rogons ut Cuzuwuku-uroudy
undor oporuton n uddton to u fow AC ntor-
rogonu nks.
1o huston tho dovoopmont of NationaI Power
Grid" S00 MW HVDC bac|-to-bac| Iin| ntor-
connoctng Lustorn & Northorn Rogon ut Sasaram
n hur hus boon commssonod uhoud of
contructuu schoduo und ut u cost ossor by Rs.
76 Croro thun tho upprovod cost. 1hs nk s
trunsforrng surpus powor from Lustorn Rogon und
provdng roof to Northorn Rogon stutos. Wth
ths, tho frst phuso of tho Nutonu Crd hus boon
compotod und tho ntor-rogonu powor oxchungo
cupucty hus boon onhuncod to S,000 MW.
Spocu omphuss hus boon gvon for onhuncng
tho ntor-rogonu powor trunsfor cupucty for
optmu utzuton of uvuubo onorgy rosourcos.
As u rosut tho ntor rogonu trunsmsson of onorgy
ncrousod from moro 3600 MUs n 1997 to ovor
9730 MUs durng tho your 2001-02. Smury,
durng tho sumo porod tho ntor-rogonu powor
trunsfor cupucty hus boon onhuncod from 1200
MW to 5000 MW.
1ho commssonng of 1
poo of 1uchor-Kour
HVDC nk commoncos tho dovoopmont of
socond phuso of tho Nutonu Powor Crd tho
Iargest HVDC pro[ect in Asia .o. 2000 MW
capacity, 1369 |m. Iong HVDC Iin| between
1aIcher in Orissa and KoIar in Karnata|a wus
onorgzod through commssonng of frst poo
ubout 9 months uhoud of tho schoduo und ut u
cost whch s oss by upprox. Rs. 700 croros oss
thun tho upprovod cost. Cumuutvo ntor-rogonu
powor trunsfor cupucty hus boon ncrousod to
ubout 6000 MW by Novombor, 2002. 1ho
ntor-rogonu powor trunsfor cupucty hus
furthor boon onhuncod to ubout 8,000 MW wth
tho commssonng of tho socond poo of
tho 1uchor-Kour HVDC nk und 400 kV D/c
Rupur-Rourkou trunsmsson no.
lt hus boon punnod to doubo tho cupucty of
Cujuwuku HVDC buck-to-buck nk by
ostubshmont of uddtonu 500 MW bock for
onhuncng tho powor trunsfor cupucty botwoon
Lustorn Rogon & Southorn Rogon.
ln tho utmuto phuso, u strong Nutonu Crd hus
boon onvsugod to ovucuuto tho powor from mujor
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
gonorutng rosourcos ncudng hydro projocts n
North-Lust Rogon und urgo szod 1hormu Powor
Punts n hurkhund/hur, Crssu und Mudhyu
Prudosh. 1ho schomo for Nutonu Crd nvovos
dovoopmont of hgh cupucty trunsmsson corrdor
n chckon-nock urou (fung botwoon Nopu &
ungudosh) und ostubshmont of u rng of 765
kV nos ntorconnoctng Lustorn-Wostorn und
Northorn rogons. Cumuutvo ntor-rogonu
trunsmsson cupucty of tho proposod Nutonu
Crd woud ncrouso to ubout 29,500 MW by tho
ond of Xl pun. Dotus of ntor-rogonu nks
oxstng/punnod to bo ostubshod t Xlth pun
uro gvon ut Stutomont - Vll.
As por un ostmuto, tho hydro potontu of hutun
s 21,000 MW, thut of Nopu s 83,000 MW, und
of Pukstun s 36,000 MW. ungudosh hus gus
potontu to tho tuno of 40,000 bcf. lndu bong
contruy pucod n South Asun rogon, shurng
potcu bounduros wth four SAARC countros,
cun puy u mujor roo n fuctutng ntorconnocton
botwoon thoso countros oudng to formuton of
SAARC Crd for offoctvo utzuton of Rogonu
ln no wth tho Covornmont of lndu gudonos,
offoctvo stops huvo boon tukon to uttruct prvuto
nvostmont n trunsmsson soctor to brdgo tho
gup n rosourco mobzuton for oxocuton of
trunsmsson projocts durng 10
und 11
Soctuton procoss on uroudy dontfod two routos
vz. lndopondont Powor 1runsmsson Compuny
(lP1C) und ont Vonturo (V) s undor progross.
1ho projoct tukon up through V routo covors
cortun trunsmsson nos ostmutod to cost Rs 1100
Croro. 1hoso uro ussocutod wth u trunsmsson
projoct ttod 1runsmsson systom ussocutod wth
1uu HLP, Lust-North ntor-connoctor und Northorn
rogon trunsmsson systom. 1ho projoct tukon up
through lP1C routo covors 400 KV doubo crcut
trunsmsson no from nu to Nugdu & Nugdu
to Dohgum, und s ostmutod to cost Rs 450 Croro.
lor tho frst projoct through V routo, M/s 1utu
Powor hus boon dontfod us u prospoctvo ont
Vonturo Purtnor (VP). lor tho formuton of tho
ont vonturo Compuny, u 'projoct spocfc Sho
Compuny wus ncorporutod on 4
muy, 2001.
Shurohodors Agroomont (SHA) hus uroudy boon
lnaugration of fast-South lnterconnector-ll 1ransmission System (1aIcher - KoIar HVDC bipoIe)
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
ntuod for ontorng nto ont Vonturo und uftor
nocossury upprovu, PCWLRCRlDs oquty
purtcputon n ths ont Vonturo Compuny woud
bo 49. uunco 51 oquty shu bo contrbutod
by M/s 1utu Powor und ts uffutos. 1ho othor
two Agroomonts vz. lmpomontuton Agroomont
(lA) und 1runsmsson Sorvco Agroomont (1SA) uro
n udvunco stugos of fnusuton.
CLRC hus uso ssuod ordors on '1urff norms
uppcubo for prvuto soctor und 'Procoduro und
1orms & Condtons of conso.
Sgnfcunt progross hus uso boon uchovod undor
lP1C routo, whch s bong mpomontod through
lntornutonu Compottvo ddng on CC1 buss.
ln rosponso to tho nvtuton for tho Rf stugo,
fftoon uppcunts hud purchusod tho documont.
Cut of thoso, 6 Appcunts submttod thor
uufcuton stutomonts und four purtos huvo boon
short stod for ssuo of Roquost for Proposu (RfP)
documont to onubo thom submt thor 1ochno-
Commorcu & 1urff Proposu for fnu soocton
us Sponsor. Roquost for proposu (RfP) documont
hus boon ssuod to short stod purtos. RfP wus
submttod und oponod on 30/10/2002. 1ho Sponsor
s koy to bo fnusod by tho ond of fnuncu
your, 2002-03.
lnnuguration of DeIhi-Iuc|now-Mumbai 1eIecom Iin| by HonbIe Prime Minister of lndia
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
CHAP1fR - 4
RuraI fIectrification Programme
Ruru Loctrcty nvovos suppy of onorgy for two
typos of progrummos:
(u) Producton orontod uctvtos ko mnor
rrguton, ruru ndustros otc.,
(b) Loctrfcuton of vugos.
Who tho omphuss s ud on oxporuton of
ground wutor potontu und onorgsuton of
pumpsots/tubowos, whch hus u bourng on
ugrcuturu producton, tho uccont n rospoct of
urous covorod undor tho Rovsod Mnmum Noods
Progrummo (RMN P), s on vugo ooctrfcuton.
Accordng to tho ouror dofnton: A vugo s
cussfod us ooctrfod f ooctrcty s bong
usod wthn ts rovonuo urou for uny purposo
1hs dofnton of vugo ooctrfcuton wus
rovowod n consututon wth tho Stuto
Covornmonts und Stuto Loctrcty ourds und tho
foowng now dofnton wus udoptod:
A vugo w bo doomod to bo ooctrfod f
ooctrcty s usod n tho nhubtod ocuty wthn
tho rovonuo boundury of tho vugo for uny
purposo whutsoovor.
lt hus boon docdod to rovso tho dofnton of
vugo ooctrfcuton und u now proposod
dofnton of vugo ooctrfcuton s us undor:
1. 1ho busc nfrustructuro such us dstrbuton
trunsformor und or dstrbuton nos s mudo
uvuubo n tho nhubtod ocuty wthn tho
rovonuo boundury of tho vugo ncudng ut
oust ono humot/Dut ust us uppcubo und
2. Any of tho pubc pucos ko Schoos,
Punchuyut Cffco, Houth Contros,
Dsponsuros, Communty contors otc. uvu
powor suppy on domund und
3. 1ho rutngs of dstrbuton trunsformor und L1
nos to bo provdod n tho vugo woud bo
fnuzod us por tho untcputod numbor of
connoctons docdod n consututon wth tho
Punchuyut/Zu Purshud/Dstrct Admnstruton
who w uso ssuo tho nocossury cortfcuto
of vugo ooctrfcuton on compoton of tho
4. 1ho numbor of housohod ooctrfod shoud
bo mnmum 10 for vugos whch uro
unooctrfod, boforo tho vugo s docurod
ooctrfod. 1ho rovson of dofnton woud
bo prospoctvo.
Durng tho your 2002-2003, 3056 nhubtod
vugos woro ooctrfod us on 31.12.2002 und
213618 pumpsots/tubowos onorgzod us on
30.11.2002. Cumuutvoy 509678 vugos huvo
boon ooctrfod und 13355909 ooctrc rrguton
pumpsots huvo boon onorgzod us on 30.11.2002.
As rogurds tho ooctrfcuton of trbu vugos, out
of u totu of 106949 trbu vugos n tho country,
81423 (Provsonu) vugos consttutng 75.72
huvo boon ooctrfod us on 30.9.2002. Smury,
309171 (Provsonu) Hurjun usts huvo boon
ooctrfod us on tho sumo duto.
Ruru Loctrfcuton wus ncudod undor Prudhun
Muntr Crumoduyu Yojunu (PMCY) from 2001-02
to uchovo humun dovoopmont ut tho vugo ovo.
1ho sx compononts of PMCY now uro: Prmury
Houth, Prmury Lducuton, Ruru Drnkng Wutor,
Ruru Shotor, Nutrton und Ruru Loctrfcuton.
Durng 2002-03, tho PMCY s bong udmnstorod
by tho Punnng Commsson. Undor tho rovsod
gudonos, tho Stutos woud huvo foxbty to
docdo thor ntor-so uocuton of ACA umong tho
sx PMCY soctors us por thor own pun prortos
und dscroton. 1ho funds for vugo ooctrfcuton
uro uvuubo us Addtonu Contru Assstunco wth
90 grunt und 10 oun for tho spocu cutogory
Stutos, und 30 grunt und 70 oun for othor
Stutos. Covornmont hus roousod Rs.36066.35 ukhs
to vurous Stutos us frst nstumont (50) undor
PMCY for 2002-03. Dotus uro uvuubo n
Stutmont - Vlll.
DlS1Rl8U1fD GfNfRA1lON
lor u urgo und dsporsod ruru country,
docontruzod powor gonoruton systoms, whoron
ooctrcty s gonorutod ut consumor ond und
thoroby uvodng trunsmsson und dstrbuton
costs, offors u bottor souton. Cokuk Commttoo
hud gono nto dotus ubout tho concopt of
docontruzod gonoruton to moot tho noods of
ruru mussos. 1ho mun rocommondutons of tho
Commttoo uro us undor :-
1. 1ho concopt of Dstrbutod Conoruton (D.C.)
hus boon tukon us docontruzod gonoruton und
dstrbuton of powor ospocuy n tho ruru
urous. ln lndu, tho doroguuton of tho powor
soctor hus not mudo much houdwuy but tho
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
probom of 1&D ossos, tho unroubty of
tho grd und tho probom of romoto und
nuccossbo rogons huvo provokod tho dobuto
on tho subjoct.
2. 1ho D.C. tochnoogos n lndu routo to
turbnos, mcro turbnos, wnd turbnos,
bomuss, und gusfcuton of bomuss, sour
photovotucs und hybrd systoms. Howovor,
most of tho docontruzod punts uro busod on
wnd powor, hydo powor und bomuss und
bomuss gusfcuton. 1ho tochnoogy of sour
photovotucs s costy und fuo cos uro yot to
bo commorcuzod.
3. ln so fur us tho 18,000 vugos n romoto und
nuccossbo urous uro concornod, tho oxtonson
of grd powor s not gong to bo oconomcu.
Docontruzod punts busod on bomuss,
gusfcuton of bomuss, hydo powor und sour
thormu powor und sour photovutucs uro tho
uppropruto souton for thoso urous. A docson
wth rogurd to tho uvuubo optons w huvo
to bo tukon dopondng on tho fouturo of ouch
4. As rogurds tho romunng unooctrfod vugos,
tho rosponsbty shoud rost prmury wth
tho Stuto Covornmonts. 1ho Covt. of lndu
woud, howovor, uct us tho fuctutor to thom.
5. As poopo n muny of tho ooctrfod vugos
uro vory much dssutsfod wth tho quuty of
grd powor, such vugos uso oncourugod to
go uhoud wth tho Dstrbutod Conoruton
Schomos. 1hoso shoud uso bo tho
rosponsbty of tho Stuto Covornmonts.
6. 1hough lndu hus mudo consdorubo progross
n udoptng tochnoogos busod on ronowubo
sourcos of onorgy thoso uro not yot cupubo of
commorcu uppcuton on u urgo scuo.
7. Assocuton of Vugo Punchuyut wth Vugo
Lovo Commttoos s mportunt for tho succoss
of tho progrummo. 1ho fuct thut tho Ruru
Loctrc Cooporutvos whch woro ostubshod
n tho 80s for dstrbuton of powor suppod
by tho SLs ncurrod ossos nood not dotor us
from tryng thom out ugun us thoso dd huvo
somo postvo fouturos.
1ho rovsod crtoru for tho MNP compononts of
ruru ooctrfcuton udoptod snco tho bognnng
of 7
Pun uro us undor:-
(u) u North-Lustorn hy Stutos,
(b) u Stutos wth oss thun 65 ooctrfcuton
und n thoso Stutos thoso dstrcts w bo tukon
up whch hus oss thun 65 ooctrfcuton
provdod thut dstrcts huvng oust porcontugo
covorugo w bo gvon prorty ovor tho othors,
(c) u urous ncudng n tho trbu sub pun.
Durng 2002-03 Rs.600 croros huvo boon uocutod
to tho ogbo Stutos undor MNP. 1ho brouk up s
us undor:-
(Rs. n ukhs)
S.No. States Amount
1. Arunuchu Prudosh 1200
2. Assum 6000
3. hur 6800
4. Chuttsgurh 800
5. Hmuchu Prudosh 200
6. hurkhund 6800
7. Mudhyu Prudosh 800
8. Munpur 270
9. Moghuuyu 3000
10. Nuguund 130
11. Crssu 6000
12. Uttur Prudosh 15000
13. Utturunchu 7000
14. Wost ongu 6000
1otaI 60000
MlSSlON (RfS1)
Dstrbutod Conoruton hus boon dontfod us ono
of tho tochnoogos for onsurng suppy of powor n
ruru urous by wuy of sottng up of smu gonorutng
unts busod on u vuroty of ocu funds uongwth
ocuzod dstrbuton. 1ho ooctrcty dstrbuton n
tho ruru urous s chuructorzod by ow donsty, hgh
cost of dovory, poor uvuubty of suppy of powor
und commorcuy unvubo on uccount of hgh fuxod
cost und hgh vurubo cost.
ln ordor to utzo tochnoogy n provng for un
uffordubo souton n mukng uvuubo ooctrcty
n ruru urous, t hus boon docdod to consttuto tho
Ruru Loctrcty Suppy 1ochnoogy Msson (RLS1)
undor tho uuspcos of Mnstor of Powor. 1ho Msson
woud ovovo u strutogy busod on tochnoogy whch
coud provdo for ow cost powor gonoruton und
ow cost of dovory n tho ruru urous whch cun bo
munugod by ocu nsttutons ko Vugo Punchuyuts
of Non-Covornmont Crgunzutons und to dontfy
fousbo szo of gonorutng unts for dfforont fuos,
whch uro ocuy uvuubo und for mn und mcro
hydo projocts.
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
Covornmont of lndu n tho udgot for 2002-03,
huvo unnouncod tho ntroducton of u now lntorost
Subsdy Schomo cuod Accoorutod Ruru
Loctrfcuton Progrummo. Wth tho lntorost
Subsdy Schomo, Stutos shoud bo ubo to gvo ths
progrummo tho roqusto momontum.
An outuy of Rs.164 croros hus boon provdod for
ths Schomo durng 2002-03. 1ho ntorost subsdy
w bo ut 4 und woud bo provdod to tho Stutos
for tho ouns to bo tukon for ruru ooctrfcuton of
un-ooctrfod vugos ncudng dut bust.
KU1lR )YO1l SCHfMf
1ho Covornmont of lndu n 1988-89 uunchod u
progrummo cuod Kutr yot for oxtondng sngo
pont ght connoctons to tho housohods of ruru
fumos boow tho povorty no ncudng Hurjun
und Advus fumos to mprovo tho quuty of
fo of such poor fumos. Undor ths progrummo,
ono tmo cost of ntornu wrng und sorvco
connocton churgos s provdod by wuy of 100
grunt to tho Stuto Covornmonts/Stuto Loctrcty
ourds through RLC. 1ho monoy provdod for
roouso of Kutr yot connoctons covors tho
sorvco no from tho poo, tho fuso unt, swtch,
tho motor und bourd. lt uso covors tho cost of
sngo pont ntornu wrng und tho cost of bub.
Koopng n vow tho curront cost of mutoru und
ubour churgos, tho Covornmont hus now
uccordod frosh upprovu to rovso tho cost from
tho prosont Rs.1,000/- to Rs.1800/- por connocton
n rospoct of spocu cutogory Stutos und Rs.1500/
- por connocton n othor Stutos. Covornmont huvo
uso docdod thut undor ths Progrummo, ony
motorod connoctons shoud bo gvon.
1ho progrummo, by und urgo, hus boon
succossfuy mpomontod n tho Stutos burrng u
fow Stutos ko Assum, Cou, & K, Munpur,
Crssu, Uttur Prudosh & Wost ongu. 1hoso Stutos
huvo not boon ubo to mpomont tho progrummo
ut tho dosrod puco busod on porformunco rovow
upto Murch ondng 2002.
1ho yourwso und cumuutvo progross of Kutr
yot Progrummo upto tho ond of Murch, 2002 s
gvon n tho Stutomont - lX.
Durng 2002-03, t s proposod to provdo
6,53,007 connoctons. 1ho dotus of uocuton,
progrummo uccoptod by tho Stutos./SLs und
progross undor Kutr yot Progrummo durng 2002-
03 uro gvon n tho Stutomont - X.
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
1ho strutogy dovoopod to muko powor uvuubo
to u by 2012 ncudos promoton of onorgy
offconcy und ts consorvuton n tho country,
whch s found to bo tho oust cost opton to
uugmont tho gup botwoon domund und suppy.
Noury 25,000 MW of cupucty crouton through
onorgy offconcy n tho ooctrcty soctor uono
hus boon ostmutod n lndu. Lnorgy consorvuton
potontu for tho oconomy us u whoo hus boon
ussossod us 23 wth muxmum potontu n
ndustru und ugrcuturu soctors.
Consdorng tho vust potontu of onorgy suvngs
und bonofts of onorgy offconcy, tho Covornmont
of lndu onuctod tho Lnorgy Consorvuton Act,
2001 (52 of 2001). 1ho Act provdos for tho ogu
frumowork, nsttutonu urrungomont und u
roguutory mochunsm ut tho Contru und Stuto
ovo to omburk upon onorgy offconcy drvo n
tho country.
lndian lndustry Programme for fnergy
Conservation (llPfC)
Undor llPLC tho 1usk Croups for 1oxto, Comont,
Pup & Pupor, lortzor, Chor-Aku, und
Aumnum huvo boon formod und tho frst
mootngs of thoso groups huvo tukon puco ut
Chhndhwudu (M.P.), ouwur (Rujusthun), uurpur
(Muhurushtru), Mumbu (Muhurushtru) und Hrukud
(Crssu) rospoctvoy. Luch 1usk lorco s bong
houdod by stukohodors und LL s uctvoy
nvovod n orgunsng tho progrummos. 1ho
Mombors from tho ndustry purtcputo n ths
projoct for shurng ost Pructcos, docurng thor
vountury turgots und bonch-murkng, otc. 1ho
vountury turgots undortukon by tho Mombors from
Comont und Pup & Pupor soctor w uono rosut
n suvng of Rs.175 croros und Rs.51 croros
rospoctvoy by 2005-06.
Stundurds und ubong (S&L) progrummo hus boon
dontfod us ono of tho koy uctvtos for onorgy
offconcy mprovomonts. 1ho S&L progrum whon
n puco woud onsuro thut ony onorgy offcont
oqupmont und uppunco woud bo mudo uvuubo
to tho consumors. lntuy tho oqupmont to bo
covorod undor S&L progurm uro housohod
rofrgorutors, ur-condtonors, wutor houtor, ooctrc
motors, ugrcuturo pumpsots, ooctrc umps &
fxturos, ndustru funs & bowors und ur-
comprossors. Promnury dscussons huvo uroudy
tukon puco wth munufucturors of rofrgorutors,
ur condtonors, ugrcuturu pumpsots, motors,
otc., rogurdng procoduro to fx ubos und sottng
stundurds for mnmum onorgy consumpton.
1ho Domund Sdo Munugomont und ncrousod
ooctrcty ond uso offconcy cun togothor mtguto
powor shortugos to u cortun oxtont und drustcuy
roduco cuptu noods for powor cupucty oxpunson.
1ho urouu w bo ussstng 5 ooctrc uttos to
sot up DSM Co und w uso ussst n cupucty
budng of DSM Co stuff. 1ho propuruton of
nvostmont grudo fousbty roports on ugrcuturu
DSM, muncpu wutor pumpng und domostc
ghtng n ouch of tho 5 stutos w uso bo
undortukon by tho urouu undor DSM progrummo.
Lnorgy uudt studos conductod n sovoru offco
budngs, hotos und hosptus ndcuto onorgy
suvng potontu of 20-30. 1ho potontu s urgoy
untuppod, purty duo to uck of un offoctvo dovory
mochunsm for onorgy offconcy. Covornmont
budngs by thomsovos, consttuto u vory urgo
turgot murkot. 1ho Covornmont of lndu s
commttod to sot un oxumpo by mpomontng
tho provsons of tho LC Act n u ts ostubshmonts
us u frst ntutvo. 1o bogn wth, tho urouu hus
bogun conduct of onorgy uudt n tho Rushtruputh
huwun, Purumont Houso, South ock, North
ock, Shrum Shukt huwun, AllMS, Sufdurjung
Hosptu, Doh Arport, Sunchur huwun, und Ru
huwun. Lnorgy uudt n tho Rushtruput huwun
PMC, S S huwun, Sunchur huwun & Ru
huwun hus boon compotod
1ho now budngs uro roqurod to bo dosgnod und
but wth onorgy offconcy consdoruton rght from
tho ntu stugos tsof. 1ho dovoopmont of onorgy
consorvuton budng codos s nocossury for ths
purposo. 1ho codos woud bo uppcubo to
commorcu budngs constructod uftor tho roovunt
ruos uro notfod undor tho Lnorgy Consorvuton
Act. 1ho urouu woud consttuto Commttoo of
Lxports for propuruton of Lnorgy Consorvuton
udng Codos for dfforont cmutc zonos.
1ho Dosgnutod Consumor undor tho LC Act,
2001 s roqurod to uppont or dosgnuto onorgy
fnergy Conservation
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
munugor wth proscrbod quufcutons und uso
to got onorgy uudt dono from uccrodtod onorgy
uudtor. lt hus boon docdod thut proscrbod
quufcuton for onorgy munugor w bo tho
pussng of cortfcuton oxumnuton to bo urrungod
by tho urouu. Aso, roguur uccrodtuton s
proposod to bo gvon to onorgy uudt frms huvng
u poo of cortfod onorgy uudtors. 1ho syubus
und othor propurutory uctvtos for conductng tho
oxumnuton huvo boon fnuzod und tho frst
Nutonu Lovo Cortfcuton Lxumnuton s
schoduod to bo conductod n August 2003.
ln ordor to stundurdzo tho onorgy porformunco
tost procoduros und udopt unform codos who
porformng onorgy uudt n tho dosgnutod
consumor promsos, tho urouu hus undortukon
ths uctvty. lntuy twonty onorgy ntonsvo
oqupmonts huvo boon dontfod for dovoopmont
of porformunco tost codos whch w bo dovoopod
und rovowod by oxports, vudutod by fod tosts
und pot tostod by trunng onorgy munugor und
onorgy uudtors n thoso codos.
Consdorng tho nood to muko noxt gonoruton
moro uwuro rogurdng offcont uso of onorgy
rosourcos, t s nocossury to ntroduco chdron
durng thor schoo oducuton. ln ths rogurd, u
Stoorng Croup comprsng mombors from NCLR1,
CSL, Schoo Prncpus und 1ouchors hus boon
consttutod, whch s ussstng n propurng u
dotuod projoct covorng rovow of tho oxstng
currcuum, trunng of touchors und sonstsuton
of schoo prncpus, undortukng pructco orontod
progrummo und uunchng of uwuronoss cumpugn.
ffflClfNCY SfRVlCfS
Athough tho bonofts of onorgy offconcy uro wo
known und rocognsod, nvostmonts n onorgy
offconcy huvo not tukon puco duo to vuroty of
burrors fucod by onorgy usors, such us rsk
uvorsonoss und uck of motvuton for mukng
onorgy offconcy nvostmonts, und ow crodbty
of onorgy uudtors und thor sorvcos, uck of
confdonco n tho ubty of onorgy offconcy
oqupmont to dovor onorgy suvngs us oxpoctod,
otc. An nnovutvo wuy of ovorcomng such burrors
s tho upprouch of usng porformunco contructng
through onorgy sorvco compunos (LSCCs). 1ho
urouu woud bo conductng nvostmont grudo
uudts n ndustros, whch uro proposod to bo
mpomontod on tho porformunco contruct buss
by LSCCs.
1ho Phuso-l of tho lndo-Cormun Lnorgy Lffconcy
Projoct hus boon succossfuy compotod by tho
orstwho Lnorgy Munugomont Contro n uno 2000.
Actvtos n tho Phuso-ll of tho Projoct huvo uroudy
bogun und tho projoct woud bo supportng tho
thrust urous of tho urouu us montonod ubovo.
1o gvo nutonu rocognton through uwurds to
ndustru unts for tho offorts undortukon by thom
to roduco onorgy consumpton n thor rospoctvo
unts, tho Mnstry of Powor uunchod tho Nutonu
Lnorgy Consorvuton Awurds n 1991. LL
provdos tochncu und udmnstrutvo support for
tho Awurds Schomo. ln tho Awurds Schmo 2002,
for Lurgo und Modum Scuo lndustry, uppcutons
woro nvtod from 17 lndustru Sub-Soctors .o.,
uutomobo, uumnum, comont, chomcus,
corumcs, chor-uku, odbo o/vunusput,
fortzors, guss, ntogrutod stoo, mn-stoo, pupor
& pup, potrochomcus, rofructoros, rofnoros,
sugur und toxto punts. 1ho uutomobo soctor
hus boon ncudod for tho frst tmo n tho Awurds
2002. 1ho rosponso from tho ndustros to tho
your 2002 schomo hus boon oncourugng. ln totu,
ono hundrod sovonty four (174) ndustru unts
boongng to tho ubovo sub-soctors rospondod,
whch s u rocord for tho Awurd Schomo snco
ts ncopton.
1ho uwurd schomo hus motvutod tho purtcputng
unts to undortuko sorous offorts n suvng onorgy
und onvronmont. 1ho dutu portunng to 174
ndustru unts ndcutod thut n 2001-2002, thoso
unts huvo boon ubo to suvo cooctvoy 641
mon kwh of ooctrcu onorgy whch s
oquvuont to tho onorgy gonorutod from u 122
MW thormu powor stuton ut u PLl of 60.
osdos tho ubovo ooctrcu onorgy suvngs, tho
purtcputng unts huvo uso suvod 1.7 ukh
kotros of furnuco o, 7.4 ukh motrc tonnos of
cou und 3588 ukh cubc motors of gus por your.
ln tho monotury torms thoso unts huvo boon ubo
to suvo Rs.594 croros por your und tho nvostmont
of Rs.691 croros wus rocovorod n 14 months tmo
porod. 1hs your, tho Awurds woro gvon by tho
Honbo Vco Prosdont of lndu.
A numbor of Pot Projocts/Domonstruton Projocts
huvo boon tukon up for oud munugomont und
onorgy consorvuton through roducton of 1 & D
ossos n tho Systom. 1ho schomos undor
mpomontuton durng tho your 2002-2003 ncudo:-
- 1wo pot projocts for onorgy uudt study, ono
n tho dstrbuton notwork of Wost ongu Stuto
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
Loctrcty ourd (WSL) sunctonod n 1994-
95 wth tho Mnstry of Powors contrbuton
of Rs.181.03 ukhs und tho othor n tho
dstrbuton notwork of Koruu Stuto Loctrcty
ourd (KSL) sunctonod n tho 1994-95 wth
tho Mnstry of Powors contrbuton of
Rs.114.62 ukhs, huvo boon compotod
succossfuy by WSL und KSL through RLC,
durng tho curront fnuncu your 2002 2003.
- A pot projoct for nstuuton of 2414 L1
Swtchod Cupuctors wus sunctonod n 1993-
94 wth tho Mnstry of Powors contrbuton
of Rs.199.32 ukhs. 1ho nstuuton of 2370
L1 Swtchod Cupuctors (wth mnor roducod
scopo of work) hus boon compotod n 2002-
2003 n Andhru Prudosh, Huryunu, Punjub und
1um Nudu, through Ruru Loctrfcuton
Corporuton (RLC).
- A pot projoct of nstuuton of 3000
Amorphous Coro 1runsformors n tho
dstrbuton notwork of vurous Stuto Loctrcty
ourds, sunctonod n tho 1993-94 wth tho
Mnstry of Powors of contrbuton of
Rs.300.00 ukhs through RLC hus boon
compotod succossfuy n 2002-2003 wth
somo mnor roducod scopo of work.
- 1hroo pot projocts on Romoto Controod
Loud Munugomont n tho dstrbuton notwork
of RRVPNL (sunctonod n 1996-97 wth tho
Mnstry of Powors contrbuton of Rs.297.50
ukhs und rovsod to Rs.252.00 ukhs n Murch,
2000), PSL (sunctonod n 1995-96 wth tho
Mnstry of Powors contrbuton of Rs.443.88
ukhs) und HVPNL (sunctonod n 1997-98 wth
tho Mnstry of Powors contrbuton of Rs.237.22
ukhs) woro undor mpomontuton through RLC.
1ho projocts of RRVPNL und HVPNL huvo boon
compotod succossfuy durng tho 2001-2002
who mpomontuton work of romoto controod
oud munugomont n rospoct of tho 132 KV sub-
stuton ut Hoshupur hus boon compotod by PSL
n 2002-03.
- An Lnorgy-cum-Systom lmprovomont Projoct,
nvovng nstuuton of Amorphous Coro
1runsformors und L1 Cupuctors n tho
dstrbuton notwork sorvcod by tho Cooporutvo
Loctrc Suppy Socoty, Srcu (Andhru
Prudosh), sunctonod n 1995-96 wth tho
Mnstry of Powors contrbuton of Rs.508.00
ukhs, s undor mpomontuton through RLC
und s koy to bo compotod shorty.
1wo pot projocts, ono of tho ntroducton of 500
Loctronc Motors wth 1mo of tho Duy (1CD)
fucty, sunctonod n 1996-97 wth tho Mnstry
of Powors contrbuton of Rs.88.00 ukhs und tho
othor for Lnorgy Consorvuton und Domund Sdo
Munugomont by onorgy offcont ghtng n
WSLs Hs ut Kokutu sunctonod n 1998-99
wth tho Mnstry of Powors contrbuton of
Rs.5.55 ukhs huvo boon compotod succossfuy
durng tho your 2002-2003.
fnergy Conservation Day function
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
ln ordor to mprovo tho porformunco of oxstng
1hormu Powor Stutons, u Ronovuton und
Modornsuton (R&M) Progrummo cuod Phuso-l
R&M Progrummo wus uunchod by tho
Covornmont of lndu u ovor tho country n
Soptombor 1984 for compoton durng tho Sovonth
Pun Porod. 1hs progrummo wus succossfuy
compotod und ntondod bonofts woro uchovod.
R&M (Phase-ll) Programme
ln vow of tho oncourugng rosuts uchovod from
tho mpomontuton of Phuso-l R&M progrummo
durng 7
Pun, Phuso-ll Progrummo for R&M of
1hormu Powor Stutons wus tukon up n tho your
1990-91 by tho Covornmont of lndu for
mpomontuton durng tho 8
Pun. Undor ths
progrummo, 44 1hormu Powor Stutons covorng
198 1hormu Unts uggrogutng to u totu cupucty
of 20,869 MW woro tukon up. 1ho totu
ostmutod cost of tho progrummo wus Rs. 2383
croros und un uddtonu gonoruton of 7864 MU/
your wus untcputod uftor tho compoton of tho
Howovor ubout 50 works coud bo compotod
by tho ond of 8
Pun .o. Murch 1997. Aftor
purtu compoton of thoso works, un uddtonu
gonoruton of 5000 MU/your wus uchovod. Aso,
fo oxtonson works on 4 Unts (300 MW) woro
PIan Programme
1ho CLA rovowod tho progross of Phuso-ll R&M
Progrummo und tho buunco uctvtos st roqurod
to bo currod out woro ncudod n tho 9
Progrummo uong wth tho subsoquonty dontfod
uddtonu uctvtos. Durng tho 9
Progrummo, 130 Unts (17935 MW) ut 30 Powor
Stutons woro tukon up for R&M und unothor 28
unts for Lfo Lxtonson ut un ostmutod cost of
Rs.1794 croros.
Cut of 28 Unts, tho Lfo Lxtonson works on 22
Unts (1500 MW) huvo boon compotod und tho
works on 6 Unts (410 MW) uro undor progross.
PIan Programme
Durng tho 10
pun, 106 od thormu unts wth
u totu cupucty of ubout 10413 MW ut un
ostmutod cost of Rs.9200 croros huvo boon
dontfod for Lfo Lxtonson Works. Cut of 106
unts, work of rosduu fo ussossmont (RLA) studos
on 59 unts huvo boon compotod und furthor ucton
s bong tukon by concornod SLs/uttos. Aftor
mpomontuton of fo oxtonson (LL) schomos, tho
oconomcu oporutng fo of tho unts w got
oxtondod by unothor 15-20 yours bosdos tho ovoru
mprovomont n tho porformunco of tho unts. Aso
R&M works on 35 unts (6440 MW) ut un ostmutod
cost of Rs.750 croros huvo boon dontfod for
mprovomont of thor porformunco. Works on
unothor 25 unts of N1PC w uso bo tukon up for
sustonunco of thor porformunco.
(a) R&M Phase-l Programme :
usod on tho rocommondutons of tho Nutonu
Commttoo sot up n 1987 und subsoquont rovows,
u progrummo for ronovuton, modornzuton und
uprutng of Hydro Powor Stutons wus formuutod
n whch 55 schomos woro dontfod wth un
uggroguto cupucty of 9653 MW. 1ho totu cost
of thoso schomos wus ostmutod us Rs.1493 croros
und oxpoctod bonoft us 2531 MW/7181 MU. Cut
of 55 schomos, work on 29 schomos huvng un
uggroguto cupucty of 5677.7 MW ut un ostmutod
cost of Rs.605.26 croros huvo boon compotod
durng tho Vlllth und lXth Pun und huvo uccruod
u bonoft of 1717.18 MW.
(b) R&M Phase-ll Programme :
As por tho hydro pocy docurod n 1998,
ronovuton & modornzuton of Hydro Powor Punts
huvo boon uccordod prorty. Accordngy, 67
hydro RM&U schomos huvng un uggroguto
cupucty of 10318 MW woro dontfod to bo
undortukon undor Phuso-ll progrummo t tho ond
of 10
Pun to uccruo u bonoft of 3684.91 MW.
Cut of thoso 67 schomos 4 schomos huvng un
uggroguto cupucty of 591.4 MW ut un ostmutod
cost of Rs.119.95 croros huvo boon compotod
durng tho lXth Pun und huvo uccruod u bonoft
of 53.9 MW.
(c) NationaI Perspective PIan :
Nutonu Porspoctvo Pun wus formuutod n tho
your 2000 ncudng R&M proposus undor Phuso-
ll uongwth tho oft out schomos of Nutonu
Commttoo (Phuso-l) undor mpomontuton/ yot to
bo mpomontod. 1hs Pun ndcutod tho bonofts
of ubout 7755 MW durng tho lXth, Xth und
Xlth Pun through R&M of oxstng 117 schomos
wth un uggroguto cupucty of 19370 MW ut un
ostmutod cost of Rs.4654 croros.
Renovation & Modernisation
CHAP1fR - 6
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
(d) Revised Xth & Xlth PIan Programme:
Undor ths progrummo, tho schomos dontfod
undor Nutonu Porspoctvo Pun und not yot
compotod huvo boon rovowod n totuty n
consututon wth tho uttos und u totu of 72
schomos nvovng 10 schomos undor tho Contru
Soctor und 62 schomos undor Stuto Soctor huvng
u totu nstuod cupucty of 8139.05 MW to uccruo
u bonoft of 2886.62 MW ut un ostmutod cost of
Rs.2733.33 croros huvo boon dontfod for
ronovuton, modornzuton und uprutng durng tho
Xth Pun und uro undor vurous stugos of
mpomontuton. lurthor 34 schomos nvovng 2
schomos undor Contru Soctor und 32 schomos
undor Stuto Soctor huvng u totu nstuod cupucty
of 4631 MW to uccruo u bonoft of 3980.50 MW
ut un ostmutod cost of Rs.2023.91 croros huvo
boon dontfod for RM&U durng tho Xlth Pun.
(e) Programme for the year 2002-03:
Cut of tho 72 schomos progrummod for
mpomontuton/ compoton durng tho Xth Pun
porod, tho foowng13 schomos (1n Contru
Soctor 12 n Stuto Soctor) to uccruo u bonoft of
425.75 MW huvng un nstuod cupucty of 851.75
MW ut un ostmutod cost of Rs.479.50 croros huvo
boon progrummod for compoton durng tho
your 2002-03.
SI. No. Year 2002-03
1 Khundong (2x25), NLLPCC
2 Shunun (4x15 1x50),PSL
3 hudru (2x12 1x7.2 1x6 1x2), KPCL
4 Nugjhur' (2x135), KPCL
5 Supu' (2x50), KPCL
6 Muhutmu Cundh' (4x12 4x18), VVNL
7 Munrubud (2x9 1x10.3), VVNL
8 Punnur (2x15), KSL
9 Puvusu' (3x5 3x7.5), KSL
10 Songuum (4x12), KSL
11 Pykuru (3x6.65 2x11 2x14), 1NL (Lxc. U-4)
12 Hrukud-l,(Sw. yd.) CHPC,
13 Umum St-l (4x9), MoSL
' Snco Compotod
4 schomos out of ubovo 13 schomos wth un
nstuod cupucty of 527.5 MW to uccruo u bonoft
of 211.50 MW ut un oxpondturo of ubout
Rs.167.42 croros huvo boon compotod durng tho
your. 1ho R&M works on tho romunng 9 schomos
uro undor progross und koy to bo compotod us
progrummod by tho ond of 2002-03.
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
CentraI fIectricity Authority
Organisation of CfA
1ho Contru Loctrcty Authorty (CLA) s u stututory
orgunsuton consttutod undor Socton 3(1) of tho
Loctrcty (Suppy) Act, 1948. lt wus ostubshod
us u purt- tmo body n tho your 1951 und mudo u
fu tmo body n 1975. lt s un uttuchod offco of
Mnstry of Powor, Covornmont of lndu.
ln u tochncu, fnuncu und oconomc muttors,
tho Mnstry of Powor s ussstod by CLA. CLA s
rosponsbo for tochncu co-ordnuton und
suporvson of progrummos und s uso ontrustod
wth u numbor of stututory functons. CLA s
houdod by u Churmun, who s uso Lx-offco
Socrotury to tho Covornmont of lndu und hus sx
fu-tmo Mombors, who uro of tho runk of Lx-
offco Addtonu Socrotury to tho Covornmont of
lndu. 1hoso uro - Mombor (1hormu), Mombor
(Hydro), Mombor (Lconomc & Commorcu),
Mombor(Powor Systoms), Mombor (Punnng) und
Mombor (Crd, Cporuton & Dstrbuton ). CLA
hus fvo Purt-tmo Mombors, Mombor (Logu) bong
ono of thom.
functions of CfA
1ho Authorty s gonoruy to oxorcso such
functons und porform such dutos und uct n such
u munnor us tho Contru Covornmont muy
proscrbo undor tho Ruos frumod undor Socton
4(1 ) of tho Loctrcty (Suppy) Act, 1948 or by
ssuo of wrtton droctons n muttors of pocy
nvovng pubc ntorost undor Socton 4A(1) of
tho sud Act. Undor Socton 3(1) of Act, CLA s
purtcuury churgod wth tho foowng functons:
() 1o dovoop u sound, udoquuto und unform
nutonu powor pocy, formuuto short-torm
und porspoctvo puns for powor dovoopmont
und co-ordnuto tho uctvtos of punnng
ugoncos n routon to tho contro und
utsuton of nutonu powor rosourcos,
() 1o uct us urbtrutors n muttors ursng botwoon
tho Stuto Covt. or tho ourd und u consoo or
othor porson us provdod n tho Act,
() 1o cooct und rocord tho dutu concornng
gonoruton, dstrbuton und utsuton of powor
und curry out studos routng to cost, offconcy,
ossos, bonofts und such ko muttors,
(v) 1o muko pubc from tmo to tmo nformuton
socurod undor ths Act und to provdo for
tho pubcuton of roports und nvostgutons,
(v) 1o udvso uny Stuto Covt., ourd, Conorutng
Compuny or uny othor ugoncy ongugod n
gonoruton or suppy of ooctrcty on such
muttors us w onubo such Covt., ourd,
Conorutng Compuny or ugoncy to oporuto
und muntun tho powor systom undor ts
ownorshp or contro n un mprovod munnor
und whoro nocossury n co-ordnuton wth
uny othor Covornmont, ourd, Conorutng
Compuny or othor ugoncy ownng or huvng
tho contro of unothor powor systom,
(v) 1o promoto und ussst n tho tmoy
compoton of schomos sunctonod undor
Chuptor V of tho Act,
(v) 1o muko urrungomonts for udvuncng tho sk
of porsons n tho gonoruton und suppy of
(v) 1o curry out ,or muko urrungomonts, for uny
nvostguton for tho purposo of gonorutng or
trunsmttng ooctrcty,
(x) 1o promoto rosourch n muttors uffoctng tho
gonoruton, trunsmsson und suppy of
(x) 1o udvso tho Contru Covt. on uny muttor
on whch ts udvco s sought or muko
rocommonduton to thut Covt. on uny muttor
f, n tho opnon of tho Authorty, tho
rocommonduton woud hop n mprovng
tho gonoruton, dstrbuton und utsuton of
ooctrcty, und
(x) 1o dschurgo such othor functons us muy bo
ontrustod to t or undor uny othor uw.
Undor tho provsons of Loctrcty (Suppy) Act,
1948, tho Contru Covt. hus furthor uddod fow
moro functons to tho Contru Loctrcty Authorty.
1hoso uro:
- Co-ordnuton of rosourch und dovoopmont
n tho powor gonoruton fod,
- Lvuuuton of fnuncu porformunco of tho
SLs consttutod undor Socton 5 und
undortukng of studos concornng tho
oconomc und commorcu uspocts of tho
powor ndustry us wo us unuyss of turff
structuro n tho powor ndustry,
CHAP1fR - 7
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
- 1ochno-oconomc upprusu of powor
- Promoton of ntor-Stuto und ont Soctor
powor projocts.
Apurt from tho ubovo functons provdod undor
tho Loctrcty (Suppy) Act, 1948, CLA uso
undortukos dosgn und ongnoorng of powor
projocts wth u vow to dovoop n-houso tochncu
know-how und uso to ussst tho Stuto Loctrcty
ourds, gonorutng compunos & Stuto uuthortos
roqurng such ussstunco undor Socton 3(1)(v) of
tho Loctrcty (Suppy) Act, 1948. ln uddton, tho
Socroturut for Contru Loctrcty ourd (CL) und
sufoty nspocton of contruy ownod/controod
ooctrcu nstuutons us por lndun Loctrcty
Ruos, 1956 s uso vostod wth CLA.
Subordinate Offices:
loowng uro tho sub-ordnuto offcos 0f CLA:-
1. Northorn Rogonu Loctrcty ourd, Now
2. Wostorn Rogonu Loctrcty ourd, Mumbu
3. Southorn Rogonu Loctrcty ourd, unguoro
4. Lustorn Rogonu Loctrcty ourd, Kokutu
5. North-Lustorn Rogonu Loctrcty ourd,
6. Rogonu Powor Survoy Cffco, Now Doh
7. Rogonu Powor Survoy Cffco, unguoro
8. Rogonu Powor Survoy Cffco, Mumbu
9. Rogonu Powor Survoy Cffco, Kokutu
10. Rogonu lnspoctoruto Cffco, Now Doh
11. Rogonu lnspoctoruto Cffco, Chonnu
12. Rogonu lnspoctoruto Cffco, Punuj (Cou)
13. Rogonu lnspoctoruto Cffco, Shong
1echno-fconomic AppraisaI of Power Scheme
Durng tho your 2002-03 (upto 31.1.2003), CLA
uccordod 1ochno-Lconomc Courunco to 20 now
powor schomos comprsng 13 gonoruton projocts
uggrogutng to 9831 MW und 2 trunsmsson schomos
nvovng 2653 Ckt. Kms of trunsmsson ongth.
Aso, durng tho your 2002-03 (upto 31.1.2003),
CLAs consututon undor Socton 44 of L(S) Act,
1948 wus ssuod to 6 cuptvo powor punts
uggrogutng to 498 MW to tho vurous Stuto
Loctrcty ourds.
2003 (Upto )anuary 2003)
1. CfA Chairs at ll1, DeIhi
An MCU hus boon sgnod botwoon CLA und ll1
Doh for crouton of two CLA Chur Profossorshps-
ono ouch ut tho Contro of Lnorgy Studos und tho
Loctrcu Lngnoorng Dopurtmont of ll1, Doh
to fuf foowng objoctvos concornng
Powor Soctor:
1o tuko purt n tho ucudomc progrums of ll1D
us fu tmo profossors/fucuty n tho Contro for
Lnorgy Studos und Loctrcu Lngnoorng
Dopurtmont und coordnuto HRD progrums n
tho frontor urous of Powor Munugomont.
1o dovoop R&D progrums roovunt to tho noods
of CLA und n urous dofnod n tho uppondx to
tho MCU (subjoct to nood busod rovson).
1o ntuto und dovoop HRD progrums roovunt
to tho noods of CLA und to coordnuto coursos
for uny butch of studonts from tho CLA.
Undor tho progrum, CLA offcors uro pursung
M.1och. und Ph.D. coursos ut ll1D, whch w
gvo ong torm bonofts to tho Powor Soctor.
A numbor of topcs for R&D huvo boon
suggostod to ll1, Doh us por tho MCU sgnod.
lor ouch of tho topc CLA offcor(s) hus boon
nomnutod to curryout R&D work undor tho
gudunco of ll1, Doh profossors.
2. Preparation of Perspective PIan for Research
& DeveIopment activities concerning Power
Sector for 1S years
A Stundng Commttoo on R&D wus consttutod by
tho Mnstry of Powor undor tho Churmunshp of
tho Churmun, CLA. 1ho roport of tho Commttoo on
Porspoctvo Pun for R&D hus snco boon submttod.
An ucton pun to curry out R&D on prortzod
projocts hus boon propurod und s undor
3. Directory of agencies/ organisations carrying
out R&D in power sector hus boon propurod
und s uvuubo n CLA wob sto.
4. CfA has represented in foIIowing Groups
/ Sub-groups of MNfS and CPRl:
Consututvo Croup on Wnd Powor of
Covornng Counc of CPRl.
Workng Commttoo on R&D of tho
Covornng Counc of CPRl.
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
Rovow Commttoo to oxumno tho
Workng of CPRl.
1ho Covornmont of lndu s uccordng hgh prorty
for Hydro Powor Dovoopmont. A numbor of stops
huvo boon tukon to mprovo tho Powor stuuton
n tho country ospocuy n Hydro Soctor. 1ho
country noods moro und moro Hydro Powor to
stubzo ts Powor Systom und moot tho growng
onorgy noods of tho poopo. Wth un objoctvo of
oxpodtng hydro dovoopmont n u systomutc
munnor, Contru Loctrcty Authorty undortook u
runkng study of uunco Hydro Potontu stos for
u tho busns n tho country. 1hs oxorcso woud
hop n dontfyng tho projocts, whch coud bo
tukon up frst n ordor of thor prorty so thut
Hydro powor Dovoopmont s tukon n un
uppropruto soquonco.
1ho Runkng of hydro stos hus boon currod out
busod on woghtugo crtoru for vurous uspocts
nvovod n tho dovoopmont of hydro schomos
such us R&R uspocts, ntor-stuto / ntornutonu
ssuos, hoght of dum, ongth of wutor conductor
systom, uccossbty to sto, typo und potontu of
tho schomo, stutus of schomo, otc. Consdorng
thoso uspocts, tho schomos huvo boon grudod us
A, und C Cutogoros n ordor of thor prorty for
usod on tho promnury Runkng Study, ubout
400 schomos wth un uggroguto nstuod cupucty
of ubout 1,07,000 MW huvo boon prortzod n
u tho sx Rvor Systoms of tho country. Cut of
ths, 98 schomos wth probubo nstuod cupucty
of 15,640 MW fu undor A Cutogory, 247
schomos wth probubo nstuod cupucty of 69,
850 MW undor cutogory und 54 schomos wth
probubo nstuod cupucty of 21,420 MW undor
C cutogory. Dscussons huvo boon hod wth
ndvduu Stutos to ntuto tho dovoopmont of
ths potontu.
