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Student: Rosa Antoinette Castro Reyes

Course: English TI4

Teacher: Olga del Pino
Assignment: CD2-C

How I Successfully Solved a Problem in My Life
Everyone has problems in their life. Regardeless of who you are or what you do, you
will face these obstacles. In my life, I had to solved many problems. Fortunately, I could
solved many of them successfully.

Public speaking was a big problem for me. It presented me as a big problem, because I
had to make many presentation at school, but I didnt. So that I was getting bad grades
in my courses. I remember there was once a time when I had no fear. One day, I was 11
and I had to make a presentation for my historys course. I was confidently making my
presentation when my classmates making fun of me. So, I felt nervous, lost focus and
forgot what I was saying. From that moment I began to have fear of public speaking.

Over a years, I finally overcome my fear of public speaking. My way of solving this
problem was to take courses of personal leadership. In these courses, I read a lot of
books and learned several techniques. My mother always motived me to talk or sing in
familys meetings in order to practice what I learned in those courses. The first time was
very difficult, because I still thought somebody can make fun of me. Once I understand
that there will always be annoying people, I could overcome my problem. I also could
make my presentations at school and got high grades. I can now speak even thought the
nervousness is still there, I am able to control it.

To sum things up, public speaking was very difficult for me, but I learned some
valuable lessons from it. What I learned was to believe in myself and to ignore
annoying people. I understood that I cant let what people say or make affect me
strongly. Moreover, I learned I have to concentrate in what I am saying and who is my
public when I making a presentation. Finally, I remember I want to lost the fear to speak
in public quickly, but I understood that all things in our lives takes time. As a result, I
also learned to be patient.

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