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Ms. 8udnlck
Alonzo and 1racy Mournlng Senlor Plgh School
WebslLe: www. group code: hhqgxz

Course descrlpLlon
A World PlsLory ls a fasL paced course LhaL covers Lhe hlsLory of Lhe world beglnnlng wlLh Lhe prehlsLorlc era Lo modern
Llmes. 1he A exam wlll Lake place on May 13
aL 8am, and all sLudenLs are expecLed Lo be presenL and glve Lhelr besL
efforL LhroughouL Lhe course and exam. WrlLlng and crlLlcal Lhlnklng skllls are emphaslzed Lo ensure a successful score
for Lhe A exam. 1he slx ma[or Lhemes LhaL wlll be covered LhroughouL Lhe course wlll be:
1. lnLeracLlons among ma[or socleLles, and Lhe effecLs of lnLeracLlon (Lrade, war, sysLems of lnLernaLlonal
exchange, and dlplomacy).
2. 1he relaLlonshlp of change and conLlnulLy across Lhe perlods covered ln Lhls course.
3. lmpacL of Lechnology and demography on people and Lhe envlronmenL (populaLlon growLh and decllne,
mlgraLlon, dlsease, manufacLurlng, agrlculLure, weaponry).
4. SysLems of soclal and gender sLrucLure (comparlng ma[or feaLures wlLhln and among socleLles and assesslng
3. CulLural and lnLellecLual developmenLs and lnLeracLlons wlLhln and among socleLles
6. Changes ln funcLlons and sLrucLures of sLaLes and aLLlLudes Loward sLaLes and pollLlcal ldenLlLles (pollLlcal
culLure) lncludlng Lhe emergence of Lhe naLlon-sLaLe (Lypes of pollLlcal organlzaLlons).
College 8oard dlvldes Lhe A World PlsLory course lnLo flve unlLs whlch are:
1. 8000 8CL- 600 CL
2. 600 CL- 1430
3. 1430-1730
4. 1730-1914
3. 1914- resenL

78 !9:;489: A World PlsLory ls an acceleraLed verslon of Lhe regular world hlsLory course. 1he maLerlal covered ln
Lhe course, Lhe expecLaLlons of sLudenL work, and Lhe LexLbook are college-level. ln Lhls course, you should expecL Lo
read abouL 30 LexLbook pages per week and wrlLe several 1-3 page papers. ?ou wlll also be expecLed Lo acLlvely
parLlclpaLe ln dlscusslons and compleLe several mulLlple cholce and essay exams LhroughouL Lhe course. A sLrong
foundaLlon ln grammar, wrlLlng, and readlng comprehenslon ls recommended for Lhe successful compleLlon of Lhls