1ho Contru Loctrcty ourd (CL) s consttutod
us por Socton 36A of tho lndun Loctrcty Act,
1910 (lX of 1910) und s ompoworod by socton
37 of tho Act to muko ruos to roguuto gonoruton,
trunsmsson, suppy und uso of ooctrcu onorgy
und gonoruy to curry out tho purposos und objocts
of tho sud Act, towurds ts udmnstruton.
1ho ourd s comprsod of tho mombors nomnutod
from tho Stuto Covornmont, Stuto Loctrcty ourds,
Contru Covornmont Crgunsutons concornng tho
octrcty und uso from tho lodoruton of Loctrcty
Undortukngs of lndu und tho urouu of lndun
Stundurds. Churmun, Contru Loctrcty Authorty
s bong nomnutod us tho Churmun of CL. 1ho
uctvtos of tho ourd uro munugod through u
socroturut stuff provdod by Contru Loctrcty
Authorty (CLA) wth ono of ts Chof Lngnoors
functonng us Socrotury of tho ourd. 1ho lndun
Loctrcty Ruos, 1956, huvo boon frumod by tho
CL. 1ho ourd moots ut oust onco n u your to
consdor umondmonts/uddtons to tho lL Ruos,
1956 whch uro consdorod nocossury n vow of
udvuncomots mudo n tochnoogy, sufoty, tostng
procoduros und tho pructcu dffcutos fucod.
Durng tho your undor roport tho foowng,
umondmonts woro promugutod:-
() 7 umondmonts n lL Ruos, 1956 busod on tho
rocommondutons mudo by tho ourd durng
ts 36th mootng, uftor duo consdoruton of
tho vows of pubc und CL mombors, huvo
boon promugutod us umondod Ruos und
thoruftor woro ud boforo tho both Housos of
() 4 umondmonts n lL Ruos, 1956 busod on tho
rocommondutons mudo by tho ourd durng
ts 37th mootng uftor tho consdoruton of tho
vows of pubc und CL Mombors, huvo boon
promugutod und thorouftor forwurdod for
uyng boforo tho both Housos of Purumont.
() 1ho druft ruos for umondmonts busod on tho
rocommondutons mudo by tho ourd durng
ts 38th mootng huvo boon forwurdod to
Mnstry of Luw/Dopurtmont of Logsuton for
ogu vottng of tho Cuzotto Notfcuton.
(v) 1ho druft ruos for umondmonts busod on tho
rocommnodutons mudo by tho ourd durng
ts 39th mootng uro undor umondng procoss
und druft Cuzotto Notfcuton s undor
Durng tho your 2002-03 (up to Nov. 2002),
tochncu ussstunco und buck-up support for dosgn
und ongnoorng of ooctro-mochuncu works of
foowng HL Projocts uggrogutng to lnstuod
Cupucty of 5044 MW uro bong currod out:
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
1ho dosgn & ongnoorng of somo HL Projocts
us montonod ubovo, w uso bo dono up to
Murch. 2003.
Undor tho provson of Socton 3(1)(x) of Loctrcty
(Suppy) Act, 1948 Contru Loctrcty Authorty w
functon und porform such dutos so us to promoto
rosourch n muttors uffoctng tho gonoruton,
trunsmsson und suppy of ooctrcty. Contru Covt.
hus utor uddod tho functon of 'Coordnuton
of Rosourch und Dovoopmont n tho powor
gonoruton fod.
functions of U1 Directorate
Power DeveIopment Schemes
- U1 Droctoruto s rosponsbo for powor
dovoopmont n U1s vz Chundgurh, Dudru und
Nugur Huvo, Dumun & Du, Pondchorry,
Andumun & Ncobur lsunds und Lukshudwoop
lsunds. lt rondors ussstunco to tho U1s n projoct
formuuton, propuruton of spocfcuton/
procuromont of oqupmonts portunng to powor
gonoruton, trunsmsson und dstrbuton schomos.
- Courunco of Conoruton und 1&D Schomos of
U1s whoso cost do not como undor tho purvow
of tochno-oconomc courunco of CLA.
PIan formuIation for U1s.
- Assstunco n formuuton of/purtcputon n
Annuu Pun dscussons for U1s.
- Propuruton of Mustor Pun for Powor
Dovoopmont n U1s.
Assistance/Advise to U1s.
- ln tondorng und procuromont of powor
oqupmont us roqurod by DCS&D, Advsory
Commttoo for uccoptunco of tondors, otc.
- U1 Admnstruton on spocfc orgunsutonu
und stuff muttors us und whon roforrod to.
- Assstunco to MCP n doung wth uudt
obsorvutons of U1s.
lmportant wor|s compIeted by U1 Directorate
during the year 2002-03 :
U1 of Andaman & Nicobar lsIands
1. Lvuuuton of tondor for procuromont of DC sots
for Rungut uy PH.
2. Rocommondutons convoyod rogurdng oponng
of rovovng ottor of crodt n fuvour
of M/s SPCL for 20 MW umboofut PH
1. 1ochncu courunco to tho schomo for
uugmontuton of DC cupucty und Dstrbuton
systom ut Kuvurutt lsund durng X Pun porod.
1. 1ochncu courunco to tho schomo for
ostubshmont of 2X15 MVA S/s ut Sy.
2. 1ochncu courunco to tho schomo for
uugmontuton of Musut S/s from 30 MVA to 50
3. 1ochncu courunco to tho schomo for provdng
66 KV connocton to M/s 21
Contury Ltd.
4. 1ochncu courunco to tho schomo for provdng
66 KV ntorm connocton to M/s l Ltd.
5. Awurd of works for ontrustng tho rosponsbty
of C&M of 220 KV Khurudpudu und 66 KV
Rukho S/s to M/s PCClL
6. Approvu of Nl1 for foutng 1ondor for
uugmontuton of Dudru S/s from 3x10 MVA to
3x20 MVA.
Daman & Diu
1. Awurd of works for ontrustng tho rosponsbty
of C&M of 220 KV Mugurwudu und 66 KV
Vorkund S/s to M/s PCClL
2. 1ochncu courunco to tho schomo for
uugmontuton of 66 KV Duwudu S/s from 2x15
MVA to 4x15 MVA.
1. Coordnuton und Montorng of works routng
to powor suppy to VVlP urous ncudng
Purumont Houso und Prosdont Lstuto-
conductng of mock tost oxorcso , orgunsng
hgh ovo mootngs und koopng truck of progross
of works
2. 1ochncu courunco to tho rovsod lX Pun
schomo for NDMC
1. Suncton for fxuton of rosorvo stock mt for
2. Lx-post fucto suncton for fxuton of rosorvo stock
mt for 1996-97.
S.N. H.f. Pro[ect State/fxecuting Agency Capacity
1. 1ohr St.-l Utturunchu (1HDC) 4 x 250 MW
2. Kotoshwur -do- 4 x 100 MW
3. Chund hurkhund (SHPC) 2 x 4 MW
4. Surdur Surovur CHPH Cujurut (SSNNL) 5 x 50 MW
5. Surdur Surovur RPH Cujurut (SSNNL) 6 x 200 MW
6. lndru Sugur M.P. (NHDC) 8 x 125 MW
7. Pykuru Utmuto Stugo 1.N. (1NL) 3 x 50 MW
8. Wostorn Yumunu Cunu Huryunu (HPCCL) 2 x 8 MW
9. Myntdu H.L.Projoct Moghuuyu 2 x 42 MW
10. 1uu hutun (1HPA) 6 x 170 MW
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
DetaiIs of DPRs of 1hermaI Power Pro[ects for the period 01.04.2002 to 3.2.2003
A. 1he foIIowing Schemes were cIeared by CfA during period 01.04.2002 to 3.2.2003 :
SI.No. Name of the Pro[ect/fxecuting Agency/State Capacity (MW)
1. Kotu 1PP U-6, Stugo-lV - M/s RRVUNL Dstrct Kotu Rujusthun 195
2. 1uu Dov Lu 1PS M/s HPCCL Dstrct Punput Huryunu 2x250
3. Vuuthur (Porunuguum) CCC1 M/s 1NL Dstrct Rumnuthupurum 1um Nudu 94
4. ukroshwur 1PS Lxtn. Unt 4 & 5 M/s WPDCL Dstrct rbhum Wost ongu 2x210
5. Sput S1PP Stugo-ll N1PC Dstrct ouspur Chhuttsgurh 1x660
6. Proposu for trunsmsson systom ussocutod wth Sput S1PS Stugo-l -
M/s Powor Crd Corp. of lndu Ltd., Chhutsgurh
7. Vndhyuchu S1PP Stugo-lll N1PC Dstrct Sdh Mudhyu Prudosh 2x500
8. Noyvo 1PS-ll Lxpunson M/s NLC Dstrct Cudduoro 1um Nudu 2x250
9. rsnghpur Lxtn. M/s MPL Dstrct Umuru Mudhyu Prudosh 1x500
10. Kutruum Cus 1NL 1um Nudu 100
11. Anpuru 1PS - M/s UPRVUNL (UP) 2x500
8. 1he foIIowing 1hermaI Schemes which were examined during the period 01.04.2002 to 3.2.2003 and are
presentIy under examination in CfA
SI.No. Name of the Pro[ect/fxecuting Agency/State Capacity (MW) Date of Receipt of DPR
1. Kutch Lgnto- CL Cujurut 1x75 29.11.2000
2. Muthon Rght unk DVC/SLS V- hurkhund 4x250 28.06.2001
3. Moju Unt 5 & 6- M/s DVC Wost ongu 2 x 250 03.05.2002
4. Chundrupur Unt 7&8 M/s DVC Wost ongu 2 x 500 16.10.2002
5. Yumunu Nugur 1PS, M/s HPCCL Huruyunu 2x 250 11.11.2002
6. Purus 1PS Lxtn. M/s MSL Muhurushtru 1x250 02.08.2002
7. Vjuywudu 1PS St. lV M/s APCLNCC 1x660 01.08.2002
Andhru Prudosh
C. 1hermaI Schemes returned to Pro[ect Authorities due to non tie-up of essentiaI inputs/cIearances
SI.No. Name of the Pro[ect/fxecuting Agency/State Capacity (MW) Date of Receipt of DPR
1. 1onughut 1PS- M/s 1VNL hurkhund 3 x 210 28.08.2002
2. North Kurunpuru -N1PC hurkhund 3 x 660 20.04.2001
3. Konusoomu M/s Konusoomu LPS 445 12/2000
Cuk wo Powor Ltd. A.P
4. ojoboru M/s 1utu Powor Co. Ltd hurkhund 120 04.03.2002
5. Amurkuntuk MPSL M.P 210 13.11.2002
6. ndu Lxpn. M/s ndu 1ructobo Powor Co. 500 20.02.2001
7. Muwu 1PS MPSL Mudhyu Prudosh 2 x 500 16.10.2002
8. Skku 1PS C.L. Cujurut 500 21.7.1999
9. Durgupur Unt 5 & 6 M/s DVC- Wost ongu 1000 19.07.2002
10. Chund 1PP hurkhund Stuto Loctrcty ourd 1000 26.09.2002
11. okuro Stoo Punt 1PS-M/s DVC 1000 31.12.2002
12. Korbu Lust 1PS - M/s CSL 2x500 13.01.2003
' As cost s oss thun Rs.2,500 croros, DPR hus boon roturnod n vow of notfcuton dt. 19.8.2002
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
1ho Contru Loctrcty Roguutory Commsson
(CLRC), un ndopondont stututory body wth quus-
judcu powors, wus consttutod on 25
uy 1998
undor tho Loctrcty Roguutory Commsson Act,
1998. 1ho Commsson conssts of u Churporson
und four othor Mombors ncudng tho Churmun,
CLA us tho ox-offco mombor.
CLRC hus formuutod tho roguutons routng to
CLRC (lng of Annuu Roport by 1hormu
Conorutng Compunos) 2000, CLRC (lng of
Annuu Roport by 1runsmsson Utty)1999, CLRC
(Modcu luctos) Roguutons, 2000 und CLRC
(1orms und Condtons of 1urff) Roguutons, 2001,
Notfcuton rogurdng rovsod torms und condtons
for dotormnuton of turff, CLRC (Procoduro, 1orms
& Condtons for grunt of trunsmsson Lconso und
othor routod muttors) Roguutons, 2001, CLRC
(1orms & Condtons of 1urff) (lrst umondmont)
Roguutons, 2001, CLRC (1orms & Condtons of
1urff) (lrst umondmont) Roguutons, 2002, CLRC
(Rocrutmont, Contro und Sorvco Condtons of
CentraI fIectricity ReguIatory Commission
Stuff) Roguutons, 2002, CLRC (Modcu luctos)
Roguutons, 2002 (lrst Amondmont) und
Notfcuton rogurdng oxtonson of bng of
churgos upto 31.03.2003.
1ho Commsson hus uso uunchod ts wob sto
( ) whch s updutod ut roguur
ntorvus by postng u ts progrummos und ordors
from tmo to tmo.
Cno hundrod und thrty oght pottons woro
currod forwurd from tho provous your, thut s
2000-2001. ln uddton 142 pottons woro fod
durng 2001-2002, tho your undor roport,
tukng tho totu numbor to 280 pottons. Cut of
thoso, 101 pottons woro dsposod of durng
2001-2002 tsof.
lrom 1
Apr, 2002 to 30
Novombor, 2002,
unothor 73 pottons huvo boon dsposod of. Cut
of tho buunco, 50 60 pottons uro koy to bo
fnuy dsposod of durng tho porod upto
Murch 2003.
CHAP1fR - 8
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
Private Participation ln Power Sector
1.0 Snco ndopondonco, dovoopmont of tho
ooctrcty soctor wus prmury tho rosponsbty of
tho Covornmont, wth u routvoy smu contrbuton
from prvuto ontorprsos, n tho form of consoos
ko ombuy Suburbun Loctrcty Suppy
Compuny(SLS), 1utu Loctrc
Compuny(1LC),Cucuttu Loctrc Suppy
Compuny(CLSC) und Ahmodubud Loctrc
Compuny(ALC), otc. ln ordor to mobso
uddtonu rosourcos for tho soctor to hop brdgo
tho gup n domund und suppy of powor, tho
Covornmont formuutod u pocy n 1991 wth tho
objoctvo to oncourugo groutor nvostmont by prvuto
ontorprsos n tho ooctrcty soctor. 1ho Loctrcty
(Suppy) Act, 1948 wus umondod n 1991 to provdo
u ogu frumowork for fuctutng tho nvostmonts.
Athough tho pocy unnouncod n 1991 covors both
gonoruton us wo us dstrbuton, thoro hus boon
moro progross n tho urou of gonoruton n so fur
us prvuto soctor s concornod.
2.0 1ho puckugo of ncontvos n tho pocy whch
compomonts tho umondod provsons n tho
ogsuton comprohonsvoy covor tho ogu,
udmnstrutvo und fnuncu onvronmont to muko
prvuto nvostmonts n tho soctor uttructvo. A two-
purt turff systom for powor projocts to bo put up
by tho lndopondont Powor Promotors, covorng
tho fxod costs und vurubo onorgy cost n
ooctrcty prcng, hus boon formuutod und turff
notfcuton ssuod n Murch 1992. 1ho notfcuton,
ntor-uu, provdos for u 16 Roturn on Lquty ut
68.5 PLl for thormu punts (cou/gnto/gus) und
90 uvuubty for hydro ooctrc punts. 1o
oncourugo offconcy n punt oporuton, un
ncontvo schomo busod on cupucty utsuton hus
uso boon formuutod. 1ho norms for turff busod
bddng n rospoct of thormu powor projocts huvo
boon ncorporutod n tho turff notfcuton vdo un
umondmont dutod 23.5.1997. 1ho turff
notfcuton s not uppcubo for thoso Stutos whoro
Socton 43(A) of tho Loctrcty (Suppy) Act hus
boon dootod through notfcuton consoquont upon
tho SLRCs bocomng functonu n thoso Stutos.
3.0 RfSPONSf fROM 1Hf PRlVA1f SfC1OR
3.1 Private power pro[ects being monitored by
CentraI Government: 1ho ntu rosponso to
CCls onorgy pocy hus boon oncourugng. Snco
1991, both domostc und forogn dovoopors huvo
ovncod ntorost n tho lndun powor soctor. Cut
of u totu of 59 prvuto soctor powor projocts gvon
tochno-oconomc courunco by Contru Loctrcty
Authorty (CLA), 55 projoct onvsugng u totu
cupucty of uround 27,800 MW uro prosonty n
tho ppono ut dfforont stugos of mpomontuton.
lour of tho projocts uro no ongor bong pursuod
by tho tho rospoctvo Stuto Covornmonts for
dovoopmont through tho Prvuto Soctor. ln
uddton, thoro uro sovoru projocts whch uro bong
sot up by tho prvuto soctor wth tho upprovu of
tho Stuto Covornmonts thomsovos und do not
roquro tho tochno-oconomc courunco of CLA.
Snco unnouncomont of tho prvuto powor pocy n
1991, u totu cupucty of uround 7000 MW from
36 prvuto powor punts hus so fur boon
commssonod und unothor cupucty of uround
3000MW from 6 projocts s roportod to bo undor
constructon (1hoso ncudo thoso projocts uso,
whch do not roquro tho 1LC of CLA).
4.0 MA)OR POIlCY lNl1lA1lVfS 1AKfN 1O
4.1 Competitive bidding for Awarding Pro[ects:
1ho ntu butch of prvuto soctor powor projocts
woro uwurdod gonoruy on tho buss of
nogotutons botwoon tho SL und u sngo
dovoopor (MCU routo). ln unuury 1995, t wus
docdod thut no now prvuto powor projoct
proposu woud bo consdorod by CLA, f tho
projoct s not uwurdod through compottvo
bddng. A cut off duto-18.2.1995 wus proscrbod
for ths purposo und ony thoso MoUs, whch woro
sgnod upto ths duto, huvo boon troutod us bong
vud. Projocts uftor ths duto huvo to bo uwurdod
ony uftor foowng tho compottvo bddng routo.
Howovor, cortun cutogoros of projocts, whoro tho
lntornutonu Compottvo ddng (lC) routo muy
not bo fousbo, huvo boon oxomptod from ths
routo. Dotuod gudonos huvo uso boon ssuod
to tho Stuto Covornmonts for udoptng compottvo
bddng. A notfcuton for compottvoy bd
projocts wus ssuod n Muy 1997 dofnng tho
munnor n whch turff woud bo dotormnod for
such projocts.
4.2 fxemptions from lC8 route:
1ho foowng cutogoros of powor projocts huvo
boon oxomptod from foowng tho lC routo for
soocton of tho dovopor:-
() Lxpunson projocts dovoopod by tho ownors
of tho orgnu punt.
() ont vonturo projocts botwoon SL/PSU und
prvuto compuny provdod tho SL/PSU (othor
combnod or ndvduuy) hod mujorty
shuros(51) of tho jont vonturo compuny.
CHAP1fR - 9
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
() Conorutng stutons sot up by gonorutng
compunos oxcusvoy for cuptvo uso:
(v) Powor projocts busod on houvy bottom rosduo
und sot up by rofnoros.
(v) Hydro projocts huvng u cupucty of upto
4.3 8idding for fPC contracts:
1ho Stutos/SLs huvo boon udvsod n uno,
1996 to mpross upon tho promotors thut for tho
projocts thut huvo not fnuzod thor LPC contructs,
t woud bo nocossury to foow tho lC routo n
tho soocton of thor LPC contructors. ln tho cuso
of lPPs who nform thut thor LPC contructs huvo
boon fnusod, tho SL shoud sutsfy tsof thut thoy
huvo uctuuy dono so und n cusos whoro t s not
fnusod, tho SL shoud onsuro thut tho bddng
routo udoptod s trunspuront und propor.
4.4 Captive/Co-generation PIants:
As un utornutvo to moot tho rupdy ncrousng
ndustru domund for powor, Mnstry of Powor
hus suggostod oncourugomont to cuptvo/co-
gonoruton punts by ndustros. 1ho pocy
suggosts, ntor-uu, suo of oxcoss powor to tho
grd us por mutuuy ugrood rutos, uccoss to
trunsmsson grd of tho Stuto on puymont of
whoong churgos, thrd purty uccoss for droct suo
of powor otc. A rosouton for promoton of
co-gonoruton hus boon ssuod on Novombor 6,
1996. 1ho rosouton dotus tho dofnton
of co-gonoruton, modo of fxuton of turff und
modo of docdng co-gonoruton stutus for tho
powor punts.
4.S Setting up of Mega Power Pro[ects :
1o fuctuto sottng up of urgo szod thormu powor
punts n tho country und n ordor to dorvo tho
oconomos of scuo, tho Mnstry of Powor ssuod
gudonos on10th Novombor, 1995, for sottng
up of mogu powor projocts. Powor projocts huvng
u cupucty of 1000 MW or ubovo und suppyng
powor to moro thun ono Stuto woro dofnod us
Mogu projocts. Aftor consdorng tho oxporonco
of ths pocy, tho pocy wus rovsod n Novombor
1998. Undor tho rovsod pocy, spocfc lntor-stuto
und lntor-rogonu mogu powor projocts huvo boon
dontfod for bong dovoopod both n tho pubc
us wo us prvuto soctor. 1ho prncpos of
compottvo bddng woud bo udhorod to us fur
us possbo, who obtunng turff offors. A Powor
1rudng Compuny(P1C) hus boon ostubshod to
purchuso powor from tho mogu projocts und so
t to tho bonofcury Stutos. Socurty to tho
P1C woud bo provdod by mouns of u Lottor of
Crodt otc.
4.6 1ho mport of cuptu oqupmont hus boon
mudo froo of customs duty for thoso projocts. ln
ordor to onsuro thut domostc bddors uro not
udvorsoy uffoctod, prco proforonco of 15 s
bong gvon for tho projocts undor pubc soctor,
who doomod oxport bonofts us por tho LXlM
pocy s bong gvon to domostc bddors for
projocts both undor pubc und prvuto soctor. 1ho
domostc bddors huvo boon uowod to quoto n
US Dours or uny othor forogn curroncy of thor
choco. ln uddton, tho ncomo-tux hoduy rogmo
woud bo contnuod wth tho provson thut tho
tux hoduy porod of 10 yours cun bo cumod by
u promotor n uny bock of 10 yours, wthn tho
frst 15 yours. 1ho Stuto Covornmonts huvo boon
roquostod to oxompt suppos mudo to mogu powor
punts from suos tux und ocu ovos.
4.7 fnhancing the CfA Iimit
Undor tho provsons of Socton 29(1) of tho
Loctrcty (Suppy) Act, 1948, ovory schomo
ostmutod to nvovo u cuptu oxpondturo
oxcoodng such sum, us muy bo fxod by tho
Contru Covornmont through notfcuton n tho
offcu Cuzotto, roquro tho concurronco of CLA.
Such mts cuptu oxpondturo n rogurd to vurous
cutogoros of schomos huvo boon fxod from tmo
to tmo through ssuo of notfcuton. 1ho mts
woro ust notfod on 2nd uno 1999 (us umondod
twco) und uro us foows:
() Rupoos fvo thousund croros for thormu
projocts on tho lC routo und conformng to
tho umondmont dutod 23rd Muy, 1997 to
tho turff notfcuton dutod 30.3.1992.
() Rupoos ono thousund croros for othor thormu
gonorutng stutons on tho lC routo.
() Rupoos twonty thousund croros for tho
dontfod mogu projocts n tho prvuto soctor
whoso schomo s upprovod by uny ugoncy or
body uuthorsod by tho Contru Covornmont.
(v) Rupoos ono thousund croros for hydro-ooctrc
gonorutng stuton on tho lC routo.
(v) Rupoos fvo hundrod croros for R&M schomos.
(v) Rupoos throo thousund croros for cuptvo punts
ostubshod by Conorutng Compunos provdod
thut ut oust 50 of tho nstuod cupucty shoud
bo for cuptvo / group cuptvo consumpton.
(v) Rupoos two thousund fvo hundrod croros
n routon to u schomo for u gonorutng
stuton propurod by u Conorutng Compuny
whoso turff for suo of ooctrcty s
dotormnod by tho Contru Loctrcty
Roguutory Commsson or uny Stuto
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
Loctrcty Roguutory Commsson.
(v) Rupoos two hundrod und ffty croros for u
othor schomos,,
A hydro-ooctrc schomos utsng wutor of ntor-
stuto rvors uro roqurod to bo submttod to tho
CLA for ts concurronco (rrospoctvo of tho cost).
4.8 PoIicy on automatic approvaI for foreign
direct investment
lt hus boon docdod to uow uutomutc upprovu
(Rl routo) for 100 forogn oquty wthout uny
uppor cong on tho quuntum of nvostmont. 1ho
cutogoros whch woud quufy for such uutomutc
upprovu uro :
() Hydro - ooctrc powor punts
() Cou/gnto busod thormu powor punts
() C / gus busod thormu powor punts
4.9 Norms for environmentaI cIearance
1ho foowng doogutons huvo boon mudo to tho
stuto govornmonts n tho muttor of onvronmont
courunco to powor projocts:-
() A co-gonoruton punts und cuptvo powor
punts upto 250 MW.
() Cou busod punts upto 500 MW usng
fudzod bod tochnoogy subjoct to sonstvo
urou rostrctons.
() Powor stutons upto 250 MW on
convontonu tochnoogy.
(v) Cus/Nuphthu busod stuton upto 500 MW.
A now procoduro for gottng onvronmontu
courunco for pthoud thormu projoct hus uso
boon ud down.
4.10 ReIaxation of 40 % cap for debt exposure
by lfls
1ho pocy unnouncod n 1991 onvsugod thut, un
umount not oxcoodng 40 of tho totu outuy
for prvuto soctor unts muy como from lndun
pubc fnuncu nsttutons (lPlls). 1hs cong hus
snco boon romovod, but wth u stpuuton thut
consdorng tho nood of muxmsng fnuncng from
oxtornu sourcos und prudontu norms oxorcsod
by lPlls, uowng u hghor domostc dobt
componont for projocts whch uro dovoopod busod
on ndgonousy sourcod punt und oqupmont,
woud bo moro dosrubo.
lt hus uso boon docdod thut thoro woud bo no
objocton for lorogn 1orm Loun bong ropucod
by Rupoo 1orm Loun us ong us tho hurd cost
doos not chungo und tho now fnuncu
urrungomonts uro uccoptubo to tho concornod SL/
Stuto Covornmont, projoct dovoopors und tho
ondors. Whonovor such u chungo s dosrod n
tho fnuncu puckugo, projoct dovoopors muy
upprouch CLA, for formu upprovu.
5.1 1ho mujor mpodmonts to tho spoody
dovoopmont of prvuto soctor powor projocts
ncudo tho foowng:
. lnubty of Stuto Loctrcty ourds (SL) und
Stuto Covornmonts to provdo un uccoptubo
puymont socurty. 1ho rovonuos of tho SLs
uro not udoquuto to onsuro puymonts to
lndopondont Powor Producors. 1hs s duo
to u vuroty of rousons ncudng rrutonu
turffs, hgh 1&D ossos, poor coocton
offconcos otc.
. Douy n fnusuton of vurous contructs such
us PPA, luo Suppy Agroomont und luo
1runsportuton Agroomont uccoptubo to u
tho concornod purtos. Protructod
nogotutons on fuo prcos, qudutod
churgos/ dumugos, rsk covorng cuusos otc
huvo cuusod douys n muny cusos.
. Hgh cost of nuphthu und othor qud fuos
hus mudo tho SLs rouctunt to buy powor
from such projocts. Non- uvuubty of gus
n suffcont quuntty hus uso douyod
progross of projocts n somo stutos.
v. Court cusos n tho form of Pubc lntorost
Pottons otc.
v. luuro by lPPs to brng n oquty up front.
5.2 CCl hus boon ussstng whorovor roqurod,
to rosovo ssuos comng n tho wuy of concuson
of thoso contructs. Covornmont hus ntutod tho
procoss of roforms und rostructurng of tho powor
soctor. lt s oxpoctod thut wth tho roforms und
rostructurng of tho powor soctor, tho confdonco
of nvostors/lPPs n powor soctor w mprovo und
tho nood for uddtonu socurty for thor
nvostmonts woud not bo nocossury. 1wonty two
Stutos huvo uroudy consttutod Roguutory
Commssons or uro n tho procoss of dong so.
1ho Contru Loctrcty Roguutory Commsson ut
tho contro hus uso bocomo oporutonu. 1ho
Roguutory Commssons w ook nto u uspocts
of turff fxuton. Subsdos to uny spocfc group
of consumors woud huvo to bo mot by tho Stutos
by dobt to thor rospoctvo budgot. 1hs s oxpoctod
to gruduuy hop tho SLs n mprovng thor
fnuncu houth.
5.3 1wonty Sx stutos huvo sgnod Momorundu of
Agroomonts(MCA) wth Mnstry of Powor,
commttng for roforms whch ncudo rostructurng
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
of SLs, consttuton of Stuto Loctrcty Roguutory
Commssons, onorgy uudt, 100 motorng,
bng und coocton of bs, roducton n 1&D
ossos otc.
6.0 lmpIementation of Memorandum of
Agreement for aIternative payment security
mechanism for financiaI cIosure of lPPs
OperationaIisation of escrow
6.1 lndun lnuncu lnsttutons huvo boon nsstng
on oscrow us u puymont socurty mochunsm for
ondng to prvuto powor projocts. Snco most of
tho Stutos hud proboms wth rogurd to oscrowubo
cupucty, muny prvuto powor projocts woro unubo
to uchovo fnuncu cosuro.
6.2 Prvuto powor projocts, whch uro n
udvuncod stugo of dovoopmont und huvo obtunod
tho roqusto couruncos woud bo dontfod by
tho lls und Stuto Covornmont for fuctutng
fnuncu cosuro us por tho Atornutvo Puymont
Socurty Mochunsm. Wth tho Stuto Covornmonts
commtmont to mpomont roforms n u tmo
bound munnor, tho cush fows und
crodtworthnoss of tho SLs woud mprovo
onubng thom to onsuro puymonts for tho powor
purchusod from lPPs. As por tho mochunsm, tho
SL woud bo ubo to opon oscrow uccount 30
duys boforo Commorcu 0poruton Duto nstoud
of prosont roquromont of oscrow boforo fnuncu
cosuro. Durng tho ntorm porod, tho Stutos
woud huvo to ugroo to provdo churgo on
rocovubos of SL to tho lnuncu lnsttutons.
1ho Workng Cuptu unks huvo uso ugrood for
concurront churgo wth tho lnuncu lnsttutons
on tho rocovubos of SLs.
6.3 A Momorundum of Agroomont (MoA) , whch
onsuros fnuncng of 6 prvuto powor projocts n
Andhru Prudosh wth u totu cupucty of 2239 MW,
hus boon ntuod by tho Covornmont of Andhru
Prudosh/ AP1RANSCC, Powor lnunco Corporuton
und tho fnuncu lnsttutons od by lndustru
Dovoopmont unk of lndu on August 10, 2001.
lurthor ucton for commttng funds to tho short
stod projocts woud bo tukon by tho llls/ unks.
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
Cooperation with Neighbouring Countries in Hydro Power
Dovoopmont of wutor rosourcos of tho common
rvors of lndu, noghbourng countros of Nopu,
hutun und Myunmur for mutuu bonofts hus boon
undor consdoruton wth thoso countros. 1horo
s roguur oxchungo of ooctrc powor botwoon
lndu und tho noghbourng countros for tho suppy
of surpus powor und mootng powor roquromonts
n tho bordor urous.
lndu hus boon ussstng Nopu n tho dovoopmont
of ts hydro powor potontu und four HL schomos
numoy Pokhru, 1rsu, Wostorn Cunduk und
Dovghut huvo boon mpomontod wth fnuncu
und tochncu ussstunco from Covt. of lndu. 1hroo
mujor wutor rosourcos projocts n Nopu numoy
Kurnu, Punchoshwur und Suptukosh huvo boon
dontfod us mutuu bonofts projocts. lousbty
roport of Kurnu mut-purposo projoct (10800
MW) wus propurod n 1989. Koy purumotors of
ths projocts uro to bo fnusod uftor mutuu
dscussons. lnvostgutons huvo boon currod out
n rospoct of Punchoshwur MPP by tho two
countros n thor rospoctvo torrtoros. A ont
Projoct Cffco (PC) wus ostubshod n Kuthmundu
n Doc., 1999 to curry out uddtonu nvostgutons
und studos uro roqurod to bo currod out for
fnusuton of Dotuod Projoct Roport (DPR). 1ho
propuruton of vurous chuptors of DPR s undor
progross. Dovoopmont of ths projoct s covorod
undor ntogrutod Muhuku Rvor 1routy sgnod
botwoon HMC, Nopu und lndu n lob., 1996.
lndu hus offorod fnuncu und tochncu ussstunco
for nvostguton und propuruton of DPR of
Suptukos Hgh Dum (3300 MW) Mutpurposo
projoct und Sun Kos Storugo cum Dvorson
Schomo (93MW). lt hus boon docdod to ostubsh
u ont Projoct Cffco n Nopu for tukng up fod
nvostgutons und studos for propuruton of ont
DPR. ont tochncu oxport groups huvo boon
consttutod for ouch of tho ubovo projocts for jont
gudunco for curryng out nvostgutons und
propuruton of dotuod projoct roports (DPRs). A
toum comprsng offcors from CLA, CWC und
NHPC vstod Nopu for dontfcuton und
mpomontuton of smu/ modum szo powor
projocts n Nopu. A numbor of projocts ko urh
Cunduk (600 MW), und Uppor Kurnu (300 MW)
uro uso undor consdoruton botwoon lndu und
Nopu. lurthor, u jont commttoo on wutor
rosourcos to bo houdod by rospoctvo Wutor
Rosourcos Socroturos hus boon consttutod to uct
us un umbrou commttoo of u tochncu und
oxport ovo commttoos.
ln hutun, tho Chukhu HL Projoct (336 MW)
mpomontod wth lndun fnuncu und tochncu
ussstunco s u shnng oxumpo of cooporuton
botwoon tho two countros for mutuu bonofts.
Surpus powor from tho projoct s bong mportod
by lndu. ln uddton, Kurchu HL Projoct (60
MW) n Lustorn hutun hus uso boon mpomontod
us u turnkoy wth lndun fnuncu und tochncu
ussstunco. Anothor projoct numoy 1uu HL Projoct
(1020 MW) hus boon tukon up for mpomontuton
und s bong oxocutod by 1uu Hydro-Loctrc
Projoct Authorty(1HPA) comprsng lndun und
hutunoso Cffcors und Lngnoors. Dosgn und
Lngnoorng consutuncy for tho projoct n rospoct
of ooctro-mochuncu und cv works s bong
rondorod by Contru Loctrcty Authorty (CLA),
Contru Wutor Commsson (CWC) und Wutor &
Powor Consutuncy Sorvcos (WAPCCS). 1ho
projoct s bong fundod by lndu through grunt
und oun und mujor porton of tho powor gonorutod
w bo utsod by lndu. lnvostguton of Sunkosh
Mut-purposo Projoct (4060 MW) hus boon
compotod by CWC und DPR propurod by CLA/
CWC. ln uddton, Munus MPP (2800 MW) wus
roconnotorod by u ont lndo-hutun toum und
pro-fousbty roport wus propurod n Aug., 1982.
1ho nvostguton of tho schomo coud not bo tukon
up duo to objoctons to tho schomo from
onvronmontu ungo. lnvostguton of two Hydro-
ooctrc projocts numoy Wungchu (900 MW) und
unukhu (180 MW) huvo boon compotod und DPR
propurod. lndu s uso provdng tochncu
ussstunco for rohubtuton of 8 nos. Mn/Mcro
hydo projocts n hutun for whch CLA s
rondorng Dosgn und Lngnoorng Consutuncy
Sorvcos. CLA s uso rondorng consutuncy
sorvcos for Yonguchu HL Projoct (4x400 kW) n
hutun. lurthor, two hydro projocts numoy
Mungdo chhu (360/600 MW) und Punutsungchhu
(870/1000 MW) uro undor dscusson botwoon
lndu und hutun.
Myunmur, 1umunth MPP (1200 MW) proposod
to bo dovoopod on Chndwn Rvor hus boon
dontfod us u mutuu bonoft projoct botwoon lndu
& Myunmur. A luct lndng Msson od by
Mombor (Hydro), CLA, vstod Myunmur n lob.,
1999 und hod dscussons routng to sottng up
of tho projoct. A tochncu toum comprsng
Lngnoors from CLA/NHPC/CWC/CSl vstod
projoct sto for nspocton n Nov., 1999. An
lndun toum vstod Myunmur n Apr/Muy, 2000
und ostubshod two nos. Cuugo & Dschurgo
Stutons on tho Chndwn rvor ut 1uzon und
Hkumt und studod gonoru gooogy of projoct
stos. Subsoquonty, unothor C&D sto hus boon
ostubshod ut Hwonu n Apr, 2002. An lndun
1ochncu 1oum comprsng Lngnoors from CLA/
CWC/CSl/WAPCCS uso vstod Myunmur n
connocton wth dovoopmont of unothor projoct
vz. Yoywu H.L. Projoct (700 MW).
CHAP1fR - 10
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
udurpur 1hormu Powor Stuton (1PS) wus
ostubshod by tho Covornmont of lndu n tho
your 1967 to onsuro powor uvuubty for mootng
growng domund of powor n tho Northorn Rogon.
1ho nstuod cupucty of 1PS s 720 MW
consstng of 3x100 MW und 2x210 MW cou
frod unts. Howovor, tho 3 unts of 100 MW
ouch huvo boon dorutod to 95 MW w.o.f.
11.1.1990 mukng tho prosont cupucty us 705
MW. 1ho stuton s ownod by Covornmont of
lndu und s bong munugod by N1PC snco 1
Apr1978 on un ugoncy buss.
1PS s ono of tho mujor sourcos of powor suppy
to Doh stuto und snco Apr1987, tho ontro
onorgy gonorutod ut ths stuton s suppod to tho
Doh Vdyut ourd now cuod Doh Powor
Suppy Compuny Lmtod (DPSCL).
GfNfRA1lON 1ARGf1 fOR 2002-03
1ho gonoruton turgot for 1PS hus boon fxod ut
5200 MUs ut u PLl of 84.20 for tho your 2002-
03 us ugunst tho turgot of 5100 MUs ut u PLl of
82.58 und tho uctuu gonoruton of 5273.128
MUs ut u PLl of 85.38 durng 2001-2002.1ho
powor stuton hus uroudy gonorutod 3608.790
MUs ut u PLl of 87.41 t Novombor2002.
NOVfM8fR 2002
Hghost ovor gonoruton of 3608.790 MUs ut
PLl of 87.41 durng Apr-Novombor2002
porod snco ncopton. Provous bost, wus
3559.274 MUs ut u PLl of 86.21 durng
1ho stuton uchovod bost porformunco ovo
durng Apr-Novombor2002 porod n rospoct
of Conoruton, Punt Loud luctor, Avuubty,
und DM Muko up wutor Consumpton.
Stuton hus rocovod lSC-9002 cortfcuton
vud upto 28
Stuton hus uchovod lSC-14001 (for
onvronmont) vud upto 26
1PS hus won tho Corporuto Awurd for bost
porformunco n tho urou of Protocton &
lmprovomont of Lnvronmont & hus boon
uwurdod u Rong 1rophy for tho sumo on
8adarpur 1hermaI Power Station (81PS)
Stuton hus rocovod wutor und ur consont from
DPCC vud for u porod of 3 yours .o. upto
Apr und 13
Muy2004 rospoctvoy.
1PS s ono of tho 1hormu Powor Stutons
dontfod undor tho contruy sponsorod schomo
for Ronovuton und Modornzuton of thormu
uttos. Undor tho Ronovuton & Modornzuton
Schomo Phuso-l, vurous schomos for 3x100 MW
of 1PS for Rs.36.97 croros woro upprovod. A
of tho works undor thoso schomos huvo uroudy
boon compotod und un oxpondturo of Rs.36.97
croros hus boon ncurrod up to Murch2002. Wth
mpomontuton of R&M Phuso-l schomos for 1PS,
tho uctuu unnuu uvorugo PLl hus mprovod from
45.30 to 65.00 ugunst tho onvsugod
mprovomont n PLl from 45.30 to 55. As u
rosut of ths, durng tho fnuncu your 2001-02,
tho stuton gonorutod 5273.128 MUs ut u PLl of
85.38, tho hghost snco ncopton surpussng
provous bost of 5180.458 MUs ut PLl of 83.88
uchovod n 2000-2001.
Undor R&M Schomo Phuso-ll progrummo, cortun
urous woro dontfod for curryng out furthor
modfcuton. 1PS submttod u proposu for R&M
Phuso-ll for un ostmutod cost of Rs. 187.77 croros
(utost rovsod cost Rs.232.77 croros) for upprovu
covorng u unts of 1PS. 1ho proposu hus boon
tochno-oconomcuy courod by CLA und upprovod
by Pl n Apr1997. 1ho schomo muny
omphuszos on roducton n hout ruto und
sustunng tho prosont ovo of gonoruton. 1ho
schomo uso covors vurous mousuros to onsuro
bost onvronmontu norms n uddton to ncrouso
n tho roubty of tho unts.
Pondng suncton/roouso of R&M Phuso-ll funds,
SlC schomos covorng cortun urgont works of
cuptu nuturo woro dontfod jonty wth CLA for
mmoduto mpomontuton n tho 1PS Unts.
1hroo schomos (Ropucomont und Ropur works
l,ll & lll) huvo boon upprovod for oxocuton durng
tho yours 1998-2000, 2000-02 und 2001-02 ut
un ostmutod cost of Rs. 14.70 croros (SlC-l), Rs.
14.91 croros (SlC-ll) & Rs. 14.95 croros (SlC-lll)
rospoctvoy. An oxpondturo of Rs.14.70 croros
CHAP1fR - 11
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
huvo boon ncurrod t 31
Murch2002 undor R&R
Works-l. Undor R&R Works-ll (SlC-ll) schomos,
Rs.11.98 croros huvo uroudy boon spont t 31
Murch2002 & tho romunng Rs. 2.93 croros hus
boon kopt undor RL 2002-03. Aso, un oxpondturo
of Rs. 14.95 croros hus boon ncurrod t 31
Murch2002 undor SlC-lll schomos. Lncourugod
by tho udvuntugos of thoso schomos n ncrousng
und sustunng porformunco ovo und
onvronmontu norms, unothor proposu for SlC-
lV schomos of Rs.24.69 croros hus boon submttod
on 25.07.02 for consdoruton .
Ash utzuton for 2002-03 hus boon turgotod ut
40 of unnuu ush gonoruton .o. uround 5,50,000
M1. 1 Nov02, 4,61,131 M1 of ush hus uroudy
boon utzod und tho uforosud turgot w bo
uchovod by tho ond of tho your 2002-03.
1PS hus uroudy uchovod u progross of 5 ukh
brcks t Nov 2002. rcks uro bong usod n-
houso for cv constructons n u bg wuy. Ash
brcks from tho stuton huvo boon suppod n tho
pust to ll1 Doh, US Lmbussy, CPC, CPWD und
CRl, Roorkoo for thor constructon works.
Dry ush buggng fucty hus boon commssonod
(cupucty 80-100 M1/duy). 1 Nov02, 6950 bugs
(contunng 40 kgs ush por bug) totung to 278
M1 ush huvo boon ssuod to vurous ugoncos.
Anothor urou of ush utzuton s for fng up of
ow-yng urous. lor Nodu-Croutor Nodu Lxpross
Hghwuy projoct, ush s bong ftod from tho stuton
for uso n ths projoct. DDA, MCD und othor
noghbourhood poopo uro uso usng ush from
tho stuton for und fng.
A View of 8adarpur 1hermaI Power Station
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
1ho totu nstuod cupucty n tho N.L. Rogon, us on
01.11.2002 s 2288.41 MW us undor:
N.f. Region
Hydro 1108.93
1hormu 1179.32
Wnd 0.16
Nucour 0.00
1otaI 2288.41
1ho uggroguto nstuod cupucty of Hydro Schomos
(ubovo 3 MW) n oporuton n tho N.L. Rogon s
1070 MW.
Power DeveIopment Activities in North fastern Region
As por ro-ussossmont studos currod out by tho
Contru Loctrcty Authorty (CLA) from 1978-
87, dontfod hydro potontu of tho N.L. rogon
hus boon ostmutod us 58971 MW. Cut of tho
ubovo, 1070 MW of tho dontfod potontu hus
boon hurnossod so fur who unothor 379 MW s
undor constructon uftor nvostmont upprovu.
1ho Suto-wso ostmutod hydro ooctrc potontu
of North-Lustorn rogon und ts dovoopmont so
fur s gvon boow:-
Region/State ldentified Capacity Capacity Capacity under
potentiaI as per deveIoped* under deveIopment
reassessment construction* under Stage-ll
study of 3 stage*
(MW) (MW) % (MW) (MW)
Moghuuyu 2394 185 8 84 0
1rpuru 15 15 100 0 0
Munpur 1784 105 6 90 0
Assum 680 250 37 145 0
Nuguund 1574 99 6 0 0
Ar. Prudosh 50328 416 1 0 2600
Mzorum 2196 0 0 60 0
1otaI S8971 1070 2 379 2600
'Lxcudng hydro powor unts boow 3 MW cupucty.
Mega Hydro Pro[ects PIanned in the N.f. Region
1ho NL Rogon prosonts vory uttructvo stos for
provdng urgo storugo wth mut-purposo uspocts
of Hydro Powor dovoopmont. CWC hud ouror
currod out nvostgutons und propurod projoct
roports for throo mujor projocts vz. Dhung
(40x500 MW), Subunsr (12x400MW) und
1pumukh (6x250 MW) whch w provdo n
uddton to powor gonoruton, bonofts for food
contro, rrguton, nuvguton und psccuturo.
1ho foowng schomos huvo boon dontfod for
cupucty uddton durng tho 10
SI. No. Pro[ect lnstaIIed Capacity
Contru Soctor
1. Kop HLP Stugo-ll, Assum 25 MW
2. 1uru HLP, Mzorum 60 MW
Stuto Soctor
3. Kurb Lungp n Assum 100 MW
4. Myntdu n Moghuuyu 84 MW
5. urub n Mzorum 80 MW
CHAP1fR - 12
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
Prosonty, throo schomos numoy Kurb Lungp (100
MW) und Kop Stugo-ll (25MW) n Assum und
1uru (60 MW) n Mzorum uro undor
constructon. Kumong Hydro-ooctrc Projoct (600
MW) n Arunuchu Prudosh hus boon uccordod
socond stugo courunco undor tho throo stugo
courunco ut u cost of Rs. 94.54 croros for
oxocuton by NLLPCC. 1ho Lowor Subunsr
Hydro-ooctrc Projoct n Arunuchu Prudosh wth
un nstuod cupucty of 2000 MW to bo
mpomontod by NHPC hus uso boon uccordod
tochno-oconomc courunco by CLA. lour schomos
numoy, 1uvu (210 MW) und urub Dum (80
MW) n Mzorum, Myntdu (84 MW) n Moghuuyu
und Subunsr (owor) HLP n Arunuchu Prudosh
huvo boon courod by CLA und uro uwutng
nvostmont suncton. Roconty Mnstry of Wutor
Rosourcos hus uso docdod to trunsfor Dbung HLP
(2500MW) n Arunuchu Prudosh to NHPC for
oxocuton. DPR for tho Projoct s uroudy undor
propuruton by tho ruhmuputru ourd wth tho
ussstunco of NHPC.
lurthor, Sung (Mddo) - 700 MW, Sung (Uppor)-
11000 MW, Subunsr (Mddo)-2000 MW,
Subunsr (Uppor) - 2500 MW schomos to bo
mpomontod by NHPC und Dkrong (100 MW)
to bo mpomontod by NLLPCC huvo boon courod
by CLA undor Stugo-l for curryng out Survoy,
lnvostguton und propuruton of Pro-lousbty
Roport(PlR). 1pumukh Hydro-ooctrc
(Mutpurposo) Projoct (1500 MW) n Munpur to
bo mpomontod by NLLPCC s bong upprusod
by CLA for uccord of 1ochno-Lconomc Courunco.
Subansiri Dam Pro[ects - ArunachaI Pradesh
1hroo schomos n Arunuchu Prudosh wth totu
nstuuton of 5600 MW n throo powor housos uro
bong punnod wth dotus us undor.
) Upstroum of Duporjo nour Mongu vugo on
Subunsr rvor (Subunsr Uppor HL Projoct) -
2000 MW.
) Upstroum of 1umon vugo on Kumu rvor whch
s trbutury of Subunsr rvor (Subunsr Mddo
HL Projoct) - 1600 MW.
) Corukumukh vugo nour orgnu sto on
Subunsr rvor (Subunsr Lowor HL Projoct) -
2000 MW.
Subunsr Lowor Projoct to bo mpomontod by NHPC
hus boon tochno-oconomcuy courod by CLA n
un, 2003. Commorcu vubty hus uso boon
uccordod to Subunsr Uppor HLP (2000 MW) und
Subunsr Mddo HLP (1600 MW) n Sopt., 2002.
Site cIearance for Mega Pro[ect : MCLl hus ssuod
sto courunco (Stugo-l) for u tho projocts n Sung
und Subunsr busn. Sto courunco (Stugo-ll) for
Subunsr Lowor Projoct hus boon ssuod by MCLl
n uy 2001.
