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The Coloured Books - Yellow, Green, Purple, Red

The Coloured Books are used around the world as valuable standard reference material
in safety studies. TNO has made significant contributions to these studies and has used
them as a basis for their software programs EFFECTS and RISKCURVES. The studies
were initiated by the Dutch Government in the 1990s. The most widely used Yellow
Book was revised in 2005.

Although the corresponding TNO software is continuously further developed, the books are not
kept up-to-date anymore. The following books are freely available in electronic form as PDF-
Yellow Book
Methods for the calculation of Physical Effects Due to releases of hazardous materials (liquids
and gases) - Third edition Second revised print 2005
Green Book
Methods for the determination of possible damage to people and objects resulting from releases
of hazardous materials - First edition 1992
Purple Book
Guidelines for quantitative risk assessment First edition 1999/2005
Red Book
Methods for determining and processing probabilities - Second edition 1997/2005

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