PablLs of Mlnd
1he College 8oard places an emphasls on Lhe seven hablLs of mlnd" LhaL ls an essenLlal parL of Lhls course. 1hese seven
hablLs lnclude:
1. ConsLrucLlng and evaluaLlng argumenLs
2. uslng documenLs
3. Assesslng change and conLlnulLy
4. Assesslng dlverslLy of lnLerpreLaLlon
3. Seelng global and local paLLerns
6. Comparlng wlLhln and among socleLles
7. Assesslng clalms of unlversal sLandards
Pow Lo be successful ln A World PlsLory
1. CeL organlzed and malnLaln a schedule
2. SeL goals
3. rlorlLlze your goals and work
4. LlsLen Lo oLhers' ldeas and analyze how Lhey relnforce or confllcL wlLh your own
3. Look for Lhe paLLern on how Lhlngs flL LogeLher
6. LvaluaLe your acLlons and always look for ways Lo lmprove
All sLudenLs are expecLed Lo be on Llme and prepared aL Lhe beglnnlng of class. All asslgned readlngs and work should be
compleLed and Lurned ln aL Lhe openlng of class Llme. SLudenLs wlll be able Lo be poslLlve conLrlbuLors Lo classroom
semlnars. SLudenLs are expecLed Lo be presenL ln Lhe class and noL on Lhelr phones or oLher Lechnologlcal devlces LhaL
would be a dlsLracLlon durlng Lhe class Llme. SLudenLs wlll be respecLful of Lhelr oLher classmaLes LhroughouL Lhe class
buL especlally durlng semlnars.
1echnology ollcy
nC cellphones wlll be used aL any Llme wlLhouL permlsslon. no headphones or muslc wlll be allowed durlng any class
Llme as well. 1he flrsL Llme a cellphone ls belng used lnapproprlaLely, Lhe sLudenL wlll be glven a verbal warnlng Lo puL
Lhe cellphone away. 1he second offense wlll lnclude a wrlLLen warnlng. 1he Lhlrd offense wlll resulL ln a phone call
home, CSl and Lhe cellphone wlll have Lo be plcked up from Lhe maln offlce.
- Cne 2 lnch Lhlck Lhree rlnged blnder
- 10 sub[ecL dlvlders
- College ruled loose-leaf paper
- 8lack and blue pens
- PlghllghLer
SLudenLs wlll be assessed on a varleLy of ways LhroughouL Lhe course. 8equlred work ls expecLed Lo be Lurned ln on
Llme. LaLe work wlll only be excepLed lf Lhere was an excused absence on Lhe day Lhe asslgnmenL was due. lf a sLudenL
knows LhaL he or she wlll be absenL on a speclflc day, Lhan all efforLs should be made Lo Lurn ln Lhe asslgnmenLs prlor Lo
LhaL absence. 1here wlll be nC Lx18A C8Lul1 so all sLudenLs are expecLed Lo focus on all of Lhe requlred work.
- noLebook checks do noL have Lo be announced, and lL ls advlsed LhaL Lhe sLudenLs always be prepared for one.
- MusL be dlvlded lnLo Lhe followlng secLlons:
o 8efore Lab 1: Class syllabus
o 1ab 1: unlL 1 noLes and handouLs
o 1ab 2: unlL 1 Lssays, Culzzes and 1esL
o 1ab 3: unlL 2 noLes and handouLs
o 1ab 4: unlL 2 Lssays, Culzzes and 1esL
o 1ab 3: unlL 3 noLes and handouLs
o 1ab 6: unlL 3 Lssays, Culzzes and 1esL
o 1ab 7: unlL 4 noLes and handouLs
o 1ab 8: unlL 4 Lssays, Culzzes and 1esL
o 1ab 9: unlL 3 noLes and handouLs
o 1ab 10: unlL 3 Lssays, Culzzes and 1esL
- ComparaLlve essays, uocumenL 8ased CuesLlons (u8C) and change and conLlnulLy over Llme essays are Lhe
Lhree Lypes of essays LhaL wlll be encounLered durlng Lhe A exam, and wlll be perfecLed LhroughouL Lhe course
perlod. Lssays may be compleLed boLh ln class and aL home, dependlng on Lhe asslgnmenL and wlll be Lurned ln
when glven Lhe deadllne.
- Culzzes may be glven weekly and wlll go along wlLh Lhe asslgned readlngs for Lhe week. 1here wlll be no make-
ups for qulzzes unless an excused absence ls glven. Make up qulzzes musL be done durlng Lhe same week of Lhe
qulz LhaL ls belng made up, and wlll be done durlng Lhe sLudenL's lunch perlod.
unlL Lxams
- 1esLs wlll be glven frequenLly ln Lhe A formaL of mulLlple-cholce quesLlons and Lhree essays. 1he essay porLlon
and Lhe mulLlple-cholce porLlon wlll be welghLed Lhe same.
- All sLudenLs wlll be expecLed Lo parLlclpaLe ln a manner LhaL ls relaLlve Lo Lhe Loplc and respecLful Lo fellow classmaLes.
SLudenLs wlll be assessed based on Lhe quallLy of Lhelr sLaLemenLs and noL Lhe quanLlLy of Lhem. arLlclpaLlon can
lnclude a varleLy of acLlvlLles, presenLaLlons and classroom semlnars. SLudenLs musL be well prepared for any of Lhe
llsLed acLlvlLles and more by sLaylng on Lop of readlng asslgnmenLs and oLher work.
?ou should conslsLenLly work Lo Lhe besL of your ablllLy LhroughouL Lhe year. 8y dolng so you wlll achleve your maxlmum
poLenLlal and your grades wlll reflecL Lhls. 8emember LhaL lL ls lmporLanL Lo lmprove as Lhe resulL of consLrucLlve
crlLlclsm - use Lhls Lo overcome any shorLcomlngs ln your work. l am avallable for exLra help afLer school.