1ipaimu|h Dam Pro[ect (6x2S0=1S00 MW) -
1ho schomo onvsugos constructon of u dum ucross
tho rvor uruk mmodutoy downstroum of tho
confuonco of tho 1uvu rvor wth nstuod cupucty
of 6x250 MW-1500 MW und onorgy bonofts 3516
Cwh. 1ho projoct hus boon ontrustod to NLLPCC.
Rovsod cost ostmutos ut Docombor, 2002 prco ovo
hus boon submttod by NLLPCC n Docombor 2002.
Covornmont of Assum hus gvon NCC to NLLPCC
for tho proposod projoct subjoct to cortun condtons.
Sto courunco (Stugo-l & Stugo-ll) hus boon ssuod by
On-going hydro-eIectric pro[ects in N.f. Region and
1ho foowng uro tho sunctonod und on-gong hydro-
ooctrc projocts n N.L. Rogon und Skkm.
NffPCO Pro[ects :
() Kop HLP Stugo-ll (25 MW): 1he pro[ect was
accorded investment approvaI in )uIy, 1999 at
an estimated cost of Rs.76.09 crores. 1he
execution of pro[ect is in progress and the
pro[ect is Ii|eIy to be compIeted by )uIy, 2003.
() 1uru HLP (60 MW): 1ho projoct wus uccordod
nvostmont upprovu ut un ostmutod cost of
Rs.368.72 croros n uy, 1998 und tho projoct s
to bo compotod n 8 yours from duto of
lnvostmont docson .o. by 2006. 1ho oxocuton
of tho projoct s n progross.
NHPC Pro[ects:
() Io|ta| Down Stream (90 MW): 1ho projoct wus
uccordod nvostmont upprovu on 10.12.1999
ut u cost of Rs.578 croros to bo oxocutod by
NHPC. 1ho projoct s schoduod to bo
commssonod n 2008-09. Prosonty tho projoct
works uro bong hod up duo to uw und ordor
probom provung n tho rogon.
() 1eesta - V (S10 MW) : 1ho projoct hus boon
uccordod upprovu on 19
unuury, 2000 ut u
cost of Rs.2200 croros, to bo oxocutod us u
Contru Soctor Projoct by tho NHPC. 1ho projoct
s schoduod to bo commssonod n 2006-07.
1ho work s procoodng us por schoduo.
osdo ubovo, tho foowng projocts uro undor
vurous stugos of procossng to bo tukon up by
NLLPCC for oxocuton n tho N.L. Rogon
und Skkm:-
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
State No. of 1ribaI Amount Achievement upto
ViIIages (l
lnstaIment) 01.12.2002
Arunuchu Prudosh 60 4.48 34
(Works n romunng
26 vugos uro n progross)
Assum 20 0.68 10
Moghuuyu 10 0.75 10
Nuguund 02 0.35 2
Mzorum 03 0.34 Work n progross
Munpur 60 5.64 3
(Work n 27 vugos uro n
progross. Work n romunng
30 vugos woud bo tukon
up subsoquonty)
1rpuru 10 0.72 6
(Work n romunng 4 vugos
uro n progross)
1otaI 16S Rs. 12.96 Crore
1ho Punnng Commsson hus mudo tho foowng uocuton of Addtonu Contru Assstunco (ACA) undor
PMCY for 2002-03 for ruru ooctrfcuton:
Rs. in Crores
SI. No States Amount(Rs.)
1. Arunuchu Prudosh 6.84
2. Assum 30.00
3. Munpur 6.00
4. Moghuuyu 6.00
5. Mzorum 5.98
6. Nuguund 6.50
7. 1rpuru 4.00
(i) 1ipaimu|h HfP (1S00 MW),Manipur.
(ii) 1uivai HfP (210 MW), Mizoram.
(iii) Kameng HfP (600 MW), ArunachaI Pradesh.
1hermaI Pro[ects :
1ripura G1, S00 MW : -
1rpuru Cus Combnod Powor Punt 500 MW
(nomnu cupucty) ut Monurchuk Contru Soctor
s proposod to bo sot up by M/s NLLPCC. A
rovsod DPR wus submttod und tho schomo wus
uccordod 1LC on 19.02.2002 uftor rosovng
pondng ssuos such us MCL&l Courunco, Powor
Absorpton Pun otc. ln vow of tho construnts
rogurdng gus uvubty, t s proposod to ro work
tho cupucty ut ubout 250 MW, tho ostmutos of
whch uro bong workod out bo NLLPCC.
Ro|hia G1, 1x21 MW : -
Proposu for sottng up of 1x21 MW C1 Lxtn.
Unt-8 ut Rokhu wus rocovod ut un ostmutod
cost of Rs.90.94 croros for consdoruton undor
Non-upsubo Contru Post of Rosourcos durng
Pun Porod.
RURAI fIfC1RlflCA1lON AC1lVl1lfS lN
As u foow up of Prmo Mnstors unnouncomont
for ooctrfcuton of 500 trbu vugos n tho North
Lustorn Rogon(NLR), tho ooctrfcuton of 165 trbu
vugos hus boon tukon up n tho frst phuso. 1ho
Covornmont huvo roousod un umount of Rs. 12.96
croros to NLR Stutos us tho frst nstumont. 1ho
Stutos furnshod tho schomos to CLA, who
scrutnzod und upprusod tho cost ostmutos
furnshod by tho Stutos. Cut of buunco 335 trbu
vugos, CLA huvo rocommondod ooctrfcuton of
317 trbu vugos ut un ostmutod cost of Rs. 4740
ukhs. ln rospoct of romunng 18 vugos, CLA
huvo sought uddtonu nformuton/curfcuton
from tho Stutos und on obtunng tho roqusto
nformuton, thoso vugos woud uso bo
rocommondod for ooctrfcuton.
1ho Stuto-wso no. of vugos bong ooctrfod und
funds roousod undor Non-upsubo Contru Poo
of Rosourcos n tho frst phuso s us undor :
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
ln tho mootng of tho Prmo Mnstor wth tho Chof
Mnstors und Covornmont of tho North Lustorn Stutos
hod on 22.1.2000 ut Shong, Honbo Prmo
Mnstor mudo tho unnouncomont thut 165 trbu
vugos n North Lustorn Stutos (Arunuchu Prudosh
60, Assum-20, Munpur-60, Moghuuyu-10,
Mzorum-3, Nuguund-2 & 1rpuru-10) uro to bo
ooctrfod undor tho PMs soco-oconomc puckugo
for tho dovoopmont of tho North Lustorn Stutos.
Mnstry of lnunco vdo thor ottors No.44(1)-Pll/
2001000265 dutod 28
unuury, 2002 huvo roousod
Rs. 12.96 Croros to Stuto Covornmont us grunt-n-
ud us Contru Assstunco from tho Contru Poo of
Rosourcos for ooctrfcuton of trbu vugos
ndcutod ubovo. sxty fvo vugos huvo boon
ooctrfod by 1.12.2002.
1RANSMlSSlON & DlS1Rl8U1lON AC1lVl1lfS lN
lmpIementation of Sub-1ransmission and
Distribution Schemes in NfR being funded out of
the Non-IapsabIe PooI of Resources
ln pursuunco of tho docsons tukon durng tho
Conforonco of tho Powor Mnstors of tho NL Stutos
und Skkm hod on 9.6.1999, CLA wus droctod
to formuuto u schomo for tho mprovomont of
trunsmsson/ sub-trunsmsson und dstrbuton
notwork n tho North Lustorn Rogon. CLA, n
consututon wth tho consttuont Stutos n tho NLR
formuutod u Schomo for tho dovoopmont of tho
Sub-trunsmsson und dstrbuton notwork, to bo
fnuncod from tho Non-Lupsubo Poo (NLP) of
Rosourcos. 1ho totu ostmutod cost of tho schomo
workod out to Rs. 452.66 croros (Rs. 283.67 croros
for on-gong und Rs. 168.99 croros for now
schomos). 1ho roquromont of funds durng
2000-02 wus ussossod us undor:
Cn gong schomos Rs. 136.23 croros
Now Schomos Rs. 103.69 croros
1otaI Rs. 239.92 crores
A sum of Rs. 52 croros wus roousod to tho
rospoctvo Stuto Covornmonts of tho North Lustorn
Rogon und Skkm durng 2000-01. lurthor,
Rs.16.83 Croros huvo boon roousod to tho Stutos
drocty by tho Mnstry of lnunco durng 2001-
2002. Doptt. of Dovoopmont of North Lustorn
Rogon rocommondod u furthor roouso of Rs. 25.34
croros to tho NL Stutos on 22.4.2002. 1hs umount
hus boon roousod to tho Stutos by tho Doptt. of
Dovoopmont of North Lustorn Rogon on
21.10.2002. 1ho Stuto Covts. huvo boon roquostod
to furnsh tho uurtory Progross Roport/ UCs
1ho Stutos huvo roportod Utzuton of un umount
of Rs. 59.26 croros out of ths umount so fur.
lor tho your 2002-03, Mnstry of Powor hus
roquostod Doptt. of Dovoopmont of North Lustorn
Rogon for roouso of Rs. 55 croros(upprox).
Wth tho compoton of thoso schomos, un
mprovomont n tho quuty und roubty of powor
suppy und roducton n 1&D ossos s oxpoctod
n tho North Lustorn Stutos.
1ransmission system for the deveIopment of North
fastern Region (NfR)
1ho powor gonorutod by tho Contru Soctor Powor
Stutons stuutod n tho NLR s ovucuutod through
tho trunsmsson systom oxocutod by PCWLRCRlD.
1ho trunsmsson systom conssts of 4103 ckt. kms.
of trunsmsson no und 13 sub-stutons.
PCWLRCRlD hus uroudy nvostod ovor Rs. 1500
croros n NLR for dovoopmont of trunsmsson
notwork. 1ho prosont trunsmsson systom cutors to
tho ovucuuton roquromont of oxstng / ongong
thormu / hydro / gus gonorutng stutons ut Kuthugur
(294 MW), Doyung (75 MW), Rungunud (405 MW),
Kop (200 MW) und Agurtuu (84 MW). 1ho North-
Lustorn Rogon s rch n hydro / gus rosourcos und
thoroforo, consdorng tho futuro gonoruton potontu
und tho oco-sonstvo googruphy, tho trunsmsson
systom hus boon punnod, n consututon wth tho
bonofcuros, to tuko curo of futuro noods of
vurous gonoruton projocts ko Kumong (600 MW),
Dumwo (520 MW) und Amgur (10 MW).
1ho foowng bonofts huvo uccruod from
constructon of trunsmsson systom:
() lt ntor-connocts tho notworks of u tho stutos n
tho rogon und fuctutos ntor-stuto trunsmsson
of contru soctor powor wthn tho NLR.
() lt fuctutos und onubos oxport of surpus powor
from Contru Soctor Powor Stutons to othor purts
of tho country, purtcuury to tho Lustorn Rogon.
() lt fuctutos tho ntogruton of NLR Crd wth tho
Nutonu Crd.
lor tho fnuncu your 2002-03, provson of Rs.21
croro hus boon mudo for tho sovon North Lustorn
Stutos und Skkm for ntonsvo ooctrfcuton und
for undortukng Systom lmprovomont Progrummo.
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
Concossonu ruto of ntorost of 8.25 por unnum
hus uso boon mudo uppcubo for tho NL Stutos/
SLs n rospoct of u tho schomos to bo sponsorod
by thom. osdos, un umount of Rs.10 croro hus
boon uocutod for roouso of 55,556 sngo pont
ght connoctons n tho housohods of ruru poor
undor Kutr yot Progummo. Agunst ths, busod
on tho uccoptunco rocovod from tho NL stutos,
RLC hus sunctonod u grunt of Rs.4.15 croro for
roouso of 23,060 connoctons.
1ho Corporuton dsbursod Rs.4.02 croro for RL
progrummo n NL Stutos und u grunt umount of
Rs.1.49 croro hus boon druwn by SLs/Stuto
Covornmonts for mpomontuton of Kutr yot
Porgummo upto 30.11.2002.
NHPC AC1lVl1lfS lN Nf RfGlON
(i) Siang VaIIey Pro[ects in ArunachaI Pradesh
1hroo projocts wth totu nstuod cupucty of
13700 MW uro bong punnod us undor:
a. Uppor Sung (11000 MW), upstroum of
Yngkong nour Puggng vugo on Sung Rvor.
b. Mddo Sung (1000 MW), 15 km upstroum of
Ruyng nour Rong vugo on tho Syom rvor
whch s trbutury of Syom Rvor.
c. Lowor Shung (1700 MW), upstroum of
Pusghut nour Routung vugo.
Survoy und lnvostguton of ubovo schomos by
NHPC uro n progross so us to frm up DPR.
(ii) Subansiri VaIIey Pro[ects in ArunachaI Pradesh
1hroo projocts wth totu nstuod cupucty of
13700 MW uro bong punnod us undor:
a. Uppor Subunsr (2000 MW) on Subunsr
Rvor nour Mongu vugo upstroum of Duporjo
b. Mddo Subunsr (1600 MW) on Kumu (u
trbutury of Subunsr rvor), nour 1umon
c. Lowor Subunsr (2000 MW) on Subunsr Rvor
nour Corukumukh vugo. 1ochno-oconomc
courunco hus boon uccordod by CLA.
NHPC Pro[ects under construction in Nf Region
(i) Loktuk Downstroum (90 MW) n Munpur: 1ho
Projoct wus uccordod nvostmont upprovu on
10.12.1999 ut u cost of Rs. 578 croros to bo
oxocutod by NHPC. lt s schoduod to bo
commssonod n 2008-09. Howovor, no mujor
work hus boon possbo so fur duo to socurty
(ii) 1oostu-V (510 MW) n Skkm: 1ho Projoct hus
boon uccordod upprovu on 19th unuury, 2000 ut
u cost of Rs. 2200 croros, und s bong oxocutod by
NHPC. lt s schoduod to bo commssonod n
PfC AC1lVl1lfS lN NOR1H fAS1fRN RfGlON
Powor lnunco Corporuton hus boon gvng spocu
uttonton to tho dovoopmont of powor projocts n
tho North-Lustorn Rogon. Projocts/schomos of ths
rogon quufy for uddtonu 1 subsdy undor
tho Cols AC&S Progrummo on dsbursomonts
mudo durng tho 9
Pun porod. Wth un offoctvo
murkotng upprouch, PlC hus ncrousod ts ounng
oporutons substuntuy n tho rogon durng tho
your undor roport. Durng tho your 2000-01,
Rs.230.24 croros woro sunctonod for 9 projocts/
schomos und un umount of Rs. 121.74 croros hus
uso boon dsbursod to tho projocts/schomos n
tho rogon. Wth ths, u totu of Rs.707 croros hus
boon sunctonod und Rs.450.70 croros hus boon
dsbursod t duto to tho projocts/schomos n tho
Rogon. Durng tho your, PlC hus sunctonod mujor
ouns to Kurb Lungp HLP (2x50 MW) of ASL,
Lkmro HLP(3x8 MW) of Nuguund Powor
Dopurtmont und Doyung HLP(3x25 MW) of
AC1lVl1lfS Of NP1l lN NOR1H fAS1fRN
1o mprovo tho porformunco of tho Powor Stutons
n tho North-Lustorn Rogon, NP1l s proposng to
sturt tho trunng und HRD uctvty for tho Powor
Soctor porsonno by ostubshng u Powor ock n
ll1 promsos or n tho udjonng nsttutonu urou
n Cuwuhut. A provson of Rs.14.76 croros hus
boon uocutod for ths purposo n tho Xth pun.
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
VigiIance Activities/DiscipIinary Cases
Durng tho your 2002-03, sovon cusos of
dscpnury procoodngs woro pondng/
contomputod und woro ut dfforont stugos of
procossng. Proposu to ntuto dscpnury
procoodngs ugunst ono offcor hus uroudy boon
upprovod, nqury ugunst two porsons hus boon
compotod. Ponuty of dsmssu hus boon mposod
on ono porson. ln ono cuso udvco of UPSC hus
boon rocovod for mpomontuton of ponuty.
Vgunco cusos ugunst offcors of PSUs huvo uso
boon docdod wth tho upprovu of CVC.
ln tho chungng socurty onvronmont, socurty of
vtu Powor Projocts hus boon rovowod und
nocossury foow-ups huvo boon tukon up wth
concornod orgunzuton. Mnstry of Homo Affurs
hus uso boon upprsod of tho socurty roquromont
of vurous powor nstuutons n tho country.
Mootngs woro hod wth CVCs of PSUs for
uscortunng tho socurty roquromonts of vurous
PSUs. CVCs of u PSUs woro udvsod to
strongthon tho socurty urrungomonts n thor
rospoctvo Projocts.
Durng tho your oxtonson of tonuro of tho CVCs
of N1PC, NHPC, PCClL hus uso boon uccordod
uftor duo consuututon wth CVC und DCP&1.
lnstructons/gudonos rogurdng vgunco courunco
& routod muttors woro strcty compod wth.
Cudonos us rocovod from DCP&1 und CVC woro
crcuutod to u concornod from tmo to tmo.
Vgunco Awuronoss Wook wus coobrutod n tho
Mnstry und ts uttuchod offcos/PSUs from
Cctobor to 6
Novombor 2002 to ronow tho
mossugo of ntogrty und trunspuroncy.
(Year 2002-03, upto 30.11.2002)
Durng tho porod N1PC hud rocovod 65
compunts. A tho 65 cusos woro tukon up for
nvostguton. 1horo woro 39 cusos pondng undor
nvostguton us on 31
unuury, 2002. Cut of tho
totu 104 cusos nvostguton hus uroudy boon
compotod n 68 cusos. As on 30
Nov. 2002
thoro uro 36 cusos undor nvostguton, 08 of thom
uro pondng botwoon 06 months to 01 your. ln
thoso cusos tho nvostguton coud not bo
compotod bocuuso ovdonco & documonts from
outsdo purtos uro to bo cooctod.
1. Cut of 39 cusos thut woro submttod to tho
Dscpnury Authortos, n 07 cusos mujor
ponuty ucton hus boon upprovod ugunst 08
offcus, & n 15 cusos mnor ponuty ucton
hus boon upprovod ugunst 20 offcus, n 11
cusos nvovng 13 offcus for ntuton of
udmnstrutvo ucton wus upprovod. 06 cusos
woro cosod whoro no ovdonco hud como to
provo tho uogutons. 23 churgo shoots woro
ssuod upto Nov. 30, 2002.
2. Durng tho porod up to 30.11.2002 mujor
ponutos woro mposod on 02 offcus und
mnor ponutos woro mposod on 22 offcus,
05 offcus woro oxonorutod.
3. Apurt from ubovo us on 30.11.2002 rocovoros
offoctod wus Rs.12,78,771/- & suvngs mudo
comos to Rs.64,56,434/- ugunst tho
rocommondod rocovoros of Rs.79,96,187/-.
4. 243 Nos. of surprso chocks woro conductod
t 30.11.2002 out of whch 18 Nos. of cusos
wus nsttutod.
5. Dopurtmontu nquros woro n progross n 02
cusos ugunst 06 offcus und mnor ponuty
ucton wus n progross ugunst 05 offcus n
ono cuso.
6. ln 04 cusos CVC udvsod for ntuton of mujor
ponuty ucton ugunst 08 offcus, mnor
ponuty ucton ugunst 11 offcus und
udmnstrutvo ucton ugunst 02 offcus from
un. 01, 2002.
1ho cuso ugunst 01 offcu s undor
submsson to tho ourd of Droctors for
docson on ntuton of mujor ponuty
ucton ugunst hm us por tho CVC udvco.
Churgo shoots uro undor druftng n rospoct
of 05 offcus for mujor ponuty ucton
und 07 offcus for mnor ponuty ucton.
01 cuso s undor dopurtmontu onqury for
whch lnqury Cffcor & Prosontng
Cffcors huvo snco boon uppontod.
ln 01 cuso nvovng 02 offcors, onqury
s ovor, lnqury Roports rocovod und tho
sumo huvo boon procossod for upprovu
of dssontng notos wth tho fndngs of
tho lC. 1ho cusos w bo procossod for
stugo udvco by tho CVC uftor rocopt
of commonts from tho CCs.
ln unothor cuso nvovng 04 offcors, tho
cuso hus boon procossod for sookng 2
stugo udvco from tho CVC.
ln 01 mnor ponuty cuso ugunst 02
offcus, who tho ponuty of 'Consuro
CHAP1fR - 13
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
hus boon mposod on 01 offcor, tho cuso
ugunst tho othor offcor s undor
submsson to tho Dscpnury Authorty
for docson.
ln 01 cuso nvovng 05 offcus fucng
mnor ponuty ucton ponuty of
wthhodng of ono ncromont for sx
months hus boon mposod on 03 offcus
und 02 offcus huvo boon oxonorutod.
Crdors uro undor ssuo.
ln tho romunng 02 cusos, of mnor
ponuty ucton, tho cusos huvo boon
procossod but kopt n unmutod uboyunco
pondng curfcuton from CVC.
lntuton of Admnstrutvo ucton ugunst
02 offcus s uso n progross.
7. Vgunco dopurtmont of N1PC croutos gonoru
uwuronoss umongst tho ompoyoos through
soros of workshops und porodc dscusson
wth HCD ut projocts, rogons und stutons.
Durng tho porod undor rovow, 38 workshops
huvo boon orgunzod n dfforont projocts for
oxocutvos, suporvsors und workmon. Roguur
montorng of vgunco cusos s bong dono.
8. usod on tho Audt conductod by Amorcun
uuty Assossors n Cct., 2002, N1PC
Corporuto Vgunco Doptt. hus boon
rocommondod by tho Audt 1oum to rogstor
for lSC 9001:2000 Stundurd on Cct. 29, 2002.
9. N1PC obsorvod tho Vgunco Awuronoss Wook
from 31
Cctobor, 2002 to 6
2002 n u tho projocts, rogons, offcos us
wo us Corporuto Contro of N1PC. Dobutos,
Lssuy Compottons, Postor Compottons woro
orgunzod to crouto uwuronoss. unnors und
Postors on tho thomo of unt-corrupton woro
dspuyod ut promnont ocutons. Spocu
ournus/Nows Lottors woro brought out n
projocts on ths occuson.
lt s ossontu thut n tho wur ugunst corrupton,
ovoryono s mudo uwuro of tho vurous strutogos
und prncpos thut huvo boon ovovod so fur.
Koopng ths n mnd, PCWLRCRlD hus boon
commttod towurds brngng ubout trunspuroncy
n u ts uctvtos und n ts ondouvour towurds
conducvo onvronmont. Sgnfcunt uchovomonts
woro mudo on ths front by tho corporuton
nvovng porsonno from vurous munugomont
ovos n preventive anti-corruption wor|.
PCWLRCRlD uddod u fouthor to ts cup by
pubshng u unquo und undmurk pocy
documont Wor|s and Procurement PoIicy and
Procedure" for tho pro-uwurd uctvtos. Pocos
ud down n tho munuu uro unumbguous &
trunspuront, buckod up by ostubshod & tmo-tostod
procoduros und systoms. 1ho munuu protocts
ntorost of tho compuny und gonorutos confdonco
n Munugors n tukng docsons. Motcuous foow
up und Systom Audt huvo boon mpomontod to
dontfy und pug uny dovutons und to provdo
food buck for up-gruduton/mprovomonts. Smur
documont s bong dovoopod for post uwurd
uctvtos us wo us for othor functonu urous ko
Lngnoorng, lnunco und uuty Assurunco.
Durng tho your, u numbor of workshops, somnurs,
dobutos und oocuton contosts woro orgunzod u
ovor tho country on tho occuson of tho Vgunco
Awuronoss Wook. 1ho n-houso journu of tho
Vgunco Dopurtmont Candour" wus uso
pubshod for tho socond tmo wth contrbutons
from u quurtors. A succossfu somnur on MoraIity
in PubIic Iife wus uso orgunzod n ussocuton
wth SANKAIP, u vountury orgunzuton, whoro
omnont porsonutos from vurous sphoros of fo
PCWLRCRlD uso mpomontod VigiIance
lnformation Database" softwuro for tho frst tmo
on tho gudonos und formuts of tho Contru
Vgunco Commsson. 1hs udvuncod softwuro
onubos rotrovng of vgunco nformuton wth
spood, offconcy und uccurucy.
Sproudng uwuronoss und trunspuroncy n ts
oporuton uong wth u vubo strutogy of motvuton
und provonton hus boon und w bo tho muntru
of PCWLRCRlD n fght ugunst corrupton.
A. Progress made during the current year upto
November, 2002
1. Proscrbod porodcu stutstcu roturns woro sont
to CVC, Cl und MCP tmoy. lnstructons
rocovod from tho Contru Vgunco Commsson
from tmo to tmo woro compod wth. Lght
roguur nspoctons woro currod out by tho
offcors of Vgunco Dvson n dfforont Projoct
Cffcos of RLC ucross tho country. ln uddton to
tho 5 compunts brought forwurd us on
1.4.2002, 11 compunts woro rocovod, of whch
9 huvo boon sottod so fur. ln uddton to tho 4
dscpnury cusos pondng us on 1.4.2002, 6
cusos woro rocovod upto Novombor, 2002. Cf
thoso, 5 huvo boon fnusod und tho romunng
5 cusos uro ut vurous stugos of compoton.
2. Lmphuss wus uso ud on tho provontvo
vgunco. Lxstng procoduros of oun
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
documontuton, rombursomont of modcu
oxponsos und rombursomont of cums woro
rovowod und stroumnod.
3. Annuu Proporty Roturns huvo boon
4. Vgunco-Awuronoss Wook wus obsorvod n RLC
offcos n tho country from 31
Cctobor to
Novombor, 2002.
5. As por norms, porformunco of Vgunco Dvson
wus rovowod by tho CMD, RLC, Chof Vgunco
Cffcor of tho Mnstry of Powor und Contru
Vgunco Commsson n uddton to tho
porodcu rovows undortukon by tho CVC, RLC.
8. Anticipated targets to be achieved during the
remaining period of the year i.e. upto
March, 2002.
1. Lfforts woud bo mudo to got u tho pondng
compunts und dscpnury cusos compotod.
2. Roguur nspocton woud bo currod out n tho
oft out Projoct Cffcos of RLC.
1. 5(fvo) Cusos / compunts huvo boon rocovod
durng tho porod upto Novombor ' 2002 .Cut
of thom 2 (two) compunts uro undor scrutny
by Vgunco, 1 (ono) Cuso hus boon rogstorod
by Cl, 1 (ono) compunt hus boon roforrod to
Cl und tho othor s wth lnqury Commttoo.
2. 6(Sx) offcors nvovod n 2 (two) dfforont Cusos
huvo boon Churgo shootod by tho Dscpnury
Authorty durng tho porod. Apurt from ubovo
9(nno) Cusos / Compunts uro undor
nvostguton by Cl for whch fu co-oporuton
und ussstunco uro rondorod us und whon usk
for. 5 (fvo) Nos. of Surprso /Routno lnspoctons/
Chocks hud boon currod out n vurous Projocts
durng tho porod.
Vgunco Awuronoss Wook 2002 wus
obsorvod from 31/10/2002 to 06/11/2002 us por
droctvos of CVC.
Vgunco dopurtmont of NHPC croutos gonoru
uwuronoss umongst tho ompoyoos through soros of
workshops/trunng progrummos/vgunco upprocu-
ton progrummo und porodc dscusson wth HCDs/
HCPs ut projocts, Rogons und offcos. ln tho porod
undor rovow, throo ono-duy workshops und ono two-
duys rogonu trunng progrummos woro orgunzod
n dfforont projocts for oxocutvos, suporvsors und
workmon. Lmphuss wus gvon on provontvo vgunco
und procoduru mprovomont. ln u 370 roguur/
surprso chocks woro conductod t Cctobor 31, 2002.
NHPC hus obsorvod tho Vgunco Awuronoss Wook
from Cctobor 31 to Novombor 6, 2002, n u projocts,
Rogonu Cffcos und Corporuto Cffco. 1ho Vgunco
Awuronoss Wook wus nuugurutod by Shr Yogondru
Prusud, Churmun & Munugng Droctor, NHPC und
on ths occuson, thrd odton of NHPC Vgunco
ournu 'Chotnu und 'Vgunco Hundbook woro
roousod by hm. unnors und postors on tho thomo
of unt-corrupton woro dspuyod ut promnont
ocutons n Corporuto Cffco us wo us n projocts,
stos und offcos on ths occuson.
Vgunco uctvtos ut NP1l uro currod out by u
Droctor nomnutod for thoso purposos.
1ho stutus of vgunco uctvtos t Docombor 2002
s us undor :
1. Lnqury for throo vgunco cusos hus boon
compotod und roport submttod.
2. 1wo dopurtmontu onquros huvo uso boon
3. Roports uro sont to MCP from tmo to tmo.
4. Vgunco Awuronoss wook wus obsorvod ut tho
lnsttuto from 31
Cctobor to 6
Novombor 2002.
ln PlC Vgunco Unt functons us u rosourco to tho
top munugomont for curryng out nvostguton nto
compunts, suggostng corroctvo mousuros for
mprovng tho contro systoms und compunco of
ud down procoduros, und uso curryng-out
provontvo vgunco oxorcsos.
As u purt of provontvo vgunco functon, tho
Vgunco Unt contnuousy rovowod proporty
roturn of tho ompoyoos, onsurod job rotuton n tho
sonstvo posts und workod towurds muntonunco of
trunspuroncy n udmnstruton.
Vgunco Unt uso orgunsod workshops on usnoss
Lnvronmont &Lco Vgunco, usnoss Lthcs n
Admnstruton. lurthor us purt of provontvo
vgunco, two compotton vz. ,Pootry Compotton
und Postor-cum-Sogun Compotton woro orgunsod
wth tho objoctvo of nvovng ompoyoos und
oncourugng thom to como out wth nnovutvo dous
und mothods n sproudng uwuronoss ubout tho
offocts f corrupton.
As droctod by Con0tru Vgunco Commsson
(CVC)Vgunco Awuronoss Wook wus obsorvod
from 31
Cctobor to 6
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
Activities ReIating to Women fmpIoyees
1horo uro 47 womon ompoyoos n tho Mnstry of Powor. 1ho roprosontuton of womon ompoyoos ut
vurous ovos n tho Mnstry of Powor s ndcutod boow :
Group Strength Percentage of
overaII staff
A 02 0.64
22 7.07
C 21 6.75
D 02 0.64
1otaI 47 1S.11%
At prosont thoro uro 351 no. of Womon Lmpoyoos workng ut dfforont ovos n tho corporuton out of u
totu of 6930 ompoyoos.
Lmpoymont stuuton of Womon Lmpoyoos n vurous post(s) n RLC upto 30.11.2002 uro us foows:-
SI. Post(s) No. of No. of women %age of women empIoyees
empIoyees empIoyees to totaI number
1. Lxocutvo Droctor 3 - -
2. Chof/C.S. 7 - -
3. ont Chof(s) 8 - -
4. Doputy Chof 40 2 5
5. lnunco Lxocutvo-l 2 1 50
6. DD(Lco)/Con./ 49 7 14.29
7. ACAC 7 - -
8. lnunco Lxocutvo-ll 3 1 33.33
9. AD(Lco./Con./lsoutod) otc. 84 23 27.38
10. Sr. Accounts Cffcor 21 1 4.76
11 Accounts Cffcor/SC 8 2 25
12. Acctt./Sr. Asstt./Sr. PA/ 216 38 17.59
Sr.1. Asstt./Sr. D/mun/
SCD(Hr. Crd.) or
13. Asstt.(A/cs) 18 2 11.11
14. Asstt./UDC/LDC/PA/.
Stono.lll/Comp.Cpr. 208 41 19.71
15. SCD/L. Asstt./r. LDP Anuyst 28 - -
16. DMC/PMC/MC 8 - -
17. Loctrcun/AC Moch/Lft. Cptr. 3 - -
18. Cuss-lV 173 12 6.94
1otaI 886 130 14.67%
1ho Ruru Loctrfcuton Corporuton hus udopotd vurous wofuro mousuros for tho womon ompoyoos. A
Womon Co hus boon croutod by tho Corporuton to ook uftor tho wofuro uctvtos of tho womon ompoyoos.
A udy doctor hus boon ongugod n tho Corporuton for provdng bottor modcu fuctos to tho womon
ompoyoos und u sopuruto common room hus uso boon provdod to tho womon ompoyoos. A roprosontuton
n tho vurous Commttoos constutod by tho Corporuton s uso boon gvon to tho womon ompoyoos.
CHAP1fR - 14
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
Cadre 1otaI no. of No. of % femaIe
fmpIoyees femaIe fmpIoyees
Lxocutvo 2491 122 4.89
Assstunt Cffcor/AL/Suporvsor 2034 148 7.27
Workmon 8629 715 8.28
1otaI (NHPC) 13,1S4 98S 7.48
75 fomuo ompoyoos uro profossonuy quufod
Steps ta|en for weIfare of women empIoyees :
Conoruy womon ompoyoos uro not trunsforrod burrng cusos of udmnstrutvo oxgoncy. lf novtubo duo
curo s tukon to onsuro thut both husbund und wfo uro postod to tho sumo stuton. No womon ompoyoo s
postod to hurd projocts. Spocu curo s tukon to nomnuto dosorvng womon ompoyoos to trunng
progrumms/somnurs orgunzod oxcusvoy for womon ompoyoos. lroo momborshp of WlPS (Womon n
Pubc Soctor) ut Corporuton oxponso. Lxtonson of Crocho fucty for tho bonoft of womon ompoyoos
wth nfunt chdron. Sutubo mochunsm to prohbt hurussmont ut work puco to onsuro sufoty und
socurty ncudng formuton of spocu commttoos to ook nto tho compunts of hurussmont to womon.
Category of fmpIoyees 1otaI fmpIoyees femaIe fmpIoyees
Workmon 12850 588
Suporvsors 2240 169
Lxocutvos 8490 231
1otaI N1PC 23S80 988
N1PC hus u wo dofnod Wofuro Schomo covorng
u uspocts of dovoopmont progrums for unform
mpomontuton ucross tho orgunzuton. 1ho
schomo uppos oquuy to both tho mon und
womon ompoyoos. 1ho funds whch uro uottod
for tho wofuro/trunng schomo uro uso utzod
for both mon und womon ompoyoos.
Undor Wofuro Pocy of tho compuny, t s
onvsugod to oncourugo tho udos of N1PC fumy
ut projocts/stutons/offcos to form muhu Sumts/
Ludos Cub. lnuncu support s uso oxtondod to
thom us mutchng grunt to promoto uctvo
purtcputon of mombors. 1hoso Muhu Sumts/
Ludos Cub tuko up vurous dovoopmont uctvtos
for womon ovory your such us mpurtng vocuton
trunng, udut oducuton otc.
lurthor, u Womon Co hus boon sot up ut u
N1PC Cffcos/Projocts/Stutons prmury wth tho
objoctvo to onsuro protocton of rghts und
prvogos of womon ompoyoos und to tuko curo
of thor ntorosts ugunst soxuu hurussmont/gondor
dscrmnuton ssuos, f uny.
1horo uro totu no. of 55 womon ompoyoos ut
1PS, 25 n Workmon cutogory, 11 n Suporvsor
cutogory & 19 n Lxocutvo cutogory. 1PS hus
roconty rocrutod 3 Physcuy Hundcuppod
porsons out of whch two uro womon und uro
Crthopodcuy Hundcuppod (CH).
ln M, tho foowng mousuros huvo boon tukon
for tho wofuro of womon ompoyoos.
lor rodrossu of grovuncos of fomuo ompoyoos
workng n M, u Womon Co houdod by u
womun hus boon sot up n ourds Corporuto
Cffco. A commttoo of tho fomuo ompoyoos hus
uso boon consttutod to ook uftor tho ntorost of
womon ompoyoos.
Support fuctos uro bong provdod to womon
ompoyoos to dschurgo thor dutos such us Rost Room
fuctos, schoo/crochos otc., whoro-ovor nocossury.
Wdows of tho ompoyoos who do who n sorvco
uro bong provdod ompoyomont on prorty buss
on compussonuto grounds.
lnstructons huvo boon ssuod thut tho proboms
of wdows workng n M shoud gvon spocu
und prompt uttonton und ucton s tukon
Womon ompoyoos huvo boon/uro bong provdod
rosponsbo jobs thut commonsuruto wth thor
cupubtos und quufcuton.
ln u trunng coursos opportunty s bong gvon
to tho ogbo womon ompoyoos.
Spocu uttonton s bong pud to tho gonuno
grovuncos of womon ompoyoos wth spocu
omphuss on urous of dscrmnuton, donu of
opportuntos otc.
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
ln vow of Honbo Supromo court udgomont n
Wrt Potton (Cv) No.666-70 of 1992 docdod
on 13.8.97, un uppropruto Compunt Mochunsm
hus boon croutod n M by wuy of consttung
Compunt Commttoos for tho rodrossu of
compunts rogurdng soxuu hurussmont mudo to
tho fomuo ompoyoos.
Womon ompoyoos workng n M uro gruntod
6 months Mutornty Louvo. osdos ths, modcu
fuctos uro uso bong provdod to tho fomuo
ompoyoos us por ruos.
1ho North Lustorn Loctrc Powor Corporuton Ltd.,
Shong hus u totu ompoyoos strongth of 3669
out of whch 381 uro womon ompoyoos. 1horo
uro 52 Lxocutvos und 329 Non Lxocutvos umong
tho Womon ompoyoos.
1ho NLLPCC Womon Wofuro Assocuton s u
Corporuto Lfo mombor of tho lorum of Womon
n Pubc Soctor undor tho uogs of SCCPL. Lvory
your two or throo mombors of tho Assocuton uro
nomnutod to uttond tho Annuu Moot of tho
lorum. 1ho NLLPCC Womons Wofuro Assocuton
s ongugod n tho Wofuro of tho Womon
ompoyoos of tho Corporuton und n Socu
uctvtos such us hopng tho dsubod chdron,
gvng cush przos to tho chdron of ompoyoos
who oxco n vurous oxumnutons, orgunsng
knttng, Lmbrodory und Wouvng cussos, otc. 1hoy
ruso funds by Crgunsng cuturu Progrummos,
foto otc. ln uddton, thoy rocovo funds from tho
Corporuton for orgunsng spocfc Progrummos.
ln tho your 2002-2003, tho Corporuton contrbutod
Rs.50,000/- to tho Assocuton for ts vurous
Progrummos. 1hroo mombors of tho Assocuton
woro nomnutod to uttond tho 13th Nutonu Moot
of lorum of Womon n Pubc Soctor ut Mumbu
on 12th & 13th lob.03. ln uddton throo
nstructors for knttng, wouvng und ombrodory
uro uppontod und thor honorurum s pud by tho
1wo physcuy hundcuppod womon und ono SC/
S1 womun huvo boon rocrutod durng 2002-03.
A Womons Co wus consttutod n tho your 1997 to
ook uftor tho wofuro of tho womon ompoyoos
(ubout 90 n strongth) und fuctuto rodrossu of thor
grovuncos und cutors to tho ssuos/grovuncos
concornng thom.
Cno of tho ntutvos tukon up by tho Womons Co
s oponng of u Crocho for tho ompoyoos chdron.
1ho Crocho s functonng sutsfuctory ovor tho ust
4 yours. 1ho Womons Co uso promotos u round
dovoopmont of womon ompoyoos of tho lnsttuto,
dopondunt fomuo chdron of muo us wo us fomuo
ompoyoos through non-formu/udut oducuton,
houth curo, fumy curo ussstuncos, trunng for sk
formuton, otc.
1ho Co uso conducts u survoy wthn tho
orgunzuton und cooct suggostons/
rocommondutons from womon, on ssuos
concornng thom so thut uppropruto ucton coud
bo tukon n tho muttor wth u vow to hopng thom.
1ho Womons Co uso rovow vurous schomos und
progrummos of tho lnsttuto und onsuros thut
whorovor possbo, tho uspoct of womons
dovoopmont s promotod through thoso schomos/
progrummos und u componont for womons
dovoopmont ntroducod n tho uctvty by gottng
tho schomos umondod sutuby.
Wth u vow to fuctuto rodrossu of grovuncos of
womon ompoyoos n tho Corporuton, Womon
Wofuro Co wus consttutod vdo Crcuur dutod
05.06.1997. Roguur mootngs of ths Co uro hod
und thor grovuncos uro rodrossod by tho
Munugomont from tmo to tmo. A provson hus
boon ncorporutod n tho CDA Ruos of tho
Corporuton to dou wth tho cusos of soxuu
hurussmont of workng womon. A Soxuu
Hurussmont Commttoo hus uso boon consttutod
wth u vow to rodross compunts of womon
ompoyoos. 1ho Commttoo s houdod by Womon
offcor of tho runk of Dy. Conoru Munugor und moro
thun 50 mombors of tho Commttoo uro womon
ompoyoos. A womun offcor s ussocutod n tho
Dopurtmontu Promoton Commttoo of workmon.
Womun ompoyoo hus uso boon nomnutod n tho
Houso Aotmont Commttoo both ut 1ohr und
Rshkosh to protoct tho ntorosts of womon
ompoyoos n uotmont of houso. Roconty, t wus
upprovod to provdo Unform to u ompoyoos of
tho Corporuton und womun ompoyoo wus
ussocutod us mombor n tho Commttoo to docdo
tho Unforms. Womon ompoyoos uro doputod for
n-houso us wo us oxtornu trunng progrummos.
Lxcusvo n-houso trunng progrummos uro uso
conductod for womon ompoyoos wth u vow to
mprovo thor utttudo und onhunco thor sks und
job knowodgo. Cno womun ompoyoo wus
doputod to Swodon for trunng progrummo of 40
duys duruton. Womon ompoyoos uro nomnutod
/ oncourugod to tuko purt n tho cuturu progrummos
orgunzod by Powor Sports Contro ourd. Womon
ompoyoos roguury tuko purt n tho rocroutonu/
cuturu uctvtos bong hod ut 1ohr und Rshkosh
from tmo to tmo. Ludos Cubs uro n oporuton n
1ohr und Rshkosh, for whch mutchng grunt s
provdod by tho Corporuton for curryng out thor
wofuro uctvtos. ln no wth Covt. Crdors, tho
Mutornty Louvo bonoft to Womon ompoyoos hus
boon onhuncod to 135 duys.
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
PhysicaIIy ChaIIenged fmpIoyees
lmpomontuton of rosorvuton for Physcuy Chuongod porsons n Mnstry of Powor, ts uttuchod/ subordnuto
offcos, otc s montorod by un SC/S1 Co whch functons undor tho droct contro of tho Doputy
Socrotury(Admnstruton). Porodcu roports und roturns uro sont to tho Mnstry of Socu ustco und
Lmpowormont, Dopurtmont of Porsonno & 1runng und Dopurtmont of Pubc Lntorprsos.
Lmpoymont stuuton of Physcuy Chuongod Lmpoyoos n vurous post(s) n RLC upto 30.11.2002 uro us
SI. Post(s) No. of No. of PhysicaIIy
empIoyees ChaIIenged fmpIoyees
1. Lxocutvo Droctor 3 -
2. Chof/C.S. 7 -
3. ont Chof(s) 8 -
4. Doputy Chof(Lco./ln./Lngg.)otc. 40 -
5. lnunco Lxocutvo-l 2 -
6. DD(Lco)/Con./Hydro./DPL 49 -
7. ACAC 7 -
8. lnunco Lxocutvo-ll 3 -
9. AD(Lco./Con./lsoutod)otc. 84 1
10. Sr. Accounts Cffcor 21 -
11 Accounts Cffcor/SC 8 -
12. Acctt./Sr. Asstt./Sr. PA/Sr.1. Asstt./Sr. D/ 216 2
mun/SCD(Hr. Crd.) or oquvuont
13. Asstt.(A/cs) 18 -
14. Asstt./UDC/LDC/PA/.
Stono.lll/Comp.Cpr. 208 4
15. SCD/L. Asstt./r. LDP Anuyst 28 -
16. DMC/PMC/MC 8 -
17. Loctrcun/AC Moch/Lft. Cptr. 3 -
18. Cuss-lV 173 1
1otaI 886 8
Cadre 1otaI no. of No.of Phy. % of PC
fmpIoyees ChaIIenged empIoyees
Lxocutvo 2491 18 0.72
Assstunt Cffcor/AL/Suporvsor 2034 38 1.86
Workmon 8629 30 0.34
1otaI (NHPC) 13,1S4 86 0.6S
CHAP1fR - 1S
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
NA1lONAI 1HfRMAI POWfR CORPORA1lON (as on 30.11.2002)
Category of fmpIoyees 1otaI fmpIoyees PhysicaIIy Handicapped fmpIoyees
Workmon 12850 200
Suporvsors 2240 8
(0.36 )
Lxocutvos 8490 21
1otaI N1PC 23S80 229
(0.97 %)
At 1PS, n vow of oxstng munpowor strongth, no now rocrutmont s bong dono. ut, us fur us rocrutmont
of Physcuy Hundcuppod porsons s concornod, 1PS hus roconty rocrutod 3 Physcuy Hundcuppod
porsons who uro workng us Asstt. Accounts 1runoos out of thom two uro Crthopuodcuy Hundcuppod
(CH) womon und ono s muo who s Hourng Hundcuppod (HH).
At prosont 25 physcuy chuongod ompoyoos uro workng ut dfforont ovos n tho corporuton out of totu
of 6930 ompoyoos.
Durng 2002-03 fvo vucuncos rosorvod for physcuy hundcuppod cunddutos woro fod up ncudng two
womon cunddutos.
lnstructons of tho Covornmont of lndu on tho subjoct woro foowod.
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
lmpIementation of OfficiaI Ianguage PoIicy
Ministry of Power
1ho Mnstry of Powor, ts uttuchod und subordnuto
offcos und Pubc Soctor Undortukngs, Autonomous
bodos, ourds, Socotos, lnsttutons undor tho
udmnstrutvo contro of Mnstry of Powor huvo
contnuod thor offorts to onsuro tho offoctvo
mpomontuton of tho Cffcu Lunguugo Pocy of
tho Covornmont und oncourugo progrossvoy tho
uso of Hnd n duy to duy offcu work.
ln compunco wth tho Consttutonu und stututory
roquromonts of Socton 3(3) of Cffcu Lunguugo
Act us umondod from tmo to tmo u documonts
roqurod to bo ssuod bnguuy, uro bong ssuod
bnguuy by tho Mnstry. Smury, u
communcutons rocovod n Hnd uro ossontuy
ropod to n Hnd.
1o uccordunco tho progrossvo uso of Hnd
through postvo compottvonoss umong tho
uttuchod offcos und Pubc Soctor Undortukngs,
Autonomous bodos, Socotos, lnsttutons, ourds
undor tho udmnstrutvo contro of Mnstry of
Powor, u schomo for uwurdng Vdyut Rujbhushu
Shod hus boon ntroducod.
ln compunco wth Cffcu Lunguugo Pocy, u
Hnd fortnght wus orgunzod from 13
2002 to 27
Soptombor, 2002. Durng ths porod
vurous progrummos ko Hnd Lssuy Compotton,
Hnd typng compotton, Hnd dobuto
compotton, Hnd pootry compotton und Hnd
workshops woro orgunzod for tho offcors us wo
us stuff of tho Mnstry und cush przos woro
uwurdod to tho wnnors.
Wth u vow to ussossng tho progrossvo uso of
Hnd n tho orgunzutons undor tho udmnstrutvo
contro of tho Mnstry, porodc nspoctons woro
currod out. Durng tho porod undor rovow 08
offcos woro nspoctod. lnspocton roports of tho
offcos nspoctod woro propurod und nocossury
droctons woro ssuod on tho buss of thoso roports.
1hs hus boon bonofcu n promotng tho uso of
Hnd n Cffcu work.
Mootngs of Hnd Suuhkur Sumt und Cffcu
Lunguugo lmpomontuton Commttoo of Mnstry
of Powor woro convonod roguury n whch
progross mudo by tho Mnstry wo us ts uttuchod,
subordnuto offcos woro rovowod. Sutubo
mousuros huvo boon tukon to mpomont tho
docsons tukon n thoso mootngs.
ln pursuunco of Covt. of lndus pocy to promoto
oxtonsvo uso of Rujbhushu n tho corporuton,
PCWLRCRlD hus put n ts sncoro offorts und tho
rosuts uchovod uro prusoworthy.About 400
ompoyoos huvo boon mpurtod trunng n subjocts
routod to Rujbhusu und u urgo numbor of ompoyoos
huvo boon mpurtod trunng n Hnd softwuro.
Hindi Computerization
A out offorts woro mudo to mpomont Hnd
unguugo n offcu workng n compunco to tho
provsons onshrnod n our consttuton. 1hroo
(3) progrums woro orgunzod on computor
uppcutons n Hnd durng tho months of
uno & uy 2002 for N1PC, PCClL, 1HDC und
lWC porsonno.
ln PlC u tho compotton durng tho Vgunco
Awuronoss Wook woo hod n Hnd und u smurku
(souvonr) wus uso pubshod n Hnd. A Husyu-
Vyungyu Hnd Kuv Summoun wus uso orgunsod
on ths occuson whoron sovoru ronownod poots
purtcputod. 1ho Corporuton wus ontrustod to
orgunsod 90 roud shows n vurous dstrcts of
Doh und Huryunu us u pubc uwuronoss
cumpugn undor tho ugos of Mnstry of Powor
for 'Msson-2012 - Powor to u. A thoso roud
show woro orgunsod n Hnd wth u tho
prosontutons, spoochos und prntod mutoru
dstrbutod n Hnd ony.
1o crouto ntorost n hnd und to udd to thor
knowodgo, upproxmutoy 90 umount of totu
budgot of brury wus spont on purchuso of Hnd
1ochncu ooks. 1o provdo knowodgo of tho
usugo of bnguu puckugo 'Loup Cffco, computor
workshops woro orgunsod.
Mootngs of Cffcu Lunguugo lmpomontuton
Commttoo woro orgunzod roguury. 'Hnd Duy
und Hnd Your woro obsorvod. Vurous Hnd
compottons woro orgunzod durng tho whoo
your und przos woro gvon to tho wnnors. Sovoru
workshops woro uso orgunzod for tho ompoyoos
huvng workng knowodgo n Hnd.
1ho Corporuton rocovod 'Vdyut Rujbhushu Shod
(frst przo) for tho your 200-01 und 'Vdyut
Rujbhushu Shod (thrd przo) for tho your 1999-
2000 for tho outstundng mpmontuton of Cffcu
Lunguugo Pocy n tho Corporuton undor Vdyut
Rujbhushu Puruskur Yojnu of Mnstry of Powor.
CHAP1fR - 16
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
NationaI 1hermaI Power Corporation Itd. (N1PC)
Nutonu 1hormu Powor Corporuton (N1PC) wus
sot up n 1975, us u contru soctor gonorutng
compuny to pun, promoto und dovoop thormu
powor n lndu. 1ho Corporuton hus rupdy grown
to bocomo urgost thormu gonorutng compuny n
lndu. 1ho totu upprovod nvostmont of tho
corporuton us on 30.11.2002 stunds ut Rs
1ho commssonod cupucty of N1PC ownod
stutons, us on 30.11.2002 s 20,435 MW
(stutomont oncosod us Annexure). Prosonty, N1PC
hus to ts crodt 13 cou busod thormu powor
projocts und 7 gus/qud fuo busod combnod
cyco projocts.
ln uddton, N1PC hus ucqurod 314 MW of
Cuptvo Powor Punts of SAlL through formuton
of ont vonturo Compunos wth SAlL.
osdos ts own stutons, N1PC uso munugos tho
udurpur 1hormu Powor Stuton n Doh (705
MW). N1PC hud boon munugng tho Cuptvo
Powor Punt (CPP) of hurut Aumnum Compuny
Ltd. (ALCC) snco commssonng of st unt .o.
29.6.1987. Consoquont upon dsnvostmont of
ALCC by Covt. of lndu, CPP hus boon hundod
ovor to tho now munugomont of ALCC wth offoct
from 1.7.2002
Durng tho your 2002-2003, upto 30.11.2002,
u rocord gonoruton of ovor 909S0 MiIIion
Units wus uchovod, us ugunst tho ust yours
gonoruton of 86773 MiIIion Units durng tho
sumo porod..
Durng tho your 2001-2002, sovon N1PC cou
stutons numoy, Dudr (cou), Korbu ,
Unchuhur,Sngruu, Rhund & Rumugundum
und N1PC munugod udurpur uchovod moro
thun 85 PLl. Dudr (Cou) und Korbu
uchovod moro thun 90 PLl und woro runkod
thrd und lourth n tho country .
N1PC rocovod fxceIIent MOU rating for the
year 2001-2002, and thus for 1S consecutive
years n u row snco tho ncopton of MCU
systom by Covornmont of lndu.
As u purt of dobt munugomont strutogy und
wth tho objoctvo of offoctng suvngs n
lntorost costs, tho Covt of lndu ouns
umountng to Rs. 1988.72 croro woro propud
n Apr 2002 (Rs. 1500 Croro) und August
2002 (Rs. 488.72Croro) by wuy of frosh ssuo
of onds n tho domostc cuptu murkot. 1hs
hus rosutod n u suvng of Rs.528 croros ovor
tho fo of tho CCl ouns.
1ho frst unt of Simhadri Pro[ect (2xS00MW)
wus synchronsod n lobruury 2002 n u record
time und ths unt hus sturtod commorcu
gonoruton. Socond Unt of 500MW hus uso
boon synchronsod uhoud of schoduo on 25th
August, 2002.
1ho Compuny s ut prosont mpomontng four
powor projocts wth u cupucty of 4300 MW
vz. 2000 MW 1uchor Stugo-ll n Crssu, 1000
MW Rhund Stugo-ll n Uttur Prudosh, 500 MW
Rumugundum Stugo-lll n Andhru Prudosh und
800 MW Kodum Hydro Loctrc Powor Projoct
n Hmuchu Prudosh.
N1PC fIectric SuppIy Company Itd. formod
to tuko up powor dstrbuton.
Subsdury compunos formod to tuko up Power
trading and to ta|e up smaII hydro pro[ects.
N1PC hus pud u dividend of Rs.707.93 crores
for tho fnuncu your 2001-02.
1ho commorcu rouzuton ugunst bng
durng tho curront your (upto 30.11.02)
rouchod u ovo of 89 us ugunst 76.7
durng tho provous your.
GfNfRA1lON (us on 30.11.2002)
N1PC Stations
As on 30.11.2002, u totu cupucty of 20,435
MW (und 314 MW of SAlLs V) s undor
oporuton ut vurous N1PC stutons. 1hs
comprsos 32 unts of 200/210 MW ut
Sngruu, Korbu, Rumugundum, lurukku,
Vndhyuchu, Dudr, Unchuhur und Kuhuguon,
18 unts of 500 MW ut Sngruu, Korbu,
Rumugundum lurukku,,Vndhyuchu, Rhund,
1uchor-Kunhu und Smhudr , 6 unts of 110
MW ut 1undu und 1uchor, 4 unts of 60 MW
ut 1uchor und 22 Cus 1urbnos und 10 Stoum
CHAP1fR - 17.1
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
1urbnos ut Antu, Auruyu, Kuwus, Dudr,
Cundhur, Kuyumkuum & lurdubud combnod
cyco powor punts.
1ho gonoruton porformunco of N1PC Stutons
hus consstonty boon ut hgh ovo. 1he gross
generation from N1PC stations during the
year 2002-03 (upto 30.11.2002) has been
909S0 MUs as against 86773 MUs generated
during the same period Iast year.
1ho PLl of cou-busod stutons oxcudng tho
stutons of Lustorn Rogon (whoro construnts
of gonoruton buckng down s bong fucod
duo to ow domund) durng tho porod (Your
2002-03 upto 30.11.2002) wus 86.94.
Howovor, tho Punt Loud luctor ncudng
Lustorn Rogon s 81.27
Station Managed by N1PC
8adarpur 1hermaI Power Station (81PS), DeIhi
(70S MW)
udurpur 1hormu Powor Stuton (1PS), Doh
(705MW) ownod by CCl s bong munugod by
N1PC snco 1st Apr 1978. 100 powor from
ths stuton s suppod to DV now bong cuod
Doh Powor Suppy Compuny Lmtod (DPSCL)
Durng tho your 2002-03, upto 30.11.2002, tho
stuton hus gonorutod 3608.8 MUs ut u PLl of
87.4 ugunst 3559.3 MUs ut u PLl of 86.2
durng tho sumo porod ust your.
1ho suos for tho your 2002-03 (upto
30.11.2002) woro Rs.13202.53 croros wth
rousuton of Rs.11751.41 croros, .o. 89.
1ho totu outstundng duos us on 30.11.2002
woro Rs.25884.20 croros (ncudng surchurgo
of Rs.9838.45 croros).
A mujor porton of thoso duos s proposod to
bo socurtsod pursuunt to tho docson tukon
n Chof Mnstors Conforonco on 3.3.2001.
Covornmont of lndu hud consttutod un Lxport
Croup undor tho Churmunshp of Mombor,
Punnng Commsson to suggost u Schomo for
Cno-1mo Sottomont of Duos puyubo by SLs
to CPSUs und onsurng fu puymont of curront
bs. 1ho rocommondutons of tho Lxport
Croup, us ondorsod by un Lmpoworod Croup
of Chof Mnstors, woro upprovod by tho
Cubnot Commttoo on Lconomc Affurs on
23.3.2002. 1ho Schomo wus mpomontod by
Covornmont of lndu on 17.4.2002.
1ho schomo provdos for socurtsuton of duos
(uftor wuvu of 60 surchurgo) ugunst onorgy
suppod upto 30.9.2001 n tho form of 15
your 8.5 tux-froo bonds to bo ssuod by tho
Stuto Covts. to CPSUs. lor onsurng fu
puymont of curront bs, tho Schomo stpuutos
oponng of Lottor of Crodt oquvuont to 105
of tho uvorugo monthy bng of procodng
12 months wth sx monthy udjustmonts. Stuto
powor uttos compyng wth tho provsons
of tho Schomo by oponng und muntunng
LC for 105 und mukng fu puymont of bs
durng tho noxt four yours woud bo gvon
youry cush ncontvos uggrogutng 21 of tho
totu vuuo of bonds. At tho sumo tmo, f bs
romun unpud for moro thun 90 duys, tho
sumo woud bo rocovorod from tho Stutos
uccount muntunod wth tho Rosorvo unk of
lndu for whch u 1rpurtto Agroomont woud
bo sgnod umongst tho Stuto Covornmont,
Covornmont of lndu und Rl.
1hs wus vgorousy pursuod wth Stuto
Covornmonts und SLs us u rosut of whch u
urgo numbor of Stuto Covornmonts huvo
ugrood to support tho Schomo. So fur 23 stutos
huvo uccoptod tho schomo out of whch 21
stutos numoy Andhru Prudosh, Wost ongu,
1um Nudu, Cujurut, Koruu, Kurnutuku, Assum,
Cou, Uttur Prudosh, Chhuttsgurh, Huryunu,
Mudhyu Prudosh, Punjub, ummu & Kushmr,
Nuguund, Utturunchu, Crssu, Hmuchu
Prudosh, Rujusthun, hur & Skkm huvo sgnod
tho 1rpurtto Agroomont. ln-prncpo upprovu
for sgnng of 1rpurtto Agroomont wus uso
rocovod from Muhurushtru und hurkhund.
A stutos, oxcopt hur, Crssu und Koruu huvo
oponod Lottors of Crodt oquu to 105 of
uvorugo monthy bng. 1ho L.C. us on
30.11.2002 for Rs.1660.62 croros covors 93
of monthy suos.
AvaiIabiIity 8ased 1ariff (A81) hus boon
mpomontod n Wostorn Rogon from
1.7.2002, n Northorn Rogon from 1.12.2002
und w bo mpomontod n Southorn Rogon
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
from 1.1.2003. ln Lustorn Rogon, SLs huvo
proposod mpomontuton from 1.04.2003.
Covt. of lndu hus consttutod u Hgh Lovo
Commttoo for formuuton of tho 1urff Pocy
koopng n vow tho nood for rosourco
mobsuton n tho soctor und onsurng
optmum utsuton of uvuubo rosourcos.
N1PC hus rocovod fundng proposus
uggrogutng ovor Rs.8000 croros from vurous
unks und lnuncu lnsttutons for
purtcputng n tho cupucty uddton
progrummo of compuny.
ognnng from Novombor 1999 N1PC hus
tod up ouns uggrogutng Rs. 6489 croro und
utzod Rs. 3410 upto 30
Novombor 2002.
)apan ban| for lnternationaI co-operation
Assistance for Simhadri (1000MW)
Smhudr 1PP (1000 MW) s bong
mpomontod wth upunoso Cffcu
Dovoopmont Assstunt (CDA) oxtondod by
upun unk for lntornutonu Cooporuton (lC).
1ho 1runcho-l ono of tho lC oun umountng
to PY 19,817 mon wus sgnod on
25.02.1997 und tho sumo wus docurod
offoctod from 24.06.1997. Durng tho your
2002-03 (porod Apr 2002 to Novombor
2002) N1PC hus utzod PY 73.93 mon
(Rs.2.86 croros). 1ho cumuutvo utzuton
t tho ond of Novombor2002 s PY 19,080
mon (Rs.736.66 croros).
1ho oun Agroomont for 1runcho-ll of PY
12,194 mon wus sgnod on 30.03.2001 und
tho sumo wus mudo offoctvo on 31.05.2001.
Durng tho your 2002-03 (for tho porod Apr
2002 to Novombor 2002) N1PC hus utzod
PY 209.55 mon (Rs.8.03 croros). 1ho
cumuutvo utzuton undor 1runcho-ll of tho
oun ut tho ond of Novombor2002 s PY
11,802 mon (Rs.459.12 croros).
1runcho-lll of lC oun umountng to PY
27.473 bon wus sgnod on 13.02.2002 und
tho sumo wus docurod offoctvo on
26.03.2002. Durng tho your 2002-03 (for
tho porod Apr 2002 to Novombor 2002)
N1PC hus utzod PY 8,184 mon
(Rs.318.25 croros) und tho cumuutvo
utzuton us ut tho ond of Novombor 2002 s
PY 23,559 mon (Rs.882.68 croros).
1ho totu lC utzuton oxtondod for Smhudr
Projoct umounts to PY 59,484 mon und us
ugunst ths, PY 54,441 mon hus boon
utzod t Novombor 2002.
lurthor, dscussons uro undor wuy wth lC
to oxtond 1runcho-lV of tho oun umountng
to PY 5,600 mon by tho ond of fnuncu
your 2002-03.
Revision of rates of interest appIicabIe under
french and 8eIgian Ioans
ln ordor to purt fnunco tho cuptu oxpondturo of
Kuwus gus-busod projoct, durng tho your 1991,
N1PC hud ontorod nto two oxport crodt vs. lRl
1515.718 Mon wth lronch unks supportod
by lronch Lxport Crodt Agoncy CClACL und
Ll 1250.681 Mon wth ogum unks
supportod by ogun Lxport Crodt Agoncy
CND. 1hoso oxport crodts currod provson for
puymont of fxod ruto of ntorost g 9.20 p.u.
und 10.40 p.u. rospoctvoy.
ln ordor to ugn thoso rutos of ntorost wth
tho rutos curronty provung n tho
lntornutonu Murkot, uftor protructod
dscussons und nogotuton wth tho ondors,
tho ubovo ntorost rutos woro rovsod to foutng
ruto of ntorost nkod to Lurbor 75 buss
ponts. lurthor, to romovo tho uncortunty
ussocutod wth foutng ruto of ntorost, tho
ubovo ruto of ntorost wus convortod to fxod
ruto of ntorost puyubo ut 4.3575 p.u. undor
ouch of tho sud crodts. 1hs urrungomont
mpos u suvng of upprox. Rs.30.52 croros n
cuso of lronch Crodt und Rs 4.61 croros undor
ogun Crodt.
N1PC s tho frst powor soctor corporuton to huvo
sgnod u Momorundum of Undorstundng (MCU)
wth tho Covt. of lndu und hus u consstont rocord
of surpussng tho sot turgots n MCU your uftor
your. N1PC uchovod u tho Lxcoont turgots sot
undor tho Momorundum of Undorstundng (MCU)
sgnod wth CCl und uchovod Lxcoont Rutng
for u tho 15 yours upto 2001-02 snco ncopton
of tho MCU systom.
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
SI.No. Parameters Unit 1arget 2002-2003
V.Good fxceIIent
1. Conoruton MUs 133000 136000
2. Hout Ruto Kcu/kWh 2480 2470
3. Cross Murgn Rs.Cr. 4812' 5016.09'
4. Not Proft to Not Worth 8.67' 9.22'
5. Ash Utsuton 14 15
N1PC hus udoptod mut-prongod growth
strutogy to bocomo 40,000 MW pus Compuny
by your 2012. 1ho strutogy, ntor-uu, ncudos
cupucty uddton through groon fod projocts,
oxpunson of oxstng stutons, jont vonturos und
tuko ovor of SLs stutons. lurthor, now busnoss
opportuntos uro bong contnuousy oxporod
through onvronmont scunnng und now busnoss
puns uro udoptod through md-courso
Capacity Addition Programe
Wth u vow to uchovo u cupucty of 40,000 MW
by tho your 2012, N1PC hus formuutod un
umbtous cupucty uddton progrummo us
lnstuod Cupucty - 20,435 MW
Cn-gong Projocts - 4,300 MW
Now Projocts - 15,170 MW
- CI- Cloatod 0,S4u M\
- lR 5ubmttod 2,68u M\
- lR undot inalzaton 2,0Su M\
Ongoing Pro[ects
4300 MW cupucty for 1uchor-ll, Rhund-ll,
Rumugundum-lll und Kodum uro uroudy undor
constructon. Dotus uro gvon boow:
1aIcher-ll (4xS00 MW), Orissa
Commssonng Schoduo : Unt-lllNov.03
Prosont Stutus: Work n progross n u tho unts
us por schoduo. Unt-lll hus boon tost
synchronzod on 4
unuury 2003 und
commssonod on 21st lob. 2003
Rihand-ll (2xS00 MW), Uttar Pradesh
Commssonng Schoduo : Unt-lll Aug.05
Unt-lV Muy06
Prosont Stutus : Cv constructon und orocton
work s n progross n u tho unts us por schoduo.
Ramagundam-lll (1xS00 MW), Andhra Pradesh
Commssonng Schoduo : Unt-Vll Aug.05
Prosont Stutus : Cv constructon und orocton
work s n progross n u tho unts us por schoduo.
KoIdam HfPP (4x200 MW), HimachaI Pradesh
Commssonng Schoduo : Unt-lNov.08
Prosont Stutus : lnfrustructuro work ncudng
und ucquston, constructon of rouds, R&R otc.
n progross. Work on dvorson tunno n
progross. Nl1 ssuod for mun dum und othor
mujor puckugos.
rof stutus of tho now projocts s gvon boow:
A. CLA Courod Projocts
' busod on A1 (Avuubty usod 1urff)
SI. Pro[ects Capacity
No. (Iocation) (MW)
1. Sput Stugo-l (Chhuttsgurh) 1980 (3x660)
2. urh (hur) 1980 (3x660)
3. Kuhuguon ll (hur) 1000 (2x500)
4. Sput Stugo-ll (Chhuttsgurh) 660 (1x660)
5. Vndhyuchu-lll (M.P.) 1000 (2x500)
1ho foowng projocts wth u totu cupucty of
2600 MW, for whch CLAs 1LC uro uvuubo uro
undor rovow und shu bo tukon up on
confrmuton of uvuubty of LNC/NC ut
rousonubo und frm prco, fnuzuton of fuo
suppy ugroomont wth tho LNC/NC suppors und
roconfrmuton of PPAs wth tho bonofcury stutos.
SI. Pro[ects/Iocation Capacity
No. (MW)
1. Antu Stugo-ll/(Rujusthun) 650
2. Auruyu Stugo-ll/(U.P.) 650
3. Kuwus Stugo-ll/(Cujurut) 650
4. Cundhur Stugo-ll/(Cujurut) 650
usod on tho Momorundum of Undorstundng (MCU), sgnod botwoon N1PC und thoMnstry of powor for
tho your 2002-03, tho turgots n rospoct of mujor porformunco purumotors uro us foow:
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
Hydro Power Pro[ects
N1PC hus tukon up mpomontuton of mogu
projoct :Kodum Hydroooctrc Powor Projoct
(800 MW) n Hmuchu Prudosh. Ldl, lrunco
hus boon uppontod us Prmo consutunt for
Lngnoorng-cum-Projoct Munugomont for ths
projoct. lnfrustructuro dovoopmont uctvtos
uro n progross ut sto. Rovsod 1LC, for tho
projoct, hus boon convoyod by CLA n uno
2002. Work on tho Dvorson tunno hus boon
sturtod n uy 2002.1ho nvostmont upprovu
for tho projoct by N1PC ourd ut un ostmutod
cost of Rs. 4527 Crs. hus boon uccordod. 1ho
tondors for tho mujor cv works (Dum/
Spwuy und lntukos, Powor houso und
Ponstoks, Hydro-Mochuncu works otc) huvo
uroudy boon nvtod. 1ho projoct s schoduod
to bo commssonod n tho 11
N1PC ntonds to tuko up dovoopmont of
hydroooctrc projocts n tho Stutos of
Hmuchu Prudosh, Utturunchu und Stutos n
tho Southorn und Wostorn Rogons. A mujor
broukthrough n ths rogurd hus boon uchovod
by N1PC wth tho uotmont of two moro
Hydro projocts vz. 1upobun-Vshnugud(360
MW) und Lohur-Nugpuu (520 MW) to N1PC
by Covt. of Utturunchu. N1PC shu
undortuko dotuod survoy & nvostguton for
ostubshng tho 1ochno-Lconomc vubty of
both tho projocts for thor mpomontuton.
MCU for both thoso projocts hus boon sgnod
wth Covt. Cf Utturunchu on 31.12.2002.
ING Procurement
ln u bd to sourco choupost fuo for oxpunson
powor projocts ut Antu, Auruyu, Kuwus,
Cundhur und Kuyumkuum N1PC hus rosortod
to sourco Lquofod Nuturu Cus (LNC) /
Nuturu Cus through lntornutonu Compottvo
ddng (lC) procoss. 1ho procoss s bong
undortukon n two stugos. As purt of stugo-l,
tho Roquost for uufcuton (Rl) hus
uroudy boon nvtod ugunst whch good
rosponso hus boon rocovod. As purt of stugo-
ll, Roquost for Proposu (RlP) s oxpoctod n
tho oury purt of 2003.
)OlN1 VfN1URfS & DlVfRSlflCA1lON
(A) fxisting )oint Ventures
u) V wth SLS (UPL)
U1lLl1Y PCWLR1LCH L1D (u 50:50 ont
Vonturo Compuny of N1PC & SLS) hus
rogstorod u turnovor of Rs 67.66 croro
for tho your 2001-2002 und proft boforo
tux wus Rs 5.44 croro.
b) V for Ronovuton und Modornsuton
LlMl1LD (NASL),(u 50:50 ont Vonturo
Compuny wth ALS1CM PCWLR
CLNLRA1lCN AC, formuy A
KRAl1WLRKL AC) hus rogstorod u
turnovor of Rs 9.41 croro for tho your
2001-2002 .
c) V for Powor 1rudng (P1C)
Powor 1rudng Corporuton wus
ncorporutod us ont Vonturo Compuny
umong PCClL, N1PC und PlC wth un
oquty shurng ruto of 30, 15 und 15
rospoctvoy. uunco 40 wus to bo
offorod to tho lnuncu lnsttutons, SLs,
Pubc otc. Wth tho nducton of NHPC
us u mombor of tho VC tho rovsod shuro
hodng puttorn of CPSUs uro pucod ut
8 ouch. uunco 68 w bo offorod to
lnuncu lnsttutons, SLs, Pubc otc. P1C
hus rogstorod turnovor of Rs 366.4 croro
for tho your 2001-02 und not proft uftor
1ux wus Rs 7.34 croro.
d) ont Vonturo wth SAlL
() N1PC formod u ont Vonturo wth SAlL
on 16
Murch 2001, by ucqurng 50 of
SAlLs oquty shuros n SAlL Powor Suppy
Co. Ltd. (SPSCL), u subsdury of SAlL, for
u consdoruton of Rs 58.65 croro. 1hs
8. lousbty Roports for tho foowng throo
projocts wth u totu cupucty of 2680 MW
huvo boon submttod to CLA for tochno-
oconomc courunco.
SI. Pro[ects/Iocation Capacity
No. (MW)
1. North Kurunpuru (hurkhund) 1980 (3x660)
2. Unchuhur 1PP Stugo-lll (U.P.) 210 (1x210)
3. NC1PP, Stugo-ll (U.P.) 490 (1x490)
C. 1ho fousbty roports for foowng projocts
wth u totu cupucty of 2950 MW uro undor
SI. Pro[ects/Iocation Capacity
No. (MW)
1. Kuyumkuum Stugo-ll (Koruu) 1950
2. Choyyur (1um Nudu) 1000
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
ont Vonturo s oporutng & muntunng
tho CPP-lls of Durgupur und Rourkou
Stoo Punts (120 MW ouch).
1ho numo of tho Compuny hus
subsoquonty boon chungod to N1PC-
(NSPCL). 1ho turnovor of tho compuny
for tho your 2001-2002 wus Rs. 158.57
croro (oxcudng cou). lt docurod u
Dvdond of Rs. 16.00 croro for tho your
() N1PC hus formod unothor ont Vonturo
wth SAlL on 22ndMurch 2002, by
ucqurng 50 of SAlLs oquty shuros n
hu Loctrc Suppy Compuny Ltd.
(LSCL), u subsdury of SAlL for u
consdoruton of Rs 16.60 croro, to tuko
ovor, oporuto & muntun tho CPP-ll (74
MW) of hu Stoo Punt.
(8) )oint Ventures on the anviI
u) ont Vonturo wth 1um Nudu Loctrcty
ourd (1NL)
An MCU for u ont vonturo botwoon
N1PC und 1NL hus boon sgnod on 12
uy 2002 for sottng up u cou busod
powor stuton of 1000MW cupucty ut
Lnnoro, usng Lnnoro port nfrustructuro
fuctos. A sho compuny hus boon
formod to tuko up u uctvtos for sottng
up u powor punt n jont vonturo.
Prosonty sutubo sto s bong dontfod
for tho projoct.
b) ont Vonturo wth Ruwuys
N1PC hus sgnod un MCU wth Mnstry
of Ruwuys on 18.02.2002 for sottng up
ono or two powor punts of upproxmuto
2000 MW cupucty to moot tho tructon und
non-tructon powor roquromonts of Ruwuys.
Sutubo sto soocton s n progross.
c) lormuton of V Compuny wth
ungudosh Powor Dovoopmont ourd
(PD) und Potro ungu
N1PC s oxporng tho possbty of sottng
up Cus-usod Combnod Cyco Powor
Punt n ungudosh through ont Vonturo
wth PD und Potro ungu. Proposu n
ths rogurd uong wth u copy of druft
MCU wus hundod ovor to PD und
Covt of ungudosh. ln tho mountmo,
roconty, PD hus nvtod Roquost for
Proposu (RlP) for tho dovoopmont of u
450 MW gus-busod powor punt to bo sot
up us u ont Vonturo Compuny. N1PC
s proposng to submt tho bd.
(C) Diversification
a) Distribution Company
A whoy ownod subsdury Compuny for
powor dstrbuton busnoss numoy, N1PC
fIectric SuppIy Company Itd. hus boon
formod to tuko up powor dstrbuton
uctvtos. Prosonty dscussons uro on
wth UPPCL und UP Covt to tuko ovor
Kunpur Loctrc Suppy Co (KLSCC) by
ths subsdury compuny. Dscussons uro
uso on wth Covt of MP und MPSL for
tho tuko ovor of Cwuor Cty Crco by
tho subsdury compuny.
b) Subsidiary company for Power 1rading
N1PC hus formod u whoy ownod
subsdury compuny vz. N1PC Vidyut
Vyapar Nigam Iimited for trudng n
powor. 1ho oxcoss powor uvuubo wth
N1PC durng tho off-pouk porods w bo
sod by ths compuny to stutos thut huvo
u roquromont for powor ut thut tmo.
c) Subsidiary company for ta|ing up SmaII
Hydro Pro[ects
N1PC Hydro Iimited u thrd subsdury
compuny hus boon ncorporutod on 12
Docombor 2002. lt s u whoy ownod
subsdury compuny of N1PC for tukng
up smu hydro projocts of cupucty oss
thun 250 MW.
N1PC s ntroducng 660 MW supor crtcu
unts n ts Sput Powor Projoct for tho frst
tmo n lndu. 1hs tochnoogy gonorutos owor
Curbondoxdo por unt of gonoruton duo to
hghor convorson offconcy.
A study undor USDCL/USAlD fundng hus
boon ntutod to conduct u tochno-oconomc
study for sottng up u commorcu scuo
domonstruton powor punt n lndu usng
lntogrutod Cusfcuton Combnod Cyco
tochnoogy (lCCC).
N1PC s udoptng fIue Gas Conditioning
(fGC) systom for now projocts ko Rhund-ll
(2x500 MW) us wo us for rotroft of somo
oporutng punts.
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
Consutuncy Wng wus sot up n 1989 to
provdo sngo wndow sorvcos to u domostc
und ntornutonu conts. Consutuncy Wng,
un lSC 9001 cortfod unt of N1PC hus
socurod 25 Nos. ordors vuuod ut Rs. 28.19
croro, uchovod turnovor of Rs. 14.43 croro
und bookod u proft of Rs. 4.26 croro n tho
your 2001-2002. ln tho curront your (2002-
2003) upto Novombor 2002 ,tho consutuncy
wng hus socurod Lghtoon ordors vuuod ut
Rs. 38.97 Croros
A Spocu Purposo Vohco for Afforostuton
hus boon rogstorod us u socoty by tho numo
of Nutonu powor Afforostuton Socoty
(NPAS) undor Socotos Rogstruton Act
(1860) wth tho objoctvo to ncrouso forost
covor und fuctuto quck forost courunco
for tho projocts thut uro koy to bo tukon
up by N1PC und othor powor uttos n tho
nour futuro.
1ho MCU covorng tho modutos for
oporutonusng of NPAS botwoon MCP und
MCLl s undor fnuzuton ut MCLl.
Durng tho your 2001-2002, ubout 37.0 ukh
tons of ush hus boon utzod for vurous
productvo purposos ugunst MCU Lxcoont
turgot of 34.0 ukh tons, whch s
upproxmutoy 14 of tho totu ush
gonoruton. 1ho mujor ush utzuton wus n
tho urous of Comont und Asbostos lndustry,
Ash Dyko Rusng und Lund Dovoopmont &
Roud Lmbunkmont. lor tho curront your
2002-2003, tho MCU turgot for oxcoont
cutogory (15) shu bo mot.
N1PC hus puyod uctvo roo n tho
uwuronoss cumpugn uunchod by MCP.
Undor tho Accoorutod Powor Dovoopmont
und Roforms Progrummo, N1PC hus boon
ussgnod mujor rosponsbtos undor both
dstrbuton roforms und Ronovuton &
Modornzuton. ln ts roo us Advsor-cum-
Consutunt, N1PC s ussstng tho Stutos n
formuuton of dotuod projoct roports for
strongthonng of thor dstrbuton systom,
rovow mpomontuton und curry out
cupucty budng for tho SLs.
lSO CfR1lflCA1lON
N1PCs pursut for oxcoonco wth good
systom orontuton hus soon Lngnoorng
Dvson, Cporuton Sorvcos Dvson,
Contructs & Mutorus Dvson, Consutuncy
Wng, Corporuto Commorcu, Corporuto HR
und tho Powor Munugomont lnsttuto (PMl)
uchovng lSO-9001 cortfcuton. Seventeen
(17) out of 1wonty (20) Stutons of N1PC
huvo boon uccrodtod wth lSO - 9002
cortfcuton und Lghtoon (18) out of 1wonty
(20) Stutons of N1PC huvo boon uccrodtod
wth lSO-14001 cortfcuton n tho urou of
Lnvronmont Munugomont systoms.
N1PC hus boon tho rocpont of vurous
prostgous uwurds for ts porformunco n
vurous urous und tho mujor Rocont Awurds
n ths your huvo boon:
. N1PCs CLNPLLP hus rocovod tho Cmuto
1ochnoogy lntutvo Awurd from lntornutonu
Lnorgy Agoncy n Cctobor 2002.
N1PC hus boon uwurdod tho 'lCC - UNfP
WorId summit 8usiness Award for
Sustunubo Dovoopmont Purtnorshps n
rocognton of contrbuton to sustunubo
N1PC uwurdod GoIden Peacoc| Award for
fxceIIence in Corporate Governance-2002
by tho Word Counc for Corporuto
Covornunco n ussocuton wth Contro for
Corporuto Covornunco und lnsttuto of
N1PC s tho rocpont of SheII HeIen KeIIer
Award 2002 -NationaI Centre for
Promotion of fmpIoyment for DisabIed
PeopIe (NCPfDP)
N1PC hus roconty buggod tho 2002 GIobaI
fnergy Award prosontod by M/s DeIoitte
1ouche 1ohmatsu and PIatts n tho cutogory
of 'Communty Dovoopmont Progrum of tho
your. N1PC hus won tho Confodoruton of
lndun lndustry uwurd for oxcoonco n
nfrustructuro 2002.
N1PC buggod Cod Awurd for 2001-02 n tho
Corporuto Soctor cutogory from tho Croontoch
lounduton, for Lnvronmont Lxcoonco.
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
S.No. Pro[ect State Commissioned Capacity (MW)
1. Sngruu UP 2000
2. Korbu Chhuttsgurh 2100
3. Rumugundum AP 2100
4. lurukku W 1600
5. Vndhyuchu MP 2260
6. Rhund UP 1000
7. Kuhuguon hur 840
8. NC1PP UP 840
9. 1uchor S1PP Crssu 1000
10. 1uchor 1PS Crssu 460
11. Unchuhur UP 840
12. Smhudr AP 1000
13. 1undu 1PS UP 440
1otaI (CoaI) 16480
1. Auruyu UP 652
2. Antu Ruj 413
3. Kuwus Cujurut 645
4. Dudr UP 817
5. hunor-Cundhur Cujurut 648
6. Kuyumkuum Koruu 350
7. lurdubud Huryunu 430
1otaI (Gas) 39SS
1O1AI (CoaI Gas) 2043S
lll. CAP1lVf POWfR PIAN1S 314
GRAND 1O1AI 20749
Auriya Gas based Pro[ect
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
NationaI HydroeIectric Power Corporation Itd. (NHPC)
Nutonu Hydroooctrc Powor Corporuton (NHPC)
wus sot up n 1975. NHPC hus bocomo tho urgost
orgunzuton for Hydro Powor dovoopmont n
lndu, wth cupubtos to undortuko u tho
uctvtos from concoptuuzuton to commssonng
of Hydro Projocts. Lxocuton of Coothormu und
1du Powor Projocts n tho country hus uso boon
ncudod n tho corporuto objoctvos of NHPC.
NHPC s u Schoduo A Lntorprso of tho
Covornmont of lndu wth un Authorzod Shuro
Cuptu of Rs. 7,000 Croros und un lnvostmont
buso of ovor Rs. 13,500 Croros. 1ho Covornmont
of lndu hus upprovod n prncpo tho
onhuncomont of Authorzod Shuro Cuptu to Rs.
10,000 croros.
1ho Corporuton hus foowng oporutng powor
stutons und undor-constructon projocts -
loowng sovon Projocts huvo boon commssonod
by NHPC n lndu:
1. uru Su (HP) 180 MW (3x60 MW)
2. Loktuk (Munpur) 105 MW (3x35 MW)
3. Suu (&K) 690 MW (6x115 MW)
4. Chumoru-l (HP) 540 MW (3x180 MW)
5. 1unukpur (Uchu) 120 MW (3x40 MW)
6. Ur (&K) 480 MW (4x120 MW)
7. Rungt (Skkm) 60 MW (3x20 MW)
217S MW
Durng tho curront fnuncu your (upto Novombor
2002), NHPC Powor Stutons gonorutod 7937.33
MU ugunst tho turgot of 7550.01 MU oxcudng
u doomod gonoruton of 129.57 MU. Antcputod
onorgy gonoruton for tho buunco months of tho
your 2002-03 s 1450 MU.
(Stutus ondng Novombor 2002)
1. DuIhasti Hf Pro[ect (3x130 MW), )&K.
Cut of tho totu ongth of 10581 m of houdruco
tunno (HR1) to bo constructod, so fur 9901 m
(94) oxcuvuton of tunno und 3368 m (34) of
concroto nng hus boon uchovod. A othor
compononts of tho Projoct huvo boon compotod.
400 kV ClS und o fod cubo huvo boon
succossfuy tostod. ln HLM works, cumuutvo
progross of 97.35 hus boon uchovod so fur.
1ho Projoct s koy to bo compotod n Docombor
2003. 1otu oxpondturo ncurrod upto Cct. 2002
s Rs. 3457.18 Croros.
2. DhauIiganga Hf Pro[ect, Stage-l (4x70 MW),
1ho Rovsod Projoct Cost Lstmuto of Rs. 1578.31
croros (Aug.99 PL) ncudng lDC wus courod on
07.07.2000. Mujor uchovomonts durng tho your
ncudo compoton of downstroum porton of HR1
(1920 m) from puckugo Lot-ll und oxcuvuton of
poworhouso cuvorn uhoud of schoduo. 1ho
downstroum of HR1 (1920 m) n Lot-ll hus boon
duy-ghtod 5 months uhoud of schoduo.
Lxcuvuton of Surgo Shuft (pot hoo), Prossuro
Shufts l & ll, 1runsformor cuvorn und turuco tunno
huvo boon compotod.
So fur ubout 4,28,500 cum (43) Dum
Lmbunkmont pucomont, 6276 sq. m (84) Cut
off wu concrotng, compoto oxcuvuton of
Chumbors of Dostng usns (D)-l & ll und
Hoppor of D-l, 4680m (88.5) of Houd Ruco
1unno oxcuvuton, 765m (14.5) of HR1 nng,
oworng of Druft 1ubo obows of Unts-2, 3 & 4,
und oworng of Scro Cuso of Unt-4 huvo boon
compotod. ln Dum urou h sopo troutmont und
rock oxcuvuton s n progross. About 4,23,000
cum rock oxcuvuton hus boon compotod, out of
totu ono mon cum. oxpoctod quuntty.
1otu oxpondturo ncurrod upto Cct.02 s
Rs. 765.34 Crs.
3. Chamera Hf Pro[ect Stage-ll (300 MW), HP
1ho Projoct s bong oxocutod on 1urnkoy buss
und ugroomonts wth tho consortum mombors
woro sgnod on 18.7.99. M/s lndo Cunudun
CHAP1fR - 17.2
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
Hydro Consortum, tho turnkoy contructor hus
compotod mobzuton und mujor work hus
sturtod. About 82000 cum (92) of Dum
Concrotng, 44500 cum (90) of Stng busn
concrotng, 245000 cum (95) of oxcuvuton n
Dostng Chumbors l & ll, 3100 m (89) concroto
nng of 1R1, 1676 cum (90) of Concroto Lnng
of St lushng 1unno und 7717 (99) HR1 Lnng
hus boon compotod upto Nov. 2002.
1ho Projoct s schoduod for commssonng by
Muy 2004, but u offorts uro bong mudo to
compoto t by uno 2003. 1otu oxpondturo
ncurrod upto Cctobor 2002 s Rs. 1316.34 croros.
4. 1eesta Hf Pro[ect Stage-V (3x170 MW),
1oostu-V, ocutod n Lust Skkm s u run-of-tho-
rvor poukng schomo on 1oostu Rvor. 1ho Projoct
s to gonoruto 2573 MU onorgy n u 90
dopondubo your. Dovoopmont of nfrustructuro
fuctos s n progross. A mujor mostonos
ncudng Dvorson of Rvor huvo boon uchovod.
Lxcuvuton of u tho Adts for Dum, HR1 und
Powor Houso urou hus boon compotod. About
3500 m (20.5) of HR1 houdng oxcuvuton out
of u totu of 17080 m hus boon compotod.
Lxcuvuton of u tho throo lntuko 1unnos, 1uruco
1unnos, Cuto Cporuton Chumbors of Dostng
Chumbors hus boon compotod. ln Poworhouso
und 1runsformor cuvorns, houdng oxcuvuton hus boon
compotod und bonchng s undor progross. 1ho L&M
und HM works huvo boon sturtod und most of tho
mujor works uro progrossng uhoud of schoduo.
1ho projoct s schoduod to bo compotod by
lobruury, 2007 1otu oxpondturo upto Cct. 2002
s Rs. 500.68 croros.
S. Io|ta| Downstream H. f. Pro[ect (3x30 MW),
Loktuk Downstroum HL Projoct (90 MW) s ocutod
n 1umongong Dstrct of Munpur. 1ho Dum
sto s connoctod to shonpur town by u 56 Km
ong fur-wouthor roud. lt s u run of tho rvor
schomo to utzo tho dschurgos of tho Loktuk
Powor Stuton thut s n oporuton snco Murch84.
1ho Projoct w yod bonofts of 7 hours of
poukng powor duy und un unnuu onorgy
gonoruton of 420.25 mon unts n u 90
dopondubo your. lt wus sunctonod n Docombor
1999 for u cost of Rs. 578.62 croros ncudng
lDC of Rs. 46.95 croros (ut Apr 1999 prco ovo)
und wus schoduod to bo compotod by Docombor
2008. Howovor, no uctvo work hus tukon puco
duo to tho udvorso uw und ordor stuuton. 1ho
Mnstry of Powor s contnung to rovow und
montor tho ssuos und concorns uffoctng tho
oxocuton of tho Projoct ut sonor ovos wth tho
stuto govt und tho Mnstry of
Homo Affurs. 1otu oxpondturo ncurrod on tho
Projoct upto Cct 2002 s Rs. 19.26 Croros.
6. Parbati Hf. Pro[ect, Stage-ll (4x200 MW),
Purbut HL. Projoct Stugo-ll on Rvor Purbut (u
trbutury of ous rvor) n Kuu Dstrct s u run of
tho rvor schomo. 1ho Covornmont of Hmuchu
Prudosh hus sgnod un ugrooomont wth NHPC for
tho oxocuton of u Stugos of Purbut Hydroooctrc
Projoct (2051 MW) us Contru Soctor Projocts
through NHPC.
Purbut-ll comprsos of u Concroto Cruvty Dum
91m ubovo doopost founduton ovo, u 31230 m
ong 6 m dumotor crcuur Houdruco 1unno, u
17 m dumotor undorground rostrctod orfco typo
Surgo Shuft und two stoo Ponstocks thut furthor
food 4 Poton 1ypo gonorutng unts of 200 MW
ouch n u Surfuco Powor Houso. 1ho fow of rvor
Purbut hus boon uugmontod by utzng tho wutor
of gru, Huru und wu Nuuhs by constructng
tronch wors, dostng works, ntorconnocton
foodor tunnos und drop shufts.
1ho Projoct s proposod to bo oporutod us u
poukng stuton und w gonoruto 3076.95 MU n
u 90 dopondubo your wth 95 muchno
uvuubty for Northorn Crd. lnvostmont upprovu
to tho Projoct wus gvon on 11.09.2002 for un
umount of Rs. 3919.59 Croros ncudng lDC of
Rs. 811.84 Croros ut Docombor 2001 Prco Lovo.
At prosont und ucquston s n procoss. Roud
und rdgo works uro n fu swng.
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
S. Pro[ects State lnst. Capacity
No. (MW)
1. Koo Kuro hurkhund 710
2. Subunsr Ar. Prudosh 2000
3. Sowu-ll &K 120
4. 1oostu Low Wost ongu 132
5. 1oostu Low Wost ongu 168
1otaI 3130
1. KoeI Karo Hf. Pro[ect (710 MW),
1ho uctvo work on tho Koo Kuro HLP n
hurkhund s yot to bo sturtod n tho ubsonco of
R&R Pun to bo fnusod uftor u frosh survoy of
PAPs s conductod by tho Covonmont of
hurkhund. 1ho urrungomonts for off-tuko of powor
uro uso to bo fnusod.
2. Subansiri (Iower) Hf Pro[ect (2000 MW),
Ar. Pradesh
Subunsr Lowor HL Projoct (2000 MW) wus
ontrustod to NHPC on 1
Muy 2000. 1ochno
Lconomc courunco to tho projoct hus boon
uccordod by CLA. lnvostmont upprovu s undor
3. Sewa-ll Hf Pro[ect (120 MW), )&K
Commorcu vubty hus boon uscortunod und
ostmuto for Stugo-ll works hus boon sunctonod.
1ochncu courunco to DPR wus uccordod by CLA
on 18.10.2002.
lnvostmont upprovu s undor procoss.
4. 1eesta Iow Dam Stage-lll Pro[ect (132 MW),
A rovsod notfcuton undor Soc. 18(A) of tho
Loctrcty Suppy Act wus ssuod on 20.9.2002
for un nstuod cupucty of 132 MW nstoud of
100 MW.
Sto courunco for stugo l und ll uctvtos wus
uccordod by MCLl on 1.6.2001 und 5.12.2001
rospoctvoy. 1ochno-oconomc courunco hus boon
uccordod by CLA. 1ho Covornmont of Wost ongu
w purchuso tho ontro powor from t. lnvostmont
upprovu s undor procoss.
S. 1eesta Iow Dam Stage-lV Hf. Pro[ect
(168 MW), W.8
Commorcu vubty hus boon uscortunod. MCLl
uccordod sto courunco for Stugo l works but
ntmutod thor nubty for Stugo ll sto courunco
n vow of Supromo Courts docson, us tho Projoct
woud uffoct somo porton of Muhunundu Wdfo
Sunctuury. MCLl hus boon roquostod to orgunzo
tho sto vst to tho Projoct ut tho ourost, so thut
tho proposu coud bo consdorod by tho Stundng
Commttoo of lndun ourd for Wd Lfo (lWL).
DPR s undor propuruton.
S. Pro[ects State lnst. Capacity
No. (MW)
1. Purbut-lll H.P. 520
2. Sung Lowor Ar. Prudosh 1700
3. Sung Mddo Ar. Prudosh 1000
4. Sung Uppor Ar. Prudosh 11000
5. Subunsr Mddo Ar. Prudosh 1600
6. Subunsr Uppor Ar. Prudosh 2000
7. Ur-ll &K 280
8. Puku Du &K 1000
9. ursur &K 1020
10. Shvsumudrum Kurnutuku 270
11. uv-l Muhurushtru 18
12. uv-ll Muhurushtru 50
13. Dovudo Muhurushtru 6
14. Chumoru-lll H.P. 231
15. Uppor Krshnu Kurnutuku 810
16. Nmmo uzgo &K 30
17. Chutuk &K 18
1otaI 21SS3
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
Stutus of thoso projocts s furnshod boow-
S. No. Name of Hf Pro[ect Status
1. Purbut-lll (520 MW), H P Commorcu vubty uscortunod und Stugo-ll ostmuto
upprovod. LlA/LMP studos undor procoss. lnfrustructuro dovoopmont
n progross.
2. Sung Lowor (1700 MW), lousbty Roport muy not bo formuutod t hydroogcu und
Ar. Prudosh motooroogcu dutu uro obtunod from Chnu us mujor purt of tho
cutchmont urou fus n 1bot.
3. Sung Mddo (1000 MW), lousbty Roport submttod on 10.9.02. for commorcu vubty
Arunuchu Prudosh CLA uccordod concurronco for propuruton of DPR und
nfrustructuro dovoopmont. Stugo-ll ostmuto umountng to Rs. 49.57
croros covorng oxpondturo on propuruton of DPR, LlA/LMP
studos, und nfrustructuro dovoopmont submttod.
4. Sung Uppor (11000 MW), lousbty roport muy not bo formuutod t hydro-motooroogcu
Ar. Prudosh dutu uro obtunod from Chnu us mujor purt of cutchmont fus n 1bot.
5. Subunsr Mddo (1600 MW), lousbty Roport for commorcu vubty hus boon submttod.
Arunuchu Prudosh
6. Subunsr Uppor (2000 MW), lousbty Roport submttod for commorcu vubty. CLA uccordod
Ar. Prudosh concurronco for propuruton of DPR und nfrustructuro
dovoopmont. Stugo-ll ostmuto umountng to Rs. 48.85 croros covorng
oxpondturo on propuruton of DPR, LlA/LMP studos, und nfrustructuro
dovoopmont hus boon submttod. 1opogruphcu und Cooogcu survoys
compotod. LlA Studos huvo boon ontrustod to M/s. MLCCN.
7 Ur Stugo-ll (280 MW), Commorcu vubty uscortunod. Stugo-ll ostmuto sunctonod. Survoy
&K & nvostgutons (S&l) works for propuruton of DPR undor progross..
Work of LlA/LMP studos uwurdod.
8. Puku Du Commorcu vubty uscortunod. Stugo - ll ostmuto sunctonod but Work
(1000 MW), &K not progrossng wo duo to non-uvuubty of propor socurty covorugo
us uw und ordor stuuton s not conducvo.
9. ursur Commorcu vubty uscortunod. Punnng, S&l works for propuruton
(1020 MW) &K of DPR, und nfrustructuro dovoopmont to bo tukon up.
10. Shvusumudrum (270 MW), Commorcu vubty uccordod to fousbty roport. Stugo-
Kurnutuku ll ostmuto hod up duo to ntorstuto dsputo. No work undor progross.
Proposu for Sto Courunco Stugo-ll submttod. Curfcutons
sought by MCLl on und roquromont for tho Projoct bong furnshod
11. uv Stugo-l Courunco uccordod to Stugo-l ostmuto. S&l works for
(18 MW) Muhu. propuruton of fousbty roport tukon up.
12. uv Stugo-ll Projoct not found commorcuy vubo. Rovow of tochncu fouturos n
(50 MW), Muhurushtru progross. Proposu for Sto Courunco St-ll submttod und s
undor vottng by MCL&l.
13. Dovudo (6 MW), Stugo-l ostmuto for survoy & nvostguton rocommondod. S&l works for
Muhurushtru propuruton of fousbty roport n progross.
14. Chumoru St-lll Commorcu vubty uscortunod. Stugo-ll ostmuto sunctonod. S&l works
(231 MW), H.P for propurng DPR undor progross. Lund ucquston und nfrustructuro
dovoopmont bong tukon up.
15. U. Krshnu Cuscudo Projocts A 3 Projocts found commorcuy unvubo wth oxstng wutor
810 MW, Kurnut. uvuubty. Kurunutuku Covt roquostod to roouso uddtonu wutor from
Nuruyunpur Dum to muko thom commorcuy vubo.
16. Nmoo-uzgo (Ach), Stugo-l ostmuto sunctonod. S&l works for propuruton of fousbty roport
(30 MW) Luddukh, &K, n progross. Hydroogcu und motooroogcu obsorvutons uro
17. Chutuk (18 MW), &K Stugo-l ostmuto sunctonod. S&l works for propuruton of fousbty roport
n progross.
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
f. )OlN1 VfN1URf PRO)fC1S
lndru Sugur Projoct (1000 MW) und Cmkuroshwur
Projoct (520 MW) woro bong oxocutod by tho
Covt. of Mudhyu Prudosh n tho Stuto Soctor. Cn
17.4.2000, Covt. of MP roquostod tho Covt. of
lndu to got lndru Sugur und Cmkuroshwur Projocts
mpomontod through u ont Vonturo botwoon
Covornmont of lndu / NHPC und Covt. of Mudhyu
Prudosh on mutuuy ugrood torms und condtons.