PandouLs and Pomework
- ln compllance wlLh all oLher asslgnmenLs glven, handouLs and homework are Lo be Lurned ln on Lhe deadllne asslgned.
lf Lhe deadllne cannoL be reached due Lo an excused absence, Lhe asslgnmenL wlll be Lurned ln wlLhln Lhe same week
LhaL lL was due.
laglarlsm and CheaLlng
1hls wlll noL be LoleraLed durlng Lhls course. lf you have quesLlons abouL clLaLlons please do noL heslLaLe Lo ask. lf
cheaLlng and plaglarlsm ls found Lo be occurrlng Lhan approprlaLe acLlons wlll be Laken and an l on Lhe asslgnmenL wlll
llkely ensue.
1. 8e on Llme and prepared
2. 8e respecLful
3. LlsLen Lo oLhers
4. 8e honesL
3. Always Lry your hardesL
lf rules are noL followed and dlsrupLlons occur durlng class, Lhan approprlaLe acLlons wlll be Laken. ueLenLlons, CSl and
calls Lo home may all be consequences LhaL would resulL from rules belng broken.
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no laLe work wlll be accepLed wlLhouL an excused absence. lf Lhe sLudenL ls aware of Lhe absence prlor Lo LhaL day, Lhan
Lhe sLudenL +62, Lurn ln Lhe work prlor Lo Lhelr deparLure. Absences LhaL Lhe sLudenLs would be aware of prlor Lo Lhe
day of Lhe due daLe of Lhe asslgnmenL may lnclude docLors appolnLmenLs, fleld Lrlps, vacaLlons and sporLlng evenLs. lf
Lhere ls an excused absence Lhe sLudenL musL Lurn ln Lhe work Lhe same week LhaL Lhey reLurn from Lhelr absence. lf a
sLudenL mlsses a pop qulz, lL can noL be made up under any clrcumsLance. lf a sLudenL mlsses a LesL and has an excused
absence, Lhey have Lwo days Lo make up Lhe exam once Lhey arrlve back aL school. Make- up exams wlll be done afLer
school only.
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1here ls @A exLra credlL offered for Lhls class. 1hls ls a college level course and wlll be run as such, and wlLh LhaL Lhere ls
no exLra credlL offered whaLsoever.

1he Mlaml-uade CounLy ubllc Schools Crades' Scale ls:
90-100 A
80-89 8
70-79 C
60-69 u
0-39 l

CuarLerly grades are welghLed ln Lhe followlng manner:
unlL LxamlnaLlons 30
arLlclpaLlon 20
noLebook Check 10
Lssays 13
Culzzes 13
Pomework/PandouLs 10

l _______________________________________ (parenL/guardlan) of ____________________________ (sLudenL)
hereby agree LhaL l have read Lhe above syllabl from Ms. 8udnlck and agree Lo Lhe guldellnes seL forLh by her.

l _________________________________ (sLudenL) cerLlfy LhaL l have read Lhe above syllabl and agree Lo Lhe guldellnes
and condlLlons LhaL she has seL forLh ln wrlLlng and durlng class.


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