Subsoquonty un MCU wus sgnod botwoon NHPC
und CCMP on 16.5.2000 for oxocuton of Dum
und Appurtonunt Works (Unt-l) und Powor Houso
(Unt-lll) of lndru Sugur und Cmkuroshwur Projocts
oxcudng trunsmsson nos. Consoquonty, u jont
vonturo Compuny cuod Nurmudu Hydroooctrc
Dovoopmont Corporuton (NHDC) wus
ncorporutod n August 2000 for oxocuton of lndru
Sugur und Cmkuroshwur Projocts.
1. lndira Sagar Hf Pro[ect (8 x 12S MW), M.P.
1ho Unon Covornmont hus uccordod suncton
to tho ncorporuton of NHDC und to tho cost
ostmuto for oxocuton of lndru Sugur Projoct
n Murch 2002.
1ho constructon of u tho projoct compononts
s gong us por schoduo und tho Projoct s
oxpoctod to bo commssonod by Muy 2005.
2. Om|areshwar Hf Pro[ect (8 x 6S MW), M.P.
1LC uccordod for un ostmutod cost of Rs.
2006.06 croros ut Sopt. 2000 PL ncudng lDC
of Rs. 316.83 croros for tho powor componont.
1ho sumo hus boon updutod to Rs. 2270.00
croros for Unt-l und Unt-lll works ut Murch
2002 PL. lnfrustructuro dovoopmont hus boon
tukon up. 1ho Projoct s schoduod to bo
commssonod n X lvo Your Pun. lnvostmont
upprovu s undor procoss.
3. PuruIia Pumped Storage Scheme (4 x 22S
MW), West 8engaI
An MCU wus sgnod on 25.5.2001 botwoon
Covt. of Wost ongu und NHPC for
mpomontuton of Puruu Pumpod Storugo
Projoct (900 MW) us u jont vonturo projoct.
Aftor upprovu of Unon Covornmont u jont
vonturo compuny (VC) cuod Nutonu Pumpod
Storugo Dovoopmont Corporuton Ltd. w bo
sot up. Prosonty, tho Projoct s
bong oxocutod by WSL wth fnuncu
ussstunco from upun unk for
lntornutonu Co-oporuton (lC).
1ho procoss of nvostmont upprovu hus boon
1. Kambang SmaII Hf Pro[ect (6 MW), Ar. P.
1ho Projoct s undor oxocuton wth NHPC on
dopost buss from Arunuchu Stuto Covornmont
und s schoduod for commssonng n Murch 2003.
2. Sippi SmaII Hf Pro[ect (4 MW), Ar. P.
1ho Projoct s undor oxocuton wth NHPC on
dopost buss from Arunuchu Stuto Covornmont
und s schoduod for commssonng n Murch 2003.
3. HaIaipani SmaII Hf Pro[ect (12 MW), Ar. P.
1ho Projoct s undor trunsfor from Arunuchu
Prudosh Covt. to NHPC for oxocuton on
dopost buss. Pro-quufcuton of contructors
for cv works hus boon dono who thut for
L&M contructors s undor fnuzuton.
NHPC hus boon uppontod us tho Nodu Agoncy
for oxpotuton of goothormu onorgy n tho country
by Mnstry of Non-Convontonu Lnorgy Sourcos
(MNLS). Snco tho know-how for hurnossng
goothormu powor for gonoruton of ooctrc powor
s not uvuubo othor wth NHPC or osowhoro n
tho country, un ntornutonu Consutunt/Contructor
vz., M/s Coothor Lx. USA huvo boon hrod for
tho purposo und runkng of goothormu projocts of
lndu hus boon got dono. 1ho pot goothormu
punt of 300 KW ut 1uttupun wus not found vubo
honco u proposu for nstuuton of 1 MW pot
punt wus submttod to MNLS, upprovu of whch
s st uwutod. lurthor, pro-fousbty roport for
nstuuton of unothor goothormu punt ut Pugu
(&K) s undor propuruton. .
Duos ugunst bonofcuros, us on 31/10/2002, uro
Rs. 2472.56 croros ncudng surchurgo of Rs.
1308.49 croros. 1otu puymont rocovod durng
tho your upto 30/11/2002 s Rs. 1020.86 croros.
ConsuItancy Services Division ucts us u wndow
for gonorutng uddtonu busnoss for tho
Corporuton. Consutuncy Sorvcos n u fucots of
hydropowor from Concopt to Commssonng uro
rondorod. Domostc fnuncu nsttutons ko llCl
Ltd. und lClCl Ltd. thut uro fundng mujor
hydroooctrc projocts n prvuto soctor huvo
ongugod NHPC us Londors Lngnoor. Durng
tho fnuncu your 2001-2002 Consutuncy Sorvcos
Dvson rocovod ussgnmonts worth Rs. 1691
Lukhs und puymonts of Rs. 1116 Lukhs. ln tho
curront fnuncu your t 30.11.2002, ussgnmonts
worth Rs. 1691 Lukhs und puymonts totung to
Rs. 368 Lukhs huvo boon rocovod.
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
CompIeted ConsuItancy Assignment during 2002-
2003 (as on 30.11.2002)
lousbty Study of Kupong Downstroum HL
Projoct n N. Andumun for A&N
Admnstruton for u consutuncy foo of Rs.
26.25 Lukhs.
Dosgn & Druwngs for Vohcuur Accoss ut
Nuthpu & Wudhu Adts of Houd Ruco 1unno
for NPC Projoct for u consutuncy foo of Rs.
7.49 Lukhs
Registration with lnternationaI lnstitutions as
NHPC hus boon rogstorod us u Consutunt
wth Word unk (W), Asun Dovoopmont
unk (AD), Afrcun Dovoopmont unk (AfD)
und Kuwut lund for Arub Lconomc
Dovoopmont (KlALD), Kuwut.
Ma[or Ongoing Assignments 2002-03 (As on
NHPC hus boon uppontod us Londors
lndopondont Lngnoor by lndustru lnunco
Corporuton of lndu Ltd. (llCl) for 400 MW
Muhoshwur HL. Projoct for u consutuncy foo
of Rs 170.31 Lukhs. lt s mudon ontry of
NHPC us Consutunt to lnuncu lnsttutons
for Projocts n tho Prvuto Soctor.
Londors lndopondont Lngnoor for 300 MW
uspu-ll HL. Projoct n HP uppontod by llCl
(now oud bunk s lClCl Ltd.) for u consutuncy
foo of Rs. 206.98 Lukhs.
1ochno-Commorcu Lvuuuton of tho offor
rocovod by Dumodur Vuoy Corporuton
(DVC) from M/S. ALS1CMHLL Consortum,
tochno-commorcu nogotuton, ussocutng n
jont nspocton und wtnossng of mujor tosts
for Rofurbshmont of ono Hydo Unt for
Muthon HL. Projoct of DVC for u totu foo of
Rs. 157.50 Lukhs.
Assstunco for lndrusugur & Cmkuroshwur HL
Projocts of Nurmudu Hydroooctrc
Dovoopmont Corporuton Ltd. (NHDC) for u
consutuncy foo of Rs. 624.83 Lukhs.
Commorcu Munugomont for Nuthpu hukr HL
Projoct (1500 MW) of NPC Ltd. for u
consutuncy foo of Rs. 36.25 Lukhs.
Contructs Munugomont for Loctro-Mochuncu
Works for Nuthpu hukr HL Projoct for u
consutuncy foo of Rs. 39.70 Lukhs.
Dosgn & Lngnoorng of Loctro-Mochuncu
Works for Nuthpu hukr HL Projoct for u
consutuncy foo of Rs. 40.32 Lukhs.
C&M Munugomont for Nuthpu hukr HL Projoct
for u consutuncy foo of Rs. 38.96 Lukhs.
Conorutng Lqupmont Rovow und Lrocton
Rovow for Nuthpu hukr HL Projoct for u
consutuncy foo of Rs. 33.60 Lukhs.
Dovoopmont of LDP & Communcuton
lnfrustructuro for Nuthpu hukr HL Projoct for
u consutuncy foo of Rs. 71.40 Lukhs.
lousbty Study for 6 mn/mcro HL Projocts
n Andumun & Ncobur lsund for A&N
Admnstruton for u consutuncy foo of
Rs.18.11 Lukhs
Survoy & lnvostguton for sottng up urgo
hydro Projocts n Kumur und Mungor Dstt.,
hur Roconnussunco Survoy (Phuso-l) for u
consutuncy foo of Rs. 63 Lukhs.
C&M of Cyopozhng-Coophu Sngo Crcut
132 KV 1runsmsson Lno n hutun for
Kurchu Projoct Authorty for u foo of Rs. 75.00
Lukhs, g Rs. 15.00 Lukhs p.m. for 5 months.
Assocuton n Propurng & lng of Potton
wth SLRC / CLRC for dotormnuton of turff
for onorgy gonorutod from uny ono hydroooctrc
projoct of Utturunchu u Vdyut Ngum Ltd.
(UVNL) of cupucty urgor thun 25 MW for u
consutuncy foo of Rs. 21.74 Lukhs
Dotu study for oxstng Dhunkhur Concroto
Dum, Port ur for A&N Admnstruton for u
consutuncy foo of Rs. 73.50 Lukhs.
Consutuncy Sorvcos for turnkoy oxocuton of
10 MW Muhunud Rosorvor Projoct (through
LPC Contructor) ut Cungro (Dhumtur) for
Chhutsgurh SL for u foo of Rs. 36.50 Lukhs.
Assstunco n C&M of Kupong HL Projoct for
A&N Admnstruton for u consutuncy foo of
Rs. 38.85 Lukhs for sx months.
Propuruton of DPR for sovon HL Projocts
dontfod n tho Mudo Rvor usn n North
Cou, for u consutuncy foo of Rs. 546 Lukhs.
Consutuncy Sorvcos for Propuruton of Scopo
of Work for ropur & muntonunco of HM
Lqupmont of Cungro HL Projoct for
Chhutsgurh Stuto Loctrcty ourd.
Consutuncy Sorvcos for Constructon of
Kumbung (6MW) und Spp (4 MW) Smu HL
Projocts n Arunuchu Prudosh on dopost buss.
CompIeted ConsuItancy Assignment during
1ochno-Lconomc lousbty Study of Lurthon
Dum to bo constructod downstroum of tho
oxstng concroto Dhunkhur Dum for wutor
suppy to Port ur for Andumun & Ncobur
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
Admnstruton for u consutuncy foo of Rs.
44.10 Lukhs.
Constructon Munugomont, uuty Contro
und othor sorvcos for ukroshwur
1hormu Powor Projoct for W Powor
Dovoopmont Corporuton for u consutuncy
foo of Rs. 331.13 Lukhs
Constructon of Ngungum-1ntb-Coophu
Sngo Crcut 132 KV 1runsmsson Lno on
1urnkoy uss for Kurchu Projoct Authorty
(KPA), hutun. Awurd vuuo of tho ussgnmont
s Rs. 4500 Lukhs out of whch Agoncy
Churgos of NHPC uro Rs. 600 Lukhs.
Cporuton und Muntonunco of Cyopozhng-
Coophu Sngo Crcut 132 KV 1runsmsson Lno
n hutun for KPA for u foo of Rs. 75 Lukhs.
MOUs signed by NHPC
Wth M for ostubshng VC for provdng
consutuncy sorvcos on Hydropowor.
Wth Hurzu Lngnoorng Co. lntornutonu L.P.,
USA for jonty provdng consutuncy sorvcos
to outsdo ugoncos n tho fod of Hydropowor
n lndu und ubroud.
Wth Houvy Lngnoorng Corporuton (HLC),
Runch for mutuu shurng of oxportso und
rosourcos for dovoopmont of hydropowor
projocts n lndu & ubroud
Wth Luhmoyor lntornutonu CmbH, Cormuny
for mutuu couboruton for provdng
consutuncy und munugomont sorvcos for
consutuncy und turnkoy oxocuton of projocts
n tho fod of hydropowor punts und
ussocutod structuros n lndu und othor
Wth llCl Ltd. for shurng oxportso und
oxporonco for uccoorutod dovoopmont of
hydro potontu of tho country, for provdng
consutuncy sorvcos for turnkoy oxocuton und
us Londors lndopondont Lngnoor for projocts
fnuncod by llCl Ltd.
Wth U1l unk Ltd. for provdng 1ochno-
Commorcu Advsory sorvcos to vurous
orgunzutons n stuto/prvuto/jont vonturo
compunos/Covornmont of lndu undortukng
ongugod n oxocuton/oporuton of hydro
projocts n lndu und for provdng sorvcos us
Londors Lngnoor for vurous projocts
fnuncod by U1l unk Ltd.
MCU wus sgnod botwoon NHPC und Mnstry of
Powor n Murch 2002 for tho your 2002-03 sottng
turgots of dfforont porformunco purumotors such
us Cupucty lndox, Conoruton, lnuncu
purumotors of Cross Murgn und Not Proft us
porcontugo of Not Worth, uchovomont of projoct
mpomontuton mostonos, lmpomontuton of CA1
pun, R&D uctvtos, HRD Progrummo, Survoy und
lnvostguton, l1 und Communcuton, Consutuncy
ussgnmonts und Corporuto Pun otc. NHPC hus
boon rutod us Lxcoont for tho sovonth
consocutvo your t Murch 2001. lor tho your
2001-02 uso, provsonu Lxcoont rutng hus
boon uccordod by DPL.
DuIhasti Hf Pro[ect (390 MW), )&K
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
Ruru Loctrfcuton Corporuton Ltd.(RLC) wus
ncorporutod undor tho Compunos Act, 1956 n
tho your 1969 wth tho mun objoctvo of fnuncng
ruru ooctrfcuton schomos n tho country. ln tho
your 1992, RLC wus notfod us u Pubc lnuncu
lnsttuton undor Socton 4A of tho Compunos
Act, 1956. ln tho your 1998, RLC wus rogstorod
us u Non-unkng lnuncu Compuny(NlC) undor
Socton 45 lA of tho Rl Act, 1934.
1ho Covt. of lndu upgrudod tho stutus of RLC
from Schoduo ' to Schoduo 'A Lntorprso n
Docombor, 2001 n rocognton of RLCs consstont
outstundng porformunco ovor tho yours.
1ho curront msson of RLC s to fuctuto
uvuubty of ooctrcty for uccoorutod growth
und for onrchmont of quuty of fo und to uct
us u compottvo, cont-frondy und dovoopmont
orontod orgunzuton for promotng und fnuncng
projocts covorng powor gonoruton, powor
consorvuton, powor trunsmsson und powor
dstrbuton notwork n tho country. RLC s thus
RuraI fIectrification Corporation Iimited (RfC)
ondouvourng to promoto und fnunco projocts
covorng ntogrutod systom mprovomont, powor
gonoruton, powor consorvuton, powor
trunsmsson, docontruzod und non-convontonu
onorgy sourcos, ronovuton und muntonunco,
powor dstrbuton wth focus on pumpsot
onorgsuton, ruru housohods ooctrfcuton und
othor routod works und to oxpund und dvorsfy
nto othor routod urous und uctvtos.
ln tho rocont yours, RLC hus boon consstonty
uchovng outstundng porformunco und surpussng
provousy ostubshod rocords n u koy urous of
ts oporutons vz. Loun Sunctons, Dsbursomonts,
Rocovoros, Proft boforo 1ux otc. lor tho your
2001-02 uso, RLC uttunod hghost ovor ovos of
uchovomonts und crossod Rs.500 croro murk n
Proft boforo 1ux for tho frst tmo.
1ho hghghts of porformunco of RLC for tho your
2001-02 uongwth tho compurutvo fguros for
tho procodng 4 yours uro gvon boow:-
Agunst tho porformunco purumotors sot n tho MCU ontorod nto by RLC wth tho Mnstry of Powor, Covt.
of lndu, for tho your 2001-02, RLC rocordod Lxcoont rosuts both n torms of gross murgn us wo us not
proft to notworth und t hus quufod for Lxcoont grudng for tho 9
your n succosson.
1ho Covt. of lndu contrbutod u sum of Rs.50 croro durng tho your towurds Lquty Shuro Cuptu of RLC.
1ho pud-up Lquty Shuro Cuptu of RLC us on 31
Murch, 2002 wus Rs.780.60 croro. Durng tho your, tho
Authorzod Shuro Cuptu of RLC wus ncrousod from Rs.800 croro to Rs.1200 croro.
CHAP1fR - 17.3
(Rs. in Crore)
1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-01 2001-02
Ioan sanctioned 1214 2879 4678 6308 6764
Ioan Disbursed 1094 2203 3051 4109 4722
Recovery of Dues 1156 2276 2716 3582 4064
Resource MobiIisation 355 436 981 1611 3360
Profit before 1ax 127 391 426 453 S03
Profit after 1ax 95 299 314 336 388
Networth 1284 1579 1892 2148 2466
Dividend 10 50 50 67 120
8usiness per empIoyee 2.37 4.81 6.22 8.29 9.72
1979-80 1989-90 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02
8udgetary support as 86 32 13 10 1.42
% of totaI Resources
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
1ho Covt. of lndu gruntod Cuptu Cuns onds
bonofts to RLC wth offoct from 1.4.2001, undor
Socton 54 LC of tho lncomo 1ux Act, 1961 und
uso guvo t pormsson to fout lnfrustructuro
onds undor Socton 88 of tho lncomo 1ux Act,
1961. RLC thus foutod Cuptu Cuns 1ux
Lxompton onds und lnfrustructuro onds for
tho frst tmo by tuppng
ndvduu nvostors, n uddton to tho trudtonu
nsttutonu nvostors, mobsng thorofrom
Rs.1397 croro und Rs.5 croro rospoctvoy durng
tho your. 1hs rosutod n un ncrouso of tho
nvostor buso of RLC from ubout 1000 ut tho
bognnng of tho fnuncu your 2001-02 to moro
thun 15000 ut tho ond of tho your. 1ho totu
umount mobsod from tho cuptu murkot durng
tho your wus Rs.3360 croro whch ncudod
umount rusod by ssuo of Prorty/Non-Prorty
Soctor onds und Mumbu lntor-unk Cvornght
Ruto (MlCR) Lnkod onds.
1ho Dobt lnstrumonts/onds bong foutod by RLC
contnuod to onjoy 'AAA Rutng tho hghost
rutng durng tho your.
lor tho frst tmo, RLC dd not borrow uny monoy
from tho Covt. of lndu (othor thun lC Loun of
Rs.37 croro) und n vow of ts mprovod fnuncos,
RLC pro-pud Covt. Loun of Rs.643.60 croro durng
tho your 2001-02.
Cumuutvoy, upto tho ond of Murch, 2002, 38314
projocts huvo boon sunctonod by RLC nvovng u
oun umount of Rs.35353 croro. Agunst ths, u
sum of Rs.24687 croro hus boon dsbursod n
uccordunco wth
phusng of projocts und thor physcu progross. lt
ncudos u sum of Rs.317 croro dsbursod to
SLs, Powor Dopts. und Stuto Covts. us grunt
from Covt. of lndu undor Kutr yot Progrummo
towurds provson of 48.50 ukh sngo pont ght
connoctons to tho housohods of ruru poor.
YfAR 2002-2003 UP1O NOVfM8fR, 2002
RLC hus sunctonod 207 now projocts nvovng u
oun umount of Rs.4,745 croro und dsbursod u
sum of Rs.2308 croro to vurous SLs und Powor
Uttos whch ncudos u grunt of Rs. 15 croro
undor Kutr yot Progrummo.
1ho mun thrust of RLC n sunctons und
dsbursomonts hus boon to moot tho omorgng
noods of tho SLs und Powor uttos for nvostmont
n urous of systom mprovomont, procuromont/
ropucomont und nstuuton of onorgy motors,
trunsformors, conductors und othor modorn
oqupmonts roqurod for strongthonng und
uugmontng ruru powor dstrbuton nfrustructuro.
fIfC1RlflCA1lON (ClRf) Of RfC 8ASfD A1
Upto Novombor, 2002, ClRL conductod 13
1runng Progrummos. A totu numbor of 294
offcors from vurous Loctrcty ourds, Conoruton,
1runsmsson und Dstrbuton Compunos,
Roguutory Commssons, Prvuto Powor Compunos
und Munufucturors purtcputod n tho progrummos
uccountng for 1013 purtcpunt duys. 1ho
progrummos woro hod n tho urous of Powor
Soctor Roforms, PPA, Dstrbuton 1ochnoogy
Munugomont, Lnorgy Lffconcy & Consorvuton und
lnformuton 1ochnoogy for Powor Soctor. 12
progummos uro schoduod to bo conductod from
Docombor, 2002 to Murch 2003, ncudng two
somnurs, ono on 100 Motorng lmpcutons
und Chuongos und tho othor on SCADA Systoms
to Powor Uttos.
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
North fastern fIectric Power Corporation Itd.
(NffPCO) ShiIIong
1ho North Lustorn Loctrc Powor Corporuton Ltd.
(NLLPCC) wus consttutod n 1976 undor tho
compunys uct 1956 wth tho objoctvo of
dovoopng tho powor potontu of tho North
Lustorn Rogon of tho country through punnod
dovoopmont of powor gonoruton projocts whch
n turn woud offoctvoy promoto tho dovoopmont
of tho North Lustorn Rogon. Snco thon NLLPCC
hus grown nto ono of tho ponoor compunos
wth un uuthorsod shuro cuptu of Rs. 2500.00Crs.
1ho mun objoctvos of tho North Lustorn Loctrc
Powor Corporuton uro to udd to tho powor
gonorutng cupucty n tho North Lustorn Rogon
by nstung Hydro und 1hormu powor punts, to
onsuro optmum utsuton of commssonod
gonoruton projocts, to gonoruto udoquuto ntornu
rosourcos onsurng justfubo roturn on nvostmont,
to contnuo sustunod offorts to obtun tho
rocovubo from Stuto Loctrcty ourds/
Dopurtmonts und to undortuko ong torm fousbty
studos for optmum dovoopmont of Hydro Powor
rosourcos of tho North Lustorn Rogon.
Cut of tho totu nstuod cupucty of 1785.72MW
(Crd) n tho North Lustorn Rogon, NLLPCC s
contrbutng u totu of 1105 MW (Comprsng 375
MW of 1hormu und 730 MW of Hydro Powor ),
thus mootng moro thun 61.87 of pouk domund
/ onorgy noods of tho rogon.
1. Capacity Addition Programme for the 10
PIan :
Durng tho 9
Pun, NLLPCC uchovod 754 MW
(174 MW 1hormu und 580 MW Hydro Powor) us
turgotod. Cupucty uddton progrummo for tho 10
Pun of NLLPCC hus boon sot ut 585 MW ( 500
MW 1hormu und 85 MW Hydro powor ).
2. Pro[ects under operation and maintenance :
1ho foowng compotod Projocts uro undor
Cporuton und Muntonunco:
Sl No. Name of the Pro[ects State lnstaIIed Capacity
1 Kop H.L. Projoct. Assum 150 MW
2 Kop H.L. Projoct lst Stugo Lxtonson. Assum 100 MW
3 Assum Cus usod Combnod Cyco Powor Projoct. Assum 291 MW
4 Agurtuu Cus 1urbno Powor Projoct. 1rpuru 84 MW
5 Doyung H.L. Projoct. Nuguund 75 MW
6 Rungunud H.L.Projoct. Arunuchu Prudosh 405 MW
1O1AI 110S MW
Durng 2002-2003, gonoruton of powor up-to 30-11-2002 wus 1048.1536 MU ugunst u turgot of1489.00
MU by Hydro Powor Stutons und 865.9612 MU ugunst u turgot of 1211.00MU by 1hormu Powor Stutons.
1ho cumuutvo gonoruton snco ncopton t Nov 2002 by NLLPCC projocts wus 21308.0460 MUs.
Projoct wso untcputod turgots to bo uchovod durng tho romunng porod of tho your 2002-2003 .o. from
Doc 2002 to Murch 2003 uro gvon boow:
l) Kop H.L. Projoct 113.00 MU
ll) Kop H.L. Projoct - lst Stugo Lxtonson 97.00 MU
lll) Assum Cus usod Powor Projoct. 582.00 MU
lV) Agurtuu Cus 1urbno Powor Projoct. 207.00 MU
V) Doyung H.L. Projoct. 36.00 MU
Vl) Rungunud H.L.Projoct. 140.00 MU
1otaI 117S.00 MU
CHAP1fR - 17.4
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
1otu ournngs (Provsonu) n torms of suo of
Powor durng tho your upto 30-11-2002 from Kop
H.L. Projoct s Rs. 57.79Crs., Assum Cus usod
Powor Projoct, Kuthugur s Rs. 90.56Crs., Agurtuu
Cus 1urbno Projoct s Rs. 64.23Crs., Doyung H.L.
Projoct s Rs.11.63Crs. und thut of Rungunud H.L
s Rs. 29.22 Crs.
i) 1uiriaI H.f. Pro[ect (60 MW) - Mizoram: 1ho
1uru H.L. Projoct n Mzorum s ocutod n
tho ordor of Cuchur Dstrct of Assum und
Azwu Dstrct of Mzorum und comprsos of
constructon of u 77 M hgh Homogonous
Lurth f Dum ucross tho 1uru rvor wth un
nstuod cupucty of 2 x 30 MW, surfuco Powor
Houso on tho oft bunk of tho rvor. 1ho cost
of tho Projoct ut uno 97 prco ovo s Rs.
368.72Crs.(ncudng lDC) und compoton cost
of tho Projoct s Rs.448.19Crs. ut un 97 prco
ovo. 1ho projoct hus boon tukon up us u
Contru Soctor Schomo undor oun ussstunco
of lC, upun wth 85 of tho projoct cost
bong fnuncod undor lC oun ussstunco und
buunco 15 from Covt. of lndus ussstunco.
1ho nfrustructuru work for tho projoct s
nourng compoton. Lund ucquston for tho
projoct urou s compotod und for submorgonco
urou s n progross.
1ho Projoct s schoduod to bo commssonod
n 2006 - 07.
ii) KopiIi H.f. Pro[ect -Stage - ll (2S MW) -
Assam: Durng tho constructon of tho lst Stugo
of tho Kop H.L. Projoct, t wus found fousbo
to sot up u socond Powor Houso ut Khundong
wth un nstuod cupucty of 1 x 25 MW
numod us 2nd Stugo. 1ho proposod ocuton
of tho Powor Houso s nour tho oxstng
Khundong Powor Houso. 1ho schomo conssts
of u byo-puss tunno of ongth 325 M. from
Khundong by puss tunno, ono 2.75 M. Du.
Ponstock, u surfuco Powor Houso & u tu ruco
to roouso tho wutor nto Umrong Rosorvor.
1ho borng of tho byo-puss tunno wus
compotod durng lst Stugo works of Khundong
Systom. 1ho HR1 hud boon dosgnod to cutor
to tho uddtonu wutor roquromont for ths
schomo. 1ho ostmutod cost s Rs.
76.09Crs.(ncudng lDC) ut Sopt 98 prco ovo
und compoton cost of ths Projoct s Rs.
99.35Crs (ncudng lDC). A tho 3 (throo)
puckugos huvo uroudy boon uwurdod. 1ho
Projoct onvsugod producng uddtonu 301
MU por your. 1ho Projoct s schoduod to bo
commssonod by uy, 2003.
iii) 1uivai H.f. Pro[ect (210 MW)- Mizoram : 1ho
proposod 1uvu H.L. Projoct s ocutod n
Azwu dstrct of Mzorum. 1ho projoct
comprsos of constructon of u 155 M.hgh
Rock-f Dum ucross tho 1uvu rvor. 1ho
mpoundod wutor s proposod to bo tukon by
ono 4.95 km. Long HR1 of 6 M. du. to u
surfuco Powor Houso ocutod n tho rght bunk
of tho rvor wth nstuuton of 3 (throo) unts
of 70 MW ouch. 1ho projoct wus ntuy
nvostgutod by CWC. A stututory couruncos
ncudng lorost und Lnvronmontu courunco
from MCLl & CCl huvo boon rocovod. 1LC
for tho projoct hus uso boon uccordod. Durng
tho your 2002 - 03, pro- constructon uctvtos
ko dovoopmont of nfrustructuru fuctos und
dotuod survoy und nvostguton works uro n
progross. 1oocommuncuton Systom on tho
projoct sto hus boon ostubshod. 1ho 2
proposu undor tho throo stugo courunco
procoduro, for tho Hydro Projoct s undor
oxumnuton. 1ho Projoct s schoduod to bo
commssonod wthn u porod of 66 months
from tho duto of 3
Stugo nvostmont upprovu.
iv) Kameng H.f. Pro[ect (600 MW) - ArunachaI
Pradesh: 1ho proposod Kumong H.L. Projoct
s ocutod n tho Wost Kumong dstrct of
Arunuchu Prudosh. 1ho projoct comprsos of
constructon of u 96.50 M. hgh concroto gruvty
Dum ucross tho rvor chom und dvortng tho
wutor through u 6.70 M. Du., 8.75 km ong
1unno to 1ongu rosorvor croutod by
constructng u 60.50 M. hgh concroto gruvty
Dum ucross tho 1ongu rvor. Wutor of both thoso
rvors s proposod to bo tukon through u 7.0 M.
du, 5.86 km ong HR1 to Km Powor Houso
wth un nstuod cupucty of 4 x 150 MW -
600 MW. 1ho 1ochno-oconomc courunco und
lorost & Lnvronmont courunco of tho projoct
hus boon obtunod. Approvu for 2
courunco undor 1hroo-Stugo Courunco
procoduro ut u cost of Rs.94.54 Crs. of tho
projoct hus boon uccordod on 11/01/02.
Agroomont for 1urnkoy oxocuton of upuru
1ongu Kmn Powor Houso 132 KV
1runsmsson no und sub- stuton ut upuru
und 1ongu, botwoon NLLPCC & Poworgrd
Corporuton of lndu Ltd. hus boon sgnod.
432.456 Hu., und hus boon ucqurod by
NLLPCC. Accommoduton for Stuff und works
for roud communcuton, uro n progross.
v) 1ipaimu|h H.f. Pro[ect (1S00 MW)- Manipur :
1hs Projoct wus ntuy nvostgutod by CWC
und thon by ruhmuputru ourd. lt hus boon
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
hundod ovor to NLLPCC for oxocuton. MCU
wth tho Covt. of Munpur hus boon sgnod.
NLLPCC hus submttod tho Rovsod DPR of
tho Projoct to tho Stuto Covornmont of
Munpur. CLA hus consdorod tochno-
oconomc upprusu und found n ordor ut u
cost of Rs.5163.86 crs. ncudng lDC of
Rs.757.26 Crs. ut Doc.2002 prco ovo.
NLLPCC s contnung Hydro- motooroogcu
obsorvutons uftor tukng ovor from tho
ruhmuputru ourd through tho Stuff
trunsforrod from ruhmputru ourd.
Covornmont of Mzorum und Covornmont of
Assum ssuod NCC n August 2001 und on
uy 2002 rospoctvoy. 1LC und
nvostmont upprovu uro to bo obtunod.
1ho foowng now schomos huvo boon dontfod
for oxocuton us Contru Soctor Projocts by
1. Iower KopiIi H.f. Pro[ect (1S0 MW) - Assam
: 1ho proposod Lowor Kop H.L. Projoct s
ocutod n N.C. Hs dstrct of Assum. 1ho
proposu comprsos of constructon of u 71.35
M. hgh concroto gruvty Dum ucross tho Kop
rvor n tho down stroum of tho Kop Powor
stuton. 1ho mpoundod wutor s proposod to
bo oud through u 6.8 M du. (Horso shoo)
und 3.56Km ong Houd Ruco 1unno to u som-
undor ground Powor Houso wth nstuuton
of 3 (throo) unts of 50 MW ouch. Prosonty
Hydro-motooroogcu nvostguton of tho
projoct s bong contnuod.
i) lousbty Roport submttod durng tho month
of Cct2000.
ii) Notfcuton undor Socton 18A of tho
Loctrcty (Suppy) uct 1948 hus boon obtunod
on 18/10/2002. 1ho MCU wth tho Covt. of
Assum for oxocuton of tho projoct und othor
stututory couruncos roqurod for gruntng 1LC
coud not bo obtunod yot. Lstmuto for 2
Stugo uctvtos s undor propuruton und w
bo submttod shorty
2. Ranganadi H.f. Pro[ect -Stage-ll (180 MW) -
ArunachaI Pradesh : 1hs Projoct s ocutod
10 KM upstroum of tho prosont Rungunud
Dvorson Dum. 1ho Projoct onvsugos
constructon of u 134M hgh concroto Dum
wth nstuod cupucty of 180MW. Pro-
fousbty roport hus uroudy boon submttod.
Howovor, 2
stugo courunco of tho Projoct s
undor progross. Commorcu vubty obtunod.
3. 1ripura Gas 1urbine Power Pro[ect - 1ripura :
1ho proposod 1rpuru Cus 1urbno Projoct s
ocutod ut Munurchuk of 1rpuru und ts phusod
cupucty w dopond on uvuubty of gus.
1ho MCU botwoon NLLPCC und Covt. of
1rpuru wus sgnod on 31/12/2000. 1LC
courunco wus uccordod on 19/02/2002. MCLl
courunco for ths Projoct s st uwutod.
KopiIi Hf Pro[ect Stage-ll
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
Power finance Corporation (PfC)
1ho Powor lnunco Corporuton Lmtod (PlC) wus ncorporutod n 1986 undor tho Compunos Act,1956.
1ho msson of PlC s to functon us tho prmo Dovoopmont lnuncu lnsttuton dodcutod to tho growth
und ovoru dovoopmont of tho Powor Soctor. 1ho borrowor-portfoo of PlC comprsos of Stuto Loctrcty
ourds (SLs), Stuto Conoruton 1runsmsson & Dstrbuton Compunos, Muncputy-run powor uttos
und uso contru, prvuto, jont soctor und co-oporutvo soctor powor uttos. 1ho funds provdod by tho
Corporuton uro n tho nuturo of uddtonuty to Contru Pun Aocuton (n rospoct of SLs, otc.) und busod
on tho morts of tho ndvduu projocts. 1ho Powor lnunco Corporuton s u schoduo 'A orgunsuton.
1ho ontro pud-up shuro cuptu of tho Corporuton s hod by tho Prosdont of lndu und hs nomnoos.
Durng tho your thoro hus boon no chungo n tho pud-up shuro cuptu of tho Corporuton, und ut
tho ond of Murch, 2002, t stood ut Rs. 1030.45 croros.
As on 30.11.2002, PlC sunctonod ouns of tho ordor of Rs. 8590 croros (durng 2002-03) for u wdo
rungo of powor projocts n vurous purts of tho country und dsbursomonts uro to tho tuno of Rs. 3761
croros. As on 30 Novombor, 2002 tho Authorsod Cuptu und tho Pud-up (oquty) cuptu of tho
Corporuton stood ut Rs. 2000 croros und Rs. 1030 croros, rospoctvoy. 1ho Proft oforo 1ux (provsonu),
us on 30.09.2002 wus ubout Rs. 665 croros. ln uddton to tho ubovo, PlC hud pud u dvdond of Rs.
200 croros for tho your 2001-02 und Rs. 11 Crs. ntorm dvdond for 02-03 to tho Covt. of lndu whch
owns u ts oquty. osdos bong u consstonty proft-mukng Corporuton, PlC wus pucod n tho
hghost cutogory of 'Lxcoont for tho Nnth consocutvo your, by Covt. of lndu on tho buss of ts
ovoru porformunco durng tho your 2001-02.
A tubo showng ut u gunco your-wso fnuncu porformunco of PlC, for tho pust 3 yours, s us undor:
Year 1999-2000 2000-01 2001-02
Sunctons 6492 7706 8506
Dsbursomonts 3405 3230 5150
Proft boforo tux 777 772 963
Proft uftor tux 622 604 778
Rousuton 993 1416 1992
Dvdond 124.5 150 200
1ho Corporuton hus contnuod to mobso funds
from tho domostc murkot ut compottvo rutos
through bonds/torm ouns from bunks/ls. Upto
Nov. 2002, Corporuton hus rusod Rs. 4290
croros out of whch Rs. 630 croros woro rusod
through ong torm ouns ut fxod ruto from bunks,
LlC/ls, Rs.2247 croros us short torm ouns from
vurous bunks ut u fxod ruto und Rs. 1414 croros
by wuy of tuxubo bonds.
Asian DeveIopment 8an|:
Socond no of crodt from AD s upprovod by
AD for un umount of US S 150 Mon for tho
projocts n tho roform-orontod stutos, und tho
ugroomont for tho sumo w bo sgnod shorty.
KreditanstaIt fur Wideaufbau(KfW),
PlC sgnod oun ugroomont wth KfW of
Cormuny n uno, 1995 for mxod crodt of DLM
46.5 Mon undor Lnorgy lnvostmont
Progrummo, for fnuncng rohubtuton of
oxstng Powor Punts und dstrbuton systom.
Rohubtuton of Koynu HLP Stugo l &ll n
Muhrushtr und Hrukud HLP Stugo l (Unt 3 & 4)
uro to bo covorod from tho oun. PlC hus
dsbursod Rs. 54.4 croros us on 30
for Koynu HLP of MSL und Rs. 9.7 croros to
PlC hus boon udoptng u prouctvo und prugmutc
upprouch to oncourugo mprovomont n tho
fnuncu und oporutonu offconcy of tho stuto
powor soctor. Koopng ths s vow ClAPs
consstng of soros of tmo bound ucton pun
for dfforont functonu urou of tho uttos uro
CHAP1fR - 17.S
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
formuutod. 1ho ClAPs uro formuutod wth
uctvo purtcputon of tho concornod utty und
upprovod by tho rospoctvo ourd of tho Uttos
us wo us Stuto Covt. 1ho mpomontuton of
vurous uctvtos ncudod n ClAP uro
montorod quurtory und progross roport on tho
sumo s sought from tho uttos. As on 30
Nov.2002, ClAPs uro n puco for 9SLs, 14
SCCs, 1 uutonomous body, 8 trunsmsson &
dstrbuton compunos und 4 dopurtmont run
powor uttos. ClAPs huvo boon nstrumontu
n brngng ubout u porcoptbo chungo n
quunttutvo und quututvo porformunco of Stuto
Powor Uttos functonng.
lt wus not possbo to uchovo mprovomonts
boyond u mt on tho buss of ClAP wthn tho
oxstng structuro und wth u vow to tuko tho
roform procoss to ts ogcu concuson, PlC
fuctutos formuuton of Roform ClAP. R-ClAP
bosdos umng ut brngng ubout offconcy
mprovomonts n tho stuto powor soctor und
focusos on roform/rostructurng uctvtos noodod
to crouto un nsttutonu mochunsm for tho sof
sustunubty of tho soctor n tho ong run.
Durng tho your 2002-03, R-ClAPs huvo boon
ontorod nto wth PSL, 1NL, APCLNCC,
Powor lnunco Corporuton (PlC) bong u
dovoopmontu fnuncu nsttuton provdos
tochncu und fnuncu ussstunco by strutogcuy
provdng grunts, ntorost froo und/or
concossonu ouns to curry out such powor
soctor/R&M/Dstrbuton systom studos. 1ho
mujor studos compotod durng tho curront
fnuncu your 2002-03 uro Ronovuton,
Modornsuton & Upgruduton/ LL Studos of
Vuturnu HLP und RLA/ LL Studos of husuvu
1PS Unt l of MSL, R&M/LL Study of CND 1PS
Unt lll (hutndu 1PS) of PSL und Study for
frumng HR Pocos of UPRVUNL.
Crunts worth Rs. 1.3 croros s sunctonod by PlC
durng tho your 2002-03 und un umount of Rs.
2.8 croros dsbursod upto Nov. 2002 towurds
studos R&M 1hormu, Roform & Rostructurng
und lnsttutonu Dovoopmont otc. So fur PlC
hus sunctonod Crunts worth of Rs. 36 croros
(t Nov. 2002) und roousod grunts worth
Rs.25.5 croros.
PlC, us on Nov. 2002, hus cumuutvo
sunctonod ouns worth Rs.604.5 croros towurds
R&M (Hydro) und Rs. 2701.6 croros towurds
R&M (1hormu). 1ho corrospondng cumuutvo
dsbursomonts t Nov. 2002 uro Rs. 471.6 coros
und Rs.2045.2 croro for R&M (Hydro) und R&M
(1hormu) rospoctvoy.
PlC hus so fur supportod 7352 MW of
Conoruton Cupucty by wuy of sunctonng
fnuncu ussstunco of ubout Rs.5521 croros to
31 Prvuto Powor Projocts. 1hs ncudos
mportunt gonoruton projocts vz. Lunko
Kondupu Powor Projocts n Andhru Prudosh,
Cuptvo Powor Punt of Sungh lndustros n
Cujurut, Muunu Powor n Hmuchu Prudosh,
uuj Powor n 1um Nudu otc. Durng tho
curront lnuncu Your 2002-03, PlC hus
sunctonod u numbor of ouns to mportunt
prvuto powor projocts ncudng 156 MW CCC1
of Cujurut Stuto Lnorgy Conoruton n Cujurut,
454 MW Cus busod 1PS of Cuutum Powor
Projocts und 4 nos. o-muss busod Prvuto Powor
Projocts n Andhru Prudosh.
Durng tho curront lnuncu Your so fur PlC hus
sunctonod projoct ouns worth Rs.416.45 croros
und Rs.20.50 croros stunds dsbursod.
Cumuutvoy, 714 MW gonoruton cupuctos n
Prvuto Soctor huvo boon commssonod wth
PlCs support, so fur.
Durng tho 9
Pun, tho progrummo hus hopod n
commssonng of now Conoruton Cupucty of 5859
Mw consstng of 5454 MW n tho Stuto Soctor und
405 MW n tho Contru Soctor. Conoruton Cupucty
uddton n tho Stuto Soctor durng tho 9
Pun s
88 of tho orgnu turgotod cupucty.
1ho dsbursomont undor AC&SP durng 2001-
02 wus Rs.2855 croros und tho cumuutvo
dsbursomont n 9
Pun wus Rs.9609 croros.
1ho AC&SP schomo hus now boon oxtondod to
1onth Pun wth tho foowng modfcutons
u) 1ho ogbty for fundng s nkod to porformunco
on ugrood mnmum mostonos of roform
b) lntorost subsdy s roducod from 4 to 3
c) 1ho scopo of ussstunco undor tho schomo to bo
mtod to ony tho Stuto Soctor gonoruton und
R&M projocts.
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
(Rs. n croros)
Parameters 1arget for Achievement as on Different between 1arget
2003 30.11.02 (Unaudited & Achievement 1.4.2002
financiaI ResuIt) to 30.1102
Sunctons 7500 8590 -
Dsbursomonts 4500 3761 739
Rousuton 92 95 -
Rosourco Mobsuton 2620 3091 -
AC&SP (Dsbursomont) 1200 - -
Cross Murgn 695 665 30
Not Proft to Cosng Notworth () 11.80 11.14 -
Cporutng Ruto () (Cporutng cost 66.92 47.57 -
to Cporutng Rovonuo)
PlC offors Consutuncy Sorvcos to both stuto-
ownod und prvuto powor uttos n 7 broud
urous, Rostructurng und Roform uctvtos,
oporutonusuton of roformod onttos,
lnuncu munugomont of rosourcos ncudng
mobsuton und uccountng systoms, Projoct-
structurng/ punnng/ dovoopmont/ Spocfc
studos, mpomontuton munugomont,
offconcy mprovomont projocts, Dovoopmont
of sustunubo humun rosourco puns,
Communcuton und nformuton
dssomnuton, lnformuton munugomont
systoms, und Logu und contruct routod sorvcos
for tho powor soctor.
1ho thrust urou for consutuncy s to provdo
support for oporutonusuton of now powor
onttos ncudng SLRC und to broudon tho
oquty buso of tho powor onttos n un offort
towurds thor commorcuzuton of oporutons.
PlC hus un unmutchod rocord of huvng
undortukon 9 turff routod ussgnmonts covorng
tho whoo spoctrum of turff fxuton, ussstunco
to tho Utty n formuuton of 1urff, to tho
Roguutor n scrutny of tho 1urff Potton, to
tho Stuto Covt. n propuruton of objoctons to
tho potton us wo us ussstunco to u utty n
fng of rovow potton. PlC hus n tho urou of
rosourco mobsuton boon rotunod us udvsors
to Covornmont of Hmuchu Prudosh for throo
consutuncy ussgnmonts whoron PlC ussstod
CoHP n rusng u totu of ubout Rs.1250 croros.
ln uddton, PlC hus undortukon ussgnmonts
on foubty of V Purtnor Soocton for Nucour
Powor Corporuton lndu Ltd. (NPClL) Kugu 3
& 4 Atomc Powor Projoct ocutod n Kurnutuku,
Consutuncy Sorvcos n tho urou of contructuu,
(commorcu und ogu) uspocts of
Rofurbshmont contruct for Punput 1PS
(4x110 MW) of Huryunu Powor Conoruton
Corporuton Ltd. (HPCCL), n tho urou of
Projoct Apprusu for un lPP n Kurnutuku und
n dovoopng Accountng Systoms for
unbundod onttos n Rujusthun.
PlC hus snco Cctobor 2000 und upto
Novombor ond 2002 undortukon 16
Consutuncy Assgnmonts n 10 dfforont stutos
und puns to curvo out u ncho n tho fod of
Contruct Munugomont routod ussgnmonts n
tho tmo to como.
1ARGf1S, ACHlfVfMfN1S (1/4/2002 1O
Undor AC&SP schomo tho uchovomonts undor
gross murgn, not proft to cosng notworth und
oporutng ruto uro us por tho huf youry rosuts
us on 30.9.2002. lurthor, upurt from tho
suncton of ouns to tho oxtont of Rs.8590
croros, PlC hus sunctonod Rs.25 croros to bo
nvostod n oquty fund of powor projocts
fU1URf PfRSPfC1lVf - PIANNfD DURlNG 1Hf YfAR 2002-03
Durng tho curront fnuncu your 2002-03, PlC hus commttod to uchovo u dsbursomont ovo of
Rs.4800 croros to uchovo tho oxcoont rutng for dsbursomont undor tho MoU sgnod wth tho
Covornmont of lndu und uro confdont of oxcoodng thut ovo. Durng tho 10
Pun, PlCs turgot for
dsbursomont s Rs.43,300 croros for vurous powor und uod projocts.
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
Powor Crd Corporuton of lndu mtod
(PCWLRCRlD) wus ncorporutod on Cctobor 23,
1989 wth un uuthorzod shuro cuptu of Rs. 5,000
croros us u pubc mtod compuny, whoy ownod
by tho Covornmont of lndu.
PCWLRCRlD sturtod functonng on munugomont
buss wth offoct from August, 1991 und t took
ovor trunsmsson ussots from N1PC, NHPC,
NLLPCC und othor Contru/ont Soctor
Crgunsutons durng 1992-93 n u phusod munnor.
ln uddton to ths, t uso took ovor tho oporuton
of oxstng Rogonu Loud Dosputch Contros from
CLA n u phusod munnor, whch uro now bong
upgrudod wth Stuto of-tho-urt Unfod Loud
Dosputch und Communcuton (ULDC) schomos.
Accordng to ts munduto, tho Corporuton, upurt
from provdng trunsmsson systom for ovucuuton
of contru soctor powor, s uso rosponsbo for
Lstubshmont und Cporuton of Rogonu und
Nutonu Powor Crds to fuctuto trunsfor of powor
wthn und ucross tho Rogons wth Roubty,
Socurty und Lconomy on sound commorcu
usod on ts porformunco PCWLRCRlD wus
rocognsod us u Mini-ratna compuny by tho
Covornmont of lndu n Cctobor 1998.
PCWLRCRlD hus uso boon notfod us CentraI
1ransmission UtiIity of tho country uftor
umondmonts n tho Loctrcty Luws n 1998.
As on 1/12/2002, PCWLRCRlD s oporutng ubout
42,000 c|t. |ms. trunsmsson nos, whch ncudo
563 ckt. kms. of 800 kV, 2,999 ckt. kms. of HVDC
systom, 29,045 ckt. kms. of 400 kV , 7,252 ckt.
kms. of 220 kV nos, 2,042 ckt. kms. of 132 kV
& 37 ckt. kms. of 66 kV ovo uong wth 75 Sub-
stutons wth trunsformuton cupucty of ovor
39,000 MVA. 1ho trunsmsson systom uvuubty
s muntunod consstonty ovor 98.5 by
dopoyng bost Cporuton und Muntonunco
pructcos ut pur wth ntornutonu uttos und
toduy PCWLRCRlD s one of the Iargest
transmission utiIities n tho Word. PCWLRCRlD
contnuos to whoo ubout 40 of totu powor
gonorutod n tho country through ts gguntc
trunsmsson notwork.
usod on tho rosuts for tho lY 2001-02,
PCWLRCRlD hus uchovod Lxcoont
Porformunco rutng us por ts MoU ontorod wth
Mnstry of Powor for tho 9th succossvo your.
PCWLRCRlD hus uso buggod tho prostgous
Prime Ministers MoU Award for tho yours 1999-
Power Grid Corporation of lndia Itd (POWfRGRlD)
2000 & 2000-2001 und s tho ony Pubc Soctor
Lntorprso n lndun Powor soctor to rocovo ths
honour for four succossvo yours snco ncopton
of ths Awurd.
Durng tho fnuncu your 2001-02, tho compuny
ournod u Proft uftor 1ux of Rs. 688.62 Croro on u
1urn Cvor of Rs. 2455.52 Croro, thoroby nottod
28.04 of tho 1urn Cvor us proft ugunst 27.68
durng 2000-01. At tho ond of tho fnuncu your
2001-02, tho compuny hus un mprossvo Cross
Assot buso of Rs. 13,777 Croro und tho cuptu
ompoyod by tho orgunsuton stood ut Rs.
10413.59 croros. Pud up cuptu of tho compuny,
ncudng Shuro Cuptu Dopost us on 31st Murch,
2002 stunds ut Rs.3068 Croro, us ugunst thut of
3064 Croro us on 31st Murch, 2001. 1ho Roturn
on Not Worth for tho compuny wus ut 10.19 n
2001-02, croutng sgnfcunt vuuo for tho
Durng tho your 2001-02, PCWLRCRlD hus boon
ubo to mobso tho roqusto rosourcos to un oxtont
of Rs. 2518 Croro to curry out ts nvostmont
progrummo. Durng tho your 2001-02,
PCWLRCRlD oxocutod u oun ugroomont wth tho
Word unk for un umount of USS 450 mon
for mpomontuton of ts vurous projocts. Apurt
from tuppng ntornutonu murkot, PCWLRCRlD
rusod ubout Rs.2245 Croro from tho domostc
murkot through ouns und onds. 1hoso woro rusod
through prvuto pucomont of bonds us wo us
through ong-torm ouns. As u rosut of tho prudont
fund mobzuton strutogy, tho compuny coud not
ony uttruct tho coupon rutos, owor thun provung
murkot rutos, but uso of ongor tonuros thun usuu.
Moroovor, tho prvuto pucomont ssuos woro
ovor-subscrbod by moro thun two tmos, whch
shows tho compunys ropututon n tho lndun dobt/
cuptu murkot.
PCWLRCRlD hus udoptod un udvuncod und cost
offoctvo lntogrutod Projoct Munugomont und
Contro Systom (lPMCS) for totu projoct rovow
und montorng on roguur buss. Somo of tho
ntutvos tukon to roduco tmo porod of projoct
commssonng uro, udvunco ucton to dovoop
spocfcutons, stundurdzuton of dosgn und
coocton of projoct dutu, survoy und so
nvostguton, undortukng tondorng uctvtos otc.,
n puruo wth projoct upprovu procoss. 1hoso
prouctvo mousuros huvo od to substuntu
oconomc bonofts to tho nuton.
Lffcont munugomont onsurod compoton of
strngng of 13S1 c|t. Kms. of trunsmsson nos
CHAP1fR - 17.6
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
durng tho your 2001-02, oxcoodng tho MoU turgot
(Lxcoont) of 11SS c|t. Kms.
Durng tho your 2001-02, 864 c|t. Kms. of
trunsmsson nos woro commssonod nto tho
notwork, whch ncudo 400 kV hurshurff-Surnuth
l & ll, 220 kV uundhur-Humrpur l & ll, 220 kV
Noyvo-uhoor und LlLC of 400 kV Noyvo-1rchy
ll. A new 400/220 |V sub-station at AIIahabad
has aIso been estabIished, bosdos oxtonson of
muny oxstng sub-stutons. PCWLRCRlD uso
compotod 400 kV D/c Nuthpu-hukr-Nuugurh
no, ust purt of tho trunsmsson systom ussocutod
wth Nuthpu-hukr HLP, whch coud not bo
commssonod duo to douy n tho gonoruton
ln uddton to ubovo, constructon uctvtos of
ubout 9,890 ckt. kms. of trunsmsson nos of
vurous votugo ovos und 14 sub-stutons uro
progrossng wo. 1runsmsson systoms ussocutod
wth Rumugundum-lll, Chumoru-ll, Dhuugungu,
Duhust HLP und 1ohr uro somo of tho mujor
gonoruton nkod projocts undor constructon.
Constructon works n rospoct of lntor-rogonu nks
ko Lust-South lntor-connoctor - ll projoct (1uchor
Kour), Lust-North HVDC lntor-connoctor (ut
Susurum) und Lust-Wost AC ntor-connoctor (Rupur-
Rourkou) trunsmsson systom uro uso n thor fnu
phusos. Now gonoruton nkod schomos to bo
commoncod durng lY 2002-03 ncudo
trunsmsson systoms for 1uu HLP, Rhund-ll, und
1urupur 3&4.
PCWLRCRlD hus punnod tho mpomontuton of
sovoru now systom mprovomont schomos ucross
tho country for optmu utsuton of gonorutng
rosourcos. Cn-gong grd strongthonng schomos
ncudo Systom strongthonng l & ll n SR,
Kuhuguon-hurshurff no, Soros componsuton
of Punk-Murudnugur no, hur grd strongthonng
schomo, Rungunud-Zro no, Muu-uu
1runsmsson no, Systom mprovomont schomo
n UPPCL, otc. 1ho now schomos, whch uro undor
nvostmont upprovu stugo ncudo,
1uu Suppomontury trunsmsson systom,
Rupur-Chundrupur 400 kV D/c, Systom
strongthonng - lll n SR, Noomunguu-Mysoro 400
kV nos n SR otc.
PCWLRCRlD, un lSC 9001 cortfod compuny,
hus ucqurod n-houso oxportso ut pur wth gobu
stundurds n tho fod of Punnng, Lngnoorng,
Loud Dosputch und Communcuton,
1oocommuncuton, Contructng, lnuncu und
Projoct Munugomont. 1hus, t s n u poston to
offor ts oxportso to uttos ut u gobu ovo.
PCWLRCRlD hus gonorutod consutuncy busnoss
of Rs. 41 Croro durng 2001-02. Such busnoss
dovoopmont uctvtos yodod n consutuncy foo
rousuton of Rs. 11.85 Croro us compurod to Rs.
12.83 Croro durng ust your. Somo of tho mujor
conts from whom turnkoy oxocuton contructs
woro socurod uro Loctrcty Dopt, Cou, Loctrcty
Dopt, U1 Chundgurh, Loctrcty Dopt,
Pondchorry, Accoorutod Powor Dovoopmont und
Roform progrummo (APDRP), Mnstry of Powor,
UPPCL, NLLPCC, SLS, Utturunchu Powor
Corporuton Ltd. otc.
PCWLRCRlD s uso provdng consutuncy for
ostubshng optcu fbro notwork on tho 1&D
notwork of vurous SLs, vz AP1RANSCC, RSL,
KSL, 1NL, WSL, DVC, DV otc. us wo us
SLS, u prvuto trunsmsson utty whch hus
dvorsfod nto toocom busnoss. PCWLRCRlD hus
succossfuy oxocutod moro thun 100 Km. lbro
Cptc Communcuton notwork for SLS nvovng
Lngnoorng, Contruct Awurd, lnstuuton, und
1ostng & Commssonng.
PCWLRCRlD s tho ony Asun consutunt short-
stod by Nopu Loctrcty Authorty, for oxocuton
of AD fundod trunsmsson no projocts n Nopu.
MCU wth 1uu Hydro Loctrc Authorty of hutun
s bong sgnod for provdng consutuncy for
Lngnoorng und Awurd of optcu fbro
communcuton on thor trunsmsson systom und
sottng up of Nutonu Loud Dosputch Contro for
hutun. PCWLRCRlD hus strongthonod ts routons
wth M/S KLMA Consutuncy, un orgunzuton of
ntornutonu roputo n tho urou of Systom
Coordnuton und Contro to shuro tho oxportso
for tuppng tho ntornutonu murkot potontu.
PCWLRCRlD hus uchovod u unquo undmurk
wth tho commssonng of tho urgost Unfod Loud
Dsputch & Communcuton schomos, n Northorn
& Southorn Rogons wth throo horurchcu ovos
us ugunst two ovos bong mpomontod
wordwdo, whch woro dodcutod to tho nuton
by Honbo Prmo Mnstor und Honbo Mnstor
of Powor, rospoctvoy. 1ho mpomontuton of
Unfod Loud Dosputch & Communcuton schomos
n tho rost of tho throo rogons (Lustorn rogon,
North-Lustorn rogon und Wostorn rogon) uro n
dfforont stugos of oxocuton.
1hoso compox projocts nvovng tho modorn stuto-
of-tho-urt tochnoogy shu rosut n rou tmo
montorng und contro of tho grd to onhunco
roubty, stubty, und socurty n u tho rogons
of tho country. 1hoso fuctos uro koy to
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
mnmzo grd dsturbunco/fuuro und fuctuto
quck grd rostoruton, n cuso of fuuro. 1ho
concornod ugoncos ncudng consutunts und
ntornutonu fnuncu ugoncos woro upprohonsvo
ubout smooth und tmoy compoton of tho projoct,
us smur projocts uttomptod by othor uttos n
tho word hud to fuco proboms durng
procuromont und oxocuton oudng to nordnuto
douys. PCWLRCRlD, howovor, commssonod
tho projocts uhoud of contruct schoduos, whch s
tostmony of PCWLRCRlDs toumwork.
1o muntun tochnoogcu oudorshp,
PCWLRClRD hus omburkod upon u conscous
pocy to pursuo tho Rosourch und Dovoopmontu
offorts to romun ut pur wth ntornutonu
orgunzutons n tho fod und to onubo sustunod
growth of tho compuny n tmo to como.
PCWLRCRlD s ussocutod wth promor ucudomc
nsttutons ko ll1 Doh und ll1, Khurugpur for
Rosourch und Dovoopmont n tho vurous fods
of Powor systom. Apurt from nvovng ucudomc
nsttutons, PCWLRCRlD s tukng uctvo
ussstunco from Contru Powor Rosourch lnsttuto
(CPRl), unguoro und hurut Houvy Loctrcus
lndu Ltd. (HLL).
Somo of tho mujor R&D uctvtos undortukon by
tho compuny uro us foows,
ControIIed Shunt Reactor:
1ho Controod shunt rouctor gots connoctod
und dsconnoctod uutomutcuy us por tho
prosot votugo condtons of tho systom for
controng systom votugos. A 50 MVAR
controod shunt rouctor hus boon dovoopod
n ussocuton wth HLL und nstuod on 400
kV ubupur lturus no ut lturus S/S.
Use of composite lnsuIators:
Composto nsuutors offor muny udvuntugos
such us bottor pouton porformunco, ouso n
orocton und roducod muntonunco otc.
Howovor oxporonco of ts uso n lndun
onvronmont s mtod. PCWLRCRlD hus usod
composto nsuutors on tru buss on u smu
strotch of 400 kV Rumugundum - Hydorubud
no und porformunco s bong montorod
roguury. 1ho rosuts uro quto oncourugng.
lurthor offorts uro on uong wth M/S HLL to
dovoop ndgonous tochnoogy for composto
ln house design of transmission tower & sub
station structures:
Wth un objoctvo of stundurdzuton of dosgn
to uchovo tho bonofts of roducton n
nvontoros & projoct oxocuton tmo, n-houso
dosgns huvo boon undortukon. 9 Nos. of
400 kV AC towors ncudng towors for co
oudng condtons woro dosgnod und
succossfuy tostod. lurthor, n-houso dosgn
of 7 nos of towors und 400 kV & 220 kV
substuton structuros huvo boon compotod
durng tho ust your. ln uddton to ths,
PCWLRCRlD hus dosgnod und currod out
fod domonstruton of strongthonng of oxstng
towors on Nuugurh-Hssur 400 kV D/C
1runsmsson Lno.
Design Optimization Studies for 800 |V D/C Iine.
PCWLRCRlD compotod promnury dosgn
optmzuton studos for 800 kV D/C
1runsmsson no und commoncod n-houso
towor dosgns for tho no.
Modern maintenance technique for HVDC
transmission Iine.
1ho corporuton currod out u tru-cum-
domonstruton oxorcso ut Kunpur on _ 500
kV HVDC Rhund Dudr trunsmsson no
wth quud conductor. 1ho oxorcso prmury
nvovod usng tho spocuy dovoopod proto-
typo fxturos und woro tostod undor vurous
C&M uctvtos. 1hoso uro oxpoctod to grouty
roduco shutdown tmo und consoquonty
ncrouso uvuubty for both HVDC und
HVAC nos.
ReaI time monitoring of transmission Iines
for maintenance.
lor tho frst tmo n Asu (othor thun APAN),
PCWLRCRlD s n tho procoss of nstung u
systom for RLAL 1lML MCNl1CRlNC Cl
(RLM1RAM), on Dudr uubgurh no, on
un oxpormontu buss. Whon commssonod,
t woud provdo vuuubo dutu routod to
vurous purumotors of u trunsmsson no, thus
not ony mukng t possbo to tuko provontvo
mousuros, but uso provdng mportunt
nformuton for futuro dosgns.
Punctured lnsuIator Detector (PlD).
PCWLRCRlD s gvng spocu omphuss to
on-no tostng of tho nsuutor strngs on
crtcu nos to dotoct tho puncturod nsuutors,
whch cunnot bo dotoctod durng routno
muntonunco. 1hrough PlD, tho puncturod
nsuutors uro dotoctod on vo no und
uppropruto ucton s tukon n udvunco to uvod
ong outugo of tho no.
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
PCWLRCRlD rocognzos lnformuton 1ochnoogy
us u koy orgunzutonu rosourco to bo ovorugod
for onubng smooth coro busnoss oporuton und
communcuton. 1ho Corporuto l1 pun und Roud
Mup druwn up by PCWLRCRlD uro strcty
udhorod to n progrossvo mpomontuton of l1 n
tho orgunzuton. As u rosut of dodcutod offorts,
MoU purumotors portunng to lnformuton
1ochnoogy huvo succossfuy boon uchovod wo
uhoud of tho turgotod dutos. Koopng ubroust wth
tho tochnoogy dovoopmonts, PCWLRCRlD hus
strongthonod tho lnformuton 1ochnoogy
nfrustructuro n u of ts offcos. 1ho Corporate
lN1RANf1 mpomontod n PCWLRCRlD s
sorvng us u common nformuton ropostory und
knowodgo buso. Wob busod uppcutons for Grid
Parameter monitoring, Operation Status reporting,
and Human Resources information uro bong
roguury uunchod on PCWLRCRlD lN1RANL1
bosdos othor ropostory of nformuton, roports
und uttos.
A web based lnspection CaII Management system,
dovoopod n-houso, hus boon mpomontod on
PCWLRCRlD lN1RANL1 wobsto, e-enabIing tho
Lqupmont nspocton cu oggng, truckng und
roportng procoss wth tho vondors, sub-vondors
und A&l offcors us usors. PCWLRCRlD hus uso
ovorugod ts n-houso oxportso to dovoop un
ontorprso wdo lnuncu Accountng uppcuton,
whch s bong dopoyod n u ts offcos.
ASSlS1lNG Sf8s
PCWLRCRlD hus oxtondod ts oxportso to ussst
tho Stuto Loctrcty ourds n mprovng thor sub-
trunsmsson und dstrbuton notworks.
lnudoquuto shunt componsuton n tho dstrbuton
notwork of Stuto uttos hus boon u consstont
probom fucod n tho country oudng to hghor
1&D ossos, dogruduton of votugo profos, undor-
utsuton of LHV trunsmsson notwork. SLs or
tho succossor uttos on uccount of fnuncu
construnts huvo not boon ubo to uccord u hgh
prorty und ruso funds from mututoru/
ntornutonu ondors. 1o copo up wth ths,
PCWLRCRlD, us u fuctutor hus offorod ts
sorvcos to vurous SLs on no proft-no oss
buss. SLs uro roqurod to como up wth thor
proposus n ths rogurd.
PCWLRCRlD hus boon uppontod by Mnstry of
Powor us Advsor-cum-consutunt for Accoorutod
Powor Dovoopmont Roform Progrummo (APDRP).
Nnotoon dstrbuton crcos n tho country huvo
boon ontrustod to PCWLRCRlD to dovoop us
contors of oxcoonco / proft contors und modos
for omuuton by othors. Dotuod projoct roports
for thoso dstrbuton crcos woro submttod wthn
u tmo bound schoduo to MCP. ln uddton to
ths, PCWLRCRlD s uso suporvsng tho work
ussgnod to throo othor Advsor-cum-consutunts
numoy NPC, WAPCCS und LRDA n rospoct of
oghtoon dontfod dstrbuton crcos.
Dovoopmont of odhpur cty n Rujusthun us modo
dstrbuton crco n ussocuton wth odhpur
Vdyut Vtrun Ltd. hus uso boon ontrustod to
PCWLRCRlD. Possbty of foutng subsidiaries
uro bong oxumnod, whch n turn muy tuko up
tho munugomont of dstrbuton urous n cortun
Stutos / Unon 1orrtoros.
Uniting the human chain
1ho Corporuton hus rutonuzod und stundurdzod
u numbor of schomos, whch w fuctuto ovoru
sutsfucton umongst ompoyoos. Now mothods
huvo boon mpomontod to ussoss tho potontu
und porformunco of ompoyoo und frondy systoms
huvo boon dosgnod to rowurd ompoyoos
domonstrutng consstonty outstundng
fmpIoyees WeII being
Durng tho your, tho Corporuton hus rondorod
fuctos und support for croutng uvonuos for
rocroutonu uctvtos for ompoyoos und thor
fumy und to oncourugo thom to uct us un ugont
for tho communty purtcputon/dovoopmont. ln
unuury, 2002, PCWLRCRlD hostod u lntor Powor
Soctor PSU Crckot 1ournumont ut Socundorubud,
n whch u tho PSUs undor tho Mnstry of Powor
purtcputod. ln somo of tho romoto substutons,
PCWLRCRlD hus fuctutod tho ostubshmont of
schoos for tho bonoft of ompoyoos wurds. 1ho
corporuton hus uwuys tukon curo of houth of tho
ompoyoos und thor fumy mombors & to ths
ond ut oust ono hosptu hus boon ompunood n
tho vcnty of PCWLRCRlD ostubshmont. 1hs
hus provdod u consdorubo roof to thoso
ompoyoos who uro postod n tho romoto ocuton.
SociaI [ustice
1ho Corporuton hus mpomontod u Covt.
Droctvos to tuko curo of tho ntorosts of Schoduod
Custo, Schoduod 1rbo und Cthor uckwurd
Cussos. lor montorng t, PCWLRCRlD hus
nomnutod Luson Cffcors n tho Corporuto Contro
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
und Rogonu Lstubshmonts. lurthor, uppropruto
funds huvo boon ourmurkod for tho wofuro of tho
SC/S1 communty und huvo mpomontod u
numbor of wofuro schomos n tho SC/S1 popuutod
vugos nour ts ostubshmonts.
PCWLRCRlD nsttutod POWfRGRlD Award of
fxceIIence to honour omnont / outstundng
porsonutos / orgunsutons. 1ho uwurd w curry
ctuton und cush przo of Rs. 1 ukh (Rupoos ono
ukh ony) n ouch fod und w bo unnouncod
ovory your on Rusng Duy .o. 23
Cctobor to bo
prosontod ut u sutubo functon subsoquonty.
1o sturt wth, for tho your 2001, PCWLRCRlD
honourod two dstngushod porsonutos n tho
fod of lnformuton 1ochnoogy und Powor Soctor
rospoctvoy. Subsoquonty, from tho your 2002
POWfRGRlD Award of fxceIIence shu bo
uwurdod to omnont porsonutos / orgunsutons
n tho fods of Powor Soctor, lnformuton
1ochnoogy und Lnvronmont.
ln ordor to tucko onvronmontu ssuos offoctvoy,
PCWLRCRlD s rogousy foowng ts unquo
Lnvronmontu und Socu Pocy & Procoduros
(LSPP) n ovory sphoro of projoct mpomontuton.
1ho LSPP outnos PCWLRCRlDs commtmont to
dou wth onvronmontu und socu ssuos routng
to ts trunsmsson projocts, uys out munugomont
procoduros und protoco to uddross thom.
Rohubtuton Acton Pun (RAP)/Socu
Assossmont Munugomont Pun (SAMP) woro
druwn up und mpomontuton for u of ts
projocts n no wth LSPP. 1hon
Lxocutvos woro uso trunod to mpomont LSPP.
PCWLRCRlDs LHV trunsmsson notwork of ubout
42,000 ckt. kms. crss-crossos tho ontro ongth
und broudth of tho country connoctng tho mujor
motropotun ctos/ towns vz. Doh, Cucuttu,
Chonnu, unguoro, Hydorubud, Mumbu otc.
Honco, t provdos un oxcoont nfrustructuro for
strngng optcu fbro cubo, whch cun bo usod
to sot-up u hgh-grudo ong dstunco toocom
notwork of hgh cupucty. 1hs w muxmso tho
roturns to PCWLRCRlD, whch woud bo
dopoyod for oxpodtous mpomontuton of
Nutonu Crd und w uso uccooruto uppcuton
of lnformuton 1ochnoogy to urbun und ruru urous
us wo us ncrouso tho too-donsty.
1ho Unfod Loud Dsputch & Communcuton
(ULDC) schomos roquro dodcutod wdobund
communcutons notworks to trunsfor urgo umount
of dutu & curry mossugos for roubo & offcont
rou tmo grd oporuton. 1o fuctuto ths,
PCWLRCRlD hus uroudy ud out un optcu fbro
notwork of ovor 4,700 kms. on ts trunsmsson
nos, by dopoyng utost vo no nstuuton
tochnquo wthout compromsng on tho
uvuubty of ts trunsmsson notwork.
PCWLRCRlD s uso n tho procoss of nstuuton
of optcu fbro cubos n North-Lustorn, Lustorn
und Wostorn Rogons und tho totu notwork undor
ULDC schomos w bo ubout 6000 Kms ucross
tho country. 1ho spuro cupucty uvuubo to
PCWLRCRlD on ts u lndu optcu fbro notwork
n tho ULDC toocommuncuton nfrustructuro uro
bong utsod to oxpot commorcu toocom
PCWLRCRlD hus uroudy commoncod commorcu
oporuton of ts toocom nks botwoon Doh to
Chundgurh, ubupur to Dhuo, Doh to upur
und Doh to Moorut. 1ho Sorvco ugroomont for
ousng out bundwdth for unnuu foo of Rs. 7.50
Croro wus sgnod wth 1oocom sorvco provdors
und rovonuo of Rs 2.47 Croro wus rouzod ugunst
u turgot of Rs. 2 Croro durng tho fnuncu your
2001-02. lurthor, PCWLRCRlD hus uroudy
compotod tho prostgous DeIhi-Mumbai Iin|, u
hgh truffc routo for tuppng tho murkot potontu.
PCWLRCRlD s punnng to ostubsh u 1oocom
buckbono notwork of ubout 14,000 Kms.
connoctng 56 ctos ncudng u motros und mujor
towns. PCWLRCRlD hus uroudy prortsod somo
of tho mportunt nks, whch ncudo:
Northfastern State capitaIs and ma[or towns
Lfforts uro uso on to dovoop stuto ovo toocom
notworks utzng SLs 1&D notworks und
nfrustructuro for whch tho procoss of formng
ont Vonturo wth SLs/ 1oocoms uro n fu
swng. ln uddton to ths, PCWLRCRlD hus
ntutod duoguo wth hutun for provdng
consutuncy n 1oocom und undortuko oxocuton
of turnkoy 1oocom projocts.
lurthor, vurous compunos wth hgh cupucty
bundwdth roquromont vz. Dshnot DSL, VSNL,
S1Pl otc. huvo shown koon ntorost n utzng
PCWLRCRlDs stubo, sturdy, vundusm proof,
hgh uvuubty notwork.
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
1HDC, u ont Vonturo Corporuton of tho Covt.
of lndu und Covt. of U.P., wus ncorporutod us u
Lmtod Compuny undor tho Compunos Act,1956,
n uy88, wth tho foowng objoctvos:
1o pun, promoto und orgunso un ntogrutod
und offcont dovoopmont of hydro rosourcos
of hugruth rvor und ts trbuturos ut 1ohr
und compomontury downstroum dovoopmont
(tho 1ohr Compox) for powor gonoruton und
othor purposos n u ts uspocts.
1o undortuko n u smur munnor tho
dovoopmont und hurnossng of such
hydroooctrc stos/projocts n hugruth/
hungunu vuoys us muy bo ontrustod to tho
compuny by tho Stuto Covt.
1HDC s prosonty rosponsbo for tho
mpomontuton of tho 1ohr Hydro Powor Compox
(2400 MW), comprsng tho foowng compononts:
1ehri Dam & Hydro Power PIant (HPP)
(1000 MW) : 260.5 m hgh Rock l Dum
(Stugo-l of tho Compox), wth 1000 MW
undorground Hydro Powor Punt huvng four
convontonu 1urbno Conorutor sots of 250
MW ouch (Stugo-l of tho Compox).
Koteshwar Dam & HPP (400 MW) : 97.5 m
hgh Concroto Dum und 400 MW Hydro
Powor Punt ut Kotoshwur, 22 Km. downstroum
of 1ohr. Kotoshwur Projoct s u run-off-rvor
schomo wth mnmum durnu storugo. 1ho
Kotoshwur Projoct w roguuto wutor roousos
from 1ohr Rosorvor for rrguton purposos.
1ehri Pumped Storage PIant (PSP) (1000 MW)
:1ohr PSP schomo hus boon onvsugod to
gonoruto 1000 MW of poukng powor for
onhuncng systom roubty und uso to
provdo buuncng oud to tho thormu buso
gonoruton durng off pouk hours. 1ho
rosorvor croutod by tho 1ohr Dum woud
functon us upstroum rosorvor for ths Projoct,
who tho Kotoshwur Dum rosorvor shu bo
tho owor rosorvor.
1ho Corporuton hus un uuthorsod shuro cuptu
of Rs.3000 Cr. 1ho cost of tho Projoct s bong
shurod n tho ruto of 75:25 (oquty porton) by
Covt. of lndu & Covt. of U.P. for Powor
Componont, who tho lrrguton Componont (20
of Stugo-l cost) s to bo ontroy fundod by tho
Covt. of U.P.
1ehri Hydro DeveIopment Corporation (1HDC)
1ho Corporuton s ongugod n tho mpomontuton
of 1ohr Projoct (Stugo-l). 1ho 400 MW Kotoshwur
HLP hus uso boon courod by tho Covt. for
mpomontuton und work hus boon tukon up.
1ho updutod Dotuod Projoct Roport (DPR) for
1ohr PSP(1000 MW) hus boon propurod by M/s
Ldl und M/s Co , lronch Consutunts undor
lronch Ad. usod on tho updutod DPR, tho
updutod Cost Lstmuto hus boon courod by CLA.
1ho procoss of Covt. upprovu s undor wuy.
1HDC by vrtuo of ts oxportso, ts urou of
oporuton, prosonco n tho urou, und objoctvos, s
n u poston to tuko up furthor projocts, purtcuury
tho oxpodtous dovoopmont of hydro potontu of
Utturunchu, whoro 1HDCs urou of oporuton
prosonty os.
1HDC hus tukon up tho muttor wth tho Covt. of
Utturunchu for hundng ovor furthor projocts to
1HDC. ln ths rogurd Mnstry of Powor hus uso
urgod tho Covt. of Utturunchu for hundng ovor
of somo Projocts n Curhwu rogon of Utturunchu
Stuto to 1HDC for oxpodtous dovoopmont of
tho vust untuppod hydro potontu of tho Stuto.
1HDC und Lngnoors lndu Lmtod (LlL) huvo
roconty sgnod Momorundum of Undorstundng
(MCU) to co-oporuto und ovorugo thor rospoctvo
strongths und compotoncos for gottng Now
Projocts n tho fod of Hydro Powor Dovoopmont
n lndu und ubroud.
1ho bonofts from tho 1ohr Hydro Powor Compox
w bo us undor :
- Addton to tho nstuod gonorutng cupucty
2400 MW
n tho Northorn Rogon (1000 MW on
compoton of 1ohr Stugo-l)
- Annuu onorgy uvuubty (Poukng) 6200 MU
(3568 MU on compoton of 1ohr Stugo-l)
- lrrguton (uddtonu) 2.70 Luc hu.
- Stubsuton of oxstng rrguton:6.04Luc. hu.
- osdos ubovo, 300 Cusocs (162 mon guons
por duy) of drnkng wutor for Doh whch w
moot tho roquromonts of ubout 40 Luc. poopo.
- ln uddton, 200 Cusocs (108 mon guons
por duy) of drnkng wutor for towns und
vugos of U.P. whch w moot tho
roquromont of 30 Luc. poopo.
CHAP1fR - 17.7
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
- lntogrutod dovoopmont of Curhwu rogon,
ncudng constructon of u now h stuton
town wth provson of u cvc fuctos,
mprovod communcuton, oducuton, houth,
toursm, dovoopmont of hortcuturo, fshoros,
und ufforostuton of tho rogon.
1fHRl DAM & HPP, S1AGf-l (1000 MW)
1ohr Dum Projoct s u mutpurposo hydro Projoct
undor constructon on tho rvor hugruth n
Uttrunchu Stuto. 1ohr Hydro Powor Punt (Stugo-
l) ncudos tho constructon of tho 260.5m hgh
rockf Dum, spwuy structuros, powor tunnos
und un undorground powor cuvorn wth un
nstuod cupucty of 1000 MW (4X250MW).
Covornmont of lndu on 15.3.1994 uccordod
upprovu for oxocuton of 1ohr Dum & HPP(Stugo-
l) uongwth tho ossontu und commttod works
of 1ohr Pump Storugo Punt und Kotoshwur Dum
Projoct ut u cost of Rs. 2963.66 Crs. (ut Murch,
1993 Prco Lovo).1ho Rovsod Cost Lstmuto
umountng to Rs.5209.10 Cr. ut Aug'99 prco
ovo (oxcudng lDC & lC of Rs. 481.54 Cr. ) for
1ohr Stugo-l hus boon courod by Pl n ts mootng
hod on 07.03.2000.
1ho work on 1ohr Stugo-l s n udvunco stugo of
compoton. 1ho prosont stutus of tho Projoct s us undor:
i) Dam
1ho 260.5 m. hgh Lurth & Rock l Dum,
whch woud bo tho hghost Lurth & Rockf
Dum n tho Asun Rogon und 4
hghost n tho
word s n progross. 1ho Dum hus boon rusod
to un uvorugo ovo of LL.806.5 m. uunco
hoght oft to bo rusod s ony 33 m. Cvor
84 of tho totu f pucomont s compoto.
ii) SpiIIways
Work on Spwuys ut vurous fronts vz., Chuto
Spwuys, Rght unk Shuft Spwuy und oft
unk Shuft Spwuy s progrossng wo. 1ho
opon oxcuvuton hus boon compotod umost
for tho ontro rouch of Spwuy urou und
concrotng ut vurous fronts s n udvunco stugo
of oxocuton. 1ho work of Stng usn hus
boon tukon up uftor cosuro of Rght unk
Dvorson 1unnos 1-3 & 1-4 n Doc.,2001 und
tho work s n fu swng.
iii) Power House
a. CiviI Wor|s
Works ut vurous fronts of Powor Houso uro
n progross. 1ho undorground oxcuvuton of
compoto wutor conductor systom, Muchno
Hu, 1runsformor Hu hus boon compotod.
Around 87 of ovort concroto nng n 1u
Ruco 1unnos hus boon compotod.
b. fIectricaI Wor|s
Lrocton of Conorutng Punt und Lqupmont
of tho Powor Houso s n progross. 1ho
orocton of 1urbno Cporutng Mochunsm n
Unt lV hus boon compotod und wndng of
Sturtor s n progross. Rotor Assomby n
Sorvco buy s uso n progross. Lrocton of
Spru Cusng und Hydruuc tostng for Unt-
lll hus boon compotod und concrotng s n
progross. Lrocton of Spood Rngs for Unt-ll
hus boon compotod und orocton of Spru
Cusng hus boon tukon up. Lrocton of Druft
1ubo Lbow Lnor for Unt-l s n progross.
iv) f&M
Contructs for 1urbno, Conorutor, Vuvos und
Contro Systoms wth fnuncng urrungomonts
by wuy of Suppors Crodt/uyors Crodt from
KfW, Cormuny huvo boon uwurdod to u
consortum of munufucturors from Russu/
Ukruno, und A-Cormuny.
Suppos of Conorutng Punt und oqupmont
from Russu/Ukruno uro n progross.
1ho mujors compononts of Unt-4, 3, 2 und 1
huvo uroudy rouchod to Projoct Sto.
Computorzod Contro Systom suppos huvo
uso boon rocovod.
1ho fubrcuton of Ponstock Stoo Lnors s n
udvunco stugo of compoton.
Commssonng of tho projoct s koy to
commonco wth n 2003.
1otu oxpondturo ncurrod on 1ohr Stugo-l (1000
MW) upto Soptombor,2002 s Rs.4632.09 Cr.
Rohubtuton s bong mpomontod n two phusos.
1ho Phuso-l covors thoso fumos uffoctod by
constructon of Coffor Dum, ncudng tho Cd 1ohr
1own. ln Phuso-ll, u romunng fumos to bo
uffoctod duo to mpoundmont uro bong rohubtutod.
1ho Phuso-l Ruru Rohubtuton s noury
compotod, wth 98.5 of tho fumos .o. u thoso
fumos who huvo como forwurd huvo boon pud
componsuton und rohubtutod. ln Phuso-ll, 1447
out of 3365 ruru fumos huvo boon rohubtutod
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
through uotmont of und or puymont of cush n
ou thoroof. 1ho ontro Phuso-ll uffoctod popuuton
woud bo rohubtutod wo boforo tho
mpoundmont of tho rosorvor.
1ho Urbun uffoctod popuuton hus boon
rohubtutod n Now 1ohr 1own und ut Rshkosh/
Dohrudun us por thor opton. 1ho N11 hus boon
dovoopod ut u hoght of 1350-1850 M., und hus
u modorn fuctos ncudng u Unvorsty
Cumpus, Hosptu, Lducutonu und lnuncu
lnsttutons, Murkots, Pucos of worshp und pubc
utty budngs.
1ho mujor rocommondutons of tho Hunumunthu
Ruo Commttoo, upprovod by tho Covt. n
Doc.,1998 n rogurd to rohubtuton of tho uffoctod
popuuton ncudo dofnton of fumy so us to
muko u mujor sons und mujor duughtors who
uttunod tho ugo of 21 yours, und dopondont puront
(Mothor/luthor) of tho fuy uffoctod onttod und
ownor on 19.07.1990, ogbo for ox-grutu puymont
of 750 duys mnmum ugrcuturu wugo ouch, grunt
of houso constructon ussstunco to tho urbun und
ownor fumos, nkod wth tho progross of
constructon und shftng, uotmont of ono
constructod shop to shop ownors not runnng tho
shops, rocognton of tho rght of poopo, vng n
tho vugos upstroum of 1ohr rosorvor, ovor tho
wutor from hugruth und hungnu rvors und
trbuturos for drnkng und rrguton purposos.
1ho rosponsbty for tho Rohubtuton &
Rosottomont wus trunsforrod to tho Stuto Covt. n
1999, to bo currod out undor tho ovoru
suporvson und contro of Commssonor, Curhwu
ussstod by vurous Stuto Covt. offcus, wth funds
for R&R to bo provdod by 1HDC.
At tho roquost of Covt. of Utturunchu, tho Covt.
of lndu sunctonod/ugrood to suncton uddtonu
puckugos of rohubtuton bonofts to vurous
cutogoros of poopo, costng ubout Rs.98.59 Cr.
Lnvronmontu courunco wus uccordod by MCLl
on 19.7.1990. Vurous studos us por tho
Lnvronmontu courunco condtons huvo boon
compotod und Acton Puns druwn up whorovor
roqurod. Acton for tho protocton und upgruduton
of onvronmont s bong uctvoy pursuod.
1HDC s curryng out Cutchmont Arou 1routmont
n tho hgh und vory hgh orodbty cussfcuton.
An urou of 52,204 hu. wus to bo troutod undor
tho Cutchmont Arou 1routmont Progrummo.
Around 40478 Hu. urou hus boon troutod t
Sopt.2002. A tho droct drunng urous huvo boon
compotoy suturutod (whch woro to bo compotod
boforo tho mpoundmont of tho rosorvor). ln
uccordunco wth tho condtons ud down by tho
MCLl, lorost Doptt., Covt. of Utturunchu hud
submttod u proposu for sottng up of u otuncu
Curdon ut Kot n 1ohr Curhwu. 1ho constructon
work und ostubshng of tho otuncu Curdon
hus boon tukon up by tho lorost Doptt. 1ho
proposod otuncu Curdon s to bo ocutod
udjucont to tho Rosorvor n un urou of 14.28 Hu.
1ho consutuncy und mpomontuton of tho Acton
Pun for mtgutng tho possbo mpuct on
Muhsoor lsh duo to constructon of 1ohr Dum
hus boon tukon up by tho Nutonu Rosourch Contro
on Cod Wutor lshoros, hmtu, Dstt. Nuntu.
MCLl gruntod forost courunco n uno, 1987 wth
stpuuton thut tho projoct uuthortos w curry
out componsutory ufforostuton n un urou of 3815
hu. of non forost und. An urou of 4516 hu. hus
uroudy boon puntod n dstrcts of huns und
Lutpur n U.P. 1ho puntuton dono on non-forost
und s now bong convortod nto protoctod forost
by Stuto lorost doptt.
Kotoshwur Projoct comprsos u 97.5 m. hgh
concroto dum und surfuco powor houso housng 4
unts of 100 MW ouch. 1ho Projoct s ocutod
uround 22 Km. downstroum of 1ohr Dum.
Kotoshwur Projoct s u run-of-tho-rvor schomo wth
mnmum durnu storugo. 1horo uro ony two
vugos, wth 103 fumos whch uro koy to bo
submorgod wth tho comng up of tho rosorvor.
ln uddton, thoro woud bo ony 14 vugos, whch
woud bo purtuy submorgod, nvovng 280
fumos. 1ho upprovod rohubtuton puckugo for
1ohr Stugo-l woud uso bo uppcubo for uffoctod
fumos of Kotoshwur Projoct.
Lnvronmont courunco wus uccordod to ontro
1ohr compox, ncudng Kotoshwur n uy90.
Cortun ossontu/commttod works of Kotoshwur
Projoct woro upprovod who convoyng tho
suncton for 1ohr Stugo-l.
CCLA hus upprovod tho proposu for oxocuton of
Kotoshwur H.L Projoct (4X100 MW), ut u cost of
Rs.1301.56 Cr. ncudng, lDC of Rs. 190.04 Cr.
ut Cct.99 prco ovo.
1ho Projoct s schoduod for commssonng n tho
your 2006.
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
1otu oxpondturo ncurrod upto Sopt.,2002 s Rs.
79.41 Cr. on Kotoshwur HLP.
Nocossury uccoss to tho Projoct n tho form of tho
u-wouthor roud s uvuubo, uso uccommoduton
und communcuton fuctos, und constructon
powor for tho projoct s uvuubo.
As a preIude to ta|e up the wor| of construction
of Main am and Powerhouse, the excavation of
Diversion 1unneI was compIeted.
1ho mujor Cv works of Dum und Surfuco
Powor Houso huvo boon uwurdod und tho works
tukon up.
1ochno-commorcu ds from upprovod pro-quufod
purtos for Loctro-Mochuncu Lqupmont puckugo
huvo boon oponod und uro undor ovuuuton.
1ohr PSP Schomo hus boon onvsugod to gonoruto
1000 MW of poukng powor for onhuncng systom
roubty und uso to provdo buuncng oud to
tho thormu buso gonoruton durng off pouk hours.
Annuu gonoruton from tho Projoct woud bo
uround 1400 MU. Rosorvor croutod by tho 1ohr
Dum woud functon us tho upstroum rosorvor for
ths Projoct. Kotoshwur Dum, w crouto u
buuncng rosorvor to roguuto tho roousos from
1ohr Rosorvor und sorvo us tho downstroum
rosorvor for tho PSP.
Cortun ossontu works of PSP woro tukon up
uongwth tho oxocuton of Stugo-l works.
Lxcuvuton und nng of Houd Ruco 1unnos for
PSP hus boon compotod. 1ho lntukos for PSP uro
bong constructod uongwth tho Stugo-l works. 1ho
1runsformor Hu constructod n Stugo-l woud uso
sorvo tho PSP. 1hus, mujor Cv Works to bo
tukon up n PSP woud nvovo ony tho Muchno
Hu, Surgo Shufts und 1u Ruco 1unnos.
1ho Pump Storugo Punt onvsugos 4 rovorsbo unts
of 250 MW ouch. 1ho mun fouturo of tho Projoct
s tho urgo vuruton of ubout 90 m botwoon tho
muxmum und mnmum houd, undor whch tho
rovorsbo unts shu oporuto.
1ho updutod Dotuod Projoct Roport (DPR) for
1ohr PSP(1000 MW) hus boon propurod by M/s
Ldl und M/s Co , lronch Consutunts undor
lronch Ad. usod on tho updutod DPR, tho
updutod Cost Lstmuto for Rs.1799.67 Crs.
(oxcudng lDC of Rs.126.73 Crs. ut Murch,02 Prco
Lovo) propurod by 1HDC hus boon courod by
CLA und Covt. upprovu for tho mpomontuton
of tho projoct s undor procoss.
1ho Projoct s schoduod for commssonng n tho
your 2006-07, .o., by tho ond of Xth Pun.
New 1ehri 1own
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
SatIu[ )aI Vidyut Nigam Iimited (S)VN)
(lormory Nuthpu hukr Powor Corporuton Lmtod)
Sutuj u Vdyut Ngum Lmtod (SVN) ( lormory
NPC) wus ncorporutod on Muy 24, 1988, us u
jont vonturo of tho Covt of lndu (CCl) und tho
Covt. of Hmuchu Prudosh (CCHP) to oxocuto
hydro powor projocts n Sutuj busn wthn
Hmuchu Prudosh. 1ho prosont uuthorzod shuro
cuptu of SVN(formory NPC) s Rs. 4500 croros.
1ho oquty-shurng ruto of CCl und CCHP s 3:1
Nuthpu hukr Hydro-ooctrc Projoct (NHLP) s
tho frst projoct undortukon by SVNL(formory
NPC) for oxocuton und shu bo commssonod
durng tho 10
1ho 1500 MW Nuthpu hukr Hydro-ooctrc Projoct
(NHLP) dorvos ts numo from tho numos of two
vugos n tho Projoct vcnty - Nuthpu n dstrct
Knnuur und hukr n dstrct Shmu - n tho
ntorors of Hmuchu Prudosh. 1ho Projocts Dum
s bong constructod nour vugo Nuthpu und ts
Powor Houso s bong constructod on tho oft bunk
of tho rvor Sutuj ut hukr. 1ho powor houso sto
s ubout 150 km from tho nourost ruhoud (nurrow
guugo), Shmu. 1ho Projoct strotchos ovor u ongth
of ubout 50 kms. from tho Dum sto to tho Powor
Houso sto, on tho Hndustun-1bot Roud (NH-
22), whch uso connocts tho ru houd to tho
SaIient features
Cn compoton, NHLP woud consst of tho
foowng :
- A 57.50 m hgh concroto Dum on Sutuj rvor
ut Nuthpu to dvort 405 cumocs of wutor
through four lntukos.
- An undorground Dostng Compox,
comprsng four chumbors, ouch 525 m ong,
16.31 m wdo und 27.5 m doop (ono of tho
urgost undorground dostng compoxos for
hydro-powor n tho word).
- A 10.15 m du und 27.39 km ong Houd Ruco
1unno (ono of tho ongost hydro powor tunno
n tho word), tormnutng n u 21 m du und
301 m doop Surgo Shuft.
- 1hroo crcuur stoo-nod Prossuro Shufts, ouch
of 4.9 m du und 633 m ong bfurcutng nour
tho Powor Houso to food sx gonorutng unts.
- An undorground Powor Houso wth u cuvorn
szo of 222 m x 20 m x 49 m huvng sx
lruncs 1urbnos of 250 MW ouch to utzo u
dosgn dschurgo of 405 cumocs und dosgn
houd of 425 m.
- A 10.15 m du und 982 m ong 1u Ruco
1unno to dschurgo tho wutor buck nto tho
rvor Sutuj.
- Annuu onorgy gonoruton of uround 6950
mon unts n u 90 dopondubo your.
PRO)fC1 8fNffl1S
osdos tho socu und oconomc upftmont of tho
poopo n ts vcnty, on commssonng, tho 1500
MW NHLPP w gonoruto 6950 MU of ooctrcu
onorgy n u 90 dopondubo your. lt woud uso
provdo 1500 MW of vuuubo poukng powor to
tho Northorn Crd.
Cut of tho onorgy gonorutod ut tho bus bur, 12
porcont s to bo suppod froo of cost to tho stuto
of Hmuchu Prudosh. lrom tho romunng 88
onorgy gonoruton, 25 s to bo suppod to HP ut
bus bur rutos und tho buunco to tho othor stutos
of tho Northorn Rogon lncudng HP, n
uccordunco wth uocuton to bo mudo by Covt.
of lndu.
ln uddton, thousunds of poopo vng n tho
projoct vcnty huvo boon provdod droct und
ndroct ompoymont by vurous nutonu
und ntornutonu contructng ugoncos workng on
tho projoct.
Pro[ect Cost & Commissioning ScheduIe
1ho upprovod cost of NHLP s Rs. 7666.31 coros
ut uno 1998 prco ovo und compoton cost ut
Rs. 8058.34 croros wth projoct commssonng
schoduod by Murch 2002.
Howovor, on uccount of tho unprocodontod fush
foods thut occurrod n tho rvor Sutuj n tho oury
hours of August 01, 2000, tho projoct sufforod
tmo und cost ovorrun.
Cn uccount of tho ubovo tho sx unts of tho
projoct woro ro-schoduod to bo commssonod
from Sopt. 2003 to uy 2004.
CHAP1fR - 17.8
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
Nathpa )ha|ri HfP
funding PIan
1ho Projoct s to bo fnuncod n u 1:1 dobt oquty
ruto. 1ho oquty porton s to bo shurod botwoon
Covt. of lndu (CCl) und Covt. of Hmuchu
Prudosh (CCHP) n tho ruto of 3:1 rospoctvoy.
1ho Word unk hus sunctonod u oun of USS
447 mon for Cv Works und tho Powor
lnunco Corporuton uso sunctonod u oun of Rs.
1118 croros. Commorcu forogn curroncy ouns
oquvuont to Rs.1192 croros huvo uso boon
fnuzod for Loctro-Mochuncu puckugos wth
vurous Luropoun Commorcu unks.
8Rlff S1A1US Of PRO)fC1 fXfCU1lON (AS ON
fND NOVfM8fR 2002)
CiviI Wor|s:
Most of tho cv works huvo boon compotod und
buunco cv works uro nourng compoton. Aftor
compoton of oxcuvuton n tho Dum und lntuko
urou ubout 98 concrotng hus boon compotod
n tho Dum urou und ubout 99.7 concroto n
tho lntuko urou . ln Dostng chumbors 80
oxcuvuton huvo boon compotod und hoppor
concroto nng s n progross n chumbor #4. ln
tho HR1 uftor compoton of houdng und bonchng
oxcuvuton, 98.4 concroto nng of tho ovort
und 77 nvort concroto nng hus boon
compotod. 1ho oxcuvuton und concroto nng of
surgo shuft huvo boon compotod. 1ho orocton of
stoo nors n tho throo Prossuro Shufts hus boon
compotod. ln tho Powor Houso tho oxcuvuton
und concrotng of tho 1runsformor Hu und
Muchno Hu hus uso boon compotod. 1ho
concrotng of tho 1u Ruco 1unno (1R1) hus uso
boon compotod
fIectro-MechanicaI Wor|s
1ho boxng up of Conorutng Unt 6 hus boon
compotod uftor ugnmont of Conorutor und
1urbno Shuft. 1ost spnnng of ths unt hus boon
currod out Doc.30, 2002.
1ho boxng up of Conorutng Unt 5 hus boon
compotod uftor ugnmont of Conorutor und
1urbno Shuft.
1ho orocton of Druft 1ubos for Unts l to Vl und
tho orocton of spru cusngs of Unts l, ll lll & lV
huvo boon compotod. 1ho crtcu hydruuc
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
prossuro tostng uctvty for Unts l to lV huvo uso
boon succossfuy uchovod. 1ho turbno runnor
uong wth shuft for Unts l to lV huvo boon put
n poston. 1ho Stutor Assomby of Unts l, ll, lll
und lV huvo uso boon oworod nto thor pts.
1ho prossuro tostng of MlV for Unts l, ll & lll
hud boon compotod.
Assomby of u throo uttorfy Vuvos huvo boon
compotod uongwth prossuro tostng.
A tho Conorutor 1runsformor huvo rouchod ut
sto und 99 orocton works huvo boon compotod.
1ho ontro work of 420 KV ClS und CCl us
Ducts huvo boon compotod.
ln tho Powor Houso, 75 orocton of 24 KV bus
duct hus boon compotod. lnstuuton of uttory
Ruck , uttoros, DCDs und uttory Churgor n
Powor Houso und Pot Houd Yurd hus boon
A tho UA punos for Unts l to Vl huvo boon
nstuod. A 420KV contro & rouy punos huvo
boon oroctod n tho Pot Houd Yurd. ln tho Pot
Houd Yurd 94 works of nstuuton of towors,
boums und oqupmont structuros huvo boon
Hydro-mechanicaI Wor|s
ln tho Dum urou nstuuton of 2
stugo purts of
u tho Rudu Cutos s n progross. Lrocton of 2
stugo purts und 2
stugo concrotng for throo no.
lntuko Cutos huvo boon compotod und hundod
ovor to tho Cutos contructor for ussomby of Cutos.
Lrocton of 2
stugo purts und 2
stugo concrotng
of throo HR1 lntuko Cutos huvo boon compotod
und orocton of Sdo Cudo lut s n tho progross
n romunng guto. ln Rumpur lntuko Cuto no. 1
&2 uftor orocton of 2
stugo purts grndng und
wodng of studs hus boon compotod. ln 1R1
Cutfu Cutos nstuuton of Hosts & connocton
of Host to Cuto for commssonng, puntng und
tru work s n progross.
Agunst tho Rovsod udgot Lstmuto of Rs. 1159.96
croros ( Rs.1063.06 croros for NHLP, Rs.3 croros
for Rumpur und Rs. 93.90 croros towurds ropuymont
of ouns of NHLP) for tho your 2002-03, tho totu
fnuncu oxpondturo ncurrod up to Novombor
2002 s Rs. 6978.55 croros ubout 91 of tho
upprovod Rovsod Cost Lstmuto (RCL-ll) of NHLP
of Rs. 7666.31 croros ut uno, 1998 prco ovo.
Nathpa )ha|ri HfP - View of inta|e structure
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
1ho buunco funds shu bo utzod towurds tho
oxocuton of tho Mujor Cv, Hydro-mochuncu
und Loctro-mochuncu works.
fNVlRONMfN1, RfHA8lIl1A1lON &
NHLP s ono of tho most oco-frondy powor
projocts n tho country. ong u run of tho rvor
Projoct, t hus mnmum udvorso mpuct on tho
ocoogy of tho urou, mnmum numbor of Projoct
Affoctod Porsons (PAPs) und oust dsturbunco to
tho foru und fuunu. Afforostuton of 246 hocturos
of forostund s bong tukon up n compurson to
123 hocturos of forostund ucqurod for tho Projoct.
1ho dumpng of oxcuvutod mutoru ony n pro-
dontfod urous und provonton of ts fowng nto
tho rvor by constructng udoquuto too-wus furthor
onsuros tho Projocts hurmony wth tho
RehabiIitation & ResettIement
SVN(formory NPC) us u rosponsbo corporuto
ctzon tukos utmost curo for tho rosottomont und
rohubtuton of tho fow projoct uffoctod fumos
(PAls) whoso und or houso or shop got uffoctod
duo to constructon of tho NHLP. lurthor,
uppropruto componsuton to u tho PAls n
uccordunco wth tho oxtunt pocos of tho
Covornmont und SVN (formory NPC) huvo boon/
uro bong mudo.
Rampur Hydro-eIectric Power Pro[ect
1ho Rumpur Hydro-Loctrc Powor Projoct
(439 MW), utzng tho tu ruco wutors
of NHLP s u run of tho rvor schomo. 1ho
lmpomontuton Agroomont und R & R pun
upprovod by tho ourd of Droctors huvo boon
sont to tho Mnstry of Powor for consdoruton
und upprovu. Aftor upprovu of sumo by CCl, tho
procoss of sgnng of lmpomontuton Agroomont
shu bo tukon up wth CCHP.
SVN(formory NPC) s uso punnng to upprouch
CCHP for tukng up tho oxocuton of othor hydro-
ooctrc projocts n tho Sutuj rvor busn n tho
Hmuchu Prudosh, durng tho Xth - Xlth Pun
porod, promnont umongst whch uro:
-1hopun Powur Hydro-ooctrc Powor Projoct
(upprox. 650 MW)
-Shongtong Kurchum Hydro-ooctrc Powor Projoct
(upprox. 780 MW)
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
Damodar VaIIey Corporation (DVC)
Dumodur Vuoy Corporuton (DVC) cumo nto
oxstonco by un uct of tho Contru Logsuturo on
uy, 1948 us tho frst Mut-purposo lntogrutod
Rvor Vuoy Projoct of tho country & snco thon
DVC s curryng out tho mut-fucotod
rosponsbtos for oconomc und ndustru growth
of tho rogon. DVC s commttod to tho oconomc
und ndustru growth of tho Dumodur Vuoy
rogon whch oxtonds ovor un urou of 24235 sq.
km. n tho Stutos of hurkhund und Wost ongu.
As por DVC Act, tho orgunzuton hus tho foowng
mujor objoctvos:
Conoruton, 1runsmsson und Dstrbuton of
lood Contro
Promoton & Cporuton of Schomo for
lrrguton wutor suppy for ndustru und
domostc uso, nuvguton & drunugo.
Promoton of Afforostuton & Contro of so
oroson n tho Vuoy urou.
Promoton of Pubc Houth & Agrcuturo,
ndustru, oconomc & gonoru wo bong of
DVCs urou of oporuton.
DVC hus constructod fvo 1hormu Powor Stutons,
throo Hydo Powor Stutons und ono Cus 1urbno
Stuton for gonoruton of ooctrcu onorgy n ts
commund urou. Cut of 2761.5 MW totu nstuod
cupucty of DVC powor systom, 2535 MW s from
thormu routo whch comprsos of tho thormu unts
of dfforont vntugos rungng from 1953 to 1998,
144 MW from Hydo und 82.5 from Cus 1urbno
Stuton. 1ho oxstng powor punts of DVC uro
okuro A : 175 MW (3 x 45 MW) &
(1x40 MW)
okuro : 630 MW (3 x 210 MW)
Chundrupuru : 750 MW (3 x 130 MW) &
(3 x 120 MW)
Durgupur : 350 MW (1 x 140 MW) &
(1 x 210 MW)
Moju : 630 MW (3 x 210 MW)
Gas 1urbine
C1P, Muthon : 82.5 MW (3x27.5 MW)
DVC sturtod wth 66 KV trunsmsson systom und
swtchod ovor to 132 KV systom to trunsmt
ooctrcty to dfforont consumors. 1o cutor tho nood
of now gonoruton buk consumors us wo us ntor-
stuto trunsfor of powor, DVC gruduuy uddod 220
KV Doubo Crcut trunsmsson nos. DVCs
trunsmsson systom s sproudod ovor ts urou of
commund und ovon boyond n tho Stutos of Wost
ongu & hurkhund. lt s uso ntor-connoctod wth
N1PC, NHPC (Chukhu) und oporutos us u
consttuont of ntogrutod Lustorn Rogonu
Powor Crd. 1ho trunsmsson nfrustructuro of DVC
s us undor :
Pressure Iine Iength No. of
(C|t. Km) Sub-stations
220 KV 1242 8
132 KV 3177 33
33KV 1504 15
Durng tho your 2001-2002 DVC systom gonoruton
wus 7835.411 MU ugunst u turgot of 9195 MU. 1ho
gup botwoon tho turgot und uchovomont hus boon
duo to ow thormu gonoruton for punnod shut-
downs of dfforont unts for curryng out provontvo
muntonunco und ovorhuung uctvtos us purt of tho
fvo your rong muntonunco pun.
Durng Apr 2002 to 31
Cctobor 2002 DVCs
systom gonoruton wus 4967.666 MU comprsng
of 4742.400 MU from thormu, 218.546 MU from
Hydo & 6.720 MU from Cus 1urbno unts. Durng
tho porod, DVCs turn ovor from suo of powor wus
uround Rs. 1268.61 croro (provsonu) oudng to
proft of Rs. 205.93 croro (provsonu).
Performance HighIight
(Apr, 2002 to Docombor, 2002)
Systom Conoruton : 6519.561MU
PLl of 1hormu unts : 40.26
Anticipated 1arget during the remaining period of
the year 01.01.03 to 31.03.2003)
Systom Conoruton : 2340.439MU
1uyu : 4 MW (2 x 2 MW)
Muthon : 60 MW (3 x 20 MW)
Punchot : 80 MW (2 x 40 MW)
CHAP1fR - 17.9
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
Ash ovucuuton und utzuton from tho ush ponds
of Powor Stutons uro currod out roguury. 1ho ush
ovucuutod s dumpod n tho ubundonod opon cust
mnos of LCL, CCL & CCL. lor bottor utzuton of
ush gonorutod ut Moju 1PS, M/s Lufurgo lndu Ltd. s
n tho procoss of nstuuton of u Comont Punt ut
Moju 1PS.
Station Activity Status
1PSA RLA study of 1C & Aux und CP Study compotod. lnu roport uong wth
U-1 to 3 tost rosuts/dutu forwurdod to N1PC.
1PSA RLA study of r & Aux Study compotod. Druft study roport s
U -1 to 3 oxpoctod shorty.
C1PS RLA study of 1C & Aux und CP Study compotod.
U 1 to 3
C1PS RLA study of r & Aux Study compotod. PL1 roports of r.,
U- 1 to 3 LSPs, lD & lD fun of U-3 submttod.
Druft RLA/CA roport s oxpoctod shorty.
C1PS RLA study ncudng PL1 for 1C, Druft roport ncudng CP submttod.
U- 4 to 6 r & thor uux & CP
D1PS RLA study of 1C & Aux und CP Study compotod. lnu roport uong wth
U- 3 tost rosuts/dutu forwurdod to N1PC.
D1PS RLA study of r & Aux ncudng Study compotod. lnu roport for
U- 3 PL1 wurdod to N1PC
purtto ugroomont botwoon N1PC & DVC for Consutuncy Sorvcos for R&M/ LL work of C1PS U # 1
to 6 hus boon fnuzod/ sgnod.
Muttor routod to sgnng of smur ugroomont for consutuncy sorvcos of D1PS U # lll s undor procoss.
Rogurdng 1PS 'A U # l, ll & lll, N1PC woud furnsh u roport unuyzng tho prosont condtons of tho
oqupmont so thut docson cun bo urrvod ut othor to rotro thoso unts or to curry out R&M und to udd LSPs.
PlC hus boon upprouchod for grunt n rospoct of R&M of C1PS U # 1 to 6.
Muthon Hydo Stuton: U # l, ll & lll (20 MW ouch): M/S NHPC hus boon ongugod us consutunt
for R&M/ LL work. Crdor pucod on consortum of ALS1CM, ALS1CM lNDlA & HLL. lntuko
guntry cruno hus boon mudo oporutonu. Work on Dum guntry cruno s n progross. Rofurbshmont
of ntuko omorgoncy guto und sorvco gutos compotod. 1urbno nspocton compotod.
1ho Corporuton hus punnod to go n u bg wuy for cupucty uddton to tho tuno of 6210 MW durng Xth
Pun porod n DVC systom:
Lst of tho projocts uccordng to prorty of mpomontuton s pucod boow. Consdorng tho vurous ssuos/
construnts, mpomontuton of Moju 1PS Unt # lV, V & Vl und Chundrupuru 1PS Unt Vll & Vlll uro vubo
for commssonng durng Xth Pun porod. who tho groon fod projocts muy sp ovor to Xlth Pun.
lt hus boon punnod to conduct RLA study und
Ronovuton & modornzuton of tho od unts of DVC
systom und t s untcputod thut thoro w bo somo
mprovomont n porformunco of thoso unts uftor
thorough ronovuton & modornzuton. Unt wso st
of ronovuton & modornzuton uctvtos und progross
thoroof of Powor Stutons uro us foows:
SI No Name of Pro[ect & Iocation Capacity (MW)
1 M1PS Lxtn-U # 4 : 1X 210 MW ( unkuru, W.) 210
2 M1PS Lxtn-U # 5 & 6 : 2 X 250 MW ( unkuru, W.) 500
3 C1PS U # 7& 8 : 2 X 250 MW ( Chundrupuru, hurkhund) 500
4 Muthon R/ 1PS : 4 X 250 MW (hurkhund) (VC wth SLS) 1000
5 DSP 1PS U # 1 : 1 X 500 MW ( urdwun, W.) 500
6 Muthon L/ 1PS U # 1 & 2 : 2 X 500 MW (urdwun, W.) 1000
7 SP 1PS U # 1 : 1 X 500 MW (okuro, hurkhund) 500
8 Kodormu 1PS U # 1 & 2 : 2 X 500 MW (hurkhund) 1000
9 Rumgurh 1PS U # 1& 2 : 2 X 500 MW (hurkhund) 1000
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
lor food contro, tho Corporuton hus so fur
constructod four mut-purposo dums ut 1uyu,
Konur, Muthon & Punchot und un rrguton systom
comprsng of u burrugo on Rvor Dumodur ut
Durgupur und u cunu systom of 2495 km. 1ho
oxstng nfrustructuro for wutor munugomont s
Dums & urrugo : 41
lood Rosorvo Cupucty : 1270 MCM
lrrguton Potontu Croutod : 3.64 ukh Hoc.
lrrguton Commund Arou : 5.69 ukh Hoc.
Cunus : 2 4 9 5 k m .
munugomont of urrugo und lrrguton Systom hus,
howovor, boon trunsforrod to Covt. of Wost ongu
n 1964. DVC contnuos to suppy rrguton wutor
for Rub, Khurf & oro cutvuton n tho
owor vuoy urou ncudng suppy of wutor for
ndustru uso.
So Consorvuton & Afforostuton uro somo of tho
mportunt uctvtos of DVC. 1hoso uro currod out
offoctvoy to contro so oroson und und
dogruduton n uppor Dumodur-urukur cutchmont
by udoptng ntogrutod so consorvuton/wutorshod
munugomont und to chock stuton of DVC
rosorvors. 1hoso uctvtos uso rotun so fortty
for sustunod producton of food, fuo, fbor otc.
Snco 1993 mcro wutorshod concopt n so
consorvuton wus udoptod by DVC us por tho
gudono of CCl. 1ho whoo Dumodur-urukur
cutchmont urou wus cutogorzod nto 716 mcro-
shods, out of whch 219, 178, 180 & 139 cumo
rospoctvoy. 1ho crtcu urous woro pn-pontod
und omphuss wus gvon to trout moro vunorubo
onos consdorng orosty fuctor.
)OlN1 VfN1URf
Muthon Rght unk 1PS (4x250 MW) Projoct s
bong mpomontod by M/s. Muthon Powor Ltd (u
ont Vonturo Compuny of DVC & M/s. SLS Ltd.,
okuro Powor Suppy Compuny Lmtod (PSCL),
u jont vonturo compuny of DVC und SAlL hus
tukon ovor tho ownorshp of tho oxstng Cuptvo
powor stuton of okuro Stoo Punt.
8o|aro 1hermaI Power Station
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
8ha|ra 8eas Management 8oard (88M8)
hukru Munugomont ourd (M) wus consttutod
undor Socton 79 of tho Punjub Ro-orgunsuton
Act,1966 for tho udmnstruton, muntonunco und
oporuton of hukru Nungu Projoct w.o.f. lst
Cctobor,1967. 1ho ous Projoct Works, on
compoton, woro trunsforrod by tho Covornmont
of lndu from ous Constructon ourd (C) to
M us por Socton 80 of tho Act und hukru
Munugomont ourd wus ronumod us hukru ous
Munugomont ourd (M) w.o.f. 15.5.1976.
1ho hukru ous Munugomont ourd s rosponsbo
for tho udmnstruton oporuton & muntonunco
of hukru Nungu projoct, ous Sutoj Lnk Projoct
und Pong Dum ncudng Powor Housos und u
notwork of trunsmsson nos und grd sub-stutons.
1ho functons of hukru ous Munugomont
ourd uro:
1o roguuto tho suppy of Sutoj und Ruv-ous
wutors to tho Stutos of tho Punjub, Huryunu,
Rujusthun und Doh, through u wdo notwork
of cunus.
1o dstrbuto powor from hukru Nungu und
ous Projocts to tho Stutos of Punjub, Huryunu,
Rujusthun, Hmuchu Prudosh und U.1. of
Koopng n vow tho tochncu oxportso uvuubo
wth M, tho Covt. of lndu through u
notfcuton n Apr, 1999 hus uso ontrustod
uddtonu functons to hukru ous Munugomont
ourd of provdng und porformng Lngnoorng
und routod tochncu und consutuncy sorvcos n
vurous fods of Hydro Loctrc Powor und
lrrguton Projocts und to curry on u knd of
busnoss routod thoroto othor ndopondonty or
us u jont vonturo wth uny Contru/Stuto/Pubc
Soctor Undortukng(s) or Lstubshmont(s) undor tho
udmnstrutvo contro of Mnstry of Powor or us
u jont vonturo wth uny othor Agoncy/Crgunzuton
wth tho upprovu of Covornmont of lndu.
1ho works bong munugod by tho M uro
broudy groupod us throo urgo mutpurposo
projocts vz. hukru Nungu Projoct, ous Projoct
Unt-l (SL Projoct) & ous Projoct Unt-ll
Pong Dum).
1ho hukru Nungu projoct comprsos tho hukru
Dum, hukru Loft unk und hukru Rght unk
Powor Housos, Nungu Dum, Nungu Hydo
Chunno und Cunguwu und Kotu Powor Housos.
hukru Dum s u mujostc monumont ucross tho
rvor Sutoj. lt s u hgh strught gruvty concroto
Dum rsng 225.55 m ubovo tho doopost
founduton und spunnng tho gorgo wth 518.16
m ongth ut tho top. 1ho Cobnd Sugur Luko
croutod by tho Dum hus 168.35 Sq.Km. urou und
u gross storugo cupucty of 9621 mon cubc-
motro. 1ho two powor housos, ono on tho Loft
unk und tho othor on tho Rght unk huvo u
combnod nstuod cupucty of 1325 MW. 1ho
Cunguwu und Kotu Powor Housos fod from
Nungu Hydo Chunno huvo un nstuod cupucty
of 168.15 MW.
1ho ous Projoct Unt-l(SL Projoct) dvorts ous
Wutor nto tho Sutoj usn, fung from u hoght
of 320 motro und gonorutng powor ut Dohur Powor
Houso huvng un nstuod cupucty of 990 MW.
1hs projoct comprsos u dvorson dum ut Pundoh,
13.1 Km ong Pundoh ugg 1unno huvng
cupucty of 9000 Cusoc, 11.8 Km. Long
Sundornugur Hydo Chunno, uuncng Rosorvor
ut Sundornugur, 12.35 Km. Long Sundornugur Sutoj
1unno, 125 Motro hgh Surgo Shuft und Dohur
Powor Punt.
1ho ous Dum ut Pong s tho hghost ourth f
(ourth coro, gruvo sho) Dum n lndu, bong 132.6
motro hgh wth u gross storugo cupucty of 8570
mon cubc motro. 1ho Pong Powor Punt
(2x604x66-384 MW) s ocutod n tho stng
busn d/s of pon stock tunnos.
1ho totu nstuod gonorutng cupucty of tho M
Powor Housos s 2861.15 MW dotuod us undor:-
Power House lnstaIIed Capacity MW
hukru (Rght unk) 5x157 785
hukru (Loft unk) 5x108 540
Cunguwu 1x29.251x27.631x26.70 83.58
Kotu 1x29.251x27.201x28.12 84.57
Dohur 6x165 990
Pong 2x604x66 384
1otaI 2867.1S
CHAP1fR - 17.10
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
1ho gonoruton durng 2001-2002 wus 9937 MU
ugunst tho turgot of 9648 MU. Durng tho curront
your 2002-2003 tho gonoruton from tho M
Powor Housos hus boon 7443 MUs upto
31.10.2002 ugunst tho turgot of 6426 Mus. lt s
oxpoctod thut tho gonoruton turgot of tho curront
your of 2002-2003 .o. 9650 MUs shu bo
uchovod koopng n vow tho poston of wutor n
tho Rosorvors. 1ho punt uvuubty of M
Powor Stutons durng 2002-03 (upto Cct., 2002)
hus boon 90.19.
1ho powor gonoruton ut M Powor stutons s
bong ovucuutod through M Powor ovucuuton
systom runnng nto 3735 Crcut KM ongth of
400KV, 220KV, 132KV und 66KV trunsmsson
nos und 24 LHV Sub-stutons. 1ho M Powor
ovucuuton systom oporutos n un ntogrutod
munnor n tho Northorn grd wth ts trunsmsson
notwork sproudng ovor tho Stutos of Hmuchu
Prudosh, Punjub, Huryunu und Doh. 1ho systom
s ntorconnoctod wth trunsmsson systom of
PCWLR CRlD und tho Stutos of Uttur Prudosh,
Rujusthun und Doh. 1ho uvuubty of
trunsmsson systom durng tho your 2002-03 (upto
Cct, 2002) hus boon 99.05.
At tho tmo of purtton of lndu, ubout 80 of
tho rrgutod urou of Punjub wont to wost Pukstun
ouvng lndu wth vory mougro rrguton rosourcos.
1ho mghty hukru-Nungu und ous Projocts
chungod tho sconuro und turnod tho northorn lndu
nto Crunury of tho Nuton.
1ho hukru Nungu & ous Projocts huvo not ony
brought Croon Rovouton n tho Stutos of Punjub,
Huryunu und Rujusthun, but uso Whto Rovouton
by wuy of rocord producton of mk. 1ho North-
Wostorn rogon of tho Nuton hus turnod nto
grunury of tho Nuton. 1ho Stuto of Punjub,
Huryunu und Rujusthun uro bong suppod on un
uvorugo ubout 28 MAl of wutor por your, whch
rrgutos 1 croro 20 uc ucros of und.
A tho 5 unts of hukru Rght unk Powor
Housos, whch woro commssonod durng tho your
1966 to 1968 huvo boon uprutod from orgnu
cupucty of 120MW to 157MW ouch.
1ho RM&U of two unts ouch ut Cunguwu und
Kotu Powor Housos huvo uroudy boon
compotod uddng ubout 13.69 MW.
RM&U of four unts of 60 MW to 66 MW on
Pong Powor Punt hus uroudy boon compotod.
1hs hus rosutod n uddtonu cupucty of 24 MW.
1ho RMU of 5
unt of Pong hus boon tukon n
hund on 1.10.2002 und s oxpoctod to bo
compotod on 28.2.2003. 1ho RMU of 6
Unt s
schoduod to bo compotod durng 2003-2004 &
ths shu upruto tho cupucty of tho oxstng
muchnos by unothor 12 MW.
M puns to undortuko tho RM & U works of
hukru Loft unk Powor Houso muchnos (5x108
MWs) whch uro n oporuton for tho ust ubout
40 yours. A tho fvo unts uro proposod to bo
uprutod from 108 MW to 126 MW. 1ho R M &
U of hukru Loft Powor Houso s oxpoctod to
provdo uddtonu cupucty of 90 MW to tho
systom und s oxpoctod to gonoruto uddtonu 88
MU unnuuy duo to mprovod offconcy. 1hs
work shu bo currod out n Xth und Xlth pun.
1ho cupucty uddton shu bo 18 MW durng Xth
Pun und 72 MW durng Xl Pun.
Cno unt ouch of Cunguwu und Kotu Powor
Housos whch woro suppod by M/S Htuch upun,
uro uso punnod for R&M. Wth tho proposod
R&M of ouch muchno ut Cunguwu & Kotu Powor
Housos, tho dorutod cupucty of tho muchnos shu
bo rostorod to tho orgnu cupucty uddng 4.44
MW to tho systom und shu uso rosut n
uddtonu unnuu gonoruton of 36 MU. Durng
ronovuton ropucomont of mujor componont ko
runnor, govornors, stutor, unt trunsformors und
othor ussocutod oqupmont s onvsugod. 1ho work
on ths schomo s proposod to bo undortukon
durng Xth Pun.
1ho RM&U work on tho od Powor Punts hus
gvon unothor ubout 30 yours ouso of fo to tho
muchnos und s u sgnfcunt stop towurds mootng
tho uspruton of tho Nuton for uddng ow cost
poukng powor to tho systom through Ronovuton,
Modornzuton & Uprutng of od powor punts us
por tho Nutonu Hydro Pocy.
ln un ondouvour to synorgyso tho oxstng potontu
of M to boost tho ntorosts of ts purtnor Stutos,
M Consutuncy Sorvcos woro ntroducod.
M hus uso sgnod MCU wth HLL to provdo
consutuncy sorvcos n tho urou of RM&U of HLP
rogurdng RLA/LL Studos und Uprutng of Punts,
wth N1PC to dontfy Hydro Potontu stos,
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
propuruton of lousbty und Dotuod Projoct
roports, provdng consutuncy n computor
uppcuton communcuton & MlS, R,M&U of
oxstng hydro punts, wth PlC to provdo tochncu
sorvcos us Tochncal -dvsot Hydto n tho urou
of Hydro Conoruton Projocts und offor Iondots
Ingnoot 5otvcos und wth SLS n tho fod of
1runsmsson und Dstrbuton of 400KV
1runsmsson Lno Systoms of AP1RANSCC und
for offorng Consutuncy Sorvcos to SLS n tho
soctor of oxporng Hydro Powor Potontu for
dovoopmont of hydro ooctrc projocts.
1ho foowng works huvo boon oxocutod by tho
Consutuncy Sorvcos:-
1hrd purty nspoctons on bohuf of
Consutuncy on procuromont of
Swtchgour oqupmont to HVPNL.
Propuruton of lousbty und Dotuod
Projoct Roports for our own Projocts vz.
ugg PH (2x20 MW) & Mn Hydro
Projocts on ML Cunu (uround 19.18
Propuruton of Hydro Powor Studos (n
houso & othor SLs vz. 1NL, MPSL).
1hormovson scunnng, hot no
DPR for upgruduton of 220 KV rng mun
of DV.
Panoramic View of 8ha|ra Dam
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
Rocognsng tho mportunco und bonofts of onorgy
offconcy, tho Covornmont of lndu hus onuctod
tho Lnorgy Consorvuton Act, 2001 whch hus
como nto forco from 1st Murch, 2002.
1ho Act ompowors tho Contru Covornmont und,
n somo nstuncos, stuto govornmonts to:
notfy onorgy ntonsvo ndustros, othor
ostubshmonts, und commorcu budngs us
dosgnutod consumors.
ostubsh und proscrbo onorgy consumpton
norms und stundurds for dosgnutod consumors.
droct dosgnutod consumors to
- dosgnuto or uppont cortfod onorgy
munugor n churgo of uctvtos for offcont
uso of onorgy und ts consorvuton.
- got un onorgy uudt conductod by un
uccrodtod onorgy uudtor n tho spocfod
munnor und ntorvus of tmo.
- furnsh nformuton wth rogurd to onorgy
consumod und ucton tukon on tho
rocommonduton of tho uccrodtod onorgy
uudtor to tho dosgnutod ugoncy.
- compy wth onorgy consumpton norms und
stundurds, und f not so, to propuro und
mpomont schomos for offcont uso of
onorgy und ts consorvuton.
proscrbo onorgy consorvuton budng codos
for offcont uso of onorgy und ts consorvuton
n commorcu budngs.
Stuto Covornmonts to umond tho onorgy
consorvuton budng codos to sut rogonu und
ocu cmutc condtons.
droct ownors or occupors of commorcu
budngs to compy wth tho provsons of
onorgy consorvuton budng codos.
droct mundutory dspuy of ubo on notfod
oqupmont und uppuncos.
spocfy onorgy consumpton stundurds for
notfod oqupmont und uppuncos.
prohbt munufucturo, suo, purchuso und mport
of notfod oqupmont und uppuncos not
conformng to stundurds.
Undor tho provsons of tho Act, urouu of Lnorgy
Lffconcy hus boon ostubshod wth offoct from
1st Murch, 2002 by morgng tho orstwho Lnorgy
Munugomont Contro of Mnstry of Powor. 1ho
8ureau of fnergy ffficiency (8ff)
urouu woud bo rosponsbo for spourhoudng tho
mprovomont of onorgy offconcy of tho oconomy
through vurous roguutory und promotonu
1ho Covornng Counc of tho LL hus boon
ostubshod und notfod vdo Cuzotto of lndu on
26.04.2002. 1ho LL s tho contru nodu ugoncy for
promotng onorgy offconcy, ts consorvuton und to
mpomont tho vurous provsons of tho Lnorgy
Consorvuton Act, 2001 n tho country. 1ho LL hus
propurod un Acton Pun, whch wus roousod by tho
Prmo Mnstor on 23
August, 2002 who
nuugurutng tho lntornutonu Conforonco on
Strutogos for Lnorgy Consorvuton n tho Now
Monnum n Now Doh. 1ho Acton Pun ncudos
tho foowng thrust urous:
- lndun lndustry Progrummo for Lnorgy
Consorvuton (llPLC)
- Domund Sdo Munugomont (DSM)
- Stundurds & Lubong Progrummo
- Lnorgy Lffconcy n udngs und
- Lnorgy Consorvuton udng Codos
- Profossonu Cortfcuton und Accrodtuton
- lormuuton of Munuus und Codos
- Lnorgy Lffconcy Pocy Rosourch Progrummo
- Schoo Lducuton
- Dovory Mochunsm for Lnorgy Lffconcy
1ho LL s tukng stops to mpomont tho Acton Pun
n u tmo bound munnor.
- 1ho foowng onorgy suvng potontu hus boon
ostmutod n tho noxt 5 yours (by tho 2006-07)
through tho progrummos und uctvtos of LL us
por dotus gvon boow:-
- 3320 MW uvodod cupucty
(u) Stundurd und Lubong 1960 MW
(b) Dosgnutod Consumor through
lmpomontuton of llPLC 1200 MW
(c ) DSM 160 MW
9 mon tonnos of o oquvuont por your n thormu
CHAP1fR - 17.11
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
1ho Contru Powor Rosourch lnsttuto (CPRl) wus
ostubshod n unguoro by tho Covornmont of
lndu n 1960. lt bocumo un Autonomous Socoty
n tho your 1978 undor tho uogs of tho Mnstry
of Powor, Covornmont of lndu. 1ho mun
objoctvo of sottng up of tho lnsttuto wus to sorvo
us u Nutonu Luborutory for undortukng uppod
rosourch n ooctrc powor ongnoorng bosdos
functonng us un ndopondont Nutonu 1ostng
und Cortfcuton Authorty for ooctrcu oqupmont
und compononts to onsuro roubty und mprovo,
nnovuto und dovoop now products. Moro
spocfcuy tho objoctvos covor tho foowng :
1o sorvo us u nutonu contro for uppod
rosourch n ooctrcu powor ongnoorng.
1o functon us un ndopondont und mpurtu
uuthorty for cortfcuton und tostng of
ooctrcu oqupmonts munufucturod n tho
country for quuty ussurunco
1o Porform tosts for product dovoopmont
1o offor consutuncy on proboms roforrod by
uttos und ndustros.
1o Undortuko sponsorod rosourch progrummos on
subjocts of ntorost to lndustros & powor uttos
1ho lnsttuto s houdod by u Droctor Conoru und
hus sovoru rosourch uborutoros und tostng
fuctos und ompoy ubout 280 quufod Scontsts
und Lngnoors bosdos othor supportng stuff. 1ho
Houd Cffco of tho lnsttuto s ut unguoro und
ts othor unts uro ocutod ut hopu, Hydorubud,
Nugpur, Chuzubud, 1hruvununthupurum und
1ho CPRl contnuod to puy u vtu roo n quuty
ussurunco to onsuro roubty of powor oqupmont
through tostng und cortfcuton n uccordunco
wth Nutonu und lntornutonu stundurds. Dospto
hgh rocosson n tho ooctrcu ndustry, tho
lnsttuto rovonuo porformunco durng tho ust sx
months of tho your through tostng und
consutuncy & othor rocopts stood ut Rs. 1170.50
ukhs us ugunst Rs.1020.43 ukhs for tho sumo
porod ust your.
Durng tho lX lvo your pun porod tho foowng
CentraI Power Research lnstitute (CPRl)
fvo projocts woro sunctonod wth u totu outuy
of Rs. 4462 ukhs.
1. Augmontuton of Powor Suppy fuctos ut
2. lmprovomont of tost & hundng fuctos
3. Contor for Softwuro Lngnoorng & 1runng
4. Lstubshmont of Lqupmont Vbruton 1ostng
5. Lstubshmont of Rou 1mo Dgtu Smuutor
lrst two of tho ubovo projocts huvo boon
compotod. Most purt of tho work hus boon
compotod on tho thrd projoct numoy 'Contro
for Softwuro Lngnoorng & 1runng & tho projoct
on ostubshng Lqupmont Vbruton 1ost lucty
s n tho udvuncod stugo of compoton. 1ho
projoct on ostubshng Rou 1mo Dgtu Smuutor
ut un ostmutod cost of Rs. 500 ukhs wus
sunctonod on 30
Murch 2002 und s bong
Research Acitivites
1ho lnsttuto contnuod ts strdos n tho urou of
Rosourch, 22 now Rosourch projocts umountng
to Rs.412.50 ukhs woro commoncod from Apr
2002, uong wth 31 ongong projocts commoncod
durng provous yours.
Durng tho roportng porod, tho foowng sx
tochncu roports woro brought out n vurous urous
und uso 24 tochncu pupors woro prosontod n
both Nutonu und lntornutonu Somnurs /
1mo Synchronzuton of LHV Substuton
oqupmont usng CPS
Actvo Powor no Condtonor for powor
lC curd oporutod Lnorgy motor
1ochnoogy dovoopmont of lumo Roturdunt
Low Smoko Cubo compound
Anuyss of lurun compounds n nsuutng o
Poyo Lstors us dooctrc qud.
1ho lnsttuto n ts ondouvor to hop Uttos und
lndustros, oxpocts to tuko up muny sponsorod
projocts of roovunco to tho Powor-soctor.
CHAP1fR - 17.12
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
Somo of tho mportunt projocts tukon up/ contnuod
durng tho your uro :
1. lndo-Norwegian fnvironmentaI Pro[ect
1ho lnsttuto took purt n tho lyush
domonstruton projoct of KPCL fundod by
Norwuy govornmont. Kurnutuku Stuto Counc
for Sconco und 1ochnoogy (KSCS1) n
couboruton wth CPRl und KPCL, s
coordnutng tho Lnvronmontu projoct fundod
by Norwuy Covornmont ut un outuy of Rs.580
ukhs. 1ho projoct sturtod n Novombor 1999
und w bo compotod by Docombor 2002.
Undor ths projoct, CPRl hus provdod
consutuncy to ostubsh u sof sustunng ly
Ash Utsuton Domonstruton Contro ut
Ruchur. 1 duto u tho punt & muchnory
portunng to fy ush busod mosuc tos unt
hus boon nstuod.
2. Definite purpose contactor deveIopment
A jont R&D progrummo wth M/s Suthyum
CL Softwuro Sorvcos Ltd., wus tukon up n
Apr 2000 wth u duruton of two und huf
yours ut u cost of Rs. 25.00 ukhs. 1ho objoctvo
undor ths sponsorod progrummo wus to
dovoop & crouto tost fuctos for dofnto
purposo contuctor tostng us por tho spocfc
roquromont of Undorwrtors Luborutory of USA
[UL 508 stundurds [und curryout mousuromont
of spocu purumotors to gonoruto dutu for
dosgn & dovoopmont. Undor tho progrummo
tho roqurod fuctos huvo boon croutod und
tho prototypos tostod us por tho UL stundurds.
3. DeveIopment of 1echnoIogy for fire retardant
Iow smo|e Power cabIes
A jont R&D progrummo tukon up wth M/s
lurcom Cubos, unguoro und sponsorod by
DSlR undor PA1SLR schomo sturtod n Apr
2001 wth duruton of throo yours, ut u cost of
Rs. 100.00 ukhs (Rs.12.50 ukhs for CPRl
contrbuton) s progrossng us schoduod. Moro
thun 100 PVC formuutons huvo boon
compoundod of whch cubo oxtruson from u
fow combnutons huvo undorgono oxtonsvo
tostng und rosuts obtunod uro suggostng thut
tho uddtvos dovoopod not ony roduco smoko
gonoruton but uso mprovo tho fumo
propuguton. Commorcu sumpos w bo
producod shorty.
Cn roquost by tho Pustc Cupuctors 1ochnoogy
Contor (PC1C), unguoro, un Assocuton of
munufucturors of Pustc lm cupuctors whch
showod koon ntorost n somo of tho R&D uctvtos,
u study on onch Murkng of uuty of lndgonous
Cupuctors ugunst lmportod Cupuctors wus tukon
up. 1hs Study hus hopod tho mombor ndustros
to chungo thor dosgn, ntroduco strctor quuty
contro, mprovo roubty und fnuy to como
out wth bottor product. ln gonoru, t hus hopod
muny ndustros ovorcomo thor fuuros, oxpund
thor oxport murkot und tho busnoss prospoct.
PC1C hus communcutod thut un oxport busnoss
of US S 90000/- wus uchovod by M/s PAN
Loctroncs through oxport to Chnu und 1uwun.
Mnstry of Powor provdos funds undor RSCP for
Appod Rosourch / 1ochnoogy dovoopmont to
Acudomc lnsttutons / R&D orgunsutons / lnsttutos
/ Uttos otc. 1hs progrummo s now co-ordnutod
by CPRl. CPRl hus udvortsod tho schomo n sovoru
foru und uso through tho wob so thut lndustry /
lnsttutos / Uttos cun couboruto n vurous
rosourch uctvtos n tho urou of powor. 1 duto,
38 proposus huvo boon rocovod und tho Lxport
Commttoo hus courod 11 now projoct proposus.
Cthor projoct proposus uro undor rovow.
CPRl hus boon ontrustod wth ussstng 9
dstrbuton crcos n tho stuto of Kurnutuku , Koruu
& Andhru Prudosh n mprovng tho dstrbuton
notwork undor APDRP prpogrummo. CPRl hus
ostubshod Sto Cffcos ut thoso pucos und 9 Nodu
Cffcors huvo boon postod ut thoso pucos. ln
ordor to crouto u bottor workng onvronmont ut
thoso pucos, spocfc fuctos ko 1runsport,
Accommoduton, Communcuton huvo boon mudo
uvuubo to thoso offcors to muko thor oporuton
moro offoctvo und to motvuto tho ndvduus to
dovor tho bost. Dotuod Projoct Roports for u
throo stutos huvo boon propurod und sont to
Mnstry of Powor contunng spocfc ntutvos to
bo mpomontod n tho choson crcos. 1ho DPRs
of Kurnutuku und AP crcos huvo uroudy boon
upprovod und tho funds huvo boon roousod. 1ho
DPRs of Koruu crcos uro undor consdoruton.
1ho Mnstry of Powor hud consttutod Stundng
Commttoo on Rosourch & Dovoopmont to dontfy
& formuuto u porspoctvo rosourch & dovoopmont
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
pun for 15 yours for tho lndun Powor Soctor.
CPRl wus dontfod us tho mombor convonor undor
tho churmunshp of Churmun CLA to formuuto
tho tusk. 1ho fnu roport on tho Nutonu
Porspoctvo Pun for R&D n lndun Powor Soctor
wus submttod by CPRl to Mnstry for powor.
usod on tho roport, 23 prortsod thomo urous
ncudng 3 crtcu ntutvos vz. Dutu Ropostory,
Dstrbutod Conoruton & HRD proposod to bo
compotod wthn 2-4 yours tmo huvo boon
dontfod uong wth tho Loud Agoncos [puyors[.
CPRl hus boon dontfod us u Loud Agoncy n
rospoct of Lnorgy Motorng, Rosduu Lfo
Assossmont, Dutu Ropostory & Loud Rosourch und
HRD, uso CPRl hus boon dontfod us u nodu
ugoncy und to uct us ntorfuco botwoon Loud
Agoncos und MoP n mpomontuton of R&D
ntutvos n powor soctor.
1ho lnsttuto hus stoppod up ts murkotng uctvtos
both wthn tho country & ubroud. Wthn tho
country, omphuss wus ud on murkotng of thrd
purty nspocton sorvcos for Powor oqupmont
procurod by Uttos. 1ho lnsttuto hus buggod
ussgnmonts from KP1CL, 1NL, AP1RANSCC,
UHVN, DHVN, HVPN, und &K Loctrcty
ourd. Somo of tho mportunt ovorsous ordors
rocovod ncudo: 1ostng of 1runsformors from M/
s Lnorgy Puc, ungudosh, 1ostng of VC Puno
for M/s LKH Swtchgour-Muuysu & 1ostng of
600V Pot cubo for M/s Cmun Cubo lndustry.
An ordor worth US S 50,000 hus boon rocovod
from 1NR, Muuysu ugunst stff ntornutonu
compotton for cubruton of HV oqupmont und
trunng of porsonno for cubruton.
NfW 1fS1 fAClIl1lfS
Somo of tho now fuctos uddod durng tho your
uro us foows:
11kV 200 Amps Vucuum 1ypo Cupuctor
Loud rouk Swtch wus tostod succossfuy
for Spocu Loctro Mochuncu Lndurunco
1ost for 4000 coso und 4000 opon
oporuton. 1hs tost fucty s unquo n
nuturo und t s not uvuubo osowhoro n
lndu. Cn tho roquost of SLs und
munufucturors, ths tost fucty wus dovoopod
ut CPRl hopu wth nhouso offorts.
Cubo churgng curront broukng tost on
12 kV/7.2kV crcut broukors ut u cubo
churgng curront of 50 Amps wus
conductod succossfuy us por lLC/lS
stundurds. 1hs tost fucty wus dovoopod
duo to domund from sovoru conts.
1ost fucty for mousuromont of swtchng
trunsonts on H1 Cupuctor unk
Cn-no mousuromonts of Purtu
Dschurgos n ooctrcu oqupmont
Dgtu ooctromugnotc coro mporfocton
dotocton systom (LLClD) for dotocton of
mporfocton und hot spots n tho Stutor
coros of 1urbo, Hydro und urgo AC
1ost fucty for uutomobo cubos tostng
us por lS: 2465 & roovunt stundurds
protocton coordnuton studos for tho
lAC1S projoct 1CSC projoct on tho
400kV Kunpur uubgurh no
Lnorgy uudts n tho spocfc urous currod
out for tho frst tmo
- Mng systom onorgy uudt for ono unt
of 200 MW und ono unt of 500MW unt
ut Korbu Supor 1hormu Powor Stuton
N1PC, Korbu
- 1hormu lnsuuton uudt for two HRSCs
ut Kuyumkuu
Combnod cyco powor projoct, N1PC,
- Lubrcuton consorvuton study ut Rhund
Supor 1hormu Powor Projoct, N1PC,
Rhund Nugur
- Wutor buunco study ut Rhund Supor
1hormu Powor Projoct, N1PC, Rhund Nugur
- Ar Prohoutor onorgy uudt ut Ruchur
Supor 1hormu Powor Stuton, KP1CL,
Romunng Lfo Assossmont study on
husuwu 1PS, Unt 1 of 62.5 MW und
DVC Chundrupur 1PS, Unt No.4 of 120
1ho lnsttuto fod two putonts uppcutons durng
tho your for tho nvontons routng to:
Dovoopmont of condonsuto doprosson
Propud curd oporutod dgtu onorgy motor
usng Novo Curd Roudng Mochunsm.
1ho lnsttuto ntonds to promoto ndgonousy
dovoopod tochnoogos by purtcputng n
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
Lxhbtons und Somnurs otc. 1ho tochnoogy
know-how for tho foowng
Rocumuton of dscurdod trunsformor o
wus trunsforrod to M/s. spocu Cs, Hub.
Cround Mut dosgn softwuro wus procurod
by Muhurushtru Stuto Loctrcty ourd,
Mumbu und 1um Nudu Loctrcty ourd,
1ho lnsttuto hus boon mootng ts non-pun
oxpondturo through rovonuo gonorutod by tostng
und consutuncy for tho ust fourtoon yours und
tho rovonuo hus boon ncrousng ovor tho yours.
1ho trond s oxpoctod to contnuo uso durng tho
curront your. CPRl hus ournod u rovonuo of
Rs.2806 ukhs durng 2001-02 roprosontng
u quuntum ncrouso of ovor two croros tho
rovonuo ournod durng 2000-01 nspto of
rocosson n ndustros. Howovor u offorts uro
mudo to ncrouso tho rovonuo ournngs for tho
lnsttuto und tho turgot for tho your 2002-03 s
ubout Rs.3000 ukhs.
ResiduaI Stress Measurements of 1urbine Shaft by X-Ray Method, CPRl, 8angaIore
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
Nutonu Powor 1runng lnsttuto (NP1l) un lSC:
9001:2000 Crgunsuton, s u rogstorod Socoty
sot up undor tho Mnstry of Powor for
dovoopmont of Humun Rosourcos n tho lndun
Powor und Lnorgy Soctor. Wth tho mun lnsttuto
ut lurdubud (Huryunu), NP1l oporutos on un u
lndu buss through ts Rogonu lnsttutos ocutod
ut Noyvo (1um Nudu), Durgupur (Wost ongu),
udurpur (Now Doh) und Nugpur (Muhurushtru),
oquppod wth word cuss H-toch nfrustructuru
fuctos for conductng dfforont coursos on
tochncu us wo us munugomont subjocts. 1wo
lnsttutos of CLA vz. Powor Systom 1runng
lnsttuto (PS1l), unguoro und Hot Lno 1runng
Contro (HL1C), unguoro huvo boon morgod wth
NP1l w.o.f. 1st Apr, 2002.
Snco ts ncopton, NP1l hus shurod ts ongnoorng
und tochnoogy oxportso wth moro thun 72,000
Powor Profossonus bosdors ovor 40,000 porsons
n ts muss oducuton progrummos on Lnorgy
Consorvuton, Powor Roforms otc. ucross tho
NP1l ontorod nto un MCU wth tho Mnstry of
Powor n rospoct of uchovng ts prncpu
purumotors, tho numbor of trunoos, trunoo wooks
und rovonuo ournng for tho your 2002-03. 1ho
numbor of trunoo wooks uchovod durng Apr-
Nov 2002 s 29,495. 1ho rovonuo ournod durng
tho Apr-Nov 2002 s Rs.443.53 ukhs.
NP1l uunchod two yours fu tmo MA
Progrummo n Powor Munugomont duy upprovod
by AlC1L und uffutod to Muhursh Duyunund
Unvorsty, Rohtuk n ts lurdubud Unt. lt uso
uunchod 4 your fu tmo Dogroo Courso .1och
(Powor), duy upprovod by AlC1L ut udurpur und
Nugpur Unt uffutod to tho Curu Cobnd Sngh
lndruprusthu Unvorsty und Nugpur Unvorsty
rospoctvoy. 1hs your, tho .1och (Powor) courso
wus uunchod by NP1l ut ts Lustorn Rogon
lnsttuto, Durgupur, duy upprovod by tho AlC1L
und uffutod to tho Wost ongu Unvorsty of
NfW CIlfN1S Of NP1l
1ho NP1l s oquppod wth sophstcutod trunng
nfrustructuro ut ts Contro for Advuncod
Munugomont und Powor Studos ut lurdubud und
u ts Rogonu lnsttutos ko Luborutoros und
Workshops, hosto und brury fuctos, h-toch
trunng rosourcos (o.g.oqupmont of gruphc/
photogruphc studos, movo cumoru, dgtu
cumorus, dosktop pubshng fuctos, otc for
dovoopng vurous trunng routod mutoru such
us munuus, oxhbts, stuto-of-tho-urt mutmodu
curoor busod trunng fuctos), computor
uborutoros, 500 MW & 210 MW Smututors ut
ludubud, udurpu und Nugpur. NP1l hus boon
conductng vurous ong torm und short torm
coursos for u ovos of tho tochncu und
munugoru porsonno/oxocutvos of tho Contru und
Stuto Powor Uttos. lt hus boon oxtondng ts
uctvtos to vurous orgnuzutons n tho powor
soctor. 1hs your, Powor 1rudng Corporuton,
lRCCN lntornutonu Ltd. und ACC Ltd. woro uddod
to tho contoo of tho NP1l. osdos ts roguur
progrummos, tho NP1l hud conductod tho
foowng spocu trunng progrummos:-
1. Sovon duys 1runng Progrummo on Hgh
Votugo Sub Stutons for tho Lxocutvos of
lRCCN lntornutonu Ltd.
2. 1wo wooks spocuzod trunng on oporuton
contro of 1hormu Powor Punts for Cporutors
of 1utu Powor Compuny Ltd.
3. 26 wooks trunng for Lngnoors of ACC.
4. 1runng of tho 8th utch of Lxocutvo 1runoos
from Powor Crd.
5. Spocu 1runng Progrums for Nutonu 1hormu
Powor Corporuton (N1PC) Cporutors/Suporvsors.
6. 1runng Progrum for Nucour Powor
Corporuton of lndu Lmtod.
7. 1runng Progrum for Nutonu Hydroooctrc
Powor Corporuton (NHPC) unor Lngnoors.
8. lnducton cum Crontuton 1runng Progrum
for Wost ongu Powor Dovoopmont
Corporuton Ltd. (WPDCL).
9. Spocu 1runng Progrum for Rujusthun Rujyu
Vdyut Utpudun Ngum Ltd. (RRVUNL).
10. Loud Audtors Progrum on lSC 14001.
11. Nutonu Somnurs n Couboruton wth
Contru ourd of lrrguton & Powor (ClP).
12. Workshop on Powor Cubos n Couboruton
wth CPRl.
13. Somnur on Wodng 1ochnoogy n ussocuton
wth L&1.
14. Murkotng of Mutmodu C1s und
N1P1l huvo dovoopod mutmodu computor busod
trunng puckugos und uro mukng rgorous offorts
to murkot thom to vurous uttos. Durng tho
your C1 puckugos woro sod to N1PC, M,
NationaI Power 1raining lnstitute (NP1l)
CHAP1fR - 17.13
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
NHPC, APCLNCC und 1utu Powor. NP1l
pubcutons huvo uso boon procurod by dfforont
1runng progrums on tho 500MW/210MW
Smuutors huvo boon conductod covorng 290
trunoos from dfforont orgunzutons durng Apr-
Novombor 2002.
NP1l wus short stod by tho lndun Socoty for
1runng und Dovoopmont (lS1D) for tho Nutonu
Awurd for ost HRD Pructcos 2001-2002 uong
wth 6 othor promor orgunzutons ko N1PC,
NPC, MMDC, L&1, HAL otc. Droctor Conoru,
NP1l prosontod un Awurd Wnnng cuso on HRD
lntutvos 1owurds lnvgorutng NP1l durng tho
ovont hod on 10th uy, 2002.
Nno fucuty mombors from tho 7 unts of NP1l
woro foctutod on tho 1ouchors Duy .o. 5th
Soptombor, 2002 for thor oxtruordnury dodcuton
to touchng.
Cn tho occuson of NP1ls Annuu Duy
coobrutons on 14th Novombor, 2002, ffty sx
(56) uwurds woro conforrod on tho fucuty mombors
und tho studonts ncudng tho onoy Snhu Cod
Modus for tho 'ost 1runoo und 'ost lucuty of
NP1l for tho your 2001-2002.
A out offorts woro mudo to mpomont Hnd
unguugo n offcu workng n compunco to tho
provsons onshrnod n our consttuton. 1hroo (3)
progrums woro orgunzod on computor uppcutons
n Hnd durng tho months of uno & uy 2002
for N1PC, PCClL, 1HDC und DVC porsonno.
lS1D Nutonu Awurd 2001-02 wus conforrod upon
NP1l for ost HRD Pructcos: Socond ost
Dr. .S.K. Nudu, Droctor Conoru, NP1l rocovod
Putnum uboo Lmnont Lngnoor Awurd from tho
lnsttuton of Lngnoors (lndu) for hs sgnfcunt
contrbuton to Lngnoorng Profosson.
Shr V.S. Lotho, Prncpu Droctor (Wostorn Rogon)
rocovod tho Lu uhudur Shustr Momoru Nutonu
Awurd us Lxcoont Chof Lxocutvo from
lntornutonu Croonund Socoty, Hydorubud.
Smt. Munju Mum, Dy. Droctor, NP1l Corporuto
Cffco rocovod tho Nutonu Awurd 2001-2002
from lS1D us ost Young Womon 1runor.
ln ordor to sot now stundurds of trunng n tho
powor soctor, tho foowng frosh uctvtos huvo
boon onvsugod:
Cbtunng lSC 14001 Cortfcuton for NP1l
Conduct A lndu Dstrbuton Roforms
Progrum undor APDRP
Stoppng up trunsnutonu trunng for rovonuo
gonoruton n forogn oxchnugo & ntornutonu
mugo budng
Sottng up of 1runng lnsttuto n tho North
Lustorn Rogon.
Lstubshng und muntunng u Mn Hydro
Powor Projoct for 1runng, Lnorgy
Consorvuton und sof-sustonunco
Sottng up of 1&D Rosourco Contro.
1o mprovo tho porformunco of tho Powor Stutons
n tho North-Lustorn rogon, NP1l s proposng to
sturt tho trunng und HRD uctvty for tho Powor
Soctor porsonno by ostubshng u Powor ock n
ll1 promsos or n tho udjonng nsttutonu urou
n Cuwuhut. Doborutons uro bong currod on
wth Droctor ll1 Cuwuhut. A provson of
Rs.14.75 croros hus boon uocutod for ths purposo
n tho X Pun funds.
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
I1D. (P1C)
Powor 1rudng Corporuton of lndu Lmtod (P1C)
wus sot up n Apr 1999 wth un uuthorzod cuptu
of Rs. 150 Croros, wth tho pud up cuptu n tho
ruto of 30 from PCClL, 15 ouch from N1PC
und PlC und tho buunco 40 to bo rusod from
tho murkot. 1ho cuptu structuro of P1C hus boon
rostructurod und tho uuthorzod cuptu hus boon
rusod to Rs. 750 Croros. 1ho four Contro Powor
Soctor compunos numoy N1PC, PlC, PCClL und
NHPC w contrbuto 8 ouch of tho totu pud
up cuptu und buunco s to bo rusod from tho
murkot. DVC hus sgnod un oquty subscrpton
ugroomont for Rs. 10 Croros. Dscussons wth tho
lls und Uttos uro uroudy gong on for oquty
purtcputon for tho buunco. 1ho pud-up cuptu
w bo rusod to tho uuthorzod ovo of Rs.
750Croros ovor u porod of 3-4 yours.
P1Cs mun functon s to cutuyso dovoopmont of
Mogu Powor Projocts und othor powor projocts by
uctng us u sngo ontty to ontor nto Powor
Purchuso Agroomonts (PPAs) wth lndopondont
Powor Producors (lPPs) on tho ono sdo und
Mutpurtto PPAs wth usors/SLs undor ong torm
urrungomont on tho othor, thus nsuutng tho lPPs
from protructod nogotutons wth mutpurtto SLs
und rocovubo rsks. P1C hus uso boon mundutod
for powor trudng to optmuy utzo tho oxstng
rosourcos n tho country us uso promotng
oxchungo of powor wth noghbourng countros.
Covornmont of lndu hus dontfod P1C us u
nodu ugoncy to dou wth muttors routng to
oxchungo of powor botwoon lndu und ts
noghbourng countros.
P1C hus sot tho foowng stutomont of purposo
for tsof, whch ucts us tho vson for tho compuny:
To 8o a ltont Runnot n Iovot Ttadng 8y
Dovolong a Vbtant Iovot Matlot and 5ttvng
To Cottoct Matlot Dstottons
P1C hus uso sot tho foowng msson for tsof:
Promoto Powor 1rudng to optmuy utzo
tho oxstng rosourcos
Cutuyzo dovoopmont of Mogu und othor
Powor Projocts ncudng Hydro Projocts
Promoto oxchungo of powor wth noghbourng
Dovoop powor murkot n not too dstunt u
ldontfcuton of probubo soors und buyors (for
short torm und ong torm), coordnuton wth
vurous ugoncos for dsputch, motorng und bng,
rovonuo rouzuton, onorgy uccountng, co-
ordnuton wth RLs, RLDCs, SLDCs otc. und
fndng utornutvo buyor(s) uro umong tho mujor
sorvcos offorod by P1C.
1rading of Power
P1C hus omburkod upon trudng by orgunzng
purchuso of powor from surpus ocutons und
song to dofct stutos. Sousonu dvorsty n
gonoruton und domund of dfforont powor uttos
gvos umpo opportuntos for short torm trudng.
P1C sturtod trudng wth mtod trunsuctons durng
1999-2000 (28.35 MUs) but trudng on sustunod
buss commoncod from uno 2001 whch hus
grown to u fguro of 1617.4 MUs for tho fnuncu
your 2001-02. P1C hus u turgot of 4000 MUs for
tho lY 2002-03, out of whch t hus uchovod
trudng of 3314 MUs t unuury 2003. P1Cs
mujor trudng purtnors ncudo Wost ongu, D1L,
DVC, Huryunu, Muunu, Cou, UPCL, Andhru
Prudosh otc. P1C s uso ontorng nto dous wth
tmofrumos vuryng from 7 duys to 3 yours. P1C
hus uso ntroducod 'dfforontu prcng concopt
for 'round tho cock und 'off-pouk powor. Duo
to ths, customors cun so und buy powor n tho
sumo tmo frumo .o. ono cun buy powor n
poukng porod whon t s powor dofct und cun
so powor durng off-pouk hours whon t s surpus
n powor und thus tho vson of dovoopng u
dynumc powor murkot s ncrousngy
tukng shupo.
P1C hus upprouchod roguutory uuthortos for
crouton of onubng onvronmont und s uso
workng out on frumowork ugroomonts to cutuyso
ooctrcty trudng und dovoopmont of projocts.
1o ncrouso ts trudng uctvtos n futuro, P1C
hus sot ts oyo on tho surpus powor uvuubo
wth cuptvo powor punts (CPPs) und uso poong
powor from dstrbutod gonoruton vz., wnd und
smu hydro powor punts.
Other lmportant Activities
CHAP1fR - 18
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
ln uddton to ntor-stuto oxchungo of powor wthn
tho country, thoro s scopo for trudo of ooctrcty
wth noghbourng countros. P1C hus boon
dontfod us tho nodu ugoncy for oxchungo of
powor botwoon lndu und Nopu P1C hus uso
tukon ovor trudng of surpus powor from 336 MW
of Chukhu und 60 MW of Kurchhu Hydro Powor
Projocts from hutun.
DeveIopment of Pro[ects
P1C hus shftod ts focus from Mogu-Powor Projocts
to smu und modum szod projocts whch uro
bong promotod by lPPs. MoUs wth dovoopors
huvo boon sgnod n u numbor of cusos ko Lowor
& Mddo Koub, Sumu hydro powor projocts otc.
A fow projoct dovoopors huvo upprouchod P1C
wth ndcutvo proposus for urgo, modum und
smu szod hydropowor projocts n tho
Hmuuyun Rungo (ncudng somo from Nopu),
ummu & Kushmr, Hmuchu Prudosh,
Utturunchu, North-Lustorn Stutos und othor stutos
ko Crssu us uso oss costy thormu powor
projocts. 1hoso proposus uro undor dscussons.
1ho prosont ovo of ntor-stuto oxchungo s st
quto mtod. Wth fu mpomontuton of
Avuubty usod 1urff (A1), und tho gruduu
dovoopmont of tho Nutonu Crd tho prospocts
und voumo of trudo uro koy to ncrouso us hus
boon shown n tho cuso of tho Wostorn Rogon.
A1, proposod to bo mpomontod for ntor-stuto
Conorutng Stutons, uong-wth unschoduod
ntorchungo umongst vurous uttos w
oncourugo trudng of onorgy by provdng corroct
commorcu sgnus. 1ho groutost bonoft thut muy
bo dorvod from such trudng s thut t w hop
not ony n uchovng bottor oconomc offconcy
und mprovod roubty but uso n convortng
unschoduod ntorchungos to schoduod
ntorchungos of powor botwoon tho Stutos und
mprovng tho quuty of powor suppy.
P1C s mukng offorts to ostubsh u dynumc powor
murkot n tho country. 1hs s u dffcut und
chuongng tusk n tho gvon onvronmont duo to
uck of trunsmsson fucty for unconstrunod fow
of powor from tho surpus ocutons to tho dofct
ocutons und poor puyng cupucty of SLs. P1C
hus tukon sovoru mounngfu stops und hopos thut
wth nvostmont towurds strongthonng tho grd ut
stuto/nutonu ovo, opon uccoss to tho grd und
sutubo nsttutonu mochunsm, thoro woud bo
bottor nfrustructuru fuctos und u moro
conducvo onvronmont for u powor murkot n
CONSUI1A1lVf COMMl11ff Of MfM8fRS Of
Durng tho your 2002-2003, tho Mnstry of Powor
coordnutod und orgunzod Sx mootngs of tho
Consututvo Commttoo of Mombors of Purumont
for tho Mnstry of Powor. 1ho subjocts for
dscusson ut thoso mootngs woro () CAPACl1Y
WfIfARf Of SC/S1 &O8C
An SC/S1 Co hus boon sot up snco tho oury
nnotos whch functons undor tho droct contro
of tho Doputy Socrotury(Admnstruton) und usssts
Luson Cffcor (SC/S1) und Luson Cffcor (CC).
1ho co montors tho mpomontuton of
rosorvuton pocos of tho Covornmont of lndu
n tho Mnstry us wo us tho orgunzutons
undor tho udmnstrutvo contro of tho Mnstry of
Powor. Porodcu roports on tho subjoct uro sont
us por proscrbod schoduo to tho Dopurtmont of
Porsonno & 1runng, Dopurtmont of Pubc
Lntorprsos, Mnstry of Socu ustco &
Lmpowormont und Nutonu Commsson for
2. Durng 2002, unnuu nspoctons of 23 (8 by
LC(S1/S1) ) und 15 by LC(CC) offcos woro
currod out. 1ho LC(SC/S1) hud ntoructons wth
tho SC/S1 offcus whch hopod to uovuto muny
of tho msconcoptons/ msupprohonsons ubout tho
munugomont und tho rosorvuton pocy.
3. ln ordor to rovow tho progross mudo by tho
orgunzuton undor ths Mnstrys udmnstrutvo
contro, to cour tho buckog of rosorvod vucuncos,
u mootng wus tukon by MCS(P) on 18.11.2002.
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
8rought Number of 1otaI Number of Number
forward grievances number of grievances of
as on received grievances disposed off grievances
31.12.2001 during the year pending
10 10 20 16 4
1ho nspocton of tho Crovunco Rodrossu
Muchnory of tho vurous Pubc Soctor
Undortukngs, ont vonturo Corporutons,
Autonomous odos, Stututory odos und uttuchod
offcos undor tho contro of tho Mnstry of Powor,
wth u vow to mprovng thor functonng, hus
boon compotod. A roport n ths muttor hus uso
boon sont to tho Dopurtmont of Admnstrutvo
Roforms und Pubc Crovuncos. Struy cusos of
pubc grovuncos roforrod to tho Mnstry huvo
boon dsposod off.
1horo s un 'lnformuton und luctuton Contro of tho
Mnstry whch s functonng ut Cround loor of tho Shrum
Shukt huwun, Now Doh. 1ho Wobsto of tho Mnstry
s uccossbo on NlC Wobsorvor ut tho uddross of
1ho Socrotury s Chof Accountng Authorty of
Mnstry of Powor . 1ho offco of Controor of
Accounts functons undor ovoru suporvson of S
& lA. lt hus Controor of Accounts wth ono Doputy
Controor of Accounts und 7 Puy & Accounts
Cffcors ncudng ono outstuton Puy und Accounts
offcor n unguoro huvng choquo druwng powors
und ono for lntornu Audt. 1ho monthy uccounts of
u tho PACs uro submttod roguury to tho Prncpu
Accounts Cffco ovory month who s rosponsbo for
consoduton und submsson of Accounts n
Dotuod Cussfod lorm to Controor Conoru of
Accounts. 1ho Prncpu Accounts Cffco s uso
rosponsbo for tho propuruton of Appropruton
Account, Stutomont of Contru 1runsuctons (SC1) und
lnunco Account on unnuu buss for submsson to
tho Controor Conoru of Accounts ( CCA ). Whch
s thon compod for tho Covt. of lndu Accounts.
1ho Cffco of tho Controor of Accounts hus four
Puy & Accounts Cffcos, workng undor hs contro,
vz.PAC(CLA), Now Doh, PCA (CLA), unguoro,
PAC (Soctt.) Now Doh und PAC (MCC), Now
Doh. 1ho monthy uccounts of thoso offcos uro
submttod roguury to tho Prncpu Accounts
Cffco. 1horouftor thoso uro consodutod und sont
to tho Cffco of tho Controor Conoru of Accounts,
Mnstry of lnunco n u dotuod cussfod form.
1ho Prncpu Accounts Cffco s uso rosponsbo
for tho propuruton of Appropruton Account.
Stutomont of Contru 1runsuctons (SC1) und
lnunco Account of unnuu buss for submsson
to tho Controor Conoru of Account (CCA). 1ho
Prncpu Accounts Cffco uso brngs out tho
documont 'Accounts ut u Cunco whch contuns
totu trunsuctons of tho Mnstry und t vurous
orgunzutons n most scontfc wuy. 1ho offco
of tho CCA s rosponsbo for propurng tho Rocopt
udgot of tho Mnstry.
lnternaI Audit Wing
1ho lntornu Audt Wng onsuros udopton of sound
procoduro, ruos und fnuncu proproty of
trunsuctons of uccounts. 1hs Wng uso udvsos
tho DDCs to onsuro lnuncu proproty on bohuf
of P & A.C.
1ho stutus of grovunco rodrossu for tho your ondng on 31.12.2002 s us undor: -
lt wus rotorutod thut whorovor thoro woro shortfus,
ournost offorts shoud bo mudo to f up tho
Recruitment of SC/S1 candidates in NationaI
Power 1raining lnstitute
Durng 2002-03 throo SC/S1 cunddutos huvo boon
WfIfARf Of MlNORl1lfS
Sopuruto schomos do not oxst n tho Mnstry of
Powor for wofuro of tho mnortos, howovor, tho
schomos rocommondod for thor wofuro from tmo
to tmo by tho ugoncos concornod uro scrupuousy
1ho Crovunco Co n Mnstry of Powor dous
wth rodrossu of grovuncos routng to vurous
grovuncos portunng to Pubc Soctor
Undortukngs, Autonomous bodos, Stututory bodos
und Attuchod offco undor tho udmnstrutvo
purvow of Mnstry of Powor. 1ho stutus of
rodrossu of grovuncos s bong montorod on
monthy buss.
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
RfCRfA1lON AC1lVl1lfS
1ho Mnstry of Powor s promotng sports und
cuturu uctvtos. Powor Sports Contro ourd
(PSC), wth tho Mnstor n-churgo of tho Mnstry
of Powor us Churmun, consttutod us u nodu
ugoncy wth tho purtcputon of Contru Powor
orgunzuton .o. Contru Loctrcty Authorty und
u tho Pubc Soctor Undortukngs/Autonomous
bodos otc. undor tho udmnstrutvo contro of tho
Mnstry of Powor s urrungng vurous tournumonts
n vurous dscpnos ovory your, u ovor tho
country wth tho hop of mombor orgunzutons.
1ho Mnstry hus u Rocrouton Cub for ts stuff for
ookng uftor tho cuturu und sports uctvtos. 1ho
Honbo Mnstor of Powor und tho Socrotury
(Powor) uro ts Chof putron und putorn,
rospoctvoy. 1ho toums from Mnstry of Powor
huvo boon tukng purt n dfforont dscpnos n
vurous tournumonts und cuturu moots orgunzod
by PSC und ntor-mnstoru tournumonts
orgunzod by Contru Cv Sorvcos Cuturu und
Sports ourd of tho Dopurtmont of Porsonno und
1runng, Covornmont of lndu.
Year (Accounts No. of Units No. of Paras No. of Paras No. of Paras
Due of audit due / inspected raised settIed outstanding
during 2001-02 upto 30.11.2002
2001-02 23/17 1S1 89 62
1ho Crgunsuton-wso brouk up of Cutstundng Audt Cbsorvutons und lnspocton Roports for Audt of C &
ACs us on 31-3-2002 s us undor:
S.No. Organisation No. of lnspection Reports No. of Paras
1. Mnstry of Powor 1 12
2. Contru Loctrcty Authorty 8 43
3. Contru Loctrcty Roguutory Commsson - -
4. Controor of Accounts
() PAC (CLA),Now Doh 1 4
() PAC (Soctt), Now Doh 1 1
(v) PAC (CLA) unguoro 1 2
1otaI 12 62
Performance of the lnternaI Audit Wing during the year 2001-2002 is as under:
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
Statement - l
lNS1AIIfD CAPACl1Y (lN MW) Of POWfR U1lIl1lfS lN 1Hf S1A1fS/U1s IOCA1fD lN NOR1HfRN
RfGlON lNCIUDlNG AIIOCA1fD SHARfS lN )OlN1 & CfN1RAI SfC1OR U1lIl1fS AS ON 31.1.2003
State Ownership Modewise brea|up
Sector 1otaI 1hermaI 1otaI
Hydro CoaI Gas DieseI 1hermaI Wind NucIear
DeIhi Stuto 932.40 0.00 320.00 612.40 0.00 932.40 0.00 0.00
Prvuto 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Contru 2391.00 208.00 1797.00 207.00 0.00 2004.00 0.00 179.00
Sub-1otaI 3323.40 208.00 2117.00 819.40 0.00 2936.40 0.00 179.00
Haryana Stuto 1990.32 883.90 1102.50 0.00 3.92 1106.42 0.00 0.00
Prvuto 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Contru 1137.00 276.00 299.00 534.00 0.00 833.00 0.00 28.00
Sub-1otaI 3127.32 11S9.90 1401.S0 S34.00 3.92 1939.42 0.00 28.00
HimachaI Stuto 323.80 323.67 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.13 0.00 0.00
Prvuto 86.00 86.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Contru 255.00 125.00 54.00 62.00 0.00 116.00 0.00 14.00
Sub-1otaI 764.80 634.67 S4.00 62.00 0.13 116.13 0.00 14.00
)ammu Stuto 495.63 311.69 0.00 175.00 8.94 183.94 0.00 0.00
& Prvuto 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Kashmir Contru 738.00 429.00 114.00 129.00 0.00 243.00 0.00 66.00
Sub-1otaI 1233.63 740.69 114.00 304.00 8.94 426.94 0.00 66.00
Pun[ab Stuto 4528.94 2398.94 2130.00 0.00 0.00 2130.00 0.00 0.00
Prvuto 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Contru 1127.00 406.00 406.00 264.00 0.00 670.00 0.00 51.00
Sub-1otaI S6SS.94 2804.94 2S36.00 264.00 0.00 2800.00 0.00 S1.00
Ra[asthan Stuto 3029.02 971.62 1975.00 76.00 0.00 2051.00 6.40 0.00
Prvuto 9.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.70 0.00
Contru 1472.00 179.00 453.00 221.00 0.00 674.00 0.00 619.00
Sub-1otaI 4S10.72 11S0.62 2428.00 297.00 0.00 272S.00 16.10 619.00
Uttar Stuto 4658.60 556.60 4102.00 0.00 0.00 4102.00 0.00 0.00
Pradesh Prvuto 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Contru 2944.00 273.00 1983.00 550.00 0.00 2533.00 0.00 138.00
Sub-1otaI 7602.60 829.60 608S.00 SS0.00 0.00 663S.00 0.00 138.00
UttranchaI Stuto 954.15 954.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Prvuto 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Contru 332.00 61.00 186.00 69.00 0.00 255.00 0.00 16.00
Sub-1otaI 1286.1S 101S.1S 186.00 69.00 0.00 2SS.00 0.00 16.00
Chandigarh Stuto 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 0.00
Prvuto 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Contru 62.00 27.00 15.00 15.00 0.00 30.00 0.00 5.00
Sub-1otaI 64.00 27.00 1S.00 1S.00 2.00 32.00 0.00 S.00
CentraI- 884.00 26.00 533.00 261.00 0.00 794.00 0.00 64.00
1otaI Stuto 16914.86 6400.57 9629.50 863.40 14.99 10507.89 6.40 0.00
Northern Prvuto 195.70 186.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.70 0.00
Region Contru 11342.00 2010.00 5840.00 2312.00 0.00 8152.00 0.00 1180.00
Grand 1otaI 284S2.S6 8S96.S7 1S469.S0 317S.40 14.99 186S9.89 16.10 1180.00
Note: ' usod on dorutod cupucty of 2 unts ouch of 220 MW of Nuroru Atomc Powor Stuton n U.P. & thut of
RAPP Unt No.1 us 100 MW. Unt 2 us 200 MW n Rujusthun.
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
lNS1AIIfD CAPACl1Y (lN MW) Of POWfR U1lIl1lfS lN 1Hf S1A1fS/U1s IOCA1fD lN WfS1fRN
RfGlON lNCIUDlNG AIIOCA1fD SHARfS lN )OlN1 & CfN1RAI SfC1OR U1lIl1fS AS ON 31.1.2003
State Ownership Modewise brea|up
Sector 1otaI 1hermaI 1otaI
Hydro CoaI Gas DieseI 1hermaI Wind NucIear
Goa Stuto 0.16 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.00
Prvuto 48.00 0.00 0.00 48.00 0.00 48.00 0.00 0.00
Contru 406.60 0.00 357.00 34.60 0.00 391.60 0.00 15.00
Sub-1otaI 4S4.76 0.0S 3S7.00 82.60 0.00 439.60 0.11 1S.00
Daman Stuto 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
& Prvuto 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Diu Contru 14.20 0.00 8.00 4.20 0.00 12.20 0.00 2.00
Sub-1otaI 14.20 0.00 8.00 4.20 0.00 12.20 0.00 2.00
Gu[arat Stuto'' 4683.68 563.00 3759.00 327.10 17.28 4103.38 17.30 0.00
Prvuto 2639.80 0.00 1060.00 1430.00 0.20 2490.20 149.60 0.00
Contru 1538.30 0.00 829.00 424.30 0.00 1253.30 0.00 285.00
Sub-1otaI 8861.78 S63.00 S648.00 2181.40 17.48 7846.88 166.90 28S.00
Madhya Stuto 3078.01 919.91 2157.50 0.00 0.00 2157.50 0.60 0.00
Pradesh Prvuto 22.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 22.00 0.00
Contru 1120.20 0.00 854.00 196.20 0.00 1050.20 0.00 70.00
Sub-1otaI 4220.21 919.91 3011.S0 196.20 0.00 3207.70 22.60 70.00
Chhatisgarh Stuto 1400.00 120.00 1280.00 0.00 0.00 1280.00 0.00 0.00
Prvuto 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Contru 498.00 0.00 414.00 61.00 0.00 475.00 0.00 23.00
Sub-1otaI 1898.00 120.00 1694.00 61.00 0.00 17SS.00 0.00 23.00
Maharastra Stuto 9770.57 2427.17 6425.00 912.00 0.00 7337.00 6.40 0.00
Prvuto 3409.80 447.00 1650.00 920.00 0.00 2570.00 392.80 0.00
Contru 2027.90 0.00 1339.00 391.90 0.00 1730.90 0.00 297.00
Sub-1otaI 1S208.27 2874.17 9414.00 2223.90 0.00 11637.90 399.20 297.00
Dadra & Stuto 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Nagar- Prvuto 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
HaveIi Contru 15.50 0.00 9.00 4.50 0.00 13.50 0.00 2.00
Sub-1otaI 1S.S0 0.00 9.00 4.S0 0.00 13.S0 0.00 2.00
CentraI- 891.30 0.00 650.00 175.30 0.00 825.30 0.00 66.00
1otaI Stuto 18932.42 4030.13 13621.50 1239.10 17.28 14877.88 24.41 0.00
Western Prvuto 6119.60 447.00 2710.00 2398.00 0.20 5108.20 564.40 0.00
Region Contru 6512.00 0.00 4460.00 1292.00 0.00 5752.00 0.00 760.00
Grand 1otaI 31S64.02 4477.13 20791.S0 4929.10 17.48 2S738.08 S88.81 760.00
Note: ' usod on dorutod cupucty of 2 unts ouch of 160 MW of 1uruporo Atomc Powor Stuton n
''Rotromont of 27 MW Dhuvurun Cus 1urbno Unt-ll w.o.f. 04-09-2001 und 315 MW Cus 1urbno ut
Utrun w.o.f. 19-9-2002.
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
lNS1AIIfD CAPACl1Y (lN MW) Of POWfR U1lIl1lfS lN 1Hf S1A1fS/U1s IOCA1fD lN SOU1HfRN
RfGlON lNCIUDlNG AIIOCA1fD SHARfS lN )OlN1 & CfN1RAI SfC1OR U1lIl1fS AS ON 31.1.2003
State Ownership Modewise brea|up
Sector 1otaI 1hermaI 1otaI
Hydro CoaI Gas DieseI 1hermaI Wind NucIear
Andhra Stuto 6328.84 3271.94 2952.50 99.00 0.00 3051.50 5.40 0.00
Pradesh Prvuto 1137.40 0.00 0.00 1013.40 36.80 1050.20 87.20 0.00
Contru 2001.00 0.00 1857.00 0.00 0.00 1857.00 0.00 144.00
Sub-1otaI 9467.24 3271.94 4809.S0 1112.40 36.80 S9S8.70 92.60 144.00
Karnata|a Stuto 4508.07 2907.55 1470.00 0.00 127.92 1597.92 2.60 0.00
Prvuto 683.70 31.20 260.00 220.00 106.50 586.50 66.00 0.00
Contru 674.00 0.00 544.00 0.00 0.00 544.00 0.00 130.00
Sub-1otaI S86S.77 2938.7S 2274.00 220.00 234.42 2728.42 68.60 130.00
KeraIa Stuto 2031.60 1795.00 0.00 0.00 234.60 234.60 2.00 0.00
Prvuto 207.84 12.00 0.00 174.00 21.84 195.84 0.00 0.00
Contru 804.00 0.00 398.00 350.00 0.00 748.00 0.00 56.00
Sub-1otaI 3043.44 1807.00 398.00 S24.00 2S6.44 1178.44 2.00 S6.00
1amiI Stuto 5281.55 1995.15 2970.00 297.00 0.00 3267.00 19.40 0.00
Nadu Prvuto 1830.26 0.00 250.00 330.50 411.66 992.16 838.10 0.00
Contru 2179.00 0.00 1821.00 0.00 0.00 1821.00 0.00 358.00
Sub-1otaI 9290.81 199S.1S S041.00 627.S0 411.66 6080.16 8S7.S0 3S8.00
Pondi- Stuto 32.50 0.00 0.00 32.50 0.00 32.50 0.00 0.00
cherry Prvuto 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Contru 142.00 0.00 130.00 0.00 0.00 130.00 0.00 12.00
Sub-1otaI 174.S0 0.00 130.00 32.S0 0.00 162.S0 0.00 12.00
CentraI- 610.00 0.00 530.00 0.00 0.00 530.00 0.00 80.00
1otaI Stuto 18182.56 9969.64 7392.50 428.50 362.52 8183.52 29.40 0.00
Southern Prvuto 3859.20 43.20 510.00 1737.90 576.80 2824.70 991.30 0.00
Region Contru 6410.00 0.00 5280.00 350.00 0.00 5630.00 0.00 780.00
Grand 1otaI 284S1.76 10012.84 13182.S0 2S16.40 939.32 16638.22 1020.70 780.00
Note: ' usod on dorutod cupucty of 2 unts ouch of 170 MW ut Mudrus Atomc Powor Stuton n 1um
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
lNS1AIIfD CAPACl1Y (lN MW) Of POWfR U1lIl1lfS lN 1Hf S1A1fS/U1s IOCA1fD lN fAS1fRN
RfGlON lNCIUDlNG AIIOCA1fD SHARfS lN )OlN1 & CfN1RAI SfC1OR U1lIl1fS AS ON 31.1.2003
State Ownership Modewise brea|up
Sector 1otaI 1hermaI 1otaI
Hydro CoaI Gas DieseI 1hermaI Wind NucIear
8ihar Stuto 598.40 44.90 553.50 0.00 0.00 553.50 0.00 0.00
Prvuto 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Contru 2460.76 13.26 2357.50 90.00 0.00 2447.50 0.00 0.00
Sub-1otaI 30S9.16 S8.16 2911.00 90.00 0.00 3001.00 0.00 0.00
)har|hand Stuto 1390.00 130.00 1260.00 0.00 0.00 1260.00 0.00 0.00
Prvuto 240.00 0.00 240.00 0.00 0.00 240.00 0.00 0.00
Contru 185.89 85.89 100.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 0.00
Sub-1otaI 181S.89 21S.89 1600.00 0.00 0.00 1600.00 0.00 0.00
West Stuto 3582.87 164.71 3305.00 100.00 12.06 3417.06 1.10 0.00
8engaI Prvuto 1201.52 0.00 1201.38 0.00 0.14 1201.52 0.00 0.00
Contru 1594.53 84.43 1510.10 0.00 0.00 1510.10 0.00 0.00
D.V.C.' 171.92 11.92 160.00 0.00 0.00 160.00 0.00 0.00
Sub-1otaI 6SS0.84 261.06 6176.48 100.00 12.20 6288.68 1.10 0.00
Orissa Stuto 2304.49 1883.00 420.00 0.00 0.00 420.00 1.49 0.00
Prvuto 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Contru 1601.99 0.00 1601.99 0.00 0.00 1601.99 0.00 0.00
Sub-1otaI 3906.48 1883.00 2021.99 0.00 0.00 2021.99 1.49 0.00
Si||im Stuto 37.90 32.90 0.00 0.00 5.00 5.00 0.00 0.00
Prvuto 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Contru 22.90 8.50 14.40 0.00 0.00 14.40 0.00 0.00
Sub-1otaI 60.80 41.40 14.40 0.00 S.00 19.40 0.00 0.00
CentraI- 1303.51 0.00 1303.51 0.00 0.00 1303.51 0.00 0.00
1otaI Stuto 7913.66 2255.51 5538.50 100.00 17.06 5655.56 2.59 0.00
fastern Prvuto 1441.52 0.00 1441.38 0.00 0.14 1441.52 0.00 0.00
Region Contru 7341.50 204.00 7047.50 90.00 0.00 7137.50 0.00 0.00
Grand 1otaI 16696.68 24S9.S1 14027.38 190.00 17.20 14234.S8 2.S9 0.00
Note: ' 1otu of shuros uocutod to DVC from contru soctors (N1PCs/Powor Stutons).
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
lNS1AIIfD CAPACl1Y (lN MW) Of POWfR U1lIl1lfS lN 1Hf S1A1fS/U1s IOCA1fD lN NOR1H-fAS1fRN
RfGlON lNCIUDlNG AIIOCA1fD SHARfS lN )OlN1 & CfN1RAI SfC1OR U1lIl1fS AS ON 31.1.2003
State Ownership Modewise brea|up
Sector 1otaI 1hermaI 1otaI
Hydro CoaI Gas DieseI 1hermaI Wind NucIear
Assam Stuto g 597.19 2.00 330.00 244.50 20.69 595.19 0.00 0.00
Prvuto 24.50 0.00 0.00 24.50 0.00 24.50 0.00 0.00
Contru 497.80 319.80 0.00 178.00 0.00 178.00 0.00 0.00
Sub-1otaI 1119.49 321.80 330.00 447.00 20.69 797.69 0.00 0.00
ArunachaI Stuto 45.43 29.55 0.00 0.00 15.88 15.88 0.00 0.00
Pradesh Prvuto 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Contru 117.00 96.00 0.00 21.00 0.00 21.00 0.00 0.00
Sub-1otaI 162.43 12S.SS 0.00 21.00 1S.88 36.88 0.00 0.00
MeghaIaya Stuto 188.76 186.71 0.00 0.00 2.05 2.05 0.00 0.00
Prvuto 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Contru 97.20 71.10 0.00 26.10 0.00 26.10 0.00 0.00
Sub-1otaI 28S.96 2S7.81 0.00 26.10 2.0S 28.1S 0.00 0.00
1ripura Stuto 127.36 16.01 0.00 106.50 4.85 111.35 0.00 0.00
Prvuto 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Contru 93.10 60.10 0.00 33.00 0.00 33.00 0.00 0.00
Sub-1otaI 220.46 76.11 0.00 139.S0 4.8S 144.3S 0.00 0.00
Manipur Stuto 48.61 3.20 0.00 0.00 45.41 45.41 0.00 0.00
Prvuto 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Contru 105.50 79.40 0.00 26.10 0.00 26.10 0.00 0.00
Sub-1otaI 1S4.11 82.60 0.00 26.10 4S.41 71.S1 0.00 0.00
NagaIand Stuto 30.36 28.20 0.00 0.00 2.00 2.00 0.16 0.00
Prvuto 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Contru 71.10 52.10 0.00 19.00 0.00 19.00 0.00 0.00
Sub-1otaI 101.46 80.30 0.00 19.00 2.00 21.00 0.16 0.00
Mizoram Stuto 37.20 8.26 0.00 0.00 28.94 28.94 0.00 0.00
Prvuto 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Contru 49.10 33.00 0.00 16.10 0.00 16.10 0.00 0.00
Sub-1otaI 86.30 41.26 0.00 16.10 28.94 4S.04 0.00 0.00
CentraI- 179.20 123.50 0.00 55.70 0.00 55.70 0.00 0.00
1otaI Stuto 1074.91 273.93 330.00 351.00 119.82 800.82 0.16 0.00
North-fastern Prvuto 24.50 0.00 0.00 24.50 0.00 24.50 0.00 0.00
Region Contru 1210.00 835.00 0.00 375.00 0.00 375.00 0.00 0.00
Grand 1otaI 2309.41 1108.93 330.00 7S0.S0 119.82 1200.32 0.16 0.00
g :- Undor tho coumn Cou whch sgnfos Stoum 1urbno Con. Sots n gonoru, 230MW S1 unts ut
Chundrupur und 130MW S1 unt ut Numrup uro usng Cus fuo n thor boors.
Noto - ' o Muss Cussfro.
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
lNS1AIIfD CAPACl1Y (lN MW) Of POWfR U1lIl1lfS lN 1Hf lSIANDS AS ON 31.1.2003
State Ownership Modewise brea|up
Sector 1otaI 1hermaI 1otaI
Hydro CoaI Gas DieseI 1hermaI Wind NucIear
Andaman Stuto 39.30 5.25 0.00 0.00 34.05 34.05 0.00 0.00
& Nicobar Prvuto 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.00 10.00 0.00 0.00
Contru 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Sub-1otaI 49.30 S.2S 0.00 0.00 44.0S 44.0S 0.00 0.00
Ia|sha- Stuto 9.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.97 9.97 0.00 0.00
dweep Prvuto 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Contru 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Sub-1otaI 9.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.97 9.97 0.00 0.00
1otaI Stuto 49.27 5.25 0.00 0.00 44.02 44.02 0.00 0.00
lsIands Prvuto 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.00 10.00 0.00 0.00
Contru 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Grand 1otaI S9.27 S.2S 0.00 0.00 S4.02 S4.02 0.00 0.00
AII Stuto 63067.68 22935.03 36512.00 2982.00 575.69 40069.69 62.96 0.00
lNDlA Prvuto 11650.52 676.20 4661.38 4160.40 587.14 9408.92 1565.40 0.00
Contru 32815.50 3049.00 22627.50 4419.00 0.00 27046.50 0.00 2720.00
1otaI 107S33.70 26660.23 63800.88 11S61.40 1162.83 76S2S.11 1628.36 2720.00
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
Statement - ll
' 1uchor S1PP (Stugo-ll) (500MW) Unt-3 1ost synchronzod on 4.1.2003 und commssonod on 21.2.03
- uhoud of commssonng schoduo of Novombor 2003
Note : Unts not turgotod durng tho your but commssonod :
1uchor, Contru Soctor (N1PC) - 500 MW
SI Name of the pro[ect/ State/organization Capacity Commissioning ActuaI
No. Unit No. (MW) scheduIe as
envisaged at the
beginning of the
A CentraI Sector
1 Smhudr U-2 AP/N1PC 500 Doc 02 24.8.02
2 Noyvo Lxt U-2 1N/NLC 210 Sop 02 21.10.02
3. 1uchor St-ll U-3' Crssu/N1PC 500 4.01.03'
Sub-totaI 1210
8 State Sector
1 Prugut CCC11 U-2 Doh/DV 104.6 Nov 02 9.11.02
2 Rumgurh CCC1 S1-ll Ruj/RRVUNL 37.5 uy 02 7.8.02
3 Lomukhong DC U-4,5,6 Munpur/MPDC 18.0 Apr 02 10.4.02
Apr 03 16.4.02
Apr 04 12.4.02
4 Rokhu C1 Lxt Ph ll 1rpuru/DCP 21.0 uy 02 11.7.02
5 uruun L1 Lxt C1 1rpuru/DCP 21.0 Cct 02 27.11.02
6 Ruchur 1PP Unt-7 Kurnutuku/KPCL 210.0 lob 03 11.12.02
7 Vuuthur CCC1 1um 60.0 un 03 24.12.02
8. Prugut CCC1 Doh/DV 121.2 Nov.02 31.1.03
Sub-totaI S93.3
C Pvt. Sector
1 Podduporum CCC1 S1 AP/SLSAP 78 Sop 02 12.9.02
2 Noyvo 1PS U-0 1N/M/s SHMS 250 Sop 02 11.10.02
3 umboofut DC U-2&4 A&N 20 Cct 02 06/02 - 02/03
lsund/Powor Ltd.
Sub-totaI 348
G.1otaI 21S1.3
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
Statement - lll
SI Name of the pro[ect/ State/organization Capacity Commissioning
No. Unit No. (MW) scheduIe as
envisaged at the
beginning of the
A CentraI Sector
1 Noyvo lS1 Lxt U-2 1N/NLC 210 Doc 02
8 State Sector
1 Rumgurh CCC1 U-2 S1 Ruj/RRVUNL 37.8 Doc. 02
2 Akrmotu Lgnto U-1 Cuj/M/s CMDCL 125.0 un. 03
3 Vuuthur S1 1N/1NL 34.0 Sop. 02
Sub-totaI 196.8
C Pvt. Sector
1 Dhubo CCC1 Ph-ll U-l,ll Muh/Dubho 1444.0 Uncortun
Powor Corpn.
Sub-totaI 1444.0
G. 1otaI 18S0.8
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
Statement - lV
Note : Unts not turgotod durng tho your but commssonod :
1. uspu HLP, Prvuto Soctor, Hmuchu Prudosh - 200 MW
2. Surdur Surovur, Stuto Soctor (Mut-Stuto) - 100 MW
(APRlI 2002 1O ff8RUARY 2003)
SI Name of the pro[ect/ State/organization Capacity Commissioning ActuaI
No. Unit No. (MW) scheduIe as
envisaged at the
beginning of the
A CentraI Sector N
8 State Sector
1 unu sugur 1ons. Ph-ll-U-2 MP/MPL 15 8/02 24.8.02
2 ursngsur 1ons. PS Ph-lll MP/MPL 20 8/02 20.8.02
3 Sr Suum LPH U-4 AP/APCLNCC 150 10/02 26.11.02
4 Pottoru Ph-l U-1 Crssu/CHPC 3 9/02 30.6.02
5 Pottoru Ph-ll U-1 Crssu/CHPC 3 9/02 30.6.02
6 Lkm-Ro U-3 Nuguund/DoP 8 7/02 Apr 02
Sub-totaI 199.00
C Pvt. Sector
1. uspu HLP-ll U-l Hmuchu Prudosh 100.00 24.1.03
U-ll 100.00 08.02.03
Sub-totaI 200.00
Addtonu Unts Commssonod not ncudod n tho progrummo
1 Surdur Surovur U-2 50 4.9.02
U-3 50 4.9.02
Sub-totaI 100
G. 1otaI 499
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
Statement - V
SI Name of the pro[ect/ State/organization Capacity Commissioning
No. Unit No. (MW) scheduIe as
envisaged at the
beginning of the
A CentraI Sector
1 1ohr - l - U-4 Utturunchu/1HDC 250 Murch 03
Sub-totaI 2S0
8 State Sector
1 Sr Suum LPH U-5 AP/APCLNCC 150 lob. 03
2 Chund LC U-1 hurkhund/SL 4 Doc. 02
3 Chund LC U-2 hurkhund/SL 4 Doc. 02
Sub-totaI 1S8
C Pvt. Sector N
G. 1otaI 408
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
SI S1A1f YfAR 2000-01 (fig Rs. in Cr.) YfAR 2002-03 (fig Rs. in Cr.)
Pro[ect Cost fund ReIease Pro[ect Cost fund ReIease
1 Andhru Prudosh 194.70 97.45 1476.50 111.82
2 hur 42.89 21.44 717.57 16.11
3 Chuttshgurh 20.52 10.26 424.58 10.00
4 Doh 946.46
5 Cou 176.34 15.52
6 Cujurut 27.22 13.62 1035.80 75.42
7 Huryunu 99.23 49.62 450.66 37.28
8 hurkhund 43.96 21.97 444.85 12.00
9 Kurnutuku 162.98 81.50 1161.19 87.46
10 Koruu 350.35 30.43
11 Mudhyu Prudosh 99.06 40.32 598.98 51.35
12 Muhurushtru 268.88 134.44 1107.85 91.74
13 Crssu 76.00 38.00 377(U/Rovow) 14.72
14 Punjub 75.40 37.70 667.46 41.72
15 Rujusthun 89.98 45.00 1255.05 90.64
16 1um Nudu 131.08 65.54 968.17 76.57
17 Uttur Prudosh 202.90 101.46 718.19 30.12
18 Wost ongu 87.17 43.50 132.71 19.02
19 Assum 20.02 20.02 365.98 96.97
20 Arunuchu Prudosh 6.32 6.32 67.29 0.00
21 Hmuchu Prudosh 25.32 25.32 105.51 33.04
22 ummu & Kushmr 6.99 6.99
23 Munpur 0.72 0.72 10.13 2.67
24 Moghuuyu 1.81 1.81 26.29 6.57
25 Mzorum 1.06 1.06 9.77 3.78
26 Nuguund 1.89 1.89 47.22 13.14
27 Skkm 6.38 6.38 63.48 17.20
28 1rpuru 5.00 5.00 13.27 2.67
29 Utturunchu 9.00 4.80 361.51 99.63
30 huj 192 96.00
1otaI 1898.48 978.13 13703.16 1087.S9
Statement - Vl
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
(8y the end of Xl PIan i.e. 2012)
(figures in MW)
Statement - Vll
Under Phase-l Xl PIAN
Dohr-Suhupur 220 kV S/c 200
Susurum HVDC buck-to-buck 500
Muzuffurpur-Corukhpur 400 kV
D/c (1uu 1runsmsson Systom) 2500
urh/Kuk/N.Kpuru 765 kV 2x S/c 5500
Poong stuton Wost of Doh
2000 MW HVDC poo no 2000
Hrmu-upur HVDC bpoo 2500
Sub-1otaI 700 12,S00 13,200
odhpudur-Korbu 220 kV
3 crcuts 450
Rourkou-Rupur 400 kV D/c 1000
Hrmu-Rupur 400 kV D/c 1000
Hrmu-Sooput 400 kV D/c 1000
Sub-1otaI 4S0 3,000 3,4S0
Vndhyuchu HVDC buck-to-buck 500
Lxstng 220 kV AC nos 350
Muunpur-hwud 765 kV S/c 2500
Zordu-Sroh 400 kV D/c 1000
Sub-1otaI 8S0 3,S00 4,3S0
Cuzuwuku HVDC buck-to-buck 500 500
Lxstng 220 kV AC nos 200
1uchor-Kour HVDC bpoo 2000
HVDC bpoo 2500
Sub-1otaI 700 S,000 S,700
Chundrupur HVDC buck-to-buck 1000
Kurnutuku-Muhurushtru 500
Lxstng 220 kV AC nos 300
Sub-1otaI 1,300 S00 1,800
onguguon-Mudu 400 kV D/c 800
puru-Suukut 220 kV D/c 200
Sub-1otaI 1,000 1,000
1otaI S,000 24,S00 29,S00
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
S.No. S1A1fS 2002-03
A. Non SpeciaI Category States
1. Andhru Prudosh 1438.00
2. hur 2417.30
3 Chuttsgurh 515.00
4. Cou 6.00
5. Cujurut 0.00
6. Huryunu 142.90
7. hurkhund 1116.90
8. Kurnutuku 1000.00
9. Koruu -
10. Mudhyu Prudosh 1275.00
11. Muhurushtru 1664.00
12. Crssu 100.00
13. Punjub 444.00
14. Rujusthun 1061.00
15. 1umNudu 1608.20
16. Uttur Prudosh 10187.00
17. Wost ongu 2774.00
Sub-1otu 25749.30
8 SpeciaI Category
1. Arunuchu Prudosh 684.00
(figure in Ia|hs) (figure in Ia|hs)
Statement - Vlll
S.No. S1A1fS 2002-03
2. Assum' 3000.00
3. Hmuchu Prudosh 110.00
4. ummu & Kushmr 800.00
5. Munpur 600.00
6. Moghuuyu 600.00
7. Mzorum 598.00
8. Nuguund 650.00
9. Skkm 400.00
10. 1rpuru 500.00
11. Utturunchu 2000.00
Sub-1otu 9942.00
C. Union 1erritories
1. NC1 of Doh 114.00
2. Pondchorry'' 53.40
3. A& N lsund 100.00
4. Chundgurh 68.35
5. Dudur & Nugur Huvo 13.00
6. Lukshwdwoop 17.20
7. Dumun & Du 11.10
Sub-1otaI 37S.0S
Grand 1otaI 36066.3S
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
PhysicaI (Nos./Ia|h) financiaI (Rs. in Crore)
Year 1arget Connections AIIocation Amount
reIeased by drawn by
Sf8s/States Sf8s/States
1988-90 11.82 10.39 25.00 21.90
1992-93 1.25 0.63 5.00 2.84
1993-94 2.50 3.74 10.00 12.13
1994-95 1.25 1.34 5.00 7.14
1995-96 6.25 5.10 25.00 20.79
1996-97 2.80 3.35 25.00 22.48
1997-98 4.27 3.73 36.93 29.18
1998-99 4.45 5.30 40.00 49.17
1999-2000 5.40 4.97 54.00 47.09
2000-01 6.50 5.25 65.00 48.78
2001-02 7.00 4.70 70.00 55.80
1otaI S3.49Q 48.S0 360.93 317.30
g 1horo wus upwurd rovson of unt ruto n 1992-93 (from Rs.220/- to Rs.400) und ugun n 1996-97 (from
Rs.400 to Rs.800/Rs.1000). 1ho unspont grunt umount n tho bognng of thoso yours woro convortod
oquvuont now turgots ut hghor unt ruto, rosutng n roducton of turgot by 1.14 ukh connoctons. Honco
tho offoctvo turgot s, thoroforo, 52.35 ukh connoctons.
Statement - lX
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
AIIocation, Programme Accepted by States / Sf8s and Progress under Kutir )yoti
Programme during financiaI year 2002-2003
Statement - X
SI S1A1fS Programme Programme Accepted Achievement
No. by State/Sf8s as on 1S.2.03
AIIocation Conn. Grant Amt. Conn. Disbursement Conn.
(Rs. ukhs) (Nos.) (Rs. ukhs) (Nos.) (Rs. ukhs) (Nos.)
1 Andhru Pr. 309.90 20660 1500.00 100000 1417 90360
2 Arunuchu Pr. 27.90 1550 27.90 1550 20
3 Assum 720.00 40000 720.00 40000
4 hur 1327.05 88470 1327.05 88470 240 70161
5 hurkhund 430.65 28710 430.65 28710 17531
6 Cou 7.50 500 0.00 0
7 Cujurut 242.70 16180 91.50 6100 48 2636
8 Huryunu 150.00 10000 150.00 10000 87 1802
9 Hmuchu Pr. 61.49 3416 22.86 1270 18 406
10 & K 73.80 4100 0.00 0
11 Kurnutuku 373.80 24920 373.80 24920 62 4480
12 Koruu 218.40 14560 218.40 14560 109 16605
13 Mudhyu Pr. 627.15 41810 627.15 41810 314 1444
14 Chhutsgurh 216.00 14400 457.50 30500 108 5580
15 Muhurushtru 753.75 50250 225.00 15000 144 4416
16 Munpur 48.42 2690 0.00 0
17 Moghuuyu 54.18 3010 54.18 3010 27
18 Mzorum 12.60 700 54.00 3000 54 3000
19 Nuguund 36.90 2050 90.90 5050 45
20 Crssu 549.15 36610 1000.00 66667
21 Punjub 69.15 4610 69.15 4610 35 800
22 Rujusthun 369.15 24610 225.00 15000 230 1419
23 Skkm 13.86 770 13.86 770 7
24 1um Nudu 473.85 31590 600.00 40000 422 17451
25 1rpuru 86.15 4786 216.00 12000 97 4000
26 Uttur Pr. 1834.05 122270 1050.00 70000 525
27 Utturunchu 94.05 5225 728.10 40450 365
28 Wost ongu 818.40 54560 818.40 54560
1otaI 10000.00 6S3007 11091.40 718007 4374 242091
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003
Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003